HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 4. C�, The Man of the Hour In this hour of Canada's most aciate national crisis, the country's greatest need is leader- ship -not class leadership, not sectional leadership, but NATIONAL leadership. A pilot must be chosen possessing the neces- sary courage, foresight, breadth of vision and determination to lead the nation safely, out of the existing economic uncertainty. 'And one man stands out he . ad and shoulders above all others a� pre-eminently fitted for the task Born on a farm near St. Mary's, Ontario, Aithut Meighen is a true son of the people, a toiler who has fought his way to eminence by sheer ability and force of. intellect. Entered Parliament 'in 190g; appointed Solicitor -General in 1914; Min- ister of the Interior in I . 917; and Prime Ministet in 1920, At the Imperia I Conferetfee he vW8 a the Press of Great Britain ag a great statesman, as a strong, virile, vigorous personality -alert in mind, keen and far-seeing in judgment, and with a fearless determination to stand for the right, Pr6feqsor A. D. Skelton, of Queen!9 University, and biographer of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wrote of, the present Prime Minister �: - 11 He has already, giv�n proof of high administrative capacity. His personal integrity is beyond question." Of himself, 'Arthur Meighen -said to his consti- tuents the other day : - "You know where I stood oil. this issue in 1908, in 1911, and as in 1911 1 stand to -day." A Real Force A Real Leader The National Liberal &nd Conserv"tve Party M Publicity CoMmitt LYCEUM THEA TRE Announces re -opening for the first part of next week. Exact date will be announced by hand bills. But, what we started out to say was that we hav revised the prices. The re -opening prices will b( Adults 20c, including tax of 2c. ZI)o Children 10c, including tax of I NOTE-Pooitively no children under fourteen admitted unacco panied by their parents. Some Great Shows Coming 1 Here are some of them: Harry Carey in "'The Wallop" .Universal special attraction. ,Once to Every Woman"' Univeroal-Jewel De Lune Peoduction. -'The Daughter Pay Elaine Hammerstein -' A Selznick Picture. Priscilla Dean in "Outside the Law" Univernal-JeWel De 1,41= Production. Coninay Tearle In "Bucking Tiger" A Selmick Picture - George Arliss In "The Devil" n America's prenjier Clsafacter Actov in a auper-Pv0ductiO Norma Talmadge in "'Isle of Conquest Harold Lloyd In "Get Out and Get Undo Vern Gordon (The nlother offlumoresqx In "'The Greatest Love" Renicaternber the new pricao are to talto Offect Oil tile vc-OPen'ng 1) WATCH FOR THE DATB Thursday, Nov. 3rd 1921 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE HIGH SCHOOL MEET WEEKLIES NOT IN POLITICS I ist0wel and (The Woodstock Sentinel -Review) Harri .n Wineh�;n A feature of the present election cam, Mou�t Forest at Latter's paign is the attitude of the newspaper, Grounds Sal VC In other days meets was X it is a changed attitude, z Isard5s 1 0 e practically every newspaper in the country The first plan of high school 1, under the was associated with a politic' 31 party, and held on Tuesday, October 25tl its cbiet business during a campaign was auspices of the Mount Forest Athletic to support the candidate of its party and Association in the agricultural grounds, Great Slaughter in Prices f or Two Weeks abuse his opponent Now the most of the teams from Listowel. Harriston and ing chiefly to the Mount Forest high schcols competing. While carpenters are busy makilIg al newspapers are attend bl a news- The day was too cold for any records to news work of 'making and pu ishing ag as well terations to Our store front we will be paper. According to t h a Oran eville be broken, but each contest w somewhat Out of order in our store arrang- Banner, the rural papers are not saying a fought, ehch first counting 3 points, the work is going on. To off- s campaign -the country news- second 3 and the third 1. The school merits while the e our heavy word iti best score has the right to set these drawbacks and reduc paper as graduated from aGrit or Tory having the back into a real business." ere next year. stock, We start On hold the meet th Mount he armora Herald also notes the 100 yards, junior -G. Ellis, Mount anget exp Listowel; Harper r Al- ci �lains that it is largely the Forest; Moore, Thursday, 0a. 20th,ou I result of the same conditions which have Forest. loo yards. senior -Gregg, Wingham; duc d the P gressive movement, not is owel; McIntyre, Listowel. teration and Discount Sale pro her of papers are adopting Moore, L that a 1:rgenumro junior -Moore, Listowel-, X the Progressive platform, but that "they 220 yards, llis, Mount Forest. X S of merchandise conic d d that running a news- Becker, Harriston; I, Come here for �Lll line 'have is a "' u iness the same as any other 220 yards. senior -Gregg, Wingham; .14, and you will save nioney. paper b s' Listowel. owel; McIntyre, industry. and that it is a poor way to Philips List senior -Walters, Listowel; - ------ C, .,nd., _t a 'usiness to let it become the 44() yards, tool of any party or organization. Felton. Listowel-, Gregg,Wingbam- misses' The Toronto Star commenting on the 440 yards, junior -Snider, Hatriston; Wonderful Values in ladies', situation, declares that this changed atti- Reynolds, Harriston; Davidson, Listowel. an&children's c' ats, our Alteration Sale tune is markedly abservable in Ontario, Half mile, senior -Walters, Listowel; 0 but not in Ontario alone, It adds that it Fritz, ListOwel; Goodyear, Mount Forest. disjount will be 20 per cent. senior -Listowel, Wingham. ------- isnotlikelywe shall again have as part- Relay, isan a press as formerly. Mount Forest. junior- Harriston, Listowel' The trend towards greater independence Relay, Ladies' Waists, Raincoats, Seperate has been noticeable in the press of Can- Wingham, from at 20% disc. ada for some time It was a natural High jump, senior -Clark, ListOwel; Skirts, lots to choose t but there is no doubt that McElroy, Listowel; Mitchell, Wingham. - ------ developmen , -Reynolds, Listowel; the movement was greatly hastened by High jump, junior newspaper world, which Devereaux, Wingbam; Fletcher, Harris- 0 Silk Velvets and Coat - conditions in the 'Dress Goods, made it absolutely necessary for publish- ton. Ir' I ers toget down to a strictly business Broad jump, senior -McKay, Wingham; ings 20 per cent. Off. go basis or quit. Gregg, Wingham; Philips, Listowel. P -k Broad jump, junior -Moore, Listowel; Who May Vote Ellis, Mount Forest; Davidson, Listowel, Discount off Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, In the coming elections, it is a matter of Putting shot, senior-McKaY, Wing- I Under lialn; Philips, Listowel; Morrison, Mount Underwear, Boots and Shoes. the new Election Act a British sulpj interest to know who may vote. ect is Forest, shot, junior -Bisbee, Wingham; Im entitled to vote if he or she is 21 years of Putting ; Sturgeon, Mount of age, regident in CangdA for one year and Huti�his n, Hpirriston Q Rugs and' Carpets -Big stock 20 cy for two months at the Forest. in the constituen Wil�on, Brussels grid 'Tapestry Rugs - V. time of the issue of the writ. In cities Hop, step and jump, junibr-Ellis- Xr Forest; Reyn I olds, Listowel; per cent. discount. X and towns of over 2$,000 population a per- Mount son to be allowed to vote must have his or Hutchison, Harriston. see.ior-Bisholi, er Sale of Men!s and BOYS' Suits'. her name entered on the voters' lists before Hop, step and jump, election day. In towns and villages of Wingham: Mitchell,\ Wingharn; Nichol, MEN'S WEAR STORE ... Slaught I the best I overcoats, Raincc ats, Pants, etc. Big stock 0 2,500 or less of population and -in rural Listowel. , 76 yards -Irene Bowman, dS Of Clothing, sale 20per cent. oil. municipalities persons otherwise qualified Girls'race bran whose names are not on the list may vote Mount Forest, Helen Wilson. , Wingham; I - I by declaring on election day that they are Annie Homuth, Wingham. TtRMS, SPOT CASH entitled to vote and who at the same time Girls' basket ball -First round, Mount Listowel by 19 to 12; can get a voter resident in the same Poll Forest defeated rriston by X X whose name is on the list to swear or second, Wingham defeated Ha ingbam defeated SA declare to the qualifications of the app c. 14 to 8; second round, W RD & ap, c P c. Mount Forest by 8 to 4. 0 H. E. co ant. The visitors were entertained at the .14 r XXXy XXXXXXXXX high BC11601 to a dainty supper by the X Howick Council Mount Forest scholars. nin Read? Belgrave Gorrie, October 19tb., 192 1. A Few Pointed Questions is Everybodys Colu Council met in the Township Hall. Business Man, does it pay you to A Bad Accident T1.10 ADVANcH advertised for a girl to I Mr. Will Cole is spending a week itz pursuant to adjournment. All members Mr. comes along, What might have been a serious acci- �pesetting and no less than twenty- I Toronto. pres,ent, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes give printing to anyone who learn ti of last meeting were read, on motion of or is it impossible for you to say that dent happened on Friday in front of d Dr. one girls have applied for the position to, Mrs. J. A. Brandon attended the fun - Hubbard and spotton were adopted. when you need it You'll order? We know Kennedy's office, when two boys ridirig ese girls were from eral of a relative near Toronto. Moved by Wm. J . Spotton andj. Bryans the hill on the, sidewalk on a bicycle date, riourteen of th _r Mr. and Mrs. Simon Forsythe have, - of several businessmen who gave orders down . . returned trom. the West to their home in gn con nathan Pattison and this vicinity and the remainder froth othp that the Reeve be inatructed to si licited and when ran into Mrs. J0 nearby towns and villages. The position Belgrave. tracts for lighting Township Hall and Pub. because they were so knocked her down giving her such a severe � in real estate, J J. Verg- lic Sheds in Gorrie and Fordwich with I was landed by the third applicant, Miss Quite a boom S�andrett's- they received the work, they were not -Carried. Moved by Hubbard * advertis- shaking up that she was unconscious for the morning after the paper uson having bought Mrs. Hydro th it. When givin I - property, Milton Bruce bought the pro - and Inglis that By -Law No. twelve to satisfied wi 9 LilianoGreen the third time and ing contracts. why is it that hile and is still confined to her bed. )ut business men aw herefore, girls, for the pres is ought to be a warning to boys came The ordinary perty formerly owned by Geo. Jordan. borrow money be read prefer to go to the paper with the largest Surely Of nt you need rot apply. passed -Carried. d suit against the - ss men of riding their bicycles on the sidewalk. Nurse McCrea has moved into her new Alfred Taylor entere circulation? Do the busine sized two or three line advertisement only Township Cou"cii claiming a balance on e the fact that T13B t per week. Wouldn't it be cottage. tor had the misfortune to, Wingham appreciat The Late Joh- Paterson 'cost2' Mr. Geo Proc Contract let in 1920 and completed in ADVANas does the better class of work? t�, c?,,n, st,yiag to sell that old article ose a cow on Monday. ee Spring 1921. Moved by Hubbard and The funeral of the late John Paterson 1 Or w] I w( Spotton that the Reeve and Councillor i City houses often disappoint. of San Pedro, Cal., took place from the that is not used and row bangs in your Inglis be instructed to consult a solicitor Have Permit- home of his uncle, Mr. Walter Paterson, garage or shed? Belmore re Taylor case -Carried. Minister Must - I -Moved by Bryans and Inglis that the n A after the first of October it will Diagonal Road on Sunday. He leaves t. I �a missiouary Soc- following accounts be paid; -Albert Gal- . - rs, Buscblen OL Art ur s or, gp.1 for any minister in this province four sisters, I M he laher, gravel $5.40, Wirt Harrison, draw. be ille nless he Mrs. (Rev.) Mundell of Detroit, Miss RS. -1 L L L a I ietly, met FrId"y afternoon with an attend wy ,, , lies .4 - marriage ceremony u r T31, . 'Al I e collection $4.35. A paper ingtile3.15; Municipal or . I -F all, to Con - - e govern- Fanny of Toronto, and Ise JAian o PatricK bt., v" �Ws given 16y Mrs. john Darling ."Canada 9 25; Edgar Henry, gravel 8.40; Win. B has the necessary permit from th o brothers, Fred of Qualified to give Chiropractic and the Land of to -day , followed by prayer underbrusbing Con 4 16.80; A. Zurbrigg, ment of Ontario. Under the Marriage Whitechurch also tw All massage, ajustments, Spinal examinalion by Mrs. Joseph Hall. At this meeting a team on grader 5 50; Geo, Znrbrigg, team amended, it will be Impossible for Hamilton and Ken of Whitechurch. kge for _rnest Harris, team on Act, as I ree. to be given Nov. I8th. on grader, X50; F ed in the bonds of were present except Mrs. Mundell. Their f committee was appointed to arrav ades 7,50fGordon Edgar, team on grades any person to be unit uncle, Mr. Archie Paterson of Toronto, a tea meeting toward Missionary work. Er Proceeds -to go oo; R. P. Edgar, operating Road Mach, matrimony by a camou'laged preacher or athy is felt ine 11 55; Thomas Walker, tile and draw- buen ordained by one was also present. Much SYMP Wedde d At Belgrave Mr, John Baker who has been in failing ing same 14.10; D. W. Dane, balance for man who has never is not for the bereaved relatives, t n wedding was solemn- health for some time was removed to� lighting at culvert Con. lo, 2 30; John of the recognized communions. It A quiet au um Wingham Hospital on Tuesday last in Pitch, gravel 8.62; John Pitch, gravelling only the privilege but the duty of the Another Pioneer Dead ized at the manse, Belgrave, Ont.,, on order that he will get every attention. lots 5 and 6, Con. A. 65.25; Ira Neil, gravel residents of Wednesday, November 2nd, at 2 o'clock 12,15 1 contracting parties to have the clergyman One of the oldest pioneer Mr. Jas. Vleming, London, was shak- , ; James Douglas, spreading grave ones in the presence of - with old frien& here Saturday e nglia. gravel 6 15; I.,r Wade, Produce his permit. Turnberry died on Monday, in the person I by the Rev. C. G. J ing hands Thos I and Sunday. of Mrs. Andrew slid child - School Attendance officer 22.00; J. Hein- Pringle, 9th., con. of the immediate relatives of the bride and becker, und�orlrusbing lot 25, Con. 16. maiden when Mable M., only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Nichol DIED Turnberry. Deceased whose room, 4iagara, motcred up Saturday re- rris, cleaning out award Mr. John J. Ferguson, became the. bride of ren of i 0 Be' it for bridge name was Margaret Murray, had attained drain .50; John Darroch, spikes I years, I month Mr Murray Johnson, son of Mr. H. John- turning on Tuesday. C. , f- Wright, repair bridge and NAsn-In Echo Bay, Alloma, on Sunday the ripe old age of 9 Mrs, Peter Hakney is in Toronto, vis� , n� for same 128.05; David Hicks, iPs Nasho and 18 days. Her husband predeceased son, Belgrave, Ont. iting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Curl. M. car 16.50; John Hyndman, October 9th. 192 1, Geurge Phil Two sons, Following the ceremony and buffet miss Mabel Baker who has been con - 'damage" to e Day Municipal drain formerly of Gorrie, in his 68th year. her about eighteen years ago. 111 -ed to the house is quite well again. part pay on h Jobix and David, and one daughter,' Jane, luncheon the bride and groom left for f 1419-, �, John Hyndman, tile 40.90; Andrew the bride wearing a Misses Susan and Maria Johnson of jobria�ton put _ nd 26, survi-44%, The funeral is being held to London and Toronto, Sunday with Miss , ttm gin culvert lot 25 d I Hamilton visited Con, ,,� bl.,11g, Charles Maxwell, putting BORN Wingliam cemetery on Wednesday after- traveliing quit of navy vacuna and black e Con. C. and gravel also picture hat trimmed with burnt orange. nlizabeth HakneY. is etigageA in laying '10. id 7th noon. . gi:,,�,,etral -1 ,�m �, t w 1 gravelling 37.85; C. Hubbard, putting in WOODs-In Howick, on Friday, Oct. I William Murray who resides in suddenli Called in the Midst of Life at the culvert 1-1. and C, Bdg., lot 28, Con. 18, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woods, a Mr. -lubbard, putting floor on bridge, 1921, to Pleasant Vailey is a beother of the deceas- Gloc in was again cast. over the comm- Mr. George Herd is adding to the ap- 5.75; C. I I ance of his home and store by having lot 27, Con. 10 and 11, 10.00*, F- J. Gedeke, son., ed *and Andrew Murray is anephew. unity last Tuesday evening when it was, pea, g put on. planlcs for Southern bridge and Sander- the Brantfordroofin son bridge on B. line 202 65; Wrn. Leon. The lips that spoke so kind to us learned that Mrs. Elliott Miller, of Luck- Miss Bertha Marshall will entertain ard, repair two culverts, lots 30 and 31, Salern Are now forever cold. now, formerly Miss Vina Sherwood, theWomen,, Institute at her home on Con. 6, 3.00'. John King� underbruabing A cordial in %rand %,,,dy,, Con. Mr, and Mrs, Chester I-ligons spent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood Saturday, November 5th 6, 2 25; Arthur with friends in Wroxeter. S. S. Tablet Unveiled Ashfield, had passed to the Great Beyond. vitation to all. ng in two culverts and 1 last Sunday an impressive Wall and Mr. and Mrs. 'r, it'i Mr. and Mrs. jas. Halladay visited On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. gravel for same, lots 25 and 26, Con. 4, 1 by Wingham Vina was a girl of a kind and cheerful dis- spent Sunday at memorial service was held 11 w I Johurott of Riversdale, 9.50; Henry Xreller, culvert lot 15, Con- fr!Menbs in Gcrrle last Sunday. Methodist Sunday Schoolo which was Position, and was loved by all who k e Mr. Herd's, 12, 5.50; John T. Winter, gravel 4.50; N Harvpy McMichael from South of an earnest worker while qethodist church, ed friends hete last SundaY. well attended. A tablet was unveiled in her. She was Grand concert in the I McLaughlin, sheep tilled by dogs 16-00; Wroxeter, visit e in the Hackett's Methodist Belmore, on Nov. I Ith, Armistice night. Cleve Stafford, drain catch basin, Baker Mrs. Win. Abraham is at present very memory of eight members o f t h We trust she will soon be better - and Sunday School of which she was a ilax gives the program. award 14 00; 0. n. Walker, part Pay on sick. Sunday School who now sleep In Fland Blanche- Ilary loo.00, John Padfield, filling at Just a year ago the 24th. of Mr.j. OR. B. JaCks011 and Miss - again. Among the names engraven member. f Wingham, were home last week Arthur Spot o Mr. Elliott Irwin c q of their mother, Mrs. bridge 0 lot 10, Con. 11. 5.00; 13, Mr. W. 11, Kerr of Brussels occupieb ers fields, - November, she was married t owing to the Mites! Sunday, on the oxidized silver maple leaves are Ric W. It Irwin who wa ton, p�tting in culvert, lot 15, Con. is veryMck, but we 7,00; Nelson Steurnol, tile, lot 1, Con. 12, the pulpit here last Miller, Besides her husband, she leave to Rogers. Tp. Share Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer called on hard Howson, Edward Helps, Arthur Ellis) s, 'tchell. are glad to report is improving 3.00; Wing rAelvin Hubbard, clean- friends at Bluevale last Sunday. Harvey Willis and John Mi The mourn her loss, her parents, four brother C i i-3 at Ioudou attending awird drain 22-951, 5, and 16, 5,00; h of Wroxeter, assisted Memorial Tablet was presented to the Ernest. James and Charles of the West. I Airs. orr gall tion this ing out ditch lot 15, Con. 1. Mr. John Bus' ome; also three sisters, Mrs. I the Women's Institute cOlIven Howard Cowan, work with grader, lot 16, his son-in4aw Mr. Ed Pa'mer,. to tal'e u P Sunday School by the Missionary SocletY and Earl at h f Zion, Mrs. James Bar. week - Con. 10, 1,25, s. B. Stothem 9vant to his tnrnips last week. of the Methodist church in appreciation LLslie Ritchie, 0 School Fair 25-00; Win. Brown, rent of I Me spot- of their having purchased a Victory Bond, bour, of Wingliam, and Matilda, at home Hnll for Hvdro bleetinf? 9-00, W' aary - The funeral, which was held from the IRRITATED AND ANNOYED ton, rakilir stones off bill, lot 15, Con. 10, TAYLOR which they presented to "the Missiot n Church on Friday 1.50, R, Waltera, cutting hill, Moving JAME Society to assist in VIeir overseas work, Lucknow Presbyteria Are you irritAted and. annoyed by grader and inahing fill, lot ,;o and 31, Con, albraith unveiled the tablet and 1 afternoon to Greenhill Cemetery, was, tilfles ?-just one or two dogos of DR. fi rge concourse o 81 ` will soothe tt followed by a very la MILE NIRVINr ciifteity 7S.00; H AUCTIONEL"n W 4. 52 50, N. Clef,! reieArr�Gi ingly to heroism of the boys er-stralned norV89- noffman, Trophy for plowing contest 12.50; wrl. t at who fell. Rev. Mr. Cragg assisted Rev, i sorrowing friends and neig ibors. The tile irritated And Ov noig, t am an gvader 7.50. �.jstera and Guaranteed Safe and Sure - I that 'Farm Salco a Specialty- orders left Moved by Hubbard and Spotto, Vallee, Wingbam, will receive Captain Edwards with tha serv! a e s � bereaved husband, parents, pathy in Sold in Vvingham, by 'brother have our heartfelt 8YVI tile Council adjourn to u1cet in Fordwicii The, Ad, oyd, Supt. of the Sun - on the third Wednesday in November- prompt attention. while Mr. A. H. U J. WALTON MCKWOON Carried. Phone Northllutt)n 15-623, Brnrelsl5* I tlay School tead the scripture lesson, their hour of sad bereavdment. C. I'. Walke-P, Clerk- 0­. I