HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 10to
iria►a»,lfty. Dee. 1et,,1N1
cane e °sited Is Money Saved
Money Spent Is Money Gone
bin Illifieefflll d111lil'rhdliifnmflAAlg1,rfff�flrllffll l ,1 ,fig
. PWMRlllffPr/NffIffMillr
Money Earners
Sure, you are going to need money ,next Christmas—but
will you have it_?
You will when you come in and join our Christmas
Club which gives you a systematic plan for depositing
money regularly,
From their earnings, men and women are in a position
to deposit $1, $2, $3,•$5, $10, $20 or more each week with-
out inconvenience to themselves.
Come in and Join.
Increasing.: Club Plan
To have money fo next Christmas or any other pur-
pose, join our Christmas Club. JOIN TODAY.
Business Men
Business men are urged to encourage their employees to
join our Christmas Club and to explain to them that it is a
weekly method of banking money. Thrifty employees are
the most valuable to their business:•
Join Our Christmas Club To -Day,
What the different .Clubs will amount to in 50 weeks
Even Amount Club Plan Even Amount Clu
$5 Club Deposit $5 each week --in 50 weeks $ 250.00
$10 Club Deposit $to each week -in 5o weeks 500.00
$20' Club Deposit Ur) each week -in 58 weeks , 1,000.00
100 00 $100 Cl b
Come in and Join.
• Deposit re, ret ;week, 2c 2nd week, Increase re'
each week -in 5o weeks ter 12.I0
' Deposit do at, week, ec 2nd week, Increase ac
C 'Club ` each weekin 5o weeks
Deposit Sc xst .week, roc end week, Increase •
.5C *A• MU 5e each week -in 5o weeks 63.75
Deposit tee xst week, Zoe end week, Iucrease
�,Q 'Cub ';xoe. each;Veek-.in so weeks 127,50
, ; C,aok'at the
. $ , $1, $s, . It is part of the business of our Bank to encourage thrift and to teach economy, .In no better we can we
$toadca, $20,00 Or more; then come to our bank with the first weekly deposit. We will make yon a ember el the derservice,to all of the people of this town and c m thee Y ten"
C1ub.and'give you a Christmas Club lass Book showing the C1nb you have joined. ey.r Our Christmas Club is just9 mnOlti -..1tn by diving thgm a definife plan for savingtheir mon-
such a plan, .... , . ...........
25c Club,
50c Club
$1 Club
$2 .Club
Deposit 250 each week -in 5o 'weeks $ 12.50
Deposit 500 each week -in 5o weeks' 25.00
Deposit $x each week -in 50 weeks 50.00
Deposit "iia each week --in 5o weeks
b Plan
• u Deposit ;too each weep -in 5o weeks .. , . 5,000.00
differept`Clubs in table above and select the one you wish to join, the rc sc , c MC, 250, o
We Pay 3 per .cent. interest on Christmas Club Account;
.pg\guxwztxxmxxxxxyx0vrxxx�x/ vnuli ilvatxxpnvxsvxx
Olue�lio Whitechurch . .
1ilusia tryatttp l» s#tt«a�d*d to the 1741114(1*
ati lMra. Lotion add dAt we.r, :4sset or
atut., t * d Jahn illliuer orad lint atrdlue, xiaited las wry, �swtth lits.
brother Andrew, also the hatband, Mr. sed Mrs. Wirt. Moulin.
F. iifa»tie, in the death of Mrs, Hattie,
formerly Mime Elisabeth Miller, who died Mr, and Mrs. Jobe Radford and . stasilyy
art her parent's home at Listowel, being ere toying this week to rieltnerei whew
buried at Wroxatak cemetery An Batur- Mr. Radford has purchased a saw ;milt,.,.
day the tilts* of November. and a chopping mill. We wish him sur.
!4r. and Mre. Richard Miller, meters csss in his new work,
neghborttood inQthe edeathpof a loving visiting,withlhisugrandmotf her,�eMr
daughter and slater (.Agnea), who died on Garton,
Monday morning alter a lingering illness, Misa Margaret lsfcCatlum' of Lgeknow.
We are pleased to say Mrs. Robert spent Sunday at the manse with Rev, and
McClennan la improving, may she soon be Mrs. Scobio.
better ie our sxi»h Mr, Geo Rintoul of Wingbam; spent
Mins Vera Sellers who underwent an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Garton,
operation for appendicitis la gaining Mr. and Mrs. Ben 14IdOlenagban ant.!
quickly, Nurse Deadman of Brussels, children spent Friday with Mrs, Me.,
bas returned to her home. Clenaghan's parents. Mr. nod Mrs PIP*.
The Willing Workers will meet at the Barbour, Fordyce.
home of Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge' on Miss Maude Conp of Wingharp, ,spent
Thursday of thi, week. Sunday at her home here,
The Johnaton's Ladies Aid will have Miss. Olive Terriff visited ,with her
their regular monthly meeting at the uncle, Mr. Duncan MacGregor and with
borne of Mre, it. Johnston on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tamer, Culross,, last
the 7th of December,. weak,
Remember the regular monthly meet- Mrs. E. Sperling yisited with her sister.
ing of the Women's Institute to be held . Mrs, Thos. Kew of Wingbam . last week.
Bathe home of Mrs. Ti. Gambia on Thugs- Miss Agnes Kerr' of Wingbam, 'spent,
day, Dec. Sib, The program to be tnr• the week end with Miss Jean Dawoon.
niched by the gide, a good time expected.
We are sorry to report the.serious ill- Mr, and Mrs. Sidney lowright and sea..
nese of Mr. Robert Mathes, maybe anon AUaa, of Lucknow, visited' with Miss
be better. Lilian Paterson on Sunday. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Cooke'et Lucknow,.
Practice for Christmas Trees are the visited with Mr, and Mrs. »Thos. Render -
order of the times, Johnston's Church, son on Sunday.
Bluevale Presbyterian and Methodist, Mr. and Mrs, Ai. E. Po
Miss,' Cora,
all are very busy. Clubb, Mr. Chas. Gillespie, also .Mr, and
A number of the girls and boys are Mr's, Robert M Gills ,of Langaidg, ,visit -
attending the course in Wingbam A. C. ed with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil l+alcoger on
The Sunday School of Ebenezer Sunday.
church, Browntown intend holding their n
annual Christmaa Arch and entertain- m,,+visited
meat on Wednesday evening Dec. 21. A Mrs. George Allen of Wiugha
Mr. and Mfrs. John Egglestone last
good program ie being prepared. week.
Mrs. Kenneth Weaver was in. Owen
Phones xo6, 224.
Sound last week, taking • the Domestic
Science course for soldier's wives.; c
Mies Ada Ciubb is visiting rher+'brother
in St. Marys. s • .,,•,
Mr. and Mrs Philip Steele add Mr, `and
Thos. Rivett 61 Dungannon, yil'sited with
Mr. Steele's sister; Mrs.Jas,' •Corneligs,
Funeral Directors on Sunday. ,•.
and Embalmers The U, F. O. were uitleadh g'a.tar of
molasses and corn here on Monday' and
Tuesday : r
Motor Hearse or Horse Equipment Mr. Jas Steele end Mr. Glenn of 'Ggde-
rich, visited with Mr, and Mrs "eines
Cornelius on Sunday, • '
Wingham, Ontario Mr. Gordon:McGe
ay e, returned from, the
West on Fridlast; '.
i • Mr. Wm. Martin has the telephone in
stalled now., .Their ring is 3$ op All.
Glenannan Mr. Harry McGee has been laid up for
the past two ; weeks . with,, a lame back.
Mr. David Marshall, London is spend- We hope he wits»soon be•able to •be around
ing a few days with friends on the 10th,
Mr. Thomas Appleby has put up a new
hen house, which adds to the appearance We are s'oery to report. ''thin Mrs..
of his property. Frank Henry isnot progressinga,s Mr. McEwen, McEwen. West end has sold his ly as her. many friends ,would like;,te see."
farm to Mr. McKinnon anndg d intei60vin The social' evening held dbyeSuhsliine
alsale, near spring, Circle in the Presbyterian church eneFri-
The oun " day night was kliiite successfu14, ;Mr. Tired
y g people of Feedie's congrega- Clubb winning first prizefor'tbe'best'trina-
tion is preparing fop 2 Christmas tree and 'med hat. , This contest. •for the boys
Miss Benn@tt; teacher, intends having a 'caissed much merriment and t ught9r'a;,, ,
!: ast riafternoon tree' sandoi.entertainment the i the boys certainly 'produced Wonderfully
deem;- t@d }rats in 'the.' fifteen • minutes al -
Mr. Albert Johnston, Riverhurst, Sask,, :lotted to that ganiie, 't :
is visiting friends on the 10tb.N. Rfr. and Mrs. 'Harry Mc leve art of
Miss Annie Metcalfe has gone on a visit - Belgrave, and` Miss; Mary Campbell and
to Kincardine, Mrs, Howard of Wingham,''epent 'Frriday'
Mr. and Mrs. Richard'jeffrev and little • with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. MoClenaghaii.
M son, Stewart also Mr. and Mrs Oliver Mrs. Robert Dobie of Wingbain, spent •
N Stokes spent a very pleasant evening at Friday with her mother, Mrs. Jas,; Mee
the home of Mr, David Fortune. Clenaghan. •
• xxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxx
AS IT WAS -IN THE BEGINNING time to making Five Lilies Flour"'that has able to pr
ie Advance". uniU January1923 for $:QO making"
Five a home fq� old age, but
become a household word, the wide world their evening 9f life i9 MA beautiful as
WINGHAM, FEBRUARY 1071 over, In connection with the mill there the sunset and right hi their eciri brae
Say Mr. Editor in your Iast issue we its a beautiful cosy lunch room for the town their sun quietly Sets, The big
left Mr. Smith starting on aeroplane No. millers and clerke, also a swimming bath, ah workingiinton has been converted into
999, for New York and beingsomewhat s $ mm s Fred Hofamil, shout for
and l;i..,, but not least a splendid. reading the working man and his family, should a
anxious to hear further, about things, room, full of real, good healthy literature man own his home and per, ps little be -
which once wereand now9en't. We went and scientific research, Yes sir, we are sides, and if heavy sickne strides into
t to the snug office ofyoung Frank Howson, • proud of our plant, knowing that we are his 11oAle, he 'bee net gleed to resorto
�,";�z� a �� t a
a young hearty man in his 80's, he extend- quickly reaching to the top 'ting of the mortgage hi Order to pay the high fees of
ed to us a warm welcome and gladly took ladder, why bless you if my father could doctor and nurse, for practically in our.
up the pros and cons where our friend left only see Wingham,to-day and compare it modern County Hospital everything is ab -
off to last week's Advance. Yes, he said with Wingbam 50 years ago, he would ex- solutely free, A small annual fee of $5.00
truly things are different now to what claim with Sheba's Queen the half has however is compulsory from every home
they were in the early 20's. Our mill for never told. There is now no more going
instance, now. owned by my�� in the county, whether sick or whether
1110 grandsons, over the hill to the poorhouse, for has well, then should there be any deficits, it
Howson Bros., instead of an old frame not Wingbam built a beautiful large home is paid by the county -rate, In times gone
building, a magnificent steel structure, for her, old people exclusively? I mean by, sickness made the working man woe-
with a capacity of 1000 barrels per day, those, who owing to circumstances, over fully poor and the doctor extremely rich,
they do no chopping but give their whole which they had no control, have been un- but now with free hospitals and free dis-
pensarysthere is less sickness and greater
iI=Il*=lMINMIRO r>EN=I_INse. prosperity.
I remember continued Frank in 1921,
when the late George Spotton, with a big
majority, Was elected Conservative Mem-
Can You Guess Who Will beher for North Huron; our little insignifi-
North Huron's Representative w oi cant.'towf hall would be crowded to hear
him <peak. It would seat only about
FRASER SPOTTON KING 1000 people, but behold what have we to-
day? a noble structure, with its marble
-, The Wixl►gham Advance will Gives pillar's, lofty towers and a seating capacity
of $5,000. Our town hall to -day is an hu-
What Is To Be Canada's Detiny?
Shall it be that through the destruction of the Tariff as proposed by both Crerar and
.Ring, the development of Canada is to come under the domination of the United
States, to be followed by gradual financial domination and as a consequence, political
The Advance's Election Contest
Is Canada's destiny to be that of a grealt'free nation within the British Empire group
of Nations, developing her boundless resources of mine, river , water power, forest,
and cultivating her millions upon millions of acres of arable lands Is her develop.
ment to surpass that of any other nation?
Shall her manufacturing industries develop her minerals and raw materials into im.
plements and goods for the benefit and comfort of her people and for foreign trade?
Shall she become a self-contained nation within the Empire, her great railways
Interchanging, the products of factory and farm among her, own people, and herr,
Aix; riling every seal,
Shitty! she maintain her integrity within the Empire and protect her far= and
betoken against unfair competition from foreign countries?
Oa December '6th, Canada should once *gain protect kff�r farms, her factories and her workmen
*tarot the unsound theory of Brae Trade, and skoald hold first to her reasonable Proteetire Tariff,
her national entity and her British connection.
Oa December *It Canada should declare with no uncertain, voice that she will not tolerate the false
trader theories of y3sionartes isd group leaders wldch tend toward her economic destruction, toward
*be separation of her people and the weakening of the ties that bind Canada to the British Empire.
Oa I sec tuber 6th Canada .kould demonstrate u aatlatakably to the outside world her fixed deter-
minstton to keep Canada for the Canadians.
Pesmbsr tilt Canada's destiny is at stake.
VO in Cash
V`r j ive people; in speaking of George Spotton
$10.00 to the person guessing the lucky candidate and the total vote reminds us, that now our County is rep.
he will take, or in case no person guesses the exact vote; the nearest resented by two representatives only, one
answer will count. In case of a tie the person whose subscription is paid for the jai,Dominion e House and one for the
the farthest in advance. Provincial, in the olden times there were
PI • es
six. Just at this stage, the telephone rang
Every person who sends in a guess must be a paid in advance sub- it was from Dick Lloyd, wanting an inter-
scriber to this paper and no guess will be allowed unless it is on the fol- iview with the fellow, who is writing up
lowing coupon. N Winghani 1971.
Contest Manager The Advance East Wawanosh
1921 , On Wednesday, Nov, 23, at four ,
• o'clock, a very pretty wedding was solem.
My .ubrcriptiote to The Advance is pat for is advaae• ears ray nized tit the T'resbyterian manse, Bet -
IR grave, when Rev. Mr, Jones united in
funss in tii'i. Bt.etian Contest i.;
iii marriage Was Green Scott, daughter of
ill Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Scott of the Oth con, of
i East Wawanosh, and Mr. Athol Bruce,
They were assisted by Miss ;,fargaret
Aitkin and Mr, Robert Scott, After a
I sumptuous wedding supper at the bride's
totheir home front the West oti Friday
home, the happy couple left for their home
hs Wawanosh. The best wishes of a host
of friends go with them for a long happy
wedded life,
Messrs. Joe and Jim Gibbon's returned
1Miss ,Ella May James is taking a
To every aubecriber whose paper is paid for in advance fora period of cotri urse in. Central Business College, Wing-
sixmonths we will glue two coupons if he will call at our office for them. ham' lee wish her success.
To every subscriber whose paper is paid for in advance twelve months we
will give four coupons if he will at our office for them, No coupon
can be used other than the One cut out of this paper and the poietin•*de
vane coupons handed over our counter.
This contest closes et 10 o'clock on Saturday night, Dec, ard. and
the result will not be announced until we have the Returning Officer's
Statement in our issueof Diceniber 15th,
if your eubscriptlor, Is hat paid for In advance aeadltfr itg your re
mltt*nce at once,
1i 1101111101l61Mlw ;sit Meir t0
No. of Votes polled for
My neat i. .,.,
Addr4................. ,
006 0140
iesseeleiseeeliesieeireeis w+w:.eleer sivere..ar..
Muses Len* Chamney, Annie Robinson
rind Retries Beecroft left on Monday to
take thecourse in Domestic Scienee.
Mr. and Mrs, Milton Bruce and children
moved last week to their new home in
13etgrava. We are sorry to lose this
family frim this vicinity.
Me Man, Stapleton is suffering from
an abn ee* on bit back. We with him a
speedy recovery.
Mr. Bert Carrie has purchased the
house lately vacated by Mr, William
Naylor and' family. Now. Bert, what's
ell title *hoot??
Two women,, write, "Greatly
Benefited by taking Carnot "
The following letter as oi= special interest to those who
are run -dawn in healtlT•'•-whether from over—wort, worry
or general weakness: •
bear Sims -Myself and friend, would like to let you know, hew
Very highly we think of Carnot. We are now taking our sixth'l)ottle
and the great benefit we have derived from itis wonderful. It certainly
does do everything the advertisements say and more. It is a genuine
tonic and body builder. For my part it has warded off a Bronchial'
trouble I am subject to every Spring.
We feel it would interest you to know this, also you, are at perfect
liberty to use this unsolicited testimonial, if you should 80 wish. We.
both of us take pleasure in recommending to any one Whom We
Snow are feeling below par,
Wishing you every success, Yours truly,
Name on request) ..
is indeed a true strength -giver. A course of Carnal will
soon bring you back to strength and vigor. Carnot
improves the appetite, helps the system to assimilate'
the food, makes good red blood and builds robust health; '
Carnol is pleasant to take. Many doctors prescribe.
Carnot -during convalescence and wherever a strength.
giving tonic is necessary.
Sold by J. Walton McKibbon
For Your Friends
For Yourself*
The Farmer's Advocate
The motellable leiCaned*. Ourown 240 acre experimental f and cnstsnt
., .
'*ARS travtdlinn *mons fanners keeps our taws in close
vv" epnoblens bohfhfanardmedT e '1 armor':
's00 &ebown utbiaetwcsi leit*dlenbydfamr4entesy,
*Noy our serial *Met
$1.s0 $2.150 *2.00
f'bttM*R PRIwk *moo tuna Y*A1 tfe AOVANCi"'4
iviti1TZ TODA t.. send wi ycur wrist's
rfltswuftffswstrft det y,o
subscriptien will sous with boo *lanai Xmas s ;
1a0vials word
Co,R.Q., i.00dol 1, Ontll io