HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-22, Page 1Don't Miss It.
Single Copies - Four Cents
St. Pauls Sunday School Entertainment in the Town Hall, Monday Evening, \Jan. 2nd. Everybody Come,
Subscriptions: $2.09 per. year
Methodist C h u re h
Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, B. D., Pastor :?
.S VW.. DECEMBER 25 •_•
Christmas Sunday •_.
11 a. m. -,Morning Worship, 4
Christ and the Incarnation, or •t*
the Difference Christ has made,
3.30 p. m. - Sunday School and X
Bible Classes. ._.
7 p. m. -Evening Service, A spec-
ial Christmas Message. ._
The music for Xmas Sunday will •_:
be as follows: of
We Praise Thee, in G.
Break Forth Into Joy.
Thy Soul Doth Magnify. •_•
Christains Awake. A
Anthems Celestial.
BOY WANTED -To perform janitor's ser-
vices at Central Business College. Free
course in exchange.
COAL FOR SALE -When you want the best
coal order from MacLean the celbrated D.
L. and W. Scranton Coal. All sizes in stook
and prompt delivery made anywhere in town.
VCR BALE -A. few White Leghorns and
Rhode Island Reds. They are laying at
pi%s:nt. F. J. Um,.
FOR SALE --Excellent seven roomed red
brick house, five lots adjoining, stable,
garage and hen hou-e, town water, up.to•date
electrical fixtures, several plum trees, splendid
variety of raspberries. Tins property is loc,t-
ed in the hustling town of Wingham and will
bo sold at a reasonable price. For further
particulars apply to
Box 303, Wingham.
FOR SALE, -Mixed Clover Honey at. 31.25 per
pail and Pare Clover Honey at 62.00 per
ppail, at Trios. I aw's, Wingham or GED.
COTi't.i0'S. Whit iehuroh.
FLAT TO RANT --5 ^ooms. Apply
'TENDERS FOR WOOD -Tenders Will be re-
ceived for •0 cords of green hardwood,
20 inches long to be delivered at Wingham
High School on or before March 1st. Tenders
will bo received up till Sat •rday, Doo. 21th.
WANTED -Tenders will ho received up 1111
notn, Jan. 4th. 1922, for Caretaker err
Lower Wingham School, parttoulars on appli-
cation to Theo. Fannon, chairman of Board or
to Gavin Wilson, Sec. Treas.
Notice is hereby given that a by-law was
passed by. the Municipal Council of the Cor•
porattott of the Town of Wingham on the 13th
day of November, 1921, providing for th i ivsuo
of debentures to the amount. of 33910, for the
purpose of the purchase and instillation of a
steam heating plant for the Wingham H gh
Soboot, and th.L much by-law w is 'registered
is the registry otll to of the tt0unty of liar in at
Goderioh on the Lith day of Deco,nbor, 1921.
Any motion to iluasa or set •isi•[e Hie same
or arty part thereof mbar. be made within
three months t.fter the first publication of
this notice, and cannot. bo ,rade there lifter.
Dated and punli,lied this 14th day of Dec-
ember, A. D. 1921.
W. A . GALnnAiTls, Clerk,
of the Town of Wingham will be held for
the nomination of candidates for Mayor,
Reeve, Public Utilit es Commissioner,
Councillors and Public School Trustees,
• on Friday. December 23rd, 1921, at the
Town Hall as follows:. -
For Mayor and Reeve: ---At ten o'clock
to eleven o'clock in the forenoon. •
For Councillor, Commissioner and Pub-
lic School "Trustees: -.At twelve o'clock to
one o'clock noon.
Candidates must be nominated in writ-
ing; the proposer and seconder must be
A Public Meeting will be held in the
Town Ilall on the evening of Tuesday
December 27th tit 8 o'clock when candi'
dates will address the Electors.
Returning Officer,
TILE ADVANCE asks its readers to make
these columns their own to the extent of con-
tributing social and personal Itemwhich are
of interest. 'If r ou have friends vistttng you,
there is no nicer c tmpliment yo i can pay your
guests than to lake the trouble to see that
their names aro mentioned in your local news.
paper. Oall at or ,'hone THE ADVANCE, our
number is 31, or send by mail.
Mr. Fred Johnston of Toronto, is at his
home here.
Mr. Pertly Joynt of Toronto, is at his
home in town.
Dr. Parker will spend the week following
Christmas in Toronto.
Mrs. Robert Day and daughter, Irene,
are visiting at Stratford.
Mr. Geo Pocock of Toronto, is at his
home in,East Wawanosh.
Miss Jean Vanstone is home, from
Toronto for the holidays.
Mrs. Thos. McQue of Kincardine is
visiting at the home of the Misses Fluety.
Mrs, Hugh Hamilton of I.iistowel, was
visiting her sister -in law, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Morley. Counter of Buffalo, is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. J. E.
Mr. Thos. Bennett of Detroit, is visit-
ing at the home of his brother, Councillor
S. Bennett,
Mr. Clayton Lott of town is among the
recent new students at the Spotton Bus-
iness College.
Mr. John E. Holmes of Brooklyn, N. Y.
is visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs
Dudley Holmes.
Miss Violet Tamley of Ashfield, spend
a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs
Robert Currie, Sr.
Mrs, (Dr) J. M. Moore of Listowel,
visited at the home of her brother, Mr. H.
A Hunter, Pleasant Valley.
Mrs. (Rev.) Cragg and nephew, Laur-
ence Cragg are spending a short holiday
in Toronto and Peterborough.
Mr. Leslie Spading of Kincardine, has
entered the Commercial Depaftment of
the Spotton Business College.
Messrs. James a d Charlie Sherwood
from the West, visited with their sister,
Mrs. Jas Barbour, last week.
Mrs. Andrew Morton is here from Scot-
land visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Morton for a couple of months. -
Mrs. W. F. Van Stone spent a couple of
days visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Clifford.
Mr. Walter Knight of Brussels, arrived
in town last week and is taking a conrse
of study at the Spotton Business College.
Mr. and Mrs Maurice Stewart of Ed-
monton are visiting with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. /sane Stewart, East Wawanosh.
• Mrs. Amos Holing and grand child,
June, have gone to Painsville, Ohio, to
spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. F.
13 Stearns.
Mr. Ernest Linklater of Toronto, is
spending the holidays at the home of his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Linklater,
Victoria St.
Mr. Win. Reid, late of Detroit, is pre-
paring to open a repair shop and garage
in the cement building at the south end
of Josephine St.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. N%sh are spending
their Christmas vacation at the home of
Mrs. Nash's mother's, Mrs. McPherson,
near Kincardine.
Mr. W. 13. Weliwood made a business
trip as far a 'Timmins last week,: Ile
spent a pleasant evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, George Schaefer in that
Xmas Gift Suggestions
Dainty and useful articles in French
Ivory, Ebony Goods, Perfumes, Fancy
Stationery Fresh Chocolates in Xmas.
packages -bought at lowest import prices
and sold to you at a saving of 10 to 20
per cent -At Mitchell's Corner Drug Store.
Kings Are Sure Winners
Mr. Peter D King of Bluevale, won
the $10.00 given by the Wingham AD.
VANOE to the subscriber guessing the
lucky candidate in the recent election
campaign and the total%number of votes
which he would receive. No person
guessed the correct vote which was 5243
according to the official returns given us
by the Returning Officer. Mr. King's
guess was 5238. only 5 votes different.
Mr. Richard Wilton of Turnberry had
the next nearest guess which was 5230
and Mr. Wm. Geddes of Belgrave, came
third with 5229. Mr. Reg. S. Williams,
manager of the Bank 'of Commerce and
Mr. T. R. Bennett counted the votes and
gave the name of the winner.
Mr. Geo. D. Burke of Sault Ste Marie,
made a ver close guess but stated that
he did not wish to enter the contest as he
would be late.
Numerous other estimates of who would
be elected and their vote were sent in
showing that great interest was taken in
the contest.
Mr. Harry Hopper, the genial merchant
at Belgrave, made a business trip to Lon-
don on Tuesday.
Mr. George Allen, who has been attend-
ing the Chicago School of Art, is visiting
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Allen, Josephine St. '
Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Kingsvi le, are
spen+ling a coupe of weeks at the home of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Diamond of Bluevale.
Mr and Mrs. George Cottle of Cal-
gary, spent the past week at the home of
his parents at Whitechurch, and with his
sister, Mrs. Thos. Kew at Wingham.
Mr. Paul Van Ness is spending a few
weeks in town. Mrs. Van Ness is under
the doctor's care at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hinscliffe.
Rev. A. C. Riley, 13. A., B. Th, of
Chicago University, formerly pastor of
Baptist church wilt preach in the Baptist
Church next Sunday evening. He is
worth hearing.
Mr. G. L. Bisbee's many friends will be
pleased to learn that he underwent a suc-
cessful operation in Detroit and is now on
a fair way to recovery. Mus. Bisbee re-
turned home on Monday.
Mr. John Hartnell, who has been with
Wm. Dare Carriage works as trimmer, has
accepted a similar position with the Orillia
Carriage Co. and leaves for that town
about the first of the year.
Dr. Calder is spending a few weeks at
her home in Saskatchewan and with Miss
Mathews at Gleishen, Alta. Before re-
turning to resume her practice at Wing.
ham she will spend a couple of weeks at
the Mayo Bros. Hospital.
Mr. J. M. Redmond of Toronto, cousin
of Dr Redmond, is now in the Wingham
Hospital having undergone a serious oper-
ation on Wednesday. He is making a
sati,factory recovery and will be able to
return home before the New Year.
Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor of Preston,
Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand
Chapter of Ontario Order Eastern Star,
Mrs. Mary Helen Bernie, Past Worthy
Matron, Nets. Marlette .Rennie, Worthy
Matron of Perth Chapter O. E. S., List-
owel, were guests at the home of Mrs.
Richard Clegg while in town last week.
Clearing sale of Winter Coats and Furs
this week at King Bros.
McKay's, head quarters for Xmas
Candies, Nuts, and Fruits.
Christmas Dance in the Mill's Memor-
ial Hall, on Monday evening.
A Snap -shot Album solves the Xma s
problem.-McKibbon's Drug Store.
Special Xmas. music, in St. Andrews
Presbyterian Church next Sunday.
39cts. buys one pound of Fresh Choco-
lates, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
Make your holiday trip via ;C. P. R.
For information,phone 47. G. L. Baker,
Stationery in fancy boxes, at present
day prices, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
We are sorry toreport the serious ill-
ness of Mr. Cam. Robertson, on the 4th
line of Morris
"The Mouse Trap" a laughable comedy.
a feature of St. PauI's S. S. entertainment,
January 2nd.
We wish to extend to you all a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Flanigan's Music Store.
Men's Fur Coats, Buffalo Robes, Mack-
inaws and Sheep lined Smocks at Manu-
facturer's price this week at King Bros.
Electric Irons, Percolators, Toasters,
etc. mpke real gifts, at McKibbon's Drug
. 500 lbs. cardy, special mixture, at 25
and 30 cents. at McKay's.
Rexall Shaving Cream and a Safety
Razor for 50 cents at McKibbon's Drug
If you like the kiddies, don't miss the
St. Paul's S. S. entertainment in the Town
Hall on Monday, January 2nd.
Mothers! Bring the children to the
Hanna & Co. Limited Store to see Santa
Claus and get a bag of candies 3 o'clock to
4 on Saturday afternoon.
She had the world at her feet until -See
Priscilla Dean -"Reputation" the big
Christmas special at the Lyceum Theatre,
Mon., Tues. and Wed., Dec. 20, 27 and 28.
Remember the dance in the Forester's
Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday evening,
December 28th. Everybody come.
A Kodak is a dandy Xmas. gift, sold at
McKibbon's Drug Store.
"Bo and Co" are the funny fellow s
who will entertain you at St. Paul's S. S.
entertainment in the Town Hall, Monday,
((January 2nd.
The Presbyterian choir assisted by
outside friends are putting on a Sacred
Cantata on Thursday, Dec. 29th. Keep
this date open and watch for further par-
Mr• W. J. Dawson of the Dominion
Stores, wishes to extend to the trade the
Compliments of the season and best wishes
for a prosperous New Year. -The Domin-
ion Stores Ltd.
Ingersoll Watches for the boys and girls
half price at McKibbon's Drug Store.
Mrs. Geo. Mason attended the funeral
of her cousin, Mr. Sam Kastner of Sebring-
ville, last week. Mr. Kastner is known
to a number of Wingham people, he was
fit years of age, funeral took place Sunday,
December 18th.
Many foreign countries are clamoring
for Tanlac. Its fame is world-wide.- -J
W. Meliibbon,
. The Women's Institute will hold their
regular monthly tweeting in the Firemen's
Hall, on Thursday, December 22nd. The
report of the Convention recently held in
Annual Stock Sale
The Huron County Breeders' At cia_
tion intend holding their Annual Sale
about March 1st., 1922, Any parties,
desirous of contributing cattle to this Sale
will please notify the Secretary previous
to January 14th.
S. 13. Stothers. Sec. H. C. B. Assoc.,
Clinton, Ontario.
Wheel Came off Engine
A person is just as well to not know
how nearly they are to meeting with a
fatal accident. As the London train pull-
ed into Clinton on Wednesday last a
wheel rolled off the engine into the ditch.
Had this happened when the train was
going at full speed, there would probably
have been a serious accident and a list of
fatalities to report.
Santa Clause has arrived
Many of our merchants are to be con-
gratulated, on the beautiful and attrac-
tive Xmas window dressing.
We feel we cannot refrain from making
special mention of Mr. A. M. Crawford's
show room as it is something out of the
ordinary and is attracting much attention
among the grown up as well as the chil-
In the windows are streamers from
which hang Xmas greetings. The inter-
ior is elaborately decorated in red and
Evergreen trees covered with artificial
snow add greatly to the beauty. in one of
these trees is nestled a large owl. Santa ,
looks very happy and cozy wrapped in
his fur coat and cap and seated ire a
beautiful Sedan car. Just above the
head lights are two' reindeer heads to
these are attached reins of red and green
and are driven by that dear old friend of
every one.
Special mention might be made of
several other of our merchants' windows
but as we go to press, time and space
will not permit us to do so. 1
London will be given by Mrs. J. J. Kerr ,
All the ladies invited.
Neilson's Chocolates, none better,
boxes for 25 cents to $5.00 at J. H. Mc -
Kay's restaurant.
The engagement is announced of Bessie
Helena, daughter of Mrs. Hume and the I�'4
late George Hume Georgetown, Ont., to
Mr. Frederick J. Foxton of Toronto, son ald
of Mrs. Foxton and the late William Fox- M
ton, Wingham, Ont., the marriage to take Fb
plae latter part of December.
a• ,md teres
cAakk.urf rAvoRITE.DRO 5r014,E
C'+At)ASPA40RITtTE.nRU?"i.C.Tf9Far S-�:
We wish to thank our many
Customers for their patronage
during the past year and
to wish all
A Happy and
Prosperous New Year
McKibbon's Drug Store
Wingham, Ont.
The Rexall Druggist
Van Gene's Revue at Lucknow
Mr. Van Gene, who with his wife, have
been preparing the people of Wingham
for the Revue which was put on Dec. 14th.
and 15th. in aid of the Memorial Fund
for the Women's Institute, is putting on a
Revue in Lucknow on New Year's night,
January 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Van
Gene since coming to Wingham three
Phone 53.
1 weep§ ago have made many friends and
no people are louder in their praise of
' them than the members of the Women's
Institute with whom they had the most
l business to transact. During Mr. Van
Gene's short. stay TifE ADVANCE printed
most of their biltsetc. and our dealings
have been the most pleasant. Our only
regret is that he left town a few dollars
poorer than when he came.
Nn`X,w'.if. 1,,V GsXrr'ZM irU c MWC.,,:.r►XXXXX
Vi Make this a F otwea ° Christmas !
It is astonishing how quickly Tarlac
will produce results. You usually feel t,
better from the very first dose. -J, W.
Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, who has been
in charge of Belmore and McIntosh Pres- i
byterian charge for the past five years, .,,
preached his farewell sermon at Belmore, i cis
on Sunday, prior to leaving to take over
his new charge at Tiverton.
"We have sold 97,000 betties of Tanlac
and have never had a single complaint,"
Jacobs' Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by ,, -•
J. W. McKibbon,
Owing to the heavy storm of Sunday
last the crowd at the evening service to I
hear Miss Wellwood, missionary on fur- ; 01
lough Min China, was not as large as I "'.
otherwise would have been expected 3
Those who braved the storm were well '
repaid, a Mist Wellwood's address was
excellent and most interesting. We hope «..
to have the pleasure of
hearingb.r speak
again e'er she returns to her work in
USegulirke s, Beauty rn1radl PF.acticability
These are qualities that combine to make Foot-
wear the most desirable of all gifts. Give Foot-
wear as a Christmas Present to the entire family.
Cosy Slippers
Rubber Boots
Club Bags
Suit Cases
School Cases
Strap Siippera
Hockey Foots
F( It Boots
IItzSlaSswiJt.t 1111n11111111Topati-
Styles and Prices to suit everyone. No trouble to
show goods. You're invited. Cottle 1
W. J. �G�rli,REwziumnr ER'S Shoe Store