HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-15, Page 34 . -,T - "T -f -V 77 n 144 V110f f .oa� -4 'to. h Wh A eet 41 - SPBOAL CAJU�, NECE, Ss Alty IN ZFAW W44THFIlt. nere i02" IMM Ut%,99 meoeswx4r if 410011,01 and halt glycierino is the, pro. the car is tqbe, 990rat0d- in winter, the per proportion to be addej, to thl first of WhIo' 10 sOm`4 0,11td-freezing water. It baa one advantage tbat Ii sOlution :for tize 0QoaIuV systam; the freezes quite a bit lower than th� second -is 4 device for warlainir tile afcohol a.lone. vibdvft beTua'a a4a4lu' ton to the CYI- Anotber thing wbicb must be taken aders. into account in winter is the warm- Namy thing$ hIV.,e been tried for Ing of the mixture for starting Ea that making the MOX119 System freeze- it does not condense the moment it .11root- The Moet common tire salt, stri)ces tbe cold eylinaer walls. Mod- 91yeerine and alc&Q7. Uy one of em cars are provided with means fov 4111�e in the Proper propartioin will, accomplishing this when, the elgine lusure alXainst freezing. They are has started, but the bot water Jacket not equially desirable, jvowever. Salt and the hot air furnace di:p,-nid upon bad a tendency to set up alectroliti, I a warmed -up engine for their avall- action w'11 -are iron and brass parts ars.1ability, and for starting other means comml)ined in -tie ca,011U.Ir , system, but must be 6vised. There also are varl- four pound's of salt I I ous, devices for beating the carbuT_ give a''ral4tion Al to the gallon will I ch will not freeze etor and Intake mu-nifold while the 'T't`11 seventeen 403wes below zero engine is warming up, There is all Fahrenheit is reaohod. Glyc I in electric beater, Where one has current 01-1 wl kaw the water Irom, freezing, e but it is in the garage, and other ways at ac- 'Va, 201' if rubber hose is used 00mPlishing the sarne thing. If no 'to canneot radiator and the cylinder batter Means is at hand a hot-water piper' glycerne will cause it to de. bottle a -bout half full,, so that it can be empo-se, rapidly. Wrapped about the manifold and car - Denatured Alcohol Best. buTeltor, or -a kettle of hot water, may De,natured alechol probably is the do it satisfactorily. best to Wise to Carry Squirt Can. use, Mixedwith water in pro- Mostvars are equipped with a prim - Portion as the -colld to be expected may dernanij;, Twenty per cont.. � ing -or choking device operated from Of alcohol, the davh, but where this is not pro- PrOtection- to Ave degrees'T vided it is wise to carry 4 -,quirt call Will give above zero; 80 Per -cent, to nine de -1 gTeeS below zero, and 35 per wnt. to for the purpose of introducing small sixteQn degrees below. quantities of gasoline into the' cylln- -a error of us -Ing a' T -must not -make th The owner dera, though a place of Waste satur- mixture which, will Protect him oniy ated with gasoline from the carburetor for the a-ve'Daga low temperature of drain cock and squeezed over the his localitY- T -he temperature may priming cup will do the trick. if there drop without warning, and, unless 'a i Lire no pr.ndng cups it means taking U tho spark �lugi. sufffi".-� Y `trc`n,�- 'solution is used or out the water isdtlained out of the When it becomes very cold, radiatoT system, 4 burst mdrator -or a cracked covers ate a convenience, These may bl� i.) octaed a, any supply house, litted cylin-cler,casting is likely to result. to any car. Thqy are in various forms, Probably a combination of ajcahol us . na,IV Oycerine will suit the particular lifted . for moderate temperattres and a.nd P with a curtain which, may he lownar a little better than alcohol closed -when extremes are reached, alon"e; S"Uce' tber ,e�, is less evaporation, Anything which will cover the air and a pIngledoso'bf glycerine will last spav,. 0. t - w r porti n o t e 0as0n, only alcohol and radiator May be used in an emergency, the -entire, s 3 f he .0 .0 0 f 11 water nn.Wling to ))a 'J'aded to replace'if one Is caught.by a sudden drop in that boiled, awlayorevaporated, Hai -f the tempeTature, Bee's TrOuser-Pockets. Prince Of Wales Sees Weird If �'cu watch a bee at wor'it amongst Entertainment. the fligivers, You Will see thathe is an- A Weird entertainment was. given at 90ged in collecting two quite different 6ubzt1nncc$ from the blossoms. Bikaner, India, in honor of the Prince TIN 10119 polated tongue is really a Of, Wales, following a State banquet at : the Palace, The entertainment began tube, through which he aucks up the with 9'weet Juice$ Just as we 9ack lemonade a religious bre dance in the through a straw. Whilst he moves courtyard of the fort. The big bonfire about Inside -a tio-wer, the stiff hairs on which had been lit In the centre of his back c0licct the Yellow Polllen�dust, the great quadrangle was then- allowed with whic'll he Is soon covered to die down to a mass of clawing em- - Then bers, through which bare -legged na- he sits down On, a leat and Proceeds tives, singing Wildly, danced, kicking to ScraPe. it off by means of tile little up a cascade of sparks and snatching co'lubs with which his legs axe pro. Portions of the fiery mass'which they vided. 33Y means Of these he roils it placed In their months, ithough the Into balls, and stowgi it away in his he cups provided 'at of - the fire could be felt 10 yards for the purpose at the, joint, of the away. I a ga. The weird phantasy lasted 10 min - The bee has also a set of waistcoat. Utes, presenting a Perfectly derocalla- Po,cicets, whieb; are used for a different cal effect through the clouds of dull purpose. These are little pouches with red smoke. The dancerssubaequently r9lit-like opellings. When a bee is an- pirouetted In front or the prince, clam- guged lit Inaking thecelis of the comb, oring for hill, to inspect their feet, tiny flakes- Of wax are secreted in which were. found to be uniscarred by t1le"3e pookets, from Which they are the fire, and actually were molst and taken with 01110 Saws as they are re� cool, as though the dancers had been quired. Paddling in the water. a Several members b HOW those waxen bricks are made of the Prince's I staff attempted to pick up pieces of n In the bee's body is a mYste1rY. In the hot embers, but every attempt 9 some Wonderful Way the bee is able to turp, the Julceof flowers into honey ended abruptly with a hurried snatch- t Or wax. In & vOrY short timo. The In. Ing back of the fingers and sharp ex- I sect Is really a shocking examplb Of clamatfons, amid the derisive laugh. P what a`ll'W'c`rk And no Play con do—he ter of the onlookers. works, hfinselt to. deat,11 i . Thereafter a great company of s Month! a about a Nautch girls, wealug heavily g4old' brocaded robes, transparent head We should really have SPO -ken of tile shawls and massive gold armlets a bee as "Ohe," for the worker is a fe� to Majkl-, but It seenned mther ()near to the elbows, danced and sang a wild re- t Write Sbout her trouser-pockett train ' Welcoming the Prince to b baric strains. A native ju ar ggler danced on sharp swords-, spikes and Exploring Mystery Planets. saws. -tie OX the greatest digicultles, an. The entertainment 00,11oluded with Countered when erecting a bit teIes. the Nautch chorus discordantly but on - cope Is the Problem Zf making its inuge thusta$,ttcallY singing "God Save the tube sufficientiy rigid. Professor King" in the Marwar tongue, M AA U . , t a noted British scientist, has corc-""d a new Way of tackling the Problem, lie puTpoee# to. use the shatt How Trees Grow Knots. Of a 111IDGA9 the tube of the greatest Trees are, formed of three parts— tele4cope -ever made. the roots, the parent Stan, or trunk, ln 1924 the mytte'rfO110 Planet Afars and the branches,. 'When the trees, are i 'will be nearer to us thlan, It has been cut up. into lumber, the first of these for a century. Here, If Only we can parts is usolessi, and generally I� Jett OOlzO It, to -our beet chance Of dis- In the, ground to be salvaged later for eoverfilg whether people like our- other purposes. salves live upon Its- surfaca. The branches of the tree, are also Protstor Todd!s 11mIuA_talescope,, is an 9L quarter of a mile ill I produeez a number of Valuable planks to be more th, OOMPaxativelY uselesis, but the trunk length, and fifty feet In diameter. It' In proportion to Its diameter. will bring Afars within one and a half I In APItO Of the fact that the branches Mil(�%of the. obs,orverls eye, haV6 been lopped Off, they leave their The Magnifying mirrors used In i mark upon the pard'ht stern in tile g,Teat t0leocapes, are difficult to ake shape of hard round or oval Gpois, and very costly. What a i1ftylu foot which, wo, call, ,knota..,, t1ach of these Mimor would cost no one can say --4t kn0ta Shows Where tho limb of the Might easily run Into a million dollars tree Was gro-wing, because the limb And take tc,%n or fifteen years, to Make. bad Its beginning In the heart of tile Professor ToddAif wt going to have trunk, drawing Its sustenance Alro�tly A gb1aG mirror at all. He PYOV0808 to from tho central source of supply, *:�vO ai the foot of his telescope a The hardinese of knot& is due to the Ireat bZ1 filled wit,11 Tile tact that more, strength is required at howl will be roi".49(1 by means of a the baso of the limb than farther out. Motor, and as It sPinD the memury will ckemllo the i),eeessary oonoayo I . Once the pr6per speed ba., St. Pau -I's G&Obedwl was begun and taell found by expe�H-,Ilent, a luirroIr 91144101 within forty Yeav% under one 'Will be Obtained capable of tiqgnity- Bishop of Undon, (me ordlite,4t, �*Ind Ing twenty -11V45 131111-1011 UnI4. With I one mager ma�Aall luch a tOlt8co'De You Could read tbe 10ttOting On P, Dc9lbY four hundred Grj?ell forestlj tongitute . I 1,es valea away! an n t� went Which 41ves 611K returns. Tile include, dlreOtay Or In. The t44 trOO % All OV#rkrteft PIMA ditbOVY, eV`6TY 4itizell Of CAnlaft. 1� Fpper­—By meant of a hand mirror frequently examine the back of the teeth for tartar. Lower left—Use i tooth brush soft onough not to irritate the gums and be sure that the teeth are kept clean. Brush up and down.. not only across, Lower right�A nice set of teeth does much to make a pretty woman beautiful and a plain one more attractive. Propess in Canada. BOOKV;,, 0 Itumorii in. gamin trading and shjp� 10* 44ye -it, thqt pie 1741tod- 0mlix 10rower*,;Lta., intend �to bull;a a big elevator In Vancon-var to THE OWN take P01`6 of MO W140440 be shJpped to Europe via thl;$ pQrt. A marked recovery In gold ", It-tIng OFFICIAL UORARY ON 14 tile Provjnco of jjrjtj�ra Calunlbja for the lr#st ton months of 19gJ is noted EVERY MAN-OF-WAR. In the report of the Dominion Assay 0111ce here, During the tell Month A Good Book and His Hop. period there was depositod $9,560,976, as compared with $1,808,970 . for the mock Form Jack TAros corresponding period in 1920, An in, crease of 4761.005. For , the month ot Ideal of Happiness. October, this year, Me gold receipts nammovk-tlme 14 always a gro At Were $512,265, as against $228,276 last time for the Navy's book.iqvera. rivor -it Year, an increase for the month ot I Is Ueu4IJY In his hammock th4t the $283,989, reading sailorman,, ",4 there a S, In 1879 the number Of miles of greater percontne of him than the steam railways In -operation in Canada shoreg,01119 =1mullitY would auticl. was 6,484; In 1889, 12,628; -1809, 17j. ' pate, keeps hl',i fountaino of del , Ight. 141', 1509, 24,104; 19-19, 8SS96, 1920, 130ORS are ludee4 bad booke With him, The tons of tlalght carried In- for there Is Scunt time during the day creased from 8,348,810 In, i879 to 127,- for reading, 429,154 in 1920, while the gross earn- Almost every sauffage-staped, lasil. Ings rose from ;19,925,06e to $492,101,. ed -up nautical bedetead handed o ods.. from the netting sibout eight 0,01"k 104 during the same peri , ut It is claimed that tbree farms work- each evening carries, Mat rectangular I ad In the locality of Cobourg, Ont., bulge that tell% the Initiated of a book have produced record crops. On No, i I the Output was 600 barrels of pears. Or magazine atowed &Way, a book Or Magazine that, by the exercise of tact, 300 barrels of Northern Spies, and 500 or the profferin& of substitute bo baskets of cherries. a . ok No. 2 produced or magazine, may shortly change 182,000 Pounds of beef cattle, 140 tons bands. Of bay, and 300 barrels of apples, "Tally you on the book, Shiner?" 1while No. 8 produced 8,000 barrels of a%" the ell.vlous one. ,I!vo got a last apPl",, 1,000 baskets of cherries, 2,000 mon�th,s Mag to swop.,, boxes of cherries and 200 barrels of "Wiggle Bennett's after It," to pears. These figures do not Include Shiners reply, But I've s,;,' another much grain Producedon the farms. one here that you can look at.,$ Recently a new record for a grain And Shiner well knows that when moving train was created when a Wiggle and Knocker and the others Canadian Pacific ellglue pulled 110 have dorta with the book It will go on fully loaded.cars of wheat, comprising and on—for Were is no self1shnese 165,000 bushels, eastwards towards the laout this barter, no grasping for a Great Lakes. The train was nine -1 better thing. tenths of a mile long and, weighed ap- The Illustrated monthlies are a, proxima,tely 6,868 tons, exclusive of' sheer delight, and will make the round the engine and the caboose.. of the seamen's Messdeck before be - The area devoted to winter rye In Ing handled by any stoker, however, Saskatchewan this year totalled 1,03* and the stokers will Mad It till t,,,�e 507 acres, an increase of 600 per cent. covering pages of advertisement& are over 1920, There will also, be a bl, shreds before the marines Zet hold of Increase in next year's crop, it Is ex' It. pected. Sugar -Box Librpries TIP to October Slot, over $3,225,000 Pap,r-batked novels, the cheaper had been, received by the Manitoba government deposit bank. editions of "bost nellersP ranging from pected that deposIts will exlt is ex- Ethel M. Dell to H. G. Walla, and the -ceed $3,- slimmer fortnIghtlie-3 and weeklies 500,000 by the end of the year. Farm- are also ambroFia to the sallorman, ers are. the Principal depositors. 'eagerly sou:sllt after, and always "tal- There are 175,000 farms in the pro- ]led" about three deep a;vad. Vince of Ontario, according to all estl- Whence come they. Nobody knows, mute of the provincial department of save thcre whose re!atives qel!d them Agriculture. The value of farm lands, an Occasional "book"­fGr a!l reading buildings, improvements and livestock matter Is '7)o4oks*1 to the suilomian. Is fully $1,700,000,000, In the value of Crtaluly the silorman Is hardly ever field crops for 1918, Ontario., with, seen to buy a magazine—and yet there $863,909,778, exceeded in value, any of I are scoles in the ship. T'Ve ward - the, other provineeg of the Dominion, room, having read lvi fill, supplies a In 1919 the value of field crops, ac- few; the perlodical p3Et serves to cording to the Bureau of Statistics, bring ctliers, While, regzrding, news� was $373,507,000. papers, a battleship's mail ally week - Gold ore is being put through re- end will ajmc�t cover Britain by the duction plants at the gold mines of Swiss Fruit -Growers Make chlvvIed. about for a time inside the What Causes Dimples? Porcupine and Kirld-and Lake at a rate OcaL weeklies, it serves out. I There ja an official ship's library, It 'Their Own Rain. circle, and eventuWly the shaking up 'we of approximately 2,066,400 tons a year, is true, usually opened an Sunday In It Is Very interesting to watell the which It receives causes It to break up into Min. The writer has seen The peculiar mark which call a dimples is really nothing more than a according to figuresse-cures a% a result of a preliminary Inquiry In October the mid day hrur, Mit as thii ii prap. raln-makers at work in the willf-grOw, these rala-guns used with success or, dent or depression In a part of the made here. These preliminary figures tically the same In all, ShiPA, any man Ing districts around Lake Geneva, In Switzerland. dozens of occasions. body where the flesh is quite soft, are supplemented witb an estimate of of fairly long servIce has already read all that it offers. Dotted about the country are num. Tkey have another use, too. They can be used for driving off unwanted When we speak of dimples, we think usually of those in the cheek, the In- $1,584,000 1 n bullion produced each mouth, the estimate being based upon To supplement till. -4, most shipi have bers.of little sheds, from the roof of clouds. When the gmpe harvest is dentations which appear when 0. per- achievements during the past two a slort of co-operative 1 1. brary, entirely each of which protrudes 0, great bell- app roaching the farmer's greatest foe 'lot' a miles, But it should be remem- months. This means a production at unolliclal, consisting c some fifty 01 Mouthed funnel. It you could examine ese L -b -a- ­ is hall; the stones out his vines to rlb- bered that dimples are also to be the rate of about $19,003,000 a year. sixty books, each eon-,ributed by a sub- -41, + �U I M an aeroplalle, YOU would find that they are arranged In boric. When hall storms are about, found in o er parts the body. but6d through the air of a good-sized circles. the batteries once more prepar for ac. Babies, for example, have dimpled el - Gunpowder. gireat Inside each is a gum, the muzzle of U021! But this time their method is different. They open fire bows and knees, while infants who- axe plump often have several on their I Gunpowder was known to the Ohi wbich Is connected with the bell- nouthad funnel. Charges of noisy whilst clouds are outside the circle, and by backs and sh-oulders. aso 2,000 B.C. Its European inventio Is credited to Roger Bacon about 128 lack Powder are ueed, and the full - means of heavy firing pre -vent them from entering it. I The -se are due to the fact that the fibres, which lie. beneath the outside 4— el, acting In the, same way as a gl- antic gramopho-ne born, Magnifies which our bread la made Is, under skin, and help to hKyld It firmly In The best marksmen are usuall he sound of the discharge enormous- Flowers by Airplane. place, are of varying lengths ... d run. those with grey or blue eyes. In all directions. Occasionally these 7. When min Is wanted a man is 'in- Holland�s growers are sending fresh cut flowers by airplane to England fibres are too short in one s6ot, and London has about 34,000 miles pull the skin, thus forming the dimple. Uced charge of each hut. Pre- for sale the same day. street's., or twice the eawhinell lengt The fact. that dimples Occur fre- eutlY a -small &Oud drifting across Z qtlently In the cheek Is, due to the com- of Paris etreetv. he sky comes into the circle Of guns. �augl The cloud, shaken by tile noise Appetites Larger in Winter. The reason. we need more food In pamtive irregllarity of the I-ength of C=jada's birth rate for 1920 wa the ekln4lbres of this part of the body. Ild the shock of the discharge begins winter than In summer 1% because th3 27.47, as lagainst a death rate of 13.3 o float towards the other side of the ircle. Bang! Bang! The is greater an1011rxt Of Oxygen in the air per 1,000. The marriage rate dwrin, Fog has been, clamailled' into aigllt thesaane period was 8.94per 1,000. . cloud sharpens Appetite and aids digestion. varieties, ranging from "very dense" w-w—and the worst is yet to come to "slight misit!' by the Air Ministry. The wealth, of Norway lies. allmov In China .,al land belongs to tha entirely dn ber forest& atd fif6lieries a eliosc4 place and jgulted4 through the airof & room. h1very par. State md a trifling aura Par mere, The, tailles.t trees in, tqla worEd an U40 of It U; In immediate contact with duat OXDIO1310114 In the trnited States the 00g*n of tho air, and this makes gmrceily al�tered -through long centur- jound in the State foltst Of victo Its burning lastanditeour; Ill casie of ue4rly 100 POMO.116 and L -We doest4loyed Ignition. .1 great quilutity of gas is ies, is paid as rent. Australia. suddenly generated, and, cocking to party. ' One 411ch 64tutrophe In a OXPAIIA Ill 0, Closed PIACO, It exiarts a Dust Ex plosions If the contents of a six -pound sack Ing the effects of dust explosions In of wheat flour -be thoroughly distri- mills, factories and elevaters Is to but6d through the air of a good-sized make the walls very thin—mere cur. room, the lighting of a match 'wIll tains, In fatt, dependence being bad I blow up the house, upon the skeletal etructure of the Twice that quantity of flour, mixed building for its support. if the walls with 4,000 cubic feet of air in a closed readily yield to gas expansion, off er place, will, It lgnit�d, generate enough Ing little reolstanco, the explosion does force to throw 2,500 tots to a height relatively little harm. it is the con - of loo feet. flnesment of the gas that Makes the Thus, You See, thb material out of mischief. Large 'window area, is an - which our bread la made Is, under other idea suggie�5tcAl, with the same suitable circumstances, a% dangerous object In, view. an explosive, as gunpowder. We have Metals, If finely powdemd, will burn read a good deal lately about the dan- rapidly. In one recent exI&fjjOa Of gers of coal dust, but recent tests have aluminum dust OIX girls lo��t their Proved that flour or any kil14 of grain lives and Many more wero injured, dust Is more Inflammable than coal Ali explosion of hard-rubbar dwt Wt dust and correspondingly more liable long ego, resulted in tht d(Whs of blu to explode. Another experiment proved that, workmen, Within the JaBt fowyealld there llave been, many outh disasters when two ounceq of grain dust wM in sugar mills, candy factories, spice Ignite�d in a box containing two cUblo mills� corlt factories, drug works, feet of air, -a force was developed that paper mills, etc. Any kind, Of dUst lifted two men standing on tll�a cover, I that is combuistiblo Will expl*de it als. It is all & Matter of rapid burning. tributed Plentifully thatugh the air of Take, for histanco Me flour 41,stributed a eliosc4 place and jgulted4 through the airof & room. h1very par. During the, last two, aA4 4 half yetrs U40 of It U; In immediate contact with duat OXDIO1310114 In the trnited States the 00g*n of tho air, and this makes 0,114 Canada ilave cest 'tho livog of Its burning lastanditeour; Ill casie of ue4rly 100 POMO.116 and L -We doest4loyed Ignition. .1 great quilutity of gas is more, than $10,000,000 worth of Dro- suddenly generated, and, cocking to party. ' One 411ch 64tutrophe In a OXPAIIA Ill 0, Closed PIACO, It exiarts a stareh Taetory killed, fortythroo per. foret that rends the Wall '98ander. Aong and did- $3,000,000 worill of dain- A method now proposed for mininliz- age. .. . a ibrary who thereby be. comes entitled to borrow the remain. Ing books contributed to the collection by the other membelM. The librarv. n usually an emPtY sugar -box, is kept by a member, who, receive!i a peuay a month from the oftbers fc,- his trouble. The conitents of the box are changed Y periodically. High -Brow Tat -s. But this library has nothing like the ramification:; of the hamnioek library as we may term the firott-ulentioned for conveniences sake, Nor does the hammook library lack variety. Be� sides the Ught magazines and works of fiction, heavy stuff is occasionally an, lcountered. ",ze Present writer reloembers a oa" where in the hammock of a de- ceased man- was, found an India -paper volume of the "Enoyclopocdl 33'ritallal- ea." whIlkst another curloug discovery was Prof ssor Whe:a.tley,s ­Ronlance Of Words-." Hardly the thing one Would exPeflt the eliv and tongue-tied sailorman to study. Works' On navigatic.n. -on the arts Ot advertising and salestuangillp, or Re. CounItanCy—prepamtIons ag"In'st the expiration of perlcdk of service, thwe--are tint uncommon; while many a shorthand writer has learned Ilia 9r=mal,0u.v1le,s and Contractions in his, hammock. Medlettle, Poetry, "NvcTY Alan Ills Own Lawyer," gunnery handL-ooks, catalogues of foreAgn stftml,�, all!, of antique furniturO RUOU1011 hee,!, dlo� isertations on phrenology, ftt�dcollco.rd. ances of Holy Writ, as Nvell as worim Of theo-10.1yand colliections of sormoms, are,=0`119 the Volumes that eju�t& the little rectangular bulges in ntautical bedstft& when "nammodcs 0,ro Piped down,." And they, With ligbter forms, 4C011stiluto the solid basis upon which re-sts the British Ntbvyls litera.,�y taste, _4_� There are ovor 80,000 books in, the Reading Room of the 13rifish 31uscum alone, T110 1ri9At0-bfi`d in MkI to be flie swilte-A of all wingvA ercatukvs. Soa. Mtn vaterally bd�evo that W10 can Start at 4slybre-A, c with Ule tl,'vd0-ViTWG from the ftia'st of Adrkm am. Wlut- the vatno n1ght Up6n tho Ameriml-I Awro. Whetb6r fllit� in AL *Xt iml not ya be -'m 0oinausivopy 4tl(nnlillod, :blxt it b tortain that it Is Mile to fly, ulwer fhvorulile oondl. tiolls, 20a imillet on &-ur. Its, appo"m quee it thw4ght to po*M*A kv 1,111t�muii.