HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 3IV
w-ow-mand the worst is yet to come
roar night and day to bring the clay
Now raccoon ranches, are be found
The news, that Britain's blast fur-
The raising of Wild animals for their
Their food in the Wilds consists large-
naces are beind rekindled Is erocour-
pelts In Canada, Which may be said to �
ly of fTogs, honey and birds' eggs,
aging, says a London paper. For
have had its inception in, the cult of
What is, o boa -ring? Well, it is a
perfectly lubricated, seldom or nover
the silver fox in Prince Edward Island,
On butchers? scraps cooked and bolled
the prohibit! I ve cost of setting them
has spread all over the Dominion and
corn. Gloss is put on the fur by peri,
come to include within the scope of Its
todical administrations of castor oil..
The blast fur=ce, which looks like
activities practically all fur -bearers of
Not anly Is this animal a fur -bearer
support for a moving part, niade so
require adjuatment,
but. valuable in his products from
Ing iron. Its roaring crown -of flameS
what slow In finding favor In the Do-
three pointsot view. Besides his pelt,
ts a familiar sight in the Midlands.
minion, but which has risen to greater
which of recent years, has greatly in -
It ew PeODIO realize what it costs to
popularity with tile increased Value of
creased In value, from twenty-five to
set one going. Many tons of wood are
as to minimize friction, starid wear
All Of the beaxings considerei so
needed, and once this has ignited, load
successes achieved In Canada in the
flne, as. lamb, is taken from his carcass
after load of coke 18, poured into the
domestication ol this little animal has
as well as about a gallon of Gil,
furnace. The, heat is irow intense, but
thrown light upon the Industry and
Generous Profits Obtained.
claimed sternly:
A Mai, overtaking two friends heard
andachie've fine adjustment. It would
far are cared for by the lubricatill 0,
"Now, listen to me, Tommy! If you
W3 Own name mentioned and asked
found wild or TaIsOd on ranches In
411tiory stock he obtained from aril.
don't stop nitbebAving I Oiall have to
what it was they were saying about
Canada are stated to ba In ovary Way
mals caught by farmers. and from.
take your ridine.11
not be .4 bad Idea it morebumans had
system of the engine, which star'S
other domesticated stock.
"Well, teacher," replied the small
assured one, 110 tell the
the border.
There Is a, great future for the do -
boy, "you'll have to Marry we first,"
truth, we Were disputing as to wheth-
Easily Domesticated.
the char"teristics of a bearing.
when the engine 'starts to run, and as
er you are a fool or a rogue."
Aut�horitftas are of tbo opinion that
d4) and each Year the Industry is at -
Moral Hens.
Taking an arm of each he said -
raccoons are th,6 Most easily domeoti.
taining M40TO Important proportions.
There -are -hundreds of those things
long as oil is kept In the engine they
Sottlement isgradvally curtailing the
A young married woman. Who MoVed
gomething between the two,"
oftbr a short time IU 00111fineratnt 109-
hatural hauntal of theto aniniala, an4
Into the country considered the keep.
Ing all IrwatniqtIonto -stray frDm their
in an automobile, eo one could hardly
are quite certain to be t ' aken care of,
More Also.
now homog &na beeming as home.
kaU 4 Mfttftal And W111111P09 0"be-
undertaking. As she 'grow more Ub-
korbed In the pursuit her enthli5laarl
Roger 11%id luot returned from the
loving 00 kittO110, If permitted t.0,
stray tr� 'tileir pens they VAII Invarl.
be blamed for losing just a few. But
barring accidental stoppage of thO Oil
bIrth&,Y party.
"And dia. Y(X r6member to Wjsl�
Toturn. They 0110, less delicate tA
-the Past, CavAd' a Is determined to
doscription& of her,suce4egs a frlemd fti�
quirea. "Are your liens god laying
14PAMO marlY b4l)PY r6tn=q Ot 1110
tbe roaring than foXag and it 18, AlraoSt
the loss Of only a few might raise
day?0 asIted bip, mother,.
Impossible to 4111 thepl throUll ex-
1 J�Osu?o or negleet, 'they are both
the catch, by extensive
110h, sts 11 she replied, In a delighted
"Vft, and I VIALed her h1uny 11appy
merry havoc with the machine, and
Fan Also on BeariUgs.
tone; 'Wo� haVen't laid a bad 6ge
rtturm of tho,ftko, too," replied the
simplifi(la the propo�ltion of dletilit.
ablo openingfs for inany follo-were.
I . . I A' � 1.' t I �,
-put it in thedrkdock of the Autornab'
The fa usually runs on ball bear-
world the repair �sliop .
ings, which are lubricated with a
There are many types of bearings,
squirt can, beillig usually of the CUR
some in which the nlctv�s -are selected
and cone type, that are -adjusted by
with the idea of obtaining strength
tightening the cone, Tile water pump
rather than norl4riction qualities;
bearings are lubricated by compres-
others have strong, metal shells, lined
Man grease cups; When the bearings
with a comparatively soft non -friction
'become badly worn it is necessary to
metal. In tbege bearings moving
drive out the bushings and replace
merriboars slilde over each other.
them; generally the shalt also will
In addition to this we have the so-
need replacing. When this shaft be -
called anti -friction beai;ings, in which
comes worn out of -round no amount
balls, or straight. taper, or helical
of tightening of the stuffingbrox, will
rollers are used,giving a rolling rath-
prevent water from leaking out.
er than slid -Ing contact.
� The valve stem guides are some -
Oil the engines alone there are more
times bushings, but more usually are
than one hundred bearings. This, is
holes bored through the cylinder cast -o
figured on the average six-eylinder
Ing. In the former case, when wear
motor; some of them have more than
occurs the bushing maybe driven, out
doub,le the number. There are, for
I and a new one, with new valve, Instal! -
instance, the following:
led; in the latter case, the holes must
Six cylinders, six wrist -pin bear-
be reamed true"and larger, and valves
ings, six crank�pin bearings, four
with larger stems be inserted.
main, three cam -shaft, twelve cam,
twelve push -rod, twelve valve stem,
In the ignition -system ball bearings
usually are employed with or -tvithout
Fishes That Climb Trees.
Bank of -England to be
two X=, two water Pump, eight ig-
means of adjustment. These are lUb-
It seemasomething of a miracle that
nition, six spark control, six carbur..
,ited with an oil can or packed in
a d a c
a fish should be ble to In u) 0- -
The famous B -auk Of England Build-
etor control, six carburetor, -three Oil
grease. There is one bearing of the
caslorial tree�climblng.
Ing, called the Old Lady of Thread -
pump, four self-starter, and, four self-
ignition system which is unique in
On certain parts of the coasts Of
needle, Street, will soon be entirely re-
starter%linkage gearings, total 102.
that some manufacturers advise keep-
Asia, and Africa, when the tide goes
built, made several stories higher and
The first named cylinder and -piston,
Ing it free from lubrication substances
out, a fish known to the. natives as the
mov&ted '60 radically as to cause a
not generally termed bearings, are
� of any kind, This is the rocker arm of
bomint Is left behind. Instead of find-
elizzgo, inside and out, says a London
-usually of cast iroil, which gives corn-
the interruipter on certain makes of
ing dry land uncongenial, thda fall en-
despatch. In, the many year's of its
paratively long wear end in which the
magnetos. Other forms of interrupt-
joys it tliorauglily and, makes, hunting
activities the bank as It grew riecessi-
friction I ' a not great if well lubricated,
ors are so constrilicted that lubrication
expeditions among the Pools- Its
tated taking premises for branch Work
When wear does Occur at this point
is advis-able.
breast fins are like elbow -Joints, and
outside the old Threadneedle area.
it is necessary to rebore and have
The carburetor air -valve bearing
by means of these it skips and Jumps
Now it Is, planned to bring all the
larger, pistons fitted.
operateq better if not lubricated, but
about the shore.
work together under oneroof. Efforts
When Wear Occurs.
does wear and need rep -lacing at times.
ObsermtJon of the antics Of this
-will be made to preserve as much as
The wrist -pin bearings. usually are
The throttle bearings may 'he lUbrl-
queer specimen has shown that It Is
possible the original features of the
in the forin of a -bronze shell, called
catedand,would certainly wear longer
apt to retire speedily to a littl�e POIDI
building, but some of the gardens On
It bushing, surrounding the wrist pin,
if this were done. When they do wear
-and dip its tail in the water- This is
the four acre plot probably will dis-
when wear occurs it is necessary to
air is admitted which I". noticeable at
because it alas a supplementary breath-
dxive dut the bushing and -replace with
low engine speed, causing skipping
Ing apparatus in Its. tail.
D9spite Its, cold financial pursuit,
a new one which fits. In some caseg
and irregular running, Then the holes
This f1sh has been known to climb
the old building is full of romance.
it is mn!essary to replace the wrist
in the casting must l5e enlarged and
a tree in the course of its wanderings.
During the Gordon riots in 1780 the
pin also.
a larger shaft inserted. -
There axe quite a number of species
clerks were armed, Inkstands were
The crank -pin bearings are usually
Pins Usually Not Adjustable.
which call live out of water without
melted into bullets, and the Tiaters
in lialves, the metal babbitt or bronze,
The throttle and spark -control link-
experiencing any inconvenience. In
India certain species of fish can live
were beaten off.
surrounded by a steel strap or casing.
when wear occurs, the adjustment is
age have -a number of bearings, which
may be of the steel ball and socket
out of water for a day or two, and on a
Where Girls Propose.
I ade -by taking out thin she
n eta of
type or a. wire bent to fit in an eye.
hot summer's day they may be seen
strolling rather clumsily across the
A curious. custom prevails in, Himia,
metal, �allcd shims, which allow the
These pdns should be frequently luborl-
one of the little islands of the Greek
halves to be brought closer together.
cated with a squirt can. Usually they
Again, in Africa, there is a fishi
The main crank�ahaft bearings are of
the type.
are not adjustable, so that parts must
which has two lungs, in addition to
The girls of this tiny isle exercise
be replaced when they badly
gills. For about six months of the
the- right to, Pr'DPOse to the men!
The carn-ahaft bearings are usually
worn. -
year it lives entirely out of water. It
The inh-abitants of Himia are en -
in bushingform, or of hall type, which
The self-starter motor and, genera-
gorges itself on food, as during the
gaged almost entirely In sponge fall -
must be replaced with new ones wherif
toy are usually equipped with ball
summer it buries, itself in mud swamps
iil'g- when a girl desires to Marry,
they become worn. The cam -follower
bearings and are lubricated with a
and lives on, Its fat.
she waits until she has Gbtalned the
bearings may be just flat plates rest-
squirt can. Both the motor and gen-
A Brazilian fisib, which spends the
number of sponges from the sea that
Ing directly upon the cam, or rollers
erator have a copper commutator on
summer in the same way, walks about
corresponds, with the, number Of years
runningr on a pin in the valve push
whichcarbon brushes bear. Those are
on its fins. When kept in. an aquarium,
she has 11,71-41. ,
rod. Wear in the. --e parts would usu-
not bearings, strictly speaking, but
it has been known to approach a keep-
These she places In a silk net, which
ally be compensated for by adjusting
they do require .1 very slight'trace
er and feed out of his -hand.
she presents to the mail of her choice,
screws on the valve pusli-rods.
of oil, The commutator becomes worn
0 -
Should lie refuse, this chances of ob-
The push -rod guides are sometimes
occasionally and must,be smoothed up
Giving Hera Tip.
ftaining another bride axe remote, as
made of cast iron or other -metal, with
with fine sand, paper, or, if badly worn,
"Bridget, I don't want you to have
usually the, Himian maidens shun him
babb�itt or bronze shell in bushing
must be removed and trued in a lathe.
so much company. why, you have
as a punishment.
form, and would require replacement
The other principal bearings
more callers in a day than I have in a
when worn.
throughout the car are usually off ball
With wings nearly a foot in width
The oil pump bearings consist of
a or roller type, which may or may not
"Wall, mum, perhaps If you'd try to
extended, the Great Atlas Moth, of
plunger working, in a small cylinder,
be adjustable. Usually the directions
be a little. more agreeable, you'd have
India, is the largest moth or boutter-
,vith One end bearing against a cam
for the care and replacement are given
as many callers as I have."
fly in the world.
or a pair of gears driven from the
in the manufacturer's instruction
cam shaft. These bearings, being1book.
in Canada
$15,000 to Lig-`ht a Fire.
roar night and day to bring the clay
Now raccoon ranches, are be found
The news, that Britain's blast fur-
The raising of Wild animals for their
Their food in the Wilds consists large-
naces are beind rekindled Is erocour-
pelts In Canada, Which may be said to �
ly of fTogs, honey and birds' eggs,
aging, says a London paper. For
have had its inception in, the cult of
domeiticated they thTiVe exceedingly
months they have been cold owing to
the silver fox in Prince Edward Island,
On butchers? scraps cooked and bolled
the prohibit! I ve cost of setting them
has spread all over the Dominion and
corn. Gloss is put on the fur by peri,
come to include within the scope of Its
todical administrations of castor oil..
The blast fur=ce, which looks like
activities practically all fur -bearers of
Not anly Is this animal a fur -bearer
a gigantic beehive, is used for smelt-
any value, One whieli has been some-
but. valuable in his products from
Ing iron. Its roaring crown -of flameS
what slow In finding favor In the Do-
three pointsot view. Besides his pelt,
ts a familiar sight in the Midlands.
minion, but which has risen to greater
which of recent years, has greatly in -
It ew PeODIO realize what it costs to
popularity with tile increased Value of
creased In value, from twenty-five to
set one going. Many tons of wood are
Its skin, Is the raccoon. The Initial
farty pounds of palatable meat, as
needed, and once this has ignited, load
successes achieved In Canada in the
flne, as. lamb, is taken from his carcass
after load of coke 18, poured into the
domestication ol this little animal has
as well as about a gallon of Gil,
furnace. The, heat is irow intense, but
thrown light upon the Industry and
Generous Profits Obtained.
it is not nearly sullicierit to, smelt iron. the profits to be secured from its fol- The raccoon: is prolific, producing at
Ore. lowing and has encouraged many to- a birth from two. to nine of a. litter, so
For three weeks the furnace must enter upon this interestilig pursult. that a substantial ranch can be built
—.*. — -
roar night and day to bring the clay
Now raccoon ranches, are be found
up In a very short time and "Ile pro.
The Only Way.
lWng to a temperature, great enough
all over the eastern and occasionally
position put on a profitable basis. Pos-
Tommy had been very troublesome
forthe purpose; All this time the fur-
In the western provinctes.
oessed of a hanio-lovirig Instiriet as
at school, Th.� teacher -had Instituted
nace is producing nothing whilst It
Canada holds out particular advant,
these animals tire, a ranch may sue -
a now form ot punishment. She kept
consumes� coke Worth. E8,000.
ageD to those inclined to follow the
co�sjuily be conducted within a very
a roll of those children who made
As there are about 300 of these
farming of these profitable little fur-
limited area. A Very successful one,
tbeinselves conspicuous by their bad
miniature volcanoes In that country,
bearers. The climate and topography
In fact, Is conducted within the con.
behaviour,, and each month, a list of
tile cost of setting all of them going
of the Canadian provinces are con,
flues of the city of Montreal, Where, a
the "awful examples" was posted up.
runs into something like L1,000,000.
dueive to the production of richer and
breeder, after experimenting all bis
This afternoon, when she thought
glossfer furs of all kinds than other
life with otner species of furbearer%
she'd stood about onough, the sudden-
countries, This is true of both the
decided upon the raccoon as offering
ly stopped the classwork, And ex-
Equal to the Occasion.
wild and domestleated animals and
generally the greater profits, and ha-%
claimed sternly:
A Mai, overtaking two friends heard
the raccoon Is no exception. Coons
run his, raitell for six years. The foun.
"Now, listen to me, Tommy! If you
W3 Own name mentioned and asked
found wild or TaIsOd on ranches In
411tiory stock he obtained from aril.
don't stop nitbebAving I Oiall have to
what it was they were saying about
Canada are stated to ba In ovary Way
mals caught by farmers. and from.
take your ridine.11
sumrlar to 91Tsn In existence woross
other domesticated stock.
"Well, teacher," replied the small
assured one, 110 tell the
the border.
There Is a, great future for the do -
boy, "you'll have to Marry we first,"
truth, we Were disputing as to wheth-
Easily Domesticated.
mestle rearing of fur -bearers in Cana-
er you are a fool or a rogue."
Aut�horitftas are of tbo opinion that
d4) and each Year the Industry is at -
Moral Hens.
Taking an arm of each he said -
raccoons are th,6 Most easily domeoti.
taining M40TO Important proportions.
"I think I can best settle that -1 am
eated of all the denizens of the wild,
Sottlement isgradvally curtailing the
A young married woman. Who MoVed
gomething between the two,"
oftbr a short time IU 00111fineratnt 109-
hatural hauntal of theto aniniala, an4
Into the country considered the keep.
Ing all IrwatniqtIonto -stray frDm their
on the Other hand national fur mar�
Ing of Ileris a pleasant and proiltable
More Also.
now homog &na beeming as home.
kaU 4 Mfttftal And W111111P09 0"be-
undertaking. As she 'grow more Ub-
korbed In the pursuit her enthli5laarl
Roger 11%id luot returned from the
loving 00 kittO110, If permitted t.0,
stray tr� 'tileir pens they VAII Invarl.
coming Important as world. fur centres.
As thor richest producer of Wild furs In
Daring olie of ho"
bIrth&,Y party.
"And dia. Y(X r6member to Wjsl�
Toturn. They 0110, less delicate tA
-the Past, CavAd' a Is determined to
doscription& of her,suce4egs a frlemd fti�
quirea. "Are your liens god laying
14PAMO marlY b4l)PY r6tn=q Ot 1110
tbe roaring than foXag and it 18, AlraoSt
maintain her prost390 In the futU re
against the- itltvitabto, diminution of
tgga ?to
day?0 asIted bip, mother,.
Impossible to 4111 thepl throUll ex-
1 J�Osu?o or negleet, 'they are both
the catch, by extensive
110h, sts 11 she replied, In a delighted
"Vft, and I VIALed her h1uny 11appy
n*at aiid �cgetable feb&brg, which
ot doitiestle rauthe�,, proviAing PtOfit-
tone; 'Wo� haVen't laid a bad 6ge
rtturm of tho,ftko, too," replied the
simplifi(la the propo�ltion of dletilit.
ablo openingfs for inany follo-were.
I . . I A' � 1.' t I �,
"I am onin. with the P.11
good." This is a splendid
thing to keep in your mind
constantly, Say it every
day of your life, "I am one
with the all good, ona with
the Infinite life, one with
omilistie.lee" one with om-
n1presence—and if I am, I
partake vf all these quali-
ties. I am perfect and im-
mortal because I am creat-
ed by perfection, by immor-
601 am love because I am
the product of love's crea-
Here and There in Canada.
in the whole of Canada there are
1,065, million board measurement feet
of standing timber, according to tho
federal government. Of this, 360 bil-
lion feet are located in British Colum-
bia and 200 billion feet in the praorle
The total value of 6,12$,880 acres of
land assesied under the Wll�l Lands
Tax ill Saskatchewan is 479,791,607,
according. to the report of tile Wild
Lands Tax Commissioner, published In
the annual report of the Department
of Municipal -Affairs.
Brick and tile to the value of $300,-
000, manufactured In Saskatebbivan,
were used In buildlUs that were
created in 1920, In connection with
Which materials to the value of $8,-
379,774 were used. While Saakatcho�
wan contains some of the largest and
most valuable clay deposits on ilia
continent, they are as yet practically
undeveloped. A wonderful markek In
Western Canada where last year It is
estimated more than $28,000,000 wtor
of clay products were used, awaits the
development of the ceraMic Industry
in this province.
Exports of lumber and manufac-
tures of lumber to the United States
through the port of St. John for the
three months ending September, 1921
aggregated $753,�92. Exports of laths
amounted to $75,171; lumber, $384,
061; pine boards, $23,807; pulpwood,
$76,470; shingles, $2,595; and wood
pulp, $192,H5.
A company has been Inecorporated
with provincial charter to operate a
large lumber mill and carry on lum-
ber operations at St. Francis, near Ed-
monton, N.B. It Is understood that
Boston and Maine capital Is- behind
the new company,
Erection of a paper mill, near Fort
George, B.C., to cost approximately
$6,000,000, wil be undertaken Immedi
ately, provided negotiations with the
provincial government for leases cin
timber limits are successful, it was, an
nounced by 'Robert Tyhurst, of the
Fraser timber syndicate.
Discovery Of a large deposit of full
er's earth at Northern, British 'Colum
bia, is reported by Ralph 0. Jessup
of New York. Mr. Jessup has lef
for New York, where he Willi endeav
or to interest capital to exploit hi,
As an Indication of the growth v.
automobile ownership in the proviric
of New Brunswick, figures obtaine(
from the provincial government shov
an Increase of 2,362 licenses grantei
for the year 1921 up to'the middle to
October, against the wbole of las
year, The number of licenses issue
were 13,576 and 11,216 respectively.
Thirty-five boxs of McIntosh re
apples were packed from one tree i
an orchard at Vernon, B.C., in aidditior.
to eight bags of windfalls. The tree I
fourteen years Old, and from one hur
dred trees in the same orchard 1,70
boxes of apples. were picked.
Banquet Without the
A proeGsisionof thIrty-six elophanti
painted green and red, met th
Prince of Wales, when Ilia entered th
territory of the only Mohammedo:
woman ruler in the world the Begu
of Bhopal.
The Begurn Is a highly -educated, ou
tured woman who speaks Englis
fluently, She is, fon�d of music an
painting, and has written one or tw
books, notably an account of her pi
grimage to Mecca.
XWbboys attacked her caravan, bu
tile Begum, personally leading lie
bodyguard, routed them.
This ruler was not present at he
banquet to the Torince., for she Is ric
permitted to, take, food In public.
Natural Question.
"I remember," said grandma r
minIscontly, 11th -at when I Was a gl
we used to make our bread with soda.
"And did you use len cream stod
when you made cake?" asked her littl
Luck is ever waiting for
solnethfhg to turn up. La-
bor, with keen eyes and
strong purpose, will turn
upsomething, Luck lies in
bed and wishes, the post-
man would bring him the
liews of a legacy. Labor
birns out at six o'clock and
with 'busy or - higing
hammer lays the founda-
tion of a com exim. Luck
whines. Labor whistles
LuCk r4el upon alianoe:
labor upoai capital.—Cob.
I 11h LURN UL I L) I VVIUMIA) 3 x1jurv,
I —
And in the Near Future Will Settlement of West Will Givo
come a Staple Crop of Hor First Rank Both in
the Canadian West. Quality and Quantity.
A striking feature of the 1921 bar- Canada has risen to second place
Yeat in the Canadian western pro., among the wh4oat growing countries at
viaces is the quantity of corn to be I the world, according to the estimatei
seen on every hand, adding a noyel of the International Institute of Agri -
touch to the western landscape of a culture. With her expected yield of
few years ago, The traveller through 288,493,H0 buisli0s frorn tile 1921 bar -
the countryside encountered on all: vest, she Is now surpassed In this re,
sides splendid sturdy stands of the gard by the United States alone. The
KTowing crop, and later met plots. and vaunted slogan "Granary of the Era -
folds of the tall riperiet! sheaves Viral, lias come to justify a greater ex�
re,ady for the ailo and the winter's I pansion. in signification, I -or the goldea
feed b1n, The stalwart growth and ex. fields of the Canadlem West are going
cellent yields of Me earn of the a long way towards feeding the people
Prairie ProyInces have occasioned ex- of the entire World.
clamptiong of amazement and admim- Canadian wheat and wheat flour are
tion from visit(ym across the line whoo now exported to the United Kingdom,
dwelling In what are known as the, United States, Belgium, 33ritIqlt West
�Iboyn States," are in the best position! Indies, Frfmce, Gibraltar, Italy, Neth�
to appreciate the wonderful produc. 1 terlaridt, Rournania, St. Plerre and Ml-
tlon of Western Canadian soil. In quelon., San. Domingo, Sweden, Tur-
I�grained belief that their territory kdy, Venezula, Bermuda, British
alone on the oorittriont possessed the Guiana, South Africa, West Africa,
properties for successful corn produc. Canary Isles, Chile, Cuba, Denmark,
tton, their astonishment and Mal -Vol Dutch Guiana, Dutch West Indies,
can be imagined. A French West Indies, Hayti,
it is not so very many years ago F,,-tyVfoundIand, Norway, Panama and
since soeptics said that wheat could other countries,.
never be grown prailtably in Canadp,! Record of Progress,
And gradvally the growth and extell- The history of the growth of Caria-
sion. of We5tern Canadian cultivation dian agriculture and -wheat growing
saw the wheat belt travel northward forms a marvellow, record Of coustst�
in Its wake, until how It Is generally ent progress. In a very short space of
acknowledged to lie well witbin the time the territory which so many said
Canadian West, a situation atte8ted could grow no wheat has, become the
by a docadas uninterrupted successea second In the world In. the quant!ty
In winning International honors for
produced and the first in quality, Since
this crop. Indications would now tend the Confederation of the Canadian
to the assumption that the Corn belt 1 provinces in 1867, at which time the
is undergoing something of the same! history of Canada as a modern nation
prooe2s of shIfting, and that, In the! may be said to haTc commenced,
near futuro, corn will be a staple crop' whillst the population of Canada has
of the Canadian Webt, and the Prairie trebled, the value of her fold cro-pa
Prorluces vie with the corn states
h -as multiplied twelve times and that
acrose the border In their annual of her fianlialwheat crop nearly'twen-
yields' Certainly the excellent crops ty times, whiCh Is illustrative of ilia
to be seen all over this territory, and licaltby ctatte of agriculture and leaves
the IncreaoIngly large areas devoted to no apprehensicil of the couutrY's r4if-
the culture, would demonstrate there!, fering at the expense c -f tlia rural sec.
Is nothing In soil or climate to lilrider t;oU9 in the builuling of urban centryus.
such circumstances coming to pass. Tile value of all held crops groxvil in
Amazed at Growth of Corn. 1870 was $111,116,606, and that of the
wheat crop $16,99.0,265. In 1920 these
The realization of this fact will un- values. viere respectively $1,455,244,-
doubbedly have a great effect on their 050 and $427,3,57,300. in .1920 the Do-
attRude towards Canada of United I
I minion obtained for the first 'time in
States farmers In whose agricultural I her history a billion dollar crop, more
activities corn enters as such a large;1 than trebling Vie Nalue of the crop
factor, and Canadian agricultural land grown a decade proy' ously,
should be regarded with yet greater 300,000,000 Acres Are Waiting.
favor. Recently, a party of United Agriculture is C:'oinda's llrst indus-
States farmers visited the Cariki-dian
West to look over farm lands with the try and though other branches ozl na�
intention of purchasing and settling tiorial auLivity are Lap;jly
if satisfied. They were shown various ill impoTtance, the pursuit of f-Iii:ng
sections where values ranged from maintairs a lengthy leld v.11101 A will
$25 per acre to $50 Per acre. In the no doubt Maintain fer iliany g�mera-
t course of their inspeotiou they were tiona to come in spite of ' the ex*ensivo
amazed and delighted to see the ex. eyploitation of resources which assur-
cellent stands of corn as firiet on their edJy lies in Canada's immediate fu -
own acknowledgment, as they could ture.
produce on 'the highly held lauds far. of the ncli fertile plains of the Cana -
e ther south. Learning the price of the I dian. West Only about one-fifth of the
land they exclaimed, "These farms are area which has been declared fit for
worth at least $75 per acre when you cultivation is occupied, and'roughly,
can raise corn like this�" They were 300,000,000 acres west of Lake Superl-
f Corn farmers and reckoned in ternis. Or await parcelling out into farma and
t of corn production, Needless to say homesteads for the millions of immi.
d they decided in favor of Canada and grants to come.
are now preparing to raise corn north The cultivation of this area at the
d of the line. same rate of production would give
Other United States farmers will Canada an Annual wheat yield of
probably be just as amazed to learn something round 1,400,000,000 bu,.hels,
a that the Canadian West can raise corn or twice that of the present pro -Auction
. to evoke the admiration of corn belt Of the entire United States.
0 experts, The fact tht corn is only be- Canad-a's rate of settlement and de.
coming really popular in the West is ve.-lopment isthe only determining fac�
due to several causAw, one being that torof the time when she will have at.
devotion to the cult of wheat and taAned the world's first place as a
i wheat producer both in quality and in
other cereals has tended to practically qtunitlty.
exclude more crops and another that
before the more intensive farming
which Is becoming the order In thel Beds Made from Fruit.
larger portions of the pi:ovinces, the The cocoa -mit is. more, useful than
wide ranges provided the necessities, any other fruit in. the world, for every
ot pasturage and winter feed. part c -f itcan be uWized; nothing need
Certain It is that in the West corn be wasted.
h can be grown sumessfully, and the In- The actual nut, in addition to being
d croaBing favor It is finding with farm- good to eat, is, invaluable for flavor.
0 on augurs the future, location of the Ing purposes. Also, it contains a lawge
I_ corn belt much in the same region amount of (>!I which io used extensive -
where the wheat belt is to -day, ly in making soap. The milk is a
t - 6— favorite drink in the tropics, for it
Gun That Saves Life. quenches the thirst better than any
other liquid.
Many things can be shot out of guns The Inside of the husk ' 'S made Into
besides bullets and &hells. An invent- fibre and yarn, -which is Used for stuff -
or liar, just produced a gun from which; Ing mattressfvj and making brushes.
a stout line can, from the shoulder, be' Tbie co,coinut palm tree ripes to
shot a, distance d one hundred and ; height of About 80 it., and grows chief.
ton yards. ly in. Ceyloa. From that country 14,.
The apparatu.9 Is particularly useful 000,000 nuts are, exported every year.
'I -to ohipsi, yachts, or lifeboatso when
11 they require assistance, or for sending
a a line on to a quay or over a wreck. For the Heathen.
0 1,ta use to fire h-rigades,, it is believed, Two beggar women met on the
will be Invaluable also. street the other day. "Fine coat you've
Tboa mechanism Is of a simpole, char- got thcre. Where did you land It?"
"ter. The gun s fitted wth a stand, said the, first one.
,and when placed on thAV the d4stauce "Old Mrs. Gobsa Golde, gave It to
to whiloll the line can bo sent Is even nia," atild the second beggar Woman.
"Is that m? I*vo begiged at Xr&
greater. t_ rt -IA-, %4-4_1 &"A
-6- o r----
Mi1k,,Pudding Don!ts.
Don't drink Milk witu your tricalal
so satd Sir Janits vantiHe. the emi.
Uentsurgeon, in a loeturb roocently,
milk clots, upon miat oil fisli, qna
the gatrid jalow cftUllOt get t0 W,01L
This curd gets harft und becomes
like MACaul chc�eso, thomby Impeding
the digestion of the Moat,
'By drinking itilkwith MMt YOU 106e
tile b�encilt of both ond cause grettt
trcublo to tho Stomach. Milk lluddbagt
thtaid. not be taken with weat', flab,
or [;Wne-
%XO 11
g)lo to-vor gave rao a cent. How dila�
you Work her?"
,,Well, you see," said the first Iwv-
gar *01,la% stroldrig bw now 0oat
oomplooently, ..I didn't tell hor I YMA
b6gsing tor mYotelf. Iprat6uded I Waa,
begging for th6 h06thta-"
Tha solution.
4*40 is
U� goodt Thoy 6* W*b, up to 206
lb., sud Or"A U031' 20 110,
%Vo% rla�k
c"Irl git 0A lenn twlct,411'