The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 2*000* - _!.4,1! _� ��.;r .;�� -' ! ! !t_, ­ I;' 9' !!� , I i !��_ =r!= ____ - . . - ­­­­ -- ­­'. -_ -2'r . . _ '. . _ - - - . - � 1 9 _ _ , , , _ � ­__ _ ­ - ­ - - ­ ­_- . -9, - - - - _ __ b � -,. _�_ _" - , - - - ____ , __ ___ _ __ �___ _ '. _. _ 1 , _ _ _ _ _ � , _ � � . -r- ____ - .­­� 9 1 f I . t--,- - - .1 . I .1 . . .. ­ so A spli,ndlet serhil ,%-III com- , ,,�.7 ­ Is;- . , I niewe next w,nkk, entitled "'Th,,- ILI" . L I I Caiwn Ran" fl-oni the Pon of I I . . � L -1 1� The W., oman SelitaiL r � I'V1111am Le (,�ieux, the famous �i I � .,A & 07w4c� , 'rho 4tory of A 10mck salosman Who Inv -&des �& New Teri,itory-and I English v,criter of ZA ys t, e r -y I I 11:1, I C11110es tils Pt'Q*P*Qt. 80,ries. It is a tale of the Brl- i I 4AA"P0446 " I I'll BY UICIURID ICIONNIELL I tish Secret Service during the I I ;__��� I ---. - - I I ­­ - ­­_ A Am �ft Great War and holds the read-' it out of Sorts. it is such an R � - I I eO,k ,enthralled att-ention froin i The 'rreatment of Colds in Children. -feels a b, VART 11L (r4e­n. humbly, I tbought. "I don't 1, one of the Troet im$*rtanj of byJ,auvommodating growth, too. Whenj , start tofinish. Loolcoutfort-W., .- v pick .e,v, ; tho Lnd is frost -bound, you ma, 4V - 'ch thir I . .. "dolets", is "Don't re6-14ect a I V11a:ngea the, sul>lect. I te.4 hun'..'. .0A, muth azut su I -g&" about uly httll�� boy, Na. t "Nottee what thtzk, handsonle, hair, pl*nkng ehapters, of tills exwlt * is a I the slicat, which have germinated in -Hog as husky I " I q _1i ls� t, head big yarn in next issue. - �,Cold." M,tst of us think a COU Arogide. - a four-yoar4al r-3 Oft has,' -a' - '*Ies.'a flu a - 11 - -----Ivory dlesgree%ble thing, ar,d WO let a box placed by the 11 a ,.-,.)*,, ,ever sa,w," I te.4 uw. r,eige,i4or R Vf hair ,4% I 'r-wer sw. � -., Z�,,,- 7, , he's fast aSleeu. i it go .at that, without realtzing that It f100d d4estiOn is to walt on P- ,j�W!.,it k- .% 4 !p�_3t?" jiuquir4 %J, �Iyou Z�n% ten mer saa xv. � �, il *1 I t. . ially one of the most Seri. petite at all t'lities, it V411 be noces. I M Alul- ar," I said, 1� 4 qp�er. I 01- glad you .8gree With me that Mi,Zs it as potent Xulqcoen. - Qu4�sp would. t,oN a g,,od mateh for ous of ,disease% sar-V to assist ,OigeAion. ,*Only in tke VO-z%liz v4peunner,ts,!* Iii 411iss que��t ozkmt- in witlt our post- I w at," An The best naturd ald to this is the I e y. ,, JUn-,1%4eOn gar4je. Wj,�eu sit . .e 11:3d Voue Cousin George, The rich old r- sc� In the first p1sce, Vren it beg z �ms,kwrei. with a truize 0- ��out, Mr. Mulveen retuar1w,4- � nveds scm6l)ody to lielp, him ;spend alt no one can t4e,j what it m.ay (prove to ,constant. use of,p;irsley. Don't, there- _ 115TV I is t e- 1*3z fum in the we -4, . jthe nionq; lie's maldr4 frc,m bis bi��e j�-, or how it will , erd, it u,a,v. be I- 'fore, allow the parsley,patab 7nerelyl ­ � "nev are liwo?, 11 , Q,_ 14 % 1Z " *,I- till ven taxft Oiler, . *4 -P � .n .I-- . 4A. __z_.&_"__ I :$ioiJes krow tile JaPwwse. Ot all People the laraneze, are tbo moot eager to learn, IndustrIous, and 4oam,aA In everAhIng, they are ,es. poclolly iso In learaing to speak Eng. 11911. But they' have difficulty in pro. noulicing their I's and y's, and sorne ot the mistakes tW make are amusing. iWhile you are walking along the street in Tokyo, writes a corrospondeat, it la not unuousl for a man to apppoach you and, w1th W ,peculiar accont. isay, ,,, "Ooo4o morning sah, aur you qutto w"M tnufty? Preasn veto me, corau aud vialto you 6emetimes. I wol;1do , i IlInt tau b000mu Youru furondo." I That Is quIto a laugu4ge in itself; . but the Japancee do not make all the _4�+.I­ MhMv% 1F.I of y,our "ni" "' are� nkol t 41411. . I,., slmjp�e cold tbal. will last four or live 0 le n n e ===A==;=� I I - .tbU090 Aas to it _S� it MAY, in- a left -over vxze of every *pray that grows; ba'Ve it all ' Its subtleties, And wben Oxnadlans _t .A. '�', aexcd my wife. "Hus he given �up his , In Oil "I never ex SSO Ir. ul- .-Ne'r"tah -ard ber smsle.,* Ile Said i 1101*4 is Gt,crgea Lee farmer now. , day Hie cwald. not see, my samile. 11 jnfiuen,a_e .ere is a goo,al deal of tij-_t dried. Apart fronx its aid to good Eggs Boiled i - who- attempt to speak It confuse their ,quevn. I . Vr�,_,,,. �.­1111 -4, 11 0. -%%- - she MOVOS yv!dle kennel,V, .- 'e- , as vowela or misplace tIzeir accent the At knA it's pretty the ,IN� His -Then rod, '11 wi," kulat , - a, j;* 1, pood!e kenriel? Oh by jto� stiU; it may be the beginning of digesoon, it is an ex,oll nt flavoring A new method Of Sterilizing 09913 fitte.st. experlezzo.- in. Nfe," I saikL j ara,urti .OL ,�dnjjtted. I I s a a on the other side, For 1 44 � wQ,.j,,,a trear.s. He .still 'has over a �ijtiSr;a'nicssles, or the first ro.y tuptoin of pneu. for most dishes, smile r8 11 all the value of tl, .;j'v`e:'.1," salt'. 11r. 31ut,-,%uee,"t. "you � What a Wife that wom .e cabbage I a preliminary to cold etomg(), COMists �! 'd in the manr ' les. teeps two poodle elip-.'. ricr,la; or it m4v extend -.nt,,) 00 ac- Have i In latmerstag them for ive seconds In example, a misslMary who was per. oug, " e- mal,el" I sai &r of the'pepedl .He 1, i tessory sinuses, , the ears or the tabalated on the doelkets of the brain., an Oil solution at ,1150 deffroes, Fahren- I forming a wedding ceremony said, , - at to lmow.' I MO.O., plers cOnstantly b=y,.'* *1 do knaw. T 4"anctw it's gr at to solljoa .Uies V,f ej&fa.-�ioned I 4 3 UatS116111111a, You are to t u u � "But P14% dO YOU t1lint- 'Miss Ques' brorwhi, and cause na er,d of r.ain and YO'A 'dOn't need to consume patent i heft. This brief exposure to a heat , "MI& to ts g weteh that Idl el u,hio deve,lopinst. � drn=. I . : VIV$e,f, ­Wihsit iralies you thluk so?" lie will lih'e hini V, a&Red Helen Vkh Some jer,es ,Waar_auteed to cleanse the, coraiderably above the boiling point of Mr, 1145111MOtO"; but the verb to wity d.k. Vou 1e%*W.So I talk I ; � -oet, difficulty. . i trersble. It Inay even intreuch , itself & Mee . I to kill not only marry to totsuga. , tog blood of its inany impurities if thesej water Is suffiloelat . Tottsugu means to 1�,W,�S,, �efling fz,_,��ied. Was I NN,rorq or 4i,a I ac4 td� ,,H6,S sa I cars?" tel V. r. Mul- the �-_W,s 4o1 aval,exing interest in his 4"ShOs SUM -t%" I ,-,at , justI ss a ,ehronlc catarrh arid rer. R.t , 4 vOg,eW&es form a -regular part of the whatever bacteria the egg may eon- I be caught by an evil sple-t! The on. ..Flw dwa&." 'Sa2z-Ves . be a -y c .e the ez;d of life. Therofore, the part, qu,Len. tonz whieh ie�ver,y scaestwnm leaTns tO` the U=u :t,'z hey- She won�'t taelle Of of wisdom is to t -a 0 diet - tain, but also -the vital priniolplo In lookers must Indeed ha7e smiled at � 'PZX,,1LL I �- -. moszly bezziuso I want TeN1rn-nk widi strains .an oar for. ,:,to wl*stand that blavlz mous reat a 4eold­espoL�4 - �t -,_,� inuch Inore frequent use of cab- those of them that are, fertile. that: and, it Is to be toped that the ' .V_ LLL to give ;d4 of niir,� an ticat:0P., 41. what ijuu�Wes ac -es tbe oidi-" 11 . J ..We hj& Sln.�� bc�s as -geol as tm,lij me tj�at ly fi� a,chiid--Vith great respezt unt-11 bage will =Ae for parlty, and by a Electrical maelilnery does the work. butcher whose ShOP ar; AMP-rle= lady 'he is ot Identity arnd its r i -s nly viaiting for tlie right -mau .you are Sure off its r,,,%wu� I ward. ti b'%)iNl Up a bLsirz*sa� � nryumn look for in a wife'." I usked. I) 4 e pro 4 It Is claimed that tile eggs are In no- once v1sitc-d was not inellued to be flvin- start in lifk&� .Gecd nature, I Suppose," said Mr. �to cOnle 3;erg. il intentions. Then treat it er.orgeti�al-� MOr natu=t ce S- and, s an! gIN-6 Wart ,� � Eat veget;��Yes. then, if you would. way injured by the treatment too matter-of-faet -rhen ehe a Iced him - 6 "Good 4d Gezrge", said Hele`u� I-V. that is, treat the, Fatieut as you'. 14tWO poU d. of W�ty. Tim. in �,�kz s iven tvim 3&ilqueez, �! "hell get a pea-zli 4d a wife fit Aliss " ' ln,g froM a L ','j�e Wel -r When -afterward put Into cold storage. . ,� n I n Q, d as nt,z& f= * e, rVe, hai t!lat lmd � ­M11sa Quest Is one of the best- ,ing -would treat an,-<.4ne sutfe,r _ F__t tbon., dapy, and mve for elW' Th wor 'j I the do,zter-I's NUTI. they retain their f reshness, much for meat Is n3fu., Neko Is the word � natczred pe,rsons I evor rnet," I said.!. Quest. He -;�Ovt t. e --low in as, . serious discsse. I to work- for.!, , her, either." � for cat! I Lnow, when. ta N�gz.l to ,044 a =Wl'o5li�- lo6ks af ter peevish, heWess P4-1 longer. ,� flents cal 4.,W and rever leses her4 "No," I agre,M, III zhoulln*t t�e sur -4 The fhst thir,g to do -even. before bV his first ramo. � , � Gone With the Pin Money. __O�_ I There Is a ztary of an Englisix pro. * uwe-� , , prL-,4 if it were a eaEe of k,Ne at fir,st the disease has deelared itself -is to a insparation. tb-nt %Id " I ffln­-'­-- WI -at ,e,se?" ,. Minard's Uniment used by Physiclans. tessor who wanted to learn how to , eight, .-tnd a marriage in 4a mzmth.�'put the child to bed in a sunny, -%=m11 The father of Louisa A -L A'­ott weal, on. "It7s the real 'Chirm. I*tea, ­Lxm,a1tx,11 aziul Mr. Mulqueen after - ; ear good morning in Japanese. so ,,an irierv�l t,f ,cogitation. ' ,f "I you." , ze ww -:Maod � , - ake 1� after his e,aughter's, books had ��;n Apricots are driod -by the heat d, early one day he stood In tlt,� hall ot ,Poodle fanders are z rm de4l and well-vertflatwi room an4 m I +,w her NX � an , ..M fal w d temper,iniental. you 'know." , him stay there. Do that evea if t2tere 4 to b -Ing in eash returns. beld the I "We"111 you lou-z;Nt -tow know` �afi, �, is$ Quest is wth,o. � ithe Japanese dormitery and waited, Vitt Xu'q�neen. �4cw. !w say %da" Ek.. She baSIA missed a day in i2ane years, I "Good," said Helen- "I 1OVel t1D P�17 is o V - . t rawn,esS of the t1reat, �� "authorese' up us a ALning exarapl,, the sun in Callfornla- I _jIgh TO, 141. they tellt mm. Aml it's a *h= -d Seb, to,N_i. iratchmaker. IM write to� c,nizffi,or fever . " It. a few moments two students ap. 'ishness, ,or nausea, or bone- ,jo a Faung great-niece. "If thee will � proachod from o - ,_ I � George this very nighL" ,� s pposite ends. Of I my anv--.AzSthiriz n.- ,.eing - ; NEW L9111111P BURNS -Nvty. Inac alive'. he �Cwn " " - �tv.v? , ' fter snp-, aiche and a ger.eral feelin- of - , tuay hard' " I,uis, did,- Sam Bron they earg m the tEctiona'-7.7 I said preud- "A V rhz to be a gaad house -1, "And r1l ask- -Miss Quest a ;' ISOn Alcoft, lltheam may course, thought the profeSior, . , �fe ozg , out of sarts, Give a gentle lay-s-tive - write storica 1 -It I - per," I SaM. " � __ would say good morning toeach other; ly. ,*An,l hi�, Azar reml ,<-at,* ,&-%g., an -4 �,�­V z nesla,- and sell thein --r.d have thlyte own pm; - zz, imn,in-I zall Mr. 'Mul- * 944% AIR n, after- o We he=d a ztlzming in tke ne-,d. sUzzli 'as VaSCara or milk of mag 4vi�.7 I. :� =��'�ering the, matter Y.11 I . but since the hall happened to be un - I. I li-l-Z n .n, . ..You kr cubicle. i�i or chrate, of maggnesia, If the coM �� mone The little girl on his knee� *_ . III Idzn% kni,lw nia"11 abzut 1,Hs" ad- a. m4m,e t ,zr two. .aw wbat, �, r I usually dirty at that hour, their morn u,- t f, Oh, I hope we imaren't distuezed � przivA to be -- simple one, keep the,j belonged to th's �-enemtion and dicli Initted Mr. mu!'Tae"n. *11 the & ve I rne­an-­�at. e,Vr.C=i M-4 ana a gozd.-I Beats Flactric or Q13 "Oh, 1sn!t this halt t)�%.e f -�y d*, '." your ran, Mli, Xtilqueep!" I called *mt. patien� in bed and every two hours� not quite tuiderstand. "Then I shalli � I Ing salutation was, 'Aly elated, � ,rst five , years *.7 M A�l I I dirty!" The professor, It. ,tilir inute. I U 0 .g cZZk but LNawl." ­Y,)Zz,re fyl,cif eviden-* *hL, M. "Noz at all, rwt at aR " be saiT give �� -- eass, of Nmter. in whien' not write stories, Uncle Bronzon," she,' A now oil lamp that gives an amaz- i " � flY, _ passed on to the dintng room and, en. ­_Xi�1 never bzkwZ"-,', I sald. I have tlmt Miss Q�ut'st is av,Nrldn- cook," I _,rt-,- and his vozee, I noidtW.zz, had half a teaspoonful of birailannate of ' , repUed, "for I have ull the pins I' Ing-ly brilliant, Soft. whl,ta light, even t-,� a_;ar�t that *lh'zs WW an. extiggeZI" said. 1*4nd tho way s�e �Z*Zs care y! Itist its fr!e--dlr j0vialltv' He V-u'_-er_� Sees has been dis-WIved, and into!;,needl" In LouiWs day, pins were, be -ter than gas or electricity, has been .tering -with a satisfied smile, bowed .- - , , �;ied b'�- the U. S. Government and 3:5 ­ tuq-,.�. Us QrS 4 -L, -J-- rzmns s1hows that $'tie C-11 --Meain�, 10 bim'SA I thewzht -lie juice of half a jemon. hasI erstly and women were -,z�helterezl. ! t and startled everycne by sanying "Wi, YZ�4 IMA toUl met' za!d Mr. '51-21- zn4d kee�-a a 110 -as.? Snug anj ,Ceuj�o,t_ it saunnied like -'poz,Xe fancie'r." ' :Which de -es- ; 1, M� 1: 150S Pin monzy ard he-, coun-' leading -universities and found to be . fsnIt this hall dirty! " o"e'.- - - - 1,stton$ .A!3�aii' �*'_e. As fror -heing, icz�nomfzal, F�e,,� H4?ez, left, an,j I fer.1 as-!eez, an4j been zqueezei. This is for z Cents � h _ _ . . - � superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It 1 But one day, w Ile travOng down b ., I �an_SV;,O.el t,U4L I wit �_! . 4 . -** �* MITIO, h S ach o4--rlozia en!�N�nert halif as muen is eneu:�h fbar yv�ung:: try sisztez's e.-g-np,l-butter mcney re Nz� 1,,�T ..m h�,--2r. tezri t1hat vvzz c,f the 7ntle sa�ar,- S�',e -, bums without odor, smoke or nolse'- � a lonely ctreet, a jirrIkAsha, man was ­Y�-.� *�.,��,Vs ZT'm�xln't t�rz vowrz,e.ves.zet,� 'hf.re -O.es ,-avel m=.ey. What that when Miss Quest izarne in' wft% cb,_,dren.. In t�je o ry - ta!ea ,1 a daY ha has 110 pumping up, is,simple, clean, safe. - - a,,�e of a.- c,rjina I , iriterestirg - f fi, t , * r ., 'Y � : the m4l­sfternoon g,U­,'.e slze tEd net - mor*., than startled whm the fore ,�,..-r ,n,2d ,ea,kj .he,- ren-ezly is nezes_` gane- In cisn-iry and town a!i�-e. wo- Burns 94% air -and 61,'o commo . he ums carrying exclaa!meil, "Xcrr)�- 't ­ - �� -.1 M-i- Oizz,*-� il�.l *Ih_ i`Zse?" . 2-.0 .zt _ a karo- ta. k-- " .-'I. . . _ - __ ­ ­ ,% � _ T , � I , '03 - ce utz to., _-,Inz-�!ster it, fzut went M us -a- 1 men ]�nve come int -3 ' the*r own. On the! sene (coal--ji). : C:�� �. . , -I V,.,z-_!e= W"Is. :-,-e -.erer rnaral ,,, vak -i eary. ar-3 t�_ree or fvar dav;-- wi " , , , -, . .. ., -.", !,.�* "','*Zi -, �- I � into Mr. 1114,yueen's, vu!,) -._-'_e ac hite-Rurte,. - korcsbite-krure!" W1010,11 ,V - � -.,, I _ in 1-e IE Then tk-e flArm, wh--n Fathees pn=e *S in---uf -' The inventor, F, T_ Johnson, ' .4-6 ;1 - ,,N �_. a_!r�nnzt�,:-Zi tl�,, =Iz- -� � ­�T 1-ez_-_'Z-��,�--�. al."y bz 1.1,=.g er,V_g_- ... i , - , :: -, - ked. '2! lucans "Kill ine, kIll ni,�:" That was -'I _n! ZZ �--�4'. 1 �a'�,.z .. ,:,I �-r th� ,:�az- ,,S�1�!- ..1*ZV-­ .-1,;7 � t!le right nmn, I tmT- - . gall�_ � supp " I Sa;-_� ;�a-,-�,-Ss7y. ­Lq tz�,73rz,.- Aft2r ,,kup-�z--. mv laust In the Nisp�_ szza and tl:-, lemon- ,kunze rray be re-, &,.e7_A or In wad tie Mother vuts' Cralg St. W., Montreal, is offerirg to hardly what the tr,vsal*.er vi.iu';�, : 2`:..�n. ioz��. O a s ea 4 a lamp on 10 days' PRE11 trial, t ? I; ;� -I , * -- i'�%.,:,s lm�-A '�Ztlz 'C" �Aa--Zcs. 11. ,& e ern to g1ve, one PRRE ta tha fi7st '­'q1'ed nj__*L'r Io "I'. Z��",)T�",j 1,41 ee-, . ­" " Tx,:yzs n laive, or a rz-=-e:�,y; Licl2e, SL--- v ... . ­ ­ - .-,c ,v_--�L: _. .1 !�,,e pra can- czm7e t,N see ia,-k nnS In. t -.,v,* or three�'days nt,aze thz-. 41, I_ - . rnm_-��, w"u�t n 1,-lzas-n_ ,..i� , �;, _ 1 U-4-1 tl tn-!,� I sam K miss-(Zpes:� L � d=ce; to a dcv,e =­_!ag .=,I even-, - in .-�= i--Z&,ato�r � r -t in carn-,r or Gen vz� �,*:.-,-., tihnt tzlvWs a :,�W`"_"�st -n Green;- .� - usei- In each locality who TO.; help v�nd. The 1.z.ord *.�r t". --- ,�,-.T n.-�­;� , as`,- ,I ! I c. -1.1i E; C­�4�,.,,_,- , Xz.-.,,IXI�n. wi�,t rlg�n r3w wl-.o ,�z ;m=y _a,^Zzlat ,Z;.N!ne tz-Me. , Eent ank ' I �s ��".�T" - - - - z M%Ist L" car, go bask to -_,hzeL 1, Oil Mtn introduce it. Write him to -day L-ul,e , `�, �-. ! - �:�Sj �T �, I Rnqw h -W du*2 i - at . . , , ... I: I in *_ke tase of a sc-vere zz�'_-1 er C141, heorr ovnt7 V�r n reg-Lstzzel icalf, ard I _�,t f_,'.�. , , t - .0 , - - v, ­ " gg-et %-zt h-zn�,. W�-er, 'Czn -.,�.�u zome " ff�r full rarticular-, _klEo mi, him to � t ��_ , .. . ­ -s ,�Me _!It f 1'.a_i1-_. , r - Ermer infltaerza stTenger re=eZ-e3 zzaast be t -go' 7r. r 'z,t' 'I ge e i -1. - - 2 : * ' I t,mrs­ Rm_mm t,z,r,,-:ve :ne -,'�e !�zt*_Ir.- . 7:�.-. �'.� .j :-. I =` __-� ` I thzz��.it. mzn=. f��, a �­ 1, tl�;A ta it� la tz , N1 .rzr "gzt's explain h�w yc.,u ca, t th agcucy, 1*=� nzt ga�nzg ta� 1-�iz here muzh ,--W,-_, bu, - - .je ' .thout exper!znce or money i lrz�­.-,�." �`­,­ Z;.` -.��'-,-],`.- - z --z z, Nei arA Whcn. Y.ss Qzeszz Z�r,­:ehzl m -y feVe ", n . _m:x U r the fzzl­,�,r's -a fv:�"P and Litle S3_ster &e -_A stunts, and w' 14 - - - __ ­ � T � :� : Fealth h, a Magnet. I ��'Co:'. T;;ZL_�jt�* -a. --.-'--I , "�, er,Eerz. Any cy.i :-- or j_,*.z1-zYe-z,jue,. ns malike $250 to V:0 per ra.-ntli. ; k. -Z, =-,*__-,!­t_-zr Ins �.­ ."k. + ----" -,Ae swi w: 41 t­ez szlEe and � . Whata, sorry- pictuire !!; z weah-, I ttl,m. tar=- togett � � ^ , I ' '­ - ­ .. �_.,�,;�t �--,Ica I heavd- _� - .; '. ­­__-­ -_ -Z` - M7 Y -a' to eram e�_.Xzgh ta ­ kfan ,­.�;Ln.z. -� ,� rez--nire ra:,l me -3Z 1-`�e :� sE,Yere enz,-2__1;:,!,, e -L- C-3-ve - I � pury, half-develaped ycaG,. zzartling in r�,.Il. ""I'll " -I- �; � _ � I - . . . g _ 11 4 "ale 1znznz%:eQ_ 1� & - ,r b - JL 'V" vr-7t7w 1 Mzozi��­ ai, 1-.-. t�� in ,�w V"Les f, ­z -� - Z. I ­XQ,T* 1 Z -al ­Whnt hespzzal are '� �, re -a -,%e Czz.%-r� . gi t., c&ege f -.y Izerscs'f -- bzm,' 4--'d- z ___ #�"� I r, -.,o,- yc-m 4m ­-kni rtzne ef t':tt bz,ys Z,ave, ez-:ne . * - azzk WCr�6&__1_,FM11 --l-M-212=1111 � the race for succeza! Few, irar,­�I, .-.�,""%'_,-�, van g"nug ta? 5;_ Z33WO-17-K, , . ,­� .... 1-Z I ­ . � `Iz is a gzoi fh!ng th,2 pin -_-aney era' .7e4;:-�:L.�� . . - z. - .1 � ! are, h!a chances cc;mpared with thcte �­$ q Ql­�­�- , .. I ­ I � ­­ T:..,2. -e. waz -.--4 -:,��, Me:, I heard him. Say. I "I':11 zo-z gz4z;g t�, a hz_---Oit�-.,1,­ ,-�,Iid ____� _nl.., ) - , , , Yegetsl,"�a V.;Z:aes b, --q gome. If "he nm2Ern s�r_ze off . . . . . . �� � _;_.7,`� " "Al Q,aest , Miss Quest "I'm --,,-x.-- ta !�'e =:n-_te,1:1 . � _ I t a 111_1X_,_"�. t"_ I.& �'. _­*�-�! s��:Cnze in his L "Wh'at a inaine", sais Y'�,Ss - I "I I .... j of the robust yoiah Vao. rajiate.;� -;j. C::'. L _ ' ' ' - :`-,zn_-':h Beazh a ye-ar lzie�-,en%lemze in 1-ioruzzi Means ar,y_ .. 't .11 _ - _� - cm,` -:here was, reat sym-pathy in Thi� I =e-- her In L, I w". �,� . - � S demons. ­ , .�,. � - ,,';?, ", 1. tzatlzg a U."- - - _. . � ',tunate it istobethus handle-ar.ped ea _ __:, 7!'* _ . �_ . _ _ _ _,!�� i�� -a - , Ee I W, i tality from cvery pDre. H -_v. uzftr. _ I .,_ ..Zz` . V-- veg�.AaF_1'.es----e= thera �_'nEly; the I � � ., � � Z:! ou-zz v,-.zt% ­Per�izir's . es, 'bill, Wn'! �e st�ves ti:k- ,�,_ � 11�F_1�1 . -;� ;."; �C" '� "!nc, z %;,Z6 z�%Vs 74-,n i,nev dA,t t,n�� Uterl 'wh. I e%. , t�ft_z, it --vure:7 =e=s thw� In C,omin- __ 1. . � , I ;e * I zl��_e 1�'��,_ "W4 i_:, ztz,. 1,1%� r_-��12 hi�-­- .'�.%Z,%- VIZU zrz,. M- "M­,%­eer� 1. I'. Dek"mr El -,Y. eut tL--re. she wza�s ­` U_:; _-ieze=�jlona taete V411 1* :,- wer. e'da- � -J& �44, ` , - ­ - ,2!�� 'eaters rare:v nee�i. _tVj_ �:11 the threshold of act,ve Hfe. A tcaltPy -,.-.z - I ..N., zr:-- -z zne, *1-a* Q_nze ­10kh_'thev �k�n,:Z w,,'T`tMz=g-h..­ be,wearing a green tr.,Q,=-e suit and '�e� . ,; Aren CA, th�, =,%'!y,zC:H!e V_-:7_Re;Y, 121"e;D-, .1 . a '. ..!n�? n �. ,d '1� I I an ur - . I I 'n -_ Per= I-- - ��,_ k__ �t =z a nn! q. I man is a magnetic man. il,c-a!-I- -- -,- ­ s�4t�. -N- -16NV- C�",..', 'care. _Ne,�",3v "ams, pusat - the llargzns bu2a. r cl-'te I a ba� _':�V �� , rinr ._�,. ­ , _. -II;, - . � , * ' ' 'rz'F _,� L - " . .. . -- _. SCIM. I I e `re t I � . . . m:iu is often. repellent. Thus bea't' ,t - ­ - -4., �� z�e .� Liver out of ,�nzer, ,%"�d fee��_g in, ' �' - le 1, -;!, t, zs a :.",-z r_�.-- Q��, !.�7�e.­ I rz- �mm I 1. Me . `thatI sap t: -e raver't Stem but is a, success -factor which cnn;�-at L,a . I ­ I . (Th� Eal) 1: a torpial _state? Wel'4 zn- e_x'_'-Z-,hrXz-- te'7- I ,� ­Ye�%, =:'-_1-t C-Z.V fh3t. 31r. Mul�. 1; zz* 7..V.� 1 , nl_ I * )P-Ci,lzes ze"_Oher b,.cSz_-!= mz--- fruit.� . - L I.Tz-7 ... " �,_-�­ ­­ ;z.,y" hi�z . . , f , � ­:* 14:1�:, 1)i�.. I ez,?i,::.­ s�.a sa!_'. Thz�y td.1kej. same:; .0 mary feast off zamataes wn re'4zve ' St" 'T . over-estimated. Z:.,�:-,N I dzdn't m*tzl 1? zz�e W_ -Z, lulle. ' tle dePIMSSICM, �311 i ,do the Wl'erz bet- . '- az_" -ft MOt!:eMS =Eakl StSl -37t S'3r-A .1 A half -developed youth wkh iiis rL�r,y , , - ! voices FrOM the Sky. I zt1 dw:�_hters. p4ZTjt_�FS vC_'jZg -j - - rl�l 1�4­1� ­ I. ,e.. 4��l r�74�"j "��F $Z;­�,Pe.T r_`�:��.' r3�,-ht. . - :Z__,_:- I -,z: , ­'.,;! tR'_k-rQ,I_4 a , _ � tier than a deetoes prez,,Tizpewn. T'he " . I muscle, must put forth a strong effort ;,-"? ,eCcn--zn1ka1,Z.Y zza�pezdc!�t "i 7U4,, , I - 9', 1W eE ,-,-.,�C-n a V._":1e azi a I =Z�'e a ,�--.:A ,-,�:�zvery fr"m my Passemgers by air linem of the fu- V=Mer w in . 'S (O - 11 of will and mental energy to c,vercoma �4:�Cn:�� -- Z, '� remedy will be found mere -1,21.1--t-1- jnZreL L " ­ , fri ;-., ., ' t ellin I e ' . im_-U­ze ,.O. t!:e -at;on � q,IZ_ I - -- '- ­' ZzaXI-In tcv,n .7 I -st my .�k x�- ra-p;-.;,1,r ft -re v7M w)zen. wc-sz,);� of rav ,- b ,too. I I -- � . his deficieney, that be 11MY do the .: _X e;,Z t 'L'I 2=1 'V-r1!1_'CMt:V. =4� rQ.S-I---' ,,, Ii�,`re'abZ 'ka ' --r suEere,l from insamnla2'�Verzz:A-,�-e ef - ous�y inte ) He sc-.', -.Z­�`.nx =�r� tj�O - ­ _t -s to Nst,enn to some music- 11 star ,, Eve ser., .restel, things which a hardy. robm,t youth e 4!�Z i n-,;: =,aga- nN-� 4N, gl. - I Z- . . 'L ., t L��. ,Z,Z_ 4 I rz�,.;_ - -en voters a --I -C-or.�us�h:y earc:z�-�; �.� . Z. on -4- ��V 4'---_� ' tO In L-cmdot while tkey therazelves are - Nerves all d, meedin ,ust , � gh-_-� tz�rre�� � , rea,j., _:1 r- 9 does enally; and It is t1ir. thing ewivy � tangle, - . SOAP --=c--. X�zzz rz­ 1 h, -a--- �!�m s_��F: -L--,:f =S 11A�_-r Fig':Iu�. tar,zat abi,,ve the Adhutle. ' � L L ' t,,f 2e' � men C1 kme:-_ez-s� � d0ne, not the thing aeltieved by ex. T - - .-,. A -, e- ; - *�� , ment? -ay n a Stock .tuce; eat I a ,� z �n C _1�:, -;t Mzzs Th -44S b,.s been zzade pzssible bv the -:_ CesSiVe eftrtI thQt attg-CLS Vle MIO�St -A11n­7"z�z-,'­* 1.1 .,_�_-6c_�. . I � Boys j us+ 1OVC- 'Its i I q=zzm--. 1'e -,eer.­.-? 4z enlkw the _-='O�_ - these up, tind the tholaglit of c�pmtes I stnor_4 ! .. ". I .. vw=derftel r-.,-grzSs nzande ot tatia in � M cease to all'ure ycj. I j attention and - ves the greatest plei. � I— ,Z 3 tltne. IM, L gi ­V"'!x" t'-* Z, =�Tn.,_4-�g�" ,t.:- S, =,-�I-_e_sq CL", -t- gara-4-- i Bri& B -_UA the Veil. ! "' '� _3 '-, - the deve.'�e-,,=e�zt of wh--:ess telepheny;- . r Awif 1-aher Sure. . , . e:-, ,� " , It "at!", tc, f3yizg. 31a , . , A qua!rzt mz­n C�Zstzxa Is in �; ­�'� 1.1-" ,I. z __ I =�e szzy.'nz. -__-z'-.Z-S�,- I h , I�A�: .... .. �, . - Vill What c-N�ut t1ba ce.ery trenca.-` 77.1 - ­ �,- -":,�-- �iv S-Z�: '*ez- vz�lz�,&,nTI�rsi,t%n in C'ze ne= ezl�iz'v�. ­ ­ �m Chmes eff tlhe`,,:�ere is bwael .up in . A_ . , . these tezlerl� ,-.-.*, ­��, -_.A A— Ct-' I An �1.ppearanee of strength gives ar ti�:r .L_�--, "'7'41"t, --,$,.- �,'A_� S=zk. jive b,z-vn 72-.-��, %�_.Iv 1_�el',��_, I V -as to It* zis- 1fn!z2-e WEI te as i,_I;-�We ef be.- - .1 vzgmms in V -1e A-_;!3_-_= :­.:ez-­tt-: penal ' i Z�sr - ­1�t t tzn!_- to swffia ta". i _­ _____ - ­ S+ems ac. -ler'. - I ill[PrOFaloh of ability to achieve fbing.4 tL-z"-�;z_-�­ -"�­­ " C zzi =V vii -e cz�_,t, to, 41ae Izz"p!=7 tel Tfnia eeztzrp�,nes -as are L"M10M., , '_M.ft'_s=e=t Itz -w'_kh ­2ftems" :rcm - I ___. � _­­ ­ - . .1 � 4 1 and is of great help in Securing a pesi * , ' N_ =Cs- e-matterre"'i me -nous _,;�Ysttevn_ � 7�:i,- r-_-ri_z.nL :.!.: My ��=�_',- !,-Z- V._Z" r�_v 'e".:�*2'.C-Z' "Wa4t-= ,.4;'__Z S�;k c:z-:,S tz,day� 'L BTj*�'Z�: j_-jd___ __--e �_ Z=t_' ­ - - T11%. jet i .., 7:�-_­.'%i, P� "�Y1-_*',,,--­, z*z*n r -v c��'ZZ,- Z�r, a lz-,x, r, -__--a=., jC,!jtez a J-� - , 1tion .unt ry ,;; - 1-4 M ,r( e .- _Z!�-,s ==,g : Ir � , . e�r Q-!- J ­ 'I , .I!cg "' �gal:­t weekMess of -Y % : -1 ze, ,,,dThere is a, strong, Invo .�*j �-Z,-:�-Z­t 'n C= 1=2a, V,!-s*Z,.:Z,g­r�rz:.�=g: n:,!ze fzzm t e ad- hL;, j,C=,a,C,= ,L =:!a�fzt eat -._,.r tnl�e tLte e'nze t .ezy% -. ,��_,,,� S 12 t,t.zz __- It IN , a�T�g� - j�:s . - .h ., _tb � U i lee - - a- , , -: z __ " ezz in t�_e zet::e=e=% anal every sat. �; I - - ­ 1, - 7 =T__!=9 ; - T -Ne ere-.'_C;s'.-_'r.g gte:-_1L-a zgd Z, tl:41�s - Aj - � kind. - ­ g:,Z-�,"--s ,­*­ ­�nlzg vw= ted Z�s tl­ X -r. Yllrj_%. . � . 1z .:�: :"t.-. �:n,:� � ­7._.Z�.. Ip� --am who wisk to 11 '. _ Z�-_ -1114 - - I U- enl-Csi Vere ZVI. Z3 o2oro-na. eeni - �, 'Ite:e C4 �e etee .,:-= . t"C'.I.S.8- z s a . � a rl "IX � -4 ,rrj�_..N , ,Zze� the- r:r��=�n� �Cf �1�s f= Wtem Vt�e tat- tervle :CMz : tX_Q'_ .-M WC a s __ . :-n was Z��-_p. I - -31=g !r ­ air !E�� !O I * Can bs =feV_4C_A 117 -- �_;� �=zz-z-el m-- hn-vlZr. veUed and' I . - - I, - . .er za -_,z-- . - --rem, -Z '= 411-s is -,V,:=,ivr--_."­ I sw.i -H,�_,,O�, I -_-�U ,%zzf:.T, -V --e sm-_Irg t: --e= tms.: tl_�`Mg at n-'g-EIL Eat' - � I 1� ­�'­ " ;-�'-,�e - t �, - Glue Made From Bloal ...-- , f _ ' - " _'�:l ; radc-1 r----=! a,,:-,j=.Srz. '-i'lem I - � I � I zes ,�, c: =as I � -W --� --- �O -7!- __ Z_ ,-�� .e, Pae--. _4i=We -.-'-,-4! I- !'�',-= 'C: Z , . 'Z" _=json� I 1.0 _-, - ., :1Mzz:L t!r-t :=gl 14 __ eff t- taw c=,_ -=s ' ,I �. I If 3-,�-z 4ra= A -,- -_ ­ e- (r- ed bF gcool cz�ir_ct f,,r me A new kind of glue, very valuaW.e $ '_ -�- "-.�;��;Z4 zn--' smit __:�_:-��" I Sze as eZezr =a (EsIL-ZI CS It a tel.e- - ! I'V; ., -. 7 I' �.; I- -W- b:Ze �ipar;-_-C-5, v -m re=rre ee =zr , ­ � �� OU -vill bt sstoiishod U the r�- I ­.. mv. ?:-!�. vrz'at ;- th,z- vzt!3 4!��rt- -� Anm nzn,l zZe=- r -a*. fm t,3 ,N�,I- 11 , .� ji ,-, .. __ .­ �! T,e,-.TCSve C -:t =r* 07,g. vt��=,l c,-atgdo , sults Vo get by 0-�f' '.14 In I 111; zmll Z,uezteen ._,�,,-� ,_�mEatl� . Y - _ k -,- to cabiretmakers. and for various .�4 !_ 51-afm 1 _12T, � � ,:Q-_� -.:,.-=g 'n Fn�m-'- 'S'-_,,� ­�- .­aT� -es in e;2 za=,a sl-�,e_t. .1 �' t:,L;% =Sgft C,�Ze. !z3geizz as best tney : "fl , t�; "6, ,� other purposes, Is =de of &�' Ied Wmed . - �_� I .'Is � - zn ; �. - � ­ . tess 1�n=:!-_ - , of dyeiu = I ,W, Iq Is U 1, 1L_- Ez;es: e� b -'=e r::Zs _--e --T--�, c t z�� -.� " I :�"_-_-;_":?,] t-- MT. X-_-'Z��-Cz7l. ­Si.m�­% te-I,1� vz�= *.-alt-r. 0-�%T dz I g� �. P-1--tA WEI te n�_"�q t:.y -swit�-1 en to � - - ` * mm ftl�e =ezp�ts C1 Che �==-Izdstes. . !hat are Shab X, dirEy 6T sp6t& irm �' albumin. It Is a dafk ,oxy8talline s:ub- *e I* 'I , 'C - Lin ��_�Z --, 0-'.. ­ . -zs C �=_Pa2ed til, ��zs rzt-II.: WI-sn a =n =:j�a .,-, see,z!- he nede like new. We can reswro the 1*2&sz__4 1;�­ 2.. ­"_ ­ I rz�n_-�­:�e-! �, ­ A I va:�__e C= 4:!�'F a ==Z__C-!��C_ er la zz-zrt--,CC_, - ... . _111M. i.stalice,atid, With the addition of simple C:�-. S�- �­ _-=��-e�z Vln. XL,_%` i t` =eCZ-1=01 , I , � L-t� G7__7-�:!­ '1"'s, a -_ek�_., -_-i-r--_--_,.C-M- t:-_� �.-,:,tzt C� 1��'a =V�­', WE, ue zb.�e tt:- U-4tst &,� . - *Zle 0 �* h*: �=Pkvjt Ilielicate arti,�*:S. * � I I, (��e,cn ._;,"Z= a ,:_�11z1"_Z.j =__��.!�. -1 t:��%'e. j*' '_" � '::- �_ f_'ZZ_. Z.%f-- CL g�X_.tLj�lr_ atea t!y ,.*: zse .7i'l-z rn-Ae it a reg-_,Iar; is = :-b�741F to Lave 4 ,Vct k, cheralca2a, furtashes the tacat w�ter- . � _"� 7_--z sn��-_=g in MIT. mt:�_ � . ne __Z:_�d c=t w4 tte ven rt. Send G'nt article or a parcel of goods .,, proof glue known. It Is 'used for air- --�_ . I ta��,r E ,--.-;7--: n -T* ,.,wz. I � cl,:!, - ; � Eze,-e!�% tx­-�� an��'_'-,-_q *X-,.� 6%�,-,i f,�z --- iE'r=a. L ----------..O-- -pn-.. zf t�ie;r aEet " =19�T&j NO C�je,_=.'1749 tz acceP4�,.zz by post or express. We will Va C&N. I - Pkkne Darts end "Vlywoolll�-t�* dat� , - ��,'.ZE�=, s 1:, - 'Mr,O OnL' Way, and out 011 t,-*�mliz W.z-;F. � ... ln�k*.z e'tZip-pei t�,zzz!:y. . 1, . - Y:2� II�,*� . 4M 1 ter torin r.ejatjn$.1 to Qrtjc.',t- wijt�ch are ,-_-:z-%- I � __ - r . ZL'41 Q::�Z4,�"s �,, 6zz:�z�_Zl. -$_�-s "MMI. C'E= _-� tz"Sete---j. ra:,�_!=z BoXing GIOVes of i4a& ' 1f Y':�: '�---_ e-�' -__=-:1_s1 '6- i�tte V4�== Chem renzaizs tz� han. I I Kezoanabla, :�, t:!�, e2 - . 13,Z11s, '� V,29:� , "ILI.!, ­ , - - Z _�_ � 4- S. rmm�-I, !�O-:.-:3I Cr fz.ez-,� W, -.Z em tie CtME-, t,=d, have Me " � i clein. niade by gluing pieces of weed tc�- , _. , . _: 'El -1 V=t 5"Y_1 to alk T.-,-,X:zg f-, C=e (:T -!�:�V a:e =­Za.;S.-� exte=51're:S�,z�;�­.-a-C& C_�;, __ T I t - 0-t- . Nneq you think al L� I ;-.�q w"CM,ca c=ez-t ': "7*_Zn,h�'k a ene ,Z�=an:, I sz�E! .- - z 7,;:,- t ... � Z�=S_:z tc-ftt �:=' ?-,'V:_--t --=- -7t . !. - - r,1taz-z7_q, bzt the tbtrd, � ­ t�z,-;sr_n C Q�,­�. , j� ZCVZ-! Cit C!, .__"�T _,�, ,,�== C1 two L Ing . .e -'e-'-'d1e-e=z-`s &% A.'= --y _�- to Ll -z. am -ii, z _1 � and dveing, think W. gether. -7,-��z��,'.'­ as� Mn 2-11-_-":,�Zam. nzft Za;n�-_V." ,:j'. " t`- Cz=z*.= fs f1male::a, =. , Z ,,V t'� Varj_ , S%,:" L a g"at ec,onomS-, tender- ., a. t, I 1. PlYw;DrA Is . ; -,C':��S�n ��_,_�_.,r,p-�!- zs�zei -_�,Y- ,-."-Ie . I ._ I I L' -Z C�Q- !_'�:, kzL�S�,7 ,,,, _�;,--. 3. p rins T:aztt�ej. =,-:e *-?-- ttL-�F ire=�.,tae�. t��-Z�;Jxjl- _ _= �j _e T C7. Irne e4her. PAPJMRI�.' .- 11 . =,ZI � � ___ I - �C_ , , - - T ". .-v, L, =" zz,z, Z-=pT!se !S t�:-_-. =-zze r -'a r_zt _,,� A�_-e I lug pnz ctleable. the attRizat-len ol small -$:;n. -z Z%A' * s,�:4.: Mr� X��7.;z�z Yank._- 1 4- � n3 ,z-_-4�_-=- lc`�� I ­ �zz!­1':". 11 ;*-�:��,.2 �.,- V._�% en-"- ,-Y,:,;, � ��C��-�'- CZ;Z_�-,T�_-e r��=�n -C:i D" 'UZZ- "Ilm:­_,-�-.l a sl,:.,::�g =!::s gz=e� !_n tl�je!t. , --t-,, ­='- t,�= 11 t Farker?s 1, stun which used czmz,-cn,7 to Lie -­: ---I, - r� ,_ on"�F rw ". -_ -�jtlyed Her Sweater ..: ' thrown a -way. and thereby Staving larga . _� '�' . " E, ,,�_:: t�? Fn�=-_l �.-:-_s._ r,�=y '.S=,�. X,r, Cz9=-_!: �;�-zm.gL. $,t�,-_ Oras tz-,'c. C _�.i_t B:=_ - 5Zs' ZZZt�_ to L t!,V-6 Z -'_"e ;'!1�:1.-_Z'i t:f-* t:t'_-� t-'- ' - ' K�CZ =�e ,-&_-=z-: ,� 4' 1�-�-en SC_ -=2:, 1 ss=-', =3_%Z:-,: *"Z51,7-1,�= t� g�'V��-- t"_=_= C�� t":�'T bs�- , and SQ Stochings, ­ S ,tine material. , " Dye Work � I-, �­ ��Tr a -,-_e:�2-I, tzn .- - - r_zzzz_z�1z3 in:=rzt C�l tae V!z:L_-Z- e:X`_-4 .1 K I -& new and !ngonleus. ir,e,fti of ap- vr;��,.­ I rz-_:it1'4_ " fa�zz, am, -t-_---_z=- = rt,�=. -1 Vamt -.Vt*�:-n t%t� 1E�V,�--s ,aEth �1:14s Ls, e3 fb7 s=;E.n:;_--=-_ Ezv':1 ;.�-,:�:=&;e c12 -11��;az-_O-_d D'Ves-, Lititited � C, ' - ­ _ . -Z,a!�, =-k n_*:, -,S' ��n *Z_�, :* __--_-�"l r_�V 1--�= t.2, r-�-, Z,1 -:,4s q,-_-Z�_,-'­7 F--_-Xt:�g g:z;-.�E__' -aZnL��, L-_ Zzze ei"m !n rt_s-.�t_ ' 'zs dL -= z in;r ha i�y- I Cleaners aud Dyas pase hni; . S-Z:l _--y ,E�z_"=e ta -- Zz,��:;�z!'� C _�, nmlt s s -'e t, t a 1)4*1ng the $;Inc for this purr '- - Z1. ­ - .� � 'been d-zVNIor�N1 br ne V�.S. Parcot nz,,,�z�x. s-z,=,_nr­;'�� n---,-,,. _,--nt-,­.___4;­_ -,'�'_� cz-45-n Gsz�zg,- Z*=��Iz� Z! `:Zze ez-.-F f �i:rs- tzl 1��St­_ wzs a da- , in h:s: lllrltaltenz�_ F,�-ry -Sz=n�.- S:142 MT ,W_,�?, .�, , ��rzrt;;� Itt, U%t�:_­-1. d:��'. tl-:�, -_�:n-;� w'-- eat dye or czt r,:'4"I. z-,1*tOv,. 791 Yooge St. � I �-`e7,` fi�,-_Mzz -U_�z- g,_:vi�, C-1, tx��av ps a .- � - .1 . SQr0,e. Threugh a trzugh. ,of 6 -las I ­­ - ,�, - _- t �_-OY_ tn'Lg- !a-n:�. I ?=-��*.' s_� n C'! CGZC"jp� --- -, _-,:�-,M ;- Q-�_-,-, gard= !� '--- Q-��-ts- *,Zs�e_ ,V - . , E�" 4 . C -5t r_-, g __ d ;� a!:Ls ez.as, 2w;�-ater.,, -1 '. lr�:f �:* , .. --.,-,. f V%z Toronto 'e'elutt�n are di"M broad st'rips ef t1s. = 7 ., ��,_,: v,--zn Lns a -- z - -` " ,��,-��f"_,'Z_19� i:��7* ds&:-,nij3 ,�O, s,ZSti5-_ tj-'e in a,:'�, L­!!L:!� t� Lts 4�- �*­te Ltv---., �,t *!Z--X=0_,s, h=g�=g-:�� ia--Q�Iw.!-�j. oveTy, , - - . r��_. . ': � � - ". � �-_ �I _� �__ 'Z�a, .. _�_'. ':I a t"_*V4% 2n, f_ -_-==T 1.E==_:S Et �__ -_� :-.-Y:.v a E-=-tt�ly fzz=�;q � " � Ae new. Bu,v I'D,= kvi'" - __ hzaq -d - �� , I. _j� 'r .,',% -, n --I- Vzrd -*zr -�r -z-, = -.'- ,� CL'�t zm, --S7. . OWWOMPM sue riptr, vItIzIt, beltug th . ,,Aurate , - -, = �. �:� , � = V� , _S_ % tn' :M� Z�­n _-ee, -, =r�* z to t: ­ i D:, C ---- - ,a-:, ­ ­ t .Z� - -, - , '-1 C' - -fQ j*,P -_ , 1�, - � � 4�- zz,-=-z�s-�t-'�-�,!!--z��-z,zl�I - . - -� :=,k a'.. .- An� �-"�, -,=­:, -.s, :��Z=_-2,__. 1*i-t�,-.,- 1!�,� �Z-,-.:­_--t,- � Z-=!. -2 *.'��, , , V��z_r�� r:�, 0-laer vzgzzt��'.e ,:�Z�t.r �.� ji " -­__ tl;�r kL_!�--t% "I -'Ct lit e 2q�� rz--,�.Z��,� T. ----n-, - n- ::,��_�j ,��,, -=, V T " -,�. , " I ___ _- __ q . - 1�_.] =!�, a ��Z'Z!��-� =,Z:.,!t,-T ��,' rnnzY r" ,*:-,­_"St!E-3 C! a $IT.,.' z1f, __- ­t:��, 1IZZ, n - -:=,.'7;'1, ::1,.--ezz,, E.,g--,D�--i�tee-z�e.-�L-tt,tszl,htkr.e . ,z- �_-___ e I, - - L=�-. -I . I .Z:=d=b__ . * - - - - ", " -:.- nzmr,�-�4_q-,e] tzfc.r,�_. re ,� A;�t - - . z ­�z : *----4 -0 , , -VL:,- Fz-s, 2 �� �av":, =­�a n% za�,_- ,!z--- -n,- " ,��_L­ �, _nf_ -_ V__2� � 'a S z <�­�zm - -, I i'_, �- "I � I -, - " , , -1 * - -zrz�;=L[ --� =�z t2,,� _-n�_z:1_--'_n ta�� =a-. _n� r- - .1 .,_ - , -, or�zn� --Z:-- * _:_2 �1� ,& �'7_, r--,.-- - -1 ,; Vricl�:ea* ��:s =ZtT.1a: Fzt! -_�.Srl ta eye - , _S17-2z­�.- __�.Izl;�_ - __ __Ml� tnzsz: an- tz , 1�71� V=, - . - � - ­'... -A!, -E $L-1:�q qr:�,z�-"--- �zz�.­ Z -.',,', ,:�� "Z't�zn T,� I k,t, t�, zx:_�I �­- _..� - ­ 'isvzz.:C=sEk,e7waet��er; ist- n ­, . -----n =Z,T�� 1=M71 "fte -,:�=-*_* t 'a� .t 4nt , V__ " - - --a_ 'A9, ;=*��"�,* a-- L-�-.�­' -=- - - - _. � , ZC�D fiz-z -_n't-g=� -,!? n_-_- , -, - -1 . 1T _= n C_-.-;��- [� - T. :�:IZ*; a E, -:;�- _`, -- - - - V= n�; I- � !:?��!, n-- � ,­� = a VL-=-�- C5 *::�-L4:; =*_-A C:�i2lw`_-�L!? ,!,_i'l. , OCZ"!2M. zz =��W­zi %_-Z�_ V=zno *Dye'-� ,�� - �1 g�T", S.;.- Z= 'r, ",:�, 7z-_� ,2=�, r -L--] ; t�_-: tr--'-: r,- L"t- �,_�C -- I - I .�=izz_ r - J _!�Z!�� - � ­aT��5 iz� - _ry _., n� E-, a'!',�e!k, E;-,*- f -':j!-4, ,��r r,�u, . . , - �Z zz::Zin� __1 r -Y:! t-_-tr,- �_-, t�z_-,:�-I'­ s�­ -�� T � - t.- ., - - _ __1X 4 ,-- X-, �,L:._, tl:_� =_. nim, ��-�-z�, I Z, E� az�i", *,�_-�,' bEZns---t�'.Z ZT'" - &-- , .. - - �- - a � 7 -1 , a In =E - �71 __Ez11_:t_1 ,Z-6 � 1' _'S��g - __ - __ �1 ,,�=,__ ,--- _M4 t� � I I I - , _ ­ ___ ­- - . ­ . :� - . 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I - - -_�_, � Z.. - _-. � �- .-!: '. - .I, I __'. , _: '� -.-: iL-. � _ - ­ - ­­ % a then d -10I A la -Ter Of Is tissue �'pwr is pl,�cea betweet two� pieces ct �,Wvv4, ard beat is vpj�.i,�d wfth r2 s- ,4, slzr-�. the mull ttlr,-i, a 1"Itir'- that is 4 newally Streagov. nan, nle 'Wze-4 itself. i Tbn g4axf,�-parvrr izz, ,-,"WaN,ns _rzaly fer . :; usfN nnd ". wlll� lizEm f­,e�h fz!r a tcng �. tinil�. � ; r, ---------.*,+---- I 4 k Wireless M* the Arctic. ,I, Mittif'ro'l W.J.-", J,,w�e-.int V.Zrez,�is , ftawazil.Wng jri�1,-.jn,.ezt,,,-. cz-jab'(� ct � a r,ulr,%� ef UZ3 mn(s ia n. PU&o latle , N;U$. thE� Qve�z,�, 4$415T, E.)=,��sz 1S1.z_,QW.C- ,, Uwa �za,relltllvl�, ��bir. V.M ta W,*",,A too , Leo�%D In 1"mwh vatl Eng'.atz OV,Ory 4')y. !� fi�r Ow, t"mm"r "zie fz� t,# v"" po*��s ne , ,,%r.zr,, �,v�,nw vda ltz��Zmo C-.,- cl,'_�*,r , AVA%��-4 14111,!, Imimy vill�":��Sllz =Q:_;�_'91�3. 4 i 11wa. Clo rt�,_,I��%-t-: �_%l Ar,z!_, 4�-,,�!,,�,-Y f: tl­�'.'. kt.",;l ta'b�o t,,�k U,�) '.Oo C��l ;_A,�a,�'.d I, # k�l U120'Ons ,�,--jtn'�,Nn`�")t,11'1­.. fft,� fn",� � ,41 �, �, � �� ,t% "ji, t'�- , ,,'� "W" ;�"t"%�,V w,m'3 L,,�rzll- � �IUI� V0.02 ,:al;� t�Qn V;z:�t-:m. VC_11�k. ` �ZA TOu"l, tz Atat ,v�,�._-L UV'N t-,C_,t �t �, .:­�,� IuN wtn tc�';��_�s cLn. W3*k� W %"-,.-!r . Iit'.t�', 0111 t�"-: ,�­�.I: t 11',*,%n�_,:� t-,� f_!;,��* 1. - , i� V.',4, 1_-., �,.- _-z V,111,.*'�i zl��_V,�] �",� !k'r- , . - 1,4 ,� k 4 V", V " . , , �,�.,t"A,�e L,�-, � st 'A�_ 'n " "" � k'%1'q1'j,--"_, '.. �%,N ,�­'% � T r�%!�,% ,X,AS .-I ­� ,L!�r I,, 1'11��'., � � - .� 41�n . I i "? , " , ,%ozm