HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-15, Page 2- - ­ I ­ - ___ ­ - === . __ g—:: C. I ", ", �t. ----�.------��--.-�.,�---"-.,...--���.—I �:�­�7-;.. =�__, _ " � . _______,. � , _ .. _ . . .. I _..1. -1 � � - ---. Soma Evils Oil Brings. I "I'mi glad you were h*re 'Whe'.-I it 6 :,:., �­ � I IW* "I I W �� I . BOVRIL IMPROVES YOUR PIES h1pireric-A, ,dear " ch�,, ,ohispered. . . : - V "I,-. I " I . ,.Ttg-1 me,, eailiv.- how 41i it hap- .. I - ;, 16, & 11W�" a �4 UK i troubled waters Is nittking a lot of - .. � 1-1 r,eli?" I asite& "I M12'an, What (114 it . I I tzi_;)emec� ,Z I IWO 0 1pe�,MPXIIJ1111. rgetorp . mischief, It has become a aulanneo. , I � tul X�Ilk - I ­ein 116.9 Did things gradually � I'll I , �, US: ceili. cradustepilp'llwoverY- In inaw ways, oo much of It being thus I Aw�l � I � . Ili . I �row dullzr .ar.1 dullor, *r--,vh3t?" I lc� I Lor �roadvlca 9.04 11110rAtuft- I d$sMod of that a proposal hais beeA,V � W. - * � T 4 AT - - � ,,No 11 � sh-�, annvered,, "that was the . tor"J4(Re"PeA93Z6 , j'a IrlitZ At3NOTT INSTITUT9 to akin It Off ijouio barboro and , U=q===M .. 1 91T(;fMNFA,._ - CANADA ma,de is 410 01) I eNG;rdin-Wry part of it. Quite Sud- .. I ;;�,�_ __ __ ,� I 110 , . by tre%tmeut Tender it utilizable. i derily I -saw everything green for A � . �&Au IN 891T , rLd then every'�hivg went out Seasonable J�itcheu Kinks. I first place, to keep MC410Y Out Of T ..., 11 , f It Is death to fishes. It suffocates p:.00, a] I I a g-reen, fla,t:lli. It w1as a wor.lderful Syrup made of brown sugar is bet- I ,,hildrenks thoughts may be an ideal, A'NaTry happy return%," said, the them and palsons their blood. oil r 1. I I . ------- , - , t 'quid, giwn, tike tho sea ovar A sand- ter than any you, can buy: To one , but like most Other irdeals it can only I humble swain, to -the %W11,09 MaidQu. that Ands Ito WAY Into rivera prevent$ . I . _____ -bank. it was jurt a L -,n,4 flW.%, very I many flulay ispecies from running up the - I found, I Pound of E,ugar add a cupful of water ba aPTr0XIn1,Nt,&d in this 'age,- MOre'- - 41and I Intead to, malm YOR ft 'Present. , . I - ­­­­ - — — _, .." quick and sharp, =11 tFhen I over, I am not sure that it IS the finest What shaa it be? --a birthday ,book streame, to spamn. Along the seashore lll� ___ , could, sca nothing at ulI.. Nverythirg i and boll until thick enough. Maple, ideal. I t,Jj!zk perhaps the wisest Way oraklso?" A,ndWJb11aVR15a`0J1A790Od It drives away the migrating 80110014 is 1114ok now, the ,Mack cf an initeVllele,ugar makes the ,best syrup, reld, in. r when they approach the coast, depriv. '"rill' E MYSTEIG,011 OF THE green. I thoirg-lit I'd been 6tr I lea stuffed with sausage are ap_ is -to acknowledge the necessity Of jn,itatlou of a blush, che Isume lig�htnivg. NVasTet it silly of me"'I App , dealing with money and teach the genuoUfAy, 11�lm not very lond*f road- Ing the fisherman Of his. prey. it �­ I "My poor, brave little wom=V I petizing. Core medluni-VIzed, tart chilgiTeu directly, a* you a" constant- ng.11 sickens or killis oysters, and 4estroys ' marroured. "Toll me, where,were You apples and insert fresh sausage in thO tewchirkg them Indirectly, that 0 � — the floating eggs and swiraming larvae thell?ff I openjug. Put in a pan with W -Atex 17 . i of sholl-fish. I GREEN RAY "Jus,t WIL,are you found me, on t1W =d bake until the apples are Soft and nioney is o47 valtcabile -for what it I' Sonia women woA W happy In - By WiHiam, Le Queux .1 is ,cooked, can purehase, and that therefore the heaven unless they -can scrub It out A small quantity of ell will form a I Chemist's Rock. I call it the Chem� the Sausage thern gmtest wizdam is to le!arn. how to U$8't - film ovor a, wide surface, It prevents U - � I I 8 is-Va Rock because Ws shaped like a Crackling cornbread is a sou the greatest things, In the', wied a year, the normal aeration, of the water, and, I was casting from dish, made at butchering time, sift at for fishes 41a for la,ck of oxygen. The mis. CHAPTER II1,(C-Gnt`d­) I I had got a ,Ape ,= en,4 wetted mY 0011th-10zenge- A% h two weeks Fve been, here, I've noticedl I TO - - it makee a beautiful fishing- and rax two cupfuls of cornmeal, vit . I M Inardle Liniment Usedby Vaterinaplos chlef IS Particularly serious Ill bar. , " PoOl,.line, Myra was some fifty YOM& or the I everal thingo, one is that the ch1I-.__._, ,., , , - -_ I boro, where, because of gas pla , ,uts, oil. Just above the Dead Man's, So Up the stream making for a spot table' " 1 10"I'ad UA an"' then—well, -11 cupfW of w1teat flour, a teaspoou� J5 you get a beautiful 'view of Hilder-, where she suspected sGinethlog. She then it happened." . ful Cd salt, two teaspoonfuls of bak- dren have been. tmuglit to U-011), *arrYi SALESMEN burning ohips and automobiles, tile man's hideous hut," Myra declared as I "We're just coming to the house," the housdhold and. to share its . , has the uniewring inctinct ot the inv-Ot-, - My= sud, "We're just go- ir4_powder, and two teaspoonfuls, of on totica t1nt their friends We pay weekly and offer steady em, discharge of waste �11 is greatest. we v,alked alr,ng. I may explain here said denly. ea,sures. I i ployment selling our complete and ex erate poadher! I cast idly once Or,. sugar. Add one dnd ,cine -half CUPTU341,pl . Those haTborg are the gateways that "Dead Man! -s PoOl" is an English to tam on to the stable -path." 00 in, It elusive lines of whole -root fresh -dug. I twice, content to revel in -the delight 'ng I through whWh shad and other flahes. trarzz!ationof tile Goelic name,, which � "Darlingill I cried, nearly dropping of sweet milk, and two tablespoonfuls haw as we"i­xL_coguaze'z1 a 1J;1`a of ,holding a red in my hand once -as war friends; that, although your to-or4or tress and PlantG. Best Stock I dare not inflict. ,on the reader. morie intoxicated will, the air and,heT 'U My exciteineritf. "YOU -can See, of fine cracklings, . prd,erably :from Meals are Simple, hor,pitality is not a and Service. We teach and equip you must Pass to reach their breeding already?" leaf lard. Bake& a hot oven. A money,maklug opportunity. grounds, "See?" she cried, as we climbed- the i the scenery arl the sunshine (What; ZrY,",She said - Make plain plum pudding thus. . In luxury- with you, bat one of the mlat- free. rock Ica-ing 4Dwn on the gorgeous � -ike � "Oh Ronnie I'm so rA . -gs of.life. it ,,,iLuka Brothera' Nurseries Montreal Vast oil patches are often seen at, v? fiEh in the west "I I ; . - I v%lulon pool, with its *ol, inviting I a good thing th penitenily. "Yonly knew by the smell a large baking dish place alternate ter -of -course thin sea, Suggesting Vin Obvious danger to ( it bright!"), and after a few -minutes I romise of sport. I of the ,peat %ta,ek-s.11 I could not re- .1. ' could, kurow the fhanillee that I know WMEfth. y 1"I #a W I depths and its subtle p I a, slidden, jerk on my line brought me strain a groan of dimppointmaut, and 'ayeTs *f buttered .bread emd raishie. . -this age of apartmmtla�' ! Ari , u�arlue flah life, The egg& of the cod "Oil, Ronnie, iszl!,t it wanderfull" she I I missed him, but he I 'Ju 'I I and other ocean Rates float on the cried. "Alniost every day of my life back -w earth. - add half a tisespooncf-ol IuElIeWe eyes w,grq,q !, , . : thrilled me t;o the serious bugluess of M_ yra, stroked, my face, and murn6red 10�ftt six eggs If cupfuls of shining now, but : rest.' of salt� Que and oneha ; waves, until hatched. After hatching, ny, and I love again, "Pin, sorry, dea 'IOU, you make we so � . I have admired this, YiE t i I the thing, and I fished. on, intent on ,, Will you please put me down sagax, Ulf a nutni4 grate4 iatd tw10 mot with te"r"%' . L N A I ,the young "fry" float likewise. Fish It more and more every time I see it. " whamed -, every'anst. re hame sh is& I . I sometimes think I'd -rather give up I suppo�se I must have fia for now?" she &sked. "If Wdy saw You quarts of milk. Pourover,theb Q, as d"' e el So` 09P cannot hatch or the young do. my life than the simple -power to 9a,zO Wd ' me to the house he'd lisave a set in a cool place and, let standi over and. GO ekid and so rich!" I I 019i velop in oil. I about twenty minutes, but of that I i I . .1 - I I nitely. 1 carry", the eervants would, 90 inftO night. The next day boke in a 91DW I OU v%11 be I Be& birds have recently been fou'ad Lt the mountains and the sw.11 have neverbeen, able to say 64 . 10 Ears and Specialists. astonl3hed at the rdJ Why, look!" I exclaimed, $,Is th,,t , L fit, all . So� I put her tenderIV. on oven until the pudding is set and I . sults we getby "dead and, dying by hundreds off tht It may possibly have been more- I* 11 and she took , No 011.0 4xovb I _ our modern A tl� - � thsei window you. meant?" otay know that as I waspieldre my I 1,rrt1611aFe(g;, my arm, and browne!&. , , the ear specialist can of dyting and ole"log. V,Nrlfti " British coast, their feathers saturated way over same boulders, to enable me She . 'he oven know m%cch, about thecom*Jcated- and at Ara ahabl$y, di#jr "Or' itt tw I,Yes�" Myra replied�,with an air of 1we walked slowly to the house Fried oysters cc;��, in t - a A ; with oll. . Itniloyance "thV& it. You can Elm to cast more accurately for a big one leould, see nothing, not even in the are moTe,digeetibla and palatable than dehMlte MeOha,4118ul Of the hunv= ear-*" ado like fiLevr. We can,r6tore that- The worst offenders are gas plantl that light fwh;� the sun Shines on it� I had risen, I beard, Myra give a sharp j hazy confusion of the ne*rly blind; )3e&re the oat 4611cate articlea. , all day, an& it keeps r be 0 se .1 . as hen opoked- in Jet Dram and dry day of epm:Glists, itfell to 'Of _00d and petroleum distilleriese which fink. 'hort cry. I tuxmd, anx$,.M which is nearly , 17 WA. I yet she walked to t h u w th w the lot of the cje,v,�W general ,prec- I Send one artiolk or a pareet 9 $I on reminding us that we have, a, needgh- callell. to her. � ,, . Ifirm a step and as, olatl4ml an air as it the oysters, roll them in flour,. dip in , , � I post or expr"s, Wo will 1PAI 4,N., it coavevient to draln their waste in'to .. ead crumbs titioner to deal with Ills of the ear. I - bor, although the loch is between US. I could ,not distinguish her at first I she had nothing whatever the matter beaten egg, then Toll in br I I . . one wd:p, and'. our Aatko am the nearest str6am or ether body of . I Besiden, for some extraordinary rea- among thea gray -rocks in, the river. with her- well seasiacied vdth salt, and a pifich That the results weref,ho Worse. tl� - t reasooable� . , I water. W, son it gets an father!4 n% -Am Poor Surely she could not bvfe f,al,w, im "You had better leave- dad to me, of myenne pepper, and dip, in vege- they Were provem his courage and ' ,When "n'thlok- Of 04111' Study Is being dlrect�vd to means of . old daddy!" Even bzd --he done a% I hardly think R. " she suggested. "We unidersitani table, oil. Bake in a hot oven Until especially 'hi's coranvon seymter . I 11yo I iin4 4J,ting, think of prervontZu—espeoially in relation to � It may Seem. strange to the reader I her,'and I ran explain to bion, I light, firovmL a n day idea ` 1 - rXimit's. the dumping .of oil from ships In liar. the rhe would 'have calle& out Z118 Was each otf , that anyone should take notice of extraordinarily sure on her -feet, apd, You would, find it d0gficult, and it sup, cabbage gaIad or coie,_oUw and in nmt dams was to use the oyTinge� , - I I I . bors in the neig,liborhDod of spawning sun's reflection on a window two and I In amy case, s&e wag = empert ewim- would be piain!Eul for ym both. Just I , - a quarter miks away; but- it must be me -r. W11a,t , i Sometimes, it ww a gOed ,Parker's grounds, or near Asbilug bankg at sea, � teU I-Jru that, rriL li,Dt feeling very'veat mashed VoU*4e*_ � Idea; for . I ' remembered .that a her life Myra could, it be? hiiniediately and, hcT .come ,straight. 0 me. Don!t Chocolate dainties are Sure -to pleaise. carieful syringing will':Temovs Urma-ct- Also, lt� is hoped, to'eacourage on in. W been accustomed, tothe undisput- following herery- came SholWs deep tell him I want . �o ,see Idw. Give me The r,cccipe ea&% for: One -'half -oupful ed wax, and that is ,xlways a bIqlP. ; Dyo ,Wprks creased use & wastes- for by-prad,qcta I bay, and then I mw hen She wao - I inging ,�dll not d; much, m4re, � t,od derivable from tbrom, ed poeseEalon �of an unbroken view. standing on a tall, white, lozmve� YOT ar' n -to my don dear." .of dates or -raisins, -me-halt cupful of But syr, � I I Lira', "Anyhow," ---he � aided as she turned sharpea. yOck) that looked slmoct as if I aod-her to her '4e�' a little TOO= figs, one,hali co,pful_ of not meets, thm ' that i in any case, MA in mavy KLDors wod Dyers 1. here i� fisho. Oneof , the verandah. There An%ious away, "we came it had been carefully shaped- in con- Opening M to . in 'the .1i4iniciow one square unsweetene& th000late, one c4sw it WI -11 dO sPlr�ous h`Tm- ottge..St. The..Booes of,the Airplane. . . I us must erossthe istreambam and, fizh I - rhg� a0d her am I was a writing- "'blesPo'll'u" of orange judee amd or offi ' - rel��ves should never 4 791TT, crete. She -was kneel . with Ce in -neat t, . � CIOUS . I or�),QIO , It has been traly said that tough that Sid-_ We ew* cross higher up, vm across her face. With a. cry I covered, a I peel of ow orange. Put the undertake it. 02 � i 1. fibres arer tlfo-feathm of t -be ,air. there's too much water, and there's I da,he, into the ,i,,,r . UZA fioundirq,d little piles, for Myra was on all the, grat' . Ill 1, -'flax _ , I I fruit -and nuts �hrovglh a meat chop- The firid 0drV the specialist ,dow. 1 2-_ .z �­ ­ ­­�-_--'� I th wr It Way -be no point in getting wet. I'll go, andl charltyconx mittees, in the, . . # *& pi -161, is to find, out by.umans of his, appar- 1 plave, andvt dal,truth I � you fish this side; oni when wa -reach I acrossn4 sometimes alchust up to mV' thF6 reest of .the room ... en up to vem Add orave, juice, gTht 'I .�ff affirmed.-blint the,bara or SItkcc spruce 19 '. neck4 arA rab A - '*',, to hem iWJA I I hatt 0 , the loch we'll vt into thetvat ,See, 6, un", ` -fishing I sh -and meltied chocolate. The mbftxe iatag for swing ivaiclo the .ear W ,, wood are Its bones. Think what air. Lir I � .1d Drofusion, of, -,agony of. fear 'M os I rgn a jprofuslog� a, MV -affie,btod—tho external. Bar, the . ,,boo . , 0 may:then be molded bv6 -bans and part is SWRo7s across -already." a�,d - gear� an& I - 1her rod 'was carermi.04.1 0 me� , ' - , p�ar,o des!gnertj and flying men de - And she tripped lightly from boul-, ': every now and then rubbin- .his great r,Ue,& in ,hopW nuts .or granumated mid&le"ear, �or the interwil ear. H, u - ,disappeared over the 3%;Aow. : mand of , the�bonoa of ti-,e*tv plaries! � 14 gainst her ,kirt. I Cjtther there, - a der to boulder acroa3 the -top of the' . , ��� V *% .(: � . .36T" my darlirg " f I head'a sugar, or it may be packed 1a an oiled he got to deal witLa boll ­m exqui- se-,��111.tll They must be light, stroug, still, and -a into the Dead, Man's 1 T�Rehed .r an ... � I cried as fall which stean . he ,XZ�,Crms and turned into the biall, where I mot . I d took 'har. t§ tin, put ninder a weight, and thon.cut sitely paindul ntatter--or . with an Trade Aftirk tougb, an4.above all every stick must I the General. He L-�d hea-rd us retmin. . 11,00l, wh4"e I stocd and admired her I ,, wh,at iq it, d ? For C-eda"s. sake , into squards. a,outa mastoiditia--a vew dan-garow . be dependiblo. After trying many agile sureners of foot as one admires tell me --what is it?" I 'Yeere back early, my boy," he Patisian sweets can eas#lli-y be made matter? Only -lie oan debermilao. , If :� �_ 1� in, - the graceful movenient-3 of a beautiful 4, remarked. . I . I � � � things, atrrAan-a der,!guera settled,on i Oh, Ronnie, dearF'l she sad4 "I lgyas�yl I said, taking out my cigar- by the children. They require: One- the trouble is in the internal ear,. ho _ , '� , if ,; I I S,ltka spruce (Pteam sitphenals) as the 3,vargg rce. Shelto was pawing about 1 doet ,mow, & r1irig. I donft under� " T. � earezt I in a tiny haal,water ;and trying -to ,obte-oase to give myself an air of 66- haff Pound of nut meats (locEdly may use the X-rays to belphis diag- � � Ide-A material. This wood is found L swallow tl�e bubb%�x lie made, U�31 he I stanaLl' Her voice broke " she lifted I Su,ranee wqXleh Was qjtterly unknown grown), Vnejliialf pound of dates or nosis. � 11 Vl� - . . I T E chiefly ia )3ripsli C�olumbfa, from her beautiful fao-- to me. I loo'ke4 to me. ;,Myra is not fe*1ing very well. ,,aigus end. ,,e -half pacnid 'of figs. When suppuration is taking pilace , 09t =m " LLY � saw his beloved m1,q;',;re*s was intentlinto those, wonderful eyes, and theyl ,which alarze supply was dra.im dur- on the iserious businesg of fishing, and BlWs. resting for a bit." - "-- a meat inside the ear the -farther in; it isr the ' gazed back -at me with a dull, mewan- ,, Not well?" he exclaimed, in sur- Put all ingredients through th danger. The tenjern.y of * An application of "'Vas- Ing -the waT. The war was, in fact, the then he clUnbed, lazily to the top of iingless, stare. She stretched out her on on grea or the P. Tock, w�_-re he ,could keep a watch- I prig�e. "Very unusual, very unumial chopper' "'Mix tboroug'hlyl To"" t -3- t to " u back" if it esinno-t I elire'Whitejelly brings cause of the littroduetion of SItka i arm to grasp my Land, and her own . It,, Iding board to one-quarber-inch. pu b Trow , Spruce to the public, and since that A111 ey-- oz� her, =d sprawltd. himself, in -deed.." And hef tunned straiglit i? mo ' iateful relief when h-nd-clutobod ad ���� Mary's room without waiting for an thickness, using -powdered eu,_ ees, rea- gaT to escape in nny other way mena 9 � I I time this wood haa had an extended iD the sun. I have fished better water! '_L a fia,sh I life itse'9. When the trouble I applied to cuts, bums, ,dl . answer to,his quiet top on the door. keep the colifection from sticking to son and, use ITL other linea of Industry for which than the Malluch river, ceertainly, an trut.h. kMci bigger fish in. other 1361v� than 'I Myra was -blind.' With a heavy heart I went upstairs to the board, Cut into squares or dia- is a boil of the external ew the, treat- ' chafed skin, etc. experience has shown It to be sicited. the beautiful mountain tarn above: -the Old, school -room, now given Over monds. mant Is to exei,ge aodlgeit rid ol the CNESSHROUGH The r1ore3t P,roducts Laboratories of InveTmalluch Lodge; bub I have never t - to Mary M<.Niven, Myra's old nux . so. 'VTo make marshmallow fudge, cook pus as soon -as powible. . � MANUFACTURING COMPANY Canada have prepared and the Forest ' W a =!:T,- enjoyab!e ,day's sport than � CHAPTER IV. (To be continued.) together two oupdule of granulated. Children wynetiniva poke ,objec:ts 4_#­�� ' I I B80 Chabot Ave.. Montrial. ry 11ranch of the Department of the the least satisfyin.- of my many days, . The Black Blow. OP.- . sugar, One- and one-lialf squares of into one ofthc�r ears; witien, that hav- . I . Interior has li-,5ued a bulletin, emb-ody- , Riled at It ;,. _ j_ there. "Oh, Ronnie, darlin,,g," Myxa asked Cheating- by Wireless. cliecolate, one-haff cupful' of milk, gens a specialist should be -o I# tabes ,111 I'L_­_ 11 . . , , -formality .... �M­.. ,,, 11 , .. Ing the record of thousands of tests F_ '111here was a delightful in I in a pitiful voice that went to .m who was one-tourth of a cupful of 6utter. Boil once. OccasEonoMy an inse�t finis its - ".... - _'.. Ili about thar sport at the Lodge, : An Italian schoolboy t-xd)ar;W - 7-- of thles. wood, It is entitled �Bulletlfl On",heart. "What can it mean ? 1-1-1 t cheating in school has won until the mixture will form a soft -hall way inside the ear and generally Whed in a'l we%LhzX5 because Ono caWt se&--anythingg at aWl oaugh all drag- ,_ --Ti-_, No. 71, "Sitka, Spruce; Its Machainicar war'. . -s, o tad t-) fish, ard varled ones meth- I'Ws the sun, darling; it will be fame, Two small wireless, installa. in water. Add- one teaspoonful of causes ,great agony by it efforts t gi;es. . and- Physical Properties." Copies 1=4 i 2:1 Tight in a minute, or two. There, tions were set up by him. One was van,111a, I ,- - beeta, sent to thc6e mcat directly In. o&- and ,�zstln.-_tfon accol-4ing to the 0 When slightly cool, add eseape. The best course is to ,drown. I I day. Thera was no sign of that bid- lie in my arms, dwr, and ol,ose your controlled by the boy in the school; gradually a cupful of'marshmallows, the b*mder atencie with a few drops ' I - tekested and any person who dezires 80111Z c"Istarn of doing the thing "propi- I-,` and, beat thoroughly; of wat T r I le h I d t ge t � I poor eyes. It will be all Tight Soon,, the other was presented to a well- cut in piece. e; oo aidolan, hen ti . . 'W" I . � a Copy; but. has, not yet received one, r, rwarda. . . ­ rrly" that the n-em.4-ars of a stock- dea. 'StY known Professor who was prepared to when -the marshmallows have partly out afte: I . will be supplied free upon application brokefs houlsa-party _--eem to enjoy— I tried, to comfort her, to aSsurO give suggestions during examinations. melted, ,pour the'mixture- into but- A - - � - w- I.. mD drawing lots for reaches or pools her that it was just the glare on, the Whenever any difficulty arose the tered Pans to cool, then cut into Airplanes and Forest Fires. I � . to the Dir."torof.rorestry, Ottawa, - overnight. no roping -in. a gill, io to add water, that she would be able to see - - to the f.:'nan2e of sending a basket again in amoment, but, Ifelt the piti- professor's advilce was sought. It was squares. Recently the initial trip was made True Charity. "south." When there was a Super- Sul inadequaiey of my empty words communicated in various van to each Make molasses candy for a candy� from Kamloops, British Columbia, of a iftuity of fish the rrofters and tenants and it seemed that the litht had WZ; scholar In the calss�room. The boys' pull, b3r this recipe: Mix together over new airplane which had been flown up C 0 R N �f %� On the steps of -a public building In were supplied first, 4--A than anything out of Tay life. I pray that I may general, improvement was noticed by the fire three cupfuls ofmolasses, -and from Vancouver to be used in patrol n4oreace, an old, disabled soldier sat . playing a violin. By his side stood a that was left over was sent tofriends. never agwn witness such a harrowing the teachers., and soon. the secrit was one tupful, of brown sugar, add balf a work over the forests in that district � __ �, � in, London and Jzarwhere. At the end sight as that Of Myra, l0aning her discoveruL � cupful of vinegar and cook slowly, administered by the Dominion Fofeust- faithful dog holding In ihis niouth the of the flay'a spoyt we went home bap- beautiful head on my shoulder, sud- Recently, Senator Marconi, the fa, stiwing occa'Amay. After it has ry Branch. The mwh,ine in use earlier Off with Fingers vetema's hat�. Into which, now and py arl plaased vvith ourielvee. not in � s blin ,, to. I Lift the least depro5zed if we I_9A drawn a . i . . I o was heae�_broken mous wireless inventor, called to see cooked for twenty minutes begin test- In the season was returned to Van- . then, a passer-by would drop a -coin. blank, to jolly .md delightful meals �� I . I of a new, the boy, and discovere4 that the ing by dropping a little of the symp couver for overhauling. The new A gettIbman-i in pwalug, paused, and , in the i ' ' tad� by Major 'I&Laurin asked for the vlolia'; i1rat 2 tuning Jt$ whiiout any fio,rmalityat all. And if r ned some great in cold wartet. When it sm= brittle, plane wag pito, ,wift grief which he could- not under- F'UtW' device coutai vre were welt, there ,%,aa a great dry- sta . utter and a of Vancouver and with him on this he then began to play. , T�& improvements on the present wireless add a tablespoomlr.ul of b . ing-roott off tha kitchen pnmises I must ask -the reader to spare me I system- teaspoonivI of baking SO& dissolved trip wers Mr. D. RoY Cameron, dfE;- The sight of k well-drtsse'd man, 0 . where our clothes, w.ere drietl by a from describing in, deta,il the ter6blo' . ina little hot water. Do not cook the trict forest inspector, and Mr..J. A. playing a violin In such a place, and IJ.6U3C-rr.,A1d who T9211y understood the , agony Of the next few days, when the Rainhows in a Flame. candy after the soda has been, added, Wilson, of Ottawa, secretary of the with sach assoclat;iona. attracted the ' busine-13. As fcr,c-ar tackle, we dried hideous tragedy of MyM.'s blindness but pour immodktelly into ,buttered Air Board ofCauada. The trip of 250 passeT%-by, and they stopped. The our own llrws and paggel them Under overcame us all in its naked freshne,ss. The color of a heated object depends ans ,and pull as socn as it is suffi- miles was made in three hours and U10.810 Was to charming that they stood the veraniah, ard rewouni them at i iargely upon the temperatureto which P a"" I cannot bring mi.y.-elf to -,peak of it twenty minutes. There had been a enchanted. The number of coutribu- in the ini,rnirg, ma-ae upr our own even yet. I would at any time give it is subjected. When, for example, oiently cooled. smoke haze, for some days, which had 111. tious,largelylocremed, ,TUey had be. oastr., an -1 generally did everything y I to e My sight, her most a , come so heavy ULM Uhe dog began to for ourselveq without a retinue of , ,poker Is placed in a fire, it Will first . a - �cs - , then a bright Necessities. �__ made detection of fires from the look- atla.-Aarts. Arl themby we er out stations difficult and, the use. of grOwl. It was emptied, and goonfilled 'joyed I c .1%ion. make this Lis a turn. a dull red red, and oanv;ves hugvely. I-r1i P le s, t of fact, an,cl. in. no tin -ally a glaring white. Mary Elle -Vs wide eyes looked tile airplane with its greater range of _ again. The camInny grow until a � I ly at her mother. "Mother, do Argus and Sanly. the two handy- .r.r.Trit of romantic aTT1c9ancP, and If The same principle aDpIles, to a anxious visibility overcame this. No fires I 11 great congregation was gathered. The think I would, rather die than live � flame, the outside of which IS far hot- you think we could afford to have a amen rf the ;-!ave. wou!d carry the again the gnawing agony of those. which Forestry Branch oll3cers did not ii, 11 Performer played one of the national lun--b -bai:lcet tx pull the beats cn the;, days. ter than the inside, and, in conse- .paxtY9 Ethel Macy's cousin, is COMJ_ know of wore discovered, but from the � alro, hand-ei the violln back to Its own - loch or'E�ani ty with +,he g3ff or net— , [gnence, gives offa, brighter light, This ing to see her, and almoSt everyone I , ar.., I I Ic-ol, Myra in my arms and mr. airplane the fires were classifted ac- or, ali-d quickly retired. avi what experts thsy ,_but the. riei her back to the house. Poor child; i difference In temperature is due to the is going to give her a party." cording to,their size and Importance, 6 � Orte ot the company present said: A, rest we d1d for cljl;�*'Veg I , lRy the time, she realized a�lmost immediately that fAct that only the, outer portion. of the Mary E Ilen's mother -kissed the so that SUDDression measures could be � "This Is A ' - Mard Bucher, the world -re. I I was as dumbiounded as she =.5 her-t,flame comess in contact with the oxy- small face. "How -would, it,do for us directed accordingly, in facE so de- 0 ftowned violinist, He did this for I I ­ Iself at the terrible blow which had'gen, Gf tue-air, w1hile the Inner part to have her to lunch inatedd of to a tailed was the observation carried cut I . charIty, let us follow hIs example." . f lvfaten her, end that I had no faith I ha -3 to be content with the small party, dear? We can make little - 'in my empty assurances that it would� by the district forest inspector that And Immediately the hat was passed � r amount of this Inflammable gas which candy dolls dressed like roses -11 Doosn't hurt a b1ti i3rop a IIttI6 I I &3e.n he all right again-, and r -he woull" those Ili the plane could see the fire- "Preezon6" n an aching corn, in- for 9, collection for the old man. Mr. �IiE W-HITE T, LICHT I ,, I . 1, maches it still unconsumed. 110h� yes!" Mary Ellen cried joy4us- fighters clearly and the kind of worlic o Bucher did not givo a penny, but he . bn awe to Sze a,,:� well a5 ever in, on - The heat Is greatest where eombus-' ly. "Do lot's, mothcr. I'm going rtght they were d*tng, stantly that corn stops hurting, then ,floaded the ola man's day with situ. - hour or two, at most, So she at once i tion is fasteit and most complete, and over to tell Ethel."' . shortly you lift it right off with fingers. .. I LB. t bega, V i Persistent peop)l , 0 begin their sue- f,4111110, ,I liar �.to comfort ine! I marvelled a' "IS vol But when the small feet had da-6ed - avery, but �:i3 ma43 me nio,re I it is for L rea, that the outer. Tr.ulyl drugglat sells a tiny bottIq ot ______4_ ntiscrnb!i� than, ever. I felt that 6he I part of a flame is a bright Y�ellGw while away, Mary EllWs mother burled, her 'cess where ,others end in failure, Your 71 I "Preezano" for 0, few cents, SuMciOnt Primitive Church Bells. ., I 19 lit have a sort of premoniti,)n that', the Interior Is a dull blue. face in th,e pillows of the old lounge A boolt printed in 5443 different to, remove every hard corn, soft corn, WIL. would never ,_�n agmin. As w,,. -- and cria, "I knew it was bound to languages has been. vublighed by the No matter how deeply we delve IM . t . I crozzed tho s1ream above the fall X' 'Come 't-onistirno", �sha sabbed. "I or com between the toes, and the ed- to history, we find traee,q of metal in, ' , saw again the Teflected light Zrom "First -Class Slang. I Bible ,Society. luges, without soreness or irrItation, �,trumoata, .which yielded musical P�K�_ 1 Irr-111. . 1,i" +."_� "A 11, h.q �_svcW,t broken down in ell the�e,four � ­ 11 171 I I ,q., , ,� � , I %.� � � ­. ,. � � . I ­ 1111derillan z; winulow, ana 4 par1r,r 8110C thrDugh ma n.9 r rem,nnbere& her � A.. .., . k, 0 an anee.,-try which Is distinguished. It Lard yeara, but to have Mary Ellen if I . , � _ . � - i . I I ' wordq on that very Epot—thal, she a is nothing Ms.-, than the scale ot r t- ashing we rmn aftord th:ngsl And, 1 � I � ­ � m . � . C, AG ' would rather die than lie unable to me her belovea momitains. Ing uQ sed by Lloyd's Itegis,ter of ShJp­' I h&A tr' led so hard nct to let the,chil- dren think about money." - i� , I 1 40 , , t I I clutchelf, lier in my arms, and lield ping. Ilere the higher '01agses of vessels Tim lothor person in the room was � . , I � ,.. . , . .1 1 1 1. . _. , .6 1 . hcw cicTer to me in &ml� de� �pafr. "Am I very heav , Itca, dear 9. " she Plyougive, ara marked 11A-,11 -and tho figure 111!1 letter the iro -f Mary EllWo inryther a elas� ate 4 and fier flearest frknd. She Icaned � , 1 $ � � � t AK. a2ked,p pesimtly. 11 ,ur me yc han3, dear, I ftiel wall,-. I till -II.- I followtug the Shows, that 6to and'efficlent. equipment Is compl, down cud lcizemrl her. 11111m going to . 1 ( IN . I - 11 could oven manage, without it; but, of ,,A 1,11 therofom, Is a Icgleal and des- loame you to cry it ,Gut, Ztlen" She I'll be ba* in half an hour." "*'t " � I I cource, I ahouM ,prefer to bave.your criptive synonyrit for "first -ch -us." A the 611d. of ttmt tiplo,40'retuin- I " � -w&R I 1=6 at =5r. tlme�." Slu� gavo a- tur,al littlo tau T � 9h, whi( 0- The French have a similar expres. r3ion, 106at un homms marque a VXI ' <11, vrith a cup of hot ehoz;Alate� Mary i , P , � 11 11 OW— Dt colved me, alid- again I marvtlled at her pla& I had, linown Myra since ­PHe be man marked with an A," Tlils IS not derivei from the same Vllim�s mother lvolwi nt hor apol�- gr-ti'cally, "I'm 430 ashmr,05,11 Elie suid, I I the was f6utl, arl I %-.1g'ht have ex. petbta that &3 would. ri1w. t her tragle cource ag our own slang Varase, but '�W I*Oil yc'ur villt this _tv4y-" "Spoil it" a smil"' frow the fact that uifteV Coined In no-thirg, ois your con ani -heir 1 t W*uld 151y, I'ta A 0 IrAM NO 0 4kzl.��—=.�.n::� "you're ai� light oi& featho ,r, de,.jr� 0"I"', I rolezlvl, 1160, aq fa? a5 tRatt parts was formorly stamped with an "A." 914 704 go , Youllt feet like a-tother porson. Ana V._-_11_._,__ _� .., 4,11= Mo. 54--11. Hrus, A rather ,varry you at ally time." ­��. Minartre Liniment far Colds, ate. . frow, whib "u take thi3 chocolati% I will take the leetu!�e flatform, In Vae I totes w en strum uy metal waa s .. 'lapper. , q, Aaron, for oxample, Is said to have %orn golden bells upon his Drl�wtly ap- pruel. In the 101ast, where the u,"- ot �arge bella Is supposed to have origin - ,10d, "bolls of justieWl were used long before tho Chrlstian era, btit, owing to the k9ecrevy with which early Christ- laus woro foroad to prattico th(lgt hattli, 0111U%0--"111. ­ , I .,-0 old nut INDrkle Into C101111110A 1180 In L-IuVo�t)a until .. tl1,3 Olyth Or sevouth century, J*hop I'aullous, A�t m:a, in Cam. PAWA, Is said to hase U*eu tbe f1rat to r0i;911190 Me VOW of bells as a6lanal for 6=1110111ug congregailons t1i churell, palillnus, it is atated, Wsi, ht1,1t(>Y64 at 016 &*eusss 04md by hist 0q;n"st1iM1s ft, ,Aot b0bg proxnpL �