The Wingham Advance, 1921-11-03, Page 1,..V;
'I la "s,
Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM, ONT., THUFRSDAY NOVEMBER 3rd, 1921 Subscriptions: S2.00 per year
The Wingham Women's Institute will
hold a sale of home-made baking, in the Wingharn Ci Mr. Clarenct: i Suahas returned home To Be Held In Wingharn From Nov. Thl Feast'of All SainiUs was celebrated
tizenD May Inspect Train,
Coun 'Cil Chamber an Saturday, Nov, Bth on Novoinber 3rd. from the West. 28th until March Ist on Tuesday in Sacred Heart Church, Wing -
Sale to Commence at 3,30 P, m, Tea will
also be served. The proceeds of the sale The Canadian National Train will be at Miss Myrle Ruttle of Rip ley, visited On November -8th-,we, are opening in ham. L 0 0" K
and tea will be used in providing the usual the G, T. R. Station on Thursday, Nov. in - town last week. Wingham Town Hall two courses for . Dr. Hambly will ba. away from his prac.
Xmas. cheer. 3rd. and will be open for inspection from Miss Viole I t Smith is spending a week young men and women. The young tice from Thursday, Nov, 3rd, till Monday, The Ic Sale is. on
Passed Suddenly Away 9 a. tn. to 10 P. in. with Ripley friends. men's course will bb in Agriculture. and Nov. 21st. Thursday, Friday, -Saturday
John H61mes, one of the pioneers of An unique opportunity will on Nov- Mr. and Mrs. H. T, Thompson spent the ladies course in Domestic Science, Hair Nets-Wuble or Single Mesh cap
Turnberry Township, was found dead in ember 8rd, be afforded the residents of Sunday in Harriston. Home Nursing, etc,, Both courses are to shaped, also Fringe nets at Me..KiBim.,z's Can You Afford to MISS It
bed on Sunday morning, when his Winghani and vicinity of inspecting one run three months. Drug Store.
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bert Holmes, with of the trains which the Canadian Nation- Mr. M. E, Zurbrigg was up from Ham - Huron is one of four Counties to have 2 - $1.25 Beef, Iron and Wine ................ $1.26
whom he made his home, went to call al Railways employs in its daily I across iltoo for a few days last week. the advantage of these schools this year- Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is guaranteed
Canada servic-. to Stop a cough, sold at M(,,KijjBuz4%,3 2 lbs, Coffee .................... .................. .71
him for breakfast. The deceased had Mr. Chas, Donaldson of Montreal, is Huron, Middlesex, Peel and Wentworth- Drug Store. 2 - 50c Stationery ........................... . 1... .51
never been in robust health since he broke The train is of outstanding interest in home for a few weeks vacation. They are an enlargement or elaboration
his leg, some five years ago, but was not a two -fold sense, In the first place it Mr. Alvin Smith of Turnberry, is visit_ of our annual courses which usually- last Lady Laurier, widow of the Great Lib, 2 - 25c Toilet Soap .................................. .26
confined to bed and his sudden death was shows the kind of locomotive and cars ing with friends in Leamington. one month, erai Chieftain, passed away at her home in 2 - 50c Shaving Crearn ........ ............. .51
.a Shock to the family. Mr, Holmes wa that are being used in the trans-contin- This is a new Policy inaugurated by the Ottawa after a brief illness,
S Mrs. Chas. Barber spent a couple of and hundredsof other bargains,
68 years of age and had lived in Turnberrv, ental service, while in the sec6nd place days with her sister in Lucknow. Department of Agriculture this year and Twenty million people have taken Tan- If you have not received a list call and get one, it will pay you.
.a short distance from his present home, it is an ocular demonstration of the Mr. Frank Galbraith of Toro . nto. spen t we are very anxious that the courses be lac with the most gratifying results. Sold
hich are being made in factories -end at his home in town. b o Ae
lot 28, concession 2, nearly all his life. high class locomotives and railway cars well supported. If the coutses are pop- at J W McKi b n s. A Hot Watter Bottle for
He leaves one son, Bert; one sister, Mrs. w of the the week ular more of them may be put on next
1-1. J, Lewis, of Turnberry, and six brothers, Dominion. Mrs. P. Brown of Clifford, spent over year and they may be made permanent. - Remember the dance in the Foresters' you buy one bottle at regular price .......................... 2.50
Alex., of Owen Sound; Ben,, of Durida The train is complete in every respect the week end with Mrs. J. J. Elliott. The Hon. M. W. Doherty, Minister Of Hall, Belgrave, on the evening of Friday, We g!ve you a Second one for ............... I .... 1— .01
Com. William of Wingham; Andrew' si being composed of sleeping car, dining Miss Viola Cook of Clinton, visited with Agriculture, will address a meeting Nov. 11th. (Armistice Day,) 2 for ........................ -
of in
Bluevale; James of Puslinch; and David car, day coach, tourist car. colonist car, her friend, Miss Edna Scott, for a few days. Wingham Town Hall on Tuesday, Nov- The Chinese restaurant has changed Save Your Coppers. Add Your Savings and Come.,
of Turnberry; also a step -mother, Mrs. and express car. Each car is the em- Mr. Cecil Mines hasireturited home ember 15th in the interest of the courses. hands, another Chinaman has bought it.
Janet Holmes. of Turnba-ry. His wife bodiment of the latest and most uP-tO- after spending a couple of months in the This meeting'will be open to both ladies The first lad is returning to China to fiad
predeceased him about two years ago. date ideas designed to secure for t ,e West, and gentlemen and others will be secured a wife,
as well. The Hon. M. W. Doherty is
Baseball Banquet traveler the maximum of comfort and Mrs. Copeland - Heath visited ith particularly anxious that these courses be Mrs, Nicholson, an old resident of J Walton McKibbon
safety, Steel equipment is employed in friends in Owen Sound and Woodswtock Auburn, passed suddenly away on Sunday Drugs and Stationery
The executive committee 'of the Wing- every instance. successful and for that reason is taking a
ham Baseball Club held a meeting in the Practically all the comfort of home life last week. personal iriterest in them. morning. Mr. Jas. Nicholson of Wing- Edison PhonographEf Phone 53
Brunswick Hotel onThursday evening last are provided by the sleeping car attached Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Zurbrigg of Ford- The courses are especially convenient to ham, is a nephew. I I
ire more S S As an advertising medium TnE Ai) -
when many matters of importance were to the train. Those wfio des' wicb, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. those in North Huron but tudent from
settled, than the usual measure of sleeping car E. Zurbrigg. ' any part of Huron, Bruce, Perth or Wel- VANCE is appreciated by advertising
The past seasons activities were dealt privacy can by a simple device be ac. Mr. Fred Taylor of Gorrie, spent a few lington will be welcome, No tuition fees Agencies who take the trouble to find out Mr. Gordon Cruikshanks wishes to Change of Business
with and discussed, and it was the un- commodated twith individual sections. days last week visiting his brother, Mr. will be charged in any case. who's who in circulation, announce that his new barber shop is now Mr. John Homuth has purchased the
2nimous vote of the committee that they The interior of the caris finished in ma. Wim. Taylor. Weare receiving all kinds of support "Naaman, the great Syrian General, open, in the Ritchie building opposite Flour and Feed business from Howson &
:tender the Club a fowl banquet. This hogany. Seats are of the latest design Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stewart spent the from different sources. Mr. John Joynt, cured of Leprosy by Dipping in the Jor- Miller's Billiard Parlor. Heispreparedto
banquet will be held in the ' Council Chain. in friezette short nap. Lighting is by week -end with their daughter, Mrs, A. J. M. P. P. is donating one hundred dollars dan", will be the subject at the Baptist do all kinds of tonsorial work, and solicits Howson, and took possession on Nov. 1st.
ber on Friday evening at 9 p. m. and the electricity throughout, The car is heated Fergus:)n at Auburn. to be spent in prize money for the course. Church next Sunday evening. . Your patronage. Try our new improved The latter gentlemen will now devote
ladies and gentlemen of the town who by the largest size Pullman standard type Mrs. Fred Noble of Toronto, is visiting The councils of the various townships Sur- The Wingham High school football Moore Electric Hair Cutter, their entire time to their Flour mill. Mr.
desire to attend can secure tickets for same of hot water heater. Bertha are equip- afthe home of her uncle, Mr.' A, - McGil_ rounding Wingham are contributing team met defeat in Listowel on Saturday On Sunday, Nov. 20th., the Rev, J. Mr. Homuth has been with the firm for
from any member of the committee. ped with the latest convenierices, The livray, Pleasant Valley. prizes for boys and girls from their res- afternoon to the tune of 3-0. Johnston of Toronto, is to preach in the some time and i§ widely known. People
The prizes offered by the merchants for water supply is obtained from underfed Mr. Archie Paterson of Toronto, was pective townships. With this support Mr. Robert Beattie has sold his house Methodist Church morning and evening. dealing with him may depend on honest,
the season were won as follows: tanks By the electric driven suction here attending the funeral of his nephew, along with the support of the Women's on Edward St. to Mrs. Deans. jr. Mr. Mr. Johnston is an old Huron boy, having straight forward treatment.
1. 'Pair of shoes to Leading Hitter fans installed, the air of the c r can be Mr, John Pat on on nday Institutes, the U. F. W. 0., the Farmers' Beattie is moving into his new home on lived for a number of years in Gorrie. We Hear Dr. Carpenter
-donated by W. J. Greer won by Fred a ers Su
Anderson. changed every twenty minutes. The Mrs. J. J. Kerr is a delega Clubs, the Agricultural Societies and the corner of Shuter and John Sts. feel sure his many friends in and around Remember the lecture by Dr. Ca en -
cost of a car of this kind is 53,000 te from the others there is no doubt of the success of
2. Sweater Coat to player getting most Wingham Institute to the Institute Con. the courses. To -night (Wednesday, Nov. 2nd.) the Wingham will be delighted to hear him on rp
The dining car has seating capacity for. 'vention in London this week. Wingliam Town Council is Rev. Mr. Snell of St. Pauls Anglican the 20th., instant. ter in the Town Hag, Wingham, on Fri -
stolen bases donated by Hanna& Co. Ltd' thirty persons. It is finished in quarter- granting free housing, light and fuel. day evpning, November Ilth, in aid of
won by Geo. Hovson. cut oak, and is equipped with the latest Mrs. Sheppard and family of Appleby, This will be a particularly good oppor- Church is to speak at the preparatory Over a quarter of a million well-known the Organ Fund, under the auspices of
3. Hat to leading Home -run Hitter innovations in respect to cooking facili- visited for a few days with their cousids, tunity for the young men and women to services in tne Methodist Church. men and women from different parts of the St Paul's Church Choir. Course tickets,
donated by King Bros. won by Fred Andei- ties, lighting arrangements and the con, W. R, Farrier's, East Wawanosh. better fit themselves for their work. Lit- Mr. J, J. Ferguson has purchased Mrs. country have signed written endorsements 8175, reserved seats 50c, rush seats 35c.
son. venience of travellers. Housewive5 will Mr' and Mrs. King of Ethel, spent a erature outlining the courses will be issued Scandrett's house in Belgrave, and will for Tanlac, Sold at J. W, McKibbon's. The s;cret of Dr. Carpenter's amazing
move into it at once. This property was success in the lecture field lies notso much
A committee of seven prominent bus- be particularly interested in the kitchen. few days at the home of the former's shortly. This will be supplied to anyone The members of the Epworth Leaguel
iness men was appointed to decide who Among the features of its equipment are brother, Mr. Win. S. King, Turnberry. on application to our office. advertised in lastweek's ADvANcm i in the subject matter as in the man him -
would win the Club Bag donated by W. of the Methodist have been successful in I
removable carving tables, hot tables for Mrs. Robert Warick has returned to S. B. ST 0 T T-1 E R 8 Next Sunday morning a Love Feast and securing Miss Pearl Newton, H : self. He makes his lectures live. His
H Willis for the best all-round player- cooked meats and poultry, and special her home on the Ist line of Morris after Agricultural Representative for Huron. Comunion service is to be held in the Entertainer of Toronto, professional : talks are vibrant with amazingly interest -
The committee is as follows: arrangements, for beating cups and dishes. visiting with relatives in Philadelphia. Methodist Church -Reception of members graduate of Owan A. Suirtz, and Miss I ing f act and through every sentence
into the Church, Service at 11 a. in. Ethel J. Graines. Contralto, also of: permeates the tremendous enthusiasm
J. A. Morton (chairman), J. J. Johns- Refrigerators are equipped with the Bohn Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin and son, political Meeting Tari best advertising comes from Toronto, to give a concert in the church, of a man of big ideas. Dr. Carpenter is
famed as a man with a wonderful grasp,
ton, Harvey Shane, W. R. Dyer, Dudley system of refrigeration, separate com* Stanley of East Walwanosh, visited with A mii;eting in the interest of Mr. J. W. people who have actually used it. -J, W. Tuesday, Nov, 22nd. Keep the date
Holmes, A. H. Musgrove and Jack Mason. 0-artments being provided for poultry, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Irwin of town last King, the National Progressive Candidate McKibbon, open of scientific subjects who can present his
meats, milk and vegetables. Stewards, week. ideas in a most popular style. He has
EVEPYBODY'S COLUMN chefs and waiters are on hand to explain for North Huron will be held in the Town- Mrs. R. J. Cantelon and family feel
teries ap- generated the world of cold scientific fact
equipmentand reveal the mys Mr. and Mrs. D. Zurbrigg and Mr. and Ship Hall, 15th eon. of Morris. on Friday deeply grateful and wish to thank their Preaches At Ninety-three with dynamic enthuslasm. He has liter -
Mrs. W. H. Zurbrigg of Palmerston, spent evening, November 4th at 8 o'clock sharp. friends and neighbors for the kindness and
CTION SALE-Stocir, Hay, Graf pertaining to the kiGhen and dining room
ntsoto,,atI,rA6,3rd1Iin f..,'rris, one day last week visiting Mr. and Mrs E. Meeting to be addressed by Mr. King sympathy, shown them in their recent sad
On 141'deany'o of a travelling hotel. Cost entai ed in In the absence of Rev. H. H. Bingham, ally electrified his subject, Whether he
Nov. 11th Pro rietor as Sol i Zurbrigg.
farm. bIXAS. opi to . building and equipping a dining car such and others, from his pulpit last Sunday evening, a con.'is discussing the relation of mind to mat-
JAS.TAYLO uc eer. bereavement,
as the one on exhition is $46,000. Mr. Robt. King of Cooksville, spent a person- gregation which filled the large auditor - ter, the Planetary system, radio tele -
CORN STALKS FOR SALE-Che.p. Fire In Lower Wingham TuR ADVANCE, does not make a ium of First Baptist church, listene& with grapby, the soul and its divine nature, or.
J. H. FINLny. To the average citizen who many con- few days in town while attending the
oat plate a cross -Canada trip in a less ex. funeral of his sister, Mrs, Geo. McDona On Tuesday, about noon, the house of al visit to you and ask you for your job
FOR SAL S -Art, Huron Coal Heate r -i tern Id, Mr. Norman Baker in Lower Wingham printing. Our work merits a return order rapt attention to an able sermon preached: the "India Monsoon," there is always a
as good as now. Appl pensive way than in the standard sleeper, at Bluevale. - by Rev, Edward Cragg, Calgary*s vetera in tremendous tenseness in his handling of
Y At! V. H 0 M U M, the tourist car shown is of particular in- Dr. Parker is attending the fall meet- caught fire from an overheated pipe and Is it reasonable of us to ask you to not be clergyman, now 93 years of age. Instrong thesubject that holds his addience en.
Patrick St. only that willing neighbors worked hard influenced by peddlars?
- terest. It is just as substantially built as ing of the Ontario Association of Ofteo, the building would have been destroyed. voice and with virility of thought and with chanted. Enthusiasm has been defined
FOR SALE -White Enamel Kitchen Sink Thelacrosse club met in the council spiritual insight he presented the truth in as the power of God made manifest in a
with. wooden frame complete, nearly now, the standard sleeper and is exceedingly pathy in Toronto, Thursday and Friday The fire was in the attic and necessitated chamber on Friday evening. The boys a way that will be long remembered by all human being. That enthusiasm radiates
Apply aL. TnE ADVANCE. ' well equipped with modern conven, ences, of this week.
the cutting of a hoi in the roof before it lost over $100 on their last game and will who heard him. -Calgary Daily Herald. from Carpenter's eyes, his face, his vjice
FOR SALE -Radiant Home Parlor Cook but is less luxuriously finished. The car
Stove, baseburner. Applyat Mr.TedMurch,a Wingham boi could be reached, As it is considerable probably find it necessary to call on those Rev. Mr. Cragg is the father of Rev. C. and his soul, He is one great radiative
THz ADVANCE. is lighted by electricity, one particular is making good, has been transferred from damage was done to the house and furni- who signed their, guarantee last spring. E. Cragg of Winghatti.
lFARM FOR SALE. -..1.00. acres .1 good clay feature of which is the location of electric St. Thomas to the Seaforth branch of the ture, personality.
loam, 5 acres of bush, the rest till under lamps under the seats for use at night Dominion Bank. Mr. Brandon who conducted the rest -
y and pasture. Good bank barn MxGo with
.bles, also good shed 21X41. when the ceiling lights are out. ertson's garage for a
House part log The car New Equipment In Barn aurant next to Rob.
andpartframe. Gooddrilledwell aud wind. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Page and son, Mr. Robert Beattie has installed the short time has taken over the Queens Din -
mill at bou is also equipped with a modern kitchen,
se, spring crook running through Arthur of Horning Mills, also Mr. JOS, Beatty Bros. system of stabling in his
the place, good fences. 4J miles from Wing. containing range, refrigerator, sink, cup- ing Room and Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Burke
ham, 21 miles from Beigrave. Farm in first board, etc., for' the convenience of tra- Tipling of Shelburne, were the guests of barns for the Cows. It is quite up-to-date and family moved to Listowel on ruesday, T, 17i',! Iwii
class shape,
T. H SHOZBOTTOM, velers who wish to provide their own Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hunter. in every way and although only in a few The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wingham st 411bber
Lot 41, Con, 10, East Wawanosh.
meals. This car cost. $39,000. Mr. and Mrs, Win. R. Davidson and days the cows are quite at home in their General Hospital wish to express their
FOR SALE -Happy Thought Ran 0, coal or
wood will be sold cheap. Appf, Another car that will probably be of son, Allan, motored up last Monday and new stalls with stanchans instead of ropes appreciation and publically thank all who "i
V to
F. MXUAOXEN Maple St., ngham. I particular interest to many is the colonist spent the day with the latter's parents, or chains. Water will always be in the made donations to the hospital or who Boots, 1A
FOR SALE -A few very choice May hatched Car. The car shown is of an improved Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. King, stalls. Mr. Beattie has also installed a assisted in any way toward the success of
white Leghorn Cockerels, bred from type, and is such as is now used by the Mr. E. S. Copeland has returned from new Sharplas Milking Machine which is Donation Day.
Clark's famous bred -to lay strain. $1,03 each XI u We have Rubber Boots
He h
UP to November 15tb, Canadian National Railways in harvest. his trip to Winnipeg by auto. He came driven by a small electric motor.
1KBXNRTH WHAV1111, as On Sunday evening next in the Meth o for inen, vivomen, boys,
R. R. 3, lVirigham. er's excursions, The berths adjustable in home on the boat from Sault Ste. Marie. now one of the most up-to-date dairy w, li:11! 1:1:
misses and children
church a service in keeping with Thanks-
D-An-automodite tive. Owner may order toaccommodate themselves today Mrs. Claire Adams and babe, 'have re- stables in this district.
FOUN giving and the signing of the Armistice is
oylug property and The Best Made
have same by pr or night travel. A car of this kind coats turned to their home in Hamilton, after
applying at this office. War Mernorial Service to be held. Approplate music will be
$32,500. spending the past month with relatives in No Other Hind
FARM FOR SALE -160 acres, 90 cleared. The day coach is of the well-known Wingham. At thesuggestion of Reeve Tipling at rendered and a sermon in keeping with,
the council meeting held on Tuesday the occasion will be given.
'food sugar bush, bank barn MOO. driving standatid type used on the Canadian 1110 1 , , , ''i For Men -We have a
she 042 stone foundation, pig Pon 45x20, Mrs. Robert McGee and son, lack, evening, it was decided to hpld a public Hair Nets -The best line of real human
stone kitehen 20x28, brick Ili 25x3l. Spring National System, and cost $33,100. The
large variety of rubber
express car is the type that is regularly h boots with heavy vamps
crook, near Station. Ono mile from 131noval), also Mrs. McGee's father, Mr. Menzies, memorial service on Armistice Day. On hair nets on the market. French make,
now pipeloss furnace, buildings have lightning ave returned from a very pleasant being informed of Dr. Carpenter's address Cap shape and Fringe shape, all colors. P.,
rodg, 2 pump welig. No encumbrance. Apply used by the Canadian National E xpress
for further Particulars to R. VANSTONr, trip through the 'Canadian West and re. that nighi; the matter was left with the Regular 15c, To introduce this superior J -%Iy reinforced
and strong
wingham, Company. I I'.' 1 0 K
Total cost to reproduce a train such as port a splenJid trip They stayed for war memorial committee and the local line we offer for a short time at 10C At uppers in black, gray and
JU-iT UEORIVEM-A carload of e tra some time in Vancouver, Victoria and clergy and we believe that it will be held Mitc
British Columbia Shingles, which 11 be that now on exhibition would be apprvx- hell's Corner Durg Store. hite. Prices 4.50, 5.00,
Old a closest price. S. A. MMLLAX. imately $370,000, cars alone Costing over Seattle, U. S, Miss Etta Currie of East on Thursday evening, Nov. 10th. It is Letterheads printed at Tin, ADVANCE 5.50, and $6.50
Wawanosh also accompanied them. only proper and fitting that such a service Print Shop please the customer.
WANTED -Middle aged lady to e o $300,000. A similar train was Shown at should be held. None of POr W0111C11 SUp011ior For Misses and Children
aq the Canadian National Exhibition, and the old blurred half broken type, but
company at nights. Everything ound I
but board. Apply to Box 92, was visited by 100,000 people. Splendid Concert Coming Horticultural Society something readable and distinctive in x, Quality, tight Weight And l3nigstit flnis% fleece -fined
Wingham. t)
WANTED -Local rosposontative The train is accompanied by a staff of Canada's favorite Lady Commedian, In last week's issue of Tnn ADVANCE appearance, Every letter clean cut no fleece lined rubber boots short rubber boots, all
et wi%,- men efficient in the various departments Alice Dunbar, and the kiddies of the we suggested the organization of a Horti. sizes 2 1 j2 to 8. PriCes SiZes. Prices 2.50, 2.75
ham to represent "The 01 Rollab c matter how small the type face is.
Fonthill Nurseries", and cover surrounding appertaining thereto. Their offico is to Henderson Pipe Band of London,' will cultural Society at Wingham and the mat. On Armistice Day, Friday, November
territor plandid openina: for t III a right $3.50 and 3.00
I&J'sive territory, highest tommis. explain by practical demonstrations the put on an entertainment in the Wingham ter appears to have been favorably received 11th, 2 minutes silence will be asked as a
Paid, STONLI ft WFLLINGTox. Toronto, ' why and wherefore" of the equipmert on Opera Rouge on Wednesday evening, on every hand, for we have had na less tribute to the brave lads who fell in the
ONT. If you buy a pair of Rubber Boots here and any
an across -Canada train such as that in Nov, 9th. These people have been listen- than a dozen men call us up to say they great war. Commemorative ceremonies thin(,' gOes wrong, Well will make the wrong right.
WARNING-Chief Allen wishes to give all
bicycle ridera who have boon in the use on the Canadian National Railways ed to with pleasure on the Wingliam park are behilid the movemeat. A meeting to will also mark the day which will be oiie of
habitof riding on the sidewalks due notice em.
that someone will boprO860i if this dang- syst and then greatly delighted an audience of organize such a society will be held in the tender memory to many a home in this and
orous priadliao 18 not stopped at once. Govern over 1500 people. Now they return to council chamber of the town hal Ion Thurs other land$.
yourselves accordingly. day evening ol this week at 8 o'clock Sharp. The regular monthly meeting of the E.E
- Califbirnianis Take Noticl) Wingliam with an entirely new program,
WANTED -Young .,an to qualify for
travelling position, permanent god Mr. Walter Carruthers left at our office Their aim is to please and their intention Let us all turn out and assist in this Organ- Wingham branch of the Women"a In- W4 01VEAR OF MERIT R
chatiee for advancement, over 30 years in 81. ortMonday a few Stalks of green field is to return here annually, No disap. ization. Ladies ond gentlemen iroo .Oft
noils, &Pplyfromil2to2orfromt; W 0 rill m. should stitutewasbeld on Thursday afternoon. "PHONE 23
to JOUN SUWAUT, peas which are in full bloom. These pointment but a truly high class enter. unite to make it a succesis. What adds to Miss Powell gave a very interesting talk
e4h0 Mr8- Joni W01r, were pulled by his brother while out plow- tattiment. Pre war prices 35 and 50 the attractiveness of a home more than a on "Pioneer Life" and Mia, Page, pre-
uter St., wingbami. ing on the farm on the Oth con. of Turn. cents. Reserved seats at McKibbon's well cared for lawn. and butitiful flowl 114NG"
WANTED-.& boarder, III preferred, 81dent of the Institute tit Horning's Mills,
Apply at T1111 ADVANOE, b3cry on tha 31st day of October. Drug Store, Make Wingham beautiful With fl)wers. also gave a splendid address,