HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-08, Page 1I rl]LN --MOM! ZLUCTION S&LE-Friday, December 96b , Come to the Bazaar in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Saturday,. Dec. Single Copies - Four Cents' WINtHAM, ONT�j THMSDAY, E 1 ... 61 PERSONALS ' , AING!$ ELECTED TOWN COUNCIL Lyceum Theatre T.- ADVANCE 2 ...... 48 61 asks its readers to make these columns their own to tile ext nt of, con- Receives A Majority of 1096 over Wingham Pays $4398 for Street Closed to-n6ight (Wednesday) trIbuting goolal and personal item. evilich are, of Interest. If) ou have friends visiting you, Spotton Light1n g Go See there is no nicor compae r �hixejqti than to take Mg Guy0bi`cO't'-` pa%, y0hu,t One of the most strenuous elections in . The regular town council meeting was "SHEPHERD OF THE,HILLS r names are mentioned In your local news - p Call at or oboes THE ADVANCE, our the history of North Huron was wound held in the clerk's office on Monday a whole. At present the town is paying .= is 31, or send by mail. up on Tuesday and we believe the candi- evening with. all the members present. by Harold Bell Wright at the Rev. Snell spent �a day in Kitchener dates as well as the electors are pleased . Fire Chief, Crandell asked the council's Opera House, Plan of Hall at McKibbon's Drug Store till 6.3Q this week. that it is. Mr. Fraser, the Libqr at candi- permission that Mr; J. A.. Wilson be ap. p. in. .d Miss Edna Robertson returtled date, made� 4 very poor I un which was a pointed to the fire brigade to take the Ontario. ,,4as from Toronto. surprise to -most of the people. Mr. place of A. Pilon, who has resigned, His 1hursday, Friday and Saturday Mr. Wilbert Wellwood is home from Spotton, the conservative, polled more request was granted (this week) 3 days his Western trip. votes than his friends supposed he would, The W. C. Brennan Co. gave the HAROLD LLOYD Reeve Tipling is attend ing county but they did not expect that Mr. King council a bond from the United States in I council, at Goderich. would have been so far ahead of Mr. Fraser. Federation & Guarantee Co covering "Haunted SpookS" Mr. Frank Va�mier of Clinton, spent the 3 three years maintenance for the pavings 39 and the screen's most popular week -end in Wingham. on John St. east. This means that this actor in his greatest dramatic Mr. Wilfred Fryfogle of Oshawa, was a THE VICTOR IN NORTH HURON piece of pavement is insured against 'triumph. visitor in Wingham for a few days. JOHN PuRvis, Auctioneer. crackinz or breaks for that length of time. 'Broadway and Home' Mr. Fred Scott has gone to Cobalt to 23 A letter was read from' R. Vanstone, Syndicate 2.25, Frank Hill 1.60, J. A. visit his sister, Mrs. Jas. Robinson, Parliament solicitor for J. A. MacLean, giving notice R Matinee Saturday.3.3o, io and 15c. 9 MacLean 3.25, Ab. Gregory 1.50, N. of his intention to take a lean against Two shows Sat. night, 7.3o aDd 9. Mr. Henry FLiiguson of Alvinston, Man., 460 certain town lots for goods supplied to i5c and 25c. is visiting friends in town and vicinity, T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer. the Hunter Bridg6 and Boiler Co. for Monday and Tuesday next Mrs. E. Laundy of Blyth, visited with 19 work on the new bridge, Letter fyled. 2 days only her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roderus, assistance of any other factor or group to A communication from Mr. R. S. Max - AL CHRISTIE'S Mr. Thos. Rathwell of ListoweI, visited 15 well asking for a refund Of Poll tax $6,75 6 reel Comedy Drama with his son, Ed. at the Rathwell Bake 3 which he had paid under protest. He "'So Long Letty" Shop. Because of Christmas falling on Sunday was assessed as part owner of town pro - On Tuesday evening the returns were, Miss Nora Smith has returned to her ...... 113 perty until this year, and he was also a from Oliver Morosco's famous home hereafter spending a month with Gray Dort 6'Ar'.(011.1 partner in the Lyceum Theatre and there. stage success. A romance of mixed wives, tangled husbands ' fri - ends in Toronto. 6; fore paid a business tax—Left over. and tasiifully filled bathing suits Mr. and Mrs. John Bateman of Brus- fee of 25 cents charged. The proceeds amounted to $34 Mr. AN Gregory asked for a refund of . The special Comedy cast includes: sels spent a few days visiting at Win. S. ..... ..... his income tax. He would have appealed before but that he had been away. He T. ROY BARNES—who will be remembered for his fine work in Kings, Turnberry. Mrs. C. N. Griffin has closed her r2sid- claimed that be paid taxes on town pro - "Scratch My Back". COLLEEN MOORE—who ence corner John St. and Carling Terrace pared. The speaking will take place on perty. The council thought the Court of Revision 'wasthe only to li�s been seen with Tom Moore in and will spend the.winter with her son, 614 proper place appeal and they left the mattel, over. many of his successes. Gordon in Cleveland. FOR SALE-Ihave on baud a good supply of steel for use as turnip pulper knives W. A. CURRIE. Mr. Austin Tindall. also asked for a WALTER HIERS—who will be Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Fleuty returned to 79 rebate of poll tax because be paid it when remembered as the "fat boy" in their home in Oakville, after spending a elected representative delivered a brief he as a returned soldier should have been Rupert Hughes, "Going Some" and other Goldwyn successes. couple of weeks with friends in Wingham. 7 15 exempt, He was asked why he hadn't S A.L (0 -Mixed Clover Honey at $ L.25 per FORp . ail and Pare Clover Honoyar, $2.00 per Mrs. J. K. Skelley returned to her home 4 told the collector. His case will be look. Usual pertormances daily at 8.15 in Timmins, after spending a few weeks MR. JO13:N W. KlNG, M. P, ed into. Prices adults 25c, children 15c with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 7 7 1� Thos. Cassels asked if the cou'ricil would and one member for the Wingbarn Utlli- tiesCommission. Mr. Gurney and Mr. Holmes tossed a coin to see who should Haines. buy the 30 tons or so of kennel coal which twenty-four liberals, Quebec, Prince Ed- . Miss Gonzaga Kehoe was home from The results in North Huron ns we re- was left at the Ritchie building by the Sale of Aprons, Towels, Fancy Work, Toronto over the week -end while in attend- ceived them on Tuesday night are given Clinton Knitting Co. He could sell it for ,Childrens' Wear, Dolls and Home made ance at the funeral of her little neice, below. These figures will probably be $13.50 per ton. baking, also Chickens and Vegetables at Marie Gonzaga Moin changed when the official count will be Citizens of North Street petitioned the the Bazaar in the council chamber on Sat- Messrs. Thomas Bowers and F. W. given by the Returning Officer: council to place two lights on that street, urday next. Angus. were among the successsuI ex. . King Spotton Fraser one near the C. P. R. crossing, and n citizens a'long Cathed 'ie street requested Miss Githolm of Bright, will start her hibitors of poultry, at the big Winter Wingbam, Ward I ...... 29 135 53 3 ...... Fordwich Dairy lectures Dec. 7th., and continue Fair at Guelph this week. 69 2 ...... 28 151 56 that a light be placed at the 5outh-end of until Dec 14th. Miss Petty is still in Mr. Chas. McKinnon of Hamilton, is 44 3 ...... 31 162 78 the street. Reeve Tipling said there were about forty different lights request. ,charge of the sewing classes. Seed judg- ing will be giving the boys class this week. visiting at the home of Mr. W. T. Miller. Mr. McKinnon conducted blacksmith 4 ... ... 46 158 99 5 ...... 14 85 28 ed by people in different parts, of the 'town. Canada showed plainly that they wanted a Advance Poll 1 7 0 Councillcir-Fells thought that if 22 10 shop in Lucknow for a number of years. ..... — — — the ratepayers knew the cost of these EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN From the Stratford Beacon we learn 149 1398 $1,' lights they would not be so ready to ask ZLUCTION S&LE-Friday, December 96b , that Tecumseh Chapter, R. A. M, will accept the invitation extended to them by West Wawanosh 1.. 1 ... 61 66 46 for more. The matter was left with the Street Committee but Councillor Greer Varm. stock, Impl ervents, etc. at Lot 10, Con.:13, Grey township Sale unreservedat 12 Mr. R. A. Coutts, grand Superintendent 2 ...... 48 61 44 expressed his opinion that the matter ,o'clock. In the list i; included 23 head of choice registered Aberdeen -Angus cattle, also of Huron district to visit Lebanon Chapter 3 4 ...... 52 42 10 should be threshed out by the council as a fine lot of 42 grades. Term, 910 and under cash, 11 monthe oredir with 6% niscount. at Wingharn in the near future. Tecum- 5 ...... im 88 18 3 a whole. At present the town is paying MARic L. CARDIFF, Prop. seh Chapter and Lebanon Chapter are Calneras and Kodaks Snapshot Albums ...... 14 19 $31 each for 78 lights and $44 each for JAB TAYLOR, A.UCtioneer. considered two of the best in Western 6...-... 60 13 23 45 lights or an annual payment of $4398 AUCTION S&LE-Farm Stock and Imple. Lot Ontario. Hot Water Bottles Flashlights'. 423 214 145 for lighting the streets of Wingham. mentsmt 20, Con. 0, Turnberry, on Friday. December 9th. We will be ',pleased to have you inspect our atock-The best assortment As a special inducement to new sub- and beat values we have ever shown, also Greeting Cardsi Xmas Seals, scribers we are offering THE ADVANCE Ri bbons, etc. A bylaw" was passed fixing certain ex - Among the list offered is 4 good horses, 5 cows, 8 steers.'a heirers and five bpring calves, 9 LIBERALS WIN. East Wawanosh I 2 ...... 82 ...... 113 16 74 8 8 emption on farm lands in the municipal - ity Wingharn follows: � sows, store pigs. goultry. a qoantity of corn in stock. turnips an, mangolds. Drugs and Stationery 3 113 39 6 of as William ff. T. THompsoN, Proprietor, 4 ...... Field 35 75, H. T. Thompson 2.25, Angus JOHN PuRvis, Auctioneer. Will Have a Clear Majority in ...... * 92 23 20 Syndicate 2.25, Frank Hill 1.60, J. A. ,&UCTION SALE -Of furniture. Rugs, %oves Parliament 5 ...... 60 -- 27 9 MacLean 3.25, Ab. Gregory 1.50, N. and household effects at the skatii,g rink on Saturday December 10th., at 2 o'clock sharp. The Liberal party have been elected by 460 -- 179 -- 50 Burwash estate 75 cents. Chas. Elliott $1.00, Percy Hogg 75 ci�nts and Frank T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer. a splendid majority and will not need the Morris 1 ...... 98 19 20 Angus 75 cents. Making in all a total B&TTERIES-For winter storage wet or dry assistance of any other factor or group to 2 ...... 97 58 15 exemption of $19.75. we have the very beat facilities for taking �oare ofyour batteries. Lotus take charge of carry on at Ottawa. 3 ...... 90 53 12 Because of Christmas falling on Sunday them during the winter. Phone al E. MERKLmy On Tuesday evening the returns were, 4 ...... 113 31, 13 it was decided, to hold the municipal Gray Dort 6'Ar'.(011.1 receive It in the Wingbam town hall and a 5 ...... 84 6; 29 nominations on Friday, Dec. 23rd from AILY WORK WANTED to D fee of 25 cents charged. The proceeds amounted to $34 6 ...... 132 41 32 12.30 until 1,30 and the bylaw was so l9re- .�yply MRS. BERSON, and after expenses are -- -- -- pared. The speaking will take place on Victoria St. paid the money will be given to the 614 274 121 the nigLt of Tuesday evening, . Dec. 27th FOR SALE-Ihave on baud a good supply of steel for use as turnip pulper knives W. A. CURRIE. Wingharn Generpj Hospital. Mr. I W. King, North Huron's newly Ashfield I ...... 78 79 29 and the election, if a poll be required. will Machine Shop. elected representative delivered a brief 2 3 ...... 78 ...... 90 20 43 7 15 be held on Monday, Dec. 2nd. Nomina- tions will be heid for th� members of the S A.L (0 -Mixed Clover Honey at $ L.25 per FORp . ail and Pare Clover Honoyar, $2.00 per address thanking the electors for the splendid Support given him. 4 ...... 60 62 11 town council, of the public school board At Tnos. KFw1s, Wingham or GEO. Whitochurch Seventeen Progressives were elected in Ontario, thirty -eight conservatives and 5 ....... 118 6 ...... 116 7 ...... 119 7 7 1� 35 16 9 and one member for the Wingbarn Utlli- tiesCommission. Mr. Gurney and Mr. Holmes tossed a coin to see who should -13m. Imme SALE Art O.v nir FORHeater. ADplyatthls office. twenty-four liberals, Quebec, Prince Ed- - - - - - - remain for the second year errin and Mr. FUR SAIjE-Babs cutter with top almost new dark green. Apply at ward Island, New Brunswick, Nova 659 231 122 Gu'rney was the lucky man, the other TnE ADVANCE Scotia and the Yukon gave solid liberal Howick I 146 -76 9 � member of the commission is the mayor FOR SALE -Happy Thought Range in splen- did condition at a bargain for quick sale. support. Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King was elected in North York and Mr, ...... Lakelet 2 ...... 130 52 17 ?f the town by virtue of his office. ' Poll. Apply at THE ADVANCE. - Crerar in his Western home, but Mr. 3 ...... Fordwich 120 156 37 ing will take place as follows: Ward No. 1 -Ai Robertson and Heck- LE -Cutter and Robe In first class FORconslitiOn. Apply to Meighen w,is defeated. The people, Of 4 ...... 8 100 163 1�8 44 a4 er's garage. with Thos. Cassels, D. R. 0. WHE ADVANCE. Canada showed plainly that they wanted ...... 6 100 58 22 10 and Harry Browne, poll clerk. FORSALE -White baby oatter with top also a white far robe, App�T.to a criange at Ottawa. Findlay, Progressive, won from John ...... — -_ -_ Ward No. 2 -At Wall. Gannett's shop, I, ADVANCE. . — Purvis and R. E. Truax in South Bruce; 749 534 149 Rich. Mann D. R. 0. and Rich. Casemore, HOMELESS BOY -14, would like a place more for a home than wages, applyto Malcolm, Liberal, won from Col. Clark Colborne totals 399 164 60 poll clerk. Ward No. 3 -At the town hall, with WILLIAM COLLIN9, o (400. Falconer, lit. in North Bruce-, Black, Progressive, is Goderich totais Turnberry I 119 017 820 C. R. Wilkinson, D. 'R, 0. and Lloyd Phone 4-M. It. No. 2, Teeswater. supposed to have a small majority in ...... 135 101 35 Hing8ton, poll clerk, LOST -Boston Terrier, color brindle and Anybocly found aouth Huron; Miss McPail, Progressive, 2 ...... 155 So 35 Ward No. 4 -At the Dominion Express white. detaining this dog after this notice Will be Prosecuted as he won in South East Grey; Dr. Rankin, 3 ...... 4 126 30 4 Office with Thos. G=ett, D. R, 0. and has been seen In the countr (LO MOIR, Liberal, won in North Perth, from H. B. ...... 142 32 4 Fred Carruthemll clerk. 136'r 1134, Wingham, Oat, Morphy and W, A. Amos. Ward No,'5-"hV_A. Bell's house, with PLAYER -PIANO VOR SALE -Splendid In- fifty RLPstrLTs Bv PRovixems Grey totals 558 859 193 220 78 97 J. T. Boardman'i' D. R, 0. and Jos, atrument, with rolla of music, mud beach. Tolophone No 7, Lucknow, Oat. Prog. and Lib, Con. Ind. Labor e Wrox ter totals 64 70 64 Leonard, poll clork. The Womenla Institute asked for a con- IrIMBER FOR 0 ALE -About M acreo Stand- 1119 mostlysoft maple. Will be wld in Ontario ......... 24 39 20 Br6 �sela totals 129 216' 168 cession in the matter of haU rent for their garomIskaereq or more. A lyto Quebec .......... 65 Blyth totals 49 153 146 entertainments for the nights of Dec, (vp =DOM ELMOTT. ID E. Island -# 4 14th and 15th as the proceeds were for a Phone 32-015, - WANTED-Furni8hed room with co OZ?M ..... . . . . New Bru nswick.. 5 5 1 Nova Grand totals Majority for King 5165 over Spotton 4069 1096. 2326 memorial fund. A large grist of accounts were ordered be convoniences praerrod,,oll Steve t"tory. Apply to 1, in ADVANCE. Scotia .... 16 Manitoba 2 12 Ward 2 Ashfield has taken the for to paid when properly certified to. Councillor Fells said that with so ....... 1 prize - WANTEO-By a gentleman with best refer- ancee. a quiet room WTilrig enough to Sit Alberta_% ...... 1 10 1 the greatest amount of spoiled ballots, 0 any ptad ces and doings in the council chamber and the town hall it was almost 111. Apply to ADVANCE.- Saskatchewan .... 2 14 were spoiled which were evidently meant impossible for the chief to keep it clean — 1VOIlk WAN'TED-Miga Flort itt British Columbia. 4 7 2 for Fraser. 512 Xing ballots were tpoiled and attend to his hundred and one other I vroMt4togotworkbythe day 0 0 th. Apply tof Yukon .......... 6' 1 and 26 SPotton ballots were spoiled. duties. He suggested that he be allow. ed to pay for help to ke�p it in better 'AlItS. A PITT. Albert St., Wingliam. — - - Totals ...... 123 51 59 How to account for tbis' 151aying with the 2 franchise Is more than we tan suggest. . shape, The councillors were quite agme- able to this. moved their household effects to Ba - ' field, where he has purchased a black- smith shop. The Misses Elston were .9urprised one Don't miss the wonderful show at the Opera House on Wednesday and Thurs- day of next ' week. 100 people of Wing - ham taking part. Tanlac is well advertised, but advertis- ing alone could not have produced Tan- lac's popularity. It had to have merit. Sold at J. W. McKibbon's. Sneak thieves broke into Harry Words.; man's barn on Friday night and stole over $300 worth of skins, Harry seems to have hard luck. Do your Christmas shopping at the Methodist Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Saturday, December 10th. Tea served from 3 to 5, 16c. Hot Supper from 6 to 8, 35c. The Misses Annie and Nellie Elston wish to thank their friends and neighbors of Mcrris Twp. for their kind remem. brance of a beautiful couch, I We are now equipp�d to do all kinds of rubber boot repairing. Give us a trial- Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depot. George Cassels, a former resident of Wingham, died at his home in Fresno, Calf recentl n A ; 11 4.11 9 evening recently when a handsome leath- er couch was delivered to their home from Walker's furniture store and bearing greetinot and best wishes from several of their old friends and n6ighbors from Morris. The imperishable gift. The gift of a Diamond is a gift that nevt:,- perishes, neither does it depreciate in value as the years pass by. You can buy them at W. G. Patterson's Jewelery store. The Dixie Duo Entertainment in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday even- ing was splendid, but very few were in, attendance. One offen wonders if the public appreciate something really good and above the average or why is it that any nigger show or smutty company can always be sure of a full house. St. Pauls, church choir will be away behind finacial- ly because of bringing the series of five Chautuuqud concerts here this winter. Sudden Death at Belgrave Sampson Carter passed suddenly away at his home in Belgrave, on Monday morning. Mrs. Carter had left him 4asleep -a er o and returned later and found him dead. Mr. Thos. Cassels, Wingham. He was in his 75th. year and had r6ided I Pri e Winners at Guelph Is your liver out of' order? Do you for about forty years near Auburn before z suffer from biliousness, headaches, con. moving to Belgrave about four years ago. Standing Field Crop Compeilition at stipation? If so, Tarlac is what You He was a native of England and was a Guelph Fair were awarded as 'follows: - need. -J. W. McKibbon. believer in the Plymouth Brethern faith, ]St. A. & W. McKague, Teeswater, R. R. In the Town Hall Saturday and was highly respected. The funeral No. 1, 0. A. C. No. 72; 2nd. S. & W You'll meet friends from near and far. will be held dn Thursday afternoon to Bingham & Son, Hillsburg,-'R. R. No. 2, Everybody's going Clinton cemetery. Banner; 3rd. Andrew Schmidt, Mildmay., To the Ladies Aid Bazaar. Besides his widow he is survived by the R. R. No.. .1., Abundance; 4th, Richard Happy memories of Xmas -The gift of following cbildren: Fred Carter of Wing- Wilton, Wingham, R. R, NO. 1, 0. A. C, a beautiful wrist watch, will gladden the ham. Mrs. Alex. Cloakey and Mr Bert No. 72. Inter county judging Competi- �r, . tions conducted at -the Winter Fair on heart of any lady. 100 to choose from at -Carter. Belgrave, Mrs. Bromwell, mm- Saturday last. Huron was 9th. place in a W. G. Patterson's Jew elery store, peg, Mrs. Stewart David, London, and class of -21, last year Huron stood 12th. Sam. of Toronto. One son fell in the Everyone should be well satisfied with thL- Because a Mississippi'newspaper ad- Great War. progress of the. boys from this section. vertises a "house convenient to the cemetery" the humorists are poking fun at it. Our own idea is that it is a grave X1XX7AXX=XXXV.XX XXXXXXCXXXXXX subject. X, Economize by bringing your rubbers and rubber boots to us and have them re - 4 paired as good as new by the Wingbarn OnIV 17 Zars 'Cill Tire &Vulcanizing Depot. -just time 14 Shopping Days to Xmas to get that Insurance policy you intended giving your family for the Xmas present. Cbristmae,,, Act quickly -W, T. Booth, Mutual Life of Canada, What Shall I Give They put up a job on their wives and- Why not a Pair of Shoes:or Slippers? well, married men know the answer by ex-- perience. All others should see "So Long Everyone Needs Them. Letty" at the Lyceum, next Me �day and Tuesday. Why doesn't some person find a way to vulcanize pants and make them as good as new. Surely the noblest garments of man are of as great importance as auto- N, mobile tires. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen is the IDRAL gift. -G. Mason& Son. The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church will hold a bazzaar and sale of homemade cooking and candy in the Orange Hall, Belgravo on Friday Dec. Oth. at 2 P. M. A Pair of these would bo'Ceftain to make SOMeone A ten cent lunch will also be served. happy on Christmag moming, Get your ticket early for Van Gene's Revue next Wednesday and Thursday We have a large assortment of Shoes, Slippp_ps, at the Opera Hor zl% The remains of Mrs. Neil McPhail, Overgaiteps, Hoclwy Shoes, Etc. who died at Southampton, vvere taken to . to choose frorn. Bru4nels for interment, service being con- AN lucted at the home of her brother, Allan Comes and See our DiAplay of Lamont. Deceased was a former resident CHRISTMAS, FooTWEAR )f Grey Township, 110 would have had scrambled eggs, but �18 wife had used the eggs for a shampoo, W. J. GREER'S'Shoe Store k" "So Long Letty" gt the Lyceum rheatre, next Monday and Tuesday. ZXZXXX4%n~XXZw1 � 9% A I Oth. .8 v*i Y. Attractive Christ as P orne. er m resents. 7. 7 ECEMBtR Sth, 1921 Suh,scriptlons',$2.00 pc�r 'year LOCAL AND GENERAL'�'. Gifts that last at W. G. Pattprson's Jewelery store. Mr. Samuel Vanstone-of rumberry, at� hristmas'. i Gefts tended the � funeral of the late Mrs. E. Williams at Exeter, last wepk, Mr.Jas, Walker was in Brussels last week where he purchased a fine black We have a large variety, and everything maked downato rock bottom driver for his'hearse for th6 winter, prices -pre war or lesis.iji most cases: - George Tace, aged 50, Bruce township Phonographs Phonograph Records was found dead in. a field on his (Edison -and Columbia) (Edison or Columbia) .farmer, farm lost week. No inquest will be held. Calneras and Kodaks Snapshot Albums Just when it looks as though we were Ebbny Gabas' Ivory Goods going to be able to make both ends meet, Chocolates Perfpnles some guy comes along - and moves the Electrical Goods Rtationery ends. Auto Strop Safety'Razor Razors all kinda If You are feeling badly, put yo . ur Mouth Organs Musical Instruments 'troubles away by taking, Tanlac�_J. W. Pipes Oig.ars - . McKibben. Hot Water Bottles Flashlights'. You will see Wing4am's best talent in Bill P81ds Music Rolle Van Gene's Revue at the Town Hall Cloth Brushes Hair Brushes Wednesday and Thursday 14 and 16. We will be ',pleased to have you inspect our atock-The best assortment As a special inducement to new sub- and beat values we have ever shown, also Greeting Cardsi Xmas Seals, scribers we are offering THE ADVANCE Ri bbons, etc. from, NOW until Jan'y. Ist., 1923 for �$2.00. Buy your Christmas presents at the Walto C J9 -n M'Kibbon Methodist Bazaar in the Council Chamber Saturday, . December 10th. Tea served Drugs and Stationery from 3 to 5, 15c. Hot supper from 6 to 8, 35c. Edison Phonographs Phone 53 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandon hive - ri -1 - moved their household effects to Ba - ' field, where he has purchased a black- smith shop. The Misses Elston were .9urprised one Don't miss the wonderful show at the Opera House on Wednesday and Thurs- day of next ' week. 100 people of Wing - ham taking part. Tanlac is well advertised, but advertis- ing alone could not have produced Tan- lac's popularity. It had to have merit. Sold at J. W. McKibbon's. Sneak thieves broke into Harry Words.; man's barn on Friday night and stole over $300 worth of skins, Harry seems to have hard luck. Do your Christmas shopping at the Methodist Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Saturday, December 10th. Tea served from 3 to 5, 16c. Hot Supper from 6 to 8, 35c. The Misses Annie and Nellie Elston wish to thank their friends and neighbors of Mcrris Twp. for their kind remem. brance of a beautiful couch, I We are now equipp�d to do all kinds of rubber boot repairing. Give us a trial- Wingham Tire and Vulcanizing Depot. George Cassels, a former resident of Wingham, died at his home in Fresno, Calf recentl n A ; 11 4.11 9 evening recently when a handsome leath- er couch was delivered to their home from Walker's furniture store and bearing greetinot and best wishes from several of their old friends and n6ighbors from Morris. The imperishable gift. The gift of a Diamond is a gift that nevt:,- perishes, neither does it depreciate in value as the years pass by. You can buy them at W. G. Patterson's Jewelery store. The Dixie Duo Entertainment in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Thursday even- ing was splendid, but very few were in, attendance. One offen wonders if the public appreciate something really good and above the average or why is it that any nigger show or smutty company can always be sure of a full house. St. Pauls, church choir will be away behind finacial- ly because of bringing the series of five Chautuuqud concerts here this winter. Sudden Death at Belgrave Sampson Carter passed suddenly away at his home in Belgrave, on Monday morning. Mrs. Carter had left him 4asleep -a er o and returned later and found him dead. Mr. Thos. Cassels, Wingham. He was in his 75th. year and had r6ided I Pri e Winners at Guelph Is your liver out of' order? Do you for about forty years near Auburn before z suffer from biliousness, headaches, con. moving to Belgrave about four years ago. Standing Field Crop Compeilition at stipation? If so, Tarlac is what You He was a native of England and was a Guelph Fair were awarded as 'follows: - need. -J. W. McKibbon. believer in the Plymouth Brethern faith, ]St. A. & W. McKague, Teeswater, R. R. In the Town Hall Saturday and was highly respected. The funeral No. 1, 0. A. C. No. 72; 2nd. S. & W You'll meet friends from near and far. will be held dn Thursday afternoon to Bingham & Son, Hillsburg,-'R. R. No. 2, Everybody's going Clinton cemetery. Banner; 3rd. Andrew Schmidt, Mildmay., To the Ladies Aid Bazaar. Besides his widow he is survived by the R. R. No.. .1., Abundance; 4th, Richard Happy memories of Xmas -The gift of following cbildren: Fred Carter of Wing- Wilton, Wingham, R. R, NO. 1, 0. A. C, a beautiful wrist watch, will gladden the ham. Mrs. Alex. Cloakey and Mr Bert No. 72. Inter county judging Competi- �r, . tions conducted at -the Winter Fair on heart of any lady. 100 to choose from at -Carter. Belgrave, Mrs. Bromwell, mm- Saturday last. Huron was 9th. place in a W. G. Patterson's Jew elery store, peg, Mrs. Stewart David, London, and class of -21, last year Huron stood 12th. Sam. of Toronto. One son fell in the Everyone should be well satisfied with thL- Because a Mississippi'newspaper ad- Great War. progress of the. boys from this section. vertises a "house convenient to the cemetery" the humorists are poking fun at it. Our own idea is that it is a grave X1XX7AXX=XXXV.XX XXXXXXCXXXXXX subject. X, Economize by bringing your rubbers and rubber boots to us and have them re - 4 paired as good as new by the Wingbarn OnIV 17 Zars 'Cill Tire &Vulcanizing Depot. -just time 14 Shopping Days to Xmas to get that Insurance policy you intended giving your family for the Xmas present. Cbristmae,,, Act quickly -W, T. Booth, Mutual Life of Canada, What Shall I Give They put up a job on their wives and- Why not a Pair of Shoes:or Slippers? well, married men know the answer by ex-- perience. All others should see "So Long Everyone Needs Them. Letty" at the Lyceum, next Me �day and Tuesday. Why doesn't some person find a way to vulcanize pants and make them as good as new. Surely the noblest garments of man are of as great importance as auto- N, mobile tires. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen is the IDRAL gift. -G. Mason& Son. The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church will hold a bazzaar and sale of homemade cooking and candy in the Orange Hall, Belgravo on Friday Dec. Oth. at 2 P. M. A Pair of these would bo'Ceftain to make SOMeone A ten cent lunch will also be served. happy on Christmag moming, Get your ticket early for Van Gene's Revue next Wednesday and Thursday We have a large assortment of Shoes, Slippp_ps, at the Opera Hor zl% The remains of Mrs. Neil McPhail, Overgaiteps, Hoclwy Shoes, Etc. who died at Southampton, vvere taken to . to choose frorn. Bru4nels for interment, service being con- AN lucted at the home of her brother, Allan Comes and See our DiAplay of Lamont. Deceased was a former resident CHRISTMAS, FooTWEAR )f Grey Township, 110 would have had scrambled eggs, but �18 wife had used the eggs for a shampoo, W. J. GREER'S'Shoe Store k" "So Long Letty" gt the Lyceum rheatre, next Monday and Tuesday. ZXZXXX4%n~XXZw1 � 9%