The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 3rs I *r� A- A I [he wi*am Aavauce Published at Winghm, Ontario Every Thursday MQrnino A. ai� SMITH, rublinhor R Subscription rates'. — One Tear, $2.00; six months, $1.00 in advance. Advortisilig rates on application. Advertisements without specific d1­ rections will be Inserted until forbld and charged accordingly. Chatiges for contro.et Advertis-e- ments be In the office by A00no ?'.On - day, In in BUSINESS CARDS if le VVC114A1gLLP1A AVAUCLL"A A A- in Insurance Co. jo Established 1940 ni Head Office, Guelph tr Risks talten on all classes Of lusur, te able property oil th,e cash or premium w note System. C ABNER COSENS, Agent, if Wingbain tt th DUIDLEY NUALMES 11 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. In Vlotgry and Other 13ondo Bought Ind a sold, office—Mayor Block, Winsharn p 0 orr Nit, ti R L VAN310 L in BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 0 Money to Loan at Lowest Rates, T WINGHAM ARTHUR J. IRWIN t] D.D,S., L.D. -,. Doctor of Dental surgery of the t Pennsylvania College and Licentiate t of Dental Surgery of Ontario. I Office In Macdonald Block. t I a DR01, G. H. ROSS C Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Gradgate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD'S STORE t P 0 Wt R. HAM t A . PLY d B.Sc., M.D., C.M. T Special attention pald to diseases of Women and Children, having taken I postgraduate work In Surgery, Due. S teriology and Scientific Medicine. Office lti,th6 Kerr Residence, between the QUeen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. e Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 n Yr. Robt. C. Redinond M.R.C.S. (Eng), L.R.0,11, (Lond)� I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stan(l)r R. JR. L. STE WART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate a-' the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance; Second Door North of Zurbrigg's Photo Studio. JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE Z fly ur. Idarga, et C. Ca r General Practitioner Graduate 'University of Toronto,, I Faculty of Medicine. Office—Josephin6 St,, two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephoues—Offlee 281, Residence 151 I SELL Town and Farm Properties. Call and tee my list and got my prices. I have some excellent valuos. J G. S"InEWART WINGHAM Phone 184 Office in Town Hall UNGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC it is easier to keep well than to re- cover lost health. Chiropractic Ad. justments Is the Key to Better Health, They remove the Cause of Disease. � DR. J. ALVIN FOX Phone 101. Houra-2-5 and TS p.m. I It D R U G11E S S P N "I'S I C I A N OSTEOPATHY DR. F. A. PARKER Osteopathic Physician, only qualified osteopath In North Huron. Adjustment of the spine In more quickly secured and with fewer treatw inputs than by any other method. Blood pressure and other examina. tons made, OFFICP_ OVER CHRISTIE18 4TORE 'Blink of E ngland notes are number. ed backwards—that Is, from I to 10,. 000. 11once the number 00,091, Fur f4rming in erl`rlv�l oil in PWXY provinee,vi &, �Mnivion, Thtro. are fourteen rauelie,, in the Yukon Terri. tory, ...... .. . Aftft rowert More, PITAL INVEST - Three of the lesser Powers a Suor- AN INTEUSTING optt. Holland, Belgium and Portugal, MENTS IN CANADA will sit in the Washington conference. In matters afretting the Paelfle 4lid OIL RECOVERY he Far &.�t it will be a nine-Nwer ESUMPTION OF INFLUX EXPERIMENT IN instead of a six�Power meetirV. In matters dealing with disarmainent OF FOREMaN MONEY proper the three lesser VQW,"a will NEW BRUNSWICK not participate. These three are of the "Little Fee - g plee of E urope; but I owinion�s Rezourcer, Daily ;bey Nvere not Al in a while ways "Little Peoples" Attracthig Increased Attori- 6011 of W, orld's �capitelists. man -s world, nor Are they insignigeant factors in the Far East. They have umg; been there a long The most frequently rceurring Nyord f, long time. RAI, Canadian economic converse is "fill- 'rho map of the weptern Pacific is It is conlinually on the with Dutch Mld- lgratfou." . gq'g dotted and speckled, - p of the country's gtate�mea and $ngs, 11olland b4,; the Celebes, Timor!, f of New gislators; It Is to be found every day her Spice lsltn�s and her hal Guinea. -She is in Sumatra, Java Qnd the editorial columns. of Dominion's urn-als, busifieSs men find in it the 111111 Ml Borneo. There are 150,000000 white, Irror whic effects the general brown apd yellow MeU in t1IR Dutch end of commercial afflairs, The East Indies and the East who ac- g 6 knowledge the sway of Queen Wil riii suggests the history of Canada's ouderful growth tit all respect$ Since helmina. ". 1,14 E oft , t. . ......... K. I t MPS'. @ The subjects -and the Government 44 onfederation; in all that it sIgniflea �pr W W..." es the DominiolVs- hope and explacta- cerned on of a development surpassIngeve King Albert are mostly con 'Me about Chinese investments. Is unprecedented record In the next thrifty folk of Belgium, through the alf century. L bankers of Antwerp and Brussels� CanadWs. interpretation of the word . . . . . . . . . have investAd, inillions of Belgian and other in - francs in tbr railway. her national economic life, however, dmits of a wld�3r significance than the dustries of chaotic China. 0 country of foreign Portugal broke the way int the ntry into the -he ships of Por - copies, and includes the introduction immemorial East. T The Wallace Oil Shale Test Plant f the f foreign capital. In agriculture and tugal carry us back to the sea ro� mance of the fifteenth century, to ?,-Anglo-PerstAn Oil Company. It is located -at e successful iTettlement of the Do that famous summer of 1498, famous LkVWW72 Inion's -vast, uncultivated tracts of 1;Zosevale, New Brunswick, not far from the for its De Gains, its Columbus and iU y city of Moncton. Ten thousand gaLot.. ��rtlte land lies Canada�s fundamental ,�OWVF " f progress and future greatness. John Caloot. in those srummer days were to. be extracted from the shales of New when the elder Cabot was creeping here mast, however, be a correspontl� . . . . . . . -ward along the American coast ag industrial growth with the de- Brunswick and a large plant erected if the ;1 South birty-eighth parallel and to the t by elopment of mineral, forest and other results are judged as satisfactory. Photo by us, on his third atural resources and expansion In Christopher Columb nd capital Is needed and the attrac Wo e field of manufacturing. To this courtesy Canadian National Pailways., and last voyage, was gazing on the Orinoco and wondering if that migbtY" X-0 -as water was coming down, from soi 7r ton of thL$ necessary factor to na- �A "terrestrial paradise'" Da Gania, that lonal development takes Second place a the Dominion's endeavors only to of company In- hard-bitten salt of., Portugal, was hat of increasing the population by United States capital invested, 14 The total number sighting -the coast of Malabar. ad -tieing an Intelligent and assimil- Canada amounted to about 1,600 MR- cor.pprations with, Dominion charters Manufacture of Kraft in Canada Da Gains; sailed in -to Calicut harbor; ble type ofvottler to the country. Itions, or about one half the total Bri- in 1920 was 991 with a total ct'llitaliza- had to fight his way out, but he bad in the general depression to which tish, Investment in the IiOnlinl0u. tion of $603,210,850, the greater part e output gradually shown the way, and, big ships were the anadu was subjected In common United States, Investments In Canada. of which, WiNflout doubt, represents Kraft paper, or as it is, better known line of business th inged forerunneTs of the in, Just how Investment In Its more common form, wi;;�'_piug rose unt4l It reached the record figure Oanvas-v� ith otlie; nations implicated in the ' The, value 'of 'United States invest- foreign capitail. n n vasion of the East, by sea from the 'roat War mud which affected most ments in Canada during 1920 is esti- in Canada is, increasing can be real- paper, was first manufaqtured by a Of 52,000 to s 1 1920- West, that has dragged its waY r ze 0 comparison With the Pre- Swede named IvItintzing, who discover, Kraft is utilized in numerous Ways bases of her national IIf% it was mated at $320,000,000, made up as fol-' I d fr in a ly handle thxough four centuries and more. The Tatifying to note, . the resumption of lows, new bond issues placed In the vlous,.Voarls. figures- when, there was a ed what Is known as the sulphate pro- and millions of people dal PoTtuguesebpve been in the Far East Ich received cess of pulp making. it was not until this -Pepsi- In one oi� another of Its he inffax of foreign money whicb� had United States $235,000,000; other total Of 512 COMPanit'S wit 'n countless fabricationS, it Is manu- a very long time. Macao Island is indus- Federal charters capitalized at $214,- 1908 that Canadian paper mills, begs ancient of the white ractically ceased with the outbreak bond,". purchassd, $15,000,000; and then faetured Into wrapping paper, envel- one of the most If the war and continued whilat hos- trial tnyeatmeats $50,00000; Indus- 326,000, In addition to the figures to make tMa unique prodtict, 73. ope6l, marketing bags, wall papers, y4an's abiding places there, There is fifties were in progresa. The only :land inve..3tinents $5,W0,000, increase above recorded 88 eompante% by Sup- only on a very limited scale, With t e coverings, a Portuguese Ind,,a and there are 10j- ifference Was. that British capital in assets of insurance comIlanlea, $16,- plementary letters patent, Increased entry In 1912 of the Wayagamaek Pulp window blinda, chair seat 0004000 colonials under the Rag of h1oh bad previously le -41 In the, as- 000,000, This constituted a record for their capital stock by $85,187,750. In and Paper CompanY at Three Rivers, bags to contain practically every. ubservient United StAtes Investment, the figures considering these figures., too, It Quebec, which specialized in the mak- variety of bousehold foods, twine, and 14'sbon.- ault on Canada beca me s -be high. should be borne. in mind that no ac- ing of genuine Kraft, the Industry be- when, oJlcfl is the recognized wrapper "is "Little Peoples" helped to cre- n its volume to that of the 'United of 1919 being $200,000,'000 and t Ot Only for all foods of a, greasy nature. It ate the ProBlems of the Pacific. They' tates, for the very conditions which e-st previous figures the $207,000,000 r0unt Is taken of the host of com- gan to flourish In Canada and n n found to make all excellent ShOuld have a hand in their solution' org,ted under the char- wore home requirements, supplied but has bee Their interests are such as to entitle nilltated against the transfer of any of 1916. It Is estimated that these ' PanteD iRcOrP a subztitute for COIMO owing to Its them to a seat in that part of the Coil - an annual return of ters of the various- provinces, all of a considerable �uantity exported a ,,ubstautial amounts across the sees probably yield No statistics of production are ability to withhold rain, and even nade it decidedly advantageous to $90,000,000, including as they do some, which have power to grant charteis. well. he years, prior to 1917, clothing is made from this, wonderful ference. There have been days innOt end money across thQ border, It was of the Dominton's best paying bust- The fact tbat last year, In a period available for t product, It being largely used In the remote histori when ther arniamenth stimated a - short while ago that nesses, generally considered depressive and but during that year the amount pro- facture of wo-rkm&m's overalls, would have Warranted theli in having JivAifying conservation of action, duced totalled 27,000 tons. WithAhe 111anu one and Other com- reuderhig them both water and fire� much to say, about the main pTrblem, Canada practically trebled the incor- increming demand before the conference and tho Yorld porated capital stock of the previous, panies devoting more attention to this proof. Canada's Opportunity in Flax Fibre year and United States. total Invest- During the -war Wayagamack Kraft, —that of the limitation of arman-milts was supplied to the various munition by land and sea. ments nearly doubled, together with "There, is apparently little buying that it will be fifty years before Rus- the tendency apparent for Euglish in- day of the widespread attraction boards in Canada and Me United ur es r x rting and Kfnkdom to be utilized in the making University Class for Industrial n linen. Purchasers 6mand lower sla, can return to large, scale fibre coming capital to assume greater sub- Canada's reso c a & e e: Stantiallty of volume despite its.manY the greater attention devoted to the of bullets. it was, also used In the Workers. )rIces and producers are unwillinig to productim, making of sand bags, which were, concede them. Nothing. apparently, Consider that a fair average acre handicaps, Is, just cause for boundiess Dominion as a country for Investment. could be more anomalous than is the yield of fibre Is 200 pounds. and we See optimism In the immediate future of To an ever greater extent the great made from material previously woven Last week the Workers' Education� must Canadian commerce and industry. In- undeveloped wealth of Canada will from Kraft 'yarn, and thus the neces- al Xssociation of Toronto commenced. situation In wWch the whole linen In- that the Russian area under flax for'Its exploitation. sary strength required to hold their its classes for the seascit in one of dustry finds itself, The source of its have comprised the enormous. terri. dications become. more apparent every draw capital contents and withstand adverse wealll- the buildings of the University of raw material Is drying tip. 'Russia is I tory of at least five million acres. It er conditions Is obtained, Toronto, The subjects to,be taught outof the list of producers altogether, has been conclusively proven that ir, whilst mnsfof the others report crop rigated lands in Weaterl Canada will failures and diruluished production. produce a flax fibre superior to the Any serious. buying movement is bound average Russian product. Ontario to send Jinx up. Then linen, too, will gro.we a fibre -Nvhich has been sold in have to go up.,, competition with Belgian line: Quebec 9�he above anuounc3ment, quoted and British Columbia have lands and from a recent issue of the Standard climate eminently suited to tlids, crop. Daily Trade Service, has a special What other country In the world with significance for Canada as affecting suitable conditions hast to -day the the future of the flax fibre Industry. necessary acreage avallable. to meet There Is a tendency In some quar- the vast Russian shortage? ters to que-to the present temporary Further, Canadian , brains. and stagnation In the flax market as rea- energy have accomplished more, to - son for curtailing Canadian activities -wards the perfection and'Inventioll of In fibre production. We believe that I-abor-saving madbinery for pulling the temporary conditions of depres- and handling and preparing flax fibre sion (which at the, moment apply to than has been done in any other almost every other class of indiistrial country, a fact, which will place Cana - raw material as well as to flax fibre) da In a pre-eminently advantageous! should not be allowed to affect the position for the cheap production of broad policy of future development of fibre in competition with other doun- the Industry. Canad"� opportunity tries. to -day is unique. For the above reasons It would A clear conception Of the tonnage seem that P. cleax realization of the produced by Russ -la before the war, situation and a proper understanding and no longer available, must show of the. relation of present temporary that the molfient large scale buying of conditions to the future possibilities linen and Its allied commodities is re� of this. industry should result fix Im, sumed and the demand on spinning mediate preparation for more exten� mills again beconits active an un. give CAnadfan flax fibre production In paralleled world shortage of raw ma. readiness to meet future shortage and terial will be experienced. keen demand. And further, when that Rus.31a produced from 800,000 to time comes, Canada should be ready g00,000 tons of fibre per annuill, or to spin her own flax in her own Mills about 76 por cent. of the 1vorld's sup- and thereby to real) the full benefit of 1)1y, Competent authorities think the advantages which she 'will hol(i, C4� Mww" IqOL) K�40W -HN 711�rr_ --�oO&A gooQgN4 Bcq ot4 _10 -kr- �41U_r �8�_Ocyj "f� �k\r 'Otp-� 401"bv4 owmf_ titNb \Akft4 16\ V49 SITtC14 -2 lAso'D! 14E 14NS A 'LUMP09 Vr A�WUT -m4,T- By Gene Byrnes V There appears to be no limit to Me. are economics, international finarce.4 many and varied articles which this tivAe union law� political, philosophy, remarkable paper can be manufac- British history, English literature a -ad tured Into, and the latest is a corn composition, psychology. and logic, or cereal cover Invenied by a gentle- public spealcing. the Workers' Educa- man farmer in the South'of England.! tional Association of Hamilton has Owing to the uncertainty of the three vig4orous classes in econow ics, weather during harvest -time in Eng- , psychology and. logic, and English land the farmer stands a cbanOe of literature and composition. In Ottawa losing a considerable portion of his the W.E.A. has also three classes, crop front, dump and mildew. To one each in economics, history, Eng- overcome'this detriment a Corn OOVer lish literature and composition. was conceived, which Is made from In all three cities this ii�structiou Kraft In the shape of a Miniature roof is provided for working men and we - capable of covering ten or a 'dozen men by the provincial university— sheaves, another instance Of the -widespread ac - The numerous, objects mentioned tivity of the University of Toronto in above are only a few of the many giving education to all people in the things that can be inanut"tured from province who wish to take advantage Kraft, and suggestions. of further 'ways of it. A prominent publicist said the in which this -extraordinary fabrie can Other day, ",The University of To- be put to work sre constantly being ront* is leading the waY in linking brought to light. Each year witnesses higher education to the world of af- now names on tbe, already long list Of fairs," manufacturers of Kraft, and that Canadian paper producers are well A Timely Exposure. aware of the vplite. and importance of A judgelis little daughter, who bad this product is attested by the rapidly attended her fathers court for thO increasing output, first time, was, very much Interested in. the proceedings. After her return When you have experienced evil homD she told her mother: men you become tolerant of the ee- "Papa made, a speech, and Several centricitics of the geod. other men made speeeheD to twelve The wood of which the Ark was men Who sat all together, wad then built has been identified by many these twelve men Nverc put in a dark I scienti.,As as cypress, rcoin, to be develoPed2'