HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 89 N THE WINGHAN ADVANCE B W a,11"N.Jains orth Wh le at the . . . cireatest Fall and wT, I*n"ter Sale Hanna a Co., Md. Casa System brings lowest prices In five years. We regret that the large crowds w1ho aftended thes:z-alile on opening were not able to be served. It will pay. you to come m2hes �0 this sale as we are offering thousands of dollars worth of goods at less than wholesn' Re P11ceq. 0 Overcoats and Suits $19-75 Buys a good Suit or Overcoat. Suits and SPECIAL Coats in lot up to $35. `28,7 5 Boys' hand tailored %p Suit or Overcoat. Suits in b I u e serge flne worsteds. Men's and young men's models heavy English fleece and Milton Overcoats. 20 to 30 p. c. Off Everything in Our 2 Stores Gloves, hosiery. cor- sets, waists, ribbons, parasols, s w e a t e rs, dres� goods, silks, ser - des, cottons, flannel- ettes, prints, galateas, ti6kings, curtains, rugs-, chintzs scrims f urs Dress Goods Fine navy Serges, wide width._98c, 1.98 Special black and colored Silk, on sale ... I.... I ..................... I I ........ 1.59, 1.96 Remnants --The sale is leaving a host of remnants which will be on sale at half price, Ladies' W i n t er Coats, Fur Collared Coats, specials at ............... 23.75, 29,75 Youths' and boyS" Overcoats, sizes 28 to, ready -,to- wear, linol- Children's Coats from .. ............. 3.98,13,75 38 ........... — ....... 8.75,13.75,48.75 eum on sale. Dresses I serge, serge dresses, em- broidered, embrold.6' d"' i re ., navy blue 15.75 $8.75 Buy a Boy's Suit tha i t is Dresses in silks, tricotines and-serges at worth while. GROCERIES .......... ............................... 28.75, 39.75 Borsalino and Stetson Hats ............ 6.50 Black Tea, per lb ........ 35c Skirts, tricotines, serges, less .... 25% off Coffee, per lb ........... .47c King and Walthausen Hats, reg. up F .00, sale to 3 lbs Lard .... I ............. 59C .................................... 2.50 Chicken Haddie ............ 25c 2000 Pairs of Hose 75c men's wool worsted Hose ............ 49c Jello Powder ............ loc Penman's and other good makes. Grey Suede Gloves ......... ........... 1.50 Vanill ' a . .................... loc Ribbed worsted, cashmere tables at Pine Shirts, reg. $2 .............. ...... 1.29 Corn Starch ................ loc Golden Cit Flour, 24 .... 19c, 29c, 35c, 69c, 98c, 1.69 y Pennian's heavy fleece lined lbs ..................... 1 . 13 Underweat . ........................ 75C Rice ........................ 18c Sweaters-- Hundreds of ladies and Corn Flakes ............... 9-1c children's all wool sweaters -at half price 1 2 Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25c, and less. Stanfield's Red Label Underwear .... 1.85 Dutch Cleanser ............ 9jc 2.00 Work Shirts . ....................... 1,19 Canned Peas ............ 15c Muffs and Stoles at slaughter Soap, laundry ...... ..... 7c Furs prices. It will pay you to see Peabody and Carhartt Kippered Herring 2 can 35c oul, furs. guaranteed Overalls ............ kP1*98 Cowan's Cocoa, I, lb .... 35c Ru Extra hcavy quality of Tap- Oatrneal, 10 lbs ............. 13c gs estry, Wilton and Axminster Currants .................. 19c Rugs, special prices, all sizes. Tapestry Heavy all wool Mackinaw Coats and Nlagic Baking Powder 33c 14.75; Wilton 2jx3, 36.75; Axminster Pants for men and boys ... ............ 20% off S ugar, Redpath, per lb. 9c $29.75. !""T ANON& Sol^# Ito Ha, i-i " " %W L;0 wo piam Fire 6",- 'WHAVS THE 1 CAN'T QE -T HOMIE 014 use OF SLOWIN A FLAT-rFRE. —­.AN0_ I H 000 P MONP_V E 15oss wiLL CAN ME F"OR AN FUTRA My V41 FE,Wl" CHET A IN40RCE ANP A L I MONY, AND L BE LAO UP ITO A C LD AN EXTRA TIRE is apt to save you an extralotof trouble just about when you are not looking foi, it. When you're looking for an extra good extra tire look our way. Z _j7 Bluevale Glenannan Mr. Geo, Agar of Stratford, spent a few Miss Myrtle Bennett spent Saturday days last week with relatives here, with Annie and Edith Metcalf. We are sorry to report Mrs. Pete Scott Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt spent Sunday tit is on the sick list. the home 61 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Under - Mr. Alex. Moffatt and Win. Thornton woad. Va few days last week,witil friend -i in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wallace spent ono'd a t 0 C k. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Muir. Mr. and Mrs, J. Deyell of wingbam, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland, Wrox" spent Sunday at Geo. Nowbray's. ' ttert visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Gen. Eckmeir spent Sunday at the home Alias Mabelle Stokes, Holyroqd, attend - of Mr. L, Rutlan, ed the Appelby-McGill wedding. Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Abe Proctor. Belgrave, the 11th. spent Sunday with relatives here. The Delmore Women's Institute Wat at Mrs. 1. W. Ruttan is visiting with re. the home of hire. Richard Jeffrey, Satur- latives in Detroit. day, occ. ath. Mrs. McClanagban and Mrs. Laidlaw A rece me of Mr. Mra!tlon Was bald at the ho Of Whitechurch, were visitors at Geo. and Thomas Appleby in honot, of Nowbrays, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Appleby, Friday M59, John Musgrove of Wintfliam, is evening, Oct. 14th., when friends and visiting at Robt. Musgroves neighbors assembled and spent a pleasant vening In singing, games and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McMichael and Mr. The presents were many and valuable, and Mrs. Masters, spent Sunday With a owing the high esteaut in which the friends in hll9w-ick. bride and groom are held. Maytheyhove Mr. and Mrs. R, Musgrovo, spent a day a long and happy life of peace iLnd pros - with friends in Gray. perlty together Is the wlati of their many friends. Annual Meeting Chilldrbnls Aid Wroxoter The Annual meeting of � thi Huron There was no service in the Methodist CbuntY Childrene Aid and Humane . church Sunday evening owing to the illness 14wlety will be hold on Tues. Nov. sth at of the Pastor. His many friends wish for P- M, in the Childteng, Home, Cameron a speedy recovery., St,.Goderkh. Wicers will be elected and Theanniversary sarvieds which was reports given, There will Also be an ad. hold in the Methodist church Sunday, Oct. 10th. was well attended morning and dmss on Child Welfare work by an out. evening, Rev. Mr.19dwardsof1lami 00 SPOaker- It is hoped that there will preached two excellaht $ernjoaa. irl6h".. bdag&A representation fromdifferetit 0011OCt',OnSaM6untedto*ver$100.00. parts of the CoUnty. Come allid see how The ledture Monday evening given b !he Pastor, Rev. Mr. Holmes on tho su)�. home like the Place iS slid how !Well the'i ieetT"Prom Newfoundland to the land of -children art eared for. It harolip WAS well received. Thursday, October 27th 1921 C earin g Sale of Men's Leather Top Rubber& Approximately 100 pairs of odds I and ends, left overs, and slight. ly damaged lines. In. Four Heights (Just as shown in the illustration. at Very low Prices to"Clear A We are makers of this kind pf boot and,are, we believe, in' a better position to serve yon than the ordinary shoe store. It we have not'got the kind you want we can make them for you in one hour's time. U1 W vy ILL IS The Shoe Store' Phon',e,,129 Wingham BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS V4 - X Geoulne U 'iscounts Off' Regulap AT Fall Prices Salej'4 Yarn andlWoots 2 oz ball Monarch Yarn . �\ .... 25c. 4 oz Kilit Listowel Wool ...... Soc SAM 1 lb best Scotch Fingering .... 1,30 Flannelettes 36 im striped Flannelette a yd.. 18c English Flannelette 75c for .... 39c Best Shirting 60c, for . ........ 39c Flannelette Blankets Wool Blankets and Com forters best quality. largest size Flannelette Blankets per pair .................... $2.69 Wool Blankets less .......... 2o% Comforters less .............. 2o% TOWellings, Table Linens Crash Towelling per yd ...... 17c Pare Linen Table Cloth a yd.$1,98 Union Table Vamaak per yd _ 79c Curtains and braperies SZargestries, Chintz, Velours end fancy Nets. All vadue ed 20% allmIN& own"A House Furnishings Wilton Rugs, Brussels Rugs, Stair Carpets, Hall Runners, HOW Linoleums, Reduced 20%. Pure Linens Men's Socks Noy's Suits and Overalls Sets and Sperate Clothsand Pura wool, full sizes, are being Boy's Bloomer Suits In neat Napkins at bargain j3ridesl sold at half price,reg$1.00 Sets $53 50 and $35.00 for for .._ ................. 50C patterns, all sizes ........ $o.75 ... I .. �a ............ � 19.50 Regular $1.25, 2 pair for .... $1,25 Boy's and Youth's Overcoats -20% Mtroerised pkins a bargain .49c Men's Underwear UnderWear Knitted Wool Coats and Pleecellned ..... ......... 89c Women's and Children's Vests, Pullovers Stanfield Blue Litbel ........ $1.89 Drawers and Combination suits In At clearance p0ces these are all wools and cotton mixture, real bargains, $6.00 to 9.50 Watsons, all wool ........ 1.39 Reduced 20%. for - ... I ............... $3,98 Men's Combinations.,$1.69 to 4.75 Dress Goods and S116 Children's up to $7.50 for . — �$3,49 Men's Fur Coat$ All wool Serge, tricotine and Fbinnelette GoWns Man's wool Mackinaws, Mtn#s tweeds etc. Satins, Silks, Crept Pull roomy garments made �Sheepllned smocks, Fur Robeu, de Chine, Georgette etc. Reduc. from best white Saxony LeatherMitts 20% off, ed 20% on sale ... -.,$1.30 and $2.40 Ready-T(j.Wear Chfldtelft�s Saxony Sicepers.....796 GROCERY IMPT. Women's Coats, Women's Dress. Furs, Furs, Furs es, ChIldren't Coats, Children's Beaver) Alaska, sable, Wolf, 6 The beat datmeal .... 25c Dresses. Reduced 20%. Pox, osum in Scaria, Muffs GrAnUlaittil Sugar, per Ib a (I - I .... 09C and Mlptpbed gets. Pur Costs, Currants, per lb .............. 19c Child's Cashmere Hose Hudson Seal and Marmot 20% off. Toilet Paper, is r61111 Pure CAshmert Rose, 1/1 rib, made from ality, Pulloverso, Sweater Coat* Laund V Soap all makes, per 41* qu bat ..... k ............. 60fe, soft Yarns. all sizes, half. Boy's all wool Sweaters ...... $1.40 prices, 5 to 7j reg. $1.00 GIA's All wool Sweaters ...... 3.49 Sodkeye red 901MOn - - - ...... for ...................... 0 50c womet's'i Sweaters .34.0 to 0.50 Mack Tea, Pee lb ............ 350 8 to 10, reg 1.60 for.: .......... 16c Men's Sweatel-a ..... $3,95 to 9.00 Old Dutch Cleanaej . ......... Mo Terms, Cash—N6 Coods sent an. APproval—Get Out Prices Before Buyjng, K I N G B R 17*,