HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-24, Page 14
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WINGHAM2 ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1921 Subscriptions: $2.01, per yea r
Single Copies - Four Cents
There passed away in Prince Albert,
Sask,, on Oatober-28th, Mrs. Elizabeth Thr ADvANcn asks Its roadors to Iniake Hospital 13oard Present Financial Get your Tanlac where they've got it.
ego oolumnm their to the extent. (:on.
Eastwood Jackson at the advanced age of ttIrlibuting "octal and p2wr1rial item- which are Statement', Sold at J, W. iMcKibbon's,
ased her Of Interest. It �ou have friends visiting YOU,
93 years. Her husband predece there Is no nicer compliment Yo -i can pay your Rev. Mr, Sinclair of Belmore, preached
in 1899 when the family resided in Wing- guesli than to take the trouble to see that The annual meeting of the directors ofl PEP"'ONA o
mention in Knox Church, Tiverton, on Sunday.
ed in your local news- the Wingham General Hospital
names are was held
ham. Tne late T. G. Jackion was a mar paper. Call at oe ohono Trim ADVANCL, Our
number Is 31, or send by mail. in the council chamber and the following
Miss Una G. Martin has been re-enga
chant in Lower Wingbam some years ago, 9- PREVENTS SICKNESS
Mr. Mel. VanWyck of St. Thomas, is officers were elected for the ensuring year.
ed as teacher in the Lower Wingham
Ralph Connor at Wingharn visiting in town. I -Ion. Pres -A. 11, Musgrove. School for 1022.
Rev. C. W. Gordon, Moderator of the Miss Mentie Reid 'of Toronto, is visiting Presiderit-J. A. MbcLean.
By Building Up the System
Liberal Committee Rooms are opened
,General Assembly of the Presbyterian at her home here. Vice President -T. C. King. in 1. J. Pattison's vacant store next to
Church in Canada, will speak in the Mr. Thomas Musgrove called on friends Secretary -R. Vanstone. Carter's bake shop.
Wingham Presbyterian Church an Wed- Treasurer -Dr. A. J. Irwin. is, . , , 1�4
in Gorrie last week. Price Reductions -$1.00
nesday evening, Noveml)er 23rd. at 8 1.Directors-The officers and Dr. Irlma PEPTONA--
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Gordon was one of Mrs. James Netterfield is visiting Records" now 85c. at McKibbon% Drug
Kennedy, Dr. R. C. Redmond Mayor'
ho went friknds in Teeswater. Store. See the new hits, Is pleasant to take.
the most popular chaplains w Elliott, J. A. Mills and C. P. Smith. Is readily assimilated by weak stomachs.
Mr. David Boyd is spending a few TheFarmersClubs inloaded a car
overseas with the Cana I than boys. Many Auditors -A. H. Musgrove and J. W. Is a wonderful tonic, full of "Pep".
corn on Saturday which they sold to the
who have read his books will be interest" weeks with friends in Londor.
McKibborl. club members at 60 cents per bushel
or, Ralph 'Nurse Annie Elliott is visiting with her I I
ed in hearing their popular auth I PEPTONA--
The treasurer's report shows the hospital Mr. Alf. Price who rec
Connor, in person. mother, Mrs, J. J. Elliott, Victoria St. ently returned A combination of Peptonized Iron, Malt, Maugauese,and Cod Liver
is to be in a good condition financially, and from the West has accepted a position INtract.
Mrs. Anthony Nichol of London, we are pleased to learn that the year with Mr. Win. Armstrong, blacksmith.
.visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dinsley.
/ ended has been the most successful in its
Mr, Ed, Hawkins left this week fof history. The staff of nurses, and the Dan McKenzie, son of Angus McKenzie PEPTONA--
Lyceum Theatre of Culross, fractured one of his arms It
Carleton Place, where he has secured capable matron, Miss M. E. Adams, are while employed at his work on the farm. Is sold at $r.25 for a large bottle and every bottle is guaranteed to
Wednesday and Thursday (only) a good position. very efficient in the work of the hospital Mr, J. A. MacIntyre has rented the give satisfaction or moaey refunded,
Mr. and Mr�. Bert Cooper of Fordwich, and the care of patients,
Seethe alley cat take the "pet brick stable opposite Mr. R. L. Lotts and
angora's" bath in spent a day vAth Mr. arul Mrs. W. J. RECEIPTS
Gallaher, Diagonal Road. Balance on hand, Ist Oct., 1920 will keep his bus and dray outfits there. b on
IR c Poor Girl' �Ars. Green' returned to he . r home ............................ 6 14 64 Dr. R. L. Stewart has purchased a Ford J. Walton Mcfsab
Mr, George Spotton coupe from Mr. T. R. Bennett. He has
Ajoyous hit, btarring that de- Marquette Mich., after a pleasant visit Received from Gover'nment of Drugs and Stationery
ightful young star who leaped into with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Groves. Ontario .................... 90 27 also sold a Ford touring car to Harry
me in her very first picture. I Miss.C. Campbell, graduate of Palmers Received from the town of Wing- Closing Notice Wardsman, Edison Phonographs Phone 53
GLADYS WALTON College, has been visiting for a few days ham ........................ 30000 Owing to the high rate of the Hydro Tanlac will overcome that run down p11riZgr.1n1-1111 iii, 11�4
10c and 20c with Mrs. Tbos. Fell% Patrick St. Received from the county of Electric Power, Lepard's Chopping Mill debilitated condition and make you feel
Huron .................... 100000 will close down at the end of this month, just like your old self again and is sold at
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tindall have re- Mr. J. G. Fyfe is moving his, house- of samples of printing turned out in Tue
Received from inmates them Nov. 30th, 1921,611 further arrangements J. W. McKibbon's. e hold effects to Shelbourue this week. ADVANCE print shop and remarked to the
Friday and Saturday turned home after spmding the past few 'selves .......... ........... 8163 IS ean be made. Mr'John Robinson of Wingham, who editor, "The class of work you do in this
HAROLD LLOYD months with relatives in Manitoba 0 Subscriptions, donations, and be- C. E. LEPARD has been on a business and pleasure trip to We are sorry to report that Mrs.
in Mr. Harry Stewart returns this week to quests, of private individuals. 202 51 Entertainment at the Baptist Church many points in the Northwest, arrived Posliff, Sr. is at present under the doctor's shop is not only a credit to yourself, but
Ite I his,home in Slieffield, England, after visit- Received from all other sources home on Thursday last. care. to the town in general ." On request we
Get.Out and Get ing with Councillor and Mrs. Fells, Pat- not above enumerated ...... 42 on Monday evening the anniversary will supply his name and address.
Under"' rick St. - services will be continued by a grand A committee of the Presbytery met at The Misses Elston have moved to town Do you feel there are some friends whom
and Dr. Fox will spend the week -end in $97,7097 entertainment at the Baptist Church. Ripley on Monday with a view of trying and are nowcomf,)rtably settled in their you cannot remember this Christmas
EXPENDITURES Mrs. Williams and Cove, Misses Mitchell to bring about a union. of the t�i o Pres- new home on Minnie street. with a gift? If so, do not forget they
NORMA TALMADGE Hamiltoni, where he will attend a conven- Butchers' meat ............... $ 336 8d and Walker and Mr. Hanmore will sing. byterian churches in that village. The Lucknow Pipe Band are putting on will greatly appreciate an attractive in -
in tion of Drugless Physicians on Friday and Butter and eggs ................ 424 16 The Baptist choir will also render selec- A number of the men who went to a St . Andrews Dance on the evening Of dividual Greeting Card. At Tiip AD -
"Isle ot Conquest" Saturday. ' Beer, wine and spirits .......... 38 70 tions. Revs. Perrie, Cragg, Snell and North Ontario, on their annual deer hunt Nov. 28th in the Town Hall, Lucknow. VANcH Office you will find a large variety'
Messrs. Murray and George Ross, Mrs. ry
Matinee Saturday at 3,30, 6c and Ross and daughter, Jean, and Miss NAllie Flour, bread and meal .......... 23486 Burns will speak briefly. Mrs-VanWyck, returned home on Saturday with their Lunch se ed. of designs from which to make your selec-
11c, Two shows Saturday night Milk .......................... 198 32 Mrs. Hunter, Misses Wilson, Blackhall game. Mr. Alex Crawford and Mr. Thos
at 7.30 and 9.00. loc and 20c. Nicholls motored to Galt and Hamilton Tea and coffee .................. 134 94 and Cosens will recite, At both the Sun- Harding each bagged nice animals, A commercial traveller, who by th wa tion Order early while the "picking"
last week. is a practical printer, spent a few mi�rrut(Z is a� its best. Your name and address
Water supply .................. 23 15 day services and on Monday evening a Mr. Isaac Walker electrical engineer one day last week in looking through a lot, neatly printed on all cards inlots oftwelve
Coming -Monday. Tuesday and Mrs. Abe C. Brandmand baby, Charles, Potatoes and other vegetables ... 136 55 generous free will offering is asked for the has been under the weather with an or more at prices lower than you will ex-
. Wednesday. returned hometo Bayfield after spending Groceries and provisions not parsonage fund. attack. of la grippe. His son, Russell, has pect
MARY PICKFORD a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. above enumerated .......... 447 79 Died Following Accident attended to his duties at the plant. THE LIBERAL CANDIDATE
in her supreme trium ph Emma Bloomfield Advertising, printing, stationery, Miss Della Weber, eldest daughter of We are please�lto welcome Mr. an LOST -A black Gauntlet Glove hot eexL
Mies Coventry and Mrs. Paddock re. postage, etc ................ 104 14 Currie's School Houie and' t,,w,,,I,
"The, Lovelight Mr.andMrs. George Weber, who was Mrs. J. T. Lennox and little Miss Velma, worltd.-Finder please leuve same at
turned home on Saturday evening after Soap. brushes, mops and cleaning
struck by an automobile at Guelph three as residents of Wingham. They are now
atregulat prices. several weeks visit with their sisters, Mrs. appliances ................. 109 65 eeks ago, died at Harriston on Monday comfortably settled in their new home on
Griffin and Mrs. Malcolm of New York Fuel ....... .................. 1344 91 w -Catherine street.
last. hurcli
Methodist C
NOTE -This theatre may be City. Furniture, furnishings, bedding,
A --tin s . - 't- f, AQ9 Al Miss Weber was employed at the 0. A. THE ADvANcn does not make a person- i
secured for use a, ay in Mrs. T. E. Manning and daughter, Gas r., .............. C., Guelph, and while running to catch a al visit to you and ask you for your job Rev. Chas. 14e. Cragg, B. D., Pastor
well lighted and heated and with
Lois, of London, spent a couple of days oil. candles and light 198 41 printing. Our work merits a return order.
...... : " _�A -VUN., JV0VFM23F,R 27
piano. ApplytoR. S.Maxwellor street car, she was knocked down by the X
last week with her mother", Mrs D. J. Medicine and medical comforts.. 699 43 She was not thought to have Is it reasonable of us to ask you not to be
L. Kennedy.
Repairs, ordinary .............. 198 85 motor car. T
been seriously hurt at the time and was influenced by peddlars?
11 a. m. -Morning Worship,
Boyd, who accompanied her home on "The Mind of Christ;
Repairs, extraordinary, additions 484 34
day. able to come home to Harriston a few days subject
C. -
'Ladies' Aid of
'The Methodist Church
will. hold a
Sat., Dec. 10
Fur,ther particulars next week.
kUCTION S&L.9-Of 65 head of choice
cattle In'the Township of Howick. Taos
BRowN, Auctioneer, has received instructions
from the undersigned Proprietors to sell by
public Auction at Lot 1. Con. 7, Ilowick at
Farm of ThO8. Bradnock on Tuesday, Nov.
29th., at I o'clock, sharp, the following valu-
able stock: 5 Cows, due to calve in Deoemb&r;
4 Cows, due to calve in February; 3 Cows, due
to calve id March; 3 Cows, dye to onive in
April; 30 Steers and HotfOrs ri�ing 3 years; 20
Steere and Heifers rising 2
All will 0
sold without reserve. erms, 10 months'
oreditwill be =n furnishing 06P roved
joint notes, A t of 5 per cent avlowod
off for cash. Tuns. BROWN, Auctioneer,
Dou(;Ilr,RTY & PULTON- Props.
B &UGAIN-1-InusbdOars- Ford 1918 with
abockabsorbers in good shape $300.00.
Ford 1920 with starter in A I bhape runs
like now $16000. MoUmeblin Big 6 060000.
2 good building lots for sale at a sacrilloe Price.
Ask T. R. bENNUTT. at lCrawford a.
FORSALVD-Vord Car, as good as now, very
little used. Has only' ran from 1000 to
12DO miles. Reasonable Price. APP4 at
FOPSALU-13 Rhode Island Rod lions and a
ROOster. Apply to H. WALrox.
Salaries and wages ............. 3077 84 e en er a nmen pu on y ss
came T -Christ in the Home
more o axr PearlNlewton and Miss Ethel Grainger
Mr. and Mrs. Win. W. Case o, The young lady suddenly be A.
Taxes and insurance ........... 69 77 t
J' 2.30 P. m. - Sunday School a n d
Regina, Sask., are visiting in town thi seriously ill and following an operation did in the Wingham Methodist Church was
$ Bible Classes. X
is Other expenditures, not above
month. They came to see Mr. J. J. not rally.
detailed ................... 478 68 well patrcnized. These two young ladies
Mrs. Daniel Fry fogle of Wingham, is an 1 7 p m. -Evening Service, f
Casemore, who is sick i� the Wingham are second to none in their calling. : n I
Cash balance on hand .......... * 603 63 1.. 0 Sunday evening the pastor I
Hospital. nt of the deceased and she and her son, Re will commence a series of Sermons
au The town councif has appointed v.
The many friends of Miss F. E. Reid- $9770 97 J. J. Fryfogle attended the funeral.
T' to Young Men. "WhyaYoung
C.E.CraggandRev. H.W.Snellto the I..
1 1 man was Chosen."
Allen congratulate her cn her success, public library board to take the places Is
having graduated with honors, also tak-
i ing
a specialist degree, at the Chiroprac-
tic College Toronto. She being the
youngest graduate in the history of the
Mr. and Mrb. W. J. Fleuty are spend-
ing a couple of weeks at the old home in
Wingham. Mr. Fleuty having sold his
newspaper is taking a rest, but naturally
he cannot keep away from the smell of
printer's ink and is a dailylvisitor in the
printing offices of town. Speaking for
ourselves he is as welcome as the flowers
in May at our sanctum.
Mr. Harrry Walton left on Friday
morning for Sarnia, where he has secured
a position With the Doherty Stove.
Foundry Co. Mrs. Walton and little son
leave next week for their new home. We
ate sorry to loose this estimable couple
from town. We understand that Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Walton, who have
spent the past few months in England
are returning and will res de in Wingham.
FORSALB-Forty pure bral Mammoth I
Bronr6 Turkeya. bred from American
prize wining stook, Tomq twenty pounds and
over $8.00; undortwenty,$7,00; heril over twelve
pounds $6. 1 under tu alve $5.00. Apply to
,�.R.FARR%En, Lucknow,
Plionb3aon(315. -
R s&L�,1-101aorcsof choice land
F&Tw2t'1hVfi0rst 010698 bull�jlug4j SitUatOd on the
boundary, line, to;�nshlp Of N orfig. ThlAfarrn
will bo gold ab a bargain, For further Partin"
nlars apply to ARTAUR WHIMLER
A Bluoyale.
Fort 8A.LEG OR RENT-PaXaMIA90 Pro Ort
atwhitehurch. Three acres of land, trio
house, cement szablo. A!plY tt').
Route 5, LuoknoW.
KNITTING. -prom Lly and neatly done.
Leave your Orders at APS' 011"ba-'s
pUlYATE sALE-KitOhO11 Ran 5 0 almol
now, Linoleum, TAMPA Extons on Table.
and GD116r, artiOlos. Sale 23ra. i; 2Gth.
�VjFjs TAYLOR, Patrick St.
Mr. 3. W. King
I ............ I .......... 1921
My subscription to The AJvanae is paid ior in advance and my
guess in this Election Contest is;
Candidate ....................................... ...............
No. of Votes polled for him .......................................
Myname is ............................................. *
Address ............. .....................................
To every subscriber whose paper is paid for in advance for a period of
six months we will give two coupons if he will call at our office for them.
To every subscriber whose paper is paid for in advance twelve months we
will give four coupons if he will call at our office for them. No coupon
can be used other than the one cut out of this paper and the paid -in -ad.
vance coupons handed over our counter.
This contest closes at 10 o'clock on Saturday night, Dec. 3rd. and
the result will not be announced until we have the Returning Officer's
Stlktement in our issue of Deeember 15th.
If your subscription is not paid for in advance send us in your re.
inittance at once.
left vacant by the removal from town of
Monday, Nov. 26th-ine Aev.
Mr. McClaren of Toronto, a Spec -
Rev. Mr. Armstrong and Mr. W. J.
N ialist in Community Service work,
will deliver an address to our
Next Sunday anniversary services will
Baptist Church both
Y( )ung people. The young people
of St. Paul's are to join with up.
be held at the morn-
The meeting open for all, and all
ing and evening. Rev.Geo T Burnsof
cordially invited.
Clinton, a man of marked ability as a
preacher, will preach. Special music will
Mr. W. H. Fraser
be rendered.
The Epworth League of the Methodist
Church were entertained by the A. Y. P.
A. of St. Pauls Church on Monday even-
ing. A splendid time was spent and a
Light refresh-
good programme given.
ments were served.
"I have taken bottles of Tanlac
have 40 in
and actually gained pounds
weight and feel better and stronger than I
have -felt before in twenty-five
says 0. H, Mahaffy, of Nashville,
Sold by J. W. McKibbon.
�6, VE
Mr. J. 0. Habkirk has added to his at-
ready well equipped barber shop by the
_1 IFO
t%n 1;�!,
installation or a Violet Nay achine.
This equips his tonsorial parlor with the
Moore Electric Hair Clipper, the Vibrat.
ing Massage Machine, Electric Hair Dry-
er and the Violet Ray,
A progressive euchre and dance under
the auspices of the Wingham Sub -division
of the Catholic Women's League of Cana-
da will be held in the Mills' Memorial Hall
November 24th., 1021. Fryfogle or-
chestra will supply music. Tickets
50c. Cards from 8.30 to 10-30.
The Loyal True Blue Association are
giving a social in the Orange Hall on Fri-
day evening, Nov. 25th. A splendid
program is being prepared and light re-
freshments will be served. Everybody
welcome. A Lilver colloction will betaken
for the building fund of the Orange
Although to a visitor it looked as
though the Listowel Re -Union, held last
Surnmer, would be, in every way a suc-
cess, it turns out that in a financial way
it fell a little short of breaking even, the
expenditure being $125 ahead of the re-
ctipts, There is, however, some property
in tile way ot 8treet decorations on hand�
WINTE-R lias a inessige for ever\ niember of
your family. It wbispers to you "Rubbers
and Overshoes". 'We have a big stock froin which
to make t selection. It says "Sturdy, stylish
Sims." We tiave quite a collection from whiell,
your feet can be fitted.
Z3e114ZXZXXX_ 6VhXZX674JV1