HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 80
'Take I Advantage of these Opportunitie's
I I',' � It will pay you to come miles to. this sale,
Suits $1,9.75
Fine tweed and worsted suits
for men and young mer.,
Suits in the lot Lip to ...,37.50
Overcoats 16.'75,,
Heavy u1sters and young men's
stylish coats.
Hand tailored Overcoats for
men and young men .... 24.75
Special *— Warranted n a v y
botan. serge suits, reg. up
$40 , sale ............... .. 24.75
Boys' heavy � brown striped
worsted ;uits, reg. $10,
sale ........................... 6.95
Boys'Vneck Sweaters, reg.
$2, sale ........................ 75c
Men's Felt Hats, reg.'$5 .... 2.50
Ready -to -Wear
Winter Coats, Suits, Dresses,
for women, misses and children
all new stock at exceptionally
low prices.
Fur collared Coats ............ 22.75
Taffeta Silk Dresses 16.75,21,75
Hundreds of reninants -1 price.
Dress Goods, special ............ 99C
Serges, per yard .................... 59c
Table Linen, per yard ........ 30c
Brassieres, each ..................... 49c
200 yards of plain and fancy
silks, up to 3.00, sale .... 1.59
Listowel Yarn, J lb for ........ 49c
Monarch Yarns, all shades"J'10c
1.25 Penman's fleece * lined underwear 75c Corsets 69c'
Ribbed wool Underwea ............... 98c C E R I Erl See 'our windows values up to $3.00.
p. U 6
Stanfield's Underwear .................. 1.50 Raisins, per lb ................ 34c Dress Goods 99c
Men's Dress Shirts, reg. $2, sale .... 99c Gold Soap, per cake ........ 7c
Tea, per lb .................... .35c All colors, in window, reg. up to $3,00.
Mcn's all wool Sweaters, reg. $10 .... 5.00 Brooms ..... . 50C
Regular $5, sale ......................... 3.00 Oatmeal, 16 Rugs and Linoleums,
Sugar, Redpath, per lb. 9c
Corn Flakes ............... 91c Tapestry, Wilton, Brussels, Squares,
Everything in Our 2 Vanilla ..................... 10c new designs' 20% off.
Corn Starch ............... 10c
Corn, per can ................ 15c Oilcloth sq yd .............................. 59c
Stores iKeduced Cheese lb ............... *24c
Heavy 4 yard wide Linoleum ............. 4.25
Ready - to -Wear, Dry Goods, Silk -1 lb. tin Zarfn'ion ........... * 19C
s, 3 lbs Lard .................. 59c,
Staples, Cottons, Plannelettes, Coatings, Pork and Beans .......... - 19c
House Furnishings, Groceries, Towel- 2 in I bhoe Polish 2 for 25c YARN --Black, Grey '19c
ings, Shirting. Peels, Lemon, Orange 46c. per -1 lb. skein.
Vr 1W. d5a,
*t Arn d
Aff 0%
a4"," n1r, "l, L a UU Vol LIM14 ic,
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money'Refunded
tended the Dunbar-McMurchie waiding-
Grey at Lucknow last week. I day at the home t f Mr. and Mrs. Melvin sent at the preparatory services, on Fri -
'Mr. Willits, day
Thos Abram of Morris, also his; The friends and neighbors of Mr. and
_!granddaughter. Annie McIntosh Of Ktn,- � Mrs. Jas. Bremner gathered at their I
We wonder what makes Thomas Wal
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dow of Brucefield,
.oartflne, visited at Maxwell Abraham s, h-3me last Friday and bad a miscellane. t
lace wear such a broad smile these times. i
are visiting at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
?�16t week. *s shower for them, They got an
Its that little girl that has come to stay I
John Clubb.
A uumber of children in this locality. useful presents.
Miss Mary Eadie has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harkness of Tees-
E'tave been laid up with chicken pox. Nuivert Sellers and Marion Casemore
from Holyfrood ' where she has been'water,
visited over Sunday with Mr. and
.4 called at Maxwell Abram's last week.
David Sanders, 11) con , ha an up -to- I
ew weeks with her brother,
Mrs. John Falconer.
,date barn and stables, which i'll. hope he; Marion is a cousin of Mr. Abram's,
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ifalcover and Mr,
,*A,M be spared to enjoy after all his hard i
Mrs, Doig and Miss Nellie Do spent.
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent Sunday
v;gork. I Glenannan
Friday evening at the home of and
with their uncle, Mr. George P alconer of
Roy Cunningham's and W ]3ruwu, 4L. I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marshall spent Sun
Mrs. Oliver Stokes,
Miss Edith Metcalfe seent the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Cornelius spent
qP4VP"0% 16LAP
A %0 SM
end at her home on the th . .
Mr. and t1ofrs. Ralph Metcalie, Howick,
Sunday with Ur. and Mrs. Gen. &an of
Loyal, and with Mrs. Love of Goderich
spent Sunday atLMr. John MetCalf'S.
_717 kfaO JIM
Little Jack Miller, Turnberry south.
with his cousin, Miss
The hunters, Messrs. Johns, Russ el.
Shaw and Fittlo of Exeter, motorei to
= =ridge.
Missj<aie Fortune, who spent the
Underwood on Sunday.
few months with friends in the West has
Turnberry Council
returned home looking well after her
Minutes of council meeting hold in
Mr, and Mrs. John Harris visited at the
Bluevale, October 24th, tg2x. Members
home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stokes.
all present, the Reeve in the chair,
Minutes of last meeting were read and
0 0 I"TS
adopted on motion of A. Wheeler and
J. J. Moffatt,
Miss Tillie Alexander of St. Helens, 14
The following accounts were paid:—
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
G. Davidson, grinding grader blade $2;
Andrew Fox.
$. Young, grinding grader blade 2.5o; A,
UL No.
Mrs. Lawson and daughter, May, of
G. Smith, printing account 56,7o; John
Goderich, are visiting at the home of Mr.
Porter, gravel 4,50, 11, Holmes Pathmas-
and Mrs Fred Thompson
'Nettift- 'returned
ter-, MeXitinort Bros., sink hol6 tT8.r2;
Miss Cottle from
J. Stapleton, gravel roa3; J� Stapleton,
inspecting x7,5o, John Vitch, repair to
Auburn on Friday last,
culvert x&oo; Thos. It. Gray. culvert W.
DON'T SEND a'tire to the scrap heap that
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pardon and chit-
d,.on 5 ent a day last week with Mrs.
T, P. 5.00,- Gordon Walker, brushing
20.00; D. MeNaughton, repair to culvert
belongs out on the road, You wouldn't like it
P rd'P
on's ar rits Mr. and Mrs. A.
Anderson, At. 'Hele'ris,
I.00; W. $.King, selecting jurors 3.00;
Jas, Porter, selecting jurors 3.00; P.
yourself. You wouldn't stand for it as long as
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mrs, John Gat-
s cing 6;
lagher and James of Carlow, visited with
ith, rant to gricultu I Societ
you had the price, of credit with a good M. D.
Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Fox on Sunday,
7 1 . reellwAy, payment on Jermyn
Lqt Us doctor your tires by vulcanizing method
Miss Lila Emerson visited With Mrs.
Cecil Falconer last Thurgday.
raill 300.00. on motion of W. A,
ines and J. . MacHwen. The next
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stokes of Turn-
6ouncil meeting will be held in Illuevale
in Monday, Nov. 14th, x9ti af x p. in.
berry, 3pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGee.
11, Powell, Clerk,
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and daughter of
-ter, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
East Wawanosh
Gordon Elliott.
Mr. Joe Thovipson visited with friende
Z _-:t
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Culbert and Mel,
ville, of Dutigannan, Mr. and Mrs. An�
In Listowel on Sunday.
WOOS, Gregg Shiells and John Mitatin
C 7% "i-.
d w Kirk of Seaforth, visited with Mr.
and Mrq, J. D. Baccroft on Friday last.
motored to Hansall on Sunday and spent
the day with relativots there.
Communion Serviceg will be hold in the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robluson visited
Presbyterian church here on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Jones of Helgrave, will be p rd-
Obinoolit r
last wtak With Mrs, p 8 Ailte
Mrs. Law6oft of Clinton.
Thursday, Nov. 3rd 1921
Clearing Sale of Men's ,
. Leather Top Rubbers
Approximately 100 pairs of odds
and ends, left overs, and slight-
ly damaged lini6s.
In Four Heights (Just as shown
.in the illustration.
. . at - -
Very low Prices to_,.Clear
We are makers of this kind of boot and are, w e believe, in
a better Position to serve you than the ordinary shoe store. .
It we have not got the kind you want we can inake them
for you In one hour's time.
Wonderful values and great savings in all
lines of merchandise.
Women's and Misses' Fall and Winter Dresses, Coats
and Blouses all reduced 20% with a special offering for
this week only of all wool velours, duvetyn, and leather -
fit ette coats, values up to $45.00, special 16.50,
Wotnen's fine botany'serge, tricotine, messaline and taf-
feta dressbs in a full range of sizes this week only 14.95.
Blouses and Smocks
Georgette crepe and crepe de chene blouses in a
full range of sizes and colors, valued up to $15.00, spe-
cial 4.95.
i Women's and Misses' Fur Collar- A New Showing In Dresses
ed Coats Women's and misses' fine serge, tric-
Coats of flne quality velour, dovetyn otine, sedan cloth, messaline and cant6n
and bolivia with Oppossum, Beaverine, crepe dresses, in the season's newest
Seal Collars 'in the season's smartest styles, with novel color combinations, all
4 styles and colors, all reduced 20%. sizes, reduced 20%.
Fars at Remarkable Low Prices
Smart furs at big savings, Muffs, Stoled, Matched Sets and Fur Coats of
guaranteed quality of Alaska Sable, Canadian Beaver, Raccoon, Wolf and Lynx
all reduced 20 per cent. I
Underwear and Hosiery Reduced
and children's warm dueable underwear in vests drawers and
combinations reduced 20 per cent,
X Hosiery at Money Sav ng a es
;Fj All wool cashmere, silk and wool, silk and liale, specially reduced prices
V&q a, 69c, 79c, 1.60 and 1.39.
Men's and Boys' Clothing
Coats, suits, smocks, odd pants, knickers and mack-
inaws, made from warm durable fabrics of good weight,
reduced 20%.
Underwear and Socks at MoneySaving Value
Fleece lined shirts and drawers, per garments ............ 89c
Ribbed wool shirts and drawers, per garment ........... 1.39
ool socks, per ... 39c, 69c and 89c
Work Shirts, all ............ 1.00� 1.69 and 2.69
Men's Fine; Shirts, all sizes ........... t,s.# ............ 1.89 and 2.69
4 N WeeR End Special . -
Boy's suits in this season's latest styles of good
An"ing all wool mate nj gqizes. A f-,% I A *,--* a A"101 A 17-q
Terms, Cash—No Coads sent on G
Approval—Get Our Prices K I N B R 0 S
Before Swing. I