HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-10, Page 8r THE, WINGRAM, ADVANa- DON'T DELAY Take Advantage of these� Opportunities It will pay you to come miles to this sale. Suits $19.75 Fine tweed and worsted suits for nien and young nien, Z� suits in the lot up to ._37.50 Heavy u1sters and young men's stylish coats. Hand tailored Overcoats for men and voting men .... 24.75 Special — Warranted n a v y botany serge suits,, reg. up $407 sale ............... .. 24.75 Boys' heavy brown striped worsted sale........................... 6.95 Boys'Vneck Sweaters, reg, $2, sale ........................ 75c Men's Felt Hats, reg. $5 .... 2.50 1.25 Penman's fleece lined underwear 75c Ribbed wool Underwea ............... 98c Stanfield's nderwear 1 CZA 190titly _franO GROCERIES Ready-to.-WLiar Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses, for women, rnisses and children all new stock] at exceptionally low prices. Fur collar -ed Coats ............ 22.75 Taffeta Silk Dresses 16.75,21.75 Remnants Hundreds of remnants price. Dress ' Goods, special ............ 99c Serges, per yard ................... 59c Table Linen, per yard ........ 30c Brassieres, each ..... .............. 49c, 200 yards of plain and fancy silks, up to 3.60, sale .... 1.59 Listowel Yarn, J lb for ........ 49c * . Monarch Yarns, all shades2 10c Corsets 69c See our windows values up to $3.00. .. I ......... I ..... I . Raisins, per lb .......... ..... 34c Dress Goods 99c Men's Dres�,s Shirts, reg. $2, sale .... 9,9c Gold Soap, per cake ........ 7c. Tea, per lb .................... 35c All colors, in window, reg. up to $3.00. Mcn's all wool Sweaters, reg. $10 .... 5.00 Brooms ..................... 50c; Regular $5, sale ......................... 3.60 Oatmeal, 10 lbs ............ 43c Rugs and Linoleum's Sugar, Redpath, per lb. 9c Corn Flakes ............... 912-c Tapestry, Wilton, Brussels,' Squares, Everything in Our 2 Vanilla ............. I ....... 10c 'new designs 20% off. Corn Starch ............... loc Stores Reduced Corn, per can ............. ' , ' 15c Oilcloth sq yd ................. j ............ 59C Cheese, per lb .............. " 24c, Heavy 4 yard wide Linoleum ............. 4.25 Ready - to -Wear, Dry Goods, Silks, � lb. tin Salmon ............ 19C Staples, Cottons, Flannelettes, Coatings, 3 lbs Lard .................. 59c Pork and Beans ............ 19c House Furnishings, Groceries, Towel- 2 in I ',;'hoe Polish 2 for 25c YARN--Bl-ick,, Grey . . . . 19c: ings, Shirtilig. Peels, Lemon, Or�inge 43c per I- lb. skein. H an., 10, ftl a co Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded I ast Wed nesday from the West, were' he I y!siting his cousin, Master 3�rnest Spar - To LK90NZ 1=14= h -s spent a couple of months. . 1mg. At a meeting of the members of Radi�s Mr..Xen Paterson and Misses Lilian Presbyterian church on Friday last, it - 2?_7 I t and Helen spent. a day last week with �J)v Tire Ce-ftl- I was decided to hold an entertainmen C4Z?Pe i in Christmas week. Virious cominittees HarryNixon'sof Luckuow. 1XI27 were appoint,�d to prepare programme Mr. Carl Lott spent Suudd� with Mr. and further notice will be given. and.Urs. Cecil Falconer, W140 ARE YQU -Mr. Bert Murchison and Dr. Hambly Messrs. Chas. Carter, Sam Coulter and 43rolm& "T of Wingbam, motored up North to hunt deer, Dustan Beecroft left on Tuesday to at - C (2 FM AT A*TE Mr.,,Thomas Weir has enlarged his I tend the Petite jury held in Goderich. ? henhouse. Miss Millie MacGregor of Toronto, is Mr. Appleby is building an addition! visitibg over the week -end at her home to his new house, here. Mr. Slwell Webster returned from the A. Hr-- MAW WK0 WhItechurch West last week, 4 DISCO'VIEFtIEV) Mrs. (Rev,) Scobie and children, re- Mrs. John Campbell, spent several I turned from their trip to Vancouver on d kj�vo S "VOIXANIZING 1�y last week with her brother, Mr. M?tn' -Y last, Mrs. Sco,bie's mother, Mrs. ard Cbarters. '9ell M cb , accompanied them. Their Mr. and Mrs. Isaae Moore of Toron to, many friends welcome them home again. are visiting at the homes of Mr. Moore's THE MAN who discovered vulcanizing ougbt'to he decorated Miss Chrissie Casslick and Mr. Calvert brothers, Tom and Arthur. Falconer of Culro8s, visited at the home with a D. S. C. We think we Je6erve a few medals ourselves of Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer on Sun - for the efficient manner in Wh;eh we repair tires. We don't care day. Belrnore Misses Flora and Lizzie Everritt Of A well known and highly respected if the medal'.5 made out of rubber for rubber is one thing we un. Xincardine, are spending the holiday at resident passed away Thurday, November derstand. their uncle's, Mr. Archie Clow. 3rd, at Wingham General Hospital in Nurse Greta. Fox of Wingbam, spent the person of Mr. John , Baker at the age the week -end at her home here. of 78 years. Deceased had been a suffer - Mr. Jim Simpson of Toronto, is visit- er for sometime from heart trouble. hful 0 with his brothers, Messrs. John and While health permitted was a fait Mert Simpson. worker in the Presbyterian ehurch was 5 Er- = = _- Z The many friends of Mrs. Frank of a kind and cheerful disposition, ever w.. be " readyand willi�g to hel on with all 8orrytohearof her going !Iedneryan operatiou. for appendicitis last food works which won for him many F�� FZ !2E week. endg. The funeral Saturday after. = -_ M. :,: to, no cemetery was latgel Miss Bina Henry of Toron on to Mcrutosh at th Y returned attended service being conducted e to her home on Saturday, on accoutit of i her mother's illness. house and grave by the Rev, Sinclair. We are sorry to hear of the illness of On Sunday, NovemberOAX.3,� Rev- Mr- Mrs, James Nichol, also Mr. James Aus. Scobie will speak on istice Day" tin. We wish for both et speedy recovery. and would like to see as many as possible Miss Margaret Bell Aitken and Miss Glonannan Thanksgiving at her home here. returned soldiers present. Currie of Witigham, spent the holiday Miss Maude Conn of Winkham, spent with Miss Aitken's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Clinton, Miss Mary Stokes is visiting her sister, Thanksgiving Day at bier home here, Mrs. James Austin, Belmore. �pent ThankAgivitig' at the home of Mr. Miss Annie Cummingt of Witighaw _ind Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mr. Peter Muir, Toronto, spent the spent one day last week with Miss Lilian ANY PAIN OF THE BODY Mrs. David Cathern, Gorrie, visited holiday at his home here. Paterson. Hoadache, Neuralgit, Rheumatic, Back- Vith her sister, Mrs. Fred Lewis, a Messrs. David and Thomas Vortune are Mr, Hughes, who has be 6he Selatio and Ovarian Pains. 66tv days last week. away on a trip to the happy huntiug all summer returned to VIr.'euXtenne'll i a Mr. Wilfred Murchison gave a party ground- Weaver's last week, One Ir two DR. MIUSt ANTI -PAIN PILLS! -and the pain is go to the Young people Of this Community Mr. Will vadie, Holy�000d, took in the Miss Maggie Gillies of Toronto, is antead Safe and Suro. 1ei1c0G3'10&e": Wednesday evening of last week. All party at Mr, Wilfred urchboftla last geuding the week -end with her moth I tepott a, g6od thud. week. re. I Sold in *inghatn by Aliss Mary Aitken, Hamilton, spent , Mr. Herman Metcalfe returned holno Master Willie XeW of Wingham, is I J. WALTw MOK11380N a X �,j 0 ILI 1// IF' k 44 MM Thursday, Nov, loth 1921 I We have just plac. Ed'—ffito'. stock New Rubbers of a I I de.! scriptions and at prices much below that of last season. " This boot is particu- larly adapted for S, women who have out- side work to do. They will save doctor bills by keeping y6fir feet -dry and warm and are a necessity to almost all women who have milking or outside work Most every man who has outside work to do wears ""Rubber Boots" just as illustration shown --- We have them in three different kinds and are selling them at the low*est Dossible DrIces. 0 W.."Ho WILLIS Phone 129 The Shoe Store Wingharn KINu S. FALL AND WINTER SALE NUNN" Wonderful values and great savings In. all _el M11 Hues of merchandise. Q Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter Dresses, Coats and Blouses all reduced 20% with a special offering for this week only of all wool velours, duvetyn, and leather- ette coats, values up to $45.00, special 16.50. Women's fine botany serge, tricotine, messaline and taf- feta dresses in a full range of sizes this week only 14.95. Blouses and Smocks Georgette crepe and crepe de chene blouses in a - X full range -of sizes and colors, valued up to $15.00, spe X cial 4.95. 1110 Women's and Misses' Fur Collar- ed Coats Coat�5 of flnequalit� velour, dovetyn and bolivia with Oppossum, Beaverine, Seal Collars in the season's smartest styles and Colors,, all reduced 20%. A New Showing In Dresses Women's and misses' fine serge, tric- otine, sedan cloth, niessaline.and canton crepe dresses, in the season's newest styles, with novel color combinations, all sizes, reduced 20%. Furs at Remarkable Low Prices Smart furs at big savings, Muffs, Stoles, Matched Sets and Fur Coats of guaranteed quality of Alaska Sable, Canadian Beaver, Raccoon, Wolf and Lynx all reduced 20 per cent. Underwear and Hosiery Reduced "Women's and childrert,'a warm durable underwear in vests drawers and combinations reduced 20 per cent. Hosiery at Money Saving Values All wool cashmere, silk and wool, silk and lisle, specially reducca prices at 69c, 79c, 1�00 and 1.39. Men's and Boys' Clothing Coats, suits, smocks, odd pants, knickers and mack- inaws, made from'war.m durable fabrics of good weight, reduced 20%. R Underwear and Socks at Money Saving Value Fleece lined shirts and drawers, per garments ............ 89c Ribbed wool shirts and drawers, per garment ............ 1.39 All wool socks, per pair ..... 6 .... $-0 ............ 39c, 69c and 89c Work Shirts, all sizes ......................... -.1.00, 1.69 and 2.69 Men's Sine Shirts, all sizes. .......................... 1.89 and 2.69 Week End Special, Boy's suits in this season's latest styles of good earino all wool material sizes 6 to 16 yrs; special 9 75 Tetras, Cash—No Goodasent on it SW Approval—Get Our Prl�et I N G B R 0 S Before Buyinsr.