The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 6Ing Geras of Thought. %ght Defoe Thankagiv" Domestic mia.s I-, -,Niorth more thani all the Ulory in the Nvorld. r,y SARAH ORNNE JEWETT. The capacity to *enjoy simpla t1l!.lf7.i 10, ONV- "I fieel just .Is if 501nethile was I linractcrizes all, great euul`�. Vic,re Nm, s n r-n'�t tl' 1 1. happen, s -be ".aid. "Poor Its ad- I dark is aps he's thinkilis The worl',J gem,rally gives the wan who, does hualbly by the 're , 1c.'rJoe IlAiler F'01110! Johnny Harris, perh4 110, wa% o' me, if lif"s alive. miration, no' to 0 t*11 Sira'.1 as nA N,,hat nobody else ever attempts to 0,ss 61.1 Mrs. Relob found it too large forl it vas darl, 11oliv Out Of tloOrq, 4 �e tiav cli�k%ag nat tile Nin, but to the nian. who bv5t, what lv-r�eAz alone; She only llk,01jq t Ile I tl-. -ne we,� -%v, aud,.multitud i e,,). well�Muvaulay. %va a lieginning to sue a aril a th"N' IN do - " n the Aring grt...at 01111 crtlized ,But of it, a -CA Tlltl�e still remaille I tho:, flw� , To mrk soln-- w�ok of God's c -.,ca - hr J. r, a)c.zt rapm 4 v;nh thelwin'! a tioli a little fruitfull-er, bette. Worthy of God; to ma] -;o some hum".11 WV7 garret overllt'.'4- -1) cf o,,.e of the old tree" a little wile- nianfulh­r hap - Thanksgiving Day, WZ I GREATHEARTS With the recurrence of our national- ture has provided, in wo�r foreits, our (lay of thanksgiving, the question na, watenvoya, our fishoricis, mines and (Ali, AppiZoAation.) tu'r4ly What defin'te rva3on our fortilo svil, ii yielding up trcasure h3s Canada to be thankful-, �Vhat out- at tile -call of man tQ: Buell an extent �4anding), feature of our nationhood I that we may well say it is from- our Have You mo� any of thle)'-n 6110 have we that is not common to all i rmturzt;l rtource- we -will FAY Or war -you read- your blve�and-&lcl Copy Of corntries; what can we discern on! debt, Pilgrim's rrcg�n-ss, ever and ever so - the horizon of our national life that What, however, do our natural re- long ago 9. aug-urs well for tile future of Canada murres menn t6 tt-3 average Can- I have' my. They are land Canadian -0 adian How much does be Un -ow I meet them every & During ibg past year the world hos about tbelm. Whoa -challenged to tsul)- the f olk who keep the stream of 111.9 Vaulitry'l; 'clialm to grv"alllerss, thanksgiving froin freezirig over, be - been pass-ing, thtough a Period Of (Le- Port ,ccuutry has entirely ban he th,2 intin-ate and cloE!,e touch tween Thnulcsgiving Days. proision. No. I ) 9 V.4-11 1, J, ­. P.f t'llein? 111ho':e hail liet n a tinie, afte-r -ie, J -- d ell � , I P egeaged. Canada, fortunately, has that ucuoks tht� "tu ent ay yvi., hen ;Ur4. ROY) eollid: hail �Iallen that auturau, and . pool- fire-, pier -more bless -ed, less aecura.e.1 It I Keep in ti�­ Quwdilue as much as the ""' VIPs lef, alone, w, Mrss.Robb's,is wark for a GadCarlyle, flicinat been greatly affected. True, we Some information su-pplied by Two of thou INCA in, the hcavt Of wila VWrL, poorer Own, ile! -'V-X �- a a"; it 1111glit 1e. it wa 'you van. tarT imi;u.rt .;,me of a slackness in business, we Natural Resoul ..03 Intelligence, a grc!lt city. It was winter. Winter ­ - had buTilt it most" 'oul warm,lb. to th��,e rr =4 Y.C.11 have �Aelt Branch of the DcS;artiient of the In- in very cold in cities. Colder still, in 1,401,g e.11,jue:11 ,&.It ppiy1,o-,,vr. .n!l ,he T-Aan 16 hisown, -anl th? c I She was str at least she have our unemploynient,problem, alift - - I - ". " tha, cen ncra aro coaled W 0 ra a P S vor17 wz`4�- 141 .111f ally; . . . . - passing through a. period Of tPrior may be of hit,�neit. This branch city homes wbel:e 4in . - cc-ald have the luxury of a fire. as we ary p 0110 house 711111; alraol�t a wo.-, 'hat it was her Rcuder ail hon -vat aml, a Pertnt inia-Zq D0cp wIt]:4.n ev4ery heart that h 0 1 L I !1 She had a t ns,, of ite; inner vi-Ireadjustment of -wages, but withill, of the Ottawa Goyernnient has been ;amil served -by &,%rity t I t le e feeling all nr,,t dulled the se -4ablleh - car '-' I b bc-c-ause they have no, snii-all of E�ardell g -o' -r, only minor e -i . ed ceia".-Y for th. purpose w a, .�Jdl.s ill ht -r pieee iglit at how. �. and with strange Comm unds all light, all irftewe, sion, is the belief that wle are Gmplwo have experienced in .j antl al��, bazt. ennle'la-t 11 f at r'; , i is caus. Of ant3wering twfuirk-s regn.rding our home.5 h-mve to be loved' amA cuddled, At 1:-t ga�., .0 fill tile stove as : &g:.ree the depression -which recklessness be ai- to him fall' 1% early or too, late. with voilme great unimawn, uellseen I,-.Ild in hands thwo T",;,) , l Nothii g coun- natural resouixel,�- use�l to lie in better days. ard that we are eonlehow in- Ing so much suffering in other Power; ea 3,7129,666 square These two peop'e weTe yoor but onemies of the Poor, a -A ta�,etllc. t me -,)ad an! warill'I'l she separably conn.c'2ted With the Infinite tries, For this happy position we are Canada's ar the teld 3 t).LIPC about a Rich Father, "I -.1A ,It'll ge they had wastel be- undoubtedly largely indebted to, our miles, of which 3.37 per cent. is water. y us t etqi lack. said, SUll talkin�'to herself, as lonely comfortable long's you live, Mother Con-sciousnez.Z. sillistance. Sh,�hadallva%'sl-" I on to storm." abundant and varlel natural re- It equals in area the United Stat0q quite. er4 if they knew him* and even I)- ng PeOple (10. "It's comin Robbit" QtnaJa. has when theirown, cupbaard was bareish, ed upon 4-jy a-,, Ei - licked faster and faster Sources'. Our pec-ple are looking and all her poszesslens. ,,nd , e IL She looked at bin-, again and nod- wr PoPulatio-11 In tbey managed, greatheartledly, to S11P ra than doubled I low s I The snow e sbe sat alone The eyes of all Wait upon Of m o 1 inst the -window, and ded, but sh�- did not even try to speak. earnestly to the development hat wfoa, Wry anil lanie-bamlel, Y�Ath a ag, a n the dark. There was a good hot supper ready Thee, 0 Lord; and Thou givest, those " a meam-a of e-eauring a return 28 years. gifts dilto, cmpboards t to s=ry anI be-. baw !ard, an�d thinking I I love," she it was them their meat -in due- season. of prosperity, of employment, and of The water -power erergy of Canada ijare. e Ilouse "There's lots Of falls$ and a happy guest had, come The rich heritage which NV-' iving . il,-- I prt117jsjc:nc-1 t- st-aud t3le said Once, ,They'd be sorry I ain't the night be -fore Thanksgiving. -Ps. 145: 15. plenty. is equal to near'sy twenty million Whon Thanau;P time canl`0 14v!w of Vm-­�,. how -e -power, of whi-ch Ontario -has 5,� arotind they said to vach, othL-r, "We gOt nobody to come, an! no supper So there were whih. she M .. t�) get on, 800 000 h.p. and Qu.ctee 6,000,000 hp. must fill the basUeto-" the night before Thanksgivin'. Agproximately 1,652,650 h.p. uged by I four baskot:g filled wi h Wt it Inst. 1. ueft"In. to be -whisp2red � : Bacon, coffe t1d th -,rgy sugar, apiple's, eggs, celery, nuts, ,ey. donit know," And alAut tbore, 11;3, zentral st�ationi for electrical enF 4) �asc, for any- dreadful gl er to the fire 'is easier for she drew a little near waril-L �,ocks-oh, many won� A"I'D to 'tie -.� rroud; it v:. developed_ from ivater-power. raisina, er than and laid her htad back drowsily in e only two coRl 're- derfirl. things, toj�:n to care for h Canada has th \*1 0 The7 Eat. down. to a dinuver of poach - N IT gious on the zea coasts of Worth Am - 'a -0 w reiw t, anil 1dr3. Robb had the oil 'llbors 0 xise b; -fore win-, It seenied only a moment before erica, in Nova British ed eggs ami:T milic and, baked appaer, bptter go to 4 'le Poor,' --1 a loud kot-king, and some- Scotia and er-filled to the - it while Alberta poszessee and their cup ran, ov be done wit] - there wal Columbia, te, an s,-,ggestion her body lifted the latch of the door, The Ititude of thoso A-," flt;q. le-rible I . coal deposits estimatedz at 15 per cent-. brim -with the gra I fire illona bright through the front they had. turned to unex- Lcart F-�ev ..ed to stand still. The d. made a little light of the world'D.supply. whose lips TLC,-,p�e Ulical shs. cared for most hap- of tile stove an The Mackenzie oil field is in proces-3 pected, tbanksigivings. Tenel t') La poor, and she could no in tile room, but Mary Ann Robb of development, but sufficient -work Another wea a -lamely man, a one - to waked up frightened. and bewildered'. I in 10 n a western. -G' into their bousch-dids has not as yet been performei to armed men living a ne a ;Who's there?,, she called as she 7)7!11 N, Oil sliale% are f ound homeattlaid. lie was saddened and found her crutch and went to the door. 1:1 Prove its value' L'c 1, e -. if o" i of ul�p- M] As David Sawv A in quantity in'Nova Seotia and New embitteree ve-. y' t..,.nis, cve-ebead seenied to , 1111� d by some past happening She was only conscious of her one Brunswick. In each province, known he never told about. But -he wao a say "Oh, no!" as they -rcaned in the ver a bill! One bitter day, -he late au,,unli w111l&, and there was great fear. "They're come to take me the to the poorhouse"' she said, andburst H, GIVE thanks unto the Lord, deposits must total 0 - on tono, Greathearto too. siorracthing a-ppealing even to for He is good; for. His mercy with an oil contcat aff from 20 to, 110 turned -.his broncho svyeral miles ofr ttTnng3 passerby in the look oi the into team. t John 0 endureth f Grever. gal -lions per ton. the trail that led to his own cabin, 1i ,�,L. gray hause, with Mr%. Rol)b's There was a tall man, no -The total aye, of 1 -and covered, -by becauve he Iliad 11a. hunew, a oobt=r, it an would praise the Lord r0e, worried -face at the window. Mander, who seemed to fill the nar- Ohl that M1 for His wonder- foresft,, in 43anadh Is estimated at, be- woman on, another lomol,7 homestead, roW doorway- for His goodness and. "inight be wanting something." Sure VI he said gaily. n of men I tween 500 wil. 600 million acres. COm- miciaily, out Same one has said that annil.eTaSr- "Come, lot me in ful works to the childre nlercial timbar covers 225 nilllion enough, he found ;%lit waa qeg a cold night. You didn't expect lm ate days� to make Other PeOPIS And let them sacrifice the sacrifices acres and the Tenlainder is suittable of water and vrood., so until daTknesG I. imes when they me, did you, Mother ROI)b?" declaxO His for -pulpwood. fell, lit- served iber need and, then, turn - .1, )sut somoti "Dear me, what is it?" she falter- A of thanksgiving and rd the restleiss horje to facethe.night c(,mp they seem to be full of shadows, ed, stepping back as he came in, and works with rejoicing. Caradi suppli - over 87 per cent. -it Is othing.11 aad the l3ower r -f giving jav ta,-tbf--Ws of the war0d's requ;-renlents Of as- wind-sild cra3led Ti that inalienable righ+ whi-oh Ought to dropping her crutch. "Be I dreamint? He turneth the wilderness into a bestos. This is IAT ely praduced in Another of th-ew V4,eathearts lives lii�'c-i the saddest 'heart, the "llost I was a-dreamin' about --- all, there, standing water and (h -y ground into qaebo-. Of ll&ekei, OntarI5.s, output on a rented. Sa-im Shia is. a gia With what was I a-sayin"? 'Tain't true' ; I -he world -'s two ta�eall-s�-one for music and an- in.lMerent sympathy. s0met"Imin even Not rye made some kind of , mis- watersprings. rciwesenits 80 per cent. of t tliiq Eeams to be withdrawn- And there He maketh the hungry slipply. Developments 11TO takibg other for vritin�. But tberes a liamle So poor Mary Ann Robb sat at 'ler take-" prepare a city place in the nickel situiatlon which siztcr at home wb* ewinot go to afternoon bef ore Yes, -and this was the man who to dwell, that they may -o this InduF gain ac- school end there, is no, one to, teach. v4ndow on the she would go for habitation; and sow the fields and should, nink -try ag T 1 oer kept the poorhouse, and' I May yield tive -at -an mrly date). her. go the tialented girl dev*ta.9her- hanksgiving and felt herself P might have plant vineyards, which and sorrowful indeed. Across the without complaint; they ssieth them The above are but a few of the sell to farm living and. atiew the talent$ ven her notice, but she must not fruits of increase. He ble it about it, and onlY frozen, road she looked eastwaid, over gi autsbanding features of 0anadas na, go,, heeping silem a great stretch of cold meadowlands fret, also, So that they are multiplied tural resources. Her agriclalture, and He whom they call the Recording. Ewed by I "Sit down,, sir," she said, turning greatly; He suff ereth wA their cattle systema Angels knowe ber heart or opnTo6ally, brown and windtwept and crot 1�,7,,ard him with touching patience. 1. - fisherles, lmr trarup-artatizin, Icy dit-chest. to decrease. by I-ard amd watcLr, vr�t:l the Indom- mdasuxe how her noble pplirit-4wefts o e world's thanksgiving. ou'll It seemed to her as if beiore this, have to give me a little time. Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the i,1i;0o-11e F!-Dirlt of her Pe,*10 8re as:mte the tide of th It would take me houm just to list been notified I wouldn't have of in-vaivable worth. in all tile troubles that she llnd known If Fd waltins a minute this Stormy Lord from the heavens; Praise Hn' What h,3s Oana-da to 7ae, thankful all the Cvrealthflarts I bLLve knowmi­ and carried, there bad always been kept you in the heights. some hope to hold; as if she '�ad never night."' for? It is obvious thab Nature has from the -pa,,hent mother and Iriends, looked poverty full in the face and It -war, not the keeper of the poor- re Him, all His angels; bc,,,n very ge,,�., Im wn Praise 3 -ous to Canada, and,, and- tead rs who,*put Vp wilth MY 0 e man by the door took iM, all His hosts. ca 0 and ialdifferelit youth, deter - seen its cold and pitiless look before. house. Th praise ye H with such boundless re0ourcts we WZY ` )3319 ;ep forward and put his arm She looked auxiouslydaWn the road, one st Praise ye Him, gull and moon: with pride in our country look for- mimed to make sOn"Othing Of me, 'out with a horrible shrinking and dread around her and kissed her- all ye stars of light. ,,Pa:rd- to, the day when the 11,Drthern and up,, in ever incroxsing numbers, at the thought" of being asked, out of "Mat -are you talking about?" praise Him, s of heavens, half of the Am-aican continent will until WIlten I stop to 06.1121t them, I ,,you ainst gain' conta-In a large and con,tant2d' PoPula- give up in a flood of gzatitude and pity, to join in some Thanksgiving said- John Harris. Praise Him, Ye heaven! ike astranger9 I've the is v, heave Y feast, but there was nobody coming to Make me :feel I and 1vaters that be above tiall, a criedilt to the pioneers, who decide thoL the wov! iii vKh gifts in hani. Once she had been come all the way from Alberta to ye Mast plAce and tile chly songs there are heavens. blazted the ortginial traills from I spend Thanksgivin% Tbiere's all sort% r -am for are atanes of Praieegivim;- full of love for sinh days, w heVner at the Lord from theearth, ye to coast, and to- tbcao fa -sighted ro home or abroad, but someriling chilled e thiligs out here in the wagon, an' a Praise deeps; fire and hail; stiatesmen, who, In 1867,,sponsored the and thanlagiving- her very heart now. man to help get lem. in. dragons. and all , . ; stormy Wind ful- creation of thils great Domain4won, Of Long a -go, my -friend Alhaimbra and d vapours Her nearest neighbor had been fore- "Why, don't cry so, Mother Robb. snow an Canada. 1, being very young, had great hunt- 3nost of those who wiglied her to go I thought you'd have a great laugh filling his word; mountains and All Ings for such tre&=Gs, as, vlolcts� in to the town farm, and he had said if I came and surprised you. Don't 7 hills;'fruitfUl trees and all cedars; in tnie to tl�,e real inva.i.c. Ta,;o ebil- the.sprimig, white moo=in flowers in more that once that it was the only -you remember I always said1 should beasts and all cattle; creeping things into the spirit of the their season, four -leaved -clovers, o111 sensible thing. But John Mander was come?" -- and flying fowl; kings of the. earth dren entered the days of goassis and agates -where fun, and became almost too emthuli- agates are found. -She alrmays founi. wW�,ing Impatiently to get her tiny It was John Harris, indeed. The and ,Ill people* princes and all judges "tie in their minificry. farm into his own hands; ha had ad- poor soul could say nothing. She felt of the earih;' both young Men and The rest of tho childrem. were eager the first.amd, the most. WQdle I would, vanced some money upon it in her now as if 'her heart was going to 'n R. maidens; old men and Children; lef to tXY it, so iblqrmonicas Were -sup- ;De Eaying. "11here lare nomf.,-All phe extremity and. pretended that there break -with joy. He left her in ths of the Lord: plield, for everyone. (It is best to let would gather ftom under my very was still a debt, aftcr he cleared her rockingchair -and came and, went thempraise the name ; His the two groups take turris, a,9 11 eyes' We used to call 't 1'aok' W -e nt I" for His nam ent ginew! -he know better now. She could see and 11 and big old boyish way, bringffig in the e alone is excell wood lot to pay himself back. glory is above the earth and heaven, audiene-, is needed.) He -would plow over the graves in store of gif ts and- provisions� It was Chamades followed, under the lead- her treasure basket ne-rer waa empty. the field corner and f ell the great better than any dream. 4-A It is a good thing to give thanks of Dorothy's mother and- bd9 Aly treasure ba&�t of sametbng- elms, and waited now like a spider He laughed and talked and went unto the Lord! erghl to-ba4hankfull-for is always full, I for his poor prey. He often -reproach- out to send alPaY the Man to bring sUter. should better says some folks�tos�bre� agonful of wood from John Mail- The. last game before supper Was thankful. It is foake were UTa6eful ed her for 'being too generous to a w, porh a the joaliecit of 011- It Was' h alp about --not what they have or give. wit No-theY worthless people in the Dast and tom- dier's andcame in himself, laden called -a Wild Turkey Hunt. new. Ohl pieces of the nearest fence -to keep I used to it)iink r was- lucky in. folks. ing to -be a charge to othtra didn't hide Va,13er turk*Ys &11011111 'th's if she could only die in her own house the fire going in the mean time. room to find. Not I know better mow. I have a seeing They must cook the beefsteak for eye and Itan, find Greabbearts every� and mot suffer the pain of homeless- supper right away; they must find the One -child was chosen as WOW, and wberel So e an you, if you try. LE he on a sioss and dependence! of te-A among all the other had a bell tied around C - mieck It was just at sullset, and �hs, she Penn, fires ribbon. The rest of the children, were aooked out hopelessly across the gray bund , leg; they must get good biIndfolded, and called the hUnbeW16 fieyds there was a sudden gleim of started in both the cold belrooinz, t was to Catch 'I't , ,eem to, be of course, their objec light far away on the low hills be- Why, Mother Robb didi oul �ut W tho ItUTkey, whose .1;�111 'at Harvest Hymn. tl yond; the elouds opened in the west ready for company fri in every step. Once taught, the turkey and let the sunshine througb. The great cheerful feliow burried 'd Iiittle white baby dol, iay in a became a hunters and the 111171 -tet who One lovely gleim shot swift as an about the tiny house, and the little an a caught bini turned dilto the t11VkeY- arrow and brightened a. far. cold hill- ;-id -woman limped after him, forget- doalls wadle6 hospitality. Had An Autumn Party 9 retally a rival, ,,,,y Reiady enough for supper -were the We plough the fields and scatter side vAiere it fell, and at ting everything but The game wo children when they were summoned The good seed on the land, At a signal the firs- raoment a sudden g1cam not she a house for John to come to? race. t Indian and to the diming table., wheve -now, !n- But it is fed and watered brightened the Avinter landscape of Were not her old chairs and tables You -know what queer shapes corn the first Settler started for thmir rels- of the Popcorn Art E=hlbit, a By God's almighty hand; her heart. lin their places stilt? And he rem- EV-1-rYbody's invitation came wrap- -head, -a cat, a tive goals; the Indian Watched the stL,ad T tiny brown raper whm,'amg He sends the snow in winter, "There was Johnny Harris" said i embered everythini.g-, and kigsed her PeA UP in a Xeddish-greenish-lavownith vo!33 into- --a face, ora pec is mon.,,Cey, a ppldeT, an Es-kinies hut. white doll, the Settler the VaP00se; r"w e er cornhusk, -and this reled the tal)le-onc, in front of each Mary ATin Robb softly. "He was a, as they stood -before the fire as it she crePe-PaP then they turned, haotily end ran back ci The warmth to swell the grain, I what it said The idea of this contest was to Velect on a prijfe. Each boro a dgildf,3 t an orph,,tn and were a girl. gpopeotm kewnel-one that to their separate teamtha-liding their Pl-ace The breezes and 'the. sunshine, soldices zon. Lef Polly Popcorn Omi�"n' whol, in turn, name "Inilanfied.11 Thusi, Dick Brown And soft refreshing rain, Old John. Mlander scolded,l He had foum I tinies, 6 'pr bivia Diickq di�tressed. I plenty of har( waggested pieture-then stick it by prizc,.q to the next in I ua, Bessrsie, Perkinr3 had Bes- bids thee sit the prizea in wigwam . . All good things around us but I couldn't clee the p;or boy in (but luck had coulL, at last, He had to a means cl the liblary p-aste, to the ran to depos gait, Bently Stevens had Bently- want. I kept him that year after he '-4truch luck, and this was the end of Pioneer Party yeltow pap*r, amd with -the pencil, draw and cradle, as firA found. The-ve, runl- Are sent from Heaven above, V.tt hurt, opite o' whv'� unyb-t;dy said, a great year. e,1,uxm&g, touched hands with w1lgtWer elic, wao riveded to COMIP10te narsionl Thc wigwianr, were louvI, to be rt%- Then thank the Lord, 0 thank an' lie he'.ped me v�hat littk lie could. "No, I Couldn't Slef-m to write let- at three (,,-clock the next ill, line, who then hitAto run on Vie the picture. jmov.able, anct diacloved tiny paits of the Lord, Ile, �tnld I the only motlip,� 11(�Id, ters; no use tocomplain ol the worst, kers� bodles) back and snatch, the prizes in their tnrn� bu.1ced bfjams. Witit theI-A were served For all His love. ever 'had. 'I'm gain- out'Vvest AIVAIi- an' I wanted to tell you the be?,t when anernoon. of Thanksgiving Legs, tails" wbis Vards, all eo-Ints of thinTs You. can and so baek: to the team- lebeg--raandq of baked I she at Dorothy Smith's house imagine, were, oAd;ed, and -the results Thus the �umners 0'�ticrmateqy stole popcorn sandwi eT Robb,, ,myr -lie. 11 shant come back I earsic"; Pn4l he told it while Watch out for Ye Indiam; the Isrown bread shuttivE toffethez over How earsy it i.,,* for one bellevolent till I -get rich,' an' then he'd look at! cooked the supper. "No, I waln'tgoin' vory Junny. rqAch chiM, was and x4AUrned' *W PdLP0006 and plump pmted earn. being to diffure pleasutearound Min, me ann' laugh, so plo-.i:ant and bqyis1. Ito write no foolish lr-tters," JOhn� W- Polly Pollcorn, who 1,041ved suspiel- were �te& be mak The firzt team. to com- enclosed in i-nd' ouzly illoe Dorothy Smith to her little Temit .0 three, provided vhite baby. The ice oroam was I- and how truly is a kindhoatt a fou -n - "He wa"11"t one that liked to write. I peateA. , UVs. wearing a fluffy white th*Y Would ell 90 -on th-o choot Aof pletetho circuit was hailed 019 the win- vidisal istockadles of ebocaliate, eracliers, lain Of gladnem, miaking everything I 4on't think lie wa-s doin' very well I Lso %Da afraid hi�, Aoi.61 -cry him. VOU opeom. Yellow P200r- ming ove, and marched trilumphUntlY and theTc, w;ere "Indianel (sometime(a within its v.-einity to frezheli into ist four solf wher, be found out how baA things frock tl�iatappcared to be, all P med his Or her GbOub the room to tile music of the famous as "Brownaes"), smilcv,-Washington Irving. When I lltnrd-there, its nir I t to sup_ Aeally, lit, ujotLor had, madie, it out Then c4A child Dig lxly phonogtiaph. uxprise. years ago now. I always thouj�lit if - bad, teen, antl they Fat down of Si3mebig-elleckel yellow -and -white name, atd the Pidul'05 were ew*fu �raph came Into us6 The, t"oxa wM 0, great s Irk or anything I chould have I p.Lr tor(Aber, just to, tboy used to do The phonol , si TM lie got. , ch, acb, was an �anjmatda popcorn, boy, Come, ye thankful People, come, -home for him to come to.lwhen b,, waq a hjlrplc�ss oi-pllan boy gingham, by runn-ing a, gathering colleetcy(i anit Idid out oat the ItiNble fOJ again for the ntext gam. who.proved to be made da jumping, Misio thesong of harvest-homel a good sultell tround edgca of the white (LU art exhilsIt', tat�-*r, a caurz�, to -b<.� to the There's poor V'vra Make, the eeaf wlicin inbrOY O;w %1-01it(Id in winter - drell wem O'elwbea to belong jack with a big popcorn ball "id'd All is safely gadhered in, one, too -lie von't have anv pin,"'e, to wruiflicr vih,'�i 1-e vag crippled I wa en and pquartg, -,1m,.1 dr,%wingr them up into tialtell home by the individual octists, <1 not be little fat wliite buncbe�. HeVcap was Xcxt. dideo Were, choscmi Jora.gaivoe VIOPCOM chorm V' ach 3 giv aU ever his vociden heiad as 4 foundation. t4 re the winter stQrms begin we,rome bim.11 eculd rot vvyiL. fih& C0111 but just tk 'er Indiar's umshelleA oftir Of 110VOVII, Am'd t0k1' to The ,#Opcom Jacks," with their vios%i- 4pe of & frill7rouli& pop- cal., .,sa IMilans and setil s. God, our Maker, doth provide efttml it was I hamollita, Ther chil- The 1'gh� faded. out cf d(wril awl,hinicr now than AIP `WAq then, weree giwn heiaAhands with gay W. itks for iantlics, were dvzignred to bei agnin Yr.z. Rabbis troubhf-, V tooll bo- t she looked qn, poor and old! fpcA popcom bownel. in 'Ae� 41M Q.Triiuged themselvics in 06 mud- avajea home as souvenits, from Polly For our wants to be supplied: A amusement wwi Po-,ocoirn feathers to WOAT- �Skttlev,9 I tl W' 'n -mup dud put their Vqp- e to God's own tiamPle, Come, flure lie.-. Yet it wa,% not ro dark wd Ito- saw her tagto her tup of tc-3 Thn fir cal.* around brimmed ralown paper hafts. A opar-e! g Popwrwig T40to Pioneer Party. COW it h -al b,,en in her sad hearl. f4ln Gti;l! al, a Mt itdzwu aff,1111,with atTrmb1jnf# Art. A-11 lbegirls undb*Yk) -sat re.d d, to their mouth$,. -0 -home! lz� . own the length of tll,*. ecan harmonidan Ralse the SOX19 of harvest r3t by the window, )IOV'r ill h al,nd *Ad a 10OU Qt 111M. th* dinirg-rcom, table. in front of, waq ellm the Indians and Ssvi;- I wInveupon. the 'PhonaVlaph ��artle6 4 "While the earth retnaineth, -4-- gpit,e of lierself, im, -ad of jc%arina, ,No, I wanted tocome myac-11,11 lie Cwh ant., was a saacer of snowy lxp- living -1,001m, WWI la ely tur-131 The rambers Of tIM Thou crownest. the year with te tiera formed in two pavillel, fiha- At I � wdtfin6 a -ad harvest . . . r " -) Zrm. expected to'go through Tby goodniess.--Pa. 65; 11. wid 4 euriouci feeling of ncarnom, and blurteroj, wiping, bia oye.9 au.4 tryingi rrad arn,, a Odleoet Of 7000W T`1110rs 'a m" 6,Rpez�ta11,!y rna�l# her fcol tot L2o Illuch to laugh. "Anl -you're going to have Penal), ard 4 we -o tubes 'Of library the -opposatio elld Of thO Vo -`m 01 wDf VlAying The haTmonlea% Shall 'lot "'400'" I I po,,Dge do,, ,tan" VAiyw� the, awtto 11&3101e�irt,cd -is light-bealled. ove-rytbirq ym need to mako you I Palte.