The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 54. 8,
Buy Canadian made Books.
Read Canadian Books,
Send Canadian Books to your
friends In other countries. ' I
Induce your children to read
C2n2d!an Books.
We have a large stock of all the
leading Books by the beat autbort,
at popular prices.
He Be Elliott
Books, Stationery, Magazines,
Town Ticket Agency Canadian
National Grand Trunk Railway,
Ocean tickets via all lines.
One of the oldest pioneers of this vicin-
ity passed away last week in the person
of Robert Webster in his 90tb. year. He
was born in Tipperary, Ireland, and carme
to Canada with his parents, four brothers
and five sisters, and fifty-nine years ago
he married Miss �Jora Paton, who sur-
vives him. He was reeve of Ashfield for
eight years, A conservative in politics
and a life long Methodi9t, Fifteen years
ago he moved to Lucknow, and there he
and his wife celebrated thdir golden an-
niversary of their wedding nine years ago.
Mr. Webster always enjoyed good health
until about two years ago when h4-. com-
menced to fail. The funeral was held to
Greenhill cemetery, and was largely at,
Another old resident of these parts
crossed the Oreat Divide in the person of
Mrs. Duncan Cameron* who of late years
had made her home with bar daughter,
Mrs, Jno. Spindler. The late Mrs. Cam-
eron was 04 years of age, She Was laid
to rest in Lochalsh cemetery and was said
to be the last of the original settlers of
that part.
The Womens Institute held their annual
"At Home" in the town hall last Friday
night and a mos� enjoyable time was had
by all present in game -4. program arid
Mr Fred E aton, who has conducted a
marble and granite business here for
,eight years has sold out to Robt� bpetton
of Wtngham� and has purchased a similar
business in Ingersoll, where he moved his
family and household effects last week.,
During his stay Ili Lucknow, Mr, Eaton
made many friends, who wish him sucoes 1
in his new home.
The firemen or town are'putting on a
series of dances during the coming
months to raise funds w1th which to make
a Queen's Park, a place of beauty and
erect a monument to tile fallen soldiers
Of Lucknow. It is proposed to plough
Seeds and roll this paric and plaut. flowers:
trees and Shrubs arid in tile centre erect
tha, monument. This is a most commend-
able enterprise arid deserves the patron-
age of every person in town,
Mr. Wni. McKinnon son of
Mr, and Mrs, Aligns McKinnon of town
'was here last week on A visit to his par-
cnt.'?, Us, McKinnon is an expert account -
Alit and is engaged with WAtcrpricochart-
ered Accountants of Lond ou Log., arid is
now located in Paris, F rance� lie left
bete for Neu, York where lie will spent a
Couple Of Week.4 before returning to
Tile Higb,Sqhool Lite�ary Society hdld 'Mrs. WiPrile Passes
(be r openin acting of the term last!
week an elected the following officiers* I . ws.. John Winnie, a highly esteemed
resident, athleen Hill, Vice Pres." I resident. of Wingham, passed away
lex or die; Secy.� Silena, Grant, Treas., at the.home of her daughter. Mrs. Thos.
Stewart urns;. ianist, Flora Andrew. 'Agnew on Thursday last after a brief
Mr. J. J. Pearson a candidate for; the I illness �ith pleural pneumonia.' The fun -
ministry preached in the Methodist church'eral washeld on Saturday afternoon to
on Sunday the Rev. Mr. Irwin oreaching,
anniversary services in one of his former, Kinloss cemetery, Lucknow. Mrs. H. W.
charges. i Shane of Wingham, is a daughter of the
Mr. Ray MeDiarmid, Mr. W, J. Todd: deceased. Before moving to Wingham
and Thos. McDonald, who has spent the'the family resided in Lucknow,
past few months in the west have returned'
home, Political Meetings
Mr. John Cameron who has spent the, A grand rally will be held in Lucknow
past two years in Rocanville, Sask., has on Thursday night, Hon. Geo. S. Henry,
returned to Lucknow and will spend the ex-minisier of Agriculture, Mrs. Twidate,
winter months here. Aldoman Niagara Falls and Spotton and
Mr. E. Aitchison has purchased Mr, Purvis will address the meet ony.
Alex McKenzie property on the corner of
Albert and Wheeler streets, OnFriday evening Fraser ariv, Spotton
Mr. and Mrs, Brown Mallough have will hold a joint meeting in Ethel, John
returned to their home in Grimsby after W. King or representative cordially in -
spending two weeks here. vited.
Threshing Nearly Over In West
Bluevale We received a letter from a eubscriber
Mrs. L. W. Ruttan has returned home in Francis, Sask., in which was enclosed
after a visit with her sister a,t Detroit, who 1 $4 00 for two years subscription and the
is on the sick list. I following newsy little note, "We are
. Mr Chas. Martin of Whitechurch, sh'P-'baving very fine weather here at present
three cars of bay from here this week and
Mr. Livingston of Wingliam, also shipped. although it has been a very wetfull. The
one. threshing will be finished in a couple of
Mr. Harold Holmes of Brussels, was I weeks. Wheat in this district is badly
home on the sick list,for a few days, !rusted. -The acreage is from 15 to 30
Miss Mary Stewart of Gorrie, was home bushels, the straw is very heavy, At
over the week -end. I . .
present prices it costs as much to glow a
Quarterly sacramental services will be'bushel ol wheat as what money we get for
held in the Methodist church here on Sun- i it
day, Nov. Otb., at 1 p in.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mowbray spent Young Peoples Singing Schc of
Sunday with relatives at Wingham. In connection with the Methodist
Mr and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol spent a few
days',;ith relati,es at Milverton. - church, Sunday School a singing class
Mrs. McDonald's funeral was one of the will begin next Monday. The purpose
largest ever witnessed here. Mr. Me. for which this class is organized is to give
Donald and sons have the sincere the boys and girls of the school the same,
sympathy of the communitv.
opportuhity to learn to sing by note as'
The,Mission Band gave a Halloween have the children in the Public Schools of
social in the Presbyterian church on Mon-
day evening and all present had a very our cities. The same books and methods
enjoyable evening together. as obtained in the Toronto schools will be
Mr. and Mrs, John Hall and Mr, and used. The first course will consist of in -
Mrs. Jas. Masters, spent Sunday with struction in time, sight -singing, cultiva-
relatives at Wroxeter. tion ot the ear and Elementary theory,
Mr and Mr. A. Holmes attended the all leading up to part singing. At the
funeral of the late John Holmes at Wing- end of the season it is hoped to have
ham, on Tuesday,
Miss Bernice Shaw of Carlow, was tests and prizes.
home over tile week -end. Mr. J. H. Christie is giving his time
Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of bogs and energy free to the we"It -.f training
from here Monday, the children and it is now up to the
Quite a number from around here are parents to do their part by seeing to it
going north tor a hunt this week, Mr. A. that their children attend these Singing
macE,A,an, Win, Garniss, R., Garniss, 14.
A. McCall, Lee Breckenridge, John Classes, The Methodist church is lucky
Thynne. We wish them good luck. to bave a man with the musical teaching
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Murphy of Toronto, ability of Mr. Christie, who is very gen.
are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Chris. erous with his talent.
Retherington's. Mr, Murphy i,., agent for Hallowelen Social
the Canadian National E xpress at Toron-
to. The Hallowe'en Social held Monday
evening in the lecture room of the Metho-
Oat, 27th, 1921
This Is to certify that I acknowledge having diSt church and under the auspices of the
rnmortred soandless statements reg�rdhlff he
,b_ - Victory Mission Circle, proved a very
busiricas at Otto Johann and here y w I re
tract; tiny mch statements arid am sincerely great suceess� The room was very elab-
Sorry for same, P. 0, VAAT;NiNa, Agent. orately decorated for the occasion, As
you entered the room 'ghosts' met you at
NOTICE To CREDITORS every corner. Very great merriment was
In the estate of William James Blatollford caused by the Mystery room, the Fortune
Notice N h0rObY give' Duranant to the pro- Telling and the Blowing of the Candle.
visions of the Trulatoo let that all persons
[,living any claim op dornan4 avina Wtillarn The programme was full of humour and
saryleg 13latchford'Imto of the '()Vvkl of Wing -
ham In the County of Hilton and Provinco of merriment. After the singing of "On -
oil ratio, 1�gg.tiackor, who died on or about th a ward Christian Soldiers! the pastor told of
Rth day of October, 1021, are required to qenrl
by post, �,,titpald, or deliver to J. A. Or. the meaning of HalloWelen, and the Carl.
ton, at N Ingbaw. Ontario, solicitor for tile ier customs associated with it, and of the
executor of the said deceased, On Or bOfOrO the
16th day of November, 1021, their name.,; and earlier beliefs. in 'Ghosts.' The Witches
addrappal and full particularis in writing of
their claims and statomoote of theft accounts Cauldron, the High School Trio, the dia-
and tile nature Of tllOIr seoeritlep, If any, hold logUe 'Why I Don't Marty' and the
by them.
And take notice that after tile said mention- Octette called for rounds of applause, the
ad day, the sWd executorg will diotributo the M t! in
a8setsof,thesalddeceaged A2110119010POrsOnR '010 by iSg Mitch 11 Wag uch apptec-
entitled theroto, ]INvill regard only to the iated and called for an enchore� The par-
claiins of which they ahvAi than h,%vc notice, and
that tile said executors Will not be liable for tomine 10 Zion Haste given by several
tile said assets or ant parb thereof to any
POV8011 of W11086 01,11111 t toy iiha,, not then have members of the Circle WAS A Very apptop-
repeived notice, 0, the 20th day of rinte closing of the ptogMMMe. Very
Vated at wingbarn, Ontoall
October, 1021. dainty rofrohments brought -4 most guc.
A, MogTox, Solicitor for the
Said E1C0Ol1tOV- ces8ful social t(y a close. Proceeds UO.00,
The Late Mrs, Clieo
, , McDonald
There passed away on Wednesday, Oct.
26tb, Isabella King, beloved wife of Geo.
McDonald. Mrs. McDonald had been
in poor health for over a Year and was
seriously ill for some weeks before her
She was born In Bluevale in 1860, the
daughter of the late Duncan and Mrs.
King, who were among the early settlers.
Mrs. McDonald lived all her life in this
vicinity and for the last twenty years on
the farm beside the village. . in 1$96 she
married Geo. MacDonald, and in, Feb-
ruary of. this year they celebrated their
silver wedding, the occasion,being happily
remembered by their friends and neigh-
The funeral service was held on Friday
and old and young came to pay their tri,
bute of affection to one who was much
beloved in the community. Interment
was made in VVIngliam cemetery, the
beautiful floral offerings being carried in
the procession. The pallbearers Were
three brothers, John W. and Peter of
Bluevale and Robert of Toronto, and
three nephews, Thos. X-ing and Robert
King, Winghtim. and Frank Powell, Wing -
Besides her husband, Mrs. MacDonald
is survived by two sons, Cameron and
King, four brothers, of whom one, Dr.
Thos. King of Souris, Man., was unable
to be present at the funeral. also nephews
and nelces.
Mrs. MacDonald was, an energetic
worker in the Presbyterian church and
interested in all the community organiz-
ations, ipcluding the Women's Institute,
She gave herself so beatily to all the in-
terests of others and bers was the grace of
true hospitality. The children will miss
her and for those among whom she lived,
bar nam� will always ba in affection ate
Yet again we hope to meet thee
When the hour of life is fled,
And in Heaven with joy to 'greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed,
Obituary Of R. J. Cantelon.
The late Robert John Cantelon was
born in the Township of Turnberry, oft
December 25th, 1863, the son of Peter
and Elizabeth Cantelon. who were among
the first settlers of the Township. He
attended the public Echool in the village
of Bluevole until he was 9 years,,old when
his mother died and his father moved to
the township of Morris, in the vicinity of
Brussels. He attended school there for a
few years and grew up to young manhood,
When be was 18 years old he emigrated
to Manitoba, in company with his older
brother, P. I Cantelon, (who now resides
in Goderich) and located in Southern
Manitoba near where the town of Boisse-
vain now stands. .
As a young man he endured all the pri-
vations incident to a new country. In
1887 he was converted to God under the
ministry of Rev. Oliver Darwin who later
became Superintendent of Missions for
the province of Sask., and who now rep-
resents the Methodist church of Canada
in directing our Methodist people who
are making Canada their - home. He
Immediately became a member of the
Methodist Church and joined the choir,
where he delighted to sing the songs of
In 1888 he returned to Ontario to visit
the scenes of his childhood and while
there he was united in marriage to Miss
Sarah Jane Cagemore, daughter of the
late James and Mrs. Casemore who prov-
ed herself to be a loving helpmate through
all the years. There were 6orn to them,
four children, Roy of Wingham, Leon of
Rocanville, Sask., who served in the war
for 31 years, Mrs. H. Kent of Brantford
and Gertrude of Toronto,
After returning to the West with his
young wife, he engaged in business in
Winnipeg where he became identified with
the Salvation Army. Being a musician of
more than ordinary merit he was appoint-
ed Bandmaster which position he filled
with great acceptance for three years
Winter and summer almost every night
for five years his voice was heard on the
streets of Winnipeg warning people with
all the earnestness of his being to flee from
the wrath to come. So much exposure
and strenuous army work in that harsh
climate . to some extent undermined his
constitution from which. he never fully
He then returned to Ontario for nine
years and joined the Methodist church of
Bluevale, where he worked faithfully as
choir leader and local preacher for a
number of years, Returning to the West
in 1002, he located in Southern Alberta
where he organized and superintended a
Sabbath School in a new settlement for
seven years,
About eleven years ago he took up his
residence in Wingham and engaged in a
coal and wood business which he suc.
cessfully carried on until the time of his
death. During his residence in Wingbaw
he took an active part in Methodist
church activities, being a class leader for
some time and carrying on cottage prayer,
meetings for six years, which were a great
blessing to mabycitizens of the town.
His funeral survice was conducted in
the Methodist church by the Rev. C. 8.
Cr4gg who took for his text "and Enoch
walked with God and was Not".
His remains were followed to their rest-
itig place by many Sorrowing and tyin-
pathizing friends. The pallbearers were
his most intimate friendt and christian
fellow workers, Messrs. Oeo. Mason, R.
R, Mooney, W. 14. Willis, A, E. Lloyd,
J. Galbraith and Chat, Cook.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Lance Corp. Chas.
B, Forrest, killed in the battle of Pas- 00
pchendale Ridge, an October 26th, 1917.
T'was bard not to be there in the hour of' T12e
To have caught the sigh of his parting
breath; ominion Stores
One last food word we might have heard
And breath ed in his ear one porting word, Ltd.
Only those who, have loved and lost,
Can understand war'a bitter cost.
Mother, Sisters and Brother,
Reevo Of Mortis Weds I The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada
A pretty wedding was solemnized at' Wingham Branch, Josephine St.
the Manse, Bluevale, on Monday, Octo.
ber $1st, When Mr, Wrii, Elston, reeve of
Morris township was united in marriage
to Mrs. Z K. Thomas. Rev. Crawford Special Prices from Nov.
Tate ofticiate4, Among those present
were Mrs, Lockhardt and the Misses
Elston, sisters of the groom, The happy .3rd, to Noveffiber 9 the
couple left on their honeymoon trip to — - I
Paris, Toronto and Niagara Falls A I
wedding reception will be held at the Shredded Wheat, 2 Kelloggs Corn Flakes
home of Mrs, Albert Thomas, Sr., on packages...... .......... 25c packages ............ 49c.
Friday evening. We extend to the
couple our best wishes.,
Rev, James Hastie Dead Choice Breakfast Bacon ...................... -37c lb.
From the Toronto Daily Globe of Tues�
day, Oct. 25th, we take the the following Pure Lard, 3 lb p'l 57c Picnic Hams .... 20clb
whi ch has reference to the death of Rev.
James Hastie, a former beloved pastor of
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wing- Matches,2boxes ...... 25c Seedless Raisins, lb . ........ 27t;
ham. 'I Lavndry Soaps, lo cakes --72c Seeded Raisins, pkg .......... 25c
"The Presbyterian Church in Can- Currants, lb ..........
ada lost one of its oldest members, when Ammonia, 3 pkgs ............ 23C Puffed Rice pkg ............... i5c
Rev. James Hastie died at his home in Rinso, 2 pkgs ................ 15c Cowan's Cocoa, tin .........
Moulinette. Mr. Hastie -retired from the
ministry some 10 years ago, but in the Salt, bag .................... 1()c Pry's Cocoa, tin .............. Ve
intervening time filled several pulpits in BabbitaCleansev, tin ....... 9c Dates, 2 lbs .................. 25c.
the Presbytery of Glengarry during the Washing Soda, pkg .......... loc Special Blend Tea, Ill .. � ..... 35c
absence of the resident ministers. Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes ...... 24c Brooms, 4 string, each ........ 45c
For the past ten mGntbs be had en- Silver Gloss Starch, pkg ...... 12c Catsup, qt bottle .............. 25c
joyed good health, UP to which time he Soap Flakes, lb ........ ......20c Eagle Milk, tin. .... I .... 11 .... 24c
bad been remarkably active for a man Castile Soap, 7 cakes .......... 25c Peanut Butters Ill ........ ....20C
past eighty years. For a period of
eighteen years he was minister of Knox Pure Spirit or Blended Cider Vinegar .... 35c gal.
dhurch here. Mr. Hastle was thrice
married, being. survived by his third wife, -
who�. was Miss Mcsh, of Moulinetti; He Finest Canadian Sugar 100 lb. bag 8.50
was :also survived by five sons: Mbert, Cheese ................ 24c lb 10lbs . .................... 89c
Mirineapolis; Morris, Vancouver; Douglas,
Edriionton; Harold, Detroit, and William,
New York. Rolled Oats, 6 lbs - ----------------- ----------- 24c
The remains were taken to Cornwall
and the funeral took place to Wood -
lawn Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon,
after service in Knox Church. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs.
The late Mr. Hastie graduated from
Knc,x College, Toronto, 55 years ago;
He came to Cornwall from Lindsay, Ont, I
The Select Ladies" Ready -to -Wear Co. w Ill turn the bargain
flood loose again with still further reductions at our stores.
This Sale commences on Wed., Nov. 2nd, and lLts a week
This sale measures up to everything the word,"Sale" means
A sale head and shoulders above everything you have wit-
nessed in Widgham. This great sale was created for you,
so don't miss, take part of It. You will be Thanksgiving to
yourself. . 0 .40 0 & 6 a 0
&.0F A1% J" 6.0 k.0,16.4 R.0
Very stylish Tricotine FrocIts, some beaded and embroidered, some V, ith rib-
bon and wool trimmings, and others with fancy vestees, reg. up to $30.00, sale
price 25.00,
Special in Taffeta and Charmeuse Dressei in liavy, black and brown, reg.
24.50 up to 30.00, sale price 17.50.
1 Aiiother shipment of piece Serge Dresses, navy onh,, nicely embroidered,
tasseled tie belt, special 10.50.
And many other values not inentioned.
Speciat reduction of $5 on all
Suits suits at ti-iis sale. These suits
iticlude velottrs, tricotine, botany serge
and fur trirlimed suits.
s Natural Wolf Set, botti pieces
Fur made o f -whole aiiimal skiti,
reg. $40, sale price 35.00. Browii atid
black Wolf Sets reg. $45, sale $40�
All wool Skirts, tricotine alid novelty plaid, reg. 8.50, Sale 6.50
. P' c.0 .... 0
Skirts Serge skirts, prices ........................................... ...... . �!7 to 5.9
All wool black atid and wliite box pleated plaid, reg, 11-50, sellitig .................... ... 9.00
A qrQ
Beautiful velour coats, some with beaverine collar,,,,,ind ctiffs, offiers with
just fitr collars, very newest shade of browti alid b1tte, buttotis and stitchin�' ti,im-
med, most of ffiese beautiftilly lined tbrotigliout. Prices 23.50 up to 65.00.
Heavy weiglit polo velours, some with seal collars iod ctiffs, offiers with
buttonq and twist stitchitig, big snap, price 15,95. Splendi(l, come early.
Silvertotic coats especially vell litied and fiiiisliecl, reg. 27,50, sale price ........ 21.50
& Cbildreii's Coats atid Dresses a specia'Ity.
Georgett� blvuses-iti Peter Pati and Ball�aii styles, trimnied With
Blouses lace'and ties, in six sbftdcs,, liigli as 6.50, sale price 4.50.
Still niore of these dandy drol) stitch tricollette blotises, 6 shades, reg. 4.9,5i
ssecial 3.95. Also a fine lit)c at 2.75.
Select Ladies' Ready-fow W., ear Co.
Head Office, 448 Queen West, Toronto. Branches, Wingbarn and Godeticb, Ont.
Thursd4y, Nov. ard, 1,921
Great Money Saving
Values for 2 Weeks
Shrewd Buyers will Find In these
Reductions Real, Genuine Values
Dress Goods and Coatings
Yarns and Blankets; heavy wool Blankets made
All Wool BotanySerggo fine weave In black, green
from selected fine long wool, full sizes in grey
and navy 54. In. wide, a yd. at .............. $2 19
or whites 7 Ibs. Special a pair ............ 7 85
Dark red and green, all wool Serge, our special
541mwideat ...... I ......... 1 95
Flannelette Elan hots, best quality, large'sizes,
Grey Donegal Tweed, heavy quality, pure wool,
grey, or white, 12/4 at .............. 2 64 01-
58 In. wide, reg. $6 00 for .................. 3 75
Fine Grey Union Serge, wonderful value full,
Grey Scotch Fingering Yarn, light and dark greys
56 In. wide, half price 33.$0 for ......... 1 75
beat quality, 4 ply, a lb at .................. 1 25
$1,00 yard. These tgoods at less than pre war
prices, greys, browns, blacks, in all Wool and
Sweater Coats, for lasilleo and children at a big
union cloths. Special at .................. 1 00
Silks Silks
Gingham, In plaids, checks and stripes, reg 35 to
Black Duchess Satin, imported swiss Duchess
45o, reduced to ............ ... 29
Satin, fine and evenly woven from all silk
Pillow Cottons, circular, extra heavy quality, 40 As—
yarns, soft lustrous finish, every yard guar -
ranteed, 36 in. wide at 3 19
by 42 in -_wide, a yd at .................. I -.50c 41�
Bonnett's Black Taffelta, a pure silk taffetta that
will retain its rich appearance after much
Sheeting, heavy bleached sbeeting, fine quality
2J y4s wide, special ..................... 65c
hard wear, 36 in. wide, reg P-50 for ........ 2 49
Raw Silk, a fine finished pure silk material, free
Towels, heavy Will Towels blue and pink bord-
from dressing and knots 34 in. wide, special.. 79c
ers, full'sizes, Reg 1,75, each for .......... 1 00
All Silks and Satins, reduced 20 per cent,
Linen Quest Towels, fine even weave, special.. 50c
Men's Wear
Linoleurns, 4 yds wide, block patterns, special.. 3 89
Men's and Boy's Overcoats, Suits, Odd Pants,
Fur Coats, at big reduction, 20 to 30 per ceut off all
All Boots, Shoes snd Rubbers reduced 10 per
Sweater Coats at greatly reduced prices.
Stanfield's all wool Shirts and Drawers, blue label
at ...................................... �. 2 25
Granulated Sugar, best quality, cwt ............ $8 75 411—
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Work Clothes at 20 per cent
Pure Laundry Soap, large bars S for ..... . 2so.
Black Tea good quality a lb .................. 35c
Buy Here and Save Dollars.
Produce Wanted --Eggs 45c Doz.
A* Mamr I L L S
Our Goods are the Best— Our PricesRight,
Terms, Cash, Produce Wanted. 41—
Buy Canadian made Books.
Read Canadian Books,
Send Canadian Books to your
friends In other countries. ' I
Induce your children to read
C2n2d!an Books.
We have a large stock of all the
leading Books by the beat autbort,
at popular prices.
He Be Elliott
Books, Stationery, Magazines,
Town Ticket Agency Canadian
National Grand Trunk Railway,
Ocean tickets via all lines.
One of the oldest pioneers of this vicin-
ity passed away last week in the person
of Robert Webster in his 90tb. year. He
was born in Tipperary, Ireland, and carme
to Canada with his parents, four brothers
and five sisters, and fifty-nine years ago
he married Miss �Jora Paton, who sur-
vives him. He was reeve of Ashfield for
eight years, A conservative in politics
and a life long Methodi9t, Fifteen years
ago he moved to Lucknow, and there he
and his wife celebrated thdir golden an-
niversary of their wedding nine years ago.
Mr. Webster always enjoyed good health
until about two years ago when h4-. com-
menced to fail. The funeral was held to
Greenhill cemetery, and was largely at,
Another old resident of these parts
crossed the Oreat Divide in the person of
Mrs. Duncan Cameron* who of late years
had made her home with bar daughter,
Mrs, Jno. Spindler. The late Mrs. Cam-
eron was 04 years of age, She Was laid
to rest in Lochalsh cemetery and was said
to be the last of the original settlers of
that part.
The Womens Institute held their annual
"At Home" in the town hall last Friday
night and a mos� enjoyable time was had
by all present in game -4. program arid
Mr Fred E aton, who has conducted a
marble and granite business here for
,eight years has sold out to Robt� bpetton
of Wtngham� and has purchased a similar
business in Ingersoll, where he moved his
family and household effects last week.,
During his stay Ili Lucknow, Mr, Eaton
made many friends, who wish him sucoes 1
in his new home.
The firemen or town are'putting on a
series of dances during the coming
months to raise funds w1th which to make
a Queen's Park, a place of beauty and
erect a monument to tile fallen soldiers
Of Lucknow. It is proposed to plough
Seeds and roll this paric and plaut. flowers:
trees and Shrubs arid in tile centre erect
tha, monument. This is a most commend-
able enterprise arid deserves the patron-
age of every person in town,
Mr. Wni. McKinnon son of
Mr, and Mrs, Aligns McKinnon of town
'was here last week on A visit to his par-
cnt.'?, Us, McKinnon is an expert account -
Alit and is engaged with WAtcrpricochart-
ered Accountants of Lond ou Log., arid is
now located in Paris, F rance� lie left
bete for Neu, York where lie will spent a
Couple Of Week.4 before returning to
Tile Higb,Sqhool Lite�ary Society hdld 'Mrs. WiPrile Passes
(be r openin acting of the term last!
week an elected the following officiers* I . ws.. John Winnie, a highly esteemed
resident, athleen Hill, Vice Pres." I resident. of Wingham, passed away
lex or die; Secy.� Silena, Grant, Treas., at the.home of her daughter. Mrs. Thos.
Stewart urns;. ianist, Flora Andrew. 'Agnew on Thursday last after a brief
Mr. J. J. Pearson a candidate for; the I illness �ith pleural pneumonia.' The fun -
ministry preached in the Methodist church'eral washeld on Saturday afternoon to
on Sunday the Rev. Mr. Irwin oreaching,
anniversary services in one of his former, Kinloss cemetery, Lucknow. Mrs. H. W.
charges. i Shane of Wingham, is a daughter of the
Mr. Ray MeDiarmid, Mr. W, J. Todd: deceased. Before moving to Wingham
and Thos. McDonald, who has spent the'the family resided in Lucknow,
past few months in the west have returned'
home, Political Meetings
Mr. John Cameron who has spent the, A grand rally will be held in Lucknow
past two years in Rocanville, Sask., has on Thursday night, Hon. Geo. S. Henry,
returned to Lucknow and will spend the ex-minisier of Agriculture, Mrs. Twidate,
winter months here. Aldoman Niagara Falls and Spotton and
Mr. E. Aitchison has purchased Mr, Purvis will address the meet ony.
Alex McKenzie property on the corner of
Albert and Wheeler streets, OnFriday evening Fraser ariv, Spotton
Mr. and Mrs, Brown Mallough have will hold a joint meeting in Ethel, John
returned to their home in Grimsby after W. King or representative cordially in -
spending two weeks here. vited.
Threshing Nearly Over In West
Bluevale We received a letter from a eubscriber
Mrs. L. W. Ruttan has returned home in Francis, Sask., in which was enclosed
after a visit with her sister a,t Detroit, who 1 $4 00 for two years subscription and the
is on the sick list. I following newsy little note, "We are
. Mr Chas. Martin of Whitechurch, sh'P-'baving very fine weather here at present
three cars of bay from here this week and
Mr. Livingston of Wingliam, also shipped. although it has been a very wetfull. The
one. threshing will be finished in a couple of
Mr. Harold Holmes of Brussels, was I weeks. Wheat in this district is badly
home on the sick list,for a few days, !rusted. -The acreage is from 15 to 30
Miss Mary Stewart of Gorrie, was home bushels, the straw is very heavy, At
over the week -end. I . .
present prices it costs as much to glow a
Quarterly sacramental services will be'bushel ol wheat as what money we get for
held in the Methodist church here on Sun- i it
day, Nov. Otb., at 1 p in.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mowbray spent Young Peoples Singing Schc of
Sunday with relatives at Wingham. In connection with the Methodist
Mr and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol spent a few
days',;ith relati,es at Milverton. - church, Sunday School a singing class
Mrs. McDonald's funeral was one of the will begin next Monday. The purpose
largest ever witnessed here. Mr. Me. for which this class is organized is to give
Donald and sons have the sincere the boys and girls of the school the same,
sympathy of the communitv.
opportuhity to learn to sing by note as'
The,Mission Band gave a Halloween have the children in the Public Schools of
social in the Presbyterian church on Mon-
day evening and all present had a very our cities. The same books and methods
enjoyable evening together. as obtained in the Toronto schools will be
Mr. and Mrs, John Hall and Mr, and used. The first course will consist of in -
Mrs. Jas. Masters, spent Sunday with struction in time, sight -singing, cultiva-
relatives at Wroxeter. tion ot the ear and Elementary theory,
Mr and Mr. A. Holmes attended the all leading up to part singing. At the
funeral of the late John Holmes at Wing- end of the season it is hoped to have
ham, on Tuesday,
Miss Bernice Shaw of Carlow, was tests and prizes.
home over tile week -end. Mr. J. H. Christie is giving his time
Mr. R. Johnston shipped a car of bogs and energy free to the we"It -.f training
from here Monday, the children and it is now up to the
Quite a number from around here are parents to do their part by seeing to it
going north tor a hunt this week, Mr. A. that their children attend these Singing
macE,A,an, Win, Garniss, R., Garniss, 14.
A. McCall, Lee Breckenridge, John Classes, The Methodist church is lucky
Thynne. We wish them good luck. to bave a man with the musical teaching
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Murphy of Toronto, ability of Mr. Christie, who is very gen.
are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Chris. erous with his talent.
Retherington's. Mr, Murphy i,., agent for Hallowelen Social
the Canadian National E xpress at Toron-
to. The Hallowe'en Social held Monday
evening in the lecture room of the Metho-
Oat, 27th, 1921
This Is to certify that I acknowledge having diSt church and under the auspices of the
rnmortred soandless statements reg�rdhlff he
,b_ - Victory Mission Circle, proved a very
busiricas at Otto Johann and here y w I re
tract; tiny mch statements arid am sincerely great suceess� The room was very elab-
Sorry for same, P. 0, VAAT;NiNa, Agent. orately decorated for the occasion, As
you entered the room 'ghosts' met you at
NOTICE To CREDITORS every corner. Very great merriment was
In the estate of William James Blatollford caused by the Mystery room, the Fortune
Notice N h0rObY give' Duranant to the pro- Telling and the Blowing of the Candle.
visions of the Trulatoo let that all persons
[,living any claim op dornan4 avina Wtillarn The programme was full of humour and
saryleg 13latchford'Imto of the '()Vvkl of Wing -
ham In the County of Hilton and Provinco of merriment. After the singing of "On -
oil ratio, 1�gg.tiackor, who died on or about th a ward Christian Soldiers! the pastor told of
Rth day of October, 1021, are required to qenrl
by post, �,,titpald, or deliver to J. A. Or. the meaning of HalloWelen, and the Carl.
ton, at N Ingbaw. Ontario, solicitor for tile ier customs associated with it, and of the
executor of the said deceased, On Or bOfOrO the
16th day of November, 1021, their name.,; and earlier beliefs. in 'Ghosts.' The Witches
addrappal and full particularis in writing of
their claims and statomoote of theft accounts Cauldron, the High School Trio, the dia-
and tile nature Of tllOIr seoeritlep, If any, hold logUe 'Why I Don't Marty' and the
by them.
And take notice that after tile said mention- Octette called for rounds of applause, the
ad day, the sWd executorg will diotributo the M t! in
a8setsof,thesalddeceaged A2110119010POrsOnR '010 by iSg Mitch 11 Wag uch apptec-
entitled theroto, ]INvill regard only to the iated and called for an enchore� The par-
claiins of which they ahvAi than h,%vc notice, and
that tile said executors Will not be liable for tomine 10 Zion Haste given by several
tile said assets or ant parb thereof to any
POV8011 of W11086 01,11111 t toy iiha,, not then have members of the Circle WAS A Very apptop-
repeived notice, 0, the 20th day of rinte closing of the ptogMMMe. Very
Vated at wingbarn, Ontoall
October, 1021. dainty rofrohments brought -4 most guc.
A, MogTox, Solicitor for the
Said E1C0Ol1tOV- ces8ful social t(y a close. Proceeds UO.00,
The Late Mrs, Clieo
, , McDonald
There passed away on Wednesday, Oct.
26tb, Isabella King, beloved wife of Geo.
McDonald. Mrs. McDonald had been
in poor health for over a Year and was
seriously ill for some weeks before her
She was born In Bluevale in 1860, the
daughter of the late Duncan and Mrs.
King, who were among the early settlers.
Mrs. McDonald lived all her life in this
vicinity and for the last twenty years on
the farm beside the village. . in 1$96 she
married Geo. MacDonald, and in, Feb-
ruary of. this year they celebrated their
silver wedding, the occasion,being happily
remembered by their friends and neigh-
The funeral service was held on Friday
and old and young came to pay their tri,
bute of affection to one who was much
beloved in the community. Interment
was made in VVIngliam cemetery, the
beautiful floral offerings being carried in
the procession. The pallbearers Were
three brothers, John W. and Peter of
Bluevale and Robert of Toronto, and
three nephews, Thos. X-ing and Robert
King, Winghtim. and Frank Powell, Wing -
Besides her husband, Mrs. MacDonald
is survived by two sons, Cameron and
King, four brothers, of whom one, Dr.
Thos. King of Souris, Man., was unable
to be present at the funeral. also nephews
and nelces.
Mrs. MacDonald was, an energetic
worker in the Presbyterian church and
interested in all the community organiz-
ations, ipcluding the Women's Institute,
She gave herself so beatily to all the in-
terests of others and bers was the grace of
true hospitality. The children will miss
her and for those among whom she lived,
bar nam� will always ba in affection ate
Yet again we hope to meet thee
When the hour of life is fled,
And in Heaven with joy to 'greet thee,
Where no farewell tears are shed,
Obituary Of R. J. Cantelon.
The late Robert John Cantelon was
born in the Township of Turnberry, oft
December 25th, 1863, the son of Peter
and Elizabeth Cantelon. who were among
the first settlers of the Township. He
attended the public Echool in the village
of Bluevole until he was 9 years,,old when
his mother died and his father moved to
the township of Morris, in the vicinity of
Brussels. He attended school there for a
few years and grew up to young manhood,
When be was 18 years old he emigrated
to Manitoba, in company with his older
brother, P. I Cantelon, (who now resides
in Goderich) and located in Southern
Manitoba near where the town of Boisse-
vain now stands. .
As a young man he endured all the pri-
vations incident to a new country. In
1887 he was converted to God under the
ministry of Rev. Oliver Darwin who later
became Superintendent of Missions for
the province of Sask., and who now rep-
resents the Methodist church of Canada
in directing our Methodist people who
are making Canada their - home. He
Immediately became a member of the
Methodist Church and joined the choir,
where he delighted to sing the songs of
In 1888 he returned to Ontario to visit
the scenes of his childhood and while
there he was united in marriage to Miss
Sarah Jane Cagemore, daughter of the
late James and Mrs. Casemore who prov-
ed herself to be a loving helpmate through
all the years. There were 6orn to them,
four children, Roy of Wingham, Leon of
Rocanville, Sask., who served in the war
for 31 years, Mrs. H. Kent of Brantford
and Gertrude of Toronto,
After returning to the West with his
young wife, he engaged in business in
Winnipeg where he became identified with
the Salvation Army. Being a musician of
more than ordinary merit he was appoint-
ed Bandmaster which position he filled
with great acceptance for three years
Winter and summer almost every night
for five years his voice was heard on the
streets of Winnipeg warning people with
all the earnestness of his being to flee from
the wrath to come. So much exposure
and strenuous army work in that harsh
climate . to some extent undermined his
constitution from which. he never fully
He then returned to Ontario for nine
years and joined the Methodist church of
Bluevale, where he worked faithfully as
choir leader and local preacher for a
number of years, Returning to the West
in 1002, he located in Southern Alberta
where he organized and superintended a
Sabbath School in a new settlement for
seven years,
About eleven years ago he took up his
residence in Wingham and engaged in a
coal and wood business which he suc.
cessfully carried on until the time of his
death. During his residence in Wingbaw
he took an active part in Methodist
church activities, being a class leader for
some time and carrying on cottage prayer,
meetings for six years, which were a great
blessing to mabycitizens of the town.
His funeral survice was conducted in
the Methodist church by the Rev. C. 8.
Cr4gg who took for his text "and Enoch
walked with God and was Not".
His remains were followed to their rest-
itig place by many Sorrowing and tyin-
pathizing friends. The pallbearers were
his most intimate friendt and christian
fellow workers, Messrs. Oeo. Mason, R.
R, Mooney, W. 14. Willis, A, E. Lloyd,
J. Galbraith and Chat, Cook.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Lance Corp. Chas.
B, Forrest, killed in the battle of Pas- 00
pchendale Ridge, an October 26th, 1917.
T'was bard not to be there in the hour of' T12e
To have caught the sigh of his parting
breath; ominion Stores
One last food word we might have heard
And breath ed in his ear one porting word, Ltd.
Only those who, have loved and lost,
Can understand war'a bitter cost.
Mother, Sisters and Brother,
Reevo Of Mortis Weds I The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada
A pretty wedding was solemnized at' Wingham Branch, Josephine St.
the Manse, Bluevale, on Monday, Octo.
ber $1st, When Mr, Wrii, Elston, reeve of
Morris township was united in marriage
to Mrs. Z K. Thomas. Rev. Crawford Special Prices from Nov.
Tate ofticiate4, Among those present
were Mrs, Lockhardt and the Misses
Elston, sisters of the groom, The happy .3rd, to Noveffiber 9 the
couple left on their honeymoon trip to — - I
Paris, Toronto and Niagara Falls A I
wedding reception will be held at the Shredded Wheat, 2 Kelloggs Corn Flakes
home of Mrs, Albert Thomas, Sr., on packages...... .......... 25c packages ............ 49c.
Friday evening. We extend to the
couple our best wishes.,
Rev, James Hastie Dead Choice Breakfast Bacon ...................... -37c lb.
From the Toronto Daily Globe of Tues�
day, Oct. 25th, we take the the following Pure Lard, 3 lb p'l 57c Picnic Hams .... 20clb
whi ch has reference to the death of Rev.
James Hastie, a former beloved pastor of
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wing- Matches,2boxes ...... 25c Seedless Raisins, lb . ........ 27t;
ham. 'I Lavndry Soaps, lo cakes --72c Seeded Raisins, pkg .......... 25c
"The Presbyterian Church in Can- Currants, lb ..........
ada lost one of its oldest members, when Ammonia, 3 pkgs ............ 23C Puffed Rice pkg ............... i5c
Rev. James Hastie died at his home in Rinso, 2 pkgs ................ 15c Cowan's Cocoa, tin .........
Moulinette. Mr. Hastie -retired from the
ministry some 10 years ago, but in the Salt, bag .................... 1()c Pry's Cocoa, tin .............. Ve
intervening time filled several pulpits in BabbitaCleansev, tin ....... 9c Dates, 2 lbs .................. 25c.
the Presbytery of Glengarry during the Washing Soda, pkg .......... loc Special Blend Tea, Ill .. � ..... 35c
absence of the resident ministers. Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes ...... 24c Brooms, 4 string, each ........ 45c
For the past ten mGntbs be had en- Silver Gloss Starch, pkg ...... 12c Catsup, qt bottle .............. 25c
joyed good health, UP to which time he Soap Flakes, lb ........ ......20c Eagle Milk, tin. .... I .... 11 .... 24c
bad been remarkably active for a man Castile Soap, 7 cakes .......... 25c Peanut Butters Ill ........ ....20C
past eighty years. For a period of
eighteen years he was minister of Knox Pure Spirit or Blended Cider Vinegar .... 35c gal.
dhurch here. Mr. Hastle was thrice
married, being. survived by his third wife, -
who�. was Miss Mcsh, of Moulinetti; He Finest Canadian Sugar 100 lb. bag 8.50
was :also survived by five sons: Mbert, Cheese ................ 24c lb 10lbs . .................... 89c
Mirineapolis; Morris, Vancouver; Douglas,
Edriionton; Harold, Detroit, and William,
New York. Rolled Oats, 6 lbs - ----------------- ----------- 24c
The remains were taken to Cornwall
and the funeral took place to Wood -
lawn Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon,
after service in Knox Church. Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs.
The late Mr. Hastie graduated from
Knc,x College, Toronto, 55 years ago;
He came to Cornwall from Lindsay, Ont, I
The Select Ladies" Ready -to -Wear Co. w Ill turn the bargain
flood loose again with still further reductions at our stores.
This Sale commences on Wed., Nov. 2nd, and lLts a week
This sale measures up to everything the word,"Sale" means
A sale head and shoulders above everything you have wit-
nessed in Widgham. This great sale was created for you,
so don't miss, take part of It. You will be Thanksgiving to
yourself. . 0 .40 0 & 6 a 0
&.0F A1% J" 6.0 k.0,16.4 R.0
Very stylish Tricotine FrocIts, some beaded and embroidered, some V, ith rib-
bon and wool trimmings, and others with fancy vestees, reg. up to $30.00, sale
price 25.00,
Special in Taffeta and Charmeuse Dressei in liavy, black and brown, reg.
24.50 up to 30.00, sale price 17.50.
1 Aiiother shipment of piece Serge Dresses, navy onh,, nicely embroidered,
tasseled tie belt, special 10.50.
And many other values not inentioned.
Speciat reduction of $5 on all
Suits suits at ti-iis sale. These suits
iticlude velottrs, tricotine, botany serge
and fur trirlimed suits.
s Natural Wolf Set, botti pieces
Fur made o f -whole aiiimal skiti,
reg. $40, sale price 35.00. Browii atid
black Wolf Sets reg. $45, sale $40�
All wool Skirts, tricotine alid novelty plaid, reg. 8.50, Sale 6.50
. P' c.0 .... 0
Skirts Serge skirts, prices ........................................... ...... . �!7 to 5.9
All wool black atid and wliite box pleated plaid, reg, 11-50, sellitig .................... ... 9.00
A qrQ
Beautiful velour coats, some with beaverine collar,,,,,ind ctiffs, offiers with
just fitr collars, very newest shade of browti alid b1tte, buttotis and stitchin�' ti,im-
med, most of ffiese beautiftilly lined tbrotigliout. Prices 23.50 up to 65.00.
Heavy weiglit polo velours, some with seal collars iod ctiffs, offiers with
buttonq and twist stitchitig, big snap, price 15,95. Splendi(l, come early.
Silvertotic coats especially vell litied and fiiiisliecl, reg. 27,50, sale price ........ 21.50
& Cbildreii's Coats atid Dresses a specia'Ity.
Georgett� blvuses-iti Peter Pati and Ball�aii styles, trimnied With
Blouses lace'and ties, in six sbftdcs,, liigli as 6.50, sale price 4.50.
Still niore of these dandy drol) stitch tricollette blotises, 6 shades, reg. 4.9,5i
ssecial 3.95. Also a fine lit)c at 2.75.
Select Ladies' Ready-fow W., ear Co.
Head Office, 448 Queen West, Toronto. Branches, Wingbarn and Godeticb, Ont.