HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-08, Page 811
Our Stock of Christmas Novelties . and Useful Gifts
for every member Of the family is now complete
Rev. Mr, Millson of London, gave a
very interesting address in tile Metho-
dist church, Wednesday evening. He is
eng ge in e vaugellstic. And Social
$,ervice epartment of the church.
Mrs. Smoltzer arrived - home after
spending past few months with her
daughter At Horizon, 9ask.
Mr, Frank Stamper spent a few days
this week with friends -it Brantford.
The Farmers club received and de-
livered a car of $alt this week.
Mr Howard Stewart has returneu
West again after a short visit with re-
latives here.
Mr. Eldon MeXimley relieved the
operator at Palmerston for a few days
this week.
I Miss Cora Hyles of Atwood is visiting
with her sister, H. I Hammond.
Mrs. Ferguson and daughter of Cal-
gary, are at present visiting with the
former's parents at the manse.
Mr. X Taylor, Win. Taylm and James
Barbour attended the Guelph Fair.
John Martin is exhibiting the big steer
at Guelph.
' Th� stork called last week and left a
baby boy at Win, Websterla and George
Mr. and Mrs. Archie PatterF;on of
Whitechurch, visited at John Turner's
on Sunday last.
Mr. C. G. Martin is at present pressing
h y at Mr. William Nixon's at Donny-
brook. I
Mr. and Mrs' Havens visited at Peter
Leaver's on Sunday last.
A few of the i6obs around Fordyce
attended the ball held at Wingham and
all report a good time.
Mr Gust Boyle is at present attending
the Guelph Fair.
Wonderful Attraction at
Opera House,
Wed., Thurs., Dec. 14, 15
Mr. Van Gene, Director
Benefit Women's Institute (Memorial
Fund) with
100 Wingham People 100
ircluding Wingham's Best Talent.
This will be the most spectacular mus-
ical show with wonderful electrical
effects ever produced in
At popular prices 25c to 76c.
Plan opens at McKibbon's Drug Store
Saturday, Dec. 10th.
There are a number of the voung
peopleinthe community, attending the
0. A. C. in Wingbam.
Miss Mabelle Stokes,,who has spent
WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd, at Belgrave the past couple of months at Holyrood,
Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon of Brussels, has rettirned to her home on the ioth. 4
spent it day with Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth . David Breen, returned last Thurs-
last week. d V
ay from a short visit with friends in
Mrs. James Grigg spent a few days in Messrs. Wilfred Murchison and Roy
London. Porter, held a' ball in Witigham last -
Mr. and Mrs D. S. Scott are visiting Wednesday night, The Westfield
with friends in Guelph. Orchestra supplied the music. All re-
WINGHAM, ONT., Phone 166. Mr. arid Mrs. Brandon spent a day port a good time.
Spend your winter months to advantage by taking a course in a superior school'with friends at Wroxeter. Miss Edith Breckenridge, and Mr.
<A Business Education. Thorough courses In Commercial and Shorthand Depart-; We welcome Mr. and Mrs Bruce as Lee Breckenridges, Bluevale, spent Sun.
vnsnts, individual instruction. Graduates assisted to positions. Students -may en- 1 residents of the village, having moved day at Win, Breckenridges.
.v&lanyday. Businessmen employ our graduates. Getthebest. 'in from the farm last week. MissBennett, teacher spent the week.
- Get Our Free journal Mr. Tlenry Brandon spent a few days end at her home in Wingbant.
'D. A. McLachlan, President Thos. R. Foster, Principal with friends in Draytonv The young people of the gill and ioth
Sorry to report Cam Robertson is are busy practising for the Christmas
under the doctor's. care. tree at Eadie's church.
Nurse McCrea arid her mother have We are sorry to report that Mrs. Gil-,
Lucknow Whitethurch gone to spend the winter with friends at more, Sr. is not improving as well as her
'Wellington Henderson, who was report- I The death of James Taylor of Langside, Kingsville. many friends wish for.
<_-A to have bought out the butcher busin- occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Johnston ot London, is Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby s�ent
,---s of R. J. Button, has purchased Peter Geo. Cottle, Calgary, last week. Since spending a few days with her father, J. Saturday at Mr. Win. Ballagh's, ees-
,:L';rat's business and the first deal fell the death of his wife, over a year ago, Ferguson, water,
��7zzntaugb. i Air. Taylor has made his home with his Robert Scott unloaded a car ot West -
The receipts of the Methodist church children. A few weeks ago he suffered ,n oats here on Monday to the farmers. Morris
from a stroke from which be didn't recover,
0-azaar amounted to $244.00. He leaves to mourn him, three daughters, Sorry to report tile death of Mr. S. Mr. and Mrq. M. Champion of Fordyce
A miscellaneous shower was given at Mrs. Fred Thompson, Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Carter, Mr. Carter went -to bed apparent- spent a few days at Mr. John Walmsley's
ly in his usual health on Sunday even- Mrs. James Cleghorn of P8rt Colborne,
�<Ihe home of Mrs. Jos. Agnew in honor of Cottle, Calgary and Mrs. joe Tiffin of Ing and was sleeping when Mrs. Carter
1 -'ter f6end, Miss Annie Blue. Langside and three sons, Albert, Harold spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Will
and Willie of the West. The funeral will arose in the morning, but on going back Abraham.
Mr. Alex. Agar is nursing a sore should- be hold from Tiffin's church on Thursday a short time afterwards found he bad Mrs. J. Hunter is spending a few days
43r, having suffered a painful injury by fall - afternoon. Much sympathy is extended passed away. Mrs. Carter and family at Mr. Win. Robertson's of Belgrave.
have the sympathy of the community.
.zug list Thursdav when everything was to the bereaved family. Mr. Johnny Abraham and Miss Annie
,sUppery with ice. Belgrave branchofEast Huron Women's
Mr. Thos Taylor of Eac;t Wawanosh, 1D McIntosh spent Sundav at Mr. Will Abra.
Mr. Elliott Miller is suffering trom.a. Institute will meet at the home of Mrs,
Look some splendid cattle down to Guelph Procter, Thursday, Dec. 15th. at 2,j6 ham's of Wroxeter.
c-,ather bad case of blood poisoning in his Mr. Will Gray is visiting for a few days
a , o'clock. Program, address by Rev. C.
�.uplo if to exhibit in the Fat Stock Show
rAght hand, which developed
--veeks ago, and appears to be rather hard Miss Fanny Anderson of St. Helens, Jones, report ol Convention, roll �call- at Mr. Jerry Brydges of Betgrave.
r_�o 4eal with. spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ro- worth while sayings and their Atitbors,
bert Purdon. I Christmas reading, Mrs. 1. Coolies, music.
Mr. E. A. Renwick wa.i again operated Miss Elizabeth Wilson of Lucknow, These meetings have been both interest -
c -,:u by Drs. Balfour and Hambly early last, spent tbe. past week at the home of Mr. ing and instructive. Ladio,4 are cordially We brought down the price
"vzek for the removal of pus from the and Mrs, Ben. Naylor. 00 invited to attend and a good attendance of
The operation was successful in We are pleased to report that Mr. Gow- is hoped for.
-gliving relief, but little hope was held out 'ans. our teacher, has decided to teach
:Icr his recovery, However, we are pleas- until June. Methodist Church
cvl to state that his condition is somewhat The W. M. S, of the Methodist church BREAD
L!ietter for the past few days, met at the home of Mrs. B. D. McClenagh- Rev. Chas.'n. Cragg, B. D., Pastor
Mr. D. M. Johnston was in Seatorth on an on Thursday last, Quite a number of .5 UJV., 7)ZCFM2tF,1t 1Z
"Thursday where he purchased a McLaugh- women were present and they quilted a Ligbten your house work It y
Cin chassis for a now motor hearse. quilt and made children's clothing for the buying pastry, you'll find it
Cbarlty Xtna,;. Box, It a. m. -Morning Worship, cheaper than baking at home.
!Vracturtd His Hip Mr. Aldin Purdon returned from his trip I Studies in the Teaching of Christ, Cookies ........... 15r. per doz.
through the West on Thursday last. Subject "Christ's Teachings of
.Mr. Neil Mackenzie of Goderich, father Mr lack Martin took his bigsteerdown Stewardship.,' and 2 doz. for .............. 25c
<�X TAr. John Neil Mackenzie of Ashfield to Guelph Fair this week. 2-30 P- 111, j Sunday School and Fancy Cakes and Pies ...... 200
mA well-known here, fell on the ice in Mrs. Garton and daughter, Maggie, Ible Classes.
la4t: of his home last Thursday and "' visiting with the former's daughter, Full line of C6nfectfonery.
Mrs. Rutledge of Brussels. 7 P. m.-Bvdning Service, Hot Mealg and Luncheons ser.
*actured his hip. Mr, Mackenzie is Mrs. Musgfovo of Wingliam, spLnt a subject, "The Darkest Hour in a
.mitWa a few months of being Otte hurt. few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Voling Man's Life," ved at all hours.
<Ared yftn of age, and the accident to F rank Henry, who we are pleased to roo This is the third of a series of Oysters any style --
%'m is a suious one. He was not alone in POrt, is improving nicely. sermons. The
Vs misbap, An old lady who livts just - Mr. Leonard It.obinson of Meafeird, is Saturday, Dec. zoth-Don't for-
saraft the stritet, on seeing him fall, viniting with his uncle. Mr. Win. Purdon. got the Bazaar in the Council
vftt to his stalstaneb and fell herself, Migg Bertha MacXay of Wingbaml C ambi Rathwell B a k a Shop
15pent Sunday under the parental roof, !r, Sale 3 to 6 o'clock. I
or, Afternoon tea from s to S. Not and Cafe
sustitifth* a broken arm and other in.1 Mt,%Wdckandson,Alox,ofTeeswat Supper from 6 to 8. Next to W. 1. Hilliartfs l3az
juries. Mr. Mackenzie is in hit 100th I ar - I I Ill Aar
e Misiting wit the former's niece, Mrs
Iftr. We'411-by Loggatt.
Thursday, Dec. 8tb 1921
r Just three weeks
from next Sunday.
May we suggest to our customers that t ' hiq buy
early if possible'for several reasons, the essential one
of which is that the selections are nowat their best
and. siocks are unbroken, you* will therefore get
better service.
We question yery much lf.any store in, this section of Western Ont
ario can show you the large variety that, we are showing. this season And
we Invite you to call and havi a-loolt at what we have to offer even if not
prepared to buy at present.
Christmas. Slippers rhake an ap-
propriate gift. Our selection is
good for both ladies andgentlemen
top leather hoots for small
'and large boys are both useful and
appropriate Christmas Gifts.
Leather top rubbers for small or !,4'A
large boys are a much 'appreciated
gift. Thesewemakeat ourplace
business in different heights
9 incheB, 10 inches and 11 inches
Skating boots still hold "Chum" . Shoe
a large place in the affec-
tions of every girl or boy for Girls and
They make an ideal pres-
ent for eithe'r Bn s are the
Phone 129
Skates am a magnificent
gift. We sell the cele-
brated Canadq Cycle
Skate otherwise knowfi
as the Automobile Skate.
acme of per-
fection in
We have this
excellent line
in all sizes.
RA &-tEmP D
Ws fl, W I LL I IS
The Shoe Store Wingham,
Time To Think o I Christmas
Make Appropriate
Men's and Boys' Wear
Ready-fo-�vear at Money
Wornen's and Child-'
Lined or unlined, gloves,
gauntlets and mitts in cape akin,
Saving Prices
ren's Wear
suede or mocha.
Silk dresses, Canton crepe
Women's Underw�ar Sale
Prices 1.25 to 2.50
dresses, fur collared coats, cloth
coats, plush coats, fur coats, fur
Special purchase of travellers'
Neckwear and Scarfs
muffa, fur scarfs and stoles. Get
samples and mill seconds at half
our prices before buying.
He would like a muffler or
necktie, attractive, fine quality ties
Fancy Handkerchief a
Vests and drawers ........... 1.19
in beautiful designs and colors.
Combinations .... ........... 2.89
Prices 90c. to 2.00
Embroidered, lace trimmed
and plain linen handkerchiefs, ex.
Sweater Coats
clusiVe in designs.
Silk and kid gloves, also gaunt..
Coats and V neck pullovers of
Prices l5c. to $1.50
let gloves in all the newest colors.
all wool, In attractive color, com-
Pric33 $1.50 to 4.
b1natlons, with or without collars,
Prices 2.00 to 7.00
Suitable Presents for
Boudoir Caps and Camisoles
Daintily designed caps and
the Home
camisoles, In satin and crepe -de -
Make pleasing gifts, because of
their usefulness, in all linen, plain
Wool Blan'kets
Prices $1.00 to 2.50
hemmed or Initial, I
Down Comforters
Prices 15c. to 75c.
Floor Rugs
Thread silk hose, all wool
cashmere, heather 'and 'silk wool
Table Linens
hose. In all the newest colorings,
hmere. silk. silk and wool
sockF.1,116 plain'sbades and heather
Table Napkins
Priced 75c. to $3.50
mixturep. Prices 50c. to $1.50
Plaid Rugs
Blouses, Underskirts and
Me 's Haberdashery
Cuff links, bar pins, arm hands,
Maderia Linens
Pleasing selections from the
hose suppotters, belts, shirts, un-
Electric Vacuum Clean.
modis of the season In durable
derwear etc., at moderate prices.
materials of silk, satin, crepe -de.
Special Atite of Men's andlBoy's
sults and overcoats,
j aeger Bed Rugs
chine, trictilette etc.
Prices $3,00 to 9.50.
"Get Our Prices Refore
rJuying to' HyG
B. R 0 S
�'K &1 1%