The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 73 A-. Foresito Reserved For Use. It must Olways be, kept ill whid that the word "emervel, in connection witit Canadian forest resoryoa meaus thA thA forest to romrved for wo and not from use. As has been proved mailY times In Eastorn Canada, it settlers locate and clear an acre at such poor imil that It to fit only to grow trees, then In twenty -or twouty-avo yeare thoYwill abandon their Sandy or rocl�)r farms and, heartbroken at the lo4a of so 11111011, time and human endeavor, will go away to begin lite over spin. All over the continent it is rocogulzed as criminal to allow uninformed Pea. pie to, oo Into districts whore there lit so little agricultural land that at. tempt4,4t, f4rminj; are bound to end in failure, Similarly, it is only one do. greo less Criminal to allow thm-o who first dut timber In a forest reserve to slash and back and-bilru the trees, to tho detriment of all who come after. Tito Doininion forest reserVes adminia, tration Is therefore organized to make these areas Of non-agricultur4l, land as useful as possible to the surround. Ing COMmUniti68- Millions Of feet of SaW-timber and thousands of cards fuel -timber are annually cut by set. tiers and over a hundred thousand head Of StOck--cattle, borses, and sheel)-are grazed Yearly on parts of the reserves not covered with timber, By using UP first the tire -killed, dis. ea,ved, amd mature, timber and allowing tbO- Young trees a chance to grow, It. is expected that a perpetual supply of timber will be maintained oil the re, serves to meet the nee -do of the Sur. rounding settlements. The first con. dition, howevor, for thq accomplish. Tuent of this end Is the United action of all citizens in keeping area out of growihg timber. When, is New Year's Day? 1�11111ona of Jews all over the world Vished one another I'leshana Tovah" —A Happy New Year --an October lird, The JGwish New Year's Day falls On a different date each year, In ac. ,00rda,ilce with various complicated as. tronamical calculations governing the JewWi calendar. Certain other Jewish religious -tu� niversarles are re.-Ulated by It, not. ably the Day at Atonement, whiell by Jewish law IS tOrbiddeu to be held up- on either Friday or Sunday. The First Tishri, which is the 3 ewish N ow Year'3 Day, can fall only on one of four days in the Week. These are Monday, Tuesday, Tliursday, and Saturday, The festival is regarded as ail op- portunity for great rejoicing. on Nevr Year's Eve, at the last meal, each guest is.invited to partake of an ap. Pie dipped in honey. This toothgeme mOrSOI Is Intended to Symbolize a sweet and acceptable Novi Year. Alcanwhile, shops are ransacked for Jewish dainties ft -r cova�imptjoa on Ithe great day Itself. 'There are, for instance, bonglIch, ,eircular-twi9ted rolls Sprinkled With VOPPY seeds; locksehen, tartlets at 'vermicelli, Crisp and Inviting; crep. )ich, tiny trialigular pasties filled with kosher beef minced and sPiced: and R119901, a species of glorified plum. pudding. Also thefe are gelillto f1sch, boned Plalce stuffed With mashed olives, grated cheese, and cletted cream; ta. bechas, Composed mainly of Sliced ;sausage of various kinds soaked in oil and flavored with garlic, and tzlin- Mug, a dain-ty blend of carrots-, po. tatoes, and Currants, sweetened with treacle and garnished with tiny suet dumplings. Perils from Pets. Pets may be a source of danger in a. house unless they are looked after very- Oftro.fullY. Frequently children ,are allowed to play with unhealthy or unctean dogs and cats, and their parents wolider why they suffer from colft or other ailments so often. bcgs and cats Suff er f rom colds and Influenza Which can be communicated to human beings, TheIr long coats provide, an Ideal r0tidg-place for the gorma at various diseases, unless they are kept scrupulously clean,' Never allow a dog to lick you or your child, for the dog Is one of the dirtlost feeders In the world, Birds are usually infested with para- altess by means of which diseases may be passed to other oreatures, or even to human beings. Never keep a pet that Is not perfectly healthy, and gee that It Is always aWolutely clean, The people of Canada and of the United States can both take pride in the dedi- cation of the imposing Peace Portal on the bound- ary line at a point between British" Columbia and the State of Washington. The arch commemorates a cen. tury of peace and of on - fortified frontiers between the two countries. It stands in a park of five acres and marks the beginning of the 'newly completed Pacific Highway, All travellers go. ing from British Columbia into Washington or vice versa at this point will pass beneath it, At a time when there is so mucli hostility and suspicion among the nations of the World the building of thia Peaeo Port. al is a cheeAng bit of news to ehronlelc-. Wind4or L000tj Prooldont. The Boy Scouts a I the Do rdor Cities are In mourning as the result of the death. of their president, Mr. W. F. H Hackney, at Windsor, Xr. liackuO 11aa taken a, keen Interest In Scouting In Windsor and the surrounding dis. trict for many years, and within twc or three days of his death was work. Ing haTd In connection with a special piece of work which one of tho local Association committees had on hand, HIS euddon death came as a oomplett Shool. to 411 his. associates, and lefl a vacancy In local Scouting which will not be an easy one to fill. Two hun. dred. end aereaty-five Scouts of the Windsor, Walkdrvlllo, Sandwich and Ford troops attended the funeral, forming special guards of honar at the deceased prestdonVa home and at the cometery. A llmiuuti� of silence," or� dered immedfately after the burial service had been read, was one of the most Impretalve features of the Core. many. Good Scouting Prospects in Cornwail Quite recently neirly one hundred and i1ftY boys at the town of Cornwall assembled at thie local High School in response to Sat invitation to attend a meeting for the purpose of coasider� Ing the advisibility of organizing an association of Day Scouts In Corn, wall. Several prominent gelitlemen at the town wero also present. The Chairman, after delivering a short ad, dress of welcome to the boys, called upon Mr. H, Lister, of Ottawa, Vield Secretary, who, In. a. clear and force, fal manner, explained the alms and objects of the Boy Scout Movement. Mr. Lister's a4dress was listened to with deep Interest and at Its. conclu- sion a hearty vote of thanks was ten. dered the speaker. The majority of the boys present registered their Ira-wes with the local gentlemen who have Interested themselvez in tile movement 4ud the prospects for a Cornwall Association of Buy Scouts are very bright. "The Best All -Round Scout,,P At a recent meeting of the broelt- ville troop voting took place for the purpose of deciding the winner of the Rev. Mr, Whalley'a cup, praseuted for the best all-round Scout in the troop., The incethig unanimously decided that Patrol Leader Stanley Milson was their model at efficiency and he was accordingly presented with the cup. The Brockville enthusiasts are also anxiously walting the formation of a new Patrol Owing to the fact that quite recently a large number or recruits have been Incorporated into th6 Brotherhood. Scouting Grows. During the past few weeks the On. tarto 130Y Scout Headquarters, Bloor and Sherbouruo Streets, Toronto, has Issued charters for new troops in the following centres: Rodney, Foleyet, Plattsville, Galt, Stevensville, Paken. ham, Kemptrille, Westmount, Luck - now, Fort Arthur, Renfrew, Thames� ville, Galetta, Vars; Beaeliburg, North Gower, Navan, Ridgetown, Lucan and Barlington� Twenty more, contras have decided tcT try the worth of Scout- lng� This Speaks well for the recent progress of Scouting In Ontario Scouting grows in proportion to th'� inlPre$Sfans of worth and efficiency It creates In a Comm I Unity, Let your winter's work bo'governed by this in- exorable law. The patrons of Scout. Ing and.even, thogo who are not di. rectly intereoted in boy welfare are watching you� Show,them why and how, __01) Tile Mobammodans holltheir Sab. bath on Friday. I WHATFri% lu 1111 FOR I Cheating Hunory Lions. UU, At 100cly-wPota on the Afadra.13 Rail- TORONTO, WOMM il India, ma�v be v2,m small Gve-touilt huts With Iron gates Th(�y HEALTH iMCATION STOMAICPH TROUBLE I G= are referrod to, by railwayU16 as BY DR. J. I MIDDLETON "tiger boxes." PrOvine,141 002M of Heafth, OnUrio Good Advice From One W110 The object of these Itttle cabina in to afford protection for polirtsme Dr� Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Fablic-0441th mat. Had $off a and ftxa! thTWgb. this column. Address him at Op4dina, Hm ONLY W, FIGHED NINM 'ered Much, lother workers againat the tigers that, as, OradInA, I frequent the Jungles it, the vicinity. Crescent, Toronto. POUNM SHE SAYS. Nine tenths of all form$ of Indigos* I Th000 ferocious animals have In the Uble tion or so-called stomach tro arell)44t MaMfosted a pce�,Itar t Tor I is .3 ilia r of great burlor- bost, cooked fruits ouoh -4s baked ap. Now Feek Swe and Strong net due to the condition of the atom-.; rullwaymen, and It was found"Tueeces- tanceat any time of life, but at we4n- ple or apple saup,#, Are ach at all, but are caused by other In-, sary to placts retreats at the more' In..- time it is es %V#'vtlgt* and ood Gmtitti& to T"c fluenceg, The great contrIbuting 14olated parts at tile tracic. In each -pocially Ea. Wlu,-a the holpfuL They abould be given onco cause Of indigestion Is thin blood., hut ts Placed halt a gallon of water baby is about twelve months old it a day after a child is o4gleteen tnonths Good blaod and plenty q. It is re.quired and a rough bunk. begins to demand semetiing, morel is Unboun(w. br the Stomach to take care at the i th4n a milk diet for its ordinary sus- I old, but the fruit shoum f1r.4t be "T4nlac; has but -it me up from In Fast Africa railway workers use, Strained, Stalo raw fruits are On- tenance; it lias passed from tho jufant, gerDug, cspoclaily in 09 Olt in Sam. more frame W6jgbJr.0 OIL117 n1aety -beasts. stage and Leglas to train its 3tonla"ll I mertime. pounds to a Otroas WomaAL Vmfghlax aoh functions sluggish, food lies undl. once of lions, and other wild - 1 7 food.. It the blood fa Uiia the atom. XuOukeYs to warm bhem of the pres I Kestod, gas forms and causis pains Im The monkeys. are placed in ca for the mixed diet of childtood. What' one hundred. Pvd twenty -Aye pounda I ges on For a Child of from two� to three, various parts of the body. Instead of high posts or other prominent posi- to give tile Child at tlxis crucial time yeara of ago, 4 sultable diet is as 1444 MY 91*t1tUd0 Is ftubfta6W 8414 getting noUrislinkent from the blood tions. They a -cream when they Scout of I-ife is Of VeMy great Concern, The follows.- i.Ura. Lydia Pickup, 12 ftmistly L4ao, tho S�Ateta gets polson. the approach of lions. best Substitute for a whole diet cf Breakfaat.—T.80 anl,, ibe juice or, Toronto, out. Relief from this condition can be Oil the Uganda line, a telegraph milk is cereal, Such as oatmeal, corn- one Sweet or4uge, or ills pulp of f*ur ! "My stomach troubled me so )nuob obtained by the tonic treatment which operator, on returning to his station, meal or Cracked wheat, which should or 11ve stowed prunes, or apple sc'-we- I during the past three yours that my Mr. D. Shaw, Bit. Stewart, P041, tried found the statten-moster and staff bar. be well cooked and fed to the baby Either a well�cooked ceretal-_--coril- � lite wag a pork.et burden. My Appe- One entireIr. aaa would form and now warmly recommends to rimiled in a hut, while two big lions' twicea day; for two or three months meal, oatmeal, cracked wheat, urbeat-1 tita W49 9 other$, Mr. Shaw says: "I Suffered patrolled tile Platforail He Wired the the cereals Should be strained, In ad- ena—all well ealted and witih PC-!- more and nearly Set me wild With pain $1, from Indigestion for over. four years, Information down the line, and a lo- diatiOn to the cereal he should havo t-han one-hulf teaspoonful of 'sugar- the Pit Of 1117 BtOmacll- Thi� gas near. and have tried many of the well- comotive carrying a crack shot was: four cupfuls Of Milk daily, and 4. and milk added; or, soft 1>0iled or ly Smothered me and my heart sxted known reutedies for such troubles, sent to drive the animals away. little fresh frult juice. I ponclied eggs withstAle bread or crIsV1 so queerly that it alarm04 me. IoGuld but never obtalned more than tem- When fifteon months old he may f toast, Glass of wurmed wilk. 10,.$0 got SC.- `eelY any Sloop and was tired Porary relief, The trouble was ag- Do AutomobiI4 Start Forest have at first a teaspoonful, later one AM, Glass of warmed milk. and duil and all worn out. I often gravated by Constipation setting in tablespoonful of rare scraped ineof,: Mid-day lunch -1.30 to 2 p.m, One- turned ao dizzy I coula bardly stand QW109 to therstomach. failing to do its Fires? lip, and at t1mca my head hurt like It mutton or chicken; When eighteen, half cup of broth or Officens Of the Massachusetts forest I months -old., he may have one-half of be chicken, beef or mutton, thickened work, and laxatives only save relief soup' whion may] would burst open. I lost wolglt until to the bowel,,� and left the stomach In service declaro that the number of a mealy, baked potato, daily. with barley or rice. Chop, ra-re roast my elcth" were entirely too largo fires in the forests In the state bears a Diring the second,, yeur, the child,,,beef, rare steak, chicken or brolled I d I was so wealc I could 1-ardly worse condition, Who result was ray i an blood was growing more end more direct relation to the number of auta- should -have -four mo4ls a day, at 6 fish, boiled or baked potato. Aspur� move' aneemic, I did not Sleep well at night mObI16 licenses Issued. As the auto- a.m., 10 am., 2 p.m., and 0 p.m. No- agus tips, carrots, string beang, p , One day I Saw a statomoiA about and wita growing despondent. I was mobiles Increase so do the forest fires. thing -but water Should- be i eas Ta'nlac and I determin-ed to try It. I allowed. spinach. - All vegetables should be have now taken ten bottles In all and In this wretched condition when a They claim that City people, touring between meals, very thoroughly cooked and niashed. friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' through the woods by automobile, When two years old he may have The vegetables should 1.�e cooked� my U`pPet'te has come back, I "I t any - Pink Pills. I got three boxes and by leave their noonday camp -tires burn- most of the fresh green vegetables qui-oldy, and not allowed to stay longi thing i want and as much As I wzat a tile time they were finished there was,. Ing and so start fires The statement when they are thoroughly cooked and I in the water and- lose any �,Itamjues i every meal without pain or any un some Change for the better Is pwalbly Justified, but analyzed it comfortable feeling afftovw.ards. I do - T1110 finely mashed. they may, contain. greatly encouraged me and I continued SIMPly Means, "MOM tDUrISt0i more Tea, coffee, cider, wine, beer, sodal not have hoad,%*hes �or dizz7 spells taking the pills for some three months, fires." The remedyJs not fewer auto- Baked apple, paain bread or rice any more, I sleei) soundly ever7ulght wutor and can4y should NEVER be ptid,dinig, corn starch, custard, junket, and got up feeling que. and strong In b)P Which t1nie my Stomach was all mobiles but more widespread educa. given a young child, nor should pies or stewed prunes with skins removed. the mornirg." tion I ! Cupper-5.30 pan. Well -cooked cer- Taulac is sold by leadiag drugglst% right again, my blood good, nerves as to the dangers of car01683 I be given it. It would be a good plan, strong and lite was again worth liv- handling of fires in the forests, The indftd to tell the child when it growz Cal, bread ard inilk, -bread and butter everywhere. Ady. ing. My advice to all who suffer from inore city People here are who go far older not to touch Pies, as they axe and cocoa, at fruit, apple sauce. their recreation to the forest, the blot ev;ed stomaeb trouble is to give Dr. Wil- not -good for little children. TI�Jds can Glass of Warmed milk. Energy will do aziYt!dr,9 that can ba Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cail be ob. preclated and the eas',,ar it will be. to quires a taste :for P No food between meals. AV r, done in this world; no talents, no air - items' Philt Pills a fair trial." ter will the value of the forest be ap- usually be done before the ch aa� ate I ics or pastry-, and several times a day. rtances, no opportun!t1w will have conservation measures carried I remember a few months ago meet- make a two-leggea an,inal a man tained through any medicine dealer, cumr or by mail at 50 cents � box or six out. If the subject Is approached in I ing a child, of five who did not hnow 11 the kidy signing herself "A. T.1 without it,—Goetho. boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williame this way the automobile will become' the taste of pie and did not want to! Turriff"will kindly smd her nanLeand. Medicine Co., Brockville, oat. not a menace to the forest, but a greatl know, because the paTents. had taught!adiolress to Dr. IAIEdleton at Spadinal Classifiecl Adverti-sem7nts. aid to f eSkt I Origin of Fruits. The strawberry comes from a cross between the native strawberry of Vir- ginia and that of Chile, The rasp- berry Is native in temperate Europe and Asia, The apricot originated In Chftm� The peach was originally a Chinese fruit. The cherry originated around the Caspian Sea. The plum comes from the Caucasus and Turkey. The pear is native In temperate Eur- ope and Western Asia. The quince comes from Sonth-e0atern, Europe, tile Caucasus and the Caspian region. The apple, one of the oldest fruits, oringin- her to avoid, ii. House, Sp9dina Crescent, Toronto, he, Although & juice of fruits is the! * PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. Will answer her letter. 171ELL PLAYER PIANO 1171 G06D conditlon, with a l4ige number Ll THE r1ILL WEATHER A '.�s Llk.'Hyena Stew. 11/lother! Move Child's Bollvels. music r'l-11SI for sal"o at a barginozz. ome Arabs are extremely tend or With California Fig L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street., hyena stow, and this despite the fact Toronto. 1HARD ON LITTLE ONE S s Syrup. that oven a dog turns from hyena meat In disgust. Hurry mother' Even a sick, child Canadian fall weather Is extremely hard on little ones. One day It Is warm and bright and the next wet and old. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic, and unless baby's little stomach is kept right the result may be serious. There Is noth- ing to equal Baby's Own Tablets In 1, . 4. �$, 11"1- I love5� the "Crulty" taste of "California, COARSEE SALT M—ONEY 6RDER.S. Fig Syrup" and it never falls to open: Send a Dominion Express Money the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may LA &4 D -SALT Order. They are payable everywhere. prevent a Ock child to -morrow, It can- Bulk Carlots stlpated, billour,, feverL--li, fretful, hasi TORONTO SALT WORK8 Life is like the old faTni—we turn, cold, colic, or if stomach Is &our, C. J, CLIFF - TORONT 0 one furrow at a time,, and, only the tongue coated, breath bad, romemt,r man who keeps plowing is ready for I a good cleansing of tile little bowels the sunset. 4 ones welL. k ney soften all that is ated In Persia, it Is generally be. I ' -" 6 nace:isarv. lieved. The almond comes from Per- S-Weeten. the stomach, regulate the Ask your dru.-gist for gtenuiae, "Cali- sia. The fig originated In Syria, The I bowels, break up colds and make baby Ask for Minard's and take no other. forilla, F 19 Syrup" which has directions grape IS native In southern Europe. thrive. The Tablets are sold by medi- - for babies -nd children of all ages cine dealers Or by, mail at 25 cents a During the last forty years over printed ion bcttle. Mother! You must silence Pays, box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine eight thousand wrecks have occurred say, "Caltfornlu!' or you may get all Silence is the most satisfactory Co., Brockville, Ont. on thecoasts of Great Britain. Imitation fig Syrup. substitute for wisdom. r.. Have you. ever stopped to think how this country -w�ould fare if there were 'no forests -no wood to supply the thousand and one� necessities of dom- ostle life? The longest journey taken by an� known creature is the annual migra- tion of the golden plover. The plovers nest along the Arctic coast of North America. They fly to the Labrador Coast as soon as their young can care for themselves, and then Start on their extraordinary flight to the shares of South America, Front there they fly to their winter home in Argentina, .rIley stay there Six months and then return to Northern Canada, having made their annual round trip of more than -22,000 miles. I ne irootish man who built his house on the sand He gave an example in folly which anybody can understand. It isnt so easy, however, to sense the mistake of trying to build the body on foods which lack essential noutishment. Here, again, is a foundation of sand which gives 'way when the test comes, Many a food that tastes good lacks honesty of nourishment to equal its taste. Thus it tempts the appetite into mistakes that often are costly. Grape -Nuts is a food wbich helps build bodily endurance for life's stress and storm, The full nourishment of wheat and rnalted barley, together with the vital rnineral salts so necessary to bone structure and red blood corpuscles, with phos- phates for the brain, is retained in Grape -Nuts. The long baking process by which Grape -Nuts is made gives the food a natutti sweetness and an unusual OA80 Of -' 1,edtibility fAnd assimilation. Served witl* eream or milk, Grape -Nuts is fully t100r1dhift9,,0Zd whether eaten as a coreol at breakfast or lunch, or made Into a pudding for dinner. Gml)e.Xutq has a particular delight for the appetito. Sold by'grocers. Grape-Nuts—the Body Builder "Thw,els it Reasool, 9— The Voices. I heard tiie voice at the city Calling again and again, And Into her arms there hastened Millions and millions of men. And I heard the voice -of old gardens, Of quiet woodland wayz; But few there Were who would heed them In the rush of the busy days. The English language is now taught I at London Universities exactly as it is spoken. Cascarets, To. -Night for Liver, Bowels, if Bilious, Headachy. Gpt a 10 -cent box now, You're headacliy! You have a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, The cities grow old and vanish, your ama. is yellow, your IIp4 parched. And their people faint and die; No wonder you feel mean, Your sys- +_ 4. 44,01 _# U41 � ­+ A 17 But the gardens are green forever, Porever blue Is the Sky. Selling War's Surplus. War materials on hand at the time of the armistice have been an asset of Governments to be liquidated. This operation lies now proceeded to a point where the results run Into large figures. To the end of June England had made sales of 88 per cent. of Its war materials, realizing Z582,0100,000, at par of exchange, $2,670,,000,000. The off, and what you need is a cleaning up Inside, Don't Continue being a bilious nulsznca to yourself and those who love you, and doWt resort to harsh physics that Irritate and Injure. Re- member that most disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels are gone by morning with gentle, thorough Cascar. eta—they work while you Sleep. A 10 -cent box will keep your liver and bowels Clown; stomach sweet, and your head clear for montlia. Children love to tako Caaearets too because they never gripe or Sicken. A Health Snvinf_y REMINDER: DoWt wait until you get sick—USE S 9 as LOAN'S TO 1%14 EASEA LAWIE BACKIL.") *%7OU can't do your best when JL your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, u*h- vat rubbing, and enjoy a penetrativi Slow of warmth and comfort. Good for rheumatism, neuvtlgia, sprains and strains, aches and pains sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints ana the after effects of weather —osure depression In the market for such ma- 11. V_ It . I terials as copper can be understood. when It is noticed that England had( Stocks of nion-ferrous motala which Itl sold for Something like $200,000,000.1 Textiles, leather and equipment real - !zed $150,000,000, FbOd Supplies brought In only $35,000,000. r city years ain a enemy. Ask your neighbor. Mer; Sloan's handy. *1 'At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.0. - OlAnde fn Canada. a Liniment pna eneni, The cost at civility Is—nothing. Creditors have better memories than debtors. He who courts needless danger Is more tool than hero. It Is a good habitnow and again to Vi R) examine your habits, Better an ass that Carries than a horse which throws. r -Mm It you give no occasion for sus. u M OA& Augh picion no suspicion will arige, WV The best advice Is not the most pleasant but tile most useful. If YOU Want good friends all the S year round, got some good books. Ila who mA" It ills law to do what he likes will not always lik'a w1lat ho has done, Tact IS, an lunch not saying the rightl Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Bayer" thing at the wrong time as in saying the right thing at the right tirne. Warning! Unless you &vo U`am6 AEpinta In h-,tkav ft Ur&w at 12 tab. "Bayor" on t0lets, you cre not get- lqts, 4ntj in botrl,_� A 2; and 100 A novel periscope enoblW all auto.1 ting A-,4pirin at all. Why take chances? &.,pirin Is t1lo trade marlc (ro'gistered, Mobile driyon, froul bfs goat to, ex, Accept Wily fin unbroken "Bayer" In VAIIatlft) ot DajOr Nwiufacturo of amine all the tires ion a tar, package. which contallis directions 4 of sallevileavid. I worked out by physiclans during 21 While it Is well known that Aspirin A CT(Iat many 111011 roasoll in a tir. , yotra Vuld ivved safe by millions for nitans llayft VaCktilifueture, to assisti e1e; that's villy there ia 11.0 LJrJ to Colds, lleadael; . Varaviw' ToMbalclX0, tile 1)Ublie 11.�Pail*t iniltattatto, the Tab. their nmunwtit�,. Xcuralegla. Itheumatism, Neuritii, Lum- lets (it Dowee Cotmpany will be ,AamD. 1"In.a. and Pain. Mado In Parada. ed with lhoh� goneral trado 4wilt. tho 61 Inardl4a Lin iment l.timbp. tmah's priori All druzgzyL"� lllabltq� of "DoWer Croso." In PimplesOn Face. Itched So Had To Rub Them. Burned and Hurt, "My face was a mass of pimples and I had an unusual amount on rny forehead and chin. They were hard tind red and later they came to white heads. They itched so I would rub them, and theb they staAed to burn and hurt. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti. cura Soap and Ointment and tried them and found they helped me. I purchased more and when I hid used three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one tind a half boxes of Cuticara Olntmtnt I was completely bealed." (Signed)MIss Anna FyalkaoCarrolla, Wash., Dec. 6, 1919. Give Cuticu= 80ap, Ointrnerit and Talcum the care of your skin. Saap2k. OhslmaatZzad0c� Talovilm2gc. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot, Bm-cutictwa Solo 01ave; *W&Dut mat. TO WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE This Wornan!s Letter Tellis You How To Pass The Crisis Safely. .-"Duringtho Change weak and run down I my iiyotk. The perA pour over- my face so see what I was doing. .rA, so there is lots to dN elt as I did would have )0k L dis E. rinkhamlo oomll and It did mo a muoh good it bag -done zne."-�� DUNCAN BAOWN, U040110, ftOV. �h.wa w4g_symptama go sense of in crisis as it did Mra. l3toft. You are itivitta to vd(e fotfree ladvito 11 ther modieme hag been so one. rcolbl� In ralievin woman's suvoring 419 bas Lydia 10. Ankliard's 'VcgetAbJ* Cohl ound. Women nlp,�erocojve free and WeNful advice by writing flit Lydia V. Pit& 'ail' 110didne Co., L#im blas& 0-14