The Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 51.�
Thurs4W, Dec. Ist, 1921 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE
The Real Flavour
AOFO Stocks of oatmeal are rapidly accumu- Engagement Extraordine ry
Al2 THE HOUSE OF QU_ ALITV a- lating in Scotland because (it is said) the of the genuine "GREEM'Tea IS In eVetj
18� Scots are giving up eating porridge. "The Shepherd of the Hills!' a striking
Scots wha hae on parritch fed, Film Drarria with special music.. Harold packet
Scots, wbam itber nations dread, Bell Wright, clings to the tunes of yester
Is it true what's beln' said? day in arranging the musical accomplish Mr1qE M
DAYS b"ALE Nae, it canna be! ments. The Shepherd of the Hills, a love
romance of gripping intensity in which all
A chiel amang ye takin' notes the famous characters of Mr. Wright's de -
Says that Scotland's tired ol oats,
lightful story are portrayed with remark.
..'.From Thurs., December* 1 st to AM[ Frae Galasbiels nae John ol Groats
able fidelity to life. This production NALADA
o- Show him its a lee!
played Massey Hall, Toronto, to capacity sort
Dinna say the thing is true, business at a dollar and a half top prices, GREEN TEA
A Special Values at Greatly Reduced Prices Brither Scots, 'twill never do.
Harold Bell Wi igbt has defied all standard
England soon would hae for you of motion picture production lie has Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder W
Hdgt*ery and Gloves 20 men's Ulster and Polo winter Overcoats, reg Scorn and contumely! transferred to the screen the page of his Young Hyson. Sample Free—Salada, T9ro;kW
$42 to $45.* special .......................... 30.00 famous novel. Chapter by chapter exact -
All wool worsted ribbed hose, sizes 8J to 10, reg. Men's heavy Overcoats, newest styles, reg. $30 and 1D.-
- Wha will be a scurvy loon?
1.50, special ............................ 98c pair ly as they are in story form. I t is more
$33, special ... ......... 22.50 — Wha will let pidir Scotland docn?
reg. $15 Wba'll gie up his parritch spoon?
Fine ribbed cashmere hose, all -wool, sizes 81 to 10� Boys' Winter Overcoa 81. 8 t than a master piece it is an inspiration.
-lills, proJuction,
reg. 1.25 and 1.50, special ................ 98c pair and$18,special ............ 9150 Hoots! awal wi'ye! The Shepherd of the I
Z 4�%
Plain cashmere hose, ribbed tops, black and white, Boys' Mackinaw Reefers, 28 to 34. special to clear -.3,50 highly attractive and entertaining. Some
special ... t ....... ..... $1.00 pair Boys' Suits Special, reg, $13 to $15, for ............ 9.75 of the thrills it may be realized in the
Men's Raincoats, a special lot to clear at
-A 'Venus silk hose made of heavy quality pure ;ilk in .......... 4,00 BORN
scene picturing the night ride down the
o black, navy, brown and white $i.69 pair
Dry Goods mountain side during a heavy rainstorm,
Flne quality Chamolsette Gloves in sand, grey, **'-- Dortit-In Wingbam. on Sunday, Nov.
brow'ri and black, bpecial ............ 1.00 pair Heavy Messallne Silk, navy only, full �6 in wide, when Xhe heroine succeeded in saving the
20th�, toMr..and Mrs. W. H. Dore,
reg. 3,50, for ........... ..,.2.49 yd good old sbepberd from the clutches of the
a daughter-Edytbe Louise.,
House Dresses Raw Silk free,from d�essing, fine even wea e, 33 Lawless Wash Gibbs Gang of Raiders,
in, wide, rel; 125 for .................... 71, yd
Zo In neat styles, lovely patterns of chintz, special $2, 2.50 M usoRoYE-In Wroxeter on Wcdnesday Tbis attraction will be shown ill the Opera Dominion Stores
Huck Towelling fine quality 23 in. wide� reg. 50c for..35,c November 23rd., to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff- House, one night olaly, Wednesday, Dec.
Corsets Bath Towels, assorted patterns, reg. 1.75 for .... $1 each rey Musgrove, a daughter, 7th. Matinee in the afternoon. Millions Ltd.
Practical front laced corsets, extra beav� material, Monarch Knit Yarns, 2 oz, balls, a boat of sbades, have seen the stage play, millions have
sizes 22 to 30, reg. 5.00 for .............. 3.75 pair
special .................................. 28c ball read the book, millions will see the pic-
D & A Corsets, sizes 20 to 28, reg. 3.25 for .......... 2.39 Scotch fingering yarns black and grey ............. 1.25 lb
12-4 &0 ture. Untilyou have seen this wonder
ZZ D & A Corsets, sizes 19 to 22, reg. 1.50 and 2.50, to Factory,ya-ns black, grey, mottled, red arid white, - -
a special ............ 11.1 ......... I ...... 1 1.00 lb a- picture, you cannot realize how far this The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada
Oear at ................................ 75c pair IS 1:1
newest of the art has progressed. Shown
Prints in light and medium patterns best quality, 2 Wool Blankets 7J lbs each whiteand grey, full siz- d-
21 hPre with special music. Res Wingham Branch, Josephine St.
to 10 yard ends ........................ 20c yard es, speciaL .............................. S.50 pr erved Seats
Wool Sheetings, grey and white. all wool 72 in. on sale at McKibbon's.
Big'Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing wide. special ............................ 1.50 d
Kincardine Memorial Park
Zo 8 men's suits, reg. $35,00, half price ................ 17.50 Sweaters at ........................... ,big reuuctions
NG DM Kincardine is to have a new park, sit - tq
10 men's suits, reg. $38, special .................. 22,50 Remnants at ........................... ,bargain prices
I kc -
15 men's suits, reg. $37 to $40, at .................. 25.00 uated on the lake front between Harbor SPECIAL PRICES
25 men's high grade suits, reg. $50 and $52, apecial 30.00 and Lambton streets, consisting of the old
10 men's light weigta Overcoats in grpys and Beat Currants, new fruits at ....................... l7clb
= Fire in Kinloss salt block property. It is the gift of Sir
brown, reg, $20 to $25, special .............. 10-75 Muscatel Raisins, large new fruit ati .............. 25clb From December Ist to Dec. 7th
-e 8 men's winter Overcoats, belted styles, reg. $30, R. Oatmeal, Purity, 7 lbs for ...................... 25c On the night of the Spotton-Purvis Alexander MacKenzie, through his solicit -
special .................................... 19.50 Laundry Soap .................................. 5c. bar so-- political meeting in Lucknow, the home- or, Mayor J. A. MacPherson, who re -
stead of the late John and Mrs. Mirebouse, ceived instructions last week to have all Pure Lard, 2 lb.....35c Easifirst, 5 lb pail 84c
Con. 7, Kinloss, was burned to the ground. documents prepared and to make pre -
As the house had not been occupied for sentation to the town. Of course there
=2 Ground Flax Meal, 500 lb lots, special ...... 3.50 cwt. Beat Meal, a great milk producer 500 )be, special.... 1.50 cwt. a-
a- sometime the origin of the fire is a are the usual conditions attrached which Try our Special Blend Tea, per lb ............ 35c
FLOUR- Purity and Five Roses, lots of 500 lbs, special .................. 4.15 cwt. mystery. It was with difficulty that the are to be found in akl such cases. Sir
few neighbors who had not gone to the Alexander, among other stipulations, Babbits Cleanser, tin .......... 9c Seeded Raisins, per lb ...... _24c
political meeting saved the barn where a makes it plain that the gift is to be used Comfort Soap, 10 cakes ........ 69c Seedless Raisins, per lb ...... 27c
large quantity of grain and implements 'for park purposes only, and closes by re.
Ammonia Powder, 3 pkgs .... 23c Lemon or Orange Peel, per lb. 37c
were stored.
questing that it be called "Park Mac.
A M� I L L S o- Don't Be a Knocker Pherson. Bon Ami powder or cake ...... 14c Shredded Cocanut, per 1b ...... 25c,
Terms, Cash.. Produce Alailted. Don't be a Knocker. It there's some- Borrowers of Newspapers Beware Black Knight Stove Polish, tin 15c Pure jam, 4 lb tin ............ 83c
Out Goods are the Best- Our PricesRight. 1 1,
thing wrong with your liver consult a A man who was too economical to sub. C)otbeB Pins, per doz .......... 4c Orange Marmalade, 4 lb tin .... 790
go specialist so. that you may get relief. The scribe for the weekly paper published in Sockeye Salmon, J tin ........ 28c Magic Baking Powder, lb .... 35c,
old fashioned door knocker has been sup- this district sent his little boy to borrow Choice Red Salmon, I lb tin ..30c Cooking Pigs, 2 The ............ 35c,
erseded by a bell, whose note is more the copy taken by his neighbor, In his I Crossed Fish Sardines per tin 18c Dried Peaches ner lb ........ 23c
Xmas Gift Suggestior a Be Loyal to Wingham.
musical than the old method of giving the
haste tl�e boy ran over a $4,00 stand of
Dainty and useful articles in French The greatest buying season of the year
alarm or intimation of your presence.
bees and in ten minutes looked like a
Xippered Herring, per tin .... 15c English Walnut, per lb ........ 280
Ivory, Ebony Goods, Perfumes, Fancy is just around the corner. The local
Get a bell, or better a chime of them,
warty summer squash. His father ran to
Choice Corn, 2 tins .......... 25c Prys or Bakers Cocoa, per tin..27c
Stationery, Fresh Chocolates, in Xmas �nerchants are dependent upon your
and play the tune "A Better day is corn-
ing". Let us hasten the in
his assistance, and failing to notice a
Beat Peas, per tin ............ 17c Choice Cheese, per lb ........ 24c
packages -bought at lowest import prices patronage. It will be a boost to the
and sold to you at a saving of 10 to 20 town if they get it. Show a spirit of
Drug Store.
arrival our
own community.
Pu blic School Trustees'
barbed wire fence, ran into that, cutting a
handful of flesh from his anatomy and
ruining a 84 pair of pants. The old cow
Bread, 2 loaves .... 15c rns, lb. 22c
per cent -At Mitchell's Corner local patriotism, Keep your money in
Buy at HWme circulation at home. Patronize the mer-
Trustees of public schools have resting
took advantage of the gap in the fence
A few the housewives of Wing- chants who are aggressive in soliciting
upon them a very grave responsibility, in
and got into the cornfield and killed her-
Choice Breakfast Bacon, per lb . ............ 35c
of good
ham have learned a lesson which they are your patronage, Watch their advertise-
that, in their hands lie to a considerable
self eating green corn, Hearing a racket,
not likely to soon forget. They ordered ments from week to week in TEm AjD-
extent the means of making the conditions
the wife ran out, upset a four -gallon churn
of school life not only tolerable but even
of rich cream into a basket of little cbick-
D. S. L. Baking Pow- Cane Sugar 10 lb 85c
i�nlarged pictures with frames and glass,
interesting and pleasant for the children.
ens, drowning the entire batch. It% her
der, I lb. tin ........ 24c 100 lb. Bag ........ 8.25
and paid for same, to a smooth repre- Fatal Auto Accident
To better equip them for their duties
haste she dropped a $25.00 set of false
sentative of a Toronto Art Co. After a An auto driven by Wilmer McManus
trustees should get together as fr,,quently
teeth. The baby having been left alone,
period of about six months and after re- struck his brother, Leonard McManus
as possible to discuss their problems and
crawled through the sprinkled milk into
Watch Our Windows for Xmas Specials
ceiving a couple of sizzling hot !etters, and a young lady while crossing to the
exchange idcas. No better means is
the parlor, ruining a brand new $20 -
they have sent their customers in Wing- Picture Show from the park at Goderich
affordea them for r.pportunities of this
pet. During the excitement the oldest
ham their portraits by express collect and on Saturday evening. The lady only re-
kind than by organizing and attending
daughter ran away with the hired man,
Butter and Eggs Wanted
that is the way most of the housewives .
ceived minor scratches and a shaking UP,
township, county and provincial associat-
the dog broke up 11 getting hens and the
have returned them to them. Some
parcels did not contain the glass and very but Leonard was hurt so severely that
ions. It is especially incumbent on trus-
tees in rural localities and small villages
calves got out and chewed the tails off
four fine shirts on the clothes line. (Now
he had to be rushed to the hospital where
few, if any, of the parcels contained, he died a few hours later. Onaccount of
to make a study of educational matters if
is the time to subscribe.)
pictures which the customers" would rain on the windshield of his car the
their children are to have advantages
bang in their homes, driver did not see the young couple cross
Makes Rash Statements ig, front of him.
equal to those in cities and large towns,,
Meeting of Huron County Council
174 X XX xx X X 41% Xv. W! X Xx X X XTX 119 XX XX
Recently in a speech in Huron county I
Pretty Busy Ducks
The Council of the Corporation of tl�e
Mr. Hicks again startled ille public with
a statement to the effect that H.n. Beniah Mrs. John Fenner, of the 14th concess-
County of Huron will meet in the Coun-
Many Money Saving Items of Supreme
Bowman bad been offered $150,000 in ion, Carrick, near Mildmay has four
cil Chamber. Goderich, at 3 o'clock in
settlement of the Crown's case against a ducks that bid fair to become the champ-
Bowman's ion layers this of the country
the afternoon of Wednesday. the 7th.
day of December 1921. All accounts
Interest for This W eek
certain lumber company. Mr. of part
answer, he said, had been : "No, you owe The four ducks have produced more than
the Province 83,000,000." 500 eggs to date this season and are still
against the County must be in the hands
of the Clerk not later than Monday pre -
The minister of lands and forests)aying. ceding the meeting of Council. at ine oeiect: i-Aames ixeauy - v- ear
MR -K ppy wouldn't confirm the Hicks statement, I Buy Postage' Stamps Goderich, GEo. W. HOLATAN, .41
PART Y "The Crown's case," stated Mr. Bow. Nov. 18th, 1921. County Clerk. Z
The Couriers on the various Mail Routes
man, Is in the bands of counsel and is I Oh Yes, It's A Snap Xt
U It C_ ask their numerous patrons to kindly re
H about to be adjudicated upon by the' -merchant, Four Special 'Coat Values
frainfrorn dropping coppers in the mail "Yes" remarked the country
courts and it would be premature to make rhe wholesale
ge 6n letters during Icertainlyhave a snap.
any statement as to what the Crown ex -'boxes to rpy posta n a
pects. There have been suggest winter months. It is a cold, slow job to houses draw on me every month a d dr w X No. I—All wool Velour Coats, shawl browti, easily worth $25, sl)ecial 19.50
ions as to
ti"ll settlement, but no specific amount has get them out, particularly where there on me at sight, but if I send a bill to a X collars and cuffs of Beaverine, belted V4,
been mentioned to me by the ompany, may be a dozen of such cases in an after. customer he comes swearing mad And and lined throughout, and triinmed No. 3 — All wool Velour Coats, all
c noon. Get the stamps, all Couriers carry quits trading at my store. While I'm 9
-ideer round belt, button and stitching trini- 1p
Counsel for the Crown in this action is them, and save the Courier the bother of hard up for money many of those who are -with fancy stitching, colors reit
;r *1
ERE'S LOTS Df AtAlni determining the amount which the Crown the coppers. owing me are sending money to mail order and brown. Sale price .- ...... _$27.50 nied fully lined, colors browji only,
AND STRENGTIA IN MEAr- may claim through the courts 11 houses. If I contribute money to any X splendid value at ........................ $18-50
Tiw WeLL-r-ED MAN Mr. Hicks refused to be more specific An Honored Wingbarn Boy cause. people say I am bidding for trade.
KNOWS NO DEFC-AT 1 when a Toronto press representative We completely overlooked mentioning If I don't they say I am a hog. Every No. 2—All wool Velour Coats, beaver- —Special in children's ,ill, wool ra
telephoned him. Upon being informed the splendid services held in the Wing- day I am expected to dig up for every- ine collars, fancy stitching and button No, 4
irm, bis ham Methodist church on Sunday. Nov. thing that comes along from a raffle ticket triinmed, box pleated back, cross belt Velour coats, opposum collars, -lined
that Mr. Bowman did not: conr NO
Of course you've got to be statements, he replied - 'Vell, just let it: 20th, Educational Anniversary services toachurch fund, by people who claim ar.d fully lined, colors reindeer and throughout, sale price ............... I $'�'9-50 9,0_
I Z�
well fed if you are going to keep go at that. Good-bye," and he hung up were conducted by Professor Rev. A. J. they do part of their trading here, but our
going, We believe that the ac- the receiver. Johnston of Victoria College, Toronto. friends Robert Simpson and T. Eaton
tivity of a man's mental ma- Hydro Wires Cut The reverend gentleman is a pleasing and neither buy raffle tickets nor help the
chinery depends upon how well Acting on instructions from the Hydro convincing speaker. He won the hearts church fund. and they get the cash in Dresses Over Blouses
his physical self is nourished. department in Toronto. Mr. Nivins, who'of his audience at the morning service by advance business. If I sell a pair of pants Something very new in flannel dres- Latest style over -blouses in jersey
is in their employ in Teeswater, cut the reference to his boyhood days in Wing. I must treat the family to candy and ' kets,
ses some with peter -pan collars, half and flannel, 1)etcr-pan collars, poc
Watch for Mr. Happy Party wires leading to the Public Library and ham when he attended the old red school cigars and if I buy a load of potatoes 1 0
X, I in various new shades, specially priced
the residences of Mr. J. M. Clark and Mr. in Lower Wingham. He well remembers must do the same. Customers who are length bell sleeves, trimmed,*with fancy
D. Ferguson, last Friday. Tbe Jeffery where the good old swimming hole was able to pay, bang on to their money, Z� id, others at 4.95.
LIVER & BENINGER Hardware was also threatened, but as located and when he -would saunter while I pay ten per cent at the bank to buttons and contrasting braix
CENTRAL MEAT oudly home from the wood% wii� so get ready cash. I have ;a big busiaess with patch pockets and ties at throat, Hose
arrangements had been made to have the pr % V,
during hard times and poor crops from colors royal blue, scarlet, purple, navy Extra siveial value in heavy weight
MARKET building rewired the connections Were not many squirrel's tails pinned in his cap,
severed. The rewiring was done the next designating the number of squirrels which people who are willing to trade with me ather hose, regular 1.25, sale price
PHONE 126 and turquoise blue, sate price $7.95 lie,
INGHAM dayatthestore, It is reported that these lie bad killed that day. Mr.johnston is provided I can duplicate catalogue prices X and 9 00. 98C.
users of Hydro were notified to be rewired a Wingbarn boy who has reached the top and wait till harvest for my money. My
but 'two of them claim that an inspectio�l of the ladder of success. His father was scales weigh too much when I sell sugar
never took place on their prem'ses and known to most of out older readers as and too little when I buy butter. I am a X,
the CornmiSsiOn were not in a position to 1,Gentleman" Jimmio Johnston and from thief, liar and grafter, If I smile I am
asily see that the soft soapy; and this certainly is I snip"
_y needed rewiring or the nickname we can e
know whether tile his success back to his and lie looked over $10,000 worth of ac� Select Ladies' RlAkeady- tom "Wear Co.
not. However, as they bad no permit Professor car' trace
fA�ft_M i0_1t �,_AL13-03 acres o� choico land new regulations, instruc home and parents. Mr. Johnston spent countS� all good, and wonders bow he can
with fir8t class buildi situ%ted on the card under the Read Office, 448 Queca West, Toronto. Branches, Tiogliam, Hnnt�vcr and Goderich, Ont.
boandary 11no, township ollwfords, 'fl& farm tions were to cut them Off. Tile local t, few pleasant days .trolling over the raise $800 to pay a tight draft now due.
Will be sold at & bstga&a. Pot further partle- ever of tile scenes of his childhood and visiting among One would almost imagitie that this guy
ularm apply to ARTIturr Wnp-ALVIt commission know nothing what, was a weekly newspaper Mon. X 1:6 row, X Z X Z X; K I% X X
matter.-Tmwat6r News, old acquaintances, title XX ZX ZXZX ZX 40-011CO 60001K X X XX ZX ZX_ Z 161L%