HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-08, Page 7al
1, SuffeTing.
Akg: '- ith
A young woman who announced the
loftiest ambition as a vocalist was
mothers, it your little otxe�, are con -
told that until she had suffered it was
unlikely that her vocal art would im,
matte people suffer pains that could
together with thetir friends and par-:
otipated; If their little, -storatich and,
pross others by its profound emoti&
he avoided by building up the blood; ents, In the Savoy Theatre, kindly
when rheumatism Is associated with leaned by Manager Stroud for the oc-
B y
bowels are outof order-; It they,, cry a
al quality.
She tossed what she had to toss 6f
AS 14 Result of Treating the
Trouhl� Thr'o'u kh the B1�01
great deal and! aro enns and Peevish,
give them a dose of Baby's Own Tab-
her hair (for it was bobbed) and aus�
of the battle of Vinly Ridge by the
Mr. Ed, Hall, Maima-Diou, N. -S., out- Caiiadlans� drawirig from the same a
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cdats a box from' Tile Dr. Williams' that confronts Government efforts to offers advice and treatment *ee of
leto--the Ideal medicine'tor ones.
w,ored. "Indeed? Then I think I'd,
prefer not to become a -reat sin.�nnll �L
The, chief symptom of rft4raitlsm
Calion Scott W9 llaoc�-paare of the
ThoTablets are a gentle but thorough
la %ative and never fall to right the
There is little likelihood thAt- she
pit ii. 14ra most. succossfut treat'llon' 'Cau"lan Expedit . lbilary Fom
is the or,,4 that most quickly yelleypa , visited
minor disorders of childhood. Con- -we read, and learn by Patient's condition being made pub -
i The more
Get a 10 -cent box now.
You're headaelry! You have a bad
taste In your mouth, your eyes burn,
your skin is yellow, your lips parched,
We 13,oy acp%ttg, of Ham
and banishes the pain. Ivf�ay rhou, 11ton. recently
, and addressed about 800 of the lads,
them Mrs, Noble A. Pyr
cerning Lb� i actual experience of the ravages of lie. If the patient is able to Pay his
Beam Seetim, N.S., writos,:—"My bi
Both Himself -and Wife Re.
Many seek to escape, the dispensa-
tion that is life.
matte people suffer pains that could
together with thetir friends and par-:
was terribly constipated but Baby's: venere al diseases, the more we see the own doctor be has no need for further
but in a
stored to Splendid H"
of pain a part. of
They would like to cushion the 1
he avoided by building up the blood; ents, In the Savoy Theatre, kindly
when rheumatism Is associated with leaned by Manager Stroud for the oc-
relentless outside advice, cases where
Own Tablets soon relieved her and I necesEfty of carrying on a acted venereal disease
now think 'them a aplendid medicine -war of person haT contr.
by Taking Tanlac.
silock of every grief find disappoint-
ment with luxury; theywould like to
thin blood It cannot be cormeted until
the blood Is bu . lit up. paston. The speaker recited the story
against thoze great scouroes and has no money to pay for treat-
for little ones." The Tablets are sold. humanity. One of the great obstacles ment, the Provincial Board of Health
"I know Taulac is a spleAdld me4t.
evade it by travel; but it can't be
of the battle of Vinly Ridge by the
Mr. Ed, Hall, Maima-Diou, N. -S., out- Caiiadlans� drawirig from the same a
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cdats a box from' Tile Dr. Williams' that confronts Government efforts to offers advice and treatment *ee of
clue, for It has fixed me up in coat
fered from rheumatism for yea.", but inoral for bb". present, His ad-
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. combat and control venereal diseases charge, All the patient has to do is to
shape la only a few weoks�" said Jobu
No matter what our status in life,
wtLs more fortunate than many *tc- dress was appreciated by all, and the
effectively, is lack of knowledge of -apply ta the local Medical Officer of
Ahern, I Boultbee Ave., Toronto, Out,
we must take our share of the crosses
tims of the disease for lie found. a boys were especially glad 'that they
their seriousness or of their after Health who will arrange for treat-
Kelly's Quandary. by
an employee of the Win. Davies Co,
and afflictions.
reme4y,tivit so built up his entire sys- had the afterwards of
effects, which may lead to chronie ill- ment to be carried out either a
drug stores.
Suffering is good for the spirit. It
teni that he 15 now e from rlieu. ba.gortuility
shak ng with the soldier -poet.
Kelly was oil his way home from ' health, paralysis, insanity and pre- qualified physician, or at a clinic con-
Some years ago 6tomach trouble
is the great teacher. It discovers to
matism. mr, Hall says: I wa4 taken His vloa will long be remembered by
fishing trip down by the bell buoy. mature death. in its efforts to carry ducted under the supervision of thol
"An' he
came on me and I got In a general rus,
down I to I felt
us our own natures. We find the un-
down with rheumatism, and at times -tile Hamilton It was very
ivery wan of us," said, wind- on the campaign against venereal dis- Board, Tbe treatment is carried out
condition, got where
susp"ted pitfalls, the unknown struc-
was under the treatment of several 9t grixtitking to hoggr.from, Canon Scott's
Ing up his story of the day's work, ease in this province, the Provincial with the utmost secrecy and the name
tired all day long, tired wben I went
tural flaws in character.
the best doctors In Cape Breton, but lips, the story of the good turn reader-
" wint away wid fifteen fcdne fish on Board of Health has two principal of the patient is not divulged. The
to bed and Just as tired when, I got up,
I had like brezL.
It is hardest of all to suffer by
thiay held out no hope for my re- ed to., hb4i, by -due of Hamlltoa!s own
his. string." aims,in view. One is to locate the whole aim of the Division of Vert�
a persistent cough
proxy. For ourselves We feel that we
covory fg9m this trouble. Lwas con. Boy 8c, I gqtg. Lloyd Bloom, of the lat
b. did you! catch In
"How many fis sufferer as quickly as possible, and ereal Diseases is to cure the disease
chitts, that ke,pt me awake much of
could endure almost anything; but the
filled to bed for three years and. a h6;p. (St, Mark',%) 7-Wop. On the platform
all?" asked some one. the other is to get treatment started and prevent its transmission to others,
the night, Bly stomach was so dis.
vicarious pain when Nye stand by and
less cripple from the trouble. I Could with the speaker were the oflicers and
"Sixty," said Kelly. There were by a competent physician at the earl- With this end in view, treatment is
ordered my appetite waa almost ell -
ace another in anguish that we tong
not Move,, and had to be -turned In executive Wembem of the local coun-
four of us.." test opportunity. There is a great continued regularly and methodically
tirely gone and all tho food I ate. gave
to relieve is the acutest form of hu-
sheets, My,-Jegs and finge.ra were
ell, and, other Scout enthusiasts In
"Who were they?" tendency among people who,have con- until all traces of the disease -have
me Indigestion. I had severe pains fit
=n inisery.
drawn out of sliape., and sores devol.
Hamilton. Col. Win. Hendrie who Ia
"Well I was wan, an' the two Cal- tracted either syphilis or gonorrhoea been entirely removed.
the pit of the stomach, and could hard -
The one who wins a general afKee-
oped on my body as tile result of �ny . .
troduced the speaker, and J., k. Calitil.
lalians was two, and Casey was three,
to keep quiet about it, and to try The tragedy of this scourge is that
ly stoop over, the distress was so ba
tion and,admiration is the one who in
long confinement In bed. I was in this SQU" *bo was one ofthe oriKinal Scout
and—Sullivan, he was ftwee—and— secret remedies in the hope of get- the patient may honestly think he is
I was badly constipated and Would
all the woe and sorrow that life brings
serious condition when a friend a&
workers In Hamilton, presided.
and—I'm sure there were four od! us. ..
ting cured without relatives or cured, and yet be still harboring the
get dizzy If I stooped over suddenly.
leeps smiling, and radiant of comfort
vised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink 0
But who was the -other follow?" friends knowing of their condition, germ and transmitting it to others.
At times my head hurt so bad It seem.
-and of cheer.
Pills and I began taking them. The "Go home and be a Boy Scout," said
I KPUy began again. They dread the moral approbrium Later on the definite symptoms of
ed that it would split open, and ngjg,
The serenity we extol in a strong
first benefit I felt from the pills was major Brunton In the York County
an Improved appetite, an I d thou I be.
"Try it this way" he said. Sulli- that they think they would be sub- ./aralysis, softening of the brain, etc.,
van was wait, and the two Callahans that the caso
In." would do me any good.
My wife commenced taking Tanlac
charaeter is. the serenity of one who
las emerged from a tribulation
police court one morning recently, to
gan to feel stronger, and was finally
jected to if it became known that they May appear, showing
was two, and I was three, and--amd— had venereal disease. To is hopeless and that the infection has
and It helped her so much that I de.
;and has lost neither bw)e nor faith.
a lad of thirteen who had been chargdd
able to get out of bed and go about with acting* disorderly outside a Boy
I'm blest If I can think who was the try and overcome this false feeling been carrying on its dread work
ctded to try It myself. All my trou.
bles are in the past now and I feet
We think we see. one' who came by
Way to this happy condi-
on crutches. I continued taking the Scout tent- One -of the Scouts, who
Pills for months, slowly but surely
other wan." of security by the use of quack rem- throUgh all the Intervening years.
Then Kelly laid down his string of edles, is of the work of the One can thus readily see how essen-
fine. My appetite Is splendid and X
.a peaceful
tion -of equable contentment; there is
was In the tent at the time, said that
getting new streneth, alid.finally I was the lltd had used bad language. What
fish and began counting off the mem- Provincial Board of Health. The tial, it is for the patient to put him-
can eat anything I want without a bit
'peace in the light of his countenance.
able to I -ay the crutches asIdo, I will
a noble sentence! We are proud to
bers-of the fishing party on his dison-
Board through the Division of Ven- self immediately under t1le care . of a
of trouble. I sleep ITe a log at night
and get up in the morning feeling
But It is the peace that has come
alwuys be lame, as the result of my think that we are thus thought of as
long stay In bed my left leg has
gaged hand. ereal Diseases has perfected plans to competent physician, whether private-
"I was wan," he said, doubling up a
strong and full of "pep" and ready for
,,only after a hard battle. It has come
.'Ithrollg7h. toil and
an organization which can safely and
shortened somewhat, but otherwise I
boy delinquency
carry on the treatment w1thout the or at a clinic.
finger as he went along "and the two
a hard day's work. I ean�t say any.
. peril, pain."
Those who have power on other
effectively cope with
am feeling fine and able tG do my work and we hope that In a very short time
Fishery Overseer. I that
Callabans was two, and Sullivan was Viscount Grey's recovery was perman-
three—" Viscount Grey's Eyes Re-
thing too good for Tanlac."
Tanlac is sold by leadiug druggists
lives are those who struggled and
,came through. They not exultant
as may add
when the rSeumatism. came on I every true citizen In Canada will be of
Major Brunton.
"But the two Callahans were three," eat, adding: "His recovery Is not due
stored by Nature. to me, but to nature."
everywhere. Adv.
'because they have dropped anchor in
one mind with
weighed 140 pounds, and when I be- I *
some one suggested, Viscount Grey, to the asten1shmont .... 4. -
Happy men work; the happiest
!some quiet; haven after a long, hard
g, going about on crutches I only Boy Scouting Is essentially a charac
"Do you know the two CallahansTI of his friends Is now walking jauntily Minard's Liniment Used by Veterinaries
work toward some definite achievc�-
voyage. They dare not think they are
weighed 67 pounds-, and now I am at
ter training programme with all that
asked Kelly, warmly,
.1 1 to see his oculist as often as is neces-
No.' hundreds
-free from storms and -the perils of
forevermore. But if they
normal weight. There are many here this It does not supplant, but
who know and can vouch for the truth
the home, the the
sary and without glasses of any kind, Jaffa has of orange
"Well, then, how can you say the
London despatch. It be re. groves. The export Gf this fruit for
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
liave brought to land any who might
aids church and
of these statements." school in their wo.rk. It utilizes boy-
says a will
two Callahans was three? Go on, called that Viscount Grey's eyes failed the last few years have averaged 80,-
Classihed Adverusement3.
kave been lost without them, they are
You can get these pills through any hood energies,, by directing them into
dealer in medicine, or by mail, post
man! some time ago and that when he was 000 boxes per aummi.
Kelly stood thinking it over for a
'reasonably glad.
To suffer is to establish one's right
useful channels of work and play. it
paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 'tins is
tr, th in to start life's career with
In Washington he consulted eye spe- Mother, Quick! Give
minute, and, then picked up his string clallsts and finally obtained some re -
f Its It.
'to belp others who have found it hard
"'50 from The Dr. Williams' Medl- a �alan-ced idea of their duty to their
clue Co., Brockville, Oat.
lief when an abscess at the root of California Fig Syrup
"I'm blest," he said, wagging his
condition, with a large number of
Music rolls, for sale at a bargain.
'to live. The only sympathy worth
God, their fellows and to themselves.
one of his teeth was removed. For Child's Bowels
head, "it the rascals didn't do Me out
L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street
'while comes from those who have
Full In -formation regarding Scouting
of—three is in sixty twenty times— Soon after Viscount Grey resigned
qualified to give it by passing the cru-
From the Late War. and the formation of local Scout
out of five fishes!" as British SecretaTy of State for For- Even a sick child loves the "fruity"
�cial examination in life's uneasy
Tommy—"Say, Bill, ,vho supplies Troops may be had -upon application to
this 'ere beef, the Army Service Corps theField Department, Boy Scouts As-
esign Affairs his. eyes became so bad taste of "California Fig Syrup." It the
that he learned braillie and read H. little tongue is coated or it your child
school of experience.
Cascarets To -Night
__ __ 6 —
Hammering Out Gold Leaf.
or the Veterinary Corps?" sociation, Dloor and Sherbourne Sts.,
Bill---j'I dunno, but it it Is the Army Toronto, Ontario.
G. Wells's of History" by 1, listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
For Liver, Bowels, that system. The man who is respons- or has colic, a teaspoonful will never
beltinz, pulleys, saNvs, cable,hose,packing.
etc,, shipped subject toapproval at lovvest
Gold-leat is very ancient. It was
Veterinary Carps, they might take the 0
ible for the cure of the Viscollut's eyes
if Bilious, Headachy fall to open the bowels. In a few
prices In Cana(14L YORK BELTING CO..
1, � — � �fp 1—f—'. 'fl- .—I If - " rpl, -,. I +I-- I +1,.
is neither a certified oculist, a doctor __ -- can see for vourself how
used in ancient times to cover the
statues 6of gods and for other ol,na-
blental purposos. It was then made
by hand, It is produced by the same
Ineans to -day, no machine having yet
next time,"
Scientists Cross Fish Breeds.
Scientists have succeeded. in cross-
-,vorld worth speaking of. They be-
long to Great Britain, the United
States,and Japan in the order named.
The smallest of these navies is large
Get a 10 -cent box now.
You're headaelry! You have a bad
taste In your mouth, your eyes burn,
your skin is yellow, your lips parched,
or a suirgeon, but a Scientist who Uses
ellectricity in his treatment. I -16 said
thoroughly it works all the constipa-
tion poison, sour bile at,d waste from
the tender, little bowels and gives you
a well, playful child again.
fected would have brought. the lines
been Invented that will do the work
Ing herrings with white fish, the result
being a fish as well flavored as the
en-ouih to defeat the combined navies
of the world, if the other two stood
No wonder you feel me -an. Your sys.
tein is full of bile not properly passed
Pains After Eating
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know w tea"
Tile gold used for the purpose is 22
herring, 6ut with fewer bones,
off, and what you need Is a cleaning up
Today thousandsare afraid to eat
ild t
spoonful lo -day saves a 61,k ch o,1
'karats fine—pure go -ill being 24 karats.
only 35 cents a bottle.
Is DrLIY the beginning. Devcribing the
1)roeesz, tile Popular Science Monthly
in -side. Don't continue be -Ing a bilious
b'ecause of the pains that follow
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu -
-1 73 I_ 0 T2-
in Sentember was sufficient to enable
Melted in a crucible, it is molded into
nuisance to yourself and those who
even a light meal of good and
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
an in -got which- is rolled between steel
Is formed two
Nation ai ays ospeCLS
the much better showing made in
iove you, and doirt; resort. to haxsh
physics that 1rritate and injure. Re.
wholesome food. fdother Seigel's
directions for baknes and children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mother!
fected would have brought. the lines
rollers until a ribbon
Inches wide, twenty-five feet long, and
There are now 3,200 pieces. The
that lnontb.
member that most disorders of the
Syrup, taken after meals, has
You must say "California" or you may
"Danderine" c o a t a
1-800 of an inch thick, This, however,
The Improved financial showing of
A feature of the situation, which
stomacb, liver and bowels are gone by
helped tens of thouaand3 to enj -y
get an Imitation flg Syrup.
only 35 cents a bottle.
Is DrLIY the beginning. Devcribing the
1)roeesz, tile Popular Science Monthly
the Canadian National Railways for
the Month, of August and September
has favorable
Constituted a great difficulty encount-
ered by the management in their ell-
morning With gentle, thorough Cas-
carets—they work while you sleep A
their food, and put an end to t he
pains and miseries of indigestion.
One application ends
all dandruff, stops Itch-
Ing and falling hair,
says that the above-mentioned ribbon
received general and
in the Press throughout the
deavars to wipe out the deficit, Is gra-
10 -cent box will keep your liver
Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at
as It he were riding a bicycle," he ex-
a,,,,L Ill a few moments,
is cut into 200 pieces of equal size,
country. It will be of interest to the
phically displayed by the chart, which
shows that gross earnings dropped
bowels clean; stomach sweet, and
your head clear for months. Children
drug stores.
you have doubled the
eA& one of which is placed between
to see in graphic manner the
February; that mouth's is
bad at times that I
beauty of your hair. It
two layers of vellum and pquilded
+U1 A — —.,1- ,4—. f1k. I-
after gross
love to take Cascarets too because
asked the officer.
(eotifident aj� LS-rm Mac,; Th�iaoletteft
I oi;lle� ]�(2 * *
will bo rwd answered by a
will —near a mamas
with a twenty -six -pound hamnier.
When the pieces, have been pounded
out to the size of five and a halt inches
spuare, each of then! is out into four,
making 800 pieew, These are pound-
ed with a lighter hammer, between
layers of ox intestine until they mea-
sure five and a halt inches square.
Alrain each of them Is cut into four,
Mon y U V
ginning of the year.
The accompanying chart shows that
operating expenses, as Indicated by
the upper line on the chart, were
brought down, month by month, and
that they Ilrew gradually towtardW"a
meeting with the lower lin ' e, which In-
dicates the gross earnings. In August
usually Lue lowest n any year, a ,
commencing with March, gross earn-
ings invariably improve; but during
the present year a new condition pre-
vailed; the earnings In the months of
April, May and June were lower than
those In the months of January and
February. This slump In business. was
general, and affected all lines. it the
ey never gripe or sicken.
— 0
Get It Done!
It isn?t the Job we Intended to do,
Or the labor we've just begun
Thut puts us right on the balance,
It's the work we have really done.
the lines met and crossed, sht Ing a usual trend of earnings had been ful- ir ! ! I .— + +.H f+ � A�Utl
FOR forty years Sloan's Liniment
has been the quickest relief for soft lustrous, and easy
to do up. But wh�iat will
neuralgia, 6ciatica and rheuma-
tism tired muscles, fame backs, sprains please you most will be
and strains, aches and pains. after a few veeks' uswe
Kee Sloan'shandy and apply freely, when vou see new hair
wwwuf rubUng, at the first twinge. —fine and downy at first—yes—but
It cases and brings comfort surely really new hair growing all over the
and readily. You'll find it clean and scalp. "Dauderille" is to the hir
non -skin -staining. I what fresh showers of ralu and sun.
and they are pounded out. to Lite same
small margin to the, good for that
lowed, the operating economies ef-
Our credit Is built upon Ings we do,
size again.
month. In September, the widening
fected would have brought. the lines
Our debit on things we shirk;
There are now 3,200 pieces. The
9, ap between. the lines Indicates net
together af an earlier date.
The man who totals the biggest plus
middle part of each, three and three-
eirnings of more than half a million
The chart also shows that the great-
man who camp his work.
Is the letes
eighths inches square, Is cut out and
dollars. The, trend of the "sweeps" or
e'r reductions Ill oper . ating expenses -
inaking buttons, but they aro also used
In the manufacture of pokor clillu, um.
blown smooth with the breath upon a
"curves," as thei are.sometimes terkn�
were obtained prior to July; this
Good Intentions do not pay bills;
small sheet of paper. Thealleets are
ed, predict a much bettefshowing in
should dispose of the view that the re-
IVs easy enough to plan.
made, up Into a book, with. the gold
duciton in. expenses was largely
To wish is the play of an office boy;
lea, 5 � W, - I
s,bape the product, comes to market.
Sometimes alloys are added to the
gold to give it color. So thin Is It tha�
400,000 leaves represent only an Inch
in thickness.
Vegetable Ivory.
All the world nowadays.is fastening
its clothing with buttons of vegetable
Ivory, derived from "ivory nuts,"
which are the' aceds of' a species of
palm that grows wild. over vast re-
gion -s in the tropical IaLtitudes of South
The tree bears p�ds_ the size of a
man's head, each of which contains
from six to nine egg-sfiaped nuts of
the bigness of small potatoes. When
the pods are ripe, the nuts'drop out
au.d�aro picked up from the ground.
Ecuador and,Qolombla export im-
knenso qaartittles of these nuts, which
(tro gathered by the, natives and
Sloan N n ment L�.
Ask your neighbor.
b 1'�. ft� .
to the roots, Invig-orates and strength -
At a g - ts--3 , 701-, $1.40.
ens them. This delightful, stimulating
AMM : Made in Cana
tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to
grow long, thick, heavy and Itivuriant.
that a continuation of these measuret,
on sale In five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
This Letter Tells How It May
feel as if it has savea my 1M. Yoa
way use My letter to help other
�rought down the rivers to the coast
in cances, When dried their Interior
substance closely reseinbles ivory,
being white, fine-grained and extreme.
ever say 1-�p 1 11 wl VU —y 6
WARNING! Uliless you see naine 11B,
ayer" on tablets,
you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?,
Dominion Express Money Orders are
�y bard, It takes a hIgth Polish and
may be dyed In any color.
that a continuation of these measuret,
on sale In five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
This Letter Tells How It May
feel as if it has savea my 1M. Yoa
way use My letter to help other
with the usual increase$ In volume of
trafflo, would bring the Itnes, together,
Easy Exercise.
women as I amt glid to recommend th-0
inaking buttons, but they aro also used
In the manufacture of pokor clillu, um.
and that with tho seasonal crop move-
An officer on boaird ship was drilling
medleiue�"—MRs, 11. A. 6001MMI, 14
Vvocl;valo Ave., Toronto.
his men.
mo nt they should orms. It wa., hard-
ly ie:iiiectod and the mouth of August
The improvement lit the relative poti.
tion of the National lines has been ac.
"I went every mam to lie on his back,
put his legs.in the air and move them
Toro to Out —' I have suffered zinco
I was a sebool jirl With pain in my left
would show net earnings., but redue.
as It he were riding a bicycle," he ex-
sideandwith crampa,
gTow:ng worse each
restoravloa to he'llth, by ta1bu tydj%
Pinkham's Vomtable Compouu&
pladned. commence."
After a short time one of thIi men
ye ar until I was all
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
bNsa who need — eelal advice may
rundown. 1%wiswo
p1los, coupled
bad at times that I
Write to B. Pil hfi�diciuo N.
"Why have you stopped, Murphy?"
of wages, and the Iucroaoo In grosa
earnings, were factors which, com.
v as unfit for -work.
Lurnbnglo, No-Amigia, or any otlor piln,
apply MinArd's Mininiont to the achinf,,
asked the officer.
(eotifident aj� LS-rm Mac,; Th�iaoletteft
I oi;lle� ]�(2 * *
will bo rwd answered by a
I tried soveral doc-
b Iftkid, enabled the inallagoment. to
"If ye pleaso, sir," was the answer,
t and got quick irellot. Alinard'a iq
relnedy your, giAndinother use(l.
tors and patent
woman &Ad hefd ku otrict confid,,,oe,�.
"I was coasting,"
4t,d(l pr4perty damago of $1,000,000,000,
aied cines, but wa%
7 only relieved for ii
Most middle-aged Loa.onors are
slightly deaf, due, it is said, to the
innt.ufaeturo, to Rasiat the public againatirrittattan2, tho Tableta of
w1a bo etatulKd with thor aeutral trade ww"t, tuo "13&Fer croo.
-1 ort time. somo
of tho doctors
4 wanted to perforin
continuous roar of traffic.
it Imn At, )p
an operation, but
�rought down the rivers to the coast
in cances, When dried their Interior
substance closely reseinbles ivory,
being white, fine-grained and extreme.
Those who were in close touch with
the situation, and who know what was
being done to bring about operating
economies, could see well in advance
brought about by the readjust ment of
wages, effective July 16tli:'
The Canadian National Railways,
earlier lit the year, Inforraed tho� poo�
Twelve letters comprise the Ha-
wailan alphabet.
ever say 1-�p 1 11 wl VU —y 6
WARNING! Uliless you see naine 11B,
ayer" on tablets,
you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?,
ther je F billI37 31 learncil
hro li 11 In r of Lydia E. 11inho
a Is (Ita mpound, and how
hank a t I tried It. I am
relieved from paill, npd cramps, an(
�y bard, It takes a hIgth Polish and
may be dyed In any color.
that a continuation of these measuret,
pie of Canada, by a series of franli, ex-
Accep t only all "unbroken package" of "Bayer 'Tablets of
feel as if it has savea my 1M. Yoa
way use My letter to help other
. Ivory nuts are mostly utIliz6d for
with the usual increase$ In volume of
trafflo, would bring the Itnes, together,
plicit articles In tile public press, of
some of its Problems, and, In particu-
A tions and dose worked out by
spirin," which contains direc
women as I amt glid to recommend th-0
inaking buttons, but they aro also used
In the manufacture of pokor clillu, um.
and that with tho seasonal crop move-
lar, of the pressing need ot more traffin.
pllysiclans duritig 21 years and proved safe by millions for
medleiue�"—MRs, 11. A. 6001MMI, 14
Vvocl;valo Ave., Toronto.
DMIA liandles, drawer knobs and 4
mo nt they should orms. It wa., hard-
ly ie:iiiectod and the mouth of August
The improvement lit the relative poti.
tion of the National lines has been ac.
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Thbso who are, troubloa Ps Mrs.
Good msn wav ohould Imkiodiatel seek
jfr6tiI variety of fancy articlea.
would show net earnings., but redue.
complished, not only by the reftetions
algia Neuritis
Toothache Neur,
restoravloa to he'llth, by ta1bu tydj%
Pinkham's Vomtable Compouu&
There are about 40,000 different
dons In the costs of inatortals and SUD-
with Wo readjustment
of operating costs, but also through the
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
bNsa who need — eelal advice may
jurnames in England; and, Wales.
p1los, coupled
,o -operation of the public that realized
Write to B. Pil hfi�diciuo N.
Un t d
Motor ears in the -e Stat"
of wages, and the Iucroaoo In grosa
earnings, were factors which, com.
- the truth of the statementa made 011,
Lurnbnglo, No-Amigia, or any otlor piln,
apply MinArd's Mininiont to the achinf,,
]Tandy tin bo:zO of 12 t1blefs—Bottles of 24 and 106—All DruggiW-
(eotifident aj� LS-rm Mac,; Th�iaoletteft
I oi;lle� ]�(2 * *
will bo rwd answered by a
onsi5lo for ,
were resp It 2,0 10 dtatligy
b Iftkid, enabled the inallagoment. to
the Na tional Railwayt behalf, and who
hav-e Met t1w situation In a Practical
t and got quick irellot. Alinard'a iq
relnedy your, giAndinother use(l.
AsOrIn is the trnAo fn0k reultiored In Canad 0 of Ttavor manufacture of mon6-
avtfcaeldostev- of saR-ylkacia. wh Ile It 18 tvoll Italown thM Atplriv( racaus bayer
XlftYer C0111140
woman &Ad hefd ku otrict confid,,,oe,�.
4t,d(l pr4perty damago of $1,000,000,000,
pr0d -.o a small balaneo on th'a right
for August, The or -61) Movement
There Is nothing to equM it,
F Olt 841,1,11 'EvnRYWIXEMU.
innt.ufaeturo, to Rasiat the public againatirrittattan2, tho Tableta of
w1a bo etatulKd with thor aeutral trade ww"t, tuo "13&Fer croo.
V., 1921ri