HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-10, Page 41.
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Thursday, Nov. 10th 1921
The Howick J5@o_rFarmers'AEsociation
Plowing Competition was judged a,,
Tuesday by Mr. Jas. McLean of Rich. Alteratilon Sale
wondHill, Mr. McLean is a past master. I
intheart ofPlowing, haying plowedat Isard's
sixty matches and helng successful enough
e. n to hold the Dennison Championship for
three years. Thil past eight years he has Great Slaughter in Prices f or Two Weeks
been. judging at all the leading plowing
matches including the Annual Provincial
one held at Woodstock this year. While carpenters are busy making al -
Each contestant was required to have
ada five acres of sodon his home farm. Mr. terations to our store front we will be
McLean took each contestant over his somewhat out of order in our store arrang-
work and criticised it for him. thus mak- ments while the work is going on. To off-
ing his work of real educational value. set these drawbacks and reduce our heavy
Mr. McLean spoke very highly of the
work. his chief criticism had to do with stock,'we start on
rom all the people of Canada an earnest review of the real isme before Canada to -day. lask the crown and finishes, He thinks with the
from men and rzvomen a calm, thoughtful consideration of serious trbfigrEhons; andsofarasl Thursday, Oct.. 20th, our Al-
am concerned myself, I ask not favors butfairness."t-ARTHUR E; quality of work shown in this Competition
that Howick should put up a real Plowing
WOMEN OF -CANADA, the coming General J�jection will be one of the most Match next fall. teration and Discount Sale
momentous in Canadian history, and Arthur Melghen asks YOU to give the issue Mr. Jas, Warrel was the successful Con- I
fair, unbiassed consideration. testant. He wins the Silver Cup donated X Come here for all lines of merchandise
Women and �men alike are called upon to decide whether political, industrial and by the Howick Township Council. This and you will save money.
economic stability is to be replaced by class rule, political and industrial chaos Sind Cup suitably engraved will be presented
possible economic bankruptcy. to the winner by the Hon. Manning W. 0
The facts are clear, and every Canadian woman will do her own thinking. She wR2 Doherty, Minist6r of Agricniture, at the
not be misled by others. She will not blindly follow family political precedent, neitheil meeting held in Wingham on November Wonderful Values in ladies' misses'
t it- )I - 1.5th. I I
will she be carried away by the false theories or emp y isms of theorists and ex and'children's coats, our Alteration Sale
tremists. Every woman will arrive at a personal decision by the application of The Ecore of the ten contestants is as X, discount will be 20 per c6nt.
practical common sense. folipws: Jas. -Warrol, 921, Hartwell
The great issue is the Tariff and here are briefly the facts. Strong, 92; Roy Strong, 91j; Jack Mont-
gomery, 87; Norman Harbing, 86J;
The present Canadian Tariff, so far as it affects the necessaries of life, is a very
moderate one. It Is simply a tariff maintained to keep Canadian factories in Canada, Arthur Spotton, 85;' -Emerson Downey, Ladies' Waists, Raincoats, Seperate
employing a steadily increasing volume of Canadian labor and developing Canadian 81j; Earl Corbett, 80j; Win. Campbell, Skirts, lots to choose from at 20% disc.
resources. 80; Earl Johnston, 79J,
Meighen stands firm for the continuance of a reasonable tariff. It is now even more
imperative than in the past. All other important countries are retaining or increasing. Broken Blossoms Q
their tariffs in order that they may hold their home markets for their own people. Perhaps the flowers of Heaven are little 93"Dress Goods, Silk Velvets and Coat -
Under Crerar's Free Trade policy Canada would be swamped with foreign goods, flowers ings 20 per cent. off.
principally from the United States, Canadian industry would be ruined, thousands That here at birth Oere broken on the
of men and women would be out of work with all the hardships to themselves and ground,
their children that must result. The farmer's great home market wou14 be seriously Perhaps the hours of 'Heaven. are happy
affected, taxes would be increased, and Canadian working men would have to go to. hours . % Discount off Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,
.the United States for employment. That here we often sought,, but never Underwear, Boots and Shoes,
While.KIEA Tari:U policy is wobbly it nevertheless tends toward the destruction of ficund.
the Tariff and would bring with it practically the same results. Let Us Know The'News
MEIGHENIS POLICY EVERYBODY KNOWS. It is the only means whereby Many people seern to have the idea Rugs and Carpets -.Big stock of
confidence may be maintained and employment given to all classes of the people. that the iocal paper iis.'o'nly,.for the pub -
d 2
lication of social and personal items, an Wilton Brussels and, Tapestry Rugs 0
The foregoing is a plain statzment of logical ioncluslons arrived at from the factiL
Think the matter over carefully "without favor but with fairness". when,an.eventof importance . takes place per cent. discount-.
they fail -to "tip off" the editor, wlio is
ake your own decision, stand by it unmoved and be sure to exercise your. vote.
�sometimep unaware that aiiythin i g has MEN'S WEAR �STORESlaxiighter Sale of Meies and BOYS' SUIISP
taken place. When ane *spaper is. givir g
Canada Needs Your Vote- and. its columns to thlaIntdreit ailid'welfare of Ove r*coats, Raincoats, Pants, etc. Big stock of the best
a community, those sciving it ohonld at brands of clothing, sale 20 per cent.911.
least try and sm thail; the, public, who are
interested, get a §111411, inkling - of- what is TERMS, SPOT CAS11
being done and the oniy., way the public
can get the news isi through the local
paper. A call on thq, telephone, a word X,
in passing, is all that tip necessafy Ito put
the newsppipermat),,Xvis�, to any events. of He E. ISARD & COO
+1,. A. He does rint -t out a rin r,�on
The National Liberal and Conservative Party beresay or giossip.
Publicity Committee Wear A Poppy Qw Nov. 11th,
Citizens of Wingha�i Eire asked to be in
keeping with thd wear a"Po6py on Arm. ADDRESS AND PR . ESENTATION East Wawanosh' Council Wroxeter
ice court istice Day" idea; wl ich;bas taken such a We are pleased to see Rev. Mr. Holmes
The ToKonto Telegram Pol hold through the Dodlinion. On Nov. 11 Address read by Mr. J. C. Purdon to Minutes of council meeting held on able to be around again. -
October 24th. All the members present I
i scribe, in reporting the arrest of several in all parts of Canada the poppy will be Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Minutes of previous meeting were read' Miss Irene Stalks 'of Toronto, spent
visiting Americans in Toronto for B. Q. Mr. and Mre. Fitzpatrick:- and confii med. S. 5. Stothers, District Thanksgiving with her parents here.
T ' A., appends the following verse: universally worn to keep green the mem- enta(ive, was present. and stated Mrs Woods of Tottonham, is at presaut
ory of those who died, in the country,s Dear Friends:- Repres
Big Reduction in Sing a song of sixpence, service during the war. Every- citizen is It is with sincere regret that we, your that the Department of Agriculture were visiting her father, Mr. Win. Rutherford,
Four bottles full of e, putting on a three months course in Wing. A number from here took in the. sho;i-
ry ham this coming season and requested ing match at G6rrie. Monday afternoon.
Four and twenty Yank es requested towear thd flower emblematic friends and neighbours realize that you are
of France to comm�.morate the service so soon to leave our midst and to bre�k not only a donation, but also the Co- Miss McIntosh of Brampton, is visiting:
0 eling good and dry.
When the rye was opened rendered there, and 50,000 of this the ties that have united us so we avail operationg of the council as well in mak friends in town.
S They all began to sing 'country's heroic dead who are sleeping be- ourselves of the opportunity to� express to ing this subject dsuccess. and Coultes Rev.'R.'Fulton Irwin of Lucknow, wilt
Admission Price A.,
"To blazes with the U. S. ire held in On motion of Gillespie
neath the popples of Flanders. No more you tbe esteem in which you a , reach in the Wroxeter circuit next Sun-,
God Save the King!" ars that $25 00 was voted for this purpose, this Ky in the interest of Missi6ns.
appropriate -flower could have. been chosen this community. During the ye amount to be given in scholarships to the
to commemorate Armistice Day than the have co . me and gone we have always found young people of this municipality attend. Miss Kate Hazelwood returned from
You know Andrew Hicks? He's a you good neighbours and true friends and ing this course. the West. where she spent the past two
United Farmer "whip" in the Ontario poppy. we shall miss you from our sociai circle. Geo. Sturdv and others, petitioned the years visiting friends,
LYCEUM THEATRE I Legislature and he doesn't think highly of We, who have so often enjoyed your council asking for a loan of money from Mr. Merton Howe and family leave
the government in aid of drainage this week for Toronto, where thed intend
women and their clothes, even when these In Mernoriarn, generous hospitality and spent so many matters -Filed. making their home. On Thurs ay eve -
clothes are wom at social gathers. He happy evenings in your home feel -that we The following accounts were paid: uing of last week the choir was enter.
Keopening Thurs. Nov. 10 says: "I was down at the city for a SHuRIFF-Iii memory of Mary P. Sher. cannot let you go without some expression R. Nesbitt, gravelling on Con. 4 and 5, t.ined at the home of Mr. Robt. Hupfer.
social function i week k1go, and the best iff, who died one -Yea- ago, Nbv� 7th, of our respect and esteem, so wi'ask you $295.00; Geo. Snell, bal. contract Kecbnie A pleasing feature of the evening was the
with new schedule of reduced prices: I could say for the women was that they 1920 at Winghafff 116spital. to accept these chairs as an evidence of the drain 380.85; J. T. Coultes, inspecting address and presentation, to Mrs. Howe
gravelling con. 4 and 5, 42.550; J E. of a beautiful pyrex pie plate on a silver
ADULTS 20C including War Tax. had their ears covered. True, they also Inserted by her Father , regard in which we hold.you. We hope Fells, drawing tile 7.00; A. Pattison, stand with silver knife, in recognition of
had a couple of straps over their shoul- that you may be spared for many years to dragging road con. 10, 2.40; E. Geddes her services as organist. We are sorry
CHILDREN accom anied by parent or guardian 10c ders, and some mosquito netting over Morris COUncil enjoy them and assure you that as you are repairs for grader 50c; S, Hallahan, wor� to loose the Howe family from our town
p but wish them every success in their new
them. but I wouldn't give five cents for Minutes of council I meeting were held leaving for your new home the good wishes on grader 1.20; J. E. Ellis, work oil grader home.
their opinion of politics." Now does l n . 3 00- A. Pattison, sharpening grader
the township hall, Morris on Oct. of your many friends in this community biaLs 0.00; J. G. Gillespie, use of wheel
,Andrew think that if the women had 17th, 1921. The members of the council will always follow you. In saying good, scrapers 2.00; R. H. Deacon, gravel and
Showing Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. I worn high collars and very, very long were present. The Tninutes of the last bye to you we do not forget the girls, but gravelling 58.20; Thomas Congrain, work
meeting were read and approved. on drag 1.20; G. Jolington. work on road Fordyce
slitts, that their political opinions would Requests were received from Henry wish for you all God's richest blessings 8 00; A. Pattison, work on road 3.00; W Sorry to hear that Mr. William Gib -
ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN have been improved?-Simcoe Reformer' Armstrong and Gordon Walsh to have through a long and happy life. J. Dobie 'underbrushing on con. 2 and bons, who returned home from the West
Signed on behalf of neighb
the Grasby drain repaired, Henry Arm ours and 3, 121.08, Wilfred Reid, cleaning out last week is at present laid tip with
strong also put in a written request to
in "The Daughter Pays" One Sunday evening recently Mr. Geo. have the a*ard drain on lots N. Yz 4 and friends ditch 5.00; J. Wilson, inspecting Kechnie pneumonia at present, we sincerely hope
Spotton, the local National Liberal and George McRoberts drain 12.00; E. Bentley, cleaning out he may soon take a change for the better.
5 con 7 repaired by having it tiled. roll drain 21.00; R. Scott, underbrushing Mr. Elliott Taylor has moved from,
and a Mermaid Comedy "NONSENSE" CQnservative Candidate, while turning off 'The following accounts were paid: D. B. Murray ancl rep. culvert 12.00; The Municipal
Josephine'Street down Patrick St. (never Walton McKibb.n, formaldehyde $4.50; Charles Durnin World, supplies 1.67; "R. Johnston, gravel. Lucknow out to Mrs. Havens farm vvbich�
Municipal World, jurors papers 97c, he'haa for a term of years.
2 shows Thurs., Fri. andSat. this week, 7.30 and 9. J. C. Purdon ling on con. 2 and 3, 177 50; Goo Coultes I
mind now we just merely mentioned the James Peacock, gravel 6.90; kI. Bosman, 0 Miss Ida McGlynn who was visiting at
place to illustrate out story) locked the 11 rep culvert 5.50; G. Johnston. widening
gravel 1.80, work on Bone drain 155,00; road and gravelling con 14, 44.10; the Mr. P. McGlynn's has returned home.
hub of his car e Should MiA Agnes McPhail fail to make R,,,,, Clerk and Assessor, selecting
,)with the silent polic man A. MacEwen, gravel, 5.85, selecting again.
and instead of rushing along with him he jurors 4.00; John Barr, gravel 21,15; the grade in South Grey her elevation to jurors 11.00; A. PLirterfield, com. statute Mr. Elwell Webster who has been in,
Coming Monday and Tuesday, 2 Days Only calmly got out of the auto bovo�d to that James Gibson. gravel 1.05, work an road the Senate should follow as a few jabs labor kax 100; 0. G, Anderson, com. the North West has returned home again.
6.00; John Craig, work on road 60c; John statute labor tax 8.00; Chas, Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. P. McGlynn intend mov-
silent officer of the law and assi sted him Hopper on Hopper drain 1200 00; Car- from her hat pin would undoubtedly stir 0 statute labor tax 8.00; H. Currie 'ing,lit,Wingliarn in the near future.
America's most magnificent actress do and R. R. Currie, shovelling gravel 3 00 Mr.. E. Fit.patrl& of the Oth concessloh,
back onto his throne. How courteous diff an Sellers, on Clardiff drain 719.00; some of the old boys out of their, lethargy c in'
these candidates become about election Thos. Miller, gravel 8.40; 1W. J. Geddes, into really useful legislators. cacti; J. Shiell, shovelling gravel 4.00;
-electing jurors 4.00; 1 W Elston, selecting moved to Wingbarn last week.
time. For gravel: C. King, 4.50; C. Camp-
o a 0 jurors 4.00; W. Mo-3es, refund dog tax bell, 2.40; Mrs. McNeil, 4.80; R, Chamnev.4, Mr. C. F. Martin was engaged press-
PRICILLA DEAN Another story is told of how Mr. Fraser a.00; Peter Rutledge, on Brewer drain Belgrave 5.85; Mrs. H. Deacon, 60c; S. McBurney� ing hay at Mr. George Falconer's last
: $522.00; Michael Healy, cleaning ditch Special Anniversary Services will be 18.00; R. Patterson, 10,20; Thas Brad. week. . I
The electrifying heroine of the 'Virgin of Stamboul' the local National Liberal Candidate 4.50; Gen. Gloucber, cleaning ditch 20.40; conducted in the Methodist Ghurd) ,,t nock 10.05; R, Wightman, 1.20; 1. F. Quite a large number attended the
bows politely every time he looks into a Me. Snell, digging ditch 23,00; Geo. McCallum, 6.76; W. Kecknie, 6.45; 1�. party at Mr. E. Fitzpatrick's previous to,
in a thrilling drama of desperate work after dark- 1� Coulter, tile and culvert 10.40; Charles Sunday. Nov. 13th. Rev. C. E. Cragg,
mirror. Procter, culvert and widening road 12.00, B. D. of Wingbam, will be the preacher Jackson 2.40; J. H. CuMe. 10. 05; moving to Wingham, all report a good
for the day. Come and hear thoughtful Council adjourned to meet again on time.
Gordon 14iggans, road work 16 00; W. Monday, November 21st.
You can't blame the pessimists when Y06 Ab;um, grading 14.00, gravelling 39.00, inspiring sermons by an eloquent speaker Mr. DaIn O'Callaghan is at present via
reflect that everything promises to be hard disinfecting 1.50, Tho;. Abram, inspecting and special music by the chour. Services A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. iting relatives at Toronto,
4 00; Bartle Wallace, putting in culvert at 11.00 a. in. and 7.00 p, m, Mrs. Edward Haines visited at Mr..
"Outside the Law" this winter except the drinks. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart and child. P. McGlynn's one day recently.
200; Robert McLelland, pritting in cut -
vert 7,00. ren of Nor%ich, spent a few day& with the MRS. T. FELLS Mr. E. J. Haines purchased a fine
Supported by that marvellous character actor, The habit of cussi:g one another was Next meeting on November 21, 1021. former's brother, Mr. John Stewart. Patrick St,, Phone 23.1. young mare from Mr, Jas. Barbour last
probably unknown until the first man ran A. MACEWEN, Clerk. Mrs. 1, L. Geddes of Waterloo, spent a week,
famous for his roles in "Miracle Man" vind "The for parliament. few days with her sister, Mrs. Earnest Qualified to give Chiropractic and Mr. George Dobbs who was visiting
Penalty" , 6 0 11111 Geddes. massage, ajustments. Spinal examination relatives around Fordyceis now visiting
Afghans rarely see their brides before BORN- Miss Mary Bone of London College, free. relatives at Arthur and Damascus.
their marriage; Americans rarely see theirs ATToi-In Lucknow, on November 1, spent Thanksgiving at her home.
LON -.CHAN' afterwards. 1921, to Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. W. Joe Dunbar and Bert Lasker arrived I East Wawanosh
Alton, of Lanes, Ashfield, a daughter. home from the West, an Saturday. Owing to the favorit(! weather most of JAMES TAYLOR
It's a Universal -Jewel Do LuxeProduction. The Tor'4011to Globe in commenting on CooxE-In East Wawanosh on Friday, George Jordan finished up his season's the people have the roots in and applosi AUCTIONEER
the lack of humor in the three Canadian thrashing on Thursday last. picked.
Directed by Tod Browning, political leaders, suggests that humor is a NOV, 4th., to Mr. and Mrs. Harry The Woman's Institue entertained a Mr. Win. Gibbons has returned from the Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at
good thing to cultivate. The Globe Cookeo a daughter# few of their friends at the manse on Mon- West and is sufferitig from a serious attack Tile Advance, Wingbam, will receive,
should remember that humorists are never MAHOOD-Iti Wingharn, on Sunday, day evening, f pneumonia. Prompt attention.
Reduced Prices 10c and 20c, h the Nov. 6tb, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Elmer The farmers shipped a car load of Cattle 0 Mr. R. J. Scott was pressing hay at Mr.
taken seriously and rarely reac Mahood of Xincardine, a daughter. and hogs on Tuesday. Ym. Wilghtman's last week. Phone NortbHuron 15-023, Brnssels 15.
heights in the political world'.
0__ �