HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-08, Page 5q �)k lt� Thursday, Dec 8th, 1921 APPROPRIATE We are showing a THE WINGHAM ADVANCE On Friday evening of this week the Youriv People at the Presbyterian church intend holding a concert. Mr. Roland Henders,3P will give an address on "Fly. ing," as Mr. Henderson was in the Flying Corps for some time. His address will certainly be very lo4eresting as also the vocal and instrumental music, recitations and dialogues. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Prince and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Vanner of Wingbarn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Corneluls on Sunday. The U. F. 0. intend I 10"'ag social in the Forester's Hall a. Thu�r,dlbox December 1 5tb. Fur Sa!e PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Special prices on Mens Fur Coats, Buf falo Robes, Mackinaws, and Sheep Lined Smocks this vvee% only, King Bros. Blyth Wonderful* Range- of Goods Suitable E Mr, E. MerKley Of wing -jam, was in ,," 'an busineFs Friday. Very Attractive Prices. 0 At the last meeting of the quarterly board of the Methodist Church the vote on women and the ministry was taken. for Christmas Presents at ..00 = HAJV2)X_Z'RCH1ZFS You will find In our handkerchief display many ex- clusive patterns and designs a full assorted stock to se. lect from 10c to $1.50. HOSIZIRY All Wool Cashmere Heather and pure silk Hose in ZZ all the latest shades at reasonable prices 75c to $2.00. .ZZO GLOVES French Kid, Silk, Chamolsette and Gauntlets, Gloves, newest colors at special prices. CAjV11SO.LESAN2) 33OU2)1O1t C.APS New and dainty deeignp in Cape and Camisoles in Silk, Satin and Crepes. sin es gns, ace, nets an. marquisettes, 33LO USES 33 OVS 0 Always an acceptable gift, our range is complete, —.6 the season's latest styles and colorings. All widths of fancy ribbons for fancy work, bage, Morris w4le tc. 0— Joe and Mrs. Shaw, 3rd. line, who were Ties, Fancy Collars. Umbrellas, Belts and Girdles, f- aw�y on a trip to the Pacific Coast, have Scarfs and Yarns. House Dresses, Dress Goods, Silks. Lress lengths. 41- 0— arrived home. They enjoyed their stay 5— and met many old friends. 411— S,ils, Overcoats, Underwear, Shirts, Gloves Miss May Little is back from a visit of Men's Department six months to the West. She visited re. Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps, Gloves,- Neck- latives and friends at Saskatoon, Arcola, wear,'H and kerchiefs, Socks, Belts, and everything that a man wears and wants. Kisb�, Carlyle and other points and had an enjoyable time. 411� House Furnishings, Blankets, Comforters, Floor Rugs, Etc. 411— The Sunday School of Ebenezer church (Browntown) intend holding their annual 5-- Christmas Tree and entertainment en 86'_— Wednesday evening. Dec. 21st An ex- cellent program is being prepared. Miss Mary McKellar, Cromarty. under- went an operation for her eyes in the Strat- MILLS ford Hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Our Goods are the Best— Our PricoaRight. Terms, Cash. Produce Wante� The lady is improving as well as can be expected e Miss McKellar was tb teach- er in the Miller School, 5tl3.'Iine, Morris, and he,- many friends here wish her well. East Wawanosh Council Belgrave Mr, and Mrs. George Cattle and daugh- ter of Calgary, are. expected at Mr. The W. M. S. of Knox Church, Bet. Cottle's home here on Wednesday Mrs. Minutes of Council meeting held on Nov. grave, held their annual meeting Thurs- Cottle is home to attend the funerai of her 21st, all the members present, minutes of Books day, Dec, Ist. at half past two in the father, Mr. Jz�mes Taylor formerly of last meeting were read and confirmed. We have the latest fiction in school room of the church. The Society Langside. The following accounts were paid: feeling the great loss of their president, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce Melvin Taylor, widening road Cons. 6 and copyright and reprint editions; �lso the late Mrs. Win. Wightman. who has are in Gnelph this week attending the, Fat 7 $42 50; D. Cook, widening road Cons. books for the boys and girls. been a valuable missionary worker. We i 6 and 7 45.00, work on grader, P.00; B. , Stock Show. extend our deepest sympathy to husband I Mr. and Mrs Dawson and daughter, Jackson, gravel 88.35; R. Wightman, Xmas Stationery dnd family. After the usual business the gravel 27.75; J. Gibson, gravel 5.55; C. new officers for the coming year were Eva of London, England, are visiting at King, gravel 6 75; L. H. Bosman, tile and Our stock of Xmas papetries is, appointed as follows: Honorary Pres the manse with Rev. and Mrs, Scobie- drawing same 63.60; Jenkins & Bradnock, the largest and best assorted, rW9- Mrs. Ceasar; Pres., Mro. (Pev.) Jones, Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. Clark of Hen rep. Toll drain 207,70; Jenkins &Brad - Sall, spent last week with Mrs. Clark'; nock, %alance contract Sturdy drain ing In price's from 25c to $5. Ist, Vice Pres., Mrs. R. M. Munro; 2nd, 'i daughter, Mrs. John Mason. 940,00; Geo. Sturdy inspecting contract Vice Pres., Mrs. W. J. Geddes; Secretary, on Sturdy drain 20.00; Geo, Caldwell in - Xmas GreetIng Mr.S. Jim TAyior; Asst. Sec., Mrs. 39s. 1dr. George Thdmpson of Godericho Millor; Treas., Mrs. P. Scaudrett; A,,t. visited with his son, Mr. Fred Thompson specting gravelling, contract Cons. 2 and Cards . , I a, the village, last week 8 15.00, Fred Toll, tile and work on Toll Treas., Mrs. Win. Geddes; Messenger drain 35.70; Fred Toll repairing open The finest'belection we have ever See., Mrs. R. M. Munro; Home Helpers ditch, Toll drain 4.40; Earl Sentley, balance Sec., Miss Sara McDougall; Mission Band A Statement From The Man Who contract cleaning out Toll drain 15.75 had. Xmasseals, tags, enclosure Pres., Mrs H. Kirkby; Strangers See Was. Brought Back From The Frank Marshal, catch basin on Toll drain cards, etc. ist Mrs Miss Sara McDougall; Organ! JoL: lank Yesterdays By Chiropractic 1.3, 00; Alex McGowan, catch basin on Subscriptions taken for all mag- Miller; Asst. Organist, Mrs F AdjuEtments. M�Gowan chain 13.00, Jos. Johnston azines and newspapers at current Auditors, Mrs. J. Stewart. I I drawing tile and aigging drain Con. 2 -rates. Munro; Press Sec., Mrs. Jas. Anderson. Modesto, Calif , Oct. 23, 1921 and$ lik 50; John Johnston epair cul - After which a dainty lunch was set vad by l. I the retiring 1st. Vice, Mrs. W. J. Geddes. To the Chiropractic Profession and the verts, widening and gravelling Cons, 2 Do your Xmas shopping early and 8 7160; Win. 'Walden, rep. culvert and get best choice. which everyone fully enjoyed. Public.— and gravelling Cons. 2 and 3 18.65; J. In as much as my case of Amnesia has Carter, gravelling on Cons. 3 and 4 110 55; Whitechurch been brought to public notice through tbe R. Buchanan inspecting same 12.00; Sam Deacon. cleaning out ditch and,gravelling Mr. and Mrs, Hilliaid of the Wingbarn pr,,ss, but in it all there has been 80 little on Con. 10 43.75; Gen. CoulteQ, gravelling Hie B. Elliott Bazaar, visited at the home of Mr. and due credit given Chiropractic for the on Cons. 10 and 118.75; Chas. JohnStan, Mrs. Dave Kennedy. . . wonderful restoration that I received, I com. statute labor tax 8 00; Estate Simon Books, * Stationery, lMagazines,. Mr. John Simpson visited at the home wish to state briefly the facts as they oc- Mitchell, til -e 12.75; Ed. Walsh, puttipg in Town Ticket Agency Canadian of Mr. and Mrs. Hiector MacKay last culvert Con. 8 2.00; Fred Hayden, raking National Grand Trunk Railway. week. curred t6�ne. tones 3.75; J. Stonehouse, work on gra;i- Ocean tickets via all lines. While I retain but a vague idea of what s Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Mowbray and baby, er 8.00; Carl Bennett, team on grader Alba of Dungannon, were visiting relatives was done to me during my three 7ears of 6.00; Ldonard Cook, putting in culvert here last week. groping in the land of forgetfulness, my 14.00. -Law No. 11, 1921 appointing place investigations since mi restoration have 'By ! ! I i , ! rN n r% a nom nat on p aces a e ect on, . . . I- brought out these facts, that during those and Pot! Clerks was duly read and p�ssed. years I wandered through many -states, Council adjourned to meet again an visiting many of the large cities from the December 15th. at 10 o'clock. Pacific to the Atlantic seacoast. My re- A. PORTERrIF.I.D. Clerk turn checks reveal that I consulted and 7— was treated by many of the noted phy- MR sicians and surgeons in those cities but -KA PY very evidently without any of them hav- PA ing been able to restore me to conscious _'yo U N remembrance. During that time my left arm was almost entirely par�lyzed, the muscles being wasted and, shrunken and the arm So weak that it was nearly help- less and was unable to raise it to my bead. 0 or Use it. On Mai 5th, 1910, Dr. C., E. Eddy, a Chiropractor of Modesto, 6alif., gave me DAERFE's LOT3 ff 1AMTH my first Chiropractic Spinal analysis and AM) STREKTIA 44 MEAT - adjustment. . T h e fi r a t adjustment ThE- WE -LL -FE 0 MAN brought rn� badc into the world of con- KNOWS NO DEFC-AT'� sciousnest, and my memory began where it bad left Off thme yeam before Re , . Of course you ve got to be Its tition of adjustments daily had my para. well fed if you are going to keep X lyzed arm in action within a week, rapid- going. We believe that the ac - Where Will I Buy My Xmas Gills ly restored my weak stomach and heart I tivity of a man's men�sil ma- ito normal action and produced what I chinery depends upon how well consider a very remarkable restoration to his physical self is nourished. At Patterson's Jewelery Store . 6 I normal balance of all the unbalanced Who 10 always at the front wlth what you wfint, we have the functions in my body. My rapid recovery finest stock Of goods for Xmas we have ever had, and all of health and strength, under Dr. Eddy's Watch I . or Mr. Happy Party bought ut the low price. interpretation of Chlropractic, has made I Diamonds from $15.06 to $900-00, there will bi no need of me an everlasting booster for Chiropractic 011M E114 BENI HGER *14 striding out of town for Diamonds after examining out, stock. as the greatest healing science in the We have the newest mounted Dlarrionda on the market at world, which I confidently believe is de. CENTRAL MEAT the lowest prices. stined to soon take first place as a con. MARKET Peart neade ranging Irk price from $3.00 to $75.00 a string, a structive health restorative. PHONE 126 very large stock to choose from. Cordially yours, Wl NGHAM Out stock is complete In all lines, call and see, no trouble to show goods. G11 01WIlu LRANi)vLR V isn Dr. I A. FOX Vag the full story of this W. G. PATTERSON case oh file in his office as taken from the The Great Watch Doctor, Whrigham, Ofit. San Francisco Examiner and the Fresno Xxxxxxxxmxx XXXXXXXX=XXXX Herald.—Abvt. Card of Thairilks Mrs. Moir, Mr. and Mrs, KehGe and family wish to thank their many friends for Uilildne8s, and sympathy shown them during little Marie's illness and at the time of her death. Xmas Gift Suggestions Dainty and useful articles in French Ivory, Ebony Goods, Perfumes, Fancy Stationery, Fresh Chocolates. in Xmas packages—bought at lowest import prices and sold to You at a saving of 10 to 20 per cent—At MLcbell's CornerDrug Store Walkerton Hotel Damaged Hartley House, Walkerton, was badly damaged by fire -on Dec 1st. The cause of the fire is thought to have been from a cigarette stub. The employees, however, succeeded in getting the blaze under ccn. trol. using chemical extinguishers and buckets of water, and though the firertlen had two lines of hose in the building it was not necessary to turn on the water. In the room in which the fire started everything was burned and adjoining rooms were badly damaged by smoke and water. Mr. Korman, the proprietor, had just completed renovating and remodel. ing the section of the hotel where the fire! occurred. Mr. Korman is a former citizen of Wingham. Robert Copeland Deceased. A. K. Copeland went to Bowmaniville, last Thursday to attend the funeral o his uncle, the late Robert Copeland. De- ceased was well known in Teeswater, having Nen brought up on a farm near there, also in Gorrie, he with his family having resided there for several years, In his young manhood, he attendeti the mc- Laughlan Business College in Chatham, after which he kept a Grocery store in Teeswater. At the time of his death he and his son were engaged in a Boot and Shoe business in Bowmanville. Deceased is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter. Womens Underwear Sale Special sale of Womens Underwear in vests. drawers and combination suits, travellers samples at great savings. King Bros. Stuck In the Mud While driving into town on Diagonal Road on Friday afternoon, Mrs. A. Vanalstyne's horse changed its course and started for China. Had not Mi. J. E, Fells and others came to the rescue it might have succeeded in making better headway downwards- The horse stepped on the side where the tile has recently been put down and it sunk so that assist. ance had to be called to get it on terra firma again. The horse is none the worse of the mud bath but one. of the buggy shafts was broken. This road will be put in excellent shape in the spring when the cement will be put down, Bradwin-Fessant NuptiEls The marriage of Minnie Fessant, daugh- ter of the late William Fessant of �Wing- ham,, to Edmund W. Bradwin M. A., of the Frontier College, Toronto, formerly of Wilngham, took place quietly at St. James Methodist Church Montreal. at two o'clock Tuesday November 29tb., 1921. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. J. Westaway, B. ' A., assisted by Rev. A. J. Thomas, M. A, B. D, pastor of the church. The bride who was unattended wap Pkven away by her brother Mr. John Fessant of Sprinfield, Mass. A few re- latives and intimate friends were present at the ceremony. Luncheon was. served later in the guest room of the Queens hotel after which Mn, and Mrs. Bradwin 0 left for N*ew York. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Winter Coat Sale Clearing the ba'ance of our stock of Womens and Misses, Fur Collared, Plush and Velour coats at great money -saving values, King Bros. -,q The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Wingham Branch, Josephine St. SwPECIAL PRICES From Dec. 8th to Dec. 14th Orange - Lemon Peel Sultana Raisins spec - 37c lb, Citron 57c lb. ially priced .... 27c l]b. Special Breakfast Bacon, sliced per lb 33c. Snowflake Ammonia 3 pkgs .... 23c Cleaned Currants, per lb ...... 19C Laundry Soap 10 cakes ........ 72c Choice Prunes, per lb ......... 15c Palmolive, 3 cakes ............ 24c Cooking Pigs, 2 lbg ............ 35c Laundry Starch, 2 lbs ......... 19c Dried Peaches, per lb .......... 23c, gk�, Corn Starch, per packagt ...... 10c Dried Apricots, per 1b ........ 29'c Pot Barley, per lb ............. 5c Vanilla Extract large bottle .... 33c: Corn Meal, 6 lbs for ........... 25c Society Mixed Biscuits, per lb.. 23C Rolled Oats, 6 lbs for .......... 24c Icing Sugar, per lb. � .......... luc: Raspberry jam, 4 lb tin ........ 77c Pumpkin, 2 tins ............... 25C dw Clover Leaf Salmon, I lb tin ... 53c Tomatoes, large tin ........... 16c: I Pure Lard, 5 lb pl 89c Shred. Cocoanut 25c Choice Shelled Alm- Gran. Sugar 10 lb 85c onds - Walnuts 69c lb 100 lb. Bag ........ 8.00. Bread .......................................... 7je'a loaf Butter and Eggs Wanted Vtlk X ji Dinnerware at ca-% ic VAP Barg"a in X A cra'te of stock pattern Dinnerware (decorat- X ed) 3 patterns, being shipped to me by mis- V. take I have been instructed by the firn-i to X `P clear it out a bargain prices, 97 pieces, reg- ular price $45.00, for ................................ $37 '50 Also a full line of Dolls for children (dressed) _f unbreakable, ranging from ........ 60c to 1.50 each M C X, Re So vi nt Sale -for Wo as The Greatest G^U Now in Progress at The Select Ladies' Ready-teANT ear Offers of six as'sorted groups of icy, high class Coats at prices which K 'a,, ;1 In many c a s e s represents the 0 1. cost ot making only. A� Xg. X 04 - Group No. 1, at .. .......... ........ $10.50 X, Group No. 2, at ............ I ....... 18.50, Group No. 3, at .................... 22.50 Group No. -�. at X, ................ 27-50 Group No. 5, at .................... 33.50 Group No. 6, at ............. :­­ 45.00 y We also received a range of sam- ples of new Fall and Winter Coats In Burberry styles. K, English Winter weight cloth in all the latest V 0 mixtures greys, browns, heather, green and 0 fd d" navy. These garments are the most servic. able and comfortable winter Coats on the V, market. Prices ranging at $24.00 and 26.50. 1.4 14 , R New style Dresses in Flannel and Jersey, reg. $9 and 9.50 at ............................ 7.95 X 14, 20 New shipment of heavy ribbed Hose in hf-ather shades suitable for winter wear. Select Ladies' Re'ady-to- W ear o orift Heod Office, 448 Queen West, Toronto. 13vanches, Winghamo Hanovcr jild (joieriell, 011t, 0 .6 Twenty-orr* members were present and L 1.,VE, JVS all gave their decision againhi, it, Excellent qualities in pure Linen Table Cloths and Mr. John King accompanied by his bra - ther, Mr Robert'King of Cooksville, was Napkins. Wonderful values at moderate prices. calling on friends Monday. A 71!ROJVS A number of our citizens attended the funeral at Goderich on Tuesday, of the Fancy Tea Aprons, Bungalow Aprons, Tie Aprons, late Leonard McManus, who was the vic- Kepdry Waterproof Aprons. tim of the automobile accident Saturday evening at the above place. SWEA TEIRS AND X-JVITTF-2) G007)S The hunters from this section have all returned with their quota of deer. Pullovers and sweaters in attractive colors and Men's day was observed in the Method- styles. Knitted goods in great variety. ist Church. the Brotherhood taking charge of the services. The Master, R v. 21TESJYE�R SCARP–V U Tiffingave a fine missionary dTi.co e: Hand worked Scarfs and Runners in dainty patterns 0-- .413 3 1 w— Theeboruseswere enjoyed by all who were privileged to be there. sin es gns, ace, nets an. marquisettes, 33LO USES 33 OVS 0 Always an acceptable gift, our range is complete, —.6 the season's latest styles and colorings. All widths of fancy ribbons for fancy work, bage, Morris w4le tc. 0— Joe and Mrs. Shaw, 3rd. line, who were Ties, Fancy Collars. Umbrellas, Belts and Girdles, f- aw�y on a trip to the Pacific Coast, have Scarfs and Yarns. House Dresses, Dress Goods, Silks. Lress lengths. 41- 0— arrived home. They enjoyed their stay 5— and met many old friends. 411— S,ils, Overcoats, Underwear, Shirts, Gloves Miss May Little is back from a visit of Men's Department six months to the West. She visited re. Sweater Coats, Hats, Caps, Gloves,- Neck- latives and friends at Saskatoon, Arcola, wear,'H and kerchiefs, Socks, Belts, and everything that a man wears and wants. Kisb�, Carlyle and other points and had an enjoyable time. 411� House Furnishings, Blankets, Comforters, Floor Rugs, Etc. 411— The Sunday School of Ebenezer church (Browntown) intend holding their annual 5-- Christmas Tree and entertainment en 86'_— Wednesday evening. Dec. 21st An ex- cellent program is being prepared. Miss Mary McKellar, Cromarty. under- went an operation for her eyes in the Strat- MILLS ford Hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 18th. Our Goods are the Best— Our PricoaRight. Terms, Cash. Produce Wante� The lady is improving as well as can be expected e Miss McKellar was tb teach- er in the Miller School, 5tl3.'Iine, Morris, and he,- many friends here wish her well. East Wawanosh Council Belgrave Mr, and Mrs. George Cattle and daugh- ter of Calgary, are. expected at Mr. The W. M. S. of Knox Church, Bet. Cottle's home here on Wednesday Mrs. Minutes of Council meeting held on Nov. grave, held their annual meeting Thurs- Cottle is home to attend the funerai of her 21st, all the members present, minutes of Books day, Dec, Ist. at half past two in the father, Mr. Jz�mes Taylor formerly of last meeting were read and confirmed. We have the latest fiction in school room of the church. The Society Langside. The following accounts were paid: feeling the great loss of their president, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Martin and Bruce Melvin Taylor, widening road Cons. 6 and copyright and reprint editions; �lso the late Mrs. Win. Wightman. who has are in Gnelph this week attending the, Fat 7 $42 50; D. Cook, widening road Cons. books for the boys and girls. been a valuable missionary worker. We i 6 and 7 45.00, work on grader, P.00; B. , Stock Show. extend our deepest sympathy to husband I Mr. and Mrs Dawson and daughter, Jackson, gravel 88.35; R. Wightman, Xmas Stationery dnd family. After the usual business the gravel 27.75; J. Gibson, gravel 5.55; C. new officers for the coming year were Eva of London, England, are visiting at King, gravel 6 75; L. H. Bosman, tile and Our stock of Xmas papetries is, appointed as follows: Honorary Pres the manse with Rev. and Mrs, Scobie- drawing same 63.60; Jenkins & Bradnock, the largest and best assorted, rW9- Mrs. Ceasar; Pres., Mro. (Pev.) Jones, Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. Clark of Hen rep. Toll drain 207,70; Jenkins &Brad - Sall, spent last week with Mrs. Clark'; nock, %alance contract Sturdy drain ing In price's from 25c to $5. Ist, Vice Pres., Mrs. R. M. Munro; 2nd, 'i daughter, Mrs. John Mason. 940,00; Geo. Sturdy inspecting contract Vice Pres., Mrs. W. J. Geddes; Secretary, on Sturdy drain 20.00; Geo, Caldwell in - Xmas GreetIng Mr.S. Jim TAyior; Asst. Sec., Mrs. 39s. 1dr. George Thdmpson of Godericho Millor; Treas., Mrs. P. Scaudrett; A,,t. visited with his son, Mr. Fred Thompson specting gravelling, contract Cons. 2 and Cards . , I a, the village, last week 8 15.00, Fred Toll, tile and work on Toll Treas., Mrs. Win. Geddes; Messenger drain 35.70; Fred Toll repairing open The finest'belection we have ever See., Mrs. R. M. Munro; Home Helpers ditch, Toll drain 4.40; Earl Sentley, balance Sec., Miss Sara McDougall; Mission Band A Statement From The Man Who contract cleaning out Toll drain 15.75 had. Xmasseals, tags, enclosure Pres., Mrs H. Kirkby; Strangers See Was. Brought Back From The Frank Marshal, catch basin on Toll drain cards, etc. ist Mrs Miss Sara McDougall; Organ! JoL: lank Yesterdays By Chiropractic 1.3, 00; Alex McGowan, catch basin on Subscriptions taken for all mag- Miller; Asst. Organist, Mrs F AdjuEtments. M�Gowan chain 13.00, Jos. Johnston azines and newspapers at current Auditors, Mrs. J. Stewart. I I drawing tile and aigging drain Con. 2 -rates. Munro; Press Sec., Mrs. Jas. Anderson. Modesto, Calif , Oct. 23, 1921 and$ lik 50; John Johnston epair cul - After which a dainty lunch was set vad by l. I the retiring 1st. Vice, Mrs. W. J. Geddes. To the Chiropractic Profession and the verts, widening and gravelling Cons, 2 Do your Xmas shopping early and 8 7160; Win. 'Walden, rep. culvert and get best choice. which everyone fully enjoyed. Public.— and gravelling Cons. 2 and 3 18.65; J. In as much as my case of Amnesia has Carter, gravelling on Cons. 3 and 4 110 55; Whitechurch been brought to public notice through tbe R. Buchanan inspecting same 12.00; Sam Deacon. cleaning out ditch and,gravelling Mr. and Mrs, Hilliaid of the Wingbarn pr,,ss, but in it all there has been 80 little on Con. 10 43.75; Gen. CoulteQ, gravelling Hie B. Elliott Bazaar, visited at the home of Mr. and due credit given Chiropractic for the on Cons. 10 and 118.75; Chas. JohnStan, Mrs. Dave Kennedy. . . wonderful restoration that I received, I com. statute labor tax 8 00; Estate Simon Books, * Stationery, lMagazines,. Mr. John Simpson visited at the home wish to state briefly the facts as they oc- Mitchell, til -e 12.75; Ed. Walsh, puttipg in Town Ticket Agency Canadian of Mr. and Mrs. Hiector MacKay last culvert Con. 8 2.00; Fred Hayden, raking National Grand Trunk Railway. week. curred t6�ne. tones 3.75; J. Stonehouse, work on gra;i- Ocean tickets via all lines. While I retain but a vague idea of what s Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Mowbray and baby, er 8.00; Carl Bennett, team on grader Alba of Dungannon, were visiting relatives was done to me during my three 7ears of 6.00; Ldonard Cook, putting in culvert here last week. groping in the land of forgetfulness, my 14.00. -Law No. 11, 1921 appointing place investigations since mi restoration have 'By ! ! I i , ! rN n r% a nom nat on p aces a e ect on, . . . I- brought out these facts, that during those and Pot! Clerks was duly read and p�ssed. years I wandered through many -states, Council adjourned to meet again an visiting many of the large cities from the December 15th. at 10 o'clock. Pacific to the Atlantic seacoast. My re- A. PORTERrIF.I.D. Clerk turn checks reveal that I consulted and 7— was treated by many of the noted phy- MR sicians and surgeons in those cities but -KA PY very evidently without any of them hav- PA ing been able to restore me to conscious _'yo U N remembrance. During that time my left arm was almost entirely par�lyzed, the muscles being wasted and, shrunken and the arm So weak that it was nearly help- less and was unable to raise it to my bead. 0 or Use it. On Mai 5th, 1910, Dr. C., E. Eddy, a Chiropractor of Modesto, 6alif., gave me DAERFE's LOT3 ff 1AMTH my first Chiropractic Spinal analysis and AM) STREKTIA 44 MEAT - adjustment. . T h e fi r a t adjustment ThE- WE -LL -FE 0 MAN brought rn� badc into the world of con- KNOWS NO DEFC-AT'� sciousnest, and my memory began where it bad left Off thme yeam before Re , . Of course you ve got to be Its tition of adjustments daily had my para. well fed if you are going to keep X lyzed arm in action within a week, rapid- going. We believe that the ac - Where Will I Buy My Xmas Gills ly restored my weak stomach and heart I tivity of a man's men�sil ma- ito normal action and produced what I chinery depends upon how well consider a very remarkable restoration to his physical self is nourished. At Patterson's Jewelery Store . 6 I normal balance of all the unbalanced Who 10 always at the front wlth what you wfint, we have the functions in my body. My rapid recovery finest stock Of goods for Xmas we have ever had, and all of health and strength, under Dr. Eddy's Watch I . or Mr. Happy Party bought ut the low price. interpretation of Chlropractic, has made I Diamonds from $15.06 to $900-00, there will bi no need of me an everlasting booster for Chiropractic 011M E114 BENI HGER *14 striding out of town for Diamonds after examining out, stock. as the greatest healing science in the We have the newest mounted Dlarrionda on the market at world, which I confidently believe is de. CENTRAL MEAT the lowest prices. stined to soon take first place as a con. MARKET Peart neade ranging Irk price from $3.00 to $75.00 a string, a structive health restorative. PHONE 126 very large stock to choose from. Cordially yours, Wl NGHAM Out stock is complete In all lines, call and see, no trouble to show goods. G11 01WIlu LRANi)vLR V isn Dr. I A. FOX Vag the full story of this W. G. PATTERSON case oh file in his office as taken from the The Great Watch Doctor, Whrigham, Ofit. San Francisco Examiner and the Fresno Xxxxxxxxmxx XXXXXXXX=XXXX Herald.—Abvt. Card of Thairilks Mrs. Moir, Mr. and Mrs, KehGe and family wish to thank their many friends for Uilildne8s, and sympathy shown them during little Marie's illness and at the time of her death. Xmas Gift Suggestions Dainty and useful articles in French Ivory, Ebony Goods, Perfumes, Fancy Stationery, Fresh Chocolates. in Xmas packages—bought at lowest import prices and sold to You at a saving of 10 to 20 per cent—At MLcbell's CornerDrug Store Walkerton Hotel Damaged Hartley House, Walkerton, was badly damaged by fire -on Dec 1st. The cause of the fire is thought to have been from a cigarette stub. The employees, however, succeeded in getting the blaze under ccn. trol. using chemical extinguishers and buckets of water, and though the firertlen had two lines of hose in the building it was not necessary to turn on the water. In the room in which the fire started everything was burned and adjoining rooms were badly damaged by smoke and water. Mr. Korman, the proprietor, had just completed renovating and remodel. ing the section of the hotel where the fire! occurred. Mr. Korman is a former citizen of Wingham. Robert Copeland Deceased. A. K. Copeland went to Bowmaniville, last Thursday to attend the funeral o his uncle, the late Robert Copeland. De- ceased was well known in Teeswater, having Nen brought up on a farm near there, also in Gorrie, he with his family having resided there for several years, In his young manhood, he attendeti the mc- Laughlan Business College in Chatham, after which he kept a Grocery store in Teeswater. At the time of his death he and his son were engaged in a Boot and Shoe business in Bowmanville. Deceased is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter. Womens Underwear Sale Special sale of Womens Underwear in vests. drawers and combination suits, travellers samples at great savings. King Bros. Stuck In the Mud While driving into town on Diagonal Road on Friday afternoon, Mrs. A. Vanalstyne's horse changed its course and started for China. Had not Mi. J. E, Fells and others came to the rescue it might have succeeded in making better headway downwards- The horse stepped on the side where the tile has recently been put down and it sunk so that assist. ance had to be called to get it on terra firma again. The horse is none the worse of the mud bath but one. of the buggy shafts was broken. This road will be put in excellent shape in the spring when the cement will be put down, Bradwin-Fessant NuptiEls The marriage of Minnie Fessant, daugh- ter of the late William Fessant of �Wing- ham,, to Edmund W. Bradwin M. A., of the Frontier College, Toronto, formerly of Wilngham, took place quietly at St. James Methodist Church Montreal. at two o'clock Tuesday November 29tb., 1921. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. J. Westaway, B. ' A., assisted by Rev. A. J. Thomas, M. A, B. D, pastor of the church. The bride who was unattended wap Pkven away by her brother Mr. John Fessant of Sprinfield, Mass. A few re- latives and intimate friends were present at the ceremony. Luncheon was. served later in the guest room of the Queens hotel after which Mn, and Mrs. Bradwin 0 left for N*ew York. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Winter Coat Sale Clearing the ba'ance of our stock of Womens and Misses, Fur Collared, Plush and Velour coats at great money -saving values, King Bros. -,q The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Wingham Branch, Josephine St. SwPECIAL PRICES From Dec. 8th to Dec. 14th Orange - Lemon Peel Sultana Raisins spec - 37c lb, Citron 57c lb. ially priced .... 27c l]b. Special Breakfast Bacon, sliced per lb 33c. Snowflake Ammonia 3 pkgs .... 23c Cleaned Currants, per lb ...... 19C Laundry Soap 10 cakes ........ 72c Choice Prunes, per lb ......... 15c Palmolive, 3 cakes ............ 24c Cooking Pigs, 2 lbg ............ 35c Laundry Starch, 2 lbs ......... 19c Dried Peaches, per lb .......... 23c, gk�, Corn Starch, per packagt ...... 10c Dried Apricots, per 1b ........ 29'c Pot Barley, per lb ............. 5c Vanilla Extract large bottle .... 33c: Corn Meal, 6 lbs for ........... 25c Society Mixed Biscuits, per lb.. 23C Rolled Oats, 6 lbs for .......... 24c Icing Sugar, per lb. � .......... luc: Raspberry jam, 4 lb tin ........ 77c Pumpkin, 2 tins ............... 25C dw Clover Leaf Salmon, I lb tin ... 53c Tomatoes, large tin ........... 16c: I Pure Lard, 5 lb pl 89c Shred. Cocoanut 25c Choice Shelled Alm- Gran. Sugar 10 lb 85c onds - Walnuts 69c lb 100 lb. Bag ........ 8.00. Bread .......................................... 7je'a loaf Butter and Eggs Wanted Vtlk X ji Dinnerware at ca-% ic VAP Barg"a in X A cra'te of stock pattern Dinnerware (decorat- X ed) 3 patterns, being shipped to me by mis- V. take I have been instructed by the firn-i to X `P clear it out a bargain prices, 97 pieces, reg- ular price $45.00, for ................................ $37 '50 Also a full line of Dolls for children (dressed) _f unbreakable, ranging from ........ 60c to 1.50 each M C X, Re So vi nt Sale -for Wo as The Greatest G^U Now in Progress at The Select Ladies' Ready-teANT ear Offers of six as'sorted groups of icy, high class Coats at prices which K 'a,, ;1 In many c a s e s represents the 0 1. cost ot making only. A� Xg. X 04 - Group No. 1, at .. .......... ........ $10.50 X, Group No. 2, at ............ I ....... 18.50, Group No. 3, at .................... 22.50 Group No. -�. at X, ................ 27-50 Group No. 5, at .................... 33.50 Group No. 6, at ............. :­­ 45.00 y We also received a range of sam- ples of new Fall and Winter Coats In Burberry styles. K, English Winter weight cloth in all the latest V 0 mixtures greys, browns, heather, green and 0 fd d" navy. These garments are the most servic. able and comfortable winter Coats on the V, market. Prices ranging at $24.00 and 26.50. 1.4 14 , R New style Dresses in Flannel and Jersey, reg. $9 and 9.50 at ............................ 7.95 X 14, 20 New shipment of heavy ribbed Hose in hf-ather shades suitable for winter wear. Select Ladies' Re'ady-to- W ear o orift Heod Office, 448 Queen West, Toronto. 13vanches, Winghamo Hanovcr jild (joieriell, 011t, 0 .6