HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-24, Page 5Thursday, Nov. 24th, 1921 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE intO Politics as a class. He beard the cry buried "down with corrupt Parties!' but BEAUTIFY WINGHAM he bad yet to see a -dollar spent corruptly I ot This Be�hv _Slonln of Every at electiontime. He THE HOUSE OF QUALITV" believed in Sane Citizen Protection, not in the tearing down oftbe tariff wah but in gradual d=ease. 0 It was indeed gratifying to the writer to See such a large turnout of townspeople A question was asked from the audience , I ZZ if the candidates would be willing to at the Horticultural Society organizatio a- I eoDoi n town hall on Friday Goo s Well Bought Means support legislation to reduce the sessional held in the Winglial if ominion Stores 000 IT h Mo Saved indemnity from $4000 to 2500. Mr. evening. A couple of weeks ago we dared d i Stores"" King was first asked to answer, but lie to Suggest through the columns of TnE Ltd. thought he would rather bear some ot the ADVANCP that Wingharn should have a Right now when everyone is striving to make the biggest saving Mr. SPotton walk. Horticultural Society, and the suggestion other speakers first. Possible on everything they purchase. It will pay you to ed brickly forward and answered decide. met with so many favorable replys that am- ly "No, I expect I will be able to earn we called a meeting of those interested in get our prices before buying. The Chain Grocery Stores Of Canada $4000 if I am elected and All do my level the organization. A committee was ap. best to live up to that salary." Mr. pointed and the organization meeting set King Said the Government of Canada is for Friday night, Winghant Branch Josephine St. Exceptional values, greatly reduced, -foods, Suitngs, Coatings in the season's newest material., AE -V -V Goo) -V -New Pall and Winter Dress Q 81miliar to a county or township council, Over one hundred" people attended at 10- We did not think at the time they raLed the luncheon in the council chamber V1LJr,,V-Our entire stock of Silks and Sat a- I ins special pric -s 20 per cent, reduction, See our imported black their salaries from $2500 to 4000 that they which Was Put on by the Women's In-! Swiss Duchess, at .................. ........ ... .......... SPECIAL PRICES ....... $3.19 yd. C_ were doing right because the people are stitute. After the supper Mayor Elliott COI�XZT_V ANI) 21'AA1VV1F-'RF--V-God4eas, La Diva and D & A Corsets. 'New models and a OW1, the masters and we are the servants, afid introduced the speaker of the evening, style for every figure at ......... ­ ...... if enough men can be found in the par- Dr. Bet nett of St. Thomas, who after a From November 24th to Nov. 30th ............................................ 20 per ce-nt. reduction a-- liament of Canada, if I am elected, to brief talk called for the election of officers, C UW TA 1.)V MA LF -'RIA LS -A full ran' 0- reduce the salary to $2500 1 will support with the following result: ge of Curtain Goods, Nets, Scrims, Madras, Draperies, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, at ...... &Z it and if enough men can not be got to I -Ion. Pres -1 A. Morton. Seedless Raisins, per Lemon, Orange Peel ............................................ 20 per cent. reduction 0�_ 0- reduce it to $2500 but enough to reduce it Pres -W, A. Galbraith. lb. 27c, pkg . ........ 32c lb. 37c, Citron 1b 57c W004 -y1ffEF- T1,1VG_V-Al1 w ool sheetings in grey or white made from beat long wo'o'l yarns, 2 yards =0- to $3090 1 Will support thato, Mr. Ist Vice Pres -Dr, R. C, Redmond. wide,special ......................................... Fraser answered "Ferbaps I have bad. a $-Miss Lizzie Gilchrist. I .......... .......................... 1.75 yd. 2nd Vice Pre y is Secretary-Treas.-J, E. Cove. d, White, Black, Red, special $1,00 lb. JVA IUVS-Best quality yarns in Greys, Mottle' ' little more experience So far as salar Choice Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. for ................ 35C Yarns, grey only .................................................................. Scotch Fingering concerned and I have just to tell you that Directors -Rev. Dr. Perrie, Rev. Fr. ........... $1.25:Zb, nearly all of you have just the same idea Fallon, J, A. Mills, T. C. King, Mrs Lux, per box ................ ­ 12c Special Blend Tea, per lb ...... 35c as I had before I went into politics, that Cosens, R. Vanstone, Dr. M. C. Calder, f Pearline, 3 pkge .... ......... 24c Special Coffee, per lb .......... 39c GIJVGHA JWS- Checks, stripes and plaid, A. fine English and Canadian makes, reg. 35c to 50c, special ..29c y it was a big salary, To -day if I had to Miss Sadie Davi son, Mrs. Moir and Mr. Borax, 2 pUgs -25c Eagle Milk, per can .......... 23a ard a -- 4 - take my choice of which offered the most Wallace, Manager of the Dominion Bank. Ivory Soap, 2 cakes .......... 17C Corn Sta,cb, per pkg .......... loo P1t1./V7"S- Light and medium dark prints, best Canadian quality, in 3 to 10 yard ends, reg. 25c, special., 0- 20c yard 0- money, I would take the farm. The Auditors -F. W. French and C. P. Fairy Soap, 3 for_ . ......... �.24c Carnation Owe 0- A 21'!ROA�V-See our special values at ......... expenses are so heavy in the Political Smith. Milk, per tin ........ 17c� 1-0 ..................... 35c, 50c and 75c life and if J had to go into it for the Palmolive, 3 for .... _.24c Shelled Walnuts, per lb ...... 69c -00 Dr. Bennett made a timely suggestion money. I would stay out. So far as I hm when he said that Wingham Possessed a. Iceing Sugar, I lb ............ lee MEjV'.V WEAW-Big reduc' I I Liquid Veneer, per bottle ...... 25c tions in Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Fall Wearing Apparel. concerned whatever salary is approved natural beauty spot along the river bank. Matches, 2 boxes ......... 25c Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per lb _23c of by the -majority I will take (now This Place could be made a pleasure re- Salmon, 3 tine .............. _25c Cleaned Currartts, per lb ...... 19c won't they all do that) arid take all I sort, instead of the present eye sore, if Sardines, 2 tine .... Breakfast Bacon, per lb � ..... 37c can of it home to Huron county. The tile stumps were removed and flowers Corn 2 tins .............. ... 25c Rolled Oats, 6 The ............ 24C $4000 which is paid by the Dominion is and shrubs planted along the banks,, t'he Chee'.e, per lb ................ 24c Kkovak Health Salts, 2 tins_. 25C As -MIL LS 4'- less money for the amount of work dond drive gravelled and the grass kept cut. Our Ow Ide are the Best- Our PricesRight, than is Paid at Toronto. They never ex- Mrs. A. J. Irwin took occasion to ask Terms, Cash, Produce Wanted. 0� ceed 8 weeks at Toronto while they are the chairman how Wingbarnites could Bread, 2 loaves .... 17c LEasifirst, 3 lb pail 51c six months at Ottawa and you have to keep green fresh lawns and flowers when So that the salary the Fater Supply was restricted each work at it all the time III flit" 111"I III III III III 111 *4 now paid by the Dominion is not as much summ2r. The doctor wittingly replied Picnic Hams ..... .................... ..... 20C Ib* as in the Ontario House " that all they could get in St. Thomas was AS HIRAM SEES IT THE NOMINATIONS Another question was asked. If elect - water, However, Mrs. Irwin was only ed will.you support Prohibition and every expressing the opinion of hundreds of Pure Lard, 3 lb. pail Gran. Sugar 10 lb 85c Books Hiram" said THE A Curtaile;R.p.rt of the Pro- movement that is put forth to promote townspeople who believe that the council .... ................. 55C 100 lb. Bag ........ 8.25 We have the latest fiction in ax ADVANcE r e p o r ter, ceedings temperance? should take steps to have another munici- pat well drilled before the heat of another copyright and reprint editions; also "what is truth?" At two o'clock on Tuesday, Returing Mr. Spotton again answered first, be summer is upon us. Watch Our Windows for Xmas Specials boolke for the boys and girls. "Well." said Hiram, Officer Chas. E. McDonagh read out the Said, "My answer to this question has The illustrated fecture in the aud- IP N if you're a tory it's. the names- of the nominees for the federal been given in writing to Mr. Willis, the ditoriumlbf the town ball was also well Xmas Stationery I , ­ secretary of the County Temperance As. patronized. The Pictures were good and Butter and Eggs Wanted I truth that all grits is riding of North Huron, and they were, as sociation. I will promote and vote for we believe the lecture was, too, but the Our stock of Xmas papetries is I free traders. If you're was expected, George SPotton as National the largest and best assorted, rang- a grit it's the truth that all tories is fer a Liberal and Conservative standard bear any legislation that will make Canada order was not the best and as the doctor N'Tt ing in prices from 25c to $5. - just as bone dry as it is possible to be." tariff tbat'll make a few people rich, If er, John W. King for the Nationa bad to have his back turned to half of the you're a farmer its the truth, that all grlfs gressives and William H. Fraser f 1 Pro- Mr. King said "As far as I am concerned audiencewhile talking and operating the' or the prohibition is a plank of the National Xmas Greeting an' tories is on the wrong track an' needs National Liberals. Mr McDonagh then Progressive Party and I stand machine, several could not hear, 0 Cards to be set right called for the audience -to name a chair- by their At the conclusion Mr. E. J. Mitchell pi tform," Mr. Fraser, "Anyone who moved a hearty vote of thanks to the "I gather, then," said the reporter, man, and Peter W. Scott, president of knows me knows where I stand. So far The finest selection we have ever a "that point of view has a good deal to do the National Liberal and Conservative speaker of the evening and to the mem- had. Xmas seals, tags, enclosure with the result of t9e search for truth.,, Association was given the honor. as making promises are concerned I have bers of the Institu!e who provided the cards, etc. Long always found that making promises be - "Yes Sir," said Hiram, "it hes so. An' before this the Wingham town ball was fore all the evidence is before you and splendid luncheon. A silver -ollection MARV PICKFORD Subscriptions taken for all mag- a lot 0' people gits bet up an' goes around packed and standing room was at a was taken which amounted to $ azines and newspapers at current hollerin' about what tney don't know Premium. then Passing an opinion is not wise. I in her Supreme Triumph rates, Will not,make any promises here, but I Brussels Tahlet Ux ve-iled enough about to give. 'em fourth prize in As time and space would not permit us will do anything I can for the benefit of A marble tablet, bearing the names of Do your Xmas shopping early the booby cla�s. I tell you what- to give a lengthy record of the entire pro - and get beat choice. Mister -,most ol the folks in this world ceedings we are compelled to curtz this cause." five members of the congregation, was THE LOVELIGHT don't do enough hard thinkin' to 9' gil our Th� meeting �loged with che�rg ive a report somewhat. Nr unveiled ;tt the Methodist church, Bruss- headache to a tadpole. They git their Each candidate was Xing Ge&ge which 'were heartily f OSPond- els, on Sunday, November 13th. Rev. A Production with which no comparison I given fifty minutes to address the electors ed to. Some one in the crowd then called Edwards of Seaforth, conducted the liott notions second-hand, or they jist read UP I and as Mr. Spotton was the first called fo h H, B. El a little o'one side -an; they make more on, he was allowed r t ree cheers for Spotton and these too special services. The names an the tablet can be made.—Suprerne Effort of a True Artist fifteen ininutes,�m received considerable applause. are as follows; Frank S, Gerry. J. Cleve Books, Stationery, Magazines, noise than a brass band. When every- which to rely at the conclusion. Town Ticket Agency Canadian body learns to tbink-an' gits posted 1 Denbow, William Mayberry, Lyle G. Mc- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday National Grand Trunk Railway. afore he starts in t make up his mind- He commenced by extending sympathy Li towel Win Hough Cup Cracken and Wilfred G. Lott. Ocean tickets via all lines. to the Liberal party as they said that the s November 28th, 29th,.and 30th. Jwe won't hev the devil to pay quite so Conservatives had stolen their name and Ina cold wet rain the Listowel High often -no Sir." - the Farmers had stolen their platform School captured the Hough Cup when in Memoriam He explained that several of the leading their football team def6ted the Stratford The Lyceum Theatre Fire at Jamestown Liberals in the Dominion had united with Collegiate crowd on Saturday by a Score HOWSO-T- In precious and' tender memory destroyed Conservatives in the formati of my dear Playing at the reduced prices 10 and 20 cents. On Thursday morning fire ofl-0 The game was played in Stratford parents, the Rev. W. G. MR -HAPPY ;el ,, "', on of a Coali- and Listowel scored the only goal on a Howson. who passed away one year ago, Usual evening performance at 8.15 Mr. Sam Burke's barn and contents tion, government and many of these were PAR , TV near Jamest own. The neighbors had staying with the Government to see it fluke drive a couple of seconds after the Nov. 19th, 1920, and Mrs. How' n 4: difficulty in saving a team of horses. through the period of rec game started. who reached her reward on 'o r W July 2 .;q onstruction. 1919. MABEL Four head of cattle, fourteen hogs, a Both opponents are claiming support be Twe ty-three Years Ago n number of hens, the season's crop and cause they are farmers and although I Mr. Jas. Walker moved from Brussels farm implements were ccnsumed by the ca inot make the same appeal, yet I was to Wingbam on the 22nd. day of Novem- rA* flames. As the cause of the fire is a chosen at a convention composed of 208 her, twenty-three years ago, and has� ever mystery, an investigation will be held. delegates farmer delegates and 78 from Mr. Buike has been teaming in Wingbam towns and villages, Yet the farmers claim ing business i since conducted a furniture and undertak- n the store which be con - for the Brennan Contracting Co. and was they never had a chance, when in almost tinues to do business in. x Oh r RtAXTO not at home at the time of the fire 1 tie every rural riding they were far in the November 1898, the snow On the 23rd. of What Wonderful Values Your IN AIT_ majority. I appeal to the electorate as with vengeance and Canadian banks of ANDSTRUNGT14 IN MrZAT_ building was insured in the H'oWiCk came and came Tnr wE-u-4-E D MAN mutual. one interested in the welfare of agricul- snow were still seen late in April of the ,Avqc)ws No InFEAT I I' ture and as the son of a farmer. Dollar Can Purchase at the It Lose Fight But Win Jail If elect- next Spring. Mr. Walker says wheels [ ed I will s6pport any measure which my could not run that winter, In a last effort to keep control of six rural friends will ask me to support for couple of days. even for a Of course you've got to be of her children, who had been made wards the advancement or betterment Of Methodism in Wallaceburg ..ar %,o. ,* I of the Children's Aid Society at Listowel, - Select La'dies'_ Ready -to -We well fed it you are going to keep agricultural conditions. I am appealing going.. We believe that the aC- Mrs. Francis, assisted by two elder on a Platform that is big en We received a friendly note from Rev. tivitY of a man's mental ma- daughters, one of whom is married, puti ough and X! chinery depends upon how well up a battle on Wednesday morning I broad enough to take in every citizen of E. F. Armstrong, a former beloved pastor Experience is teaching hundreds Of women that )�Q&r for Dollar, Pen - his physical self is nourished. against three officers, in which for a 1ime of the Dominion." of Wingbarn Methodist Church, who is X fly foil Penny—our stores are giving tile greate�,,. "-11t1Cs in Ladies ) 9 now in Wallaceburg. He enclosed a clip- Ready-tO-Wear to be fOund anywhere, for instance, here are ,cille ()f kle I" the men Came off second best, Finally We are indeed sorry that time will not ping which had reference to the success. permit us to give each spfech .41 our money saving items: Watch lor Mr. Happy Party the three women were handcuffed to- as it was ful anniversary services held in the church gether and haled before Magistrate! giver), but we must cut them down to which netted $1200. Hamilton. Mrs. F rancis was sent to jail, only a few remarks of each nominee. "Rev. T. Crosby ts New shipment of all wool BENINGE for 30 days and the young women were i Mr. Xing in a brief speech urged Morris of London, had two momentus Coa NeWest 8 t y I e over messages for the People of Wallaceborg, X Blouses blouse, PetCr Pan cot - more Velour Coats, shawl cot- J C NTR L MEA7 given three months in the reformatory. I Unify between towns and country. He and being a fluent and forceful speaker, lar8 and cuffs of Beaverine fancy baclis lars, I)CH sleeves, in jergey or el, ;,o R Inspector Ferguson, of the Children's � explained that the reason why he bad not his able disc6tirses were followed with with cross -belts fancy stitching lined Aid Society, after securing the order malt- I accepted Mr. Spotton's invitation to ad- much interest ',,Contentment" being his full length. Va ties litce these cannot -.7.95 HONE IZ6 ' I dress joint meetings together, he believed morning subject and in the evening "Am I P INGHAM ing the six children wards, sought the as- be duplicated at I the exceptionally 10�v `11 Procurc in Variety of shades, Inn sistance of High Con8tab:e Kirkby and no good would come of it as the people I my Brothers' Keeper." Constable lv� ilson in carrying out the wanted to hear the topics Of the day dis- "The choir, under E, U. Dickenso price of ................................. 27.50 Advance style, SmI110- mandate of the court. cussed. He had secured Mr. H. Currie sang several anthems, and as usual, One, The reception at Mrs. F rancis, home !Middlesex, to Speak for him during the choir numbers added much t Dresses thwo vcr�V IICW in style o the success X Children's Coats, all W001 velotir and dileSs succeeding the Gimp, �Vlth half 17AW was far from being hospitable. Co,%- remainder of his time. of the day. Worthy of $p I mention X SilvertOnc' OPPOsufla Collars, fully ecia length s1QCVe,8 ar-d trillimcd fialley but - stable Wilson was greeted with a stick of � Mr. Fraser said he hoped the audience was the part the well known Salem Quart. X , lined, Special tons and contrasting braid. wood, Which struck him on the back of would sympathize with him as he was not ette took in this Yeat's - anniversary. ........................... 9.50 h1oder- the head, inflicting a wound from whi - 1) a trained speaker like either of the other After being separated for some time this atelY Priced at ................ I ....... 9.00 Mentin of Huron County Council blood streamed fre,ly. High Constable gentlemen and he had not imported a deservedly popular quartette got together The Council of tile Corporation of the Xirkby received a vicious kick in the pit speaker either. He box pleat - didn't know however again and in the present church of their Skirt Specials "y County of Hur6n will meet irf the Coun. of the stomach, and the inspector was but that he would be fit for the job at former pastor, Rev. Armstrong, again de. M., ed sldrts, reg. 8.50, SPCCial in Hcather Hose I sale price ........ 5.95 1 object of blowa which resulted in Ottawa becaq$e people now claimed there lighted an eager Hose r,g, $` I, Swale price .... 1-890 to cil Chaftiber. Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the audience with several the afternoon Of 'Wedne8day, the 7th. several bruises. It was with difficulty waa too much talking and not enough numbers, singing Witt' tile satnO Power day Of December 1021. All ac that the trio were handcuffed, work done there. 110 thought lie was too and harmony as of yore," counts A large crowd gathered to witness the agreeable to make a fighter, be could not Mr. Armstrong had just returned from ,fore the mag. back at his OPP011011ts ��or make any im. Methodist Church fit Detroit. Over 1200 a V Orthe Cle4r not later than Monday pre, eager to hear tile case be I am8t the County must be in the hands battle and trailed to the police court, get hot C-nough or bitter enough to hit attending tile National Conference of tile IMO Select Lad*es' Re dymwto-Wear Co* Ceding tile Meeting of Council, i9trate. In thig they were foiled, for the pression on them. He Said that while he delegates were pre Goderich, GIMO- W- 110,tAtAN, court was cleared and tile Goolsioll held in was, a farmer and a inember of a farme sent and speakers front Hald Office, 448 Qu'ecg) West, Toronto. NOV- 18th, 1921, i ral six continents. Ile saw Rev J. W. Hib­ V'nghanl AZd G660lich, Ont. County Clerk. I camera. club, yet lie did not believe hl them goillg bert, WhO is bald und hearty. FF* Ic