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Single Copies - Four Cents
WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1921 Subscriptions: $27.6o per year
I& Successf ul Bazaar 0 .:. fERSONALS -
The Ladies Aid of the Wingharn Meth-
odist Church are to be congratulated be. Tim ADVANOE asks its readers to mak
these culamns their own to the extent of colt
cause of the great success of their bazaar tributing social and personal Item- which at
of Interest. It you have friends visiting you
held in the Council Chamber on Saturday there 1. no lost compliment yo i can pay you
afternoon and evening. Receipts from = than to take the trouble to see tha
all sources amounted to $483. We think p ames are nientioned In your local news
r' Call at oc ulione 'run ADVANCE, On
a""b last, orsend by mail.
tbisisa wonderful record and everyone . or
who attended the supper was well pleased Miss Annie Wilson is home from Tor.
With the good things given them to eat. onto.
Many Christmas presents�'were purchased Mr. A. E. Lloyd is away on a busines,,
-at very reasonable prices. +A + 'r. : A
v v mm ns an Cobalt.
Mrs. E. Aitcheson spent a couple o
days With Goderich relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Richard Mann of Toron-
to, are visiting at his home here.
. Mrs. Archie Forbes of Dublin, is spend-
ing a few days in town with relatives.
Mrs. Franic G. Fair of Ancaster, is vis.
iting with her mother, Mrs. Isabella Pat.
Mr. Jack Maxwell of the College of
Phaimacyp Toronto, is visiting at his
home here.
Mr. Jas. C. Peacock visited with his
sister, Mrs. Isabella Patterson for a few
days last week.
. Mr. Robert James, Mr. George Wilson
and Mr. Andrew Carruthers are jurors at
Goderich this week.
Mr. Will Stewart has returned home
from the West, where he disposed of his
mercantile business.
Mrs. Thos Gregory and her son, Al-
bert. left on Tuesday to spend the winter
in Riverside. California.
Mrs. Baird of Napanee, is at present
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. H_A.
Hunter,"Pleasant Valley.
Dr. Will Rothivell and Miss Ruby
Rothwell visited in Wingbarri ovee'the
week -end. -Listowel Banne1r.
Mr. George C. Patterson of Toronto,
visited over the week. end with his mot her,
Mrs, Isabella Patterson, Francis St.
Mr. J. $ Morgan accompanied Rev. H.
W. Snell to Kitchener last week and visit -
at the home of his son, Mr. Ira, Morgan.
Mrs. Win. Hopper leaves on Monday
for Thessalon, where she will spend the
winter with her nephew, Mr. Milton Hop.
Eddie Rothwell who has been working
at Wingham has returned home and will
spend the winter with his parents in Lis-
Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Bosman, Bluevale
Road, leave this week to spend the winter
with their daughter, Mrs. A, Davidson,
in Vancouver, B. C.
Christrn" Seals
During last week,s Christmas Seal Cam-
Paign the pupils of the Public: Schoo I
succeeded in raising $33 00 for the Mus-
koka Free Hospital.
Grafanolr- Exhibit
On Wedn2sday afternoon last the mem-
bers of the Public School Board and pupils
were treated to a rare entertainment, the
occasion being the visit of Miss Ethel
McKee, with a Grafanola, gave a splendid
demonstration of the uses of the machine
with suitable records. Miss McKee's
method of demo�nstration coupled with her
inimitable manner wag indeed appreciated -
he Grafanola is rapidly becoming an in.
dispensable part of modern school's equip -
merit. We understand Miss McKee an-
ticipates gi6g a Public demonstration
some time in the future.
An Unfair Rumor
A very unfair report has been circulat.
ing referring to Mr. Van Gene, producer
and director of Van Gene's Revue which
is to be �erformed to -night and to -morrow
night, (Wed. and Thurs.) in the Town
Hall, Wingharn, under the auspices of the
vVomen's Institute (Memorial Fund).
ention was made that "a stranger
should riot be allowed to come into Town
and take out a cent". Mr. Van Gene
11aPPen%tobea returned soldier, having
served with the Canadian Infantry in
Prance, and later given his commission
as a Pilot in the Royal Air Force and was
ater pensioned out of the sery1ce having
been wounded and gassed,
Halsey Parks Dies
The remains of the late Halsey Parks
were laid to rest in the Wi ngham cemetery
in Saturday morning. He died in Gode-
ich on Friday morning in his 77th year.
k few years ago Mr. Parks was a well
mown resident of Wingham and con.
lucted a jewelry store in the building now
ccupied by Mr. J. Walton McKibbon.
Je was a former leader of the Methodist
hurch choir'and treasurer of the church, i
'ince leaving Wingliam he has resided in
kmherstburg and Goderich. Rev, Mr.
'ragg conducted the service at the
rave and several business men were pre&-
nt at the funeral.
The late Mr. Parks' daughters, Mrs.
)liver of Windsor, Mrs. Lang of Scotland,
)ntario and a son-in-law Mr. Wenzell of t
Vindsor, were present at the funeral, A
rother Mr, Ezra Parks of Windsor, was
ere also.
Lyceum Thelatre
To -Night -Wednesday
6 reel Comedy Drama
"'So Long Lefty"'
has proved such a decided hit with
our patrons who saW'this side split-
ting comedy dranintic episode of
swapped husbands and wives on
Monday and Tueqday that by spec-
fal arrangement with the producers
we are holding it over for another
day and showing it in conjunction
J. Stuart Blackton's mighty
""Man and His Wo -
featuring Herbert Rawlinson and
May McAvoy.
"Prizma" and "Pathe Re-
as side dishes.
A big double show for the' one
admission -price'
Priceiradults 25c.- children 15c
Startini at 7.30r sharp.
Don't fail to read Lyceum Theatre
ad, on page 8. ,
Methodist C h u rc h
Rev. Chas. 8. Cragg, B. D., Pasto� 4?
4 UJV., ;DFCEM21E It 18
11 a. m. -Morning Worship,
The Rev. Mr. McKibbort of T
Gorrie will preach. T
2.30 P. in. - Sunday School and Y
Bible Classes, T
7 P. M. -The service Sunday even.
ing will be very unique. Women T
will be in charge of entire service, X
a woman's choir, wo -men ushers T
and taking of offering as well as
women speakers. The special
speakerwill be Miss C. Wellwood T
of China Being a Wingham T'
girl, we are sure a large number
will be glad to hear her A spec-
ial feature of service Sunday
evening will be. the men are re.
quested to take seats in the gal -
v,. lery while the women and girls
are asked to sit in the auditorium,
Tuesday, December 20m -The an-
nual Christmas Entertainment will T
be held on Tuesday next. The
programme committee
are arrang-
ingan excellent programme. The f
public are invited.
BATTEPRIES-For winter sto=wet or dry
we have the very best faci for taking
varo of your batteries. Lot us take charge of
them during the win ter.
Phone 84 E. UZURImny & SONS,
Gray DortGarage
C04L FOR SAL& -When you want the best
coal order from MacLean the colbrated D.
L. and W. Scranton Coal. All size6 in stook
and prompt delivery made anywhere In town
week, also a quanIty of feeding molesgeli
forsale. Apply to C, H. GARNISS.
FOR SALffl-Radiant Home Base Butner
with oy . on. Apply to Tnx ADTAXOS.
FOR SALE -Good Far Robe of dark brown
goal; skin. Apply to
Tdaple St.
WOR SALE -White bab tter with top,
� Apply to U2 ADVANOB.
FOR S&LE-Mixed Clover Iloney at 1.25 Pal
and Pare Clover 11qnoy au 12,00 pct
At Trios. KEwls, Wingham or GBo.
OTTLWS. Whitoehurch
FOR SALE-Cuttor and Robe In flrSt 01068;
oondition. App I ly to Tnp ADVANCE,
pOSI!rION WANTED -By youn% 7,IrI of 18,
006Table of looking after e I dren and
genera bons work. Ap%)I;
IrENDERS FOR WOOD-Tonders will be re-
ceived for io cords of Rroan hardwood,
W inches long to be delivered at Wingham
111gh Sohool on or before March l9t. Tenders 0
wid be rec,_,od up till Sat -)rday, -Match 24th.
DUDLMr HOLUes, Secretary.
Notice Is hereby given that 6k law Vra
b 1!
,i&Ased bvthoMnnic(pal Counalt�nttha Col
potation of the Town of Win am bn the 18tk
lar Of November 1921. , ViInK for the Issue
A debentures to, the alnou-' . nt 0900, for the
putpoge of the purelitiso and itiLtallation of a
itearn heating Violet, for the Winglialn High e
30hool, and tim buoh by-law Wits registered
.n the registry offtoo of the County of Huron at
76dorloli on the l2rh day of December 1011.
AuY motion to quagn or set aside the same
)r any, pkrt thereof mun be made within
'bileo months after tile first Publioation of
;his notice, and cannot be Made thereafter.
Datoolabol. tniblish6d this 14th day of Des. b
W. A - GALunkivu, Clerk. h
The Tuxis Boys movement is"only a
The first meeting of the Horticultural
A Kodak is a dandy Xmas. gift, sold at
very few Years of age, but there are al-
Society of Wingham. was held in the Town
McKibbon's Drug Store.
r ready "Tuxis Boys" in nearly every Can-
adian city and town from the Atlantic to
Clerk's office on Thursday eyening, Dec.
8th,1921. Those present were as follows-,
Rev. Dr. Perrie preached in Walton
r the Pacific In fact they are notconfined
W. A. Galbraith, president-, Jas, E. Cove,
a d Moncrieff on Sunday.
to cities and towns, for in many cases
Secretary; Directors, Mrs. J. J. Elliott,
Last call for Personal Greeting
they are to be found in rural communities
Miss S. Davidson, Mrs, Cosens, Mrs.
Christmas Cards. Come in and see our
as well.
Moir, Messrs. R Vanstone, T. King. 0.
samples whether you wish to buy or not,
What are Tuxis Boys?
The derivation of the word ITuxis' !
R. Wallace. Business of a general nature
was discussed
We know several men who "never read
f answers that question for us. We find
A premium committee consi,4ting Of,
Tile ADVANCE" but if we chance to
malce a mistake, it is funny how soon
that each of the five letters in tt.e word
Miss E. Gilchrist, Messrs. Wallace, Gal. they cee it.
has a significant meaning. 'IT" stands
braith and Cove was appointed to maice a
Make this a Footwear
for Training, S" for Service;-, -Train.
list of options from which members could
The annual re -organization of the Wing.
ing for Service". I 1X` in the centre de-
choose l5ierniums and order goods.
liam. Curling Club will be held in the
notes the Greek letter "Chi". the first
The membership fee was set at $100
Firemen's Hall on Friday evening, Dec.
letter in the Greek word Christos, or
with a premium equal to fifty cents to *be
16th at 8 o'clock.
Christ. which indicates that the' program
chosen from the option list.
Mr. Chas. Lepard believes in making
is Christ -centred. The 'U" and 1,1,'
It was decided to order all goods
tax collector Fralick work for his salary.
(You and 1) suggest the social relation.
through the Horticultural Society of St.
He paid his taxes in fifty cent pieces, four
ships. the attitude of brotherliness and
Thomas owing to the fact that all orders
hundred and sixty two in all.
for goods for Spring Deliveiy, should be
Ingersoll Watches for the boys and girls
The "Training " is of a four -fold nature;
placed by Dec. 31st, 1921, The Society
half price at McKibbon's Drug Store.
that is, intellectual. devotional, social and
intends tdbuy direct from growers as soon
The Presbyterian choir assisted by
physical. From this we see the reason
as they can make arrangements for cata-
outside friends are putting on a Sacred
for the term "Square".
logues, Prices, discounts. etc.
Cantata on Thursday, Dec. 29th. Keep
Only buys of from 15 to 18 years of age
The premium committee met in the
this date open and watch for further par -
can become members of a Tuxis Square.
Town Clerk's office on Friday, Dpc, 9th,
The organization is interdenominatlon�
and chose the goods to be listed on the
Be good to your battery this winter.
al, the head -quarters being the National
option list. Option lists are being printed
Read Merkleys' advertisement on 4,
Boys' Work Board situated at Toronto.
showing what goods are offered for prem.
Each square,or group of squares, is, as a
iums and for sale.
A Christmas Entertainment will be held
rule, connected with a church or Y. M.
B!� sure and get your. copy if not through
under the auspices of Eadies Presbyterian
C. A., thouith this is not essential. .
the mail from one of the officers and find
church on Thursday, December 22nd.
Some six weeks ago the boys of the
attached for your. convenience an appli-
An excellent program has been provided.
,Methodist Church, with the assistance of,
cation form to be filled in, also a member-
Admission 25 cents and 10 cents.
Rev. C. E. Cragg,, organized a Tuxis
ship certificate to be signed by one of the
Electric Irons, Percolators, Toasters,
Group consisting of two Squares, with
Premium committee and retained by
etc. make real gifts, at McKibbon's Drug
Dr. -George.Howson, Mr..E. 5, Copeland
members, This option list shows about
and Mr. W H. French as me6tors; Dr,_
fifty niiined Varieties of Gladioli, Roses,
The official election returns will, not be
Howson, being in charge of the phy§ical
ClimbingRoses, Shrubs and Ornamentals,
given out by the Returning Off�er until
'program fcir'both squares. There is a set
Iris, Vines and Dahlias.
Saturday, on that date two of W1ngham'G
of Officers for tRe group as a whole, and
The officers of the' Society. have forty
leading 'citizens will open the box of
square has its own" officers a% well.
catalogues for distribution. Those wish-
guesses at this office and declare the win.
In place of the terms President, Secretary
ing to purchase goods other than those
and Treasurer we hear "Pretors", "Scrip.
listed may do so from the catalogues be-
Don't forget Baby's feet in sel . ecti 9
tor", and "Comptor" respectively. Gor-
fore Dec. 31st, 1921 only.
your Christmas shoes. We have hand -
don Bisbee is the Pretor of the Group and
some styles -W. I Greer.
Stanley Harrison and Wilfred Robins011
hold this office in their respective squares.
Bank of Hamilton Chri tmas Club
�he Women's Institute will hold their
There are two meetings each week, one
Get the habit of saving a little each
regular monthly meeting in the Firemen's
of wbicfi is the regular Sunday Sclfool
week, no matter how small. 'rhe Christ-
Hall, on Thursday, December 22nd. The
session. The other meeting takes place
mas Club at the Bank of Hamilton will
report of the Convention recently held in
on Tuesday evening at 7.30.
enable you to do this, besides gives you a
London will be given by Mrs. J. J. Kerr.
Last week's meeting was postponed
systematic playl which makes the saving
All the ladies invited.
until Friday. on account of the general
of money easy.
Stationery in fancy boxes, at present
election taking place on Tuesday. The
H. S. Literary Meeting
day prices, at McKibbon's Drug Store.
speaker for the occasion was Dr. R. C.
The regular meeting of the Literary
Probably there was no older voter in
Redmond, whose address on the subject
Society was held in the Assembly Hall of
Huron on Tuesday last than Mr. Arthur
of "Health" was much appreciated by all.
Wingharn High School, Dec. 9, 1921, with
Knox, who, if he is spared until the 5th of
Another feature of the meeting was
president D. Perrie in the chair. The
next month, will be 101 Years of ag
Ye. This
that Mr. Copeland was on hand- with a
minutes of the last meeting were read and
old gentleman is enjoying good health
Group yell, which won the hearty endorsa-
and his memory is quite fresh,
tion of the boys.
The following programme was then
Give the boys and girls a Pair of our
There is a younger brother to the Tuxis
rendered: Instrumental duet, B. Murdie
excellent Shoes for Christmas. Nothing
Square known as the "Trail Rangers
and E. Cowden; debate -Resolved that
more sensible -W. J Greer.
camp". Here we find boys from 12 to 114
years of age, A camp of Trail Rangers
immigration from Europe to Canada is
beneficial, affirmative taken by Form 111.
Rev. M. L. Orchard, M. A., B. D., one
has just been organized With Mr. Victor
George Falconer and Frances Bennett,
of bhe most learned and most eloquent
Baptist Ministers in Canada will
Haines Ranger", and they are
holding their midweek meetings, in con-
negative taken by Form II, Dorothy
Snell and Roy Thomas; violin solo, Jessie
next Sunday, morning and evening at the
'junction with the two Tuxis Squares,
Taylor-, reading, Eva Green; guitar solo,
Baptiqt church, Wingham. He has spent
seven years in India and will speak on
They were present for their first meeting
last Friday evening, and turned out In
Edward Forgie; chorus by several of the
boys; reading of the Journal, Editor'Little.
foreign Missions. He is well worth hear.
goodly numbers.
The. boys. and those who have their
Judge's decision by Mr Brackeribilry in
favor of the affirmative. Critic's remark S
39ets. buys one pound of Fresh Choco-
interests at heart, are� looking forward to,
Mr. French, The meeting was closed by
lat 9, at McKibbon's Drug Store
and planning.for a real live program this
singing the National Anthem.
The regular monthly meeting of W.
Try Our Everybodya
M. S. of St. Andrews Church will be held
That it pays to advertise was -thorough-
on Dec. 21st, at three o'clock. Subject,
"The Bible a Book -Making Book in non
The Late Catharine Simmons
ly proven last week when two baby cut-
Christain Lands," by Miss Clow. A full
Miss Catharine Simmons died in Wing-
ters and one cutter and robe were adver-
attendance is requested as this is the last
h,.I:n Hospital on Saturday from an attack
tised for sale in our Everybody's Column.
meeting of the year, There will be an
of typhoid. She was just 21 yearsof age.
Twenty-three people enquired after the
election of Officers.
Her mother and two brothers, Toni and
owners of the baby cutters and nine risea
If you want to delight that boy, see
Teddy' survive. Much sympathy is felt
for the young life, so early cut off.
went to see the gentleman who offered the
cutter and robe for sale. Needless to say
that he gets a pair of our Hockey Boots
all three advertisers have cash for the
and sk Aes for Christmas -W. J. Greer.
King's Majority Increased
articles which they owned last week imd
For a few days last week Rev, F. E,
Owing to delay in receiving the returns
Were of no use to them, It is not fleces-
Clysdale was nursing a very sore finger, 4
from one of the polling sub -divisions, Re.
sary to publish your name in an adyer-
blood poisoning being feared. He had 1
turning Officer McDonagh has decided to
tisement. We will direct - i
pierced the finger with a piece of tin and
postpone the official returns until Satur-
parties to the proper people to buy from,
dirt got into the sore, causing the trouble.
day, Dec. 17t ' h, However we have receiv-
At the Short Course
We are pleased to bear that all danger is 14'
ed the total count of ballots as registered
Miss M M. Gilholme of Bright, con-
now past and the injured member is better
to the member -elect Mr. King, who kind-
cluded her lectures on Dairying, Wed.,
again.-Fordwich Record.
ly passed them on to us for publica*
tion. They gave him an increased
Dec. 14th. To -day Prof. Leach of the
ASnap-ghot Album solves the Xmas. A
problem.-McKibbon's Drug Store. 1.
majority over the one published in last
Ont. Agricultural College, began the
course of lectures on Farm Management.
Last spring Garry Wilson, 3rd line of a
week's issue. His majority is now 1445a
Mr. Riley and Mr. Coke will assist Prof.
Morris, invested in 52 baby chicks of
over Mr. Spotton and 2976 over Mr.
Fraser. The total figures are Fraser 2291,
Leach in this work. These lectures will
Rhode Island Red variety, from pens of
Duncan, Brussels. He
Spotton 3822, King 5267. We don't
be continued until Dec, 23rd, All in-
terested welcome to attend. cockerels
sold 24
that averaged 4 pounds and 3
imagine that there will be a recount in
S. B. Stothers is in Toronto this week ounces
at 14 weeks. The Pulletts at 5
North Huron.
with the nine boys chosen from this county
months and 3 weeks began laying and he
Councils Meet, On The I Sth to
attend the special Educational course is
so well pleased he intends going into the 19,
Wingbam's Town Fathers will practic- in
swine conducted under the auspices of poultry
line stronger than ever. I
ally wind uP their business for the year on the
Canadian Swine Breeders Association,
Our toot comfort Shoes for elderly
the evening of the l6th, inst., when they the
Industrial and Development Council People
would make Christmas gifts that
will receive the treasurer's financial state.
of the Canadian Meat Packers, the Live
would be appreciated -W. J Greer.
ment, We understand that the nominat.
Stock Branch of the D3mInion Dept. of
A Special Service will be held in the
on for Mayor and Reeve will 4a held on
Agriculture and the Ont. Dept. of Agri.
Wingham. Methodist Church on Sunday
Friday, Dec, 23rd. from 10 to 11 o'tlock culture.
Th ' is course covers three days, evening,
December 18th, which will be in
n the morning and the nominations for
Dec. 13, 14 and 15 and consists of demon� charge
of the women of the church. Miss
councillors and school trustees froin 12 to strations
on cured Wiltshim sides, swine
Wellwood, Missionary to China on fur. I
l dclock in the afternoon. The public carcasses,
selecting correct type livd*bogs lough
will give the address of the evening. @a
meeting will be held in the town Hall ox
Lectures on animal diseases and meat in. Special
music by a woman's choir, A 11
Tuesday evening, Dec. 27th,, at 8 O'clock spection.
Judging and grading carcasses cordial
invitation is extended to all.
The township councils will also hol� and
history and working of hog and in,
Rexall Shaving Cream and a Safety 0
heir statuary, meetings on the 15th., of
duotry in Denmark. These courses tire
Razor for 50 cents at MeXibbrn's Drug 41
December, but their nominations will be
put on as the result of the proposed in-
Store. 10,
hold as usual on the last Monday in Dec. tention
to hereafter sell or buy hogs grad-
Cold cash is often the means of express. I I
trriber, which is the 26th,, thi% year.
warmest SYmpathy. Show your 1 ,
WNWER-_rAo :M;, W - J'L St41-0.5 -r
3pr 01-.1 IF DMA -1 IITOTI_r�
Christ-mas Gifts
We have a large variety, and everything maked dowzo�to rock bottom
prices pre war or less in most cases:
Phonograph Records
(Edison and Columbia)
(Edison or Columbia)
Cameras and Xodaks
Snapshot Albums
Ebony Goods
Ivory Gcods
Electrical Goods
Auto Strop Safety Razor
Razors all kinds
Mouth Organs
Musical Instruments
Hot Water Bottles
Bill Folds
Music Rolls
Cloth Brushes
Hair Brushes
We will be pleased to have you Inspect our stock -The best assortment
and beet values we have ever shown� also Greeting Cardsw Xmas Seals,
Ribbons. etc.
sentative to the Toronto Convention.
J. Walton McKibboin
Drugs and Stationery
Edison Phonographs Pholae 53
sympathy with the proprietor of TBE
A- . - 1, 1 71 A 4, 1. U A
I — w o s compe e o wor ar
on each paper sent out, to pay wages
and to pay for the paper. Help him
along by paying your subscription prompt-
ly� If you thinic that newspaper work is
a snpp ask Mayor; Elliott or anyone who
knows the truth about it. Pay your sub-
scriptions promptly.
It wouldn't be Christmas without a
box of good candies and what better ones
fcr the holiday than Olympia, get a good
large box, say five pounds, so that every-
one in the family can have some. Try
our chocolates, They are made of the
best quality, ingredients in large, light,
well ventilated and clean kitchen. After
you have tried our chocolates and bon-!
bons no other make will please you as
well. They are rich and pure -Olympia
Candy Kitchen, Win. Georgas.
Elected By One
Mr. George Spotton and Miss Cather-
ine Taylor were quietly married at five
o'clock on Saturday afternoon, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Robertson'
of St. Thomas. Rev. Mr. McGillivray of'
the St. Thomas Presbyterian Church con- I
ducted the ceremony. Their many Wing-
bam friends will extend congratulations.
There are other things to win besides
Lower Wingham U. F, 0.
The U. F. 0. Club held their annual
Celebrated Golden Wedding
meeting in the Lower Wingham school
Mrs. McGavin, Patrick St., attended
on Friday night, Dec. Oth,, and elected
the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
the following officers.
Cyrus Hallman in Howick, near Clifford, I
President -Benson Cruilmhank.
on Friday, December 9th. About one
Vice Pres. -J. J. Moffatt. '
hundred guests were present and enjoyed
Secretary-Treaq.-G. H. Orvis.
a splendid evening together. The hearty
Directors -Roy Netterfield, Sam But -
old couple were the recipients of a purse
chill, John Kelly, S. Vanstone, Robt..
of gold also an upholstered chair and a
Stapleton and John Pringle.
club bag. Their many friends wic,,h them
Mr. J. J. Moffatt was elected as repre-
many more happy years together.
sentative to the Toronto Convention.
Make this a Footwear
Christmas X
Usefulness, Beauty
and Practicability X
These are qualitie�, that combine to n1ake Foot-
wear the most desirable of all gifts. Give Poot-
wear a-, a Christmas Preseiit to the entire fainily.
Cosy Slippers
Rubber Boots
Club Bags
Suit Cases
School Cases
Strap Slippers
Hockey Boots
FiAt Boots
'The sliz�,,Ath Ahumnum 'lops'
Styles ar-d Prices to ,;uit everyone, Nk) trouble tc
show goods, You're invited. Collie!
W. I GREER'S Shoe, Store