HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-12-01, Page 1Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER ist, 1921 Subscriptions; $2.00 per y ear
Talent Tea and Sale
The �Vomens` Auxiliary of St. Pauls
Church will hold a Talent Tea and sale
of Homemade Cooking, Candies and
Fancy Articles in the basement of the
Church on Tuesday, December 6th. at
3 p. in.
Methodist C h u r c h
Rev. Chas. U. Cragg, B, D., Pastor
.S UJV., 1)ECEM23F_'R 4
Ila. m.—Morning Worship,
Studies in the Teaching of Christ.
Subject, "Christ and the.State,
or Out Duty as Citizens in the
Coming Ulection".
2.30 P. in. — Sunday School a n d X
Bible Classes.
7 p. na.—Evening Service, T
Subject, "When the Young Man Y
leaves Home."
This is the second of a series of Z.
sermons. T
Monday evening, Dec. 5th., 8 T,
P. M.—Young People's *eeting T
with Group Gaines and Commun-
ity Singing.
41.1-X.- 4.1- 41.4 e.-*
Lyceum Theatre
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
(this week) 3 days
supported by Irene Rich
in the finest special attraction that
this greatest of all westerners has
ever made
from the Redd:Book story "Xmas
]Ue at Pilot Buttee"
also a Special Christie Comedy
"'Mr. Fatima"
Matinee Saturday.3-30, 6c and tic.
Two shows Sat. night, 7.30 and 9.
ice and 20C.
Monday and Tuesday next
2 days only
supported byHelene Chadwick and
his wife Rene Adoree, in
"'Made In Heaven"
ioc and 20C.
Ladies' Aid of
The Methodist Church
will hold a
-B A Z A A R
in the Council Chamber, on
Saturday, Dec. lQth.
Fair begins at 3 o'clock sharp.
Tea served from 3 to 6 o'clock
and -Hot Sup;:er from 6 to 8 q'clock.
ZLUCTIONSALE—Farm Stock and Imple-
ments at Lob 20, Con. 0, Tarnberry, on
Friday, December 9th.
ff. T. THoursoN, Proprietor,
JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer.
FORS A.L13—Mixed Clover Honey at 25per
Vail and Pace Clover Honey at 3$2:00 per
Zall At Tnos. KEwls, Wingham or GEO.
OT�LE's. whiteohurah,
FORSALO-B-tqo burner, Art Souvenir
Heater. ADplyattbls office.
D OG LOST—Ta. ad wbit. hound four
months old ans%ering to the name of
"Itanger". Kinaly leave word at this office.
MONEY LOST—Pooket book containing a
small sum of money, somewhere in
Wingham on Saturday, Finder kindly leave
at this office.
WANTED—Apoly to
DAILY wOlt1c Mus. GFo. ltomnsox,
Victoria St.
D OG LOST—Y.1low Collie Dog. answering to
the name of Flook and bearing a Turnberry
111 No. 182. Finder will kindly communicate
11 th thoundersigned andrecolve roward
R, R. 1, Wingham,
L09T—A black Gauntlob Glove, between
Carries School HOU50 and the Salt
Works.—Finder- pleago leave same at
Tilt, Anv.�Ncr,,
—About 25 acres Stand,
TlmiLugEltmFogOtlRyss6AfTt,Emaple, Will be sold Ilk
pareola�aercaokmOrO. APP)YtO
Phone 32,615,
FOR SALE—I haVa on hand a good supply
of stool for use as turnip *PUlpor knives
W. A. Cuniar.
Machine 8hop.
FOP. SALN Ott RENT—Patsonago pro arby
at Whitchureb. Three acres o f land, trick
house, cement Stable. Apply to
Route 5, bucknow,
WANTED—To purchase a bsby push Cart.
*moo. For further Information inquitt at this
Tut! ADVANCLI asks Its readers to make
these Coluinns their OWn to the eXtOnt Of Con-
tribUting social andge.rhonal item� irbich arc
ofinterest. 10ou c friends Vi8ltLUg YOU,
there is no nicer compliment yo.L can pay your
guests than to take the trouble to see that
their names are mentioned in your local no ws.
paper. Vallat oruhoue THE ADVANVE, our
number is 31, or Send by mail.
Mr. H. A. Hunter spent Thursday in
Mr. Geo. Moir was a London visitor for
a Lew days.
Miss E. M. Mulvey is visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Miss Nellie Breen is Visiting with her
sister in Toronto,
Miss Bertha" MacKay ii visiting with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Roy Manuel of Detroit, is visit-
ing at his home in town.
Mr. R_ M. VanNorman left Tuesday
morning on a trip to Winnipeg,
Miss Myrtle Walters of Listowel, spent
the week end at her home in town.
Mr. Lloyd, father of Mrs. Ab. Hing,
ston, suffered a paralytic stroke recently.
Miss Wilda Swanson of Kincardine, is
visiting her friend, Miss Annie Davidson,
Mrs. Orpin of Toronto, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. G. H. Phippen, Lower Wing -
Miss Nora Kennedy of Toronto, is visit-
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Miss Grace Todd and her sister are
leaving this week for Paris where they
will in future reside.
Miss Florence McDlarmid of Lucknow,
was a visitor at the home pf Mrs. Will
Stewart, Victoria St.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. England of Lucknow,
are spending a portion ot their honeymoon
at the home -�i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dey.
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson left
last week for Port Hope' where Mr.
Thompson has purchased a grocery bus.
Mr. Lorne Aitcheson of Blair, Ont., is
at his home on Shuter St. We are sorry
to see that he is still compelled to use
crutches to assist him about.
Mrs. R. Breen left on Friday to spend
the winter months with her sons in Grand
Rapids, Mich. She was accompanied by
her son, Mr. David Breen of Turnberry.
M�s. Pleurid has returned to her home
in Owen Sound after visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Dinsley. She has not been
enjoying the best 'of health and Mrs.
Dinsley accompanied her home.
Miss Clarice Moffatt is again on duty
at the Bell Teleppone Central, after a sick-
ness which confined her to her home.
Miss Verna Guest of the same office is at
present at home owing to illness.
Messrs. Win. Booth, R. A. Coutts, J. D.
Beecroft, J. J. McGee, Greigg Shiell and
George Walker motored to Stratford on
Friday and were present at the special
meeting of Royal Arch Masons. The oc-
casion was the official vieft of Rt. Ex
comp. Coutts.
Price Reductions —$1.00 `Columbia
Records" now 85c. at McKibbon's Drug
Store. See the new hits.
Married in Montreal
Two popular Winghamites were married
in St. James Cathedral at Montreal on
Tuesday of this week viz. Mr. Edmund
Bradwin and Miss Minnie Fessant.
Their many Wingham. friends will join
with Tax ADVANCF, in wishing them
many years of happiness. Mr. and Mrs.
Bradwin will make their home in Toronto.
Auto Cver Embankment
What might have been a serious accid-
ent happened on Saturday night on the
new pavement near the McKenzie bridge.
Mr. Roy Adair's auto frightened a horse
and Mr. Adair put on his brakes and went
to catch the animal, when his car slid back
and went over the steep embankment or,
the west side of the road. Fortunately a
clump of small trees held the auto before
it reached the river, The remainder of
the night was spent in bringing the auto
back to terra firma.
This is a very dangerous spot and the
council should lose no time in having a
strong fence erected to protect the public.
A. Y. P. A. Entertained
The A, Y. P. A, of St Pauls Church and
a number of other young people from town,
were guests of the Epworth League on
Monday evening in the Methodist Church.
Mr. McLaren field secretary of Social
Service work for the Presbyterian and
�Methodist Churches in Canada gave an
interesting talk or "Recreation" and con.
ducted some community singing and games
which. judging by the number of people
whose sides were sore from laughing,
proved a great success. Miss Madeline
Walker and Mfg, C. B. Armitage favored
the gathering with solos. Mr. Chas,
VanNorman and Miss Maud Bell gave
inStrumentaig and Mr. Lawrence Camp-
bell ga,�e a reading.
Splendid Staff of Instructors are The first regular meeting of the Wing- The Dominion Stores Limited has open -
Engaged ham High School Literary Society was ed another branch store in Walkerton this
held in the Assembly Hall, Friday after- week.
The School of Elementary Agriculture noon, Nov. 25th,, with the president, 9 e PEPTONA 9
and Domestic Science got away to a good David Perry, in the chair, The results Tni@ ADNYANcn Editor is indebted to Mr.
start on Monday morning' when twenty- of the Election of officers were read by the A.M. Crawford for a choice piece of
eight boys and twenty girls enrolled. secretary, D. Fells. venison. PREVENTS SICKNESS
Th- girls are receiving the r instruction Honorary President—Mr. Morton. Tanlac is appetizing and invigorating.
in the council chamber and the boys in President—D. Perrie. Tryit to-day.�J. W. McKibbon. By Building Up the System
the opera house. Mr. S. B. Stothers, First Vice Vies.—H. Wilson.
Agricultural Representative for Huron Second Vice Pres.—P. Johnston. "The most ruthless tyrant under the
and Mr. D A. Andrews, his assistant, are Secretary—D. Fells. sun," will be the subject next Sunday eve -
in charge. ning at the Baptist Church.
. Press Reporters—S. Gallagher and J. I PEPTONA--
This week Miss Lillian Petty is con- Perdue. The new front in the Lyceum Theatre Is pleasant to take.
ducting a sewing class for the girls this Prophet—A. Williamson. is a decided improvement and adds great- Is readily assimilated by weak stomachs.
week. Next week, Miss E. Harcourt of Marshal—H. Ballagh. ly to the appearance of main street. Is a wonderful tonic, full of "Pep,,.
Toronto, will conduct a class in Home Form Representativ�s: New York's newest barber shop serves
Nursing, and the following week, Miss Form V.—M. Armstrong and C. Mac- tea with a shave, which is a pleasant de- PEPTONA--
Edith Hopkins of Lindsay, will teach Donald. parture frofn the custom of giving the A combination of Peptonized Iron, Malt, Manganese and Cod Liver
classes in foods and cookery. laundrying Form IV,—A. Proctor and K. Donald- the patron a mouthful of lather. —Life. F�xtract.
and household administration. son.
just here we wish to say that there is a Form III.—L. Hanna and K. MacDoh The regular monthly meeting of the PEPTONA--
misunderstanding as to who may take ald. Ladies, Auxiliary to the Wingham General
this course in domestic science. Girls Form II. —A. Homuth and G. Fixtqr Hospital will be held in the Firemen's Is sold at $r.25 for a large bottle and every bottle is gua�rantecd to
from either town or country are welcome. Form IA.—E. Carr and W. Grey. * Hall on Monday, December 5th. at 3.45 give satisfaction or money refunded,
Assisting Mr. Stothers and Mr. Andrews Form IB G. Robertson and C. Trippa. P* in.
this week is Mr. J. F. Francis of the 0. Walter Little was appointed journal Again we desire to call to the attention
A. C. Guelph, who teaches, Poultry Hus- Editor -by the Executive. of our friends the fact that they may J. Walton McKibboyi
bandry and Mr. H. C. Mason of Toronto, The Programme began with an instru- leave any letter or manuscript in the
who teaches civics, rural organization and mental by Mary MacGregor; President's letter box in the front door of THs AD- Drugs and Stationery
- vAwcE office at any hour. Edison Phn6ographs Phone 53
Next week Miss Inaugural Address; Reading of a Com 1,
'co-operative marketing. 00
M. M. Gillholm of Bright, will lecture on position by L. Fraser; Vocal Duet by E. THE ADvANcg does not make a person -
Farm Dairying. Rintoul and L. Hanna; Reading by A. al visit to you and ask you for your job
Rev H. W. Snell, B. A., has been en- MacKay; Instrumental by C. VanNor- printing. Our work merits a return order.
gaged to teach English and Mathematics man; Reading of a Composition by G. Is it reasonable of us to ask you not to be St Andrews' Presbyterian Church was W. G. Colgate, proprietor of the Wing_
during three month course. James; Reading F. Bennett; Instr4ment- influenced by peddlars? comfortably filled on Wednesday evening ham Times has moved into the double
If you can be spared from home don't al by A. Reid; Reading of a Composition , Several guesses in Taw ADVANOE'S on the occasion of the vibit of Rev. Dr. house on Minnie St., at present occupied
miss these lectures and instruction. Pro- I by A. Williamson; Journal by W. Little; Election Contest are being banded in. C. W. Gordon, Moderator of the General by Mr Somers.
bably never again will such an opportun Critics remarks by Mr. Anderson.
. . Read the instructions in our advertise- Assembly. Many people who halve read At a union meeting of the elders and
ity be provided for the people of this The meeting was closed b� the singing '0
vicinity, without they attend an Agricul- of the National Anthem, ment., It is not the majority, but the books composed by this famous author, managers of Huron Presbyterian church.
tural College. total vote taken by the lucky candidate. under the pen name of Ralph Connor, and Knox Presbyterian church, Ripley,
Miss LaRue Davis of- Chattanooga, were anxious to see him in person, it was decided to unite the two churches
Wonderful Attraction Coming Tenn., only weighed 76 pounds. After and in future there will be only one Pres-
BIuevale Farmers Club Van Gene's Revue of 1921, a spectacular taking three bottles of Tanlac, she now Anniversary services at the Baptist byterian church at Ripley. [Later—We
Bluevale Farmers' Club held their ann- Church were a decided success. Rev. G. understand that a hitch has since occurr-
musical production with a Company of weighs over 100 pounds and is enjoying L Burns preached to a crowded house on
ual meeting in the Foresters' Hall on Nov. 100 Wingham People, under'the auspices the best of health. —J W. McKibbon. Ed and church union is n )w as faraway
17th. and elected the following officers: Sunday evening. The concert on Mon asever.]
President—Jas. McTavish. of the Womens' Institute (Memorial Fund) The euchre and dance given by the day evening was well attended. A varied
Vice Pres.—Raymond Elliott. under personal direction of Mr. M. Van- Catholic Women's League in the Mills' programe of speakers, reciters and singers. Rain and frost formed a thick coating
Sec. Treas,—C. H. Garniss. Gene of New York. See advertisement MemoriaO Hall on Thursday evening was was thoroughly enjoved. The net pro- of smooth ice on the stre�ts and side-
Directors—Miller Proctor, A. McEwen in another column. largely attended. We understand there ceeds from all the services were one hun- walks on Thursday morning and the
Jno. Mundell, A. Messer, W. J. Hender- Nearly Caught at Crossing was about fortv tables for progressive dred dollars. children got out their skates and sleds.
son and F. Hogg. From a recent issue of the Wadena euchre. Men were employed to cover the side -
The large barn of Jacob Fordney, con. walks with sand to keep people from slip -
Wedded At London (Sask.) Heratd, we take the following note We understand that the Times printin
9 8, Carrick, was burned to the ground on ping. A McLaughlin auto without chain
A pretty wedding was solemnized at' which has reference to a former resident presses, type and paper will be moved Monday evening of last week. Fire is was stuck on the pavement in front of
of Wingham. Mrs. Guest is a daughter this week to the Ritchie building north of supposea to have started by spontaneous the Bank of Hamilton, the rear wheels
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Lond- of Mrs. Lougheed, Patrick St. the Post Offi'ce. This place will have to
on, an Saturday, Nov. 19t4. Miss Vera I 'While returning home from his south undergo eKtensivd alterations to properly combustion among some green corn. Six spinning around.
H. Fairfield to Mr. Mollyn Lillie, customs farm last night, Mr. Frank Guest had fit it for this use. . . horses, ten cows, ten fat cattle, thirteen Dr. Margaret C. Calder will be away
officer at Strathroy. The bride was a fot- a narrow escap� At the railway crossing As a special inducement to new sub- young cattle, a threshing machine, to- from, her practice from Thursday, Dec -
mer Wingham girl being a daughter of gether with the seasorf s crop, harness, etc ember Sth., until the New Year.
his team was hit by'the railway engine. scribers we are offering THic ADVANOB was destroyed. Miss Ruby Sheare� and Messrs. Earl
Pringle. until Jan'y. Ist., 1923 for, Shearer and David Park of Listowel spent
Mrs. J. T. Saint and a neice of Mr. W. D. One horse was killed and the other badly from NOW I
injured. Mr Guest was badly shaken up, $2.00. The. Angus -Keefer Lumber Co. of iSundayat Mr. John Walters, Diagona
Farmers'ClubEIect Officers but escaped without serious injury." Mr. Belleville, which was recently incorporat-
The Annual meeting of the Farmers' True tities, Entertain Robt. Beattie has sold the back ed, with a capital stock of $500,000. have Road.
Club at Currie's Comers was held on part of his lot on the comer of John and taken over tM plant formerly owned and
The Loyal True Blue Association enter- and Shuter St., to Mr. C. B, Armitage. operated by the Thompson Furniture Co., Little Girl Passes Away
Thursday evening, November 24thi The tained their friends in the Orange Hall on Mr. Armitage will build a house on this Limited. The company are running a Little 'Marie -Gonzagar Moir passed
financial statement for the year was pre- Friday evening last. After a splendid lot next spring, it will be a very nice retail lumber yard and general woodwork- away on Tuesday evening at the home of
sented and showed that the business of programme refreshments were served. location, facing on Shuter St.
the year amounted to over $25,000. T i ing factory, but do not c6ntemplate her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
his Readings were given by Misses Lilian A large motor truck loaded with mater- manufacturing furniture until some time Kehoe, Patrick St. The little girl was
amount was handled in the purchase Of Green, Frances Bennett, Eva Green, Jean ial and men which went'through Wing- next year. The company have sufficient seven years of age and had been in. poor
cattle, hogs, flour, feeds etc. Mr. J. J- Green and Rev. H. W. Snell and a solo ham a week igo Sunday night about nine work on hand to employ fifty men
Kerr was selected as the delegate to attend health for some time. Funeral service
by Miss Annie Davidson. Addresses o'clock is'gaid to have gone over an em- the biggest part of the coming winter will be held in the Church of the Sacred,
the Convention at Toronto. The follow- were delivered by Mr, F. W. French, Rev. bankment near Teeswater and badly The plant of the company is located at Heart on Friday morning at 9 o'clock
ing officers were elected: Mr. Snell, Dr. Stewart and A. G. Smith. smashed everything, but the men escaped. III Station St., Belleville. J. E. Angus, and interment will be made in the Tees-
President—Robert Coultes Mr. A. E. Angus was chairman. A Rev D. A. MacLean for some years Is the president and manager of the new': water R. C. Cemetery.
Vice Pres.—J. J. Kerr. collection was taken up for the building Presbyterian minister at Huron Presky. concern and N. Keefer, secretary-treasur-! Mrs. Moir and family have the heart-
Secy.-Treas.—Bert Currie. fund of the Orphanage now being erected terian Church, Ripley, has accepted a call er. Mr. J. E. Angus is a former Wing- 'felt sympathy of a laige circle of friends
Directors—Wm. Wellings, Win Ar- atToronto. The ladies of this association to become miniiter at the united churches ham boy. in their bereavement.
buckle and Alex Shiells, are making two autograph quilts and are of Tutbin and Botany with a guaranteed
Program Committee—Geo. Walker, busy selling blocks in them for this worthy stipend of $1,800 and free use of manse. Ike
Harold Currie, Walter Pocock and Nor cause We understand that Miss Verna Two teaspoonsful of Tanlac in a little XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXIXXXXXXXIC,
man McNeil, Joynt has secured over $40 herself. water taked three times a day just before X1.111
meals will make You eat' better, feel
HOW WINGHAM GOT ITS NAME better, sleep better and work better.—J N Onl*2 24 Ta,2!s Z`11
W. McKibbon.
"Where The Eagle of The Lofty Wing Makes Its Home" A meeting of the Commupity Literary
The name Wingham was given to this town by the surveyor, and is of Indian ori- Society will be held in Currie's School -
gin, translated from the two words of their language., wing and ham, meaning "where house on Friday evening, Dec. 2, 1921.
the eagle of the lofty wing makes its home." . There will be a discussion on Scientific Cbristmas
The first settlers located in that part of the town now known as Lower Wing- Farming, A musical programme is also
ham, and Edward Farley was the first resident in the town plot of Wingham. In being provided, Everybody welcome. What Shall I Give?
the days prior to the old Great Western Railway coming through here there was In the pending election the hours of
much enmity between the residents of the two parts of the town, then called "Slab Why not a' Pair of Shoes or Slippers?
Town and Rowdy Hill." pollipg, instead of being from 0 ro 5, are
The first church built was in Lower Wingham, and was of Baptist denominat- to be from 8 to 6. This is for the benefit Everyone Needs Them.
ion, with Rev. Thos. Sinclair as minister. of the farmer, who is an early riser, and
The flirst store was opened by T. G. Jackson in Lower Town, while a gristmill of the women voters, who have an hour
and a sawmill were also established in that part of the town by Messrs Peter and in which to get themselves dolled up in
Archie Fisher and two mills of the sarrit nature 'Were opened in Upp.-r To,vn by the afternoon.
John and Thomas Gregory. The Presbytirian S. S. plans to hold its,
Wingbam was incorporated as a town in 1879. Xmas. tree and entertainment on Friday, X,
December 16th. Friends are requested
Gifts for the
toremember the date.
poorofEvangel Hall Miision, Toronto,
may be brought to the Sunday School on
Sunday, December 18th,
The Maple Leaf Concert Company of
Gait, who were billed to appear in the A pair of these would �e certain to make someone
Town Hall on Wednesday evening of
�F , 4 , last week, did not play as the audience happy on Christrnas morning.
didnot come. However, they appeared We have a large assortmelit Of SlIcies, Slippers,
to be gentlemanly fellows and promptly
'paid their advertising accoutit without a Overgaiters, Hockey Shoes, Etc.
murmur. to cliciose from.
An old time politician was making an
appeal to a farmer audience and to get in Come and See our Display of
right declared: "I was born on the farm, CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR
reared on the farm, in fact, I was brought
up between two rows Of corn." At this W. I GREER'S Shoe Store
. . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - juncture the beans were spilled by a Rut e
at the back of the hall shouting "A pump.
A view of Josephine St. l000Uing South from Queei,s Hotel, almost fifty �rearll ago. . kin, by goahl" X1194461blomxxxxxx XXXXXXXX=XX
1 010 N