HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-10, Page 7'ONOW ------- fin or 2,000,000 fewer than jnlr�ht have volume of exports, a viaer home mar. uzzouO DOTTUS Intl kot for the products Of Canadian fac- A UOSIRE TO E " "" been expoAod had the -%vorld's peac(31 Al 'BRITAIN AND FRANCE DEALT, HY vnILDREN been undts' Nor ma�,it sight be,' tortes, the reduction, of un0niPlOYi lent ITS OF turbed. It hier iiidun- M Vfl inT IM P WELL lost of the fact that the outbreak of the ' In towns avll 011 te'3, licalt SOLD IN --NEW YORK BASK IN WARM WAVE ALWAYS SuE War and the progress *thereof caused trial conditions everywhere, rising WHAI A IWU WANT -RUMOR great numbers of newly arrived public revenues, and a progressive i7 ,jehig of the per capita burden of na- it? The healthy child sleeps well and � foreigners to leave the country. Tone a, Stoniaebs Can be Itestored to a I P;1 ENORMOUS DEMAND 18 at thousands joined the colors of the tional taxation. 4- ;GARDEN'ER IN BATH during, its, waking hours is never crass allied armles, other tons of thousands Tile kind of sattlers desired are Healthy Condition, UNPRECEDENTED - PICKS STRAWBERRIES. but 8,lw&YW,haPDX and laughing. a,a to the United States to escape available fit adequate numbers In She Tried to Be, Aoresable. ottly the sickly child that is, crosA and I service Add Canada,s sixty thousand Great Britain, ilia United States, Nor- Not to be limited In diet, but to eat Sea Captain (introducing friend to peevish, Mothers, it your children do, Sweden and other approved whatever ho pleases Is the dreala Of )its old in:�te) --"This Is my old friend, Taulac Biggest Thkg of dead Overseas and the children that way, not sleep well; It they are cross and should have been thoirs. Altogether countries, What is needed is 9, for- evcry dyspeptic. No one can lionostly: Barker; he lives Ili the Callaxy Is - .Lilacs Are Budding in Parisian cry a great deal give them Baby's Own the action of Germany In July and ward constructive immigration policy promise to restore any vtomtell to this lands," Ever Seen There, Says Parks�Drea3makers Com. Tablets and tkey wIllsoon be well and August, 1914, has robbed Canada of —a Policy which while talOng now of happy condition, because all PeoPI0 I "How Interesting," murmured o14 Big Wholesaler. happy again The Tablets are a mild perhaps 3,000,000 men, woman and existing unemployment aad safe- cannot eat the same things with equal-, auntie, -sud, gathering all her wita, she plain of Autumuls Delay. but thorough laxative which regulate children Who otherwise would have guarding Ili(, Interest,, .1 organized ly satisfactory results. But It Is P00- added,. "Tlica, of course, you Ong," The fact that 625,000 bottles at Tan. the bowels, sweeterx the stomach, be6A hors to -day, labor, will not Only remove unneces, sible to so tone up the digestive or. lao have been sold In the stato of NOW Continued attentton on the part of banish constipation, colic and indigos- sary obstacles to an Intensive laud gans that a Pleasing diet may be �the warm �urx Its% caused hilatItY in tIon and promote healthful 8leop. They This primarily to what Is wrong Not Forobanded. York since Its intioduction. there 10" da at the present moment. settlement movement but actively pro- selected from articles of food that "How did you order your Aelk, sir?" than one year age, Is -- big bugaeos 'the flora and faulla.of Great Britain, are absolutely guaranteed ffto from with C' alM I mote such a, movement In keeping cause no discomfort. , unusual att011- a new, But for the War the Dominion would le there file waiter returnod to tek aitar hav,' Item that villi. attract One gardener in B%th reports picking opiates and may b# given to th with the needs of the nation, In the When the stomach lacks toi tion throughout the eutlrn East, for d more people on the land and it than Ing been gone what like Ri -ton pounds of'straw'berries, the second born babe with perfect safety. They have he ;vorking out of such a program in- is no quicker way to restore i nothing like it has ever happened bO- quoutly fewer unomploved In week to the hungry diac,-- 1 fora. It bl, crop Gf the seasonp the berries being are sold by medicine dealers or by c011se na and cities, Under such can- valuable co-operation may be expect- to build up the blood. Good digestion "Like a fool, I did -it por�-cVallyl , eaka,41t records.. excellent, Juicy and full of flavor. -innil at 25, can -to a box from The Dr, the taw ad frorn:�the rallways, the Provincial without rich, red blood is impossible, I i Mr. George B. Evaps, manager at the nation would have made i bellowed the patron. "It I had any ; Meanwhile In the Midland counties Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ditiono 1 Governments, Colonization Assocla. and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of)�er the 11 - the Gibscii-Snow Company, the viall- and on the south coast apple trees and Ont. FJ110W at keeping CO With the sense I'd have ordered it l; I some pa y mal , a, tions and other Immigration arencies. best way to enrich the blood. For i huw a wholesale druggists, wit]% blooming and pear trees are bearing overhead charges imposed by two now That way lies the road back to na- I this reason. these pills are especially month In advance," j branc-l-cz la Albany, Duffalo, Roches - their second crop this your. traus-continental railways, constructed tional prosperity and economic sta. good In stomach trouble attended by Bad �Y_Mptom. I ter and Syracuse, roc!�ntly announced Birds do not understand the extra- The Need of Population. before their time. There would have billty for all classes Ili the community. thin blocd, end in attacks of neryous I I that tlio preparation was now selling ordinary behaviorof nature and in Bad. For the five years 1909 to 1914 Cana- been a growing volume of freight and dyspep-la. proQt of tile value of Dr, Hostess --"Well, Tommie, -when You in their trade territories alone at the fordshira orows cawed In. sorlotia can- da received about 1,$61,000 immigrants passenger business which naturally A Book to Read. Williams' Pink Plils in cases of indi- get home, you call tell your mother phencrueutal rate of approximately iferenco and concluded that spring had from all sources, or an average of would have reduced the heavy deficits It Is a truth worth repeating that gestion'is given by 'Mr. John A. Mc- for me that you are the best behaved 500,000 11ottles a ye,.jr. come, with the result that they set 372,000 a year. If this rate had been on these roads and gone far to place gulting Donal I d, Tarbot, N.S., v, -ho says: boy at table I ever met." about building: nests. maintained the succeeding eleven the whole country on a sound financial the best of books In all the an "If the pre,�,�nt rate continue,;," said flood of the best sellers of the day Is "Every kmiferer froin indigestion has Tommle-JIThank you, ma'am, but Mr. E'vms, "this Etat;,, alo,10 will Prob- Hay Wonderfully CLean. years would have brought the Do- basis. ably requlie considerably over 750,000 now citizens More popula- that masterpiece, age-old yet ever new, my heartfelt sympathy, as I was once I'd rather not." I The meadows, although as hard as minion over 2,500,000 The lesson is plain, nd the Bible. myself a bond slave to it. Bating at Hostess—"Rather not! And why, bcttus a year. ThI,5 Li a tv(lmeridous from outside. it for domestle'reasons tion ir, the cure for Canada's fiscal a The modern man, even through. the ill became a trial, and as time went Pray?" figure, but I ara really in granite, are carrying a fine second the pace had somewhat s-lackened, the economic Ills. The leeway lost during Tommie --"She'd think I was Ill, making thiz t',tatement." crop of hay, and Zia the roo-ts. are Increase in Population from outside the last seven years must be recover- cloak of sometimes archaic forms of on I became a mere skeleton of my small the hay is wonderfully clean. Once the general election Is over, speech., is surprised to discover the former self. I took all sorts of re- ma'am, and �end for the doctor." Tanlac is sold bY from 1914 to 1921 would surely have ad. modernity of the text for him. it lie commended medicines, doctors' and everywhere. Rain, which has not fallen here in exceeded 2,000,000. the government of the day must devote That Sort. many months, is now needed badly, as is capable of learning from an object advertised, but to no avail. Then a I --e. the sowing season approaches, But the War Intervened and the special attention to the task of getting he will find it friend said to try Dr. Williams' Pink Two men were discussing who was tide of immigration ceased to flow. more people on the soil, From 20,- lesson of experience, Pills. I got a box and I thought be- England's clevererst man. Said one, The best w�,y to He wher, cleeplug Peculiar happenings re -ported off the The influx of newcomOig ton Gff to a 000,000 to S0,000,000 acres of Idle land In this unfolding of human nature so is on the Tiglt side. ,Coast of England are attributed to the mere dribble. Great Britain and the along the, Western railways must be singularly consistent and persistent fore they were done I could feel a "I eay Lloyd George is!" The 1�ing of Spain will soon be t114 -drought. Whales have been observed Continent of Europe were practically brought under the plow. There is through the centuries, The great change. Then I got six boxes more, ,yes,, was the reply, "You would aeTo. -writers have paid tribute, to the in. and by the t1me they were used I was have 'to get up early to take him, firsit nionar6h. to own a privet,? floating on the surface of the water eliminated as sources of population ample room for tons of thousands at i plane, WhI.C.11 is nq(yW -,n it3 '�Vay tt near Dungeness for several hours, and and the stream of American settlers additional farmers in old Ontario, New finance of the text in shaping their eating my meals with regularit�, and down." Mad -rid. sharks and porpoises are "knocking dwindled to a minimum. During the Ontario, British Columbia and the own style, quite apart from any in- enjoyment. My general liea)',h is now "Ay," said the first speaker. "And .around" in placos where they were whole seven-year period we resolved Maritime Provinces.. Closer settle. fluence uponthe conduct of life. Were good, and it is no wonder that I am an I when you got up early, you would find ean a growing the Bible a chronicle of the doings of enthusiastic advocate of Dr. Williams' I lie had been up all night waiting for never seen before. only about 550,000 from all sources, ment of the land will in I Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. During the last few months the good men only, Inspiration. Itself could Pink Pills." It I YOU." Sirsi---1 Lave used your Minard's 'heat has been unprecedented, the mer. not save it from tedium. But It one You can procure Dr Williams' Pin Liniment for the past 25 years a2d cury reaching elghty-four degrees or, wants to thrill to the deeds of villains Pills through any dealer in medicine Far Too Dark. whilst I have occasionally used otlifer two or three consecutive days, and Surnames and- Thei Ori om —,some of the worst of men are in the or they will be sent you by mail at 50 Two Irishmen were being shown liniments I can tafely say that I ha-je -seldom falling below seventy degrees. best of books. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by round a colliery for the first time. never used any to equal yours. I No reader need look far to find the writing direct to The Dr. Williams' When they saw the coal coming up If rubbed between the hands and while the weather prophets, -continue CHESMAN. the assumption that they were In the Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. the shaft from the pit, Mike remarked inhaled frequently, it will never fail to predict warm, fine weather. most cases both Is reasonable. mirror held up to his own nature. It Paris is rejoicing over the warmest Variation—Chessman, - is a drama of the human race without to Ills companion; to relle','e cold in the head in 24 hours. autumn -'In 'more than 100 yeam with Racial Origin—English. CALHOUN,' a parallel. It is a book to be read, not On International Diet. "Sure, I'd like to, see the men who It is also the best for bruises, sprains, crocuses , reappearing in the parks, source—An occupation. merely revered. etc. lilacs budding and the trees still green iie of E ng- Variations—Colquhoun. Two Tommies turned punsters went put those great lumps of coal in the Yours truly, This is another family par astern skips! They must be terrible strong!" along the principal boulevards, And lish O-rigin, which Is traceable to the Racial Origin—Scottish. "CasCarets" if Sick Into a restaurant over on the e "We , "Don't be silly!" said his friend Pat. J. G. Lesli-2. , r1r, the inexplicable warmth has . advanced occup�.tion of the persons wh t Source—A locality, front and said to the waiter: Why, it's that dark down there they I This family name, Calhoun being a Bilious, Headachy want Turkey with Greece." U Alfar sense 11 can't see what they're lifting"' the mistletoe to the berrying stage ,is started its us's in the a,- J 1110dorn variation of the true forin of From the B 0WelS The waiter replied: Sorry, sirs, with the possibility that the berries You might suspect from Its obvious Colquhoun, comes, from the name of but we can't Servia." Minard's Liniment for Garget in Cows.: will fall Jong before Christmas. formation that it has Some reference one of the clans of the Scottish High- Get a 10 -cent box now. "Well, then, get the Bosphorus.,, I Injures the Clothing Trade. to the ancient game of chess, but this The, doubling of the 'Is" In landers, who derived it from the name You men and women who can't get The boss came in and board their der then said* "I don't want to Australia bas raised $50,000,000 for Nevertheless, class is com- one is not so. one farna of th a name is but a modern Of the locality in which they establish- feeling right—who have headache, a" and Russia, but you call! t Rumania." So t1le aszistar,'Oe Of 110r ex-&,jd`; s- plaining bitterly and declaring that development. ad themselves, the Barony in West coated tongue, bad taste and foul the two Tommias went away Hungary, the absence of cold weather is casting Kilpatrick (or Kirkpatrick), Ili Dum- breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are In the ex-Kais-er's Berlin palace French exports millions of francs. In this class are the dressmakers. and it you remember that the "00" 50 often ocouvring in modern English is bartonshire. 'n. -nl +hl- the mists of the past bilious, nervous and upset, bothered 4— - -IM, -­ disordered stomach Christian Name. were found 10,000 copper cocking 4_ 11 .11.9+ ',k, 414 1,+ �11 they form an important block I of Parl- a strictly modern development of 1 11 ) t, I I U. f S, ­ . U, , I---- — cloud the search, for the origin of the or have a bad cold. Are you keeping In a certain primary class tile teach- ccpperhat� be,an. caKzd -hL, by his Gov-' slan trado their appeals are unusually spelling, and that In nearly every case place name. By some thel name of your bowels clean with Cascarets, or Or had been at great pains to explain ernment. OOARSE SP%LT interesting. it was originally mi, "a," and that the Colquhaun Is supposed to be derived merely forcing a passageway every the. distinction between surnames, and Alan.- the Rue de la Paix, the boule- "eo" was only rarely met with back from the given name of "Conachin." few days with salts, cathartic pills or Christian names, Then she called up- L A P-41 D,,S A L T vards, the Rue Royale and even up the In the days when family names were By others it Is explained as 'Colgeli- castor oil? Cascarets work while you on the children to give examples of Dulk Carlots I Champs Elysee3 the fashion fixers do- being formed, you get your clue to the uoln," a Derstonal name, meaulng "war- sleep; cleanse the stomach of sour, each kind from their own names and IF IT IS TORONTO SALT WORKS clare that they have lost the entire origin of the name. dog," and virtually the same as the fermenting food and foul gases; take those, of other members of their fami. C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO season, because their clients are re- The word .,"cheese," for Instance, name of that great Irish warrior of the excess bile from liver and carry Ile,. I . fusing to buy fall gowns as long as the was spelled ,ellegall or Ilches?' In some antiquity, "Chucaiulin." The spelling out of the system all the constipated When Charles was asked to tell n warm weather contirlueB Efrorts to eases, for there 'waa no universal does not look alike but remember that poison In the bowels. A Cascaret one statement the surname and the 0 IL T R "a cover a part of the losses by adding standard of spelling lit those days the gutterals. of the Gaelic are rather physic to -night will straighten you out Christian name of his father, he re- - I Mother, Quick! Give There to one m-nedy, one quaUty furs to the autumn styles, failed to im� such as has developed since the dIfficult to indicate, and that the Gae- by morning. sponded, after some hesitation, 'MY Ong rcsult—g-aaranteed, tll* California Fig Syrup press the buyers, who, are waiting to growth of the printing industry and lie speech itself lies undergone father's surname is Tonipkin% and his excelled, bext For Chiles Bowels A see whether the winter will be cold the publication of graminars and die- changes from Its ancient form, just as Wonderful to Behold. Christian name is, a Methodist." Dr. Tefft's enough even for furs. tionaTies. This would give ground for English. Fronch and German -have Phelps—"That is a sunset my daugh, __ Famous Goitre Treatment Even a sick child loves the "fruity" French meteorologists say that It Is the theory that the name originally done, ter painted'. She studied painting Classified Advertisements. taste of "Californki. Fig Syrup." If tho impossible to predict what kind of a meant 11cheeseman," Actual historical The Clan Colquhoun) however, dates I k— little tongue Is coated, or it your child abroad, you know." RAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES 5 "Siccantia" Se 11 ss, feverish, full of cold. Whiter it will be as It Is, not known record of the period when the name only from about the year 1240 or so. It. 1 T ! 0) Write for full and free or - Nobbs—"Ahl that explains (registered) offers a complete course is listless, cro what Is causing the unusually warm was used Ili the descriptive sense ab- It was organized and founded by ons never saw a sunset like that In this In nursing, with allowance and maAn- bus calls, a teaspoonful will never 2 thl I y.,, a; post -graduate course also given; tenani. information direct to autunin. The general belief Is that sclut4ely substantiate B Humphrey do Kilpatrick, who, though -r information upon request. Post- fall to open- the bowels, In a few hours countr f urthe I Alle upper wind currents have taken n Graduate Hospital. 2400 S. Dearborn at.. an see for yourself how thorough - The original Chesmans were deal got himself a Ga;el, had received a -------- Illinois. w -v Dr. Telft's L%borstorn YOU c a new direction, and If this is true I,,, or makers of cheese, and kno rant of land in that section from the MONEY ORDERS. Chicago, ON I 110L. orwas, St., TorontoI ly it works all the constipation POIBOD, Paris may outtival the Riviera as far what we do of the industrial and com. Earl of Lennox in the reign. of King The safe way to send money by mail ANTED XCOME wonlrEn sour bile and V��ato from the tender, as climate Is concerned Is by Dominion Express Money Order W either sex, good pay for hone i Ills' and gives you a well. for many moretal system of medieval Bngland� Alexander II. of Scotland. work, easily learned, part or full tin ...... bowels Years. the children can help. Send 3 c I ­ playful child again, The Busy Ilee. 41, 1 Few persons realize the enormous effort required to make a single pound 6f, honey. In a �pound jar there is the concentrated essence of &Ixty thous- and flowers. 'To make*a, pound of clover honey, tho'bees mimt take nectar from sixty- two thousand b1b6soms and mike two ..mill ton'se.ven hundred thousand visits In getting it. Often the journey from the hiver to the flowet and back Is as much as two miles, so that the making of a pound of honey requires journeys that may. aggregate mom than five million -mile& When we remember that a 8ingle-colony of beea will pro- duce from sixty to eighty lyounds of honey in a season we realize that the bee is Indeed "busy." Niagara and the Sun. It 1,% estimated that the work done on this planet of ours by the radiant onergy of Che sun Is equal to that which would be required to pump from the oc6an enough water to suppLy a Niagara 75,000 milea wide. To equal the energy which the earth receives from the sun )wuld call for a bow at Nlagaras, encircling the eaith three times, with every foot-pound of energy utilized In electric horsepower, ---------- He Saw the Joke. An Englishman aU4 a SCOLIMan. were on a walking tour in the I-Ilgh, lailds when they. came to a fits.'rl'-post which said: "Five miles, to StrOnac- lachax.11 Underneath this was Y;rlt/- ten, "it you cannot read Inquire at the baker's," The tliglishman langh(ld heartily when he read It, but refused to tell the Scotsman the Joke. That night the Englishman Was. Gut - prised at being awakened by I& com- panion, vAio seemcd much amused at something. Askift the,T&sori, the Scotsman re - 1),116d, 110ch, rdin, 1.1 hAa Just eoen the lokt,-�Ahe bakat nAght Ilot bo In." lor particulars. Address, 1,013, 0 Ome Let Eggs Time Them3elves. Work, 7 rniwrth Ave., Tor;nto, Olit.1 Millions of mothers keep "California Since very ancient time sandglasses ACHES ANDPAINS wo pig Syrup" handy. They know a tea - have been used for timing the boiling PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. spoonful to -day saves a nick child to. 9LL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOBI morrow Ask your druggist for of eggs. Even nowudays they are In Bcondition, with a large number of: SLOAN'S GETS 'EM 1, genuine* "California Fig Syrup" Nvl.,Icb common use for this purpose In hotels music rolls, for sale at a bargain. has directions for babies and children and restaurants. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, VOID the misery of racking ain. of all ages prInted on bottle. Motherl A new twIst Is given to the idea by Toronto. Have a bottle of Sloa- - Tint - William A. Corbett, of Winnipeg. He - Ament handy and apply when you muotsey "California" or you may makes the eggs time themselves, and, BELTING FOR SALE you fint feel the ache or pain. got an Initiation f19 Byrup. when they am cooked, lift themselves ALL XINDS OF 1_41,]NV AN - D Usti) It quickly eases tile pain and sends out of the boiling water—with the help belting, Pulleys saws, cable,hosePacking, ; a feeling of warmth through the TO WO" AN'S to., shipped SUbJeCt t provalatlowest. aching part. SloansLinimeWpewtratcs of a modifleatioa of the sandglass p"rices. In Canada. Y0314 BELTING CO.. tvithout rubbing. idea. I I r W)PT'L STRnET. TORONTO. Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia. The device for the purpose Is a tube Sciatica , sprains and strains, stiff joints,' A $19 Vi�iu* for a $3, Uill. lame back and sore muscles. I "ISERY containing a number of lead balls. It Why Employ a Lawyer For forty years pain's enemy. Ask M is attached by a little bracket to the edge of a saucepan, and from the end When you can get Legal Advice M1311 your neighbor. for 2 years �4), c,canadlan nusiu856 At alf druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. of It Is suspended a wire basket to 8s x.Rw,,, Aw nditton ($3)1 and M a In Canada. Ended by Lydia E. Pinkhanes "Stusilleso methods,, monthly, 1 year hold the eggs in the boiling -water. (13), or "canailiaz va=ovf weekly, Vegetable Compound. Rer A branch of the tube contains a 2 years (sS), all for $6, Regular IS016a you save) $1 and, ponsibly, mark sandglass, In such a position that the able Recovery of undrods of dollars in lawyers' fees. 4-6 Send no moileY, Pa upper bulb of the latter keeps the lead Write for details. itnent Pa Mrs. CLUrch. balls In place. But this upper bulb but name this )r. Direct SA00 I I I ene l9orvite (DOpt. �arL,), Tor0atO, Out- aft to- ts made of rubborand, when the sand iias run out of it, It collapse% allowing Smiths p alls, Ont. — suHerod with the balls to run down into the hollow falling of my organs, pains around my handle of t -he tube. The transfer of heart and in bowels and down my In their weight to the handle causes the neuralgia in My face and head, and = 31ing. I felt that I fO( _ end of the tube to rise and lift the egg. VRJ terrible siril , Bin containing basket out of the water, could not live and woula fix my bous order ev,�r nighi; So there would be no 0 & tt ped off in the night, World's Deepest Gold Mine. My husband wenR, the druggist to got � - 110 had an he SaVO Australia ls, said to possess the the best rem019 V tabi uorn- deepest gold m1no lit the world. It him Lydia E Pint 'am s ege a Is situated at Bendlgo, Victoria, and 1211d. I t�ok six bottle:3 and felt a lot Ill V 'IV to known as tho Now Chum Railway retter. I W: 11%v, - a rOcOn%mend tha Vegetable Compouna, and you can U23 Mina. The miners. who work In It are these facta as � testimonial. Mrs. obliged to travel down a shaft nearly j. 0. Cliunca, 13OX 845, Smithe Fall% thrapquiarters, of a mile deep. I Ont V. Pbilchara'a The heat In the, mine Is torrIfle, the I Inv nuot%m ox temperature of 108 degrua being so m1u;z Weakening that It le ritceseary to Nothing Else Is Aspirin —say Bayer VVq6fA1.3 &Mpolm CIO ?rorn ro6w Lra and herbs, Is unpara Mad. It My bN spray the bodies of -the miners con. used with perfect confidence by vvomen tinually with cold water from above �)rarnlug! Unless You 80o name I Aspirin ill handy tin boxes of 12 tab- who suffor from nervous prostratioN ground, "Dayer" on tablet&, you are not get- lets, and In bottles of 24 and 100 displacements I inflammation, ulcera- �! tion, irregularities, periodic pains, back - Away from the spray the men e4)uld jing Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Aspirin Is the trade mark (reahtere telle, beAthig-dowrk feeling, flatalene not stand, and It Is av much as they Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" in (lanada) of Bayer Alanufaeturo 09 indigestion and ditzinem L di y la can do to work moderately under,thih Package V,'hlell contains directions Nionoaco t leae ides ter of Oalicylicacid.: Compound Is the I g r n al opray. Illow WIll begrudge these men worked out by Physicians durin 21 While it is Nvell known that Aspirin � standard remedy fo fe 1 0 ills. the money they earn. YORrs and proved safe by millions for! niezmn Dayer manuraeture, to assist: If there an any goinVAleadow abmt I Co ds,, Headache, Varach(j, Toothache, I the 1jublia against imitations, the Tab. W"i.6 you nead advice vaito in cm - Red at'd Nuo are the bwt colori fox, fide to to lmdfa V . Pinkham MW14yo Neuralgia, Rheumatism, NeUrItfs, LUni- letii of Bayer Company Will be stamp Co. Lynn) gaa. F1=111;g birds. bago, and Pain. Made in Canada. od Willi their general trado the I Minard'o LIniment for Distemper. All druggista soll Dayer Tablets of I 1%ta� or Ct**" MU9 No. 44--?Ato U