The Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 7I
ft, ek, b - . I an
little finger are said to be very lucky.
Good luck will follow yon as long as
the ridges remain.
Animals' Sixth Sense.
Animals have a weird sixth sonse
which few human beings possess.
Sea birds -know in some curious way
when a storm Is approachjng. Though
the weather Is fine, and the barometer,
others. remedy in diseases arising from bad then t wi, V) one sule or we oth�zr,, tate of a &-ceased patieat kas daim
and dumps th�� hay In the desired spot.; 05
There is nothing especially original or deficient blood. as rheumatism, I I over ta�� others.
about Scouting. It is a natural evOlu- neuralgia, after-effects of the grip or I VIONEY ORDERS. I
tion of many ideas reduced to a sys- f4evers. The pill. are guaranteed to be I When orderip- goods by mai! spild: Hald wIJ I y
orks 1 ay- as an Cs
tem, the main point about it being to free from oplates or any harmful I a Bonif=.ea F-wA-:-s Money Order. 1150000 eggs each in ore --azan.
recognize the basic needs of the na- drug and cannot injure the most de.' C6 I
tion and to have an elastic system licate system. The Greate-st Life Enricher. 11 Classified Advertisements.
whereby to encourage the individual You can procure Dr. NVUliams' Plula. I would rather be a radiator of sua-i PLAYER PIANNO FOR SALEL
future citizen to develop in himself Pills through any dealer in medicine, I shine an encourager, a helper a liftpr.,.
the qualities that are wanted. or they will be sent you by mail at' a friend to the friendless an ELL PLAYER PIANO 11q GOOD
d the: B 'cr=dftion, with a large number of
Tli- Manchester Gaardlau says: 50 cents a box or six boxes for 'PtW down and c,it. and yet be poor in ma
-In� 0 � #4 .11 #� o 4� 1 1 music rolls for sale at a bar -in
gives no warning of a coming tempest,
they are moved suddenly by some
With regard to measles, whoorAr-g-'ease, that she had five cHdren, and
J I � _151 � -1 .8 . W 0 s
most ardent ettlogists suggest, solve
WOULD NOT BE WITUOUT Capturing a New MArket.
y Creature That Never Dies.
all oar moral and social difficulties.
But it is one at the few great original
Canada's flour is the standard of thel,
rmture, and a loveless life therewith- — -
It you take a drop of water frow.WONDERFUL
hear the remark from a parent that just what it was, but she told Me that
social inventions of our time. It
on hand this year and prices obtained
A love that reaches out to every living BELTING FOR SALE
bursts within a few hours.
Ants. will desert their hills, taking
tly 099 IN "W, hw
'emp -ska* wxuy chlur-ne
top add to their isavIngn during tha.
on real Insight Into the mind and soul
`0 etty veremft �Itd�-
he wrltior %pown Ono citizen
DURRIC llil�
the better, Until very recently when, out well.
health education began to reach the' "I shall like to know your opinioni
=iy mddle, a low-v;wored, m1crozeape 10
Will reveal the of a creature HIM FROCED
fish-liatching seasoll.
etc.. shipped,;ubieut to approval at lowerit
prieps in Canada. T('P.X BELTING CO..
WiEU t 125 YOP.X, STREIrr, Top'ONT0.
at the United State$ who, 0a every
masses of the people, theim was a pre- about that, also if you think that I
fuses a new piece of knowledge right
c4tion to Secretary, 0/0 Union Stock
that nover diez.
Fish hatching lit China Is often con-
ducted with the ald at a hen. V irst,
Mrs. W. Beesley, Mille Roche, Ont.,
ivrlboo - "I have oined Baby's Own Tab-,
-visit ho makes to Canada, carrie.4
home, under strict Imstruction.9 from 0
RIQving about in the drop that we
the fish sV4wA Is collected f1`0111 tho
lets for the past eight months and; Ills wife. a rumber of Iflaves of breadJ
sure for life."
Colds and Diseases Way be. examine aro a r, -imber of weird Ehapea;, yOUNG WOMAN WMGH-
that loa like tiny They
water. A quantity is placed In each
egg shell, thel, Open end of which Is
iroilld 110t be without them. I used i s4e claiming that no bread obtainable;
them for indigestion and'teething In the United States can approach
jollyflsb. are
Avoided if the Blood Lq made of tb�� same trauspamut sub -ED ONLY 75 POUNDS.
asealed with a special kind of wax.
illy baby is cutting Ills teeth without'that made from Canadian flour. As
Undor the leaders' IV of Scautmastev
stance, bvt instead of swimming MeF
Rept Pure.
crawl. Faeb of them is an amoba.
This done, the eggs are placed undor
any trouble whatever. I can highlylan instance of the Increasing popu-
W. E. Bradley and As-31stant Scout.
i�.y r.Qt lot yetir blood pet thin thTa Tlia amoeba has no eye3. no ears. She Ncvw Weighs Over One
After the third or fourtIt day, oach
rocorlimend the Tablets to other � larity at Oanadiin flour, It is interoet-
mothers.,, What Mrs. Bo6sley saya! lug to note that Dr. A. 11. Stafford, born
master Rvy. Fattier J. A. �Iurray, sft- winter. For people wna tmve -- ten- ard no, brain. It Is nothing but a
teen members Of the Ist Penetangul- deny towards bloedless- stomach our. junded by jo'ly. It lz��s Hur-dradand Is Impmving
egg is tested, It the hatching Is coin.
the shells are broken, the
thOuMlnds of other mothers say. The In WInnIlleg but for seme time past
anaem" or
shene Troup bad a wonderful canoe ness, winter is a trying Lack ro limbs, yet it evau move by expand -
Evc.7 Day
plate and
are a wild but thorough laxa- domiciled in Jawlea, recently said
trip during October. On the fifteenth, of exmiEe and fresh air. and the Ing and contracting the Jelly ag whialk
spawn Is emptied Into water and
placed In the sun's powerful rays,
tive wbich regulate the bowels and that until the steamships "Canadian
HwVton the stomach, thus driving out Forester" and "Canadian F!sher," of
oZ the month they left Penetanguishene raore restrkated diet, are au Ong the it 1.3 Made. I Irefore I begaa takftgr T=Iae I
In six canoes and crossed Georgian "
Soon the little lish, are strong
comt1pation and in -digestion and mak- the Canadian Government Micrehant
mar -y tilings that corablne toL lower It can iiicreas,� In one way only, and Only wo-alted 6 p juudz. X now, w1olgh
Bay, paddled up the Xuahcrsb I the tone of. the Dody aud depieto ti�e tbal, Is by dividing itmif lato two. If 0-tr cne hutAred agi aw --aining
enough to be moved. Their next holuo
is In water a few I dogroea 'icolder,
lug teething easy. They are sold by Alarine, Service. came into Kingston
kokt) River to Bala oil Lake 'Musucka., blood. you watch, one of theso creatureF, for overY day." sa�f UTs5 LaRuo, Davf%
this lowering of ternperaturo goes on
modiclue dealers or by mail at 95
cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams'
last spring, every pound of flour used
on the Island came from the United
From this point the party proceeded'
I As socil as you notice the tired feel -la, time you: will see that a kind of, at Chattanccga, Tenn.
through Lake Muskoka and the Indian
until they can stand cold water of the
Xodielno Co., Brockville, out.
States. Now it all comes from Canada. �
'in RV laet of appetite and shortness of waist appears gradvally in the r4,141dle bouz;ht my fi..--t L,03o of T"nlao
River to Part Carling. Lake Rossean'breath that are warning symptoms of'of It. At first it is mand; th�n: it be -'at Cas CitY. Ind., and it helped ine so
lakes and streams.
of stopped Ill.'
Pain almost at once. I first noticed the.
This very valuable market for Cana-'
was then crossed to its west end, or I thin bleod, take a short course of gins to look like- a. damb-ball. At' much that IcanLinued using it. I Lava
The Chinese boy, by selling empty
egg -shells, earns more money during
Canada Second in Wheat
than products has been captured by
Dr. Stafford First,
Morgan's Day. The party then ort- I treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink lengtIt the waist becomes rhioner avid ',ways been - ry delicate anj rrffer,
the hatching season than at any othor
three ways, affirms':
the fact that Canada had ships to de-
aged across to Little Lake Joseph � Pills Do net wait until. the color has thinner, until finally It breal-Q, uild tl-,,"l m gruat Gcmt fram, stor.,;,xh toouble
and returned by Big Lake jo, Xoseplt! lett there, two In. and rhcurnatism. I liad
time of the year.
Canada Is now the second wheat
producing countrr In the world, ac-
1 liver it there, second, the quality of
River, West Lake Rosseau, Port Carl-
entirely your ch.,eks, until your. are complete cre4tura.% rarely ever
lips are white, and your eyes (lull. It; stead of one. any aT.Petit-A aud shull.'y could L�ot re-
Told by the Finger"Nails.
cording to 1921 statistics. We produce
the flour itself; and third, the fact that
1 the eople of Jamaica desire closer
lug, and from that point back to Pene-
tanguishene by the outgoing route. 1
is so much easier to c�.rrect thinning '.he creatures we sce taAav ara' lish I fe-!, ou un,,�I! I only
of the blood in the earlier stages than! merely siibd1v1:;ions of remote anees� welghed 76 pcun(4�i aull waZ so thin
The Ideal fluger-nail is longer than
about half as muell wheat as the
United States, but they,, It must be
commercial and social relations with
On October 25th the Scouts reached
later. This 1�; well illustrated in the 6 tors, ticat lived iierlialls I looked peefe--!tly avvfil, Thir, is the
it Is broad, of firm texture, and deep
remembered, have tan inhabitants to:
t the people of Canada.
Pinery Point, four miles from h0lne�
haNing 45 that day,
caEe of Mrs. E. Williams, Elk Lake, years 11910. condil"O., I was 4*4 whQa i 1)3gau talc -
pink In color. A half-moon of white
should appear at each base.
our one. Russia, at one time an Im-
portant factor In this fundamental in
You're Constipated!
paddled over miles
portaged ten times (two of the port
Ont.,who.,�ays: 11 take great plea%urP Ing Taniae.
In letting you know the berefit I have Machihia- Distribute& Ray "Oh. I .1c I so -ow. Even
Usually specks of white can be
dustry, has apparently fallen by th
Take "Cascarets"
ages being over half a mile long), and I
found I,, the use of Dr. Wifliams' Pink I in Loft of Barn. mv ct-1m-1',e-x!ou Is improvei. My ap-
traced to an Mums or -some nervous
wayside, for she does not appear in
for Liver, Bowels
crossed Georgian Bay (16 miles) by
moonlight. According to Air. Bradley
Pills. I was in an anaemle coudide.n. PetAte Is gfwd am� I can N�rdly get
I The hayforh:l v.lkich 111ts hay fro.rm' ent�twh to Taulne i��
disorder. A cluster In the shape of a
half-moon running from base to t1p is
the 1921. list. The C.N.R. has carried
this season-Soptember Ist to Novem-
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
it was "a great trip!"
cat. �zi-nply
and was ver) weak ana run down. the wagons to the haymow, 'has bcen'
The least exertion would leave me It grand. and I eun trutLEnl!y say k 13
oree of the, greatest labor savc-rS on
very lucky but uncommon. It Is said
that . Cleopatra had such a mar on
bar 18th -41,320 ears, or approximat e-
ly nine and three quarter million bush-
tongue, or soar, gassy stomach -al-
ways trace this to torpid liver and do-
Ten years ago Scouting took Its lat-
breathless and it was with difficultyi : t170 ent"r =Q(licuie that nas evor d�.uls
that I didhousehold work. I was a&- the farm and it is now zupplemaiitcd me any gacd�7-
by a 'iltower," a Machine which dJ s-
gne finger during the height of her
els. For the similar period in 1920 the
layed fermenting iood In the bowels.
Cascarets work while you sleep. They
ter form, that of training boys for the-
duties of citizenship. Various ideas
vised to try Dr. Williams' Pl.k Pills, Tardac is solu" by leadhif, k"Taggist.'L
tributes the bay in the laft aad so
Wide, short nails Indicate a quarrel.
number of cars handled was 21,858.
0 -
lairnediately cleause, the stomach, re-
of training the youth of a people have
and after the use of four boxes I felt: e-ierywhere- Ally
like a new person. In fact my systera eliminates one of the most. disagree -
the The
some nature.
Magnet Cranes.
move the sour, undigested food and
the bile from
been suggested and practised from the
time Epictetus, by Spartans, by
able parts at work rrwwer�
seemed filled with new energy al"Li consists of an board Dlatforin lwun_ i Any Man's Riography---Chapter 1,
Long,. wide nails are supposed to
Motor trucks equipped with magnel
foul gases, take excess
of the
new life. I strongly recommend this' _#
from the Middle of a steel frame in - Orr-; chapter 21 bred; chapter 3�
show a deceitful, crafty disposition,
cranes have been designed to,handle
the liver and carry out all the consti-
Pestalazzi, by Peter the Great, by
medicine to all who feel weak or run the loft. .,s the bAyfork brings up "naught; f-hapter 4, wr4; chapter 5,
with a 'touch of onielty. When deep
loads of Iron, the Magnet being ener
gized by the engines of the trucks.
pated waste matter and poisons in the
bowels. Get a 10 -cent box now and let
Cahulain in Ireland, by John in Ger-
many, by John Pounds, the Zulus,
down." i worried
f load, the mDwer moves under it, re-' chapta-� 6. _�_d!
The purpose Of Dr. WilliamEv Pink
red, the evil la Intenzified. Short, nor-
row nails often Indicate a childlshl
Minard's Unim errilfor Distemper.
"Cascarets" straighten you out by
Sinrot of Spain, the Boy Orderlies of
Mafeklng, Sir W. A. Smith, Thomas
Pills is up the bload. They ceives the load and moves along the, Minard's Liniment, for Qa-rget in com%
barn on a dcuble track tn the point
t� � +h +1,4 A
Seaton, Dan Beard and a number Of
do this one thing and they do it well.
They are for this reason an Invaluable i where the hay is to be deposited.- It;
-1 1 Lit Fr, -%T1 L, tlae, doAnrselalzi on t%4
ft, ek, b - . I an
little finger are said to be very lucky.
Good luck will follow yon as long as
the ridges remain.
Animals' Sixth Sense.
Animals have a weird sixth sonse
which few human beings possess.
Sea birds -know in some curious way
when a storm Is approachjng. Though
the weather Is fine, and the barometer,
others. remedy in diseases arising from bad then t wi, V) one sule or we oth�zr,, tate of a &-ceased patieat kas daim
and dumps th�� hay In the desired spot.; 05
There is nothing especially original or deficient blood. as rheumatism, I I over ta�� others.
about Scouting. It is a natural evOlu- neuralgia, after-effects of the grip or I VIONEY ORDERS. I
tion of many ideas reduced to a sys- f4evers. The pill. are guaranteed to be I When orderip- goods by mai! spild: Hald wIJ I y
orks 1 ay- as an Cs
tem, the main point about it being to free from oplates or any harmful I a Bonif=.ea F-wA-:-s Money Order. 1150000 eggs each in ore --azan.
recognize the basic needs of the na- drug and cannot injure the most de.' C6 I
tion and to have an elastic system licate system. The Greate-st Life Enricher. 11 Classified Advertisements.
whereby to encourage the individual You can procure Dr. NVUliams' Plula. I would rather be a radiator of sua-i PLAYER PIANNO FOR SALEL
future citizen to develop in himself Pills through any dealer in medicine, I shine an encourager, a helper a liftpr.,.
the qualities that are wanted. or they will be sent you by mail at' a friend to the friendless an ELL PLAYER PIANO 11q GOOD
d the: B 'cr=dftion, with a large number of
Tli- Manchester Gaardlau says: 50 cents a box or six boxes for 'PtW down and c,it. and yet be poor in ma
-In� 0 � #4 .11 #� o 4� 1 1 music rolls for sale at a bar -in
gives no warning of a coming tempest,
they are moved suddenly by some
With regard to measles, whoorAr-g-'ease, that she had five cHdren, and
J I � _151 � -1 .8 . W 0 s
most ardent ettlogists suggest, solve
by writing direct to The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.. Brackvill,�. Out.
terial things. than have the wealth of S
L. Costello, 7S West Adelaide Street.
a Cra-sus, a kAarved, pinched, glcamy Toronto.
common Impulse to make their way
cough, and other diseases coinnion; they all bad bad the hives when they
among children you will sometimes were babies. She could not explain
all oar moral and social difficulties.
But it is one at the few great original
F. -
Reproduce Finger Prints.
rmture, and a loveless life therewith- — -
Inland, And sure enough the storm
hear the remark from a parent that just what it was, but she told Me that
social inventions of our time. It
on hand this year and prices obtained
A love that reaches out to every living BELTING FOR SALE
bursts within a few hours.
Ants. will desert their hills, taking
the sooner the child gets measles or she knew a mother whose baby has
� diK because the hives did
whooping -cough and has done with 1',i come
on real Insight Into the mind and soul
Steel stamps have been invented to
reproduce the finger prints of men:
thing on God's earth I;, the greatest Of ALL XINDS OV N111V AND 'USED
all life eurichera.-O. S. liardeu. belting pulleys, saws. cable.hose.p-nelinm.
their babies and eggs with them,
twenty-four hours before the outbreak
the better, Until very recently when, out well.
health education began to reach the' "I shall like to know your opinioni
of boyhood, and the training that it
gives is alltended by the delight that
who use them for Identifying paper -4
that must be protected agair_st forgery.
etc.. shipped,;ubieut to approval at lowerit
prieps in Canada. T('P.X BELTING CO..
WiEU t 125 YOP.X, STREIrr, Top'ONT0.
of a forest fire, while rabbits will
masses of the people, theim was a pre- about that, also if you think that I
fuses a new piece of knowledge right
c4tion to Secretary, 0/0 Union Stock
Earache Lumbago Pain, P a i i i
leave burrows made In low-lying land
valling notion that a child had to have this mother did, -well to give safran
into the character and makes it a trea-
If you have to eat humble eat
long before the flood occurs. They
one or two of these communicable to such a young baby, or if you blame
diseases as part of their nornial her."
sure for life."
it as if you enjoyed it. 1. ta:-Les bet
L z"an'dLli,-bt sowin:z at home, whole of
have game weird premonition which
growth and development. It never i No, I -cannot blame this woman for i
Mother! Move
dpare e� got..', wy*; wo k --t
r - p n
e�mclargcz- paid. sene t...
forces them to seek higher ground be-
seemed to dawn on many,parents that having given safran to the baby, be-,
Childi's Bowels With
particulars. National Manufactu.31
SYRUP Co.. Montreal. n
Halifax X. S.
foT6 the danger is upon them.
there is no need- at all for a chiid to! cause at the time she did so thinking
'Alinard's Liniment Co., Ltd..
is =Cellent for indigection i
Fish, birds, and animals afford surer
indications of the coming of bad
take any communicable disease, in i it might do the baby some good. This
fact, if a child does dtvdlop d-L:eaqes. is -,entirely wrong, but the Mother had
California Fig Syrup
Hurry mother! Even a sick child
Gentlemen -I have used Ifinard's
Liniment and have found It a good rem-
edy. After the explosion I was pretty
because it assists stomach
and liver to do their work
and efficient]
weather than even the Most delicate
such as measles, whooping-cough,;believed it, doubtless having been told
scarlet fever, etc., there is a possibil- it by some so called "wise old wc
I loves the "fruity" taste of "California
we 11 shaken up, having quite a numbed
of bruises and cuts. but thanks to 3Vn-!
With the orra-run in =;
workina order--indiaestion
0 —
ity of its being permanently injured man" of the �Illage. Artemu, Ward I
that truly, "We know
Fig Syrup" and It never fails to open
the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may
ard's ZfWmeut I am my old self again.
It hen -led the sores and bruises and gave
lsirnpo�.jble. TryittodaY
as the result of complications once said very as
leave their traces all things that
a child to -morrow. It
me much relief. It Is true to
as the King Pain, for It
FOR INOIGES' - StopS Hair CoMing 01-1t;
New Moving"icture
occur and many are not so."
through life. Some Of these compli- When I think of the harm that can!
prevent sick can-
billous, feverisb� fretful, has
of stopped Ill.'
Pain almost at once. I first noticed the.
i .
Ro,cords Operations.
Moving pictures of surgical opera.
cations aTe deafness, heart disease, be d r' b these samples of advice
rheumatism, kidney disease, etc. hand:d outy by "wise" women, I have
edid. colic, or It stomach is sour, tongue
_t_l 1__+,h bail � _q
ad. In the Alontreal Standard and decided
to invest In a bottle, for which I am not
sorry, but can sav with truth that I am
t h 3 � i L' S I d
�.`soc.r ..dg%31. I Thickens, Beautifies.
tions have heretofore not b6en com-
pletely successful, owing to the lia-
bility of one at the surgeons getting
In front of the Camera. A recently de-
veloped camera is reported to have
overcome this difficulty. The camera
Is completely inclosed In a glol3ular
metal case, which is located In a tube
projecting from the ceiling, directly
over the operating table. By means
at a motor located outside of the room
the camera may be raised, lowered,
or turned at any angle. A telescope
attachment makes It possible -to ad -
Just and focus the camera promptly.
It has recently been tried out In a Ber- with great succefts.
Find Worth a Fortune.
As the result of a new discovery,
valuable by-products such as, oil, mo-
tor -spirit, and dyestuffs are being pro-
duced from coal slack, says an English
Each tan of slack yields three gal -
ions Of motor -spirit, about fifteen go.1-
-Ions of burning and lubricating oil, six
thousand feet of gas, fourteen hun-
dredweight of domestic fuel, and a
quantity of sulphate of ammonia. This
domestic fuel is claimed to yield twice
the heat energy of ordinary coal, -and
to bura without ash.
The value Of the discovery may be
judged from the fact that about a
third'of the coal mined In England Is
slack, which hitherto has been regard -
td as of little commercial value.
You Can'tFreeze It!
A peculiar liquid has been. d4scover-
ed by a Birmingham engineer, who
claims that because it Is Imposelble
tor It to. be frozen it will supercedo
water for use In Motor vehicle radiat-
ors during told weather.
Frost Is a. groat enemy not only of
Motorists but also of mirraon and en-
girlkdrs, A crude liquid was discover -
0, itit owing to Its high cost It had
to be dikarded. NOW Mr. W. A.
.0ardacre has found a liquid which,
&�a4ftom Its wonderful powers of re-
alstat,06 to cold, Is a semi -lubricant
and non -corrosive. Above all, It is
Very i3heap.
In the doarso of t4sts the liquid wAs
submitted 10 a temperature equal to
ihirty-seVett dogrobo of frost, againct
which it was thoroughly proof.
811onee Is golden, Which explftim
why there Its 00 11ttle 6f it,
There are four copies of Magri
Chuta 0111 lit existeluo. The boxi
eopy Is in tho possenlou of Lineolt
I I thaiNful for it having done all It claim -
That there is a lot of wrong in- in mind the old lady who left a Child cleansing of the little bowels Is often ed to do, and In my case much more, and
king 1
V, 5 ne i
ses one who invites cor- her h.-md at the speaker she exclaim- can possibly find. That is my view of! DID PAIN DISTURB
ormation going about concerning Welfare meeting in disgust. -Sha all that Is necessary. atisfied. customer Is the best ad. o
Lm' o " "is
iande.,"e on health topics can ed, 'The nerve of him tr'yln,g to teach Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- It and I think you will agree with me
eadily see. Here is a Sample letter ME how to bring up childven. I've fornla Fig Syrup" which has directions too- Yours very truly,
received a few days -ago whch buried six of em." for babies and children of all agesi 3.84 Agricola St Halifa, IS YOUR SLEEP?
hows the anxiety of a prospective Hives should'never be encourapd. printed ion bottle. Motherl You m--.
HE pain and torture of rheu-
aother to know the trath, and tells to "come out" oil an.y.body, whether say "California" or you may get an matism can be quickly relieved
,f a woman in the same town -who infant or grown-up. They are caused T
I imitation fig syrup. 0 0""ARSE SALT by an application. of Sloan's
�,etually tried to bring out hives on by some irregularity in digestion. The A. - Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and
Ler baby five days 014: eruption is in the rahire of a neur- LA N D -,SALT
comfort and lets you sleep roundly.
"What are hives, their causes and Agia and consists of raised, red A Butterfly -Breeding Ranch. Bulk Carlots Always have a bottle handy and
�n es A butterfly ranch Is the interesting when you feel the first twinge.
�ffects? Not I ago I saw a mother weals which are intensely itchy. Hiv
,,iving safran lumion to a baby of are believed to be caused by the per- TORONTO SALT WORKS ap
and lucrative venture of a Maine wo- YJ�Pcnefraks w9houi rUbbin;.
ive days Old. I asked her why she son eating some mbstance that. dis- C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO
man. While the ranch dOeS- not Pay It's splendid to take the pain out of
vas giving medicines to a baby, agrees with hint, and which on being I i tired, aching muscles, sprains and
,rhi-oh seemed, to me fac too young to absorbed from the intestines acts like her so well as the chicken farm which stiff joints, vnd lame backs.
,upport them, and, she told me that ison. To counteract this condi- -e also Owns, it. ui" ',Or Aes WO .
16 gave the baby &-dran so as to the diet must be regulated and! smaller equipment, and nowhere near
nake the hives come ouL Then I asked the bowels kept O,Den. Moreover, the i so large an investment, A few boxes,
Ler. what was the hives, because I family doctor shaii1d be consulted, but� some bark, mass, gravel, and earth_
Lever heard of eu& a thing before, remember, never give safran to "briar' form the whole outfit.
Lnd she said that it was a biby's dis- ouV' hives. in the early days of her venture she
-- -- -- depended upon finding the cocoons
from which the butterflies and moths
Ar TI are hatched in the woods near heri
I " Mhlg-b Vfr412111C I
For forty years paints enerny. Ask
your neighbor. 1 335 -cents buys a bottle of "Danderine"
At all druqgists-35c, 70c, $1.40. 1
16n Cawida I at any drug store. After one applica,
VAL"& tion, you can not find i.. particle at
dandruff or a fall'ng hair. Besides,
every hair shows new life, ilgor,
Linimnt Pa * Is brightness, more !�clor and abundance.
e epnae
:6 -
home, but for some time she has been 1 L_
breeding them on the ranch. Hatch- p
Ing boxes are manufactured at home.
Are *7orkhqg_ i 13
The great difficulty in the breeding
of moths from home -produced co -
In some respects, human experience coons is that, of keeping the caterpil-
is like railroading. lars where it is possible to get the Dlay Pass the Critical Period sd-ev
cocoon once It Is formed. The moths
lay their eggs on the bark of trees, on and Comfortably by Takiug
Every inoment of the business and
0 leaves, and in other places. The eggs
_RX arn. pinkham's Vegetable
social day the black signals are givmg are closely observed until the cater -
right of way to keenness and akrtaess pillar, which is the embryonic butter-
fly, or moth, hatches. Then the cater-
,-whfle the slow and the heavy must pillar Is placed on a tree branch until
wait on th 3 sidetrack for &eir chance the cocoon has, been formed. The lat- V p,
to move forwaxcL ter Is placed In the hatching box to
remain until the moth comes forth, 1 EN
The ability to "go tbxough" and to when the process Is repeated. The 9M
moths are mounted and sold to col -
,get there" dep,--nds muchon the poise of lectors, schools, and museums.
body, brain and nerves that comes witli
correct didt and proper nourishment. High Prices for Stock.
The auction sale of animals that
Thaes why so Many Choose Orm-pe- have, passed tho Culling Committee S R1 N
W12+Q fell. 11T.401460+ 0"11 llm�t has always been a foaturO of the
with 'Oftam or ma it is completely
Toronto Pat Stock Show, and the
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Baydr.11
nouriabing, partly, r0AeStXd, and, it
. %
price% paid by the various local and
out-of-town packers and butchers have
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
6lipplieS ih7e vita? mineral salts so
necessary to fuH nutrition.
always well repaid exhibitors for the
extra labor and feed necessary to pro.
you are not 'greffing Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
duce show stock. It Is anticipated that
there will be a large number of buyella
Accept only ati "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Grape -Nuts hu a ril delightfUl
on hand this year and prices obtained
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
flavor, is rftdy to serve on the iwtant
be more th-an satisfactory to the large
physicians during 21 years and proved safe by inifflons for
aUd is &StinCtly thO fOOd fOr Mental
number of exhibitora who feed animals
ana physical otlertnesi; and spwd. At
of the highest quality for show and
Colds Headache Rheumatism
$11 grocers.
sale. nntriea close November 26th,
Prize List and R ntry F arm on appil.
,Toothacha Neural *a Neuritis
c4tion to Secretary, 0/0 Union Stock
Earache Lumbago Pain, P a i i i
'There`s a Reason"
Yarda, Toronto,
for Grape -Nuts
E-arl Haig is 60 years of age.
Mndy thi boxes of 12 tablets -i' )ottles of 24 and 100 -MI Drugg;sfs.
A101rin la tho traae 1phrl- Qcplstc�roil Ir Calladttl of rmyor Manufteture of gono-
11ani-bombs were uso& in warfare
tis Carly '" the 16th -ceutury.
ifteotleaddOter of SalleYlleaeM Wbile it Is well unown tuat Anwrin. means Easpar
Manufacture. to asolst tho public ar,11119t ImItatlo.19. tho Tableta eg Ua!?ar Conipany
will be steimpea witb me.ic vuerat trade warl., itio Tayor Crow*
Regina, Ivms goirp, through
pbang,� of Life _tmd suffared for two
yoarswith headache,
nervousness, sleepl-
less nig4ts and gen,
e alwak-e-
r, - ip. SOM3
&.ivs I felt tired and
v- trifit to do my work.
nve Lydk
flificham's Volze-
H i
'rornwhich Isuifor much. I have rOC-
tnimended Vegetable Compound to GeV-
,ral friends, and itra willing you should
)ublish this. W Au--rqi NY. LINT),
my 810 RoVinson ft, Regina, Sask.
Ifyou have
afrocavvZ, hot flashes,
icadaches, backaebe, dreadof lnipon&
U�n evi! thylidity, sotifids *61 the oftm,
pitat4on of the heart, sp*rks Wars
�he eyes, Irregularities cons ation
vurloble ApRotlte� 7, �6ess, I Iiit-
ide, mid dizziness, go a bottle of ydi
S. Piukharn's Vegetable COMPOUnd =
3egin tukingthol Medicine at onto. We
mow It will belP YO'Ll 98 It did
1828UE NC 49 -Mo