HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 2If#"- - I ,
of any definite train of thought, I IM I
My-ra quickly behind a Japanese We pay weekly and offer steady em PRINCE 111IND
screen to :, small table by a sid-� ploymeat selling our complete and ex.
window. Aftcr all,, it was no business 1 clusive lines of w1mle-root fresh -dug -
of mine, if Ililderman wished to sayi 114 to-ordor tree.j and p)aut&. Dest stock IN INDIA'S JUNGLES
he had - ' the train at Ardlui. Ile! *0 and service. We teach and equip you
probably his own reasons. Pos-1 free. A money -making opportunity.
-series Montreal
sibly Dennis was right, and the man! Luke Brothers' Nur
i was a datective. But I had seen hinvi WITH FOUR OF FINEST
at King's Cross andgain at Edin-t Odds sin Ends in Time Savers. leavesno cemse, to worry In regard to OF BRITISH GUNS,
;burgh before we rea d Ardlui, vo 1 theburried meal- and one has no rea- Christmas Cheer
; I thought it might embarrass him if Almost every day one learns little son to feel that the meal was afailure
,I walked in on the top of his asser- helps in the 4ally routine of work.
-Sunday not Ion- agv, my family If the is n Old Armorer in St. James
tion; that he had just come from tin Ono with these or similar things on hand,
I Clyde. However, Myra was with me, re a especially busy day PRE TTY PRESENTS
!which was much more importart and made an unexpected visit to my SIB- ahead peel the potatoes tifeday before I Street "MeasureV Heir to
ter on the farm. My brother went out IN PROFUSION
I dismissed Hilderman and his little and cover with water. C.00k the meal
fib from my mind. and dressed two chickens so quickly the day before and also got the des- SEE OUR SAMPLES BritaW3 Throne fro His
"Ronnie," said Myra, in the middle as to excite my wonder. At home we sert ready. By preparing things the Little Arsenal.
;4 P t. .0 .1
of lunch, you havent, said anything never ave hot water ready or m-
about the war." , mediate use. I asked my sister about
day befor e one gets time for the little
odd jobs that -are suxe to arise on a
Torcan Fancy Goods CO..% Ltdo
Although It Is expected that the
,"No, dear," I answered clumsily, it and she said, "I keep the tea kettle
THE t-1 It was an astonishingly dif-, full in it
busy dlay When everything is bustle.
7 Vellington St. East .
prince of Wales, will penstrate some
of the deepest jungles of India on (his
of water a place where will
ficult thing to say when it came to always be 'hot," Since that Sunday
and bustle.
regal v1s"t to that empire, . It to no
saying it.
yet that was what you came I have always had my teta kettle full,
One more help. Baby is just
ginning to creep and takes up all the
formidable arsenal that will c4stitute
"fish -table," a sort of subsidiary pier
on which the fish are auctioned, and.
twice as e�asy. I tried letting my take a clean towel and, wipe your face
work go one rweek in order to get some thoroughly. Be especially careful of bu will be astonished �t, the i -td -w
see me about?"
'4v-- darli, YOU ... I 1P
of water, and hot, too. .
dust and dirt. Take the tops of old
-1. 4.
sporting equipment, says, a Lon,
don despatch, Instead, he will. carry
By William Le QueUX P b. f — many o us n o g our - stockings and cut Them down, a or
"I know, dear. You've come to tell day's washing finish the washing be- way. Then sew these up and place -a
me that you're going to enlist, I'm fore we hang out any clothes? I al- rubber cord at the top and at the bot-
CHAPTI-M IT.—(Cont'd.) CHAPTER III. glad, Ronnie, very glad—and very, ways thought this -%v,45. the only way to tom of the legs and let her we4r them
"Ali!" said 1. "It has come, then." Mainly About Myra. very proud."
And I was surprised that I had for- The train slo-weddown into Mallaig Myra turned away and looked out do. But I have learned differently. around. The stockings take up the
I of the window. Lately, I have been scrubbang 'Out the dirt instead of baby's clothes aiid, the
gotten all about the war, which was i station. I thrilled with anticipation, "I hate people who talk a lot about first two bollers and, flannels and, get- cost is nothing.
actually the cause of my, Vresonce for now I bad, only the journey on the
I their duty," I said; "but it obviously ting them all ready for the line; then
them I noticed, -with, swu* curiosity boat, -and Myra would be waiting for, is my duty, and I know that's what with the last boriler on the stove, and (It is not a good, thing to make a
that HiMerman. looked out of the wi-1- me, at Glenelg. The train had, hardly' rule of allowing peeled potatoes to
dow with a strangely tense air, his stopped- when I seized iny bag and I you want me to dllo.') the machine going, I hang the clothes stand long'in wateras they lose part
,, his eyes jumped out on to the platforin. The! "Of course, dear.I -wouldn't have you that are' ready on the line. By the of their nutritive value—Ed.)
ll�s firmly pressed togethel do anything else." And she turned
-; next instant I was nearly knocked , I time I ain through washing those
wide open and staring. He was cer and smiled at me, thoagh there were
tainly awake now. But in a moment'back into the carriage again. A Great tears in her dear eyes. "And I shall clothes, unlesK the weather is rainy, Looking Your Best.
lie turned, to me with -a charming Dane had juniped -at me with q deep try to be brave, very -brave, Ronnie.
smile. bark of flattering welcome, and, plant- � are dry and I bring them in and Cookstovesandcomplexions! You�ve
ican " lie ed his paws on my Shoulders. I'm getting abig girl Pow," she added slPrinkle them. In the -afternoon while never thought of them as friends?
"You know, I'm an Amer me bard. . "Sholto, my dear old man!" I cried pluckily, attempting a little 1pugh. my two little girls are taking their
said.. "But this hits me—hits in excitement, dropping my bag and And though, of course., we afterwards; nhps, I iron the white clothes. On. Well, most -of us don't, but they really
There's a calm and peaceful, friendly looking round expectantly. It was discuBsed- the re-huent I was to Jol', Tuesday I have only the colored are. For, after all, what is cooking a
hospitality about this island of yours Myra's dog, and there, sure enough and how the uniform would suit mej clothes to iron and I can do some big dinner but giving your face the
that I like—like a lot. My own. caun- P and- how you kept your buttons clean, preliminaries of the steamiag treat -
a beautiful vision itf brown eyes, mending in the afternoon. I find I ent that the teauty parlors charge
try reminds nie too much of my own WAS � 1.31 U-4- 1�1 11 4.0 and -a thousand other things, that was in
just four guns, but these are the finest
that can �,a turned out In Great Bri.
The four pieces, completed Just be.
fore the Prince's departure, were turn-
ed out by a little hard-working gun.
maker who for years, has used his skill
In preparing royal sporting equipment,
The old gunmaker "measured" the
Prince with hlS own hands, for a gun -
maker of royal appointment regard&
every patron as a tailor regard* a cus.
tomer. The Prince's walglit� heippht,
length of arms and ever. III% eyesight
was taken into consideration when the
armorer planned the four weaVous he
took with hlm to India,
An Elephant Gun,
The little shop of the gunmaker Is
04- Y 4 1
struggles for existence. For nearly and rown-go P
forty I fought for 'breath in Colored Burberry costume, running
Vie last thot was said about it from
that point of view. There are some
do not get as tired is way as I do so much for? Only you mustn't stop
when I wash one day and do all the if ter a
ames Qtreet, W t4LLn a stone S
throw of the grim old palace gates
years down the platform to meet me.
America, and, but that I like n*NN�Iand ,Well—darling?" I said, as I met
P( �ople who never need to say certain
at the preliminaries you're
ironing the next. pretty skin, You most follow h�esame,
I N -G
where red -coated sentinelo of the
again to run over and have a look her halfway.
round, you Can keep the -place as far
things—or at any rate there -are some
things that "never need be said be-
MY mother told- me a fine thing in course as the beauty shops do.
doing -housework. Have things Ail
Quards, Corps in great bearskin shakos
rstand like statues on either Side of the
as I'm enneerned. I've been about she whispered, as she took
tween certain people.
certain After the dinner is cooked—that
portal. There are a half-dozea other
here now for a good many years— my hand;, and- I luoked into the depths
After lunch we strolled round the
to do every day and your work will be means after the steaming is over—
gun -shops in the vicinity, but only up.
not just this par�, for this is nearly of those wonderful eyes. Truly I was
new to me, but about the a lucky dog. The world' was a most
"fish -table," a sort of subsidiary pier
on which the fish are auctioned, and.
twice as e�asy. I tried letting my take a clean towel and, wipe your face
work go one rweek in order to get some thoroughly. Be especially careful of bu will be astonished �t, the i -td -w
" the window of this gunmaker ap.
and I feel that this is my quarrel, and excellent place, full of delightful peo-
listened to the excited, convers,,H. ons
dressmaking done and when Saturday the corners where the'blackhead is suits we get by our modeirn a t A'
Pears the royal coat-of�arms with the
I should like to have a hand in it." pie; and even if Iwere an impectinious
in barrister I was richer than
of the fish-curerg, gutters, and fish-
came the bouse was in general dis- most prone to congregate. You see, Of d 1 d " cleanftq.. 44
Ziab"9� ""dirty
words, by Appointment to
His Royal Highness the Prince
flPerhaps America may join yet," Young
suggested. Croesus in the -possession of those
ermen. It was a veritable babel—the
mournful intonation of the East Coast,
order. I found playthings, dust and the steam has opened all your pores hat are or spottd &ft
tn� W., We cah restore the
ade like Ue
dirt in the -of
Wales." The interior of the shop is
"Not she," he cried, with a laugh. beautiful brown eyes, which looked on
the broad guttural of the Broomielaw,
most unheard, of places. It and b. rought every bit oil and. for- ost delicate articles.
took all day to through When
the highest type of perfebtion and the
"Americal Not on your life. Why, all the wo-rld with the gentle affe oil
mingled with the shrill Gaelic scream
go and got eign matter to the surface. you r
Send one article oraparcel of9oods
shiny products would s t the most
she's afraid of civil war. She don't of a tender and indulgent sister, but
Ohl hang
of the Highlands, and the occasional
the house in order once more. Since wipe this away, you leave your skin b post or e:tprew. We will p63� car-,
timid pacifist Itching to: pqssess one
know which of her own citizens are whi0i looked, on me with—
twang of the cockney tourist. Having
then I have followed, mother's advice very clean. age One way,, and our charges are
of them,
her friends and which ain't. SIWS it -tll!—a fellow can't write about
these sort of things, when they affectl
retrieved ShGlto, who was inspecting
and have done the h6usework, dishes, But, besides being -clean, the skin is t reasonable.
os When think of clean-
The old gunmaker was just putLing
tied liand and foot. She can't even
turn round long enough to whip him personally. Besides, they belong
I some fish which had been laid out to
dry in the mid%e of the village street,
bed -making, picking up, sweeping and no,,i, relaxed slid every pore is
_; I ing and dyelng, think of
dusting, and then taken time to do open. To correct this, take the other
the final touches upon the Prince's
-1qexico, Dont you ever expe-A Am- to me—thank God!
and packed him safely in the bows,
the other little things that are sure end of the towel and, dip it in the
016pliant sun the correspondent
e-,jea to, join in anything except fam-1 got yor telegram, dear," said
lly prayer, iny boy That's safe. You Myra, as we strolled out of the sta-
we set out to sea, Myra at the en-
gine, -while I took the tiller. As. we
to come up. Qne feels much better coldest water you can find. Slap it
and if the house Parker .9
"There," he said proadly, "Is the
kr,o-%v where YOY'are, and, it don't tion behind the porter who had ap-
if don't about the my,bag. Sholto brought
glided out of the harbor I turned
impelled by in-
more satisfied is in vigorously against the whole face, not
order, ready for any emergencies'that neglecting the neck. What is the'
Dive Worb
fluest thing of -its kind in the world.
matter you afrree propriated up
If American the He had too an opm-
round, Some unknown
might arise. face if it
With you reed fear nothing on or
wo,rding of a psalm, an rear. great
hepd Ion his to -be jealous
stinct. The parson's dog was stand-
charm of a pretty surmounts 0
9 Litnited
under the earth I can say frankly to
was told off to shoot s German. of own position
!ng at the head of -the main pier, see-
Another time-saver which I find to an ugly, dingy - neck Press your
you, sIr, that' It I 4houltl meet his
tom to one turn iound and say-. 'Here, of me—or at any rate he -was too
bold on a minute; that's my unclel' " dignified to show it—and he had, al-
Ing us safely off the promises, and
beside him was the tall figure of my
be agreat help is always to keep some hardest against the muscles that are Cieaner3 arid Dyers
kind ieat hand likely to and try to smooth St.
Satanic Majesty and I we�e armed
e e,
"You think all the Germans in the ways admitted. me into the inner cir I
Sk,ites prefer their fatherlLand to their of 'his friendship in a manner that
fr end J. G,'Hilderman. As I looked
up at him I wondered if he r . d
of -cold canned on foi most sag, 791 yond'e
the ,,,expected visitor or workmen. out the little fine lines that fativuO
. i 92 cronto
with it I should not flinch."
The Prince's Motto
adopted country, or are thiy most of was very charming, if -nota little con-
me; but it was evident he did, for her
Salmon is good,, but I find that -a two- brings so quickly under the eyes.
"But," said the correspondent, bal.
theIn Spie3V' descending.
I-Spie.0" said Hilderman, "I don't "Did you, darling?" I Said, in reply
raised -his cap.and, waved to me. I
returned. the compliment as well as I
pound can cd'roast beef goes farther This treatment closes the pores and
and also provides gravy which may be makes the skin firm -and Smooth. It V
ancing the keen, smooth weapon, "I
belleve in spies. It stands to reason to Myra's remark.
could-, for just then Myra turned, and,
thickened or not, just as one cares to will only take a minute or two before'
should think the Prince would demand
i&�e can" be much spying done in "Yes; it was delivered first thing
imp.1hred, in,
, not to xun !Into the
do. I also -have marshmallow ere -am you sit down to dinner. But you will
gold and silver mountings. This is
any country. Over here, for instance, this morning, and father was very
for every Gernivii policemE in in this pleased about it."
lighthouse. I
(To be continue.)
and confectioners' sugar on, my find that it is a minute or two well
shelves ready to fix up a cake or dis- spent. For if you persist in turning a
very plain."
"Not at all," retorted the gunsmith.
country—for thftt7s all a spy can be — "Really!" I exclaimed. am glad.
talere about a thousand British I wagafraid. he might be rather an-
guise cookies, and anake them appear your cookstove into a beauty parlor Trade Mark
'Clean as the claw of a partridge,'
that is the motto, of the Prince. He's
p6licemen. Whatchance has the spy? noyed."
Letters That Have Changed
more appedillig. Sauce is ready in you'll find, that your skin is -becoming
a thorough sportsman. There are
You don't seriously believe in then -I, "I was a little bit surprised my-
self," she confessed, "though I'm sure
a Nation.
the ceUar, and- also vegetables. Thisimore attractive.
some Who want a different gun for
Aling, as he
.do you?" he added, sim
ofrered me a Corona cigar. I don't know why I should be. Dad's
On one occasion Lord Wolseley
William since navigation opened on
Progress in Cana&.
every ariety of game, but not His
Royal Highness. He will use this
"I 4on't lo noNv,11 I said doubtfully. I a perfeddear—he always- was and
always will, be. But he has been very
didn't want to argue. with my good
prophesied that eventuall, y the
nese would rule the world. It looks
the Great Lakes on April fifteenth. last. Vy':
The recently discovered deposit of
alike for elephant or tiger, one shot -
determined about our engagement.
Samaritan. -There is no doubt a cer- When I told,, him youid. wired you were
as It this prediction ma�'befiearer the
Canadian bond issues contiiiiie, to
Iron. ore oil the shore, of Lake' Athabas-
find their way to the United States, An applica66n of 5'Vas-
gun for deer or fowl, a light rifle for
Jackal and a high-power sporting rifle
tain amount of spying is done; but,
coniftig he. wgs tremendously pleased.
of course, our policemen are hardly 'I'm
In the past, ninety per c ent of the
ca has been'the subject of analyses
another $10,000,000 having been dis- eline'Whitejelly brings
by the Unlverslt�.of Alberta. Speci-
for beax�and other medium-sized game.
He kept on saping, glad; that's
ope with it. I daresay
trained to e 7y greatly good news, little woman, very d
bus 9 is vei
the Anes,
Chinese people were quite illiterate.
posed of there within the last couple 'ful rL
menii were 'found td� contain approxi- of weeks. these Include $4,7 50,000 grate -lief - when
Yoii see, he will be In many districts
where the he
whole ,
news. 'Pon my ioul, rm dGbeid gfadi,
There however, come an awaken-
mately 21 a ilica, 70% !ron applied to cuts, burnr�
7..B. oxide, province of Manitdba, $i,800,000 pro-
game varies widely or
y1s,said,you were a Bplefidid �ellow_
"You bet it is, nly boy," he replied
I can't think what in,&& him linagine
Ing, and a desire for education has de-
; l
.03% phosphorus- and .07% sulphur; chafed skin, etc.
vliLee 'of Nova � Scotia and $2,000,000
wifli equivalent of iron I a the iron ox-
would not take all of those."
The elephant gun is We Smith's -par.
emphatically. "Going far?" he asked,,
SuMenly ichangirig the subject. that—but,he Bald it several t1m6g, so
One bi the reasons for this sudden
: Vrbvinbe of British Columbia. The CHESEBROVGH
total Canadian bond sales for the ten
ticulitr prid6.' In its case, with clean.
"North of Loch Ilourh," I ailswdred'. I Suppose he bad some reasoxy for it.
"Oh!" said Hil&frman, with renew- I was frighfifully pl;a"�d. 'I like You
chmige4a that the Chinese have Adopt-
ed 9, new phonetto alphabet, 13Y
Eight,,, carloads of Jonathan aP- months ending October is � $295,000,- 1880 Chabot Ave.. Montreal.
in cases,
Ing equipment, it weighs 120 pounds.
It is built oil the principle of a double -
ed interest. 'Glen-eIg ?71 to be a splehdid fdhiw, Rohl"
means of thirty-ntne pigns, or letters,
plea_ packed suitable consti- 000, of which 50% found their way
tutedthe 11"t shipment of applies from
barreled shotgun, but taJms. a steel -
I a 4er�� j4iul, th� hear that the
"I take the boat to GleneIg and then old General was really pleased to heaT
itjo possible for them to write and qx-
-which be
across the line. Between now and the 11fl; t -hes
British CGIumbia; to Glasgow, Scot- end, of the year the Dominion Govern- andjarsat
nosed cartridge loaded'with fifty-flve
its front has
drive back," I explained. was in of my via$+- I had intended. to stay
-mood'fo, tell him just where I was at the Glenel,g Hotel as t could hardl
press anything can spoken
fix their own language.
land, this,.year. They were loaded on ment will pay out nearly $50,000,000 411 drag-
the Royal Mail steamer "Mollere," and
grams of cordite. sight
a folding led which when in ised pre.
-ding, and why, andall about myself;
fut that Invite myself to No Inverm,11"'K
Pot, thouaandg of years there had
In Interest on Victary and other bonds.
Sailed for Scotland by way of the gifts.
An Iron and steel will in
sents a luminous bead known as a
I recollected,, with an effort,
tranger. ih I had known the
I was talking to a total s Lodge, even thou
bee-n*a way of writing Chinese, but It
, plant all
Panama Canal. probability be erected at Nanaimo,
"moon sight." This Is for night shoot-
"Drive back?" he repeated after me, old man all my ife. Accordingly I
took it as a definite sign that.ld
a suddo return to his dreamy 9 -
was such a difficult way that only
L o cad Chl-�
scholars %ttempted IL Th
The first oil refinery In Alberta wai D.C., by an English company. Messrs. W
Asked what am the Prinelo plans
manner, Then, 'just -a suddenly, h6 position was weaxmg down. 0,
9to Myra told me I was expected at the
nese alphabet had 43,000 signs-, and it
Is scarcely surprising that China-
be In operation near Fort McMurray, Praser and Lewis, Canadian repro.
next year, according to George J. Ham- sentatives, are now negotiating with
for hunting in In4dia, the old guilmaker
replied* "Ali, It is for
woke up again. are we now
he asked. house.
men rave up all Idea of learning to
monil-, a well-known Vancouver capi- public bodies of the coal city. The
not us who en --
Joy appointments and patronage of
"Passing over Morar brid I ge, ys I ex- "And -he Said," she continued, "that
he never heard, such -ridiculous non-
read and write.
Eventually China's
taliat. Control of �,000 acres of tar company will advance $5,000,000 as Round. the world, in 408 houis, at a
sands near Fort McMurray has been soon as a site has been approved by
His Highness, todiscuss his plans, but
sense as your saying you were com-
"Dear me—yea, of course!" he ex- Ing t, the hotel, and that if
ruling men set
themselves the task of inventing a
cost of 2680, will soon be possible by
obtained by the company which Mr. its representatives.
connecting up differeii-tu aerial routes.
when he return's he will come In and
t-4 me how my guns performed. With
YOU pre-
claimed with a glance out of the win- ferred a common inn to the house that
simple phonetic alphabet, such as most
Hammond represents, and by a special Extensive gold mining development
The usual time for the trip by land
his skill and these piees, I am certain
dow. "Well. I Trust pack up my bad -been good enough for -him and his
wraps. Good-bye, Mr. Ewart; Vni so
fathers before him, could stop
languages possess.
The Chinese Board Education,
process, which has already been sue- work may be carried on In New
and water is reckoned at Sixty days.
cessfully proven, It Is proposed to ex- Brunswick soon, accorillng to news.
he will have no disappointments to ra-
glad to have met you. -Your country' 8 you
at war, and look to me a very away altogether. So tharel"
with the help of various foreign auth-
tract the oil and other by-products paper reports.. It is said that a syndl-
Minard's Liniment for Colds, ete.
great!" I said en-
likely young man to do you � est. thuslAstically. "But did' you come
Well, good-bye- and, good luck. I only
orities on languages, succeeded in in -
venting an alphabet of thIrty-nine let-
from the tar sands. cate ia being formed, headed by Miles
Thswater-pawer at Great Palls now Walker, an English mining engineer,
A habit all should cultivate, is to
A Ready Answer.
over by the boat front Glenelg, or
wish I could join you." what?"
ters, which are not unlike shorthand.
being developed by the Manitoba who has spent considerable time ini
read and rumina-te,
An'Irlsh waiter named Kenny was
"I wish you could," I replied, heart- "No, dear; I came in the motor-
Missionaries and teachers have under.
Power Company is capable of 168,000 India and Africa, where. he was chief
noted for his ready wit. A party of
Ily 441 shall certainly do my best. be so we doWt need- to hang about
A�d many thanks for your kind as-
taken the teaching of reading and
writing -by means of this simplified
h.p. ultimate development. The first engineer of the largest Milling opera-
Installation will be for 56,000'h.p. and tions of British capital. The pros-
gentlemen who wort staying at the
the"'pler here. We can either go
xistance.11 straight home or wait a bit, which.
method. The modern Chinaman is
the power will be distributed through pects which the syndicate proposed to
C0% R S
hotel -hoaxd of Kenny's wit, and oii�a �Dt
them made a bet that he would say
And 80 We parted, and returned, to
our respective compartments to put ever you like. I wanted to meet you,
hungry for knowledge and educatlen,
the Winnipeg Electric Railway Com- develop, and for which the necessary
-mining rights have been
something that Kenny couldn't answer
and I thought you'd rather come back
our things together; for our journey
and even' Old People are found to be
pany. The development of the first gold taken
at once.
with me in the motor -boat than Jolt
—the rail part of it, at any rate—
about In the stuffy old Sheila."
anxious to learn to read and write.
unit provides all the dam. necessary out, are located In Charlotte, Sunbury,
Queons and Victoria counties,
A bottle of champagne wag. order -
' And it was not until , Rather, dear; I should, say 1
"Val nearly *V�2 I
for the development of the ultimate
11 ingers
168,000 h.p., in de Li"'- 0` with F
Od. The one who made the bet tolok
Ion ft Tw= that realized that
h c e by my name, and would," said I
he % , e allea m —and a lot more be-
I bad never told him what it was. sides, which has nothing to do with
the story. Suddenly Myra?s motherly
The oldest known English picture is
one of Chaucer, painted, on. panel in
the year 1380.
capacity of and
veloping further units it will only be
necessary to enlarge the power house Electric lee Machines.
and I tall the *necess— machine— There are now Inoperation, through-
hold of the bottle wad commenced to
open It, The cotk came out with IL
"beag" and flew In Kenny's mouth,
histancy, awoke.
"Have you had- brealdast?" she
d giYes,, iear—at Cranlarich. The only
econt meal to be got on a railway in
A this country is a CTiantarich break-
In $Vell, in that case you're ready for
V nch. IV5, gone twelve. I could do
with something myself, incidentally,
and- I want to talk to you before we
Pei start for home. Let's have lunch
I readil agre.1d, -and sitter calling
Sholto, No Was, being conducted on,
a four ol inspection by the parson's
doar we strolled up -to bill to the
As we ontei!od, the long dining.
roovi we <,,anie upon Hildermaii, rvat.
ed. -at one- ol the tablem with h -is back
to U3.
"Yes," lie wassiyIng to the wAiter
gill w6aL "I have bpen spending the wedk-Q
o4,. the Clyde in a y I aelit. I joined the
train at A�dlui thm inom.ffig, mid, I
can tell you�-11
i I 4idn't wait to be,,It any more.
by inq.Caimt thnn as a vc,:ulti
out the United States many central "Ah," he Bald, "thvt is not the W87
High grade Stucco, known as Firf- electric stations provided with lee. to Corkl"
stone Stucco, will be manufactured by maldng atkpaxatus. The unused power Kenny took the cork out of his
the Bishopric Manufacturing Com- of the stations during the "light IoaW1 mouth and replied, "No; but it's the
Vany, 6f Ottawa, from magnesite ob- summer oeason Is employed to run way to XII-:Kemiy.11
tained from the mines of Wilson, Pat- compression motors for liquefying am.
amon and Gifford, Limited, Montreal, monla In the process of freezing arti- Hoavenly Language.
lodated In Quebco, Drovinm Albbough Bell, fee. "Ma, where did the baby cal]:16
quantitie.9 of magnesite, have been The. plan bae been egpeclCy sue- from?"
known for miio years to, be deposited cesdul. witli, SlAc plants supplying "From IfttWt'lu, dear. Igza urns did
in Quebec province, nothing has been electric power and light fir I wns of didden irft,? Um?s nlomme�r,s ownest
done to lise, this material, except a loss than five thonmand Inhabitants.
limited quantity in clinkered form In In 'some cattes tho omrning of the um to." pj)ple lalk In
the steel mills during the war, auxillmiy, ice -malting apparatus e uAl t, Ima, is that the way
A record was made at Port ArthUr, the glinaul return on the whole p aut heaven?" "_.0-__
Ont., recently, In leading a grain car% for othtr purpomeg� ? Johnny's Dilemma,
go, The steamer "Westmoune, doek. Doesn't hurt a bitt Dr6p a IIttl# Johnny -111 wish my folks woultl
ed at 6.30 p.m. at the Saskatchewan, Why such marked differenco ill the J.Vr6020ft#' On an adhing corn, 14- agree upoin one thing, and not IMOV
elevator, loading was commenced at stattly that corn 11tops hurting, tliell
7 o'clock, and At midulght S35,000 Psychic rays PdOPIO send Out, one per-
F;on _,ffczt.jng U.9 lika ahortly YOU lift Itylght okt with flngerm, ine all me time in a Worry;.,,
a breath Of Trulyl Tommy—Whit havio you been (10,
biis6la of grain were In, the hold of Spring illother repolling us ag I dig- Ing towVP
tho ship, Only four scaleu 'Arere used tor4 0' , 'Your druggist sel% a thlY bottle of
ill loaalng. i! �)A,4 odor, arA istill anotho.r_ proozonc,, for a fow cents, suffielent Joint* — "Mothor %volft lot 1110
A total of 116,0021,164 bushelB of just nothing.—FTank crallo. to 3r4bfi'Ove GvefY 11fird corn, soft corn, s -and on 'Jh>-, hestd, and dad iiA all 1110
or corn between tho ioos# and th5 cal. tinia fuftpljjg��,Calw* I wear my r".1103
li'live. beell .011r;iPed from POI't Miwltrd'a Lininion
t Usdcl 1)y Voter'nar'OD 111,20, without Orcliess, ur irritatiog, ��t so fast.