HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-08, Page 38_1 have open found not in Lite owiss Alps I - ,V W L seilousness Lae trou- a eoal briquetting'industry in the Ed - alone but In the French Alps and _in bles of huniankind, even the study of monton district and possibly in other Tyrol. I the welfare of infants, says a Paris parts of Alberta as well. Estiniateg In the Opinion of Alpine guides and de8ptitch. This 'was evidenced when are being secured on the cost of the climbers It the coming winter is as two staid Deputies presented a bill necessary machinery for initial plant. snowless U the last, then next suni. which probably will arouse many a It ha expected that tar from the Atha. mer it should be. �osslble to discover wall of protest if It '.a Passed. bases. bituminous sands Will be u4ei the bodies of all persons who have dis- Acting on the advice of medical as a binder in the new briquettes, the aj)peared in years, gone by on glaciers groups they have decided to start a. manufacture of -which will begin. if and snowfields. As yet the mountains: campaign for the abolition of artificial; present plans work out, next suminer. have been morel� powdered with s=�W, baby soothers and will Insfst that the Lethbridge, Alta.--Approxiiiiately whereas generally the first heavy manufacture and sale of all rubber seven inillion bushels of v,,heat and Bnowfalls have occurred by this time, nipples, which have long b "a a boon more than four hundred thousand Ito weary and busy mothers, be pro- bushels of other grains have bee -a sent hibited. Not only will the marketing i to the East from points in Southern Couldn't Spare Him. of these be punishable, but there will Alberta sinee. the beginning of Sep - Janet's mother entered the nursery be a fine for the use of sugar 000thers tember. At the present time an av- and, as she surveyed the child's col- In bits of cloth if the save the child- erage of about 50 cars of grain are lection of dolls-, said: ren commissioners decide tbere are no being moved from this part of 'the ."Now, dear, you have had this sol- mitigating circumstances such as Ill- province daily. dier doll a long time and the poor little vess, of the par -ants or poverty. Vancouver, B.C.—Ten thousand tons girl next door Is Ill and has no doll tit __45-- of bulk wrain have bepn booked -P— all. Don't you want to Send her your Soldier boy?" "No, mother," said Jon rather send heranv one but that. You see, that's the only man we have in the family, and he's married to all the -other dolls." Real Helpmate. Bachelor—"Well, old inai?, one thing I notice about you since you've been worried, you always have buttons on Your clothes." -Benadfct-­PYos, Dolly taught me how to sew lern on before we'd been marrieda. week." the United Kingdom and the continent during the last few days. and if the rate continues as low as A is nt pres- ent, in the neighborhood of thirty shillings, grain man predict a great movement through this port, Vancouver, B.C.—Forty thousand tons of railway material are to be sold by the British War Munitions Board to Russia, Practically all of this equipmeut is, at the present time, in Port Coquitlam, and a arnall army of men have been engaged for the past - several months in repairing minor de- fects resulting in long exposure to rainv weather as well as paintf ng and greasing preparatory to moving the IMGLAR FEUE&SZo' By Gene Byrnes ininiense. bulk. Included in this lot Cor o?- W kl>m k;W- OP-- 60KPT�Att,e WRV4 Brcomir. or - v olv�4 .4, W Stolen something from the other. The, nuraes daren not trust no W" THEIR SON JEAN 1heaebl-1-ti, lest In our 4esperation,,we EWTAcatioml F4cilities for 94ould'oominit some Act of ma4neos; Cmstda From Coast to 'ame t realize that they -had some roa�oii for their fears ... And "now old M youv tillon, thern wets� talk of geading It to p, Much preoccupied --with the manu, home. future of, a cake out of aar%d, the "Tbia� greatly alarmed us bollb, and youngSter ropllo4: It was then that we asked to be al� 44FOur.107 lowed to see it a )IJtle to touch it, to "And,wh4t; layoUr no4no?a kiss it, and at 1.*, -,t that they sIxotild "Joan," leave It with Us, Iq our Arius It Soon "Jea". What?" left or crying, aud when they put It 49jea.n.,o back in the cot It seemed to loo . k at us, The gentleman or4lle4, first at one and then at the other, , It "Tbat'S not a name by Itself; there did not really do so, ycu may be sure) are InA317 little boys called Jean, but Imagination gcci3, a great way ... What Is your papWs, Then, feeling that lie WAS so happy 'Mine. Jg Joan," answerodAlie child, wItli us, ,ro began to chat . . , words looking up innocently. by way of politeness at first: 4Thank At thto point a women who 60t On YOU, inadall1o; excuse ma, nm4amel a bench sawing placed ber work on .... And then, we talked about the ber kne" and said; baby, ao It each hd been speking of "ThAt Is hit, name; he has no o , ther." her own. The tones were ofLd, the look wis-t- "The first day that we got up we ful and weary. The old gentleman looked at e4ieb. other and saw, as we raised his -hat and tendered his ap9lo- compared our agesi that we in t of its gtes; but she oU,�Ol; herhead and iU4ur. a surety grow old, together, Finally, mured: realizing that bur lives could never be "No apology to nWed, monsAeur. like those of others-, we agreed.that Come here, little We Would take the child and sheire it She drew the child toward% hor,1 between us, It belonga� as much to Stroked, his haIr and kissed him an one ae to the other. Ju, Its certificate the forehod. of birth aie the words, Wather on- "Th,ait. go- and play; - run about a kiiown�—mother unknown.' little." "W0 took It away wltlx W; We hired "It does them gvod to run about at a room and lived together, we work lite ageall sh4 expl4ined, taking up her at thO 134ple-emPloYment, one 'On one Work again, day, one on the next, so that the child "SurslY," as$eUW the 014 gentle- May 'never be alone. lie !loves us inan. "Xfs- It your own, little boy?",, , 'her alike, and obeys us equally, We,dnd . 9he'�owea head, He added, n&hing unnatural In that now. The with his eyes, on tl Ale L.ChIld, who was boy himself understand$ nothing at now at,iome distance*, all., lie gets two kisses, where he would "I see the likeneos.11 have got one., he Is happy." The woman's,.hand,$ trenilged; she "And you?" flushed ,'w,N -and asid in. a low voice, leav- The Woman clasped her hands to - Ing he'r needle in her work: gether, and sighed, "Do y1bu?'I "'WO? , - . Just think, monsieur. We "Yo , , . he is fair like you . . . of do not tell each other, of course, but course at that age there can never be we are always looking at him and more than a general resemblance ... searching In hiet I face for some memory .Porhaps It I were to see the fathen'! of the past. We suddenly Imagine: For the second time th woman bow. 'Those, tire my husband's eyes ... ed her -head and sheF said in a grave that Is his mouth ... the shape of voice-,' the head , . , And then at night In our "I calmot. qven be sure whether he bed we lament because we know we, Is mine or not. Thst seems Incrod. Shall never be sure . . , and that, if ible r I . but so it is. 0.4, there's we could be sure, It would be more nothing to make a secret of . , , it dreadful. And we reflect, too, thiii, as was the hand of rate that struck the he grows up new pointer of resemblance blow . i . Sometimes 1.1o.ok into the will appear -- voice,, Propensities-, little 0,t� to see It I can, find there a movements ... all that Is born in the token Wbis father or of myself, at blood But even when that 00-111'es other times I close my eyes so that I we shal Iniot dare to say anything. For, Inay not be bempted any..more to having, -brought him up together, we search for it. shold have become much too. dear to ','He was born at the Lying -In -Hos- -him, and we should, each of us, have Pital in April, 1918, whijo -the war was, as much Pain In taking thim as in los- still raging. The Germans were Bring ing Win - - ." ' frOM a great disteace at haphazard The shadows began to fall; a wo- Upon Paris, There Were two of us, . man war, seen approaching by one of myself &nd another patient, In the the a -venues. She appeared dowrimt game ward, and we had each of us Jus,t and weary 4S 00on as the other per7 given birth' to a boy when a shell ceived her, she called out. chashed' down ;Igh t in f rout of our "Jean, my chick look, -here is murn- beds, All wo fright and confusion, my-" ' in such hospitals, when the � babies. or. "Yes, mummy," replied the childl live they Put on their arms. a number taking up his,wooden spade. will0h cOrresP0Ud&-'W1;th,. that on the Theni-running up to the other we- inother's bed, so,- that they may iden� man, he cried: tify them, beetins% you Sao, newly. "Good evening mummy!" born luftllltryare 0,11, alike. � I And they left the park together, the "All the troubT6 came' from that . , little one betwden them holddng a The shell, bursting,' killed the mid. hand of each. wife and one of the babfes.. As for ji us we were practically unconscious, at plan f or rural tutorial class sea which any rate Out Of our senses, what with 'for handling, it being expected that Pain, exhaustion, and.,the. fearful ex. pk)sdon They carried us. out, ex. -come popular in mai has be ly parts of a province. On the conclusion of perting every moment t -hat the ceiling the quantity of grain shipped out by would fall n1 but who,, they placed us- in WetY,we found that It In 'a sOrt Of gigantic wireless Speak. the close of navigation -will be 182, 000,000 bushels. there was Only One child, and no num. ber at all ... Wao It mine? Was It Ing tube, bbrough which man can my neighbors? No one could say P.: I have a distinct impression that mine whisper radio secrets to the Antipodes Ottawa, On' .—CanadWs apple yield was in tile cot on the right hand, and that the shell crashed on the left without being overheard by listeners for 1,921 is 3,337,200 barrels, accord- But then my neighbor said the samb each of whom asked the same question, on other planets, 110 deClaTOS this IS of here,, and the 11urses did not know. The new oil -burning Cutarder leaving the silps at Newcastle -on -Tyne, "What caix you do foT oui commun- "We have, Investigated, questioned Fruit Commissioner's Branch. Nova Where she was launched by Lady Perley. She Is for the Canadian service But how find any proof?.. I, otherwise long distance wfrelessing Seotia led aH other provinces with a bellove I believe,. . . that it ie; interest in higher education in rural would require the expenditure of such vast amounts mine! But believing that'G' no proof .............. districts and the willingness of the "go and my, nelelibor believes also with On. tario, 960,000; Quebec, 35 200; Men Outrun Horses. Ali,, we have passed days and provincial university to the limit" in supplying the demand for higher .Bights In weeping, In breaking our and New Brunswick, 83,000. hearts, In beseeching attell other. N Think, monateur, we were both wid. mullicatiorl Is Gposalble with the ows already. Our husbands, killed In, Hon. 'Ars, Ralph Smlth the war; we had 6nly this littlo.one, Member without portfolio In the Bri. each of us, to make lite endurable fish Columbia government, and the - - . and then we did not only weep first woman Cabinet Minister In the over the one that, was living ... We British Empire, has resigned her of. wept over the other tbat VMS dead." fice. She Was obliged to assume the She dried her eyes and cried: responsibility. of acts 02 the Govern� "Jean, my Pet, 4011!t go too far mont without being In alposition to away; play therb, Where You are . .,, criticize or advise. Site resumed, full of her grievous at. 'Once filetlow Platinum Worthless. "MY lied -neighbor 'and I bad not Platinum, which Is now worth much been acquainted. At first we had no I more than gold, was once thrown Palm to talk, as it seettied that , one aside as� a Worthless by-product. have open found not in Lite owiss Alps I - ,V W L seilousness Lae trou- a eoal briquetting'industry in the Ed - alone but In the French Alps and _in bles of huniankind, even the study of monton district and possibly in other Tyrol. I the welfare of infants, says a Paris parts of Alberta as well. Estiniateg In the Opinion of Alpine guides and de8ptitch. This 'was evidenced when are being secured on the cost of the climbers It the coming winter is as two staid Deputies presented a bill necessary machinery for initial plant. snowless U the last, then next suni. which probably will arouse many a It ha expected that tar from the Atha. mer it should be. �osslble to discover wall of protest if It '.a Passed. bases. bituminous sands Will be u4ei the bodies of all persons who have dis- Acting on the advice of medical as a binder in the new briquettes, the aj)peared in years, gone by on glaciers groups they have decided to start a. manufacture of -which will begin. if and snowfields. As yet the mountains: campaign for the abolition of artificial; present plans work out, next suminer. have been morel� powdered with s=�W, baby soothers and will Insfst that the Lethbridge, Alta.--Approxiiiiately whereas generally the first heavy manufacture and sale of all rubber seven inillion bushels of v,,heat and Bnowfalls have occurred by this time, nipples, which have long b "a a boon more than four hundred thousand Ito weary and busy mothers, be pro- bushels of other grains have bee -a sent hibited. Not only will the marketing i to the East from points in Southern Couldn't Spare Him. of these be punishable, but there will Alberta sinee. the beginning of Sep - Janet's mother entered the nursery be a fine for the use of sugar 000thers tember. At the present time an av- and, as she surveyed the child's col- In bits of cloth if the save the child- erage of about 50 cars of grain are lection of dolls-, said: ren commissioners decide tbere are no being moved from this part of 'the ."Now, dear, you have had this sol- mitigating circumstances such as Ill- province daily. dier doll a long time and the poor little vess, of the par -ants or poverty. Vancouver, B.C.—Ten thousand tons girl next door Is Ill and has no doll tit __45-- of bulk wrain have bepn booked -P— all. Don't you want to Send her your Soldier boy?" "No, mother," said Jon rather send heranv one but that. You see, that's the only man we have in the family, and he's married to all the -other dolls." Real Helpmate. Bachelor—"Well, old inai?, one thing I notice about you since you've been worried, you always have buttons on Your clothes." -Benadfct-­PYos, Dolly taught me how to sew lern on before we'd been marrieda. week." the United Kingdom and the continent during the last few days. and if the rate continues as low as A is nt pres- ent, in the neighborhood of thirty shillings, grain man predict a great movement through this port, Vancouver, B.C.—Forty thousand tons of railway material are to be sold by the British War Munitions Board to Russia, Practically all of this equipmeut is, at the present time, in Port Coquitlam, and a arnall army of men have been engaged for the past - several months in repairing minor de- fects resulting in long exposure to rainv weather as well as paintf ng and greasing preparatory to moving the IMGLAR FEUE&SZo' By Gene Byrnes ininiense. bulk. Included in this lot Cor o?- W kl>m k;W- OP-- 60KPT�Att,e WRV4 Brcomir. or - v olv�4 .4, EWTAcatioml F4cilities for Mart, Must Wait for Radio Cmstda From Coast to Farmers. Phone S4is Maorconi. Speaking at the ConVention of Wo. Tbe m0n of Alunl, It th9X0 are any: men's Institutes last week the DI. will have to, Wait Patiently for some St. John X.B.—Tite Somerizet Edge ra- recto r of University Extension, Uni. tinte before they get any wirelem tele- Tool Works have been ost4bllsbed versity of Toronto, outlined the Ituftle conimunleation from us, ac. here to manufacture axes. hatchets, d ro educational facilities which the P - cording to SIgnor Warcoul, the in. edges, Slices, etc. An interesting fea� vincial, university ofrers to the'people Yontor. Ile Bald that short waves ture Of this concern is tb t it Is the, of the rural districts of Ontario. After WOUJ -4 be noces-sary and that they intention to make ice-cuttin tools explaining that the work of the uni- -a Would have to b sent out by a station which have had to be import . from ed versity does not overinp that of other having a capacity a at Jeast a million the United States heretofore. It is educational institutions because the horse power, and we have notting up. also intended to make jewt-lers' en - former Specializes in cultural oduca. I PrOftelling that yet. graying tools, But th tion, he told of what the Departmentl ere is a mystericus ageaey Quebec, Que.—Newsprint prodae.. of University Extension does; Working to aid man In his effort.,, to tion : in Canada has ine,=sed from for journalists, for hous(miyes, fo -r flash his thoughts great distances, 1,50,000 tons in 1909 to over 850,000 those interested in town plannii and, Prof. J. Fleming, a well-known Solent, ug, in 1920, according to a bu let n 1 u I i $a ad for the general public. Then the major Ist and inventor, explains that wireless, by the Canadian Pulp and Paper As. part of his address was devoted to signU16 travelling from 6,000 to 12,000 sociation. To,day the Canadian news - giving definite details of three forms miles tire many times Stronger flian niill-. are equ ipped to produce Gf service that are arran�,ed especi-- those travelling short distances by' abo*at 1,000,000 tons v. year. Aimut go ly for farmers. First was the exten- Sion lecture scheme whereby a com- Saying that this can be accounted for Only by the Pre-SOncS Of cOaducting per cent. of the output of there mills is munity may (and many commul;ities. layers 1h.,ating hundreds of miles marketed in the United States, Dur- ing the 12 months ending August 31, do) obtain a single lecture or a series above us. He says It Is logi al t at h waves would not tu the Amer le an rewspaper publishers bad of lectures on topics or general inter- cling earth, Purchased and used no l"s than 637,.. cot. The second course dealt with but It Is now believed that tbe great 266 tong of Canadian newsprint. �4.0:zi was the unique short course for farm- strength of distant signals I.-, due to Montreal, Que*--The extremely *:M . ...... ers--unique because the instruction was in cultural and not technical zub- the Dresenceof this conducting layer in the upper regions of the atmos. heavy Shipments of grain from the jects—which was held at the unlver� Phere. West, together with another large alty last February. The third was the Prof. Fleming Says the layer (!Om- volume from United States points, has enabled this port to set a new record ji plan f or rural tutorial class sea which Plebely envelops theeeirth and as the 'for handling, it being expected that -come popular in mai has be ly parts of a province. On the conclusion of radio Waves move outward th eystrike it and are reflected and guided around the quantity of grain shipped out by his address -the speaker, who had in-� It In 'a sOrt Of gigantic wireless Speak. the close of navigation -will be 182, 000,000 bushels. vited the women present to write him Ing tube, bbrough which man can ............ ........... if� they wished, further particulars, whisper radio secrets to the Antipodes Ottawa, On' .—CanadWs apple yield was surrounded by a bevy of ladies without being overheard by listeners for 1,921 is 3,337,200 barrels, accord- LAUNCHINQ "ANDANIA." each of whom asked the same question, on other planets, 110 deClaTOS this IS Ing to an estimate of the Dominion The new oil -burning Cutarder leaving the silps at Newcastle -on -Tyne, "What caix you do foT oui commun- an Immense boon to, humanity, for Fruit Commissioner's Branch. Nova Where she was launched by Lady Perley. She Is for the Canadian service ity?" The evidence of an awakening otherwise long distance wfrelessing Seotia led aH other provinces with a and has accommodation for 1,708 passengers. interest in higher education in rural would require the expenditure of such vast amounts yield of 1,300,000 barrels, followed by British Columbia 1,009,000; districts and the willingness of the "go at enargy that it would be commercially impracticable. with On. tario, 960,000; Quebec, 35 200; Men Outrun Horses. horses Fraze and the, untamed spirits provincial university to the limit" in supplying the demand for higher Prof, Fleming holds that long com- and New Brunswick, 83,000. In the days of the 4 -Wild and Woolly of animals, many of which have not education are both indications of a mullicatiorl Is Gposalble with the Winnipeg, Ilan.—Bliss Carman, the West" Plainsmen and travellers by overland wagons held to the belief been toVched by man in theirseveral Years of existence in the hills, make better Ora ahead for those ho live on the farms of Ontario. Moon because She has 40 conducting screen. He has a theory ieg=ding Canadian poet, opeiied his western tour here and Will proceed through the that- a long journey could be made 'by it necessary to wear the creatures. out ---4— the I111-tur-S Of this screen, which, he West, giving reading at Brandon, Re - more Speedily man afoot than On horseback. In the exiny the impres. and run them down. Alps Give Up 11eir Dead. says, Is, caused by electrified dustIlgina, thrown. from the sun. He ha,% Photo- Moo -Re Jaw, Saskatoon, Edmon- I ton, Calgary� Lethbridge, Vancouver, ,$ion Is general that the infantry ban Out-tMvel the OaV411'7 all long, grind- Greenland Journalism. The long drought and the long hot summer have caused the glaciers and gTaPba Of these dust clouds. departing' He SAYS the P-revisure of light is Strong; 'and Victoria. The tour is being or- ranged by the Federation of Univer. Ing nia-relies., but to the Satito I)GmIn, AccOrding jo, the captain of a Britisli the snowfields to melt so much that enough to overpower the backward sity Women. go ludlans of New Mexico belong$ the bark, Journalism In Greenland is in bodies Of climbers have been found. gravitation action, with the result that The Paz, Man.—Eleven crack aog credit of chasing wild horses over the rather a primitive stago, The captain who have been lost for many years, PartiClas of this dust continue their teams are practically assured for the ranges of hills. until the animals are makes frequent Voyages to Greenland In some cases all hope of ever finding long Journey earthward through empty Dog Derby to be held here this com- exhausted and submit to capture. No Marathon runners have and Is held to be an autAiority on con- them had been abandoned. At Zer. matt It Is hoped that the Space, travelling at great velocity, un- til they reach the outposts of our at- Ing winter. This is very encouraging to the in ever ditions in that country. The one even remains promoters view of the fact been recruited from this tribe of Pueb- editor in Greenland Is a Done of the of Lord Frederick Douglas,, who was I mosphere, where they are stopped by that the race does not take place until 10 Indians, for the wonderful powers name of Moaller, Who conducts the killed on July 14, 1865, during Whym. I friction, According to prof. pleming February 28th, 1922, and many more of endurance of the runn-e-ra of the tribe are little lcuOWzi Only newspaper and enjoys the singu- per's first ascent of the Matterhorn,i0vOry I Particle at this durbt bears an electric charge so contestants are yet to be heard from. Outside, of We, lar distinction of prildln'g the paper may be found. Powerful that a Goyde, Dupas, Billy Winterton, Mor - district. Immedlatoly surrounding their for the natives and teaching them to It will be xemembered that duritig more handfulwould propel the largest gan, Bancroft, Larry McKay, Sam village. re4d It, the descent of the Matterhorn on that liner a whole day, Pranteau and Jack Hayes, driveri, In These runners of the Santo Domin. Mr. Moeller Is 110t Only the editor occasion Mr. Hadow, the Rev. Charles Long distance waves measure about the last -race, have again entered. 910 Come from a race Of 310et footed and 'proprietor, he Is -the reporter, Hudson, the guide, Michel Croz, and ten intlez and can be handled by a Regina, Sask,—Five carloads of ancestor$. Like all tribes of Amerl- Printer,distributer and business mana- Lord Frederick Douglas were all kill- conduction Screen. Signor Marconi, Saskatchewan horses, cattle, sheep call 111419-11s, they have. accepted the ger, and every two, weeka he peTforms ad, and that the bodies of the three) backing up prof. Fleming, Said the and swine are now being selected by means Of travelling best suited to the a long Journey ons-kates to dispose of first named were recoveTed, but not screen would not binder the, progress of shorter the provincial livestock commissioner COlintry'Where they live. The Sioux of tile D akotas, axe ho-rSomen. The his Journal, Originally it contained only a few crude illustrations, that of Lord Frederick Douglas. It was assumed that he fell some 6,000 waves, but likewise would not help them with the result that a for exhibit. on at the International Livestock 'Slhow at Chicago in De- , Santo Dominges have been walkers but gradually other matter was in-tro. feet onto the glacier below, where he tremendous generating power would eember. To each Saskatchewan ex - and runners always. Their Physique duced, until now it coutaino� articles on nlay very well have fallen into a ere. be needed. hibitor who wins a prizeat this show shows the resubt of generations of the affairs Of the day. This man va6m, Neither of these scientists would the provincial government has offered fOOtmen, Great chests, almost abnor. actually taught his elubscribers to read Rekently the body of Josef Tresch, bazard a guess on the Poa-sibilities of to supplement his winninme; as fol - Inal in development, slope downward his paper, first Introducing words, belonging to a well known family of communication with ather planets in lows: $500 to the winner of a grand to slender walste., while sinewy calves then sentences, and now articles on Swiss guides, was found at the foot of the face of these discoveries. championship, 1300 to the winner of a PrIl'olsim the strength to hold to a the topics of the time. the Kliserstack, in the Gothard range, -1— reserve championship, $200 to the hard trail. after he had been missing for eighteen French Bill Would Kill Bab y winner of a senior or junior cham- Usually their chases of the bands Venue's Day 226 Times Ours. years. The remains of a. Swiss school Soothers. pionship, and $100 to the winner of of Wild horses owned by the tribe are The day of the Planet Venus is es- teacher, who disappeared in an acci. a senior or junior reserve champion.- "'ttIrS of necaSlity. The enormous Wle%ches of broken country where the, timated by some scientists to be equal to 225 dent toward the end ct 1914, have also been found after seven yeais. Bodies Between worries over the equilib. rium ot the budget the French Cham. Ship. Edmonton, Alta—Steps being of our days. Of other lost tourists and climbers ber Of Deputies sometimes finds time I are t.aken towards the establishment of have open found not in Lite owiss Alps I - ,V W L seilousness Lae trou- a eoal briquetting'industry in the Ed - alone but In the French Alps and _in bles of huniankind, even the study of monton district and possibly in other Tyrol. I the welfare of infants, says a Paris parts of Alberta as well. Estiniateg In the Opinion of Alpine guides and de8ptitch. This 'was evidenced when are being secured on the cost of the climbers It the coming winter is as two staid Deputies presented a bill necessary machinery for initial plant. snowless U the last, then next suni. which probably will arouse many a It ha expected that tar from the Atha. mer it should be. �osslble to discover wall of protest if It '.a Passed. bases. bituminous sands Will be u4ei the bodies of all persons who have dis- Acting on the advice of medical as a binder in the new briquettes, the aj)peared in years, gone by on glaciers groups they have decided to start a. manufacture of -which will begin. if and snowfields. As yet the mountains: campaign for the abolition of artificial; present plans work out, next suminer. have been morel� powdered with s=�W, baby soothers and will Insfst that the Lethbridge, Alta.--Approxiiiiately whereas generally the first heavy manufacture and sale of all rubber seven inillion bushels of v,,heat and Bnowfalls have occurred by this time, nipples, which have long b "a a boon more than four hundred thousand Ito weary and busy mothers, be pro- bushels of other grains have bee -a sent hibited. Not only will the marketing i to the East from points in Southern Couldn't Spare Him. of these be punishable, but there will Alberta sinee. the beginning of Sep - Janet's mother entered the nursery be a fine for the use of sugar 000thers tember. At the present time an av- and, as she surveyed the child's col- In bits of cloth if the save the child- erage of about 50 cars of grain are lection of dolls-, said: ren commissioners decide tbere are no being moved from this part of 'the ."Now, dear, you have had this sol- mitigating circumstances such as Ill- province daily. dier doll a long time and the poor little vess, of the par -ants or poverty. Vancouver, B.C.—Ten thousand tons girl next door Is Ill and has no doll tit __45-- of bulk wrain have bepn booked -P— all. Don't you want to Send her your Soldier boy?" "No, mother," said Jon rather send heranv one but that. You see, that's the only man we have in the family, and he's married to all the -other dolls." Real Helpmate. Bachelor—"Well, old inai?, one thing I notice about you since you've been worried, you always have buttons on Your clothes." -Benadfct-­PYos, Dolly taught me how to sew lern on before we'd been marrieda. week." the United Kingdom and the continent during the last few days. and if the rate continues as low as A is nt pres- ent, in the neighborhood of thirty shillings, grain man predict a great movement through this port, Vancouver, B.C.—Forty thousand tons of railway material are to be sold by the British War Munitions Board to Russia, Practically all of this equipmeut is, at the present time, in Port Coquitlam, and a arnall army of men have been engaged for the past - several months in repairing minor de- fects resulting in long exposure to rainv weather as well as paintf ng and greasing preparatory to moving the IMGLAR FEUE&SZo' By Gene Byrnes ininiense. bulk. Included in this lot Cor o?- W kl>m k;W- OP-- 60KPT�Att,e WRV4 Brcomir. or - v olv�4 .4, are 4,000 box oart, of a broad -gauge type, no", Suitable for the railways of this continent. The material will be shipped as soon as satisfactory finan- cial arrangements can be made. — 0 ._� Last of Kitchener's Army Leaves France. seven ollicers and thirty-six pri- Vates, the last of the four and a half million met. Constituting the British Intypeditionary Force, have embarked for England after anabsente of seven years, says a Calais despatch. No oftletal ceremony attended the departure. The French Government had suggested a gendog celebration. but the British War Offito decided otherwl.qe. Private favawollG on the quay, however, were extremely oordial. The last British avitty motor tar and 'the last lorry were turned over to tlip. dispowi! boa!rd here to becold it �mb� lie auctic.u. 4 4A ra- are 4,000 box oart, of a broad -gauge type, no", Suitable for the railways of this continent. The material will be shipped as soon as satisfactory finan- cial arrangements can be made. — 0 ._� Last of Kitchener's Army Leaves France. seven ollicers and thirty-six pri- Vates, the last of the four and a half million met. Constituting the British Intypeditionary Force, have embarked for England after anabsente of seven years, says a Calais despatch. No oftletal ceremony attended the departure. The French Government had suggested a gendog celebration. but the British War Offito decided otherwl.qe. Private favawollG on the quay, however, were extremely oordial. The last British avitty motor tar and 'the last lorry were turned over to tlip. dispowi! boa!rd here to becold it �mb� lie auctic.u.