HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-24, Page 4THE WlNGHAN-1 ADVANCE Thursday, Nov. 24th 1921 GUTHRIE SPEAKS Han. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of X Militia at Wingharn ' Isard's Extraordinary Sale In a clear, clean, lucid and forceful I address in Wingham Town Hall Dn Mon- X, day night, Hon. Hugh Guthrle upheld 0 the Meighen Government in their tariff of on reasonable protec4ion of Coats 0 W He dealt with theindustries of Canada in connection with the tariff, He referred to farm implements, the canning industry, biscuits and confectionery, flour and will- For Women, Misses and Children.. ing, and pointed out what would happen 100 coats In the lot, part are to them were the Liberals to get into V power. fur trimmed. "Remove the tariff and you find ti-ese Fabrics are Velours, Silvertones, Bolivias industries gone ina night," heswd. They X and Plush. These are just the right would go to the United States, where they would have protection. coats in the right fabrics, fash- The policies of the Liberals and also the ions and shades. Farmers, Mr. Guthrie said. amounted to At a saving of from 20% to 4076. free trade In 1898 there were 25 factories in Can. ada making Binder Twine, it was put on the free list from the United States and at Fur Collared Coats Present there are only 3 factories in IN, Canada, 2 small concerns and I fair siz�d The very latest style and all wool cloths one in Brantford. Yet in 1898 binder special prices are 19.50, 22.50, 25.00 and 4% twine sold away below the present price. 29.50. Under Sir Wilfrid, whom he was a sup - .g from the porter of, many iternscomir U. S. A. were charged a higher rate -of Bargains In Women's Plain customs than they are under the present administration, Cloth Coats Mr, Guthrie hoped that Mr, King bad Made in good style and best shades, re - recovered from his "shell shock" after duced to $15.00, 17.00, 19,50, 22.50, making the wonderful discovery of a ship- ment of shells at Quebec. He termed the Liberal leader "a political coward" in that be makes no specific charges. X, Misses' Coats3 'Mr. King is not being taken seriously X in the country," said the speaker, "Mr. All wool cloth lined and half lined, sizes King is only leading a rernant of the 8 to 14 years, reduced to 6.75, 8.00, 9.50 Liberal party," X and 10.75. The Liberal followers of Mr, King and Mr-Meighenwere compared. Therewas norie of the high -standing Liberals be - bind Mr. King. The best of the Liberal Children's Coats - Party was supportirg the Premier. Made of, blanket cloth, all wool Kersey Mr. Guthrie spoke of the great Liberal convention of 1919 and of the platform and Napp cloth, prices to clear 4.75, 5.00, adopted at that 'time, He said that they 5.75 and 6,50. had left that Platform now and were preaching a variety of policies. He was surprised that Hon. G. P. Graham had to Sale of Women's Top Skirts get so far away from home t6'find a seat. Big savings on new style skirts, navy and black, Ists to clear, reduced to "Mr� Graham's platform is not Liberal, and at ........................................................................... $5.90 and 7.95 the Liberal platform is not Mr. Graham's" he said, Major Pettigrew spoke briefly touching chiefly on the good work done by the X Meighen Government in the reconstruc- X tion iork for the soldiers who returned Ho E. ISARD & COo disabled from the war. Dr. R, L. St6wprt the chairman in call- ingon the candidate, Mr. Spotton, said that if he we— — + A + � I -- -------- I Calie-Mola, a pureSugar Cane Molasses, low prices for 40 gallou barr,-N orsmall quantities. WFI.VZLL- I REDUCED Corn, have a car of g,,od feed corn on the way, expect it this week. I Let us have your orders early. t $L00-10 in. double sided JOHN E. HOMUILPH Records ............... ..... 85C SUCCESSOR To TIOWSON & HOWI;ON $1.65-12 in. double sided Records ..................... 1.50 Vlour, Feed, Secds, Potatoes, etc, Phones: Residence 175, Store 40 Flanigan's M - usle Store MRS. T. FELLS PatrickSt., Phone231. ualific to give Chiropractic and n massage, ajustments. Spinal examination free. JAMES TAYLOR AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders lj�,!d OrA suaratict(I The Advance, Wingbam, � will J. A. Millso WInghami, Ont, Prompt attention, L­­­�_ !nj I Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brussels 15-1 n a rue can t go. a a� aga nst... by preventing . . c en gentleman bad expired instantan- Inte tin I infection. The intestinal anti- eously. Major Stewart stayed with his septic. Adler-l-ka, acts on BOTH upper friend and despatched the guide to a farm Saturday night dearly loves to take a and lower bowel, removing all foul, 4E- house four miles away in search of help. caying MAtter which might cause infect - 'whack" at temperance People and the iom It brings out matter you never Nightfall was coming on and it wa% great question they advocate, If this! thought wag in your sYst�rn and which snowing as Major Stewart waited by the constant maligning continues a Very may have been Poisoning you for months, practical plan for Prohibitionists would be B. J. Mitchell, Druggist. body of his friend until help arrived from to express disapproval of this constant the farm, As quickly as possible the body was brought home and arrived in, tirade and if not "Cut-out" give notice to Idealize Your Insurance Sarnia on the afternoon train Monday. "cut-off," A man is 'not supposed to More than eigbty-five thousand persons Major Stewart was almost exhausted hand over his good dollar to a journal are menibem of the when lie arrived as he had eaten almost who prides itself on doing its best to Life of Canada nothing and was Prostrated by the sudden black -eye the cause he intelligently ping Mutual and tragic ending to CA huntinfr vacation. his faith to. A small portion of their ea coutributed each year in rnlugs are Thefuneral took place on Wednesday I tli e form of I premiums. I with servic,�a at the residence, 128 North BORN �6 ows and orphans are provid- Christina street, at two o'clock, under edrv�le,lilrylywtibdrough the payment of death the auspices of the Knight Templar& fit-,VIN—In E ast Wawanogh on Thursday, the company, besides the November 17th. to Mr, and Mrs. =byt cll� The late Dr. Kinsman was 54 years Her- Poligies that contribute to the son Irwin, a son. comfort of the aged, of age and had Practiced dentistry in All carningabove the actual cost of op. Sarnia for 29 years, He was a native of Tnami,soN—Alt Donnybrook on Monday, eration,belong to file Policy holders, there I Exeter, whore his father carried on a Novemper 21st. to Mr. And Mrs. jog, being, 1 0 rtOckh0ldera to share the profits. dental practice. His wife survives, also Thompz!on, a daughter, Life Insurance utAder the Uutual sys one daughter, Dr. Margaret Kinsman and MCINTYRL—At the Patients Private tein is 1l)E'AI,IZ1�1,D. One son, Edward, who is studying dentistry General Hospital Toronto. Monday, The Mutual Life Assurance Co. in Toronto. Dr. Margaret Kifism'An November 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. of Canada graduated in defitistry from Toronto McIntyre, nee Reta Walker, a daugh- A. Cosens, W. T. 1100th, Repre,,eutativc Dental College and assisted her fattier in ter hii practice until immosoliatelty T%nf^#,A hia P Wif)ghani, Ont. death, I I v he House ox Commons, "the Dominion would know that North Huron was on the map for he (Does Farrining Pay? would be as clever a debater as any ofthe Bluevztle Slipped Off Roof Mr. Gen. Churchill shipped a carl Oad Of i While engaged in cleaning off the chaff wood to Guelph this week and Mr A,' frorn WINUAM MARKETS (Correct up till Wednesday noon) Belgrave Wroxeter I Rev. and Mrs. Jones spent last week A few from AVroxeter attended the con- While the editor was out speeding with members on the floor'of the house, Baeker two cars of bay to Toronto. his father's bam roof, which had ac - Butter with friends in Toronto. cert in Belmore on Friday evening last. Mr. F. E. Butcher in his car the other Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Matbers spent a . cumulated during threshing operations; few I .................. So to 35 Eggs Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston returned Mr- Jini Fax was the ?!ktertAir1Cr and day, they came across this notice on a days this week with their sonat St. Marys, I Arthur Peltsch, a Young Carrick farmer I ................... 55 to 60 Hogs, liveweight 8 50 to 1 hon,e Saturday, after spending the past everyone prest,.nt reported a very pleasant Downie farmer's tumbled An Elusive Cat -down gatewa Y* A large Miss Mary Stewart visited friends at'iipped on the wet shingles and fell to the Toronto on Saturday. ground a distance 30 feet. 8 7 5 Cream ............. to 38 three months in the West. evening, Mr. R. Munroe is home again after Mr. Thos. Henderson has purchased wildcat has been seen in Sieg- "Notis—Trespasers will B persecuted to ner's swamp, south of Mildmay. of Although Both Sunday Schools are busy ;practis- sustaining a broken shoulder bone, a frac- A 'Xmas the Misses Howe's residence on Mill spending a couple of weeks at his old Street and will move there The the full extent of 2 mungrel dogs, which number of hunters from Listowel, assisted ing for their tree entertainment, tured rib, lung pierced and spine almost Mr. H. A. McCall is erecting fine broken besides internal Dropped Dead'While Hunting From the Sarnia sbortiv. home near Kingston and �rought a fine I mlsses Howe will occupy the residence never wes over sochibel to strangers and I the local hunters in the chase, but they a ver other injuries, he aridah in front of his store, succeeded in walking to the house. Canadian Echo we clip the following account of the sudden deer with him, across the street lately vacated by their dbrotber, Mr. At. Howe, one double-barrel shotgun which aint load- were not suecessful in bagging the cat. Mr. John Spence has purchased the Mrs. Williarn Wightrn Dead death of Dr, Kinsman' Deceased is well Messrs. Garner Nicholson. Robert a= Maitland Henry arrived home on Satur-' Mr. Cliff. White, who has been enjoy ed with soft pillars—damned if I aint get- I The farmers in that vicinity are complain ting tired of this bell raisin on my farm," house and lot from Mrs. Win. Elston and n -expects to move in at once. i A highly esteemed resident of the 10th 'known to manyreaders of MaEADVANCH, Mrs. day from their hunting trip in Northern. ing a couple of weeks in the wood$ �1 in ing that their fowl are disappearing and con. of'East Mr. Howard Stewart returned home Wawanosh passed away F. H. Roderus of town is an aunt of' Ontario. each bringing a deer with them. Sudbury District, returned home on Tburs- Miss ' day last —St. Marys Journal. it is thought that the wildcat, or bush cat, A on from the West this week, Saturday. November 19th, in the the deceased, and his wife was formerly McCrea spent Sunday with of week, bringing a flue deer with friends i n Ripley. him. He went with a party of Guelph Diiarnond W is responsible for the depradations. edding - person ex - Last Sunday ReY. Wilson and Taite of Minnie L, Rome, beloved wife of Mr. changed Miss Mina Holmes, a da ghter of the late Thomas Holmes Mr. and Mrs, Murry hunters and thoroughly enjoyed tne Out. Johnson have mg, A most interesting gathering took place pulpits and spoke in the interests of the British and Foreign Bible Society William Wightman, Deceased was in her of Wingham. Homer F. Kinsman, prominent dentist gone to London and taking up housekeep Thesleeping on Nov. 12th. at* Cloverdale," the home If any people in the world have reason Wm. The collectors will be on their annuai '69th year and was in poor health for sev-. routes shortly. of Sarnia for many years, collapsed. fol-, ing. car oi a G. P. R. fence gang, working on this section, was burn- We of and Mrs. McGavin, ar. at Walton, for giving thanks it is the people of when their four sons, Win. H,, John J.. Canada. Our land has been free from I : eral months, and last week suffered a ' Mr. C. H. Garniss received and deliver. Paralytic stroke from which she ' never re- lowing a heart attack and died almost immediately were glad to see the base ball ed on the sidinz here on Saturday morn' honors come to our scbool teacher, Nor-'ing last. The fire was discovered about the I 1A beft and Issac, with their wives, and attacks fr om the foreign invader and no ed a carload of corn this week. covered The deceased was a member Of A large number from here attended in the woods in the neighbor - hood of Bruce Mines, east of the Soo, man Geddes. He is riot only well up on 9 o'clock when the men we�re away ai the game but plays consistently rarely I �rk and is supposed to have caught bavin wo "off day.' At Wingbam two daughters, (Mrs. Annie Morrison and portion of it has suffered violence. Our Mrs. John L. Kerr) and Mr. Kerr and 9 neighbours to the South with whom we the Calvin Presbyterian Church. Besides her Nomination at Wingham on Tuesday husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, six ' Iternoon. between the Soo and Sudbury on the - Canadian side, Saturday g an Ban- frnm the stove. Four of the gang lost all quet be %va,,, presented with a. fine club the clothing they had with them except bag, grand -children, (Alden and Charles Me- sometimes have slight differences, are such Gavin, Mrs. T. Leeming, Mrs. Wilbur Mrs. John Simp4ou from the West is children, viz., J. R., who resides near tA' ith her Toeswater, Norman, on afternoon, while he was on � a deer hunting trip in by vote of the guests, as the best all their working outfit and one lost , on round player on the team. siderable sum of that if we had it in our power, we would Turnbull, Gordon McGavin, Della Mc- not exchange for any other. Crops r sister, s. Robt. McLennan, who is attending who is seriously ill. Stratford Normal, and Misses Belle, Bessie company with a friend, Major Stewart of - money, have Gavin, William, James and Graham Kerr,) been abundant forall our needg' and the and 6 great grand -children with other lands has been free fcom the horrors of Miss \7e' ra Sellers underwent an opera- �'Grace and Leslie at home. The funeral tion for appendicitis one day last week was held on Tuesday afternoon to Wil1g. and is getting along nicely we are pleased Courtright. The party had left Sarnia on Thursday afternoon on a hunting expedi- tion. The body of the deceased gentle - friends gathered to celebrate their Dia. Pestilence and famine. No strikes or ham cemetery and was largely attended, tostate. Hermotberissickin bed with man was brought to Sarnia on Monday. mond Wedding. They are almost an un- lockouts have disturbed economics or laws lnfiammatory rheumatism, seems trouble.,; Rev. Mr. Jones conducting the services. With Major Stewart and a Your Attention for Just FARMERSa broken family of children, grand -children affecting production. We are, though One never come si gle handed. We hope, Much sympathy is extended to the they will soon be Nvell again. bereaved family, . guide, also named Stewart, Dr. Kinsman was making Minute Please. and great grand -children. little we possibly do not realize it, living in a grand-daugbter, (Helen Kerr,) died eleven veritable paradise and with the Among those who returned home with' a deer his way through the woods in hunt of deer 'Wheat, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat and Potatoes. sweet sing. years ago and all are living with less than erof1greal can shout, "Thou crownest each were� Alex, MacEwen; H. A - McCall; Ruoben Garni ; J J. Selle '' 6s rs;: MORE MEN THAN WOMEN HAVE during the Saturday afternoon, when fie dropped his gun and collapsed WE IVFEILZ� a half hour's drive to the old folks. the ye& with Thy goodness; and Th y F. Embury; John Thynne and Wm. 'Gar. � - APPENr ICITIS without warning, His friend was beside The best Oil Cake Meal on the market. Get our prices for small or large quatititics. patf.8 drop fatness." I niss. Medical reports shown menare more subject to Mr. H. Hammond haq completed 'his appendicitis although many I him at once and tried means of resuscita- SE L_ - now stables and has them all ready for sudden cases occur among womer. It the horses —h 4 U 1 1, 1 can be uarA-,4 tion without effect as apparently the I Calie-Mola, a pureSugar Cane Molasses, low prices for 40 gallou barr,-N orsmall quantities. WFI.VZLL- I REDUCED Corn, have a car of g,,od feed corn on the way, expect it this week. I Let us have your orders early. t $L00-10 in. double sided JOHN E. HOMUILPH Records ............... ..... 85C SUCCESSOR To TIOWSON & HOWI;ON $1.65-12 in. double sided Records ..................... 1.50 Vlour, Feed, Secds, Potatoes, etc, Phones: Residence 175, Store 40 Flanigan's M - usle Store MRS. T. FELLS PatrickSt., Phone231. ualific to give Chiropractic and n massage, ajustments. Spinal examination free. JAMES TAYLOR AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders lj�,!d OrA suaratict(I The Advance, Wingbam, � will J. A. Millso WInghami, Ont, Prompt attention, L­­­�_ !nj I Phone NorthHuron 15-623, Brussels 15-1 n a rue can t go. a a� aga nst... by preventing . . c en gentleman bad expired instantan- Inte tin I infection. The intestinal anti- eously. Major Stewart stayed with his septic. Adler-l-ka, acts on BOTH upper friend and despatched the guide to a farm Saturday night dearly loves to take a and lower bowel, removing all foul, 4E- house four miles away in search of help. caying MAtter which might cause infect - 'whack" at temperance People and the iom It brings out matter you never Nightfall was coming on and it wa% great question they advocate, If this! thought wag in your sYst�rn and which snowing as Major Stewart waited by the constant maligning continues a Very may have been Poisoning you for months, practical plan for Prohibitionists would be B. J. Mitchell, Druggist. body of his friend until help arrived from to express disapproval of this constant the farm, As quickly as possible the body was brought home and arrived in, tirade and if not "Cut-out" give notice to Idealize Your Insurance Sarnia on the afternoon train Monday. "cut-off," A man is 'not supposed to More than eigbty-five thousand persons Major Stewart was almost exhausted hand over his good dollar to a journal are menibem of the when lie arrived as he had eaten almost who prides itself on doing its best to Life of Canada nothing and was Prostrated by the sudden black -eye the cause he intelligently ping Mutual and tragic ending to CA huntinfr vacation. his faith to. A small portion of their ea coutributed each year in rnlugs are Thefuneral took place on Wednesday I tli e form of I premiums. I with servic,�a at the residence, 128 North BORN �6 ows and orphans are provid- Christina street, at two o'clock, under edrv�le,lilrylywtibdrough the payment of death the auspices of the Knight Templar& fit-,VIN—In E ast Wawanogh on Thursday, the company, besides the November 17th. to Mr, and Mrs. =byt cll� The late Dr. Kinsman was 54 years Her- Poligies that contribute to the son Irwin, a son. comfort of the aged, of age and had Practiced dentistry in All carningabove the actual cost of op. Sarnia for 29 years, He was a native of Tnami,soN—Alt Donnybrook on Monday, eration,belong to file Policy holders, there I Exeter, whore his father carried on a Novemper 21st. to Mr. And Mrs. jog, being, 1 0 rtOckh0ldera to share the profits. dental practice. His wife survives, also Thompz!on, a daughter, Life Insurance utAder the Uutual sys one daughter, Dr. Margaret Kinsman and MCINTYRL—At the Patients Private tein is 1l)E'AI,IZ1�1,D. One son, Edward, who is studying dentistry General Hospital Toronto. Monday, The Mutual Life Assurance Co. in Toronto. Dr. Margaret Kifism'An November 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. of Canada graduated in defitistry from Toronto McIntyre, nee Reta Walker, a daugh- A. Cosens, W. T. 1100th, Repre,,eutativc Dental College and assisted her fattier in ter hii practice until immosoliatelty T%nf^#,A hia P Wif)ghani, Ont. death,