HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 6�
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----7...-1� . . I -1-1 - -1 -1. . I -- � - . .. . -�, � - I 11 . --I---- - - I I - . . .., - -V- . I . .1 I I � . . - .. � - . 1:11 : I:,:: ::1
- - tb;.t,t have rah*1 one or more littlers; *
11 I - 11 -he . eft Crop
A I , Breedinsr Turkoys. IND. I sows of smooth finish And under. Right, After t , P
The Winghani imance , I I ... -.- - .1 I With turl;eys retailing at 580 alld line up, to, 350 lbs.; No. 21 all other a
- . I . and over per pound, I re-
- - -A ,� �� I :: - 60c . t Would su sows. (9) Stags, hogs that have been
- - ) 11 ::I ^ ly seem worth the while of breeders a Ad ell bealed before A Profita ' -
I 6L ;, � ;1 ���� - -, ; lip" ,We Side Line for Winter Tiline.
I .
published at � � � I i�i - - � I I to, pay them every possUQ attention. being offered for sale, The packers
TIM" I I �� I �,,� I �! I . � !! -- I ' I . By GEORGE P. GOODRICH. I
Winghar,-I, OntaVio . � . 11 . -14. . I I .. Above everything, it is unwise to .agree to pay a rninilnum premium
I " dispose of the best ani to retain only There is a crop adjacent to Or without Any care on Our part, and is.
every ThursdaY Morning 10 per cent. for hogs of the first class, t 're.--
. I the culls. This policy, if followed, As !it order to stimulate tbQ Production should prove profitable to the boys wards will be gathered in by thosw
.4,. G. SAJIT11, Pabli;3her � * �, I I I within reach of most farms, which to be had -for the taking, the ben
rates * . One yeari q . in the case of every other species of' .
Subscription . I livestock, leads to depreciation of theIQf liogs suitable for the beat quality and young men of the family alld who. go. at the work systematically,
$.,,,.Oo; six months, $1.00 in adv on. a, RV FAR . � flock and a les-sening of epinand a . nd bacon. I -,.*- . even to 41Dad" himself, if so he has and intelligently.
Advertising ratos ou UPPlicatkyn- I I , ., ant years th - nd and its.
. - order. price. In fact, of rec . ere the time to give to it and has still Know your hunting Krou
Advertisements without specific di- Suggestions Olt Feeding Mares the bowels in good woricing Spec- ing in Poultry. e snap -of youth possibilitiesU4ow th
roctions will be inserted until forbid In Foal. Not much trouble will be found in this, has been 4 noticealble decrease in qual- 142 - . , e game - lawe;--
, ity, if not in price to tbe corigumer. One�reasoll for failures in the Spe- tQ got out of tbe rut of his. daily work, study the requirements and priegs of
and charged accordingly. . fa, is fed but (10 not Arize y rs I
Changes for coutrZet advertise- Oats, 43ing a light, palat-01e and Way where alf,al r
q it will cause the Inbreeding is another inadvis4ble I cialized poultry business is the fact 1 refer to the fur crop 'to bd h arve.qt- the fur market-4amill ou 0 f,
. 7:04. well�btklanced feed, are by f the best feed too liberally a, s of small details. Men f ad by means of hunting And tr,ap,)in s . tbat, buy-4nd chooS&
ar course, If a breEller is to get the. that it is a, mas. bg
mepts be In 'the office by nooll, . bowels to .become too loose. By care- , .the dairy business The statement is m4 w � with the frill
. de by those : the.,best, ularl;;at,foi, tike� �roR you mean
grain for horses. Corn can be used if . ,best,. he needs to breeJ to the best. Who can succeed in - h - g t h to t, a stati . stic side of pelt to harvest,
day. ...mm it only forms about one-third OT 040_ ful observatoll, the groom bi usually The introduction of new bloo,d of a often make a failure with poultry be Ave 0 1 It .
!!!!T!Lo�,� ----,- �-���'- half of the grain ration of tb.6 brood able to tell whether or not the feeds not In the habit of producing, it it may be so called, Attention- to Nails, - -
being used are what the mare re- well -selected strain is a -vilso cGurse cause they are d con- that the fur crop produces for the
BUSINESS CARDS mare. When wheat is fed, it must be oth And Ito pursue. One thing to be especially watching the small details an ,lions you may do, all thete'ithijiga very
in small quantities and ground. Bran, quires, for if her coat is sa10 nd . avoided is the selection of immature older ,some very important parts of farmers 9f Canada nearly two mi
being a bulky subs4nee, is very im, sleek, the bowels. in good -condition a hens for the production of eggs. to be - the work as rather fussy labor which of' dollars each year. �vell irdeed and yet -not ni�ke good for
Wellington Mutual Fire portant in the mare's feed because she continues. to cgrry the same am- for hatabing. Hens, two years I will cause no trouble it neglkted. There are pelt -hunters of all sorta, several rf�nsons. Many a trap- .1139
Insurance Co. ount of flesh, not too fat nor too thin, used ,is- failed becituse it was
it keeps g jOrth old, or even older, Women sometimes succeed better just as there are wheat or . not in' good
L4 stablish.ed 1840 from overfeeding and is a the chances are she will brin, of good average I ise thay eis - of .all sorts. According to the shape, nLt baited right, not rightly
good regulator. Barley is also a, good size for the variety to wlAich they, with poultry than men bocau I n MOW thiff
Joe, Guelph , vigorous foal�D. H. I set. Of cotrse, you ca
- Head Off -9 ad and being more -bulky than wheat a matter of pelt-produAlon a
Risks taken on all classes of iusur- fe I find it, good practice to give feeds belong, will lay eggs that -will batch i are familiar with .-housework which sort youare, Is the crop you will have
is very inuch like oats in composition; i an out stronger and better poults than i is full of small de�taibj from morning i Of course, Ole man who looks to pro-: whole
able property on the cash or premium sometimes it is cooked and fed for rich in mineral matte". oats., br , hens a year old or younger. While the to dark. Thly learn to pay attention duce corn. from soil and in a climate: mare incklontal ol the winter's work
note system. clover and alfalfa are to be preferred. . I - to the small items and apply their not fitted to corn production, is bound af1d TORP .accordingly, a small reward.
ABNER COSE.NTS, Agent, medical purposes. A grain ration may consist of five eggs can be hatched in incubators, re ork torfail. If you live in a section,where Or you cut get down to braeg tacks
Nyingham Timothy hay is used as roughage parts gToun oat suits reached -at the Dominion Experi- tact and Jpersaverance in housew
� d 'si four parts wheat tal Farms proved that the poults to the management and development there are very few, or no fur bearing and by studying the habits of the prey,
-- -- for horses. Sudan grass is safe for bran, and one part linseed meal, with inen ting trails. and tracks
n foal. If cut in. early bloom, bright clover or alfalfa hay for rough- do much better if brooded by the of their poultry. Rocks. . anigialp, of any kind, then why waste �losely * inspee byhavi'ng
orchard grass is about equal to, any good, turkey hens. When the chick -s are ' A poultry keeper has a 6onstant time hunting for them? But in those and spoor, &nis and haunts;
DUDLEY HOLMES mare" I � . age. I find the above formula . the traps y need and in excellent
of the grasses for hay. Clover is -M. B. old enough, they should be given a fight on his bands to develop new sections where' certain of the furry ' , ou wisely, by
- condition, by placing them
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, FTC., go4 itud possemes gr9itt fattening % �..... '. - .
. & wide range of pasture or woodland. gocks of breeding stock. The dairy- tribe are plentiful .enough to consti
Victory tind Oth,!r pondp Bought and qualities, but OWIng to the fae They should be fed in the morning man can'accumulate a nice hard of tute A -real menace to tlie farmer' it inspecting them promptly and regu,
t the" - T. he Value of Fam Manure, cows of good producing ability. and he becomes his duty to be rid* of them .1arli-win the game. No --not win it
* ,
Sold. . it is likely to be dusty, great care W - before wandering away and liberally barring unusugl occur- and it -is a duty which if, fulfilled in- either, for even then, unlets you know
01,nce-tylaycr Block, Wingham I I should be exercised not to feed it to While it has long been kno 11 that in the evening to encourage them to knows -that, ipment for the duatriously apd intalligentli -V�111 pay I bQW - to handle your. prey after it is
farm manure profoundly increases return. Water should be available at renees, he has an equ .
bwod mares. � siness.good for several years. binf"for his time and effort. . trapped, how to get the pelt without
are fed to idle horses in Winter, but the yields of farm crops, definite In- 'all times. dairy bu I I Dillng it, how to stretch and *ofhet-
R. VANSTOIL47E - they have not enough nutrition irk formation is .%anty regarding the A ration corsisting of equal parts The poultry keerper no sooner obtains Furriers tell us the btlt2ook of the sp. .
ase expressed in of finely ground oats, cornmeal and a large flock of high-produicing hens fur market for the coming s6agoll,; wise prepare it for the market, you
BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR them for mares in foal. Soybean hay value of such incre , ,o years considered front the trapper's stand- can easily lower its value if- not lose
Mloney to Loan cit Lowest Rates. is quite a nice bay, threshed or un- dollars and cents. For ton years the midellhigs; mixed into a crumbly mass when they reach An age of tv . . tow � it Altogether. I
. 'is excellent, and that right -i
WINGHAM threshed, and liked by most horses; Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa with boiling hot water or milk and and their best laying period is over point, ' There is. no such thing.
been conducting experiments to fed a little warm is,an excellent fat- and a new flock 'of pullets must. be it Is wige to get outfits into slmpe and Luck?
---,- but, never feed it if there is any sign has yard , . arrange the program, - . I E verything operates according to law
Id. Alfalfa is on excellent feed determine the value of farm tener for turkeys intended for the ready to take their place.
fl if it is fed once a day with timothy manure applied to the mangel CrOP, market. Separate those intended to A he'll is a small unit and it takes The kinds -of fur in demand this and the hunter who knows the rules
AUER J. IRWH" "' me ich was the first crop Of a rotation Ake a larg coon, mink, skunk, musk at, of the huntin . other
'hay or corn fodder -at the other times. Wh be kept for breed-lig-front those it is many 61 ,them to in e and year are ra 9 game, or in
D.b.S., L.D. ,11. angels, oats, clover proposed to sell before commercing ,profitable"fiock. 'The poultry keeper Opossums fox. 'Phase animals are words, the law, and meets that law,
Due to weather conditions it is some- consisting of in , an -gel . I he starts w . ith more or less. common throughou t Can.:. Will get the gains. lie is taking a
Doctor Of Dental Surgery of the not properly cured; then it bay', And timothy bay. To the ra the fattening process) which should. Without experience w . I f a is dull or
-ntiate times -acre Of . . -unable to quickly ada; more or less they are the farm -*I Poor chance whose lail
Pennsylvania College and Lice should never be used tofeed matl6s In -crop was app -be b�arted as soon as the weather many birds is anagement., There I er's enemies and take free tool of his not the. right size And sbApe, whose
of Dental Surgery of Ontdrlo. I foal, There have been complaints farm I yard, manure. A comparison be- threatens change in the fall. It is well understand their ni is hatchet is an old thing with hacked
Office in Macdonald Block. produced On this land j I e' 1 labor. - Since their. extermination
I from farmers that it makes -the kid- tween, the crops � or colpmercial breeders to confine 16,so much d tail to the business that ., edge and a handle liable to go back
neys act too freely, but if it does not was made during a five :�ear Period themsel�es to one variety, as thereby it must be started on a small scale, therefore more or, less A, necessity and i I '
u - -n,:e their pelts have a on him when he needs it most. Poor
make up more than - one-half of the with similar crops on unniv.-tured land', they obtain a more n1form, grade. and built up as the knowledge of the...qi commercial
It is possible to value, the boys and inen 1 tools, poor Workman. I
DR. G. H, ROSS roughage it is not likely to be noticed. that was in an equal state of fertility breeder Accumulates. I --and. not in I
-��- I " I saw a new word the other day:
- when the experiment began. .succeed with poultry as -many are do- fl-i-quently the girls.--2have reas;on for .
Graduate Royal College of Dental ' The mare will be healthier, foal With mangels, the large labor ex- - - The Bacon Hog. ing, but no prospective breeder must a .syste - in ' atle pqpa ' rch for pelts... trapperette. It made me a little madi
. � .. .t
. Surgeons stronger at birth, and parturition will � I -I, ' 11 for I have & sister who traps with me
pense, for hoeing and cultivating are The Deputy Ministers* �f Agricul- -assume that the -work' Is � easy if 'lie. very )o.y knows, or should know . 41'
. I
Graduate University of Toronto be easier if ,she is used at some slow the same whether the crop is large or tur-e Of ever I y. . province, either in per. expects to master the details and m that while these predatory,.animals ,and why, sireahould be called.an . ette"
Faculty of Dentistry rk almost every, day. If,the mare I . I I . i undprstand. She goes where�
. .
. TORE 1 we small, while, of course, the Prepara- son :or b and repre- succeed, ' ruin the jeace of .the poultry yard I do not 'w� �
OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARVS S I is idle in winter, most .of the feed may . and wouli �sleal our Than'k.sgiving I go, knows .hat* L,know, does -what
. . be roughage, but the ration4hould be tion of the land and the seeding of sentatives, of all the principal pack- ------- 4-- turkey -feast from,under our noses J do, She -wears ,proper clothes for
. the crop entail equal expenses. Only ing houses, attended a conference on . . � Lightin . g thoTarm Honl!e�. I I . .9. if , the job. . She is a .trapper,. straight.
increased When the mare is worked . I I .. . they could, sWI there are laws that
. . ,
The quantity of feed is determined .by in pulling, loading and!13aullng Would the bacon hog industry, c�lled by the About a year ago we installed an protect them I . Aud ofit, with no Ilettell in the business.
W. R, HAMBLY much difference exist. With oats there Dominion Minister of Agriculture, � n. certain seasons . .
. � size and condition of the Animal- -Would not be a very marked'difference � and electric power and lighting plant, At laws governing how and when 'they lbileed, when it comes to real agility,
B.Sc., M,D., CAL wbether fat or thin -the work it does, presided over -by the Deputy
in the expense incurred in handling Minister of the Department, Dr. J. H. the time we felt it to be somewhat of can be hunted. , l ne sense of direction
Special attention pald to diseases of sick or well, appetite, condition of the ed with that Grisdale, at Ottawaon November 2nd a luxury, but soon found it to be a intuition that seems to
Women and Children, ha-ving taken droppings and whether the animal is a large -crop as compaT I business pro -position. In all, there Know Your Hunting Ground. make hex know what Brer Rabbit or
Dostgraduate work In Surgery, Bac- required for a small crop. Hay, to and 8rd. After, a thorough - discussion The first thing to do than is to Sir Sku k are thinking about and
easy or hard to keep -M. W B . about fifty lights. W46 have one ft
teriology and Scientific 'Mediolne. a greater ,extent than the two pre- -of the present situation -as Tegards are learn the. game laws of the section spol1their thinks for 'em -well, Sister
' * .
My experience in feeding mares in . uld necessitate. at the north and one at t1le south I I
Office in the Kerr Residence, between foal Which covers a period of over vious crops, wo more the bacen, trade, grades and standards of the house, about fifty. ,feet Of the province wbe�e you.vnih tO has me pl�etty well buffaloed, ' - ,
e,pens, for a larger crop, but the wer� adopted as follows and recom- .corner . I
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Pty years and several different I e�b a of these can -be secured ITS
twen proportion of total expense Would, not y;controllad ,from the kit ;nr'A gar . All furs'have increased tremendo -
)� A select awa ra ' C "Apee a Where formerly thean-
Church. -, , mended for recognition: (I 0 , t I tf t opn, wardens or from leading ly ,in value.
All business given careful attention breeds, shows that it is important to be 'Tery great on hig�prloed 'And bacon hog was defined as with jowl night these light the lawn, an _ h, .
* have the right kind of rneres to breed as and by being* a little distance away, I fur houses. nual catch of pelts was in the hun-
Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 and then feed them enough to ke where rental charges are high. and shoulder light -and smooth. back sl If you are goang to work right at dreds of thousands, it is now in the
.ep In 1920, farm manure produced thb from neck to tail evenly fieshe'd, side all insects are attracted.to the lamp
them in good healthy growing condi- following increased returns per acre: long, medium depth, droppir.g straight and do not bother the porches. Onj home where you know the hills and tens of millions. Therefore, competi-
tion, but not too fat, as a mare "hog idic- tion is keell, not only in the field of
Dr. Robt. C. Redmond fat" is almost sure to drop -a small, an increased crop of 16.5 tons of mall, from back, ham full, good -general fin- the east and West corner5 of -the barn I hollows, str
- gels at $2.88 per ton, worth $44-64; i,h, no excess fat, and weighing from there ire large lights used only in 1 holes, well -and, good. If you want to actual hunting and trapping but in
M.R.C.S. (Eng). and sometimes very weak foal. . an increased crop of 8.8 bushels of .160 to 210 pounds. (2) Thick smooth emergency, and they Are controlled make an expedition far afield, then'the fur market. -Still, so long as fur
I have fed nearly everything, but oats at 58 cents per bushel,, worth hog, not con -forming ,to Wiltshire by a switch at -head of bed. A small you have the fun of locatin.g the trap- is'lised, as it is now -and that will be
. L.R.C.P. (Lond). I I . g .ground and establi5hing Your SID 1011c' as there is fut-for warmth
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON find oats, with $5.10; an increased crop of 1.7 tons of standardbut of smooth fleshing finish, motor is used to run the washing ma- pin I .
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand) bright alfalfa or clover, about the best',lo,er hay at $24.30 per ton, worth weighing from 160 to 210 lbs. (a) cline, grindstone, sausage -cutter, i centre of operation. Perhaps most Of I and ornament, there will be selling
yet-. Any kind of roughage, such as . grain�cleaner and sbeep-clipp6r. There; the work will b� done, however, right, and buying, and since the fur -bearing
$41.31, As the second year crop on Heavies, any ty-pe of smooth fleshing around "the old home place" and then I animals "live in the country " strely
corn-Aalks or oat straw, will do in the iminamired plot was pastured and And , is a vacuum cleaner, Which is a won -
between the alfalfa or clover. I find . finish weigh' 210 to 260 lbs. r -saver axid a sanitary Way I the whole family can have an- active I ,the farnier's family is the one iliat
mg .
DR. R. L. STEWART not cut, it was necessary to make an (4) Extra �heavies, any type of smooth derful labo � I logically should profit by these pelts
alfalfa or clover takes the place of estimaie of thelmereased yield. in thiz fleshing, and finish, weighing over 2160 to do the Work. A power and lighting' )#
Graduate of University of Toronto, bran in keeping the bowels loose. crop over the unmanured. crop. This lbs. (5) Shop hogs, any type of plant is a blessing to the farm home. I Although -the pelt "crop grows of animals who prowl and prey: .
Faculty of Aledicine; Licentiate of the If the mare is Working regularly, has been placed at $20.65 per acre. In smooth conformation, finished weight -M- C- ,- C. ' A%A&.Lt
Ontario Cortege of Physicians and a quart of wheat shorts twice a day, the previous year theincreased value 120.to New Cheese Originated at
surgeons. 160 lbs. (6) Lights and feed -
mixed with the oats, makes a strong of the four crops amounted to $77.51, ers, any type of smooth conformation, Don't strain your eyes looking for A Q �
Office Entrance: ration; but I.would not advise feeding which gave §5.17 for each ton of unfinished weight 160. Ilbs. faults ,in your neighbor. , the Central Experimental , al 10 Akfilb
Second Door Nofth of Zurbrigg's this if the mare is standing any length manure used. During each of the No chancel This'llas ever been the Farm', Ottawa.
Photo Studio. of time between working periods. three previous years the manure -gave (7) Roughs, of Yough conformation, a of weak men. . Ground oats are probably the best
JOSEPHINE STREET I PHONE 22 If the mare does not f Dal until after a profit at a decreasing ratio, amount- any weight. (8) Sows, all females excus -- A new, medium high -flavor Cheese -btteningf oDd for poultry for marketi
- - - -
- --- - --- - --- . 0 has -been orginated by the Animal Al
the grasi starts in the spring, turn Ing in 1:918 to $6.14 per ton, in 1917 of the Dominion i;i ckwheat comes next. For better
- H ,b dry 'Division -
her out on pasture for at least part ton, and in 1916 to $3.58 'ean
Dr. Margaret C. Cald" of the day, as I find that green grass, to $8.74 per What the Deltalnior Institute is DoM9 Exup' rimental. Farms System. It is results, fattening coops should be ar
Ul per ton of manure applied to the called "Meilleur Cheese," or I'Lo from- ranged in a building where very little
Genera! Practitioner suiishine and fresh watr are the best mangel crop. y show The duty of presenting a report of a success. We were so pleased with age Meilleur," and is being manufac- light enters and. the food should be
Graduate University of Toronto, renovators for any horse, whether 'a These experiments clearl d at the Central Experimental given in troughs. Mix the ground -
mare in foal ,or one that hag been that the use of farrn manure has. a the activities of the Delta Junior Iri� the result Of
Vacuity of Medicine. either raced out or worked out. value in farm practice, and should stitute during the past year is a mediately started preparations for a Farm, Ottawa. The process of manu- grain thoroughly to a crumbly con -
Office --Josephine St., two doors south Another thing, allow plenty of salt. ther�fore be coneerved to the fullest pleasant one. Christmas Gift Bazaar which, thanks facture 1G, briefly,'as, follows: re
of Brunswick Hotel. - to the enthusiasm of the inembers, The milk is heated to a teinperatu dition with 'hot skimmed milk or hot
, il, Have it where the mares can get it possible extent. For the five-year per occasions we water. Feed a little at a time; always *
Telepbonea-Office 281, Residence I Although on several also proved a success. of 90 degrees� F. when it is renneted
at all times and do not forget to give 1o,d from 1916 to 1920 inclusive, the have diseusW theadvisability of lim- From our proceeds we donfated lib- a7id cut. The curd,s are then cooked at kceP' the fowls .,a little hungry.
some knicknacks once in a while, such farm manure used produced an in- iting oitr meetings to one a month, I ek Chil- a temperature of 115 'd,eg. F., and ' It Will require about two weeks to
I SELL as apple%, carrots, etc. If mares .are creased monetary value on the four on every occasion th6 arguments in erally to the Navy League, -Si - ,
Town and Farm Properties. Call and in the stable, keep the stable clean. acres of land of $391-29. - fAvOr of meeting every two weeks drelfs Hospital, The Armenian Relief 1 afterwards moulded and pressed in fatten young chickens properly, and
ace my Hst and get my prices. I have -W. Y. 1� Fund., Muskoka Free Hospital, and one and three .pound sizes, rea&V for during the last .half of this period,
seine excellent values. C. I . have. ruled, so we have 20 regular we sdved� the lives of some Chinamen, the curing room. The process of. I prepared fat should be part of the
Mares in foal require a balanced Ta- meetings to report, with an average '
tion. Simply filling them up on -corn I- On several occasions we have sent Ing is one of the most important -iea,- mash, It is best to cook this fat in
J. G. STEWAR' T �odder or straw -will not bring the Appies and Potatoes. attendance of 14. At present we have bouquets to sick friends. We consider tures W the successful manufacturing a portable kettle 6-ut in the open,
I - desired results; the inares must also Apples and potatoes are the crops a membership of 22, which is all in- our donation of $20 towards, educat- of this high class product. . . some distance away from any bail&,-
WINGHAM have some feeds which contain pro- that are in most general demand crease of eight over last year. . Ing a talented young nlember of our This new cheeo.e possesses a very Ing. Place rough fat in this ve.�ysel
Phone 184 Office In Town Hall -vegetables, and it is Our Junior Inistiltute is considered ardly worthy of men- pleasing and delicate flavor with no and cover with cold water to a depth '
- tein, such as alfalfa or clover hay and Among fruits and th if tion, beside the time, effort and money objectionable odor, and has been pro. of about five inches. A quantity., of
oats, A ration composed of straw and therefore interesting to note the re- to be a g Is' social centre, where . at One time,
,corn will not furnish the necessary turns from the different provinces of we meet at the homes of Our main- spent by our Senior sister.,; in that nounted a very superior product by this fat may be prepared
I i �
It% ly yields of these given by the Dominion bers and enjoy on -L another's society, worthy cause which they, have taken the numnerous experts and connois- as it will kelap in good condition for
DRUGLEL"W' PHYSICIAN food elements, for they contain on I c
alone do not Fruit COminissioner. Dealing -with We find that our membership is grow- up. seurs by whom it has -been tried. It weeks and" an be used as required.
CHIROPRACTIC carbohydrates which exports ing so large that we can no longer be We are offering prizes at the Fall is It distin,et and valuable acquisition After the fat and water have been
make a balanced ration. Mares in foal apples first, British Coluinbia.
it is easier to keep well than to ie- require more feed than ,do geldings an excess of 100 Per cent. over last conveniently entertained in our homes, Fair for the best pie and doughnuts to the cheese industry and the pre- placed in the kettle, start the fire and
cover lost health, Chiropractic Ad. or mares not in foal. year, or 1,009,000 barrels; Ontario, a 81) we are arranging for a club room, and for the best fancy camisole, to be sent indications Are that it will meat let the contents boil for two hours,
Justments is the Key to Better Health, We allow our mares to, iur, in the cr*P of 60 per cent compared with which -- ill be furnished and maintain- made by Juniors in each case, with a very papular demand. after which the fat will rise to the top,
They remove the Cause of Disease. stalk fields during 'the da,y if the 1020, Or 960,000 barrels; Quebec, 35 ed by us, where we can hold our On St. Patrick's Day, in the even- .I;---':,-- -- I This should be -skimmed off into a
DR. J. ALVIN PDX i n en at to 40 per copt. of last year, or around regular meetings and entertain our ing, we Juniors gave an Irhh �party, . pail, from which it can be poured into
Phone 101. Hours -2-6 and 1.8 p.m. night feed them some alfalfa bay and 35,200 barrels; New Brunswick about friends and other societies. . which Was enjoyed by all in the good A Whole County Advertises. available pans.
oats. Very little corn is fed to horses; 10 per cent in excess of last year, or Our meetings consist of a businegs I old Irish way, and at which we were If it,pAys a manufacturer to display When the fat has ,cooled for a few
a small amount is all right, but should 88,000 barrels; Nova Sootia 10 to 15 session after which we spend It social the ,gain � ers of four new members. his -name -and wares on a big sign minutes, and before it has comm6iiced
, , ' - and vArifts -kinds Early' in May we spent a Very' board, why wouldn't it pay livestock Ito set, a e'd
not be used as tht exclusive grain per cent. in excess of last year, or hour in discussions � pful of cold water should
DRUGLE% P'S"AN 1,300,000 barrels. Turning to potatbes, of work. It is Auskiti, I think who pl6asant evening entertaining our breeders to follow a similar idea In be poured into each pan. The ,water
F1 I 1141- A ration, I � .
'Toward the end of the gestation British 0.01umbi&'s crop is about 75 says: "The reverence for the law Senior Sisters. We had h6ped to have advertising their livestock? Thug will sink to the bottom and prevent
OSTEOPATHY period the mates require more feed 'Per cent. of last year, or 1,800,000 should babreathed -by every mother to the pl&A'ure of entortainhig our Dis- reasoned the Gage County Livestock the fat from sticking to the pan.
DR. P. A. PARXER than before, as the foal has now b,e- bushels; Alberta, 90 per cent, of last the child Whid ptattlisg at her knea," ttict Prdsident, -but Wata disappointedt Breeders of Nebraska. .For a starter If old hem are fed on a good pro.
I a of such a size as th require year, or 6,425,000 bushels; Manitoba, aild we have completed a study of the however, we hope to have that plea- they planned a county wide a4vertis- portion Of this fat for three vveelts be-
Osteopathle, Physician, only qualified com of last year, or 6,115,000 Laws of Ontario andhavo had several sure in the near future. In passing, ing campaign. They plaoed� seven.fore being killed-, their carcasses win
Osteopath in North Huron, more nourishment from the mother 90 Per cent- d juicy, pkovided
Adjustment of th4o sPlue Is moro and she must be fed moee liberally it bushels; Ontario, 45 per cent, of last interesting and beneficial discussions may V say we have remarked on it sign boards on the main thorough- be quite tender all
quickly tetured And with fewer treat- order to keep her own system up, as year, or 10,783,000 bushels; Quebec, orr this study. At each itleeting A, paragraph in -a palst 'report of ond of farest wile -to they could be seen and. they are steamed before be -Ing brown -
well am to no,utigh the fell. Plenty, of 75 par cent.of last year, or 2a,225,000 1-dikh is served which adds to the the Senior brantheg-ift Which they read by the..travelers through the ed in the oven.
ments than by any, other method dt watek should be available for bushels; New Brunswick, 70 per cent. pleature O� all. oftevea A, handsome quilt to the firot oounty� -'Nuhg chickens should bt, cramined
Blood preaturel and other eZmlna� f re., re painted with a black by hand f6r About a woekbefote being
ton& made. the mare At all times. and it should of lh9t year, of 10,851,000 bushOls; When -we found we Were in need girl married in the communit3r. It The boards al I -
OFFICE OVtA CHRISTIE% STORE have tbO chill removed. Ice.Water 1-5 pence, 9dward; Island,, 190 po-r dont. of of funds we decided to 'hold a tale at May be of interest to 'You to kilow background, with the lettering in butchered. Allow them to oat All thoy�
t�� I I � unbeAlthfIll for any stock and egpeci- last year, or 4,940 000 bushelell, NOVA, fair time, ayA We we -to very -fortunate that during the short lifetime of our I white. They M�easure 7 X 10 feet and can, ItUd th6h giVO them a few Pel-
- ally for mt,res in foal. A tank heater Scotia, 50 per cent. of last, Year, or in leecil,rizig it prorninent space in the Club, and Junior Institute, We h4V6' Are 4asily' rehil. . Itt!j so tbat their crops are well sttiff.
There are at least five women call be usc,d to, take the ebill from the 61106,000 bushels. . Exhibition Hall, where we displayed 'had the pleasure of presenting 16 The breeders of th# County Are ,dd. Ground oAtb made into pallets
'. r �' .. 'Ir ', liatir . -half indbeg,
house.�mn%eom in Englith hospitals. water, Our fiLfty. As well as ug6fill tirticies. wedding preseWt% to our members; u 44oug in their exprei"ieng Of from two to two and oto
som,el of us c&n sympatilize AP,ith tne Do riot overfeca the maro. She The time takoa for the curtwit to Dutffig the sunintei-of 1020 our com. out of this number wo have eight on satisfaction for this method of A4�- long, And Aippod, into warlit milk or
VASM (d liMittd Mfttg *110 eigel-ved 0hould be kept in just moderat,e flesh, posy; tbrough the AtUtitid cable bt- mittc6- puto-hase(l. miate-AgI Which W0 out roll- I vtrtisiug. By poolifig their oraers fat,'wilf etsily slip down the threat.
Oat his two ons in olltgd 4nd a and When she b% wofkliftg 'her feed tween Newfoundland and IrOalid, a vety skilfully tolwokbod into tAle T`hc I)9tA Suniorg are looking, for- th,by have already zold -six tarload.1 To prevent their getting lodged at
should be inetoaned at,,e,Dvding to the distfined of about 1,700 miles, Is One- articles by ,oUll member$, g4uy.� lib. ward.to, boing 016 tolpftsent a ,Wtek lots 6f purebred eattlo and swille, to I the bottom of the neck, Work the pel.
third in preparatory School kept hill report of out W,6t1l: for 1921-92) And Other, otateaj. not ahogotlitr as, a result I lots ,dowli, With the finger and tho
none so rAAr the gMlid thAt be could MV04fib 6: WOrk requlycll fif her, As tifth of a wecond, indiatting A Inean oral donations Wake YdAde by, tha bus-
lve velocity In the cable Of Obly 8,600 iness men ona friends of the Deltll I since "unity Is wength," we surely '01. the jvign-1Doara advertilIbag, but the I thumb. About onee ev6ty three da�g
see the bottom of bit fe#t at every 14*Hng th'de dr=0 neur, A 1112at 1 r gale $will gain our objoetive. boards bave -help�d li% maby ways. I add a little fine grit to the foo(L
stq he took. I I teod, ishould be f6i) vie tl*t will koep i rAil" pet SeCO114. .1'atiors, fill helpod to W -Alto ou . .