HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-24, Page 8V THE WING Great Fall and 'W"intep Sale G'ontivflues Positively End;ng on Nub, Two* 3,rd Th�s is a rare opportunity to secure you wants for Winter at hon- est reductions off regular prices. Purchase your Xmas Gifts now. I Satif action Guaranteed ar Money'Refunded Coats, Suits, Dresses and Furs House Furnishings New stock of latest models of garments for wom- Rugs, Blinds, Linoleums ............ 20 per cent. off en, misses and ceildren .......... 20 per cent. off 4 yd wide Linoleum .. � .............. .......... 4,19 Muffs and Stoles .................... 20 per cent ..off Oilcloths .......................... 55c square yard Winter Coats .......................... $16 00 each 7 Groceries, Heavy Cottonadts, per yd ...................... 49c Sugar, lQ0 lbs .................................. 88 25 Oxford Shirting, yard .......................... 28c Brooms ......................................... 49c Black and white Shirting, yard .................. 24c Tea, choice, 3 lba .............................. 1.00 Prints, best quality .............................. 24c Lard, 3 lb. pall .................................. 59c Flannelettes, per yard .......................... 15c Currants, fresh ...... 19c Coffee .............. 47c Bleached Cotturi, per yard ...................... 15c Raisins ............ 24c Jello Powder ........ loc Silks, per yard ........................... 1-59S 1-98 Shredded Wheat, 2 for .......................... 25c 25c Bargain Hose Hundreds of pairs of stockings for women, mis- ses, girls and boys. All colors and sizes. Sweater Bargains Ladies' and missss' all wool coats and pullovers, reg. up to 8.00 ............................ 149 Apricot Biscuits .............................. 19C Garibaldi Biscuits ................... ......... 19C Peels, Lemon and Orange ..................... :39c Oatmeal, 6 lbs .................................. 9,5 c 2.50 Black Cashmere Hose ...................... 1,69 Monarch Yarns, 1 oz.... ..... lic Waists, Silk, Crepe de chene ........ $3.49 0 . ' i m i t e d H L I HAM ADVANCE DIED sTito..N(k-lnr-ordwich,onSuaday, Nov. 6th, 1921, Edna Strong. beloved.laugb� ter of Wm. J. and Mrs. Stron , age 12 years, 2 months and 19 days, Rockwell's "Sunny South" Company That uncomonly strong combination of colored talent, known asthe J. C. Rock- well'Sunny South" company, the show that never disappoints, the one that never misrepresents, is announced to appear in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, Nov- ember 29th. This company has been seen here several times and it has alway made good every prornh;e, delivering the goods just as represented. There is plenty of fun in the perform- ance, in fact it was built for laughing purposes only and it is generally conceded to be the funniest show since time began, The "Koontown Parade" takes at 3.30 p m. Main streets only, The prices of admission have been placed at 50 and 75 cents, plus war tax. Secure seats early and avoid standing. They are selling at McKibbon's Pharmacy. The dost Of Pavirg - Wingham, Nov. 22,1921. To the Editor, Wingbam ADVANCE: I am instructed to correct a few errors which are afloat in conrvction with the pavement recently laid and those under proposed construction The contract price of proposed pave. ments will be $2.70 per square yard or .05 less than the price of those already laid. A clause of the agreements for pavements on Diagonal Road, John St. Wesf and Alfred St., East provides that should any reduction talie place in prices of cement or labor while these roads are under con. struction, the Corporation is to receive the benefit. The contract was orginally let by the Council to the present Contractors with a view to immediate rerults and these been have attained. Thanking you for your valuable space, I am, Yours truly, W. A Galbraith, Town Clerk. THE DIXIE NO` Southland's Music Maids in song and story of o I d Dixie i n the Opera House, Wingham, Thursog Dec. 1st, This is the third Lyceum Enter- tainment under the auspices of St. Paul's Church Choir. Singl�,Admission 50c. Rush Seats 36c Children 25c. Pion of Hall at McKibbon's. "One touch of Lloyd makes the Whole World Grin" Harold Lloyd in "Get Out and (3et Under" at the Lyceum Theatre, on Friday and Saturday, Matinee Saturday at 3.3o. I We brought down the price -- of - N A . . Lighten your house work by buying pastry, you!1I find it cheaper than bakingathome. Cookies ........... 15c per doz. and 2 doz. for .............. 25c Fancy CAkes and Pies .... -20c Full line of Confectionery. Hot Meals and Luncheons ser- ved at all hours. Oysters any �tyle The Rathwell B a k e Shop and Cate Next t6 W. 1. Hilliard's Bazaar Harold Bell Wright's Masterpiece TheShepherd of the 111H Coming to Wingham with Special Music See Next Wftklg Advertigement. 0 - Thursday, Nov, 24th 1921 r I F IF" you'desire "New Bottoms"' on. your leather top leather top rubbers we Invite'you to bring,�,them 6 to us We sew Ahem with a superior "quality of thread thereby preventing ripping and also the leak just where the leather joins the rubber. '"IF11 the tops,,are worn out and the bottoms,.are P0 gDz)il,brin I thein to us. �Wa mike the tops anij put hem on 1'a joatl style anil at a reasonable price.. "IF" the tops are bailly worn] around the bottoms do n of throw them away but bring them"tous.and we will put on a high cut rub- ber (just like this lower Illustration but with a heel on 1t) 'In other words you save from $2.00 to $3.00 for the',old tops when they would appear to be almost past redemption. We question very much If any shoe con- ............ cern In Western Ontario can give, you the good service we are giving when it comes to any of the above operations. W a.,. Re ul' I L L I Phone 129 The Sho'e Store` Wingham MARRIED Sunshine Circle of the Presh Han We wish to urge the people of this church are having a social on Vlrzlay community to take advantage of the three ing, Nov. 25th. months' course in Elementary Agricuitural KBRuATH-HA.itins-At the home of even and Domestic Science to be held in Wing - the bride's father, Con. B, Howick, on I Wbitechurcb Presbyterian church are ham from Nov, 28th to March 3rd, This Wednesday, Nov. 9th, Stella Rose, holding a Xinas tree and concert on Dec. will be a rare treat for those who cam, '21st and the Methodist church on Dec. take advantage of it, and we hope to daughter of Mr. Russel Harris to Mr.'23rd. bear of a great many young men and Joseph C. Kermath of Wingham. i The many friends of Mrs. Robert Mc- women attending. Possibly never agaiu - = , Clenaghan will regret to learn that she is will one be able to get instruction from _S_t__. Uelens ill again. such able professors and teachers. Mr. John Phillip and Miss Verna, who have spent three months in the West vii;ic- ing their brother at Yellow Grass, Sask,, returned home on Thursday. Mr. W. 'Gibbons, wbo returned from the West a couple of weeks ago very ill. with pneumonia, is improving nicely, 141 Time to Think of Mr, John Aitcheson 4, home from file X West. 1 4. Mrs. Will Humphrey and daughter,! Fr eda, are visiting at Wingbam with Mrs. Sturdy. Mrs.' R. Purdon and children spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mes. r1stmas u in Archie Anderson. Miss Loe6tta Sturdy of Wingliam, was, a visitor over the week -end with . Mr. and With Christmas Only Four Weeks Away Mrs. W, Humphrey. The Young People's Bible class held It is Time to Commence Your Purchasing their regular meeting on Monday even- ing, November 21st, when Whitechuntli Young People's class visited them and We are Now Showing Suitable Merchan-' gave the program. dise at Reasonable Prices in all Depts. The Women's In4itute will hold their' regular meeting at the hom,3 of Mrs. W. R Ferrier, on rhursday, November 24. at2.30 o'clock. The report of the district Handkerchiefs Towels convention held at London, will be giv�n,X Handkerchiefs make pleasing Bath towels and fancylinen by Mrs. R. Phillips. Roll call, Christmas, gifts. Embroidered Swiss Linen buck towels, strong and service - receipts and presents. music, etc. Please come with something prepared for roll I in dainty raised effects, soft color able. will launder beautifully. call. All interested are invited. combinations neatly hemstitched. Prices 35c to 1,50. Prices,15c to $1.25, X Silk Bloomers and Under - Whitechurch le fM Maderia Hand P-Tnbroider. Wear The U. F. 0. field their annual meeting ed Linens. and election of officers on Thursciay even- Of good wearing silk in latest ing in the Foresters Hall, The following 1 85 f doilies and centres, hand styles and colors. Prices 3.50 to carts, were elected, President -Fred Davison. 1 embroidered and evenly worked In 7,50. Vice Pres. -Mack Ross, Secretary and i P.TeMy designs. Prices 75c to $5, Treasurer-DuncAn Kennedy. The club, Furs purchased 15 ton of sa It from the Wing- Table Linen X ham Salt Works and sold it out to their A special selection of furs in members at 00 cents per cwt. Thev ex- Splendid values in Irish Linen stylish and attractive designs at pect to have a car of corn and molasses cloths and napkins that are excel. big money saving values, in the near future. lent quality at moderate prices, Miss Viola Campbell of Marnock, visit- Cloths $6 50 to 20.00; Napkins Coats and Dresses ed with tier aunt, Mrs. Harry McGee over $4.00 to 12.00. the week -end. Special values in women's and Mr� and Mrs. Jo�n Falconer spent over Bedding misses coats and dresses. Dresses the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben of silk, Canton crepe, serge and Tiffin, Langside. Comforters. Spreads and Blank- tricotine in all new designs and ets In all wool and cotton materials colors. Prices $12-00 to 45.00, ,Mr. and Mrs, James Cornelius and Mr. with neatly designed borders. Coats. velour. plush and duve- and Mrs Amos Cornelius. also Mrs. Win. Prices $3.50 to 25.00, tyne with collars of Beaverine and Prince of Wingbam, visited with Mrs. Jas, Oppossum, greatly reduced $18,50 Cornelius' brother, Mr. Walter Steele, at to 40-00. Exeter on Thursday. Scarfs and Neckwear Miss Evelyn Gaunt has recovered from Collars, vesteas Gifts For Men and hei\attack of muscular rheumatism. 1. and silk scarfs Miss Lavina Carrick has returned home * in good quality and attractive Boys Priced Moderately .14 styles and colors, Prices 50c to from Detroit. She was accompanied by $5.00. her sister, Mrs. Wniq Windsor. (For Men) Mr. Whyte of Fletcher, is visiting with hissistor, Mrs. James Martin, BloWwS Silk Scarfs, Silk Neckwear, Nurse Olive Teriff spent the week -end %it Modish waists that show many Knitted Neckwear, Unlined Gloves, at tier bome here. of the new touches of fashions. Lined Gloyes, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Mr. a�d Mrs. Andrew Wilson of Zct- georgette, crepe-de-ebene, and Links, Silk Shirts, Flannel Shirts, land, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B li trlcolette. Priceil $3.50 to 12,00, Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Silk Jacques. and Wool Socks, Bath Robest A mectingof the beef ring will be hold Jiosiery and Gloves House Costs, on Friday evening of this week. Mr. John Gaunt returned home from (he Pare thread silk hilse, good (For Boys) West last week, weight and fall fashioned in all The home of Me William Woods, 10th. colors. Prices $1.50 to 3,75. Mitts, Gloves, Scarfs, Netkwear, concession of West Wawanosh, was Gloves of silk, charAoiaette, and Y(andkerchlefs, Overcoatat SWeat- burned to file ground one day last week. Cape akin of good quality and in ar Coats, pullovers. The obituney caught fire in the morning' $14 all colors. Prices 08e to 1145. but the fire was thought to have been put outv and the occupantg were greatly ,surprised to rind tho upper part of their house in flames about three o'clock in the afternoon. Only a very tow piec o.q of, furniture wati saved from the gioundl B R 0 S floor. The thmily have moved up to their other farm near St, 14 elens. ,41� " 141, Ell Belmore Salem the neighbors were all called out to help fight fire, but all they could do could not Mr, Shaw of Bluevale, occupied the t Mr. Geo.ge XN estlake who spent the save Sam Burke's barn which was burned pulpit. in Knox church Belmore. Sabbath 1 slimmer in the West, also Jack Gallaher to the ground. The fire had gained con- who was there this fall returned to their siderable head way before it was noticed. I -,fternoon. 1 respective homes recently. The two horses were saved and when the 4rs. James Douglas is improving after; Mr. and Mrs Reginald Newton of the doors were emashed in two cows rushed Uter recent illness. West, Mr. and out but four burned , are at present visiting ,Miss Blanch Irwin nf Wingbam, sPvllt Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Mr. Newton is cattle were and fift�en pigs. The barn contained seven - Sunday at her home here. Mrs Galbraith's brother. teen loads of hay besides the straw and Mr. and Mrs. D J. Weir of Teeswatert'L Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Cathecs entertained grain. The loss is only partically covered dia;e been spending a Couple of WeCICS a few of their neighbors one night last by insurance. ,-.viih friends. week Miss Mary Stokes is undergoing treat - _1 -s. John tiruster of Huntsville, spetit '.%hat makes George Lane %vear such a .xi. ment in the Royal Alexandria Hos ital, - -elc or so at tile home of Jas. and, .L xvL pleasant smile the�-e days. It is Lbat Fergus. We wish her a sp�edy rCcovery, Ai,at Fleming. littl girt. Congratulations. L James Peacock who was operated on A little girl has come to stay at the I The children hlVe LOMmenced to for appendicitis in Wingham Hospital, is bome of Mr. and Mrs. George Lane. i practise for tlie Xmas entertainment. home again we are pleased to state. Congratulations. I Miss Agnes Miller is not improving as Hay pressing is the order of the day in Jamestown quickly as her many friends would wish. .J.;q burg. W. H. Irwin shipped a car of bogs to J. A baby boy artived at the home of J. 76. onto last week. McCutheson on Nov. 17th. We ex7 Last Friday evening a very enjoyable time was spent at the home of David Ballingall when a number of friends from Mrs. John Abraham spent last week tend congratulations. Wingbam called on him. The evening with her daughter, Mrs, Jake Willits. Last Thursday morning, about 8.15 was spent in games and dancing. Mr. Ballingal is a very jovial host. Mr. David Breckenridge has improved M`�Pwffl% INLIF RNA VNf the appearance of his home by giving i-. a 'Coatofsiding, Healsobuilt an additiun P; jrLo &, jnIT to the kitchen, Mr. Andrew Pollock who sprained his ankle five weeks ago is not improving 4W dr very rapidly. Mr. P0110ek wag picking apples and the limb be was standing on broke and the limb be was holding falling on him and pinning him to the ground. 014 Blyth U L CAN Mr. R, Stalker has returned from the hunting expedition up North, 64 A number of our citizens atterided the C A 17.1% convention at Wingbam, Tuesday, C, Miss SuthorlAnd of the Bank of Hamit. toil staff has resigned, Air. Simmons of Lucknow, has taken a position with tile Bank. Anniversary services in connection with St. Andrew& Church will be hold Decem. THAT word vulcanizing makes a hit with the folks who have ber 4th. A former minister of St. An. drews, Rev, J. L. Small of Hespeler, gotten acquainted with the manner in wbich we repair tires. will conduct the services A tea meeting We make an old, blowaout tire feel like a youngster before we will behold the following Monday evening in Memorial Hall. gett through with it. It it isn't worth repairing 'we'll tell you Sunday, November 27th. is men's day in the Methodist Church under the aus. so. PICCS Of the I;rotberbood. Mrs. Arthur Tiermay returned thig weektrom arr extended visit witli her ITA daugliter,Mrs. Arnstein, Toronto. Lucknow Z _Z4 -_T Z= Mrs. Ilenry Johnston, W110 hag been Min! with her daughter, Mr8. W, P. Veld just south of the Villageo passed Z a of last ay on Wednesday morning ZZ week, at the age of 91 year8. The funeral wa!� held oft Friday afternoon to, Green- 41 �1 L hill Cemetery. Mrs. Jobnston'8 maiden 6 name wag Mary Serwri. Harold Lloyd in "Get Out and (3et Under" at the Lyceum Theatre, on Friday and Saturday, Matinee Saturday at 3.3o. I We brought down the price -- of - N A . . Lighten your house work by buying pastry, you!1I find it cheaper than bakingathome. Cookies ........... 15c per doz. and 2 doz. for .............. 25c Fancy CAkes and Pies .... -20c Full line of Confectionery. Hot Meals and Luncheons ser- ved at all hours. Oysters any �tyle The Rathwell B a k e Shop and Cate Next t6 W. 1. Hilliard's Bazaar Harold Bell Wright's Masterpiece TheShepherd of the 111H Coming to Wingham with Special Music See Next Wftklg Advertigement. 0 - Thursday, Nov, 24th 1921 r I F IF" you'desire "New Bottoms"' on. your leather top leather top rubbers we Invite'you to bring,�,them 6 to us We sew Ahem with a superior "quality of thread thereby preventing ripping and also the leak just where the leather joins the rubber. '"IF11 the tops,,are worn out and the bottoms,.are P0 gDz)il,brin I thein to us. �Wa mike the tops anij put hem on 1'a joatl style anil at a reasonable price.. "IF" the tops are bailly worn] around the bottoms do n of throw them away but bring them"tous.and we will put on a high cut rub- ber (just like this lower Illustration but with a heel on 1t) 'In other words you save from $2.00 to $3.00 for the',old tops when they would appear to be almost past redemption. We question very much If any shoe con- ............ cern In Western Ontario can give, you the good service we are giving when it comes to any of the above operations. W a.,. Re ul' I L L I Phone 129 The Sho'e Store` Wingham MARRIED Sunshine Circle of the Presh Han We wish to urge the people of this church are having a social on Vlrzlay community to take advantage of the three ing, Nov. 25th. months' course in Elementary Agricuitural KBRuATH-HA.itins-At the home of even and Domestic Science to be held in Wing - the bride's father, Con. B, Howick, on I Wbitechurcb Presbyterian church are ham from Nov, 28th to March 3rd, This Wednesday, Nov. 9th, Stella Rose, holding a Xinas tree and concert on Dec. will be a rare treat for those who cam, '21st and the Methodist church on Dec. take advantage of it, and we hope to daughter of Mr. Russel Harris to Mr.'23rd. bear of a great many young men and Joseph C. Kermath of Wingham. i The many friends of Mrs. Robert Mc- women attending. Possibly never agaiu - = , Clenaghan will regret to learn that she is will one be able to get instruction from _S_t__. Uelens ill again. such able professors and teachers. Mr. John Phillip and Miss Verna, who have spent three months in the West vii;ic- ing their brother at Yellow Grass, Sask,, returned home on Thursday. Mr. W. 'Gibbons, wbo returned from the West a couple of weeks ago very ill. with pneumonia, is improving nicely, 141 Time to Think of Mr, John Aitcheson 4, home from file X West. 1 4. Mrs. Will Humphrey and daughter,! Fr eda, are visiting at Wingbam with Mrs. Sturdy. Mrs.' R. Purdon and children spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mes. r1stmas u in Archie Anderson. Miss Loe6tta Sturdy of Wingliam, was, a visitor over the week -end with . Mr. and With Christmas Only Four Weeks Away Mrs. W, Humphrey. The Young People's Bible class held It is Time to Commence Your Purchasing their regular meeting on Monday even- ing, November 21st, when Whitechuntli Young People's class visited them and We are Now Showing Suitable Merchan-' gave the program. dise at Reasonable Prices in all Depts. The Women's In4itute will hold their' regular meeting at the hom,3 of Mrs. W. R Ferrier, on rhursday, November 24. at2.30 o'clock. The report of the district Handkerchiefs Towels convention held at London, will be giv�n,X Handkerchiefs make pleasing Bath towels and fancylinen by Mrs. R. Phillips. Roll call, Christmas, gifts. Embroidered Swiss Linen buck towels, strong and service - receipts and presents. music, etc. Please come with something prepared for roll I in dainty raised effects, soft color able. will launder beautifully. call. All interested are invited. combinations neatly hemstitched. Prices 35c to 1,50. Prices,15c to $1.25, X Silk Bloomers and Under - Whitechurch le fM Maderia Hand P-Tnbroider. Wear The U. F. 0. field their annual meeting ed Linens. and election of officers on Thursciay even- Of good wearing silk in latest ing in the Foresters Hall, The following 1 85 f doilies and centres, hand styles and colors. Prices 3.50 to carts, were elected, President -Fred Davison. 1 embroidered and evenly worked In 7,50. Vice Pres. -Mack Ross, Secretary and i P.TeMy designs. Prices 75c to $5, Treasurer-DuncAn Kennedy. The club, Furs purchased 15 ton of sa It from the Wing- Table Linen X ham Salt Works and sold it out to their A special selection of furs in members at 00 cents per cwt. Thev ex- Splendid values in Irish Linen stylish and attractive designs at pect to have a car of corn and molasses cloths and napkins that are excel. big money saving values, in the near future. lent quality at moderate prices, Miss Viola Campbell of Marnock, visit- Cloths $6 50 to 20.00; Napkins Coats and Dresses ed with tier aunt, Mrs. Harry McGee over $4.00 to 12.00. the week -end. Special values in women's and Mr� and Mrs. Jo�n Falconer spent over Bedding misses coats and dresses. Dresses the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben of silk, Canton crepe, serge and Tiffin, Langside. Comforters. Spreads and Blank- tricotine in all new designs and ets In all wool and cotton materials colors. Prices $12-00 to 45.00, ,Mr. and Mrs, James Cornelius and Mr. with neatly designed borders. Coats. velour. plush and duve- and Mrs Amos Cornelius. also Mrs. Win. Prices $3.50 to 25.00, tyne with collars of Beaverine and Prince of Wingbam, visited with Mrs. Jas, Oppossum, greatly reduced $18,50 Cornelius' brother, Mr. Walter Steele, at to 40-00. Exeter on Thursday. Scarfs and Neckwear Miss Evelyn Gaunt has recovered from Collars, vesteas Gifts For Men and hei\attack of muscular rheumatism. 1. and silk scarfs Miss Lavina Carrick has returned home * in good quality and attractive Boys Priced Moderately .14 styles and colors, Prices 50c to from Detroit. She was accompanied by $5.00. her sister, Mrs. Wniq Windsor. (For Men) Mr. Whyte of Fletcher, is visiting with hissistor, Mrs. James Martin, BloWwS Silk Scarfs, Silk Neckwear, Nurse Olive Teriff spent the week -end %it Modish waists that show many Knitted Neckwear, Unlined Gloves, at tier bome here. of the new touches of fashions. Lined Gloyes, Handkerchiefs, Cuff Mr. a�d Mrs. Andrew Wilson of Zct- georgette, crepe-de-ebene, and Links, Silk Shirts, Flannel Shirts, land, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B li trlcolette. Priceil $3.50 to 12,00, Sweater Coats, Pullovers, Silk Jacques. and Wool Socks, Bath Robest A mectingof the beef ring will be hold Jiosiery and Gloves House Costs, on Friday evening of this week. Mr. John Gaunt returned home from (he Pare thread silk hilse, good (For Boys) West last week, weight and fall fashioned in all The home of Me William Woods, 10th. colors. Prices $1.50 to 3,75. Mitts, Gloves, Scarfs, Netkwear, concession of West Wawanosh, was Gloves of silk, charAoiaette, and Y(andkerchlefs, Overcoatat SWeat- burned to file ground one day last week. Cape akin of good quality and in ar Coats, pullovers. The obituney caught fire in the morning' $14 all colors. Prices 08e to 1145. but the fire was thought to have been put outv and the occupantg were greatly ,surprised to rind tho upper part of their house in flames about three o'clock in the afternoon. Only a very tow piec o.q of, furniture wati saved from the gioundl B R 0 S floor. The thmily have moved up to their other farm near St, 14 elens. ,41� " 141, Ell