The Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 80
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE. Thursday, D--c,,,IIst 1921
Mr. J. W. King advertised a political
meeting to be held in the old red school Just three weeks
in Lower Wingham on Saturday night. Christmas
Owing to wet weather the crowd was from next Sundayll
e, I
small. Reeve James Porter of Turnberry, J `1"g
occupied the chair. May we suggest to our customers that they 'buy (J",
Mr. Gavin Wilson, the first speaker. early if possible for 'several reasons, the essential one
said the farmers had been a football for
Thursday, Friday,'Saturday, of which is that the selections are now at their beat
both of the old political parties for years
and he was sick of the word "Politics", and stod-ks are unbroken, you will, therefore get
Mr. J. F. Groves was the next speaker better service.
and pointed out that the Meighen Gov-
Dec'ember 1st, 2nd and 3rd
ernment were for a fair measure of pro. We question yery much If any store in this section of Western I
tection in order to keep Canadian indus- Ont-
trie, running and thus employ Canadian ario can show you the large variety that we are showing this season and
Prices to Make These Days t h e Greatest of All labor. we invite you to call and have a look at what we have to offer even if not
Mr. Colgate, proprietor of the Wingham prepared to buy at present.
Times, spoke very briefly for the Liberals.
He made the statement that the Massey Christqias Slippers make, an ap-
Harris Co. sold machinery in foreign
propriate gift, Our selection is
Men's Dept. "Window Sale countries, which was m anufactured in
Toronto, for less than they charged in MINX- good for both ladies and gentlemen
Men's Overcoats, $30.00 -0 Last 3 Days Only Canada, and also that the same thing was
Coats ......................... ... 41118,75 true of automobiles. We understand High top leather boots for small
$50.00 Dresses, silks, serg- 24.75 that this statement was flatly denled by and large boys are both useful and
Boys' Overcoats .................... 8.75 es, tricotines, at . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ a former agent for the Massey Harris 'All iAlyl appropriate Christmas Gifts.
Co., Mr. T. R. Bennett.
$42.50 ladies' Fur Colla Mr. John King repeated his statement Leather top rubbers for small or
Boys' Suits .......... $24.75 that both the old parties were bad, the large boys are a much appreciated
........ I .................. 5.759 8.75 ed Coats ................... .... Grits being worse than the Toriez. The gift, These we make at our place
revenue from the tariff did not amount to of business, in different heights, V
Heavy wool ribbed Underwear, much only 160 million dollars out of a
9 inches, 10 inches and 11 inches
75 Gloves and Hosiery total of 550 million. Industries have
Penman's ........................... high.
been progressing on nursing bottles for
Penman's fleece lined Under- Penman's cashmere Hose 49c, 69c, 98C 43 years. Sir John A. McDonald was Skating boots still bold
wear ................................. *75 not a free trader neither am I lie said. a large place in the affec. Ell "Chum" Shoe
Chamoisette Gloves .................. 80c The Drury governmpnt were carrying on tions of every girl or boy for Girls and
Men's Odd Trousers, all sizes without a majority which, neither grits or They make an ideal pres-
1,89 Heather Hose .......... I ........... I ... 1.19 ent for either.
............................... toriescoulddo He was distinctly against Boys are the
Children's Hose, ribbed .................... 25c Radial railways. Sir Wilfrid Laurier a I cme of per -
Boys' Bloomers . ....................... had said the G. T. P. railway would only fection in
.......... I ............................ 1.39 Children's Sleepers .................. 98c cost 13 million dollars and it had cost
356 million.. He claimed that the de- shoemaking.
Men's wool V neck Sweaters, Blouses, silk and crepe .................... 3.98 population of Huron was due to protec- SkoLtes are a magnificent
plain grey ........................ 2,95 tion. Millions were made by Sir Ed- gift. We sell the cele- We have this
Hundreds of Remnants, silks, dress ward Kemp and others in manufacturing, brated Canada C y c I e excellent line
goods, flannelettes, etc, lines because of the protection on pots Skate otherwise known
Free! Free! New shipment of Listowel Yarns, No and pans. He read a lengthy list of as the Automobile Skate in all sizes.
articles and the duty there on being
Special -The last three days only, principally hcusehold necessities. if Mr.
with every suit sold at 24.50 or over, Grocery Dept. Drury or Hon. Mr. Grant interefered
with Rule 17 of the Public School Act he 41
we will give one pair of extra trousers Sugar, per 100 0 0 0 a 1 $7.99 could not agree wth them. If enough
free. farmers were sent down the duty would C
Package Raisins . . . '. .24 10
be removed on all Farm implements and LAM
Navy blue serge, special, 25.00 Black Tea, per lb . . . . . 29 reduced on the necessaries of life. He
warranted indigo ................ Brooms . . . . . . . . . 45 fat that Mr. Drury was spending far too
Salmon, pink, large tin . . . 19 much money on good roads but the people
Factory Cotton ........................ 19c Macaroni, large pkg . . . . 15 of the towns and villag I es would not think
4,50 Flannelettes ............... I ........ 25c Icing Sugar, 2 lbs . . . . . 25 6U Mesqrs. Groves, King iind Wilson spoke We Hs W I L L I S
Matches, 3 for . . . . . . 35 for alicut. thirty-five minutes each.
Black and vhite Shirting ................ 24c Cash and Delivery. Phone 129 The Shoe Store Wingha
Vandelions In Bloom
Several citizens reported to us the un
usual phenomenon of dandelions out in
Christ-mas Buyers Will Find Our Stocks Complete. blossom in their back yards the third week
in N6vember. W1. % W1. X 110. X IV. X X. IVA X, X NO 4 X X XT XX X X X X XX X X X X X Im 14
X, X
X Time To Think of, Christmas all
L d
n a
Southland's Music Maids in song
i n the
and story of o I d Dixie
Opera House, Wingham SMART THINGS^ TO
Bluevale broken We hope be will soon be 0 K. been in failing h9ZIth for some time, the
again. end came very suddeuly. The symp,%thy
Mr. Roger Oke ,pent a few days at of a wide circle of friends is extended tc
I Kill
Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Mowbray spent Sun-
day with friend!, at Wiugliam. inurs., Drec. 1st
Rev. Mr. Mills spent the week -end with Mr. Russel Bar tt of Wingham, visited A number of people from this locality X
trelatives at Port Elgin. at John Hocicrid ro attended the funeral in Listowel, on Sat- X It AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt Allow
ge's this week. urday, of Mrs. Fred 'Hastie, nee Beth This is the third Lyceum Enter- W I A R
K. Livingston of Wingham. Miss Schoales is visiting with h Miller, only daughter of Jac. D. and Mrs. uspices of St.
Mr. D. er aunt, tainment under the a X
n,hipped a Larload of hay from here this Mr -3. John King at present. Miller. Deep sympathy is felt for the Paul's Church Choir.
-week. Funeral
i Dr. E. Taite and Mr. Frank Taite of sorrowinfrhusband and parents,
Mrs. Hall, Mi,. J Masters and Mi.!Toronto, spent the week -end with their was to A oxeter cemetery. Single Admission 50c, Rush Seats 35c 2%4 lilt,! ppropriate
Make A
-C.ardon Hall visited relatives at Wroxe- paients at the manse here. The friends of Miss Mae Burke are Children 25c. X
ver and Gorrie thib week. Mr Howard Stewart is at Henfryn this pleased to hear she is doing so well after Plon of Hall at McKibbon's.
-Nlr. and Mrs. Alex MacEwen visitcd week making repairs to his store there. 1 her operation for appendicitis in Gods-
welatives at Ailsa Craig this week. Mrs. David Jewitt, who has been under rich Hospital. We hope she will soon be
Miss Janet Mowbray N taking a course the doctor's care foe the past five weeks enjoying good health.
9 V M A Q D D E Q I N T Q
at Wingham in cooking, sewing and S s ow y recovering from a severe aLtack Nelson Agar, nephew of Mrs. James
I of shingles on the head.
.cursing. Wallace was operated on for appendicitis
Mr Eldon McKinney, who has been re -f in Wingbam Hospital on Saturday. He
*2 eving at Galt for the past couple of 1 is improving nicely we are pleased to
,5nanths has returned home. I Jamestown I state.
Mr. Whitney Stewart who was relieving' The many friends of Richard and Mrs. Wim. Wright is not improving as
R ager Oke during his visit to Toronto; Miller were detiply grieved to bear of the rapidly as his many friends would wish.
got his band badly injured while crank I
-; death at one o'clock Monday morning, of, We are very pleased to bear that Mrs
Eng the truck fortunately no bones were their daughter, Agnes, Although she had Robt McLennan is some better and trust
-she will soon be completely recovered.
THE ADVANCR is very pleased to re:
ceiv.e regular budgets from Jamestown
zn%R M-WZ200 again,
VY ) .1,7
qh& v - i - ire P Lucknow
---% We have a few more business changes
THAT word vulcanizing males a hit with the lolls who have
goItten acquaintea with the manner in wHeh we repair tires,
We male ancia. blowimout t;re feel like a youngster before we
gett through with it. 11 it isn't worth repairing we'll tell you
A ia A
to record this week, Mr. J. H, Ackert has
sold his interest in Aekert & Rathwell's
Boot and Stioe store to Mr. Allan Turner
of Westford, the chinge to take effect on
Feb. Ist., 1022, Mr. RathWell retains his
interest in the store and will become Tur.
tier's partner,
Mr. Lawrence Taylor, who conducts
the grocery and restaurant in B, McClure's
buildin has sold out his business to Mr.
E. A. Kimer of Kincardine. The trans.
fer will take place December lat., and
Mr. Palmer and family will occupy Mr.
McClure's residence as well as the ,tore.
Another change is being made bv Mr.
Gordon Drinkwalter, who is moving Ilia
tin and plumbing shop to the shop in the
rear of Messrs. Rae & Porteous' Hard-
ware, where, however, he mill conduct
the business on his own account for tb6
present. We understand that the room
now occupied by Mr. Drinkwalter wilt be
taken by a Chinaman. who will conduct a
restaurant there. Mr. Drinkwalter will
remain in he residence for some time.
Falls From Tree
Geo. Herman of Mildmay, was out coon
hunting on Tuesday and in L-ndeavoring
to catch Mr. Coon alive, climbed up a
tree, but lost his balance when sit a height
of 40 feet and f6i to the ground breaking
g leg and gashing his face in the fall ,
His inittfies are not serious stad be is pro-
grtitWng nicely.
We brought down the price
-- of -
Lighten your house work. b y
buying pastry, you'll find it
cheaper than baking at home.
Cookies ........... 15c per doz.
and 2 doz. for .............. 25c
Fancy Cakes and Pies ...... 20e
Full line of Confectionery.
Hot Mdald and Luncheons ser.
ved at all hours.
Oysters any style
Hathwell Baka Shop
and Cafe
Next to W. J'. Hilliard's Bazaar
Are you going to take that Agricultural
course at Wingbam?
Are you going to vote for William, Jno"
or George on December 6?
James Anderiton arrived back t the
home of his son, 5 th line, after a holiday
at Dundalk mind other polrag.
Council met last Monday, Retve8latoll
came In foe hearty cougratulatl6tih, this
being the first meeting since he went Into
"double harness." We dont pity hits.
Our huotsinen have returned safe sind-
sound and had a good time. Venison
will be on bill of fare for t.4. while stow
whild morits of the chase wiff hold good
for it year, The Township Clerk should
be made the historian,
Allow Speir, Sth litte, intends giving Up
forming and held stift Auctloti Sale of fAtm
ktock, Implements, toed, tta., on PrIdity
Aft6mosti. of last week,
skip I , A 1_ 5
Men's and Boys' Wear
Lined or unlined. gloves,
gauntlets and mitts in cape skin,
suede or mocha.
Prices $1.25 to 2.50
Neckwear and Scarfs
He would like a muffler or
necktie, attractive, fine quality ties
in beautiful designs and colors.
Prices 50c. to $2.00
Sweater Coats
Coats and V neck pullovers of
all wool, in attractive color, Com-
binations, with or without collars,
Prices $2.00 to 7.00
Make pleasing glitsf because of
their Usefulness, in all linen, plain
hemmed or initial.
Prices 15c. to 75c.
cashmere, Bilk, silk and wool
socks in plain shades and heather
Prices 50c. to $1.50
Men's Haberdashery
Cuff links, bat, ping, arm hands,
hose supporters, belts, shirts, un-
derweat etc., at moderate prices,
Special sate of Men's and Boy's
Suits and ovarcoats.
Ready-to-wear at Money
Saving Prices
Silk dreoses, Canton crepe
dresses, fur collared coats, cloth
coats, -plush coats, far coats. fur
muffs, fur scarfs and 11110leg. Get
our prices before buying.
Fancy Handkerchiefs
Embroidered, lace trimmed
and plain linen handkerchiefs, ex-
clusive In designs.
Prices Ise. to $1.50
Suitable Presents for
the Home
Wool Blabkets
Down Comforters
Floor Rugs
Table Linens
Table Napkins
Plaid Rugs
Maderia Linens
Electric Vacuum Clean.
Jaeger Bed Rugs
Women's a n d Child-
ren's Wear
,Wcimen's Underwear Sale
Special purch as c of travellers'
82mples and mill seconds at half
Vests and drawers ..... ...... 1.19
Combinations ................ 2.89
Silk and kid gloves, also gaunt-
let gloves in all the newest colors.
Prices $1.50 to 4.00
Boudoir Caps and Camisoles
Daintily designed caps and
camis oles, In satin and crepe -de -
Prices $1.00 to 2.50
Thread silk hose, all wool
cashmere, heather and silk wool
hose in all the newest colorings.
Prices 75o, to $3.90
Blouses, Underskirts and I
Pleasing selections from the
modes of the season In durable
materials of allk, satin# crepa-de-
chine, tricolette etc.
Prices $3.00 to 9,50.
"Get Our Pricos 'Before
Buying" K I N G B, R' 0 S.