The Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 4.Vote for
i. w., , Kiiig
National Progressive
in North Huron
Ppogressh Logislation
The Womens Institute will hold their
regular meeting in the Community Hall,
December 8rd,
Rev. D, N. Sinclair has got a call to
Mr. avid Mrs, D. 1. Weir have returned
to their home in Teeswater.
The Political meeting held in the Hall
was well attended. Mr. Spotton spoke
to an attentive audience.
Miss Mabel Baiter continues very poor-
ly, Her aunt, Airs. John Irwin from No-
komos, Sask., has come to take care of
her for the winter.
The children are busy practising for
their Xmas. entertainment.
Mrs. W. H. Irwin is visiting friends in
Mrs I Douglas was able to return
home'iasi week.
Mr. JoIg Jamieson who has been visit -
in g With r, G, MeGuffins at Listowel,
has returned home again.,
Mr, -John Martin intends taking his big
steer to the fat stock show at Guelph
it is fat and size that is needed he wili
surely carry home the prize.
Mr. Patrick McGlynn has moved to
Wingliam one day last week. Hurry up
Mr, J. 0. Malloy do not let the house get
Mr. John Webster intends going into
raising foxes he having got three or four
black ones to start with.
Mr. C. T. Martin is as present press-
ing bay on the 6th. con, at Mr. Boyle's.
Mr. and Mrs. Champion visited at Mr.
John wainsley's for a few days last week.
William Taylor and others from this
locality intend taking stock to Guelph fat
stock show next week.
Glad to her that William Gibbons who
has not been well. of late is able to be
around the house again.
Who's Who?
'I wonder who's kissing her now" goes
the pening line of a recently popfilar
ditty. And almost countless other songs
rit s
and to ie have to do with the bigge§t
appeal in human life—tbe appeal to the
love of home andborriefolks that lies deep
down in the heart of everyone. The
bitter-sweet speculation on the old sweet-
heart's present affair; the amusing recol.
le ction of some odd chap you used to
Know "back home" the wondering self -
queries concerning the dear old people
-who were your neighbors, and the jolly
old chums of youthful days—These near
tQ-the-heart questions� are almost invar-
iably answered by that one greatest and
important medium—Your Home Town
Paper, THE ADVANcE. Are you a re-
gular reader? Subscribe to -day! Tell
your friends.
Buys Listowel Hotel
We are informed by reliable authority
that provided the deal can be consummt-
ated that Mr. Win Irwin of Ripley,
istaking over the Queen's hotel in Lis-
towel. Up to the 'present everything
points to a satisfactory termination
of the transfer. Mr Irwin is a hotel
man of.wide experience and is highly
spoken of by the travelling public. He
intends making the Queen's into a high.
class hostelry and will fit it up according-
ly so that the tr.avelling public will have
every comfort and convenience and will
find it a pleasure to make Listowel one of
their stopping -over places,
Rough On His Pals
When Hon. Mackenzie King deciarm
that the Union Government was merely a
Tory Government in disguise and there-
fore, that he did right to oppose it in'.
he reflects rather cruelly upon the it
igence of Hon. W. S. F ielding, the Toronto
Globe, and many other Liberal statesmen
and newspapers that supported the Union
Government�—Hamilton Herald.
Exhibiting Sheep at Chicago.
" P. Arkell & Sons of Culross, shipped
twenty-three of their finest Oxford Down
Sheep to Chicago to exhibit at the great
International Exposition, which opened
on Nov. 26th. This firm has swept the
big show nearly every year they have ex-
hibited, and have their sheep in good
shape this year to meet all competitors.
They vMl exhibit at Guelph on the return
Chiropractic I
The best of all means of regaining lost
health and keeping in the best physical
condition is Chiropractic Adjustments.
There is a cost to keeping fit, but what
of the greater cost of neglect? Miracles
are not performed and no Chiropractor
claims to be Omnipotent, but in the long
run, those who trust their health to the
keeping of Chiropractic are the ones who
have the least time from sickness, Fur-
thermore, 411 who regularly employ a
Chiropractor find that every year fewer
Chiropratic Adjustments are required to
keep well. Also a Chiropractor in addi.
tion to this endeavors to so inform hi,;
patrons as to the Laws of Health that
they may not knowingly retard the full
flood of their Vitality.
It is a fact that the constant breaking
of the Laws of Health w`11 tender ineffec.
tive all attempts to recovery as well aE
break down the strongest natural resis-
tance. Last of all and the strongest poss.
ible reason why you should take Cbiro.
practic Adjustments may be gummed up
in the old proverb; "To find the tree with
the best apples, look for the one with the
most clubs under it."
Dr. Fox has enlarged his office hours
and will give Adjustments free of all
charge to all worthy icaws who will make
application upon legitimate grounds ol
destitution, children upon application
of patentor guardian. Dr. Fox is app.
roved by the Ontario Board of Chiroprac.
tic Examinem
Mr. R. J. Ratio spent the week -end
with his son, Fdward in London.
The two political meetings last week
were well attended,
A number from here attended the dance
in Fordwich on Friday evening last.
Mrs, (Rev.) Harkness delivered a mis-
sionary address at Moorefield last Sab-
Mr. T. G. Ilemphill spent a few days
last week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Stackhouse of Toronto, is a visitor
at the home of Mr. W. Rutherford.
Mihs Jean Town gave an "at home" to
a few friends on Thursday evening of
last week.
Miss Jean Town of South Bend, and
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Willetto and Dr.
Smith, of the game place, motored over
and spent tha week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Gen. Town.
The United Women Workers wi41 hold a
bazzaar in the school room of the Pres-
bvterian church on Dec. 9Lh. The ladies
would like at[ donations to be in by Dec.
Oth at Jon. Douglas, store or residence
except home made baking or candy
whic-li they would like brought to the
church by half �past three on Dec. Oth.
Sale of work to commence at four o'clock.
East Wa wanosh
Mr. Gordon McGee returned home from
a trip in the Western provinces on Friday
A number of young people from this
vicinity are taking the 0. A. C. Course
in Wingbam. Among the tiumber, are,
Misses Lizzie Young and Dora Beecroft.
The Late Mrs. Grant
The death of Mrs. David Grant occur-
red at Wingham General Hospital on Mon-
day, Nov. 21. The deceased before her
marriage was a teacher in that vicinity
and was well known as Miss Bessie Mac-
Kenzie. Besides her husband, she leaves
to mourn her, three small children, Flor-
ence, Kenneth and Donald. She also
had three sisters, Mrs. John Mowbray of
Whitechurch and Mrs. Week and Mrs,
Will French of Teeswater; also three
brothers, Donald, Kenneth and William
of Teeswater. Much sympathy is felt for
the bereaved family and relatives. Mrs.
Grant did not stirvivd a serious operation
under which she went the week -p"revious
to her death. She in Tees -
water cemetry on.Friday, Nov. 25th.,
Viet 'or Records
$1.00--10 in. double sided
Records ............... ..... 85c
$1.65--12 in. double'sided
Recr,rds ..................... 1.50
Flanigan's Music Store
Patrick St.-�- Phone 231.
Qualified to give Chiropractic and
massage, ajustments. , Spinal examination
Farm Sales a Specialty. Orderi left at
The Advance, Wingham, will receive
prompt attention.
Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brussels 15-1
Idealize Your Insurance
More tbau eighty-five thousand persons
are members of the
Mutual Life of Canada
A small portion of their earnings are
contributed each year in the form of
Many widows and orphans are provid-
ed yearly through the payment of death
claims by the company, besides the en-
dcwment policies that contribute to the
comfort of the aged,
All earning above the actual cost of op-
eration belong to the policy holders, there
being no stockholders to share the profits,
Life Insurance under the Mutual Sys-
-tem is IDEALIZnD.
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
A. Cosens, W. T. Booth, Representatives
Wingliam, Ont.
Best D. L. & W.
Scranton C o a I
Cannell for fiteplaces, Smithing,
Soft Coal and Charcoal.
Lumber of all kinds, dressed and
undressed, Hard and Soft Wood,
Slab Wood and Cedar always on
band, Shirigles, Lath, 'Hardwood,
Flooring, Sash, Doors and Mould-
iugs on hand or made to order an
shortest tiotice, 'Deaver And Vibre
Board, prepared roofing and roof.
ing and roofing paint.
Office And Planing Mill, Jose-
phine St., adjoilling G.T. R. stivion.
We give careful, interested at--
tention to all orders, and we make
deliveries promptly.
MacLean Lumber
and Coal Co.
Thursday, Dec. Ist 11921
(Copy of letter sent to Huron candi-
dates.) WARDIS --- "The Store o I
Wingliam, Ont., Nov, 6th., 1921 Many Departments
To the Candidates of Huron County for 1,
Election to the Federal Parliament.
Dear Sir:
I have been asked on behalf of the Ex- X
ecutivef,ommittee to write to you in-
dividually regarding a matter that 'is 14
upper -most in our thoughts during the 0,
present campaign. n,
Now that seven of the nine Provities M_ Dig Saving on
have prohibited the �ale and importation
of liquor, we desire legislation, without
any further referendum, which will pro-
hibit the manufacture of liquor for export ell Knitted
or beverage purposes in such Provinc
Will you kindly favor us with an early
reply as to your attitude on the question
of Prohibition generally and of the marm-
facture for export in particular, and Wool Goods
whether you will support such legislation
regardless of the person or party who will,
introduce it in the �Louse of Parliament.
Yours truly,
W� H, WILLre, Secretary.
(Copy of Replies received)
In reply to yours ot the 5th inst., wou d
Having bought a rancFe of traveller's samples at
say that I am heartily in favor of at y r� X
movement looking to the total abolition a big discount we are going to pass these goods on
of the liquor traffic and if elected I w 11
support any measure, nb matter by who n to our customers at a big saving of from 30 to 40
introduced, that will tend to lessen the per- cent, The range is large and comprises sweat -
evils of Intemperance.
I will, if elected, support any measure ers, pullovers, wool overalls, bootees, mittens*, baby's
having for its aim the total prohibition
of the manufacture, export or sale of in- hoods and,caps, wool mufflers and scarfs, shawl-
toxicatmg liquors and will do my best to ettes, toques, wool sets, cap and scarfs, baby blan-
advance the interest of temperance. kets and slei(yh robes, hosiery.
Yours truly,
Gno. SPoTToN. We haven't room to quote prices here, 'come in
in reply to yours of fifth inst in reference 411
M and inspect the goods and you will be well satisfied W
toVrohibition of export of intoxicating
liquors to Provinces under prohibitory 4% with the values.
lawsbegto state that I am heartily in 4N
accord with any measure that tends to 74
�suppress the liquor traffic and will support Christmas Goods.
such measure irrespective of Party.
Yours truly, Are now here in great variety. See our display
J. W. Kwo. of useful Christmas Gifts which will appeal to every
in reply to yours of � 5th inst.,: will say
I have always been a total abstainer and member of the family.'
would put Prohibition before Party.,
Yours truly,'
W. H. FRASER. Winter Coats on Sale
Clearance of ladies', misses' and children's coats
Better Take Warning
There is a report going its rounds that at wholesale prices.
The MacKenzie Mfg. Co. of Lucknow
sold vanilla to a party to help make booze.
This surely is not a desirable report for 1C
one neighbor to start on another neighbor H. E. Isard & Co
and'then have irresponsible people add
just a little to it and pass it on. These
reports don't hurt us very much as our
our twelve years' record speaks for itself
and knocks generally act as b;osts But
we are going to protect our customers, so
from this date on, there will be no leniency
shown to anyone circulating falsehoods. COMING! Wonderful Attraction
Customers will pleage report their case to
me and I will give same my immediate
attention, giving the talebearer what the
law has provided for such low principled Revue of 1921
citizens. Address your communications
W. L. MAcKuNzin, Van Gone S
c 10 The MacKenzie Mfg, Co., Luckrow.
Who Gave Wornen Franchise?
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson of Toronto, and A Spectacular Musical Production
formerly of Morris township, is developing with na company of
into quite a stump speaker for the liberal
cause. She has recently spoken at St.
Marys and Sarnia. 100 Wingham People 100
"Taking up the question -,.of women's
suffrage, the speaker said that all the
parties were laying claim to the credit for under auspices of the
this legislation. Even J. J. Morrison Women's Institute (Memorial Fund)
says, look here, you women, vote for us,
we were the first to recognize your rights", under the personal direction of
said Mrs, Ferguson, "but I know it was
Liberal members who years ago moved Mr. M. Van Gene of NeW York.
the first resolutions for our enfranchise.
ment. " Watch foe future advertising.
When referring to the United Farmer
movement, Mrs. Ferguson explained that
speaking with knowledge as a farmer, the
U. F. 0. had not added one dollar to the
pockets of the people of the rural districts, Stephens remained over Sunday of this and profanity. These fellows should be
She held that the rank and file of the 1). week. taught what they evidently have forgot.
F. 0. had never originally intended that A dance was given in the hAll on Fri- ten, or never knew, that this is against
day evening. The Wroxeter Hawaiian the law as well as exhibition of bad man -
they should create a class movement. btit OlLhestra furnished the music. Those ners and morals.
had been swayed into it She said the who attended report having bad -it good Mr. Hall of Toront'o, accompanied by
people of the urban centers could not help time. One or two on their way home his brother-in-law, Mr. Bunch, spent the
gain the former impression. However, afterdisturbed the Shimbees of sonic of week -end with Mr. Hall's father and
shedeplored that this feeling should be onrcitizarisby their empty-headed noise mother here, returning on Monday.
created, and questioned bow the people
of the city or country could exist without
each other. rt
She contended that if it appeared that
the old line parties had failed, it was not EGGS A RE AS SCARCEAS
because of their principles, but because of
an improper application of them. She HEN'S TEETH
pointed out that one of the first things the
Ontario Government had done was to Lot us help you to get more eggs at a time when prices
vote a bonus for its members in the face are high—
of the farmer policy of economy. She
warned the farmers that if they should We make a "Poultry Lay Mash" that is a good conditioner
gain contriA at Ottawa it would be found and it k4ps poultry healthy, vigorous and productive,
that their members possessed the same Feed a little of out mixed grain in The morning.
human weaknesses and inconsistencies as Xeep our "Poultry Lay Mash", before the hens all the time,
Feed plenty of our mixed grain in tho eveiiing.
theothers, Don't fcol yourself, she warn- Keep plenty of water, grit, shell and charcoal before the
ed. all the righteouq people are not on the poultry all the time.
farm. Provide plenty of dry strAw.
I Give Plenty of fresh air, but no drafts.
Mr. Jack Hutchison returned from tile We will be pleased to supply you with our "Poultry Lay Mash" Also
West last week, also Mr. Glad. E dgar. scratch grain, grit, shell, charcoal, straw, etc.
They went on the harvest excursion.
Mr. W. 1. Lynn oi the 11. and W.
Boundary, was operated on last week for
an appendicitis abscess, We are glad to JOHN E. HOMUTH'
report lie is getting along nicely, 8TJCCL,'SSOR TO HOWSON & HOWSON
Mr. R. 11. and Mri;, Stephens were at vlour, peed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Phones; Residence T75, Store 40.
Arthur last week, attending the funeral
of an uncle of Mr. Stephens. Mrs.
Mark 'Your Ballot for Geo. Spotto
and thus Support Meighen.
Of the Township of Morris, Farmer
Of the Township of Turnberry, Farmer
Of the Town of Witigham, Pyincipal
Give your support
to a man who is cap-
able of taking part in
any debatf- on public
issues on the of
the, House of Com -
mons. Mr. Spotton is X,
credited all public
speakers and leading U�-' Q
newspapersJ g 4M,
'iof both Wg�kg�
�i; I ORZ
shades of politics as a
man who will be a big
assistance t o either
the Government or the.
opposition benches. N..
North Huron will be
heard from at Ottawa
and she need never be
ashamed of her repre-
sentative if Spotton
is elected on Dec. 6th.
He will answer impor-
tant questions w i t h
candor and n 0 t wait. . . . . . .
until he sees how the other fellow -is'going to jumnp.
.Vote for
i. w., , Kiiig
National Progressive
in North Huron
Ppogressh Logislation
The Womens Institute will hold their
regular meeting in the Community Hall,
December 8rd,
Rev. D, N. Sinclair has got a call to
Mr. avid Mrs, D. 1. Weir have returned
to their home in Teeswater.
The Political meeting held in the Hall
was well attended. Mr. Spotton spoke
to an attentive audience.
Miss Mabel Baiter continues very poor-
ly, Her aunt, Airs. John Irwin from No-
komos, Sask., has come to take care of
her for the winter.
The children are busy practising for
their Xmas. entertainment.
Mrs. W. H. Irwin is visiting friends in
Mrs I Douglas was able to return
home'iasi week.
Mr. JoIg Jamieson who has been visit -
in g With r, G, MeGuffins at Listowel,
has returned home again.,
Mr, -John Martin intends taking his big
steer to the fat stock show at Guelph
it is fat and size that is needed he wili
surely carry home the prize.
Mr. Patrick McGlynn has moved to
Wingliam one day last week. Hurry up
Mr, J. 0. Malloy do not let the house get
Mr. John Webster intends going into
raising foxes he having got three or four
black ones to start with.
Mr. C. T. Martin is as present press-
ing bay on the 6th. con, at Mr. Boyle's.
Mr. and Mrs. Champion visited at Mr.
John wainsley's for a few days last week.
William Taylor and others from this
locality intend taking stock to Guelph fat
stock show next week.
Glad to her that William Gibbons who
has not been well. of late is able to be
around the house again.
Who's Who?
'I wonder who's kissing her now" goes
the pening line of a recently popfilar
ditty. And almost countless other songs
rit s
and to ie have to do with the bigge§t
appeal in human life—tbe appeal to the
love of home andborriefolks that lies deep
down in the heart of everyone. The
bitter-sweet speculation on the old sweet-
heart's present affair; the amusing recol.
le ction of some odd chap you used to
Know "back home" the wondering self -
queries concerning the dear old people
-who were your neighbors, and the jolly
old chums of youthful days—These near
tQ-the-heart questions� are almost invar-
iably answered by that one greatest and
important medium—Your Home Town
Paper, THE ADVANcE. Are you a re-
gular reader? Subscribe to -day! Tell
your friends.
Buys Listowel Hotel
We are informed by reliable authority
that provided the deal can be consummt-
ated that Mr. Win Irwin of Ripley,
istaking over the Queen's hotel in Lis-
towel. Up to the 'present everything
points to a satisfactory termination
of the transfer. Mr Irwin is a hotel
man of.wide experience and is highly
spoken of by the travelling public. He
intends making the Queen's into a high.
class hostelry and will fit it up according-
ly so that the tr.avelling public will have
every comfort and convenience and will
find it a pleasure to make Listowel one of
their stopping -over places,
Rough On His Pals
When Hon. Mackenzie King deciarm
that the Union Government was merely a
Tory Government in disguise and there-
fore, that he did right to oppose it in'.
he reflects rather cruelly upon the it
igence of Hon. W. S. F ielding, the Toronto
Globe, and many other Liberal statesmen
and newspapers that supported the Union
Government�—Hamilton Herald.
Exhibiting Sheep at Chicago.
" P. Arkell & Sons of Culross, shipped
twenty-three of their finest Oxford Down
Sheep to Chicago to exhibit at the great
International Exposition, which opened
on Nov. 26th. This firm has swept the
big show nearly every year they have ex-
hibited, and have their sheep in good
shape this year to meet all competitors.
They vMl exhibit at Guelph on the return
Chiropractic I
The best of all means of regaining lost
health and keeping in the best physical
condition is Chiropractic Adjustments.
There is a cost to keeping fit, but what
of the greater cost of neglect? Miracles
are not performed and no Chiropractor
claims to be Omnipotent, but in the long
run, those who trust their health to the
keeping of Chiropractic are the ones who
have the least time from sickness, Fur-
thermore, 411 who regularly employ a
Chiropractor find that every year fewer
Chiropratic Adjustments are required to
keep well. Also a Chiropractor in addi.
tion to this endeavors to so inform hi,;
patrons as to the Laws of Health that
they may not knowingly retard the full
flood of their Vitality.
It is a fact that the constant breaking
of the Laws of Health w`11 tender ineffec.
tive all attempts to recovery as well aE
break down the strongest natural resis-
tance. Last of all and the strongest poss.
ible reason why you should take Cbiro.
practic Adjustments may be gummed up
in the old proverb; "To find the tree with
the best apples, look for the one with the
most clubs under it."
Dr. Fox has enlarged his office hours
and will give Adjustments free of all
charge to all worthy icaws who will make
application upon legitimate grounds ol
destitution, children upon application
of patentor guardian. Dr. Fox is app.
roved by the Ontario Board of Chiroprac.
tic Examinem
Mr. R. J. Ratio spent the week -end
with his son, Fdward in London.
The two political meetings last week
were well attended,
A number from here attended the dance
in Fordwich on Friday evening last.
Mrs, (Rev.) Harkness delivered a mis-
sionary address at Moorefield last Sab-
Mr. T. G. Ilemphill spent a few days
last week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Stackhouse of Toronto, is a visitor
at the home of Mr. W. Rutherford.
Mihs Jean Town gave an "at home" to
a few friends on Thursday evening of
last week.
Miss Jean Town of South Bend, and
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Willetto and Dr.
Smith, of the game place, motored over
and spent tha week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Gen. Town.
The United Women Workers wi41 hold a
bazzaar in the school room of the Pres-
bvterian church on Dec. 9Lh. The ladies
would like at[ donations to be in by Dec.
Oth at Jon. Douglas, store or residence
except home made baking or candy
whic-li they would like brought to the
church by half �past three on Dec. Oth.
Sale of work to commence at four o'clock.
East Wa wanosh
Mr. Gordon McGee returned home from
a trip in the Western provinces on Friday
A number of young people from this
vicinity are taking the 0. A. C. Course
in Wingbam. Among the tiumber, are,
Misses Lizzie Young and Dora Beecroft.
The Late Mrs. Grant
The death of Mrs. David Grant occur-
red at Wingham General Hospital on Mon-
day, Nov. 21. The deceased before her
marriage was a teacher in that vicinity
and was well known as Miss Bessie Mac-
Kenzie. Besides her husband, she leaves
to mourn her, three small children, Flor-
ence, Kenneth and Donald. She also
had three sisters, Mrs. John Mowbray of
Whitechurch and Mrs. Week and Mrs,
Will French of Teeswater; also three
brothers, Donald, Kenneth and William
of Teeswater. Much sympathy is felt for
the bereaved family and relatives. Mrs.
Grant did not stirvivd a serious operation
under which she went the week -p"revious
to her death. She in Tees -
water cemetry on.Friday, Nov. 25th.,
Viet 'or Records
$1.00--10 in. double sided
Records ............... ..... 85c
$1.65--12 in. double'sided
Recr,rds ..................... 1.50
Flanigan's Music Store
Patrick St.-�- Phone 231.
Qualified to give Chiropractic and
massage, ajustments. , Spinal examination
Farm Sales a Specialty. Orderi left at
The Advance, Wingham, will receive
prompt attention.
Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brussels 15-1
Idealize Your Insurance
More tbau eighty-five thousand persons
are members of the
Mutual Life of Canada
A small portion of their earnings are
contributed each year in the form of
Many widows and orphans are provid-
ed yearly through the payment of death
claims by the company, besides the en-
dcwment policies that contribute to the
comfort of the aged,
All earning above the actual cost of op-
eration belong to the policy holders, there
being no stockholders to share the profits,
Life Insurance under the Mutual Sys-
-tem is IDEALIZnD.
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
A. Cosens, W. T. Booth, Representatives
Wingliam, Ont.
Best D. L. & W.
Scranton C o a I
Cannell for fiteplaces, Smithing,
Soft Coal and Charcoal.
Lumber of all kinds, dressed and
undressed, Hard and Soft Wood,
Slab Wood and Cedar always on
band, Shirigles, Lath, 'Hardwood,
Flooring, Sash, Doors and Mould-
iugs on hand or made to order an
shortest tiotice, 'Deaver And Vibre
Board, prepared roofing and roof.
ing and roofing paint.
Office And Planing Mill, Jose-
phine St., adjoilling G.T. R. stivion.
We give careful, interested at--
tention to all orders, and we make
deliveries promptly.
MacLean Lumber
and Coal Co.
Thursday, Dec. Ist 11921
(Copy of letter sent to Huron candi-
dates.) WARDIS --- "The Store o I
Wingliam, Ont., Nov, 6th., 1921 Many Departments
To the Candidates of Huron County for 1,
Election to the Federal Parliament.
Dear Sir:
I have been asked on behalf of the Ex- X
ecutivef,ommittee to write to you in-
dividually regarding a matter that 'is 14
upper -most in our thoughts during the 0,
present campaign. n,
Now that seven of the nine Provities M_ Dig Saving on
have prohibited the �ale and importation
of liquor, we desire legislation, without
any further referendum, which will pro-
hibit the manufacture of liquor for export ell Knitted
or beverage purposes in such Provinc
Will you kindly favor us with an early
reply as to your attitude on the question
of Prohibition generally and of the marm-
facture for export in particular, and Wool Goods
whether you will support such legislation
regardless of the person or party who will,
introduce it in the �Louse of Parliament.
Yours truly,
W� H, WILLre, Secretary.
(Copy of Replies received)
In reply to yours ot the 5th inst., wou d
Having bought a rancFe of traveller's samples at
say that I am heartily in favor of at y r� X
movement looking to the total abolition a big discount we are going to pass these goods on
of the liquor traffic and if elected I w 11
support any measure, nb matter by who n to our customers at a big saving of from 30 to 40
introduced, that will tend to lessen the per- cent, The range is large and comprises sweat -
evils of Intemperance.
I will, if elected, support any measure ers, pullovers, wool overalls, bootees, mittens*, baby's
having for its aim the total prohibition
of the manufacture, export or sale of in- hoods and,caps, wool mufflers and scarfs, shawl-
toxicatmg liquors and will do my best to ettes, toques, wool sets, cap and scarfs, baby blan-
advance the interest of temperance. kets and slei(yh robes, hosiery.
Yours truly,
Gno. SPoTToN. We haven't room to quote prices here, 'come in
in reply to yours of fifth inst in reference 411
M and inspect the goods and you will be well satisfied W
toVrohibition of export of intoxicating
liquors to Provinces under prohibitory 4% with the values.
lawsbegto state that I am heartily in 4N
accord with any measure that tends to 74
�suppress the liquor traffic and will support Christmas Goods.
such measure irrespective of Party.
Yours truly, Are now here in great variety. See our display
J. W. Kwo. of useful Christmas Gifts which will appeal to every
in reply to yours of � 5th inst.,: will say
I have always been a total abstainer and member of the family.'
would put Prohibition before Party.,
Yours truly,'
W. H. FRASER. Winter Coats on Sale
Clearance of ladies', misses' and children's coats
Better Take Warning
There is a report going its rounds that at wholesale prices.
The MacKenzie Mfg. Co. of Lucknow
sold vanilla to a party to help make booze.
This surely is not a desirable report for 1C
one neighbor to start on another neighbor H. E. Isard & Co
and'then have irresponsible people add
just a little to it and pass it on. These
reports don't hurt us very much as our
our twelve years' record speaks for itself
and knocks generally act as b;osts But
we are going to protect our customers, so
from this date on, there will be no leniency
shown to anyone circulating falsehoods. COMING! Wonderful Attraction
Customers will pleage report their case to
me and I will give same my immediate
attention, giving the talebearer what the
law has provided for such low principled Revue of 1921
citizens. Address your communications
W. L. MAcKuNzin, Van Gone S
c 10 The MacKenzie Mfg, Co., Luckrow.
Who Gave Wornen Franchise?
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson of Toronto, and A Spectacular Musical Production
formerly of Morris township, is developing with na company of
into quite a stump speaker for the liberal
cause. She has recently spoken at St.
Marys and Sarnia. 100 Wingham People 100
"Taking up the question -,.of women's
suffrage, the speaker said that all the
parties were laying claim to the credit for under auspices of the
this legislation. Even J. J. Morrison Women's Institute (Memorial Fund)
says, look here, you women, vote for us,
we were the first to recognize your rights", under the personal direction of
said Mrs, Ferguson, "but I know it was
Liberal members who years ago moved Mr. M. Van Gene of NeW York.
the first resolutions for our enfranchise.
ment. " Watch foe future advertising.
When referring to the United Farmer
movement, Mrs. Ferguson explained that
speaking with knowledge as a farmer, the
U. F. 0. had not added one dollar to the
pockets of the people of the rural districts, Stephens remained over Sunday of this and profanity. These fellows should be
She held that the rank and file of the 1). week. taught what they evidently have forgot.
F. 0. had never originally intended that A dance was given in the hAll on Fri- ten, or never knew, that this is against
day evening. The Wroxeter Hawaiian the law as well as exhibition of bad man -
they should create a class movement. btit OlLhestra furnished the music. Those ners and morals.
had been swayed into it She said the who attended report having bad -it good Mr. Hall of Toront'o, accompanied by
people of the urban centers could not help time. One or two on their way home his brother-in-law, Mr. Bunch, spent the
gain the former impression. However, afterdisturbed the Shimbees of sonic of week -end with Mr. Hall's father and
shedeplored that this feeling should be onrcitizarisby their empty-headed noise mother here, returning on Monday.
created, and questioned bow the people
of the city or country could exist without
each other. rt
She contended that if it appeared that
the old line parties had failed, it was not EGGS A RE AS SCARCEAS
because of their principles, but because of
an improper application of them. She HEN'S TEETH
pointed out that one of the first things the
Ontario Government had done was to Lot us help you to get more eggs at a time when prices
vote a bonus for its members in the face are high—
of the farmer policy of economy. She
warned the farmers that if they should We make a "Poultry Lay Mash" that is a good conditioner
gain contriA at Ottawa it would be found and it k4ps poultry healthy, vigorous and productive,
that their members possessed the same Feed a little of out mixed grain in The morning.
human weaknesses and inconsistencies as Xeep our "Poultry Lay Mash", before the hens all the time,
Feed plenty of our mixed grain in tho eveiiing.
theothers, Don't fcol yourself, she warn- Keep plenty of water, grit, shell and charcoal before the
ed. all the righteouq people are not on the poultry all the time.
farm. Provide plenty of dry strAw.
I Give Plenty of fresh air, but no drafts.
Mr. Jack Hutchison returned from tile We will be pleased to supply you with our "Poultry Lay Mash" Also
West last week, also Mr. Glad. E dgar. scratch grain, grit, shell, charcoal, straw, etc.
They went on the harvest excursion.
Mr. W. 1. Lynn oi the 11. and W.
Boundary, was operated on last week for
an appendicitis abscess, We are glad to JOHN E. HOMUTH'
report lie is getting along nicely, 8TJCCL,'SSOR TO HOWSON & HOWSON
Mr. R. 11. and Mri;, Stephens were at vlour, peed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. Phones; Residence T75, Store 40.
Arthur last week, attending the funeral
of an uncle of Mr. Stephens. Mrs.