HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 6A—lot
Thc-v W., Uman Seller
The Story of a 0mck Salesman Who Invades a New Territory—and
Clinches His Prospect.
N is
PART 11. 44yes, I am," be said flatly. I
"You ought to start a. sohool. of "oh, come, you douilt mean tbat- I
Romiude Falesm-anship," smiled my protested. "What did the g1rils e'ver
Wife. "Put your picture in the maga- do
Zinesi, WiW war finger pointing 140*h' oul much," -he answered
"Eat i
c-traight out of the ad like a plistol, 'Vele. d to get along with;a
while you Say in big, black letters,. lux,,uries.11
Miss, Woman, I can teach you But a wife is a necessity, I think."
to Sell Yourself in ten lessons. "Not to me, she iWt" said my
Be -gin ;:, neighbor.
to -U7 to learn the gentle
ecienee of Putting Yourself Over.' "And, did You ever think of marry -
"That'& not such a had idettat that," Ing?"
said, L "Whm I was young -And foolish, I
My wife thought for a moment; I did," answered Mr. Mulqueen. "But
Imiew the was thinking by the way when I was"young and wanted to get
Ae fpuckered herbrow. married and, couldn't afford to, no
"Here's another," she sMd. uyou &I would have -anything to do with
Pay that a gochd smlesman = sell any- me -, now that I can afford to, I wou"t
thing?", have al*-thilig to dio, with them",
"Ile can," I :3ald-. "I should think living all alone
"And. you 3rodestlyadmit You area would-be pretty lionesome Sometimes,"
good szAesmau?ll I ventured,
"Others -have, said. so." "I giaucts I've become used to being
"Well," said Hc*_ -n, '*h7 don't You a bachelor." slid Mr. Mulqueen. "I
sell Miss QueAt?" have a pretty good time. Ive got a
Just then -her viviting time was up, dandy little flat up over the store, and
The next morning I heard sounds in I know how'to -cock. Nobody to jurnp
Oe next cubli�le—humping and on my neck If I put my feet on, the4
thumping and whispering and a mantelpiece Gr drop a1$14e%.qn the rug. I
Uhuffling of feet, and I deduced that I ean throw Ugether a pretty goodl
vitrather sc-arlk-t-fever patient was be- dinner, 'Sometimes I 'have the boys
ing inatallel, there. The partition pre- In frDin. the lod-ge, and we play pin�
veittel me from seeing, of course, but
not frorn he,_-ring� Presently Miss I Made noises denoting interest and
RXJ1v*sft, the 1,aad nur�e. came in with attention.
ber pejigree book, and I heard. her "Then I have an, eighteen -foot Sail -
ask - ing dory," he Nvent on, expanding with
GIVIlat is Your ranist?" that camaraderie which makes men
"Thriathy D. llulqucei-6" roared a exchangeconfidenctes in hospitals and
vfjlce co lmui that it sttartled me, but jails. "Seven months in t1he year I can
so eheerf`W. Via, I didn't resort it. takO her out for a run on the Bay,
"How r',:1 are you?" Sundays, I usually fish. I caught over
Strom I -
a hundre-d. Mackerel when they -were
X a rv'. LA ? running last September.',
very "What did You do with them'71"
'iyour cocur.-tior, Mr. Mulqueen?" "Made a fish chowder for th� -boys
ifrom the lodge!'
'Let'n se,�. Ycu inght say 'birsines—s'
man," or yju say Imeychant," or i "Do you expect any of them Will
Y041 111141A ZAv 'irapri&Gr.1 Better put'tbecut to see you?" I asked.
dvam Ir. It sounds best.,' Oh, I suppose not," a bit sodly, I
MI -3 thoilught "Thefre all pretty busy, I
I ,
44$oar�,et fzver 0,0ill't seem to wor- gues?s.12
17 " YOU." hz E-,*:,,. I , d 4.31Y wife comes to see me every
-Noth;rg &C -i" replied mr. Mul- ay," I remarked. How Hel.en mn-
queen. aged to get around the hospital rules
"YOT;- --s- is a lig' at One," she told and do this, I never learned; but she S
MM. "But v_-m7l %ave ta take it easy'did� It's a way she has,. c
for l
'rZe WcC JMr h ou!re married then?"' asked
"If I trunt, I iwnt.,- taid. mr. ma. , �j Ulqueen. I
queen chunr-fully. YOU. bet I am," said 1. 1 wish b
Sh c 'went evray. ard I heard him Helen, could, have heard me. 0
bumming E,aftly to h:
S*nz j a little :How long?"
, cf wi;a(h he appeared to know 'Five Years," I -replied.. t
on1v cra �roe.
I 'Was .1"P17 "IrOw dot you like it?" he asked., P
-11 1 met you, on the "Like it!", I exdalmed. liMan, it's
=1111.1arts; of Quebec." the greatest thing that ever a
1 6410ught it -�Ast to get acquainted pened.11 q
vith nry neigh1c:,r wjtbou-� ffej�" "You don't tell Tae?- said, Mr. Mull.
clufen- I thought I read genuine sur -
the worst Pard -hip in a hO_-pit-j11.y1.O!r*,r 1,
Inan inallr.ed to con-versation as I am P se in his tmeo.
Is to lie --I! &v -with h1s talk bottled 4,1 do tolil you,,, I said, and, I wish
bm, 'SOl cal'oed Out' Helen mighthave heard my Unfeigned t
are vou fee�ing, Mr. Xul, enthusiasm.,
Queen ? V "Aren't wivea a, nuisance?,, he t
U IWDt sa hnA, list so. t�ad,ll be -roared;. aske&
What are you in for?" c
"Wives May be; but a wife, tho I
"Three wepks and scarlet fever" I right Wife, isn't. Decidedly not. Why, 0
told him. Iris laugh made tho
t6tion tremble. �a;- M -r- Xuaque0n, a MandoesnOt begin to
live until the has a wife to Share, his -
We exchanged minute descrIptiong joys and, sollroiows with. Every ex -
of inur ftntlitton, -were equally en- I=! I have now I enjoy twice as
ftSia.lriC OVe'r the prospects of a diet S I used, toonoee when I have v
a milk boast and Mashed Voitatoev, -it, amA again, -when I tell, my wife p
`and 'agreed, UrMllimous)Y that a largelabout it," h
Porterilnuse steak, richly dight with "Well, you ought to know" admit- g
bftiot'G. and a bottle of a certain illegal ted Mr. Mulqueen, "But I 4ydn't BUD. e
lambo&r fluld wouM ,,go good..,, The pose you ean have as g.004i tin
I nes
Ph -rase is Mr. N04uceny% 1 YOu wuld when You were a bacheltor,
"TOU in business, Mr. Mulqueen?" "Why not?" 9
I inquireirl. "Isn"t your wife after you with a a
"Y�a; I'Ve go the noo-itat Ifttle, gm. rolling pin if you obay up �Agter ten? �s ti
COTY %tore in Sruth Beach," said my I laughed.
n in his accents. "Honestly, Mr. Muliquem, I believe c
You took your ideas, of matrlmoniy d
"Pint, ho an-iwered. "Of course i from the eonme su Ple ents. y u,
I've nrl"� fToi A P In 0 TO h
`tcre- live ollPfYjaill wrong, I thought I had good 0
4owneq it � year- I had to 01-V0 UP, times -when, I wast a batch in the big a
nearly tivpnty yean before I could city, but married life beats them h
Vret a business, (if my olvn. It was a seven w*s. When, you have a good
lonx pull", kvife YOU -have a real pal—the kind y
' Ille of ll�`hard Ptruggl,-, -his - thpt stiAs,"
hOPI-N', arl 47,��xpprvintiuents, -about thp.,f "Honest?" Mr. MulqueorL war, in -
happy v�'�en he mw hi? n,ime on! credulous.
144-m in jrTO Xilf*, lietlem, can gualmntee it," I said in my
-aflwo- it. Prd 1. began'to like mgt convincing Dekkar Eigbt .
igthbi.,r, 1-�� haft 4 Philosophy When rely wife visi
XnV ri2tl i
and 4t rt�_,Jy ted me that day co
1.mhe br.,;ught we magazincs, ice cream, In
-y,,ou asked him. 'and Some l'ow-e-made jelly. I shared d
ha amwered With'them with'Mr. lifulqueon, I waited In
�Imtls, "'and I 6(171't Urtil .wj.,per tfille to
'wv_i-J if, "t'. oifl);Inll send in the jelly 1,
"Auroo!y yon'tra ru�t a w 1W MN0 Que5t, for I Imew that his
mall !later?" VvfMill," meftl consil4ted of abealfhJu,1 n
but unexciting bikel potato and U D
cup *f w(-ak tea.
"Say" b6011105 :hig, Valce over the 1)
�Mflon, "this stuff
W is Game atuft'l et
lh; it9 Q11,111ce? Wheria do YOU
"MY Wife made ity I at� CO
"You Ought to taste her rhubarb and
pinvple jam."
Ile made appre2latinir sr,,unjs ,Vith
bb lipm ag
"I've got sol'A0 pretty faney stuft Ite
In y ts, 'aid, 'IV
I c I'lloulu it's; not in
till you sink a tooth, into
some 0 my ife!s braridied pow-hes,## *f
I said. 110
"How long, do I have to
"ghe!l bringing out a can tp-yllor-
rOw, "Mid. "Too- bad, we can't have to
any af her thre(i.,.1.2,yer (hO:!.O1atn Wke
Or 'her lenion metirg co
y Mr. Mist( ,Ue Th
M lueen sighed. deeply.
1040CA ha-vtWe ha& a decent piece of fifti
1,elnu.t Inerigue pie in twcnty yp,,l.MT)P CM
"re r*63id,4d Into $XOnee; he (1-10411
not even hurn, "I was bap
py til,l I met
You on the ramparts a uebee, x . . . . . . . . . .
knew him to be ruminating. NEW LAMP BURN
"The c-,
a I get at the, bAker',s are
filled with billboard p�rzte and (have waxa 4 94610 AIR
vtrusta lilve iclard-buard" he said pre. #,A
sently. His tion& ums d4wal.
41 thought you s -41a. ycu -could cooik, $eatro Electric or Go$
why don't you Inake Your Own pie.9 V) A now oil 41up that gives, an a
I said. fngly brilliant, &oft, white light,
4'1 tr$ed," lie isaid. "They nearly Y Ale . Chopper Saves Time, grouU4 fine on -the c .10
killed me.11 n nearlyevery 1ouiveh,(Ald nowadays cake is dried in Vie , ., better than. Xm or electricity, has
"AMY W074 -an could- m:nke u good'c" flado the usefult food chopper, -but through the mgehine in the, ��o tested by tho V. 0. 0overnMent all
JeWing unlyorsitles and found t
lehion Pie froln my wife'i recipe," 1, Many do -not li;now its fnil value ex- as 04le bread, and Used, in rnaking superior to 10 ordlnar� oil lamps
rwnar4d. to, ,?Opt for chopping meat, 1havemade pudding-, boTna witho0t, odor, umoko or no
He seerned- to consider th% state- it a great laborend time saver in my Of course, Nve know tile -valiae W the AO PUMPION UP, do simple, Olean,
1%a�lbe I won't be glip4i to got backlokiteben to putting it to variGus, uses, chopper when it comea to m0at,, Burns 94% air and 611o, ooramoA
My chopper contains Suet mono
to my NvIfe's -apple dumplings mith . three knives of Is nice passed' through the erl Theo Inventor, A T. Johnson,
molasses osaace,ly I tobserved� different degrees of fineness, which I whether for use in pudidings 'bO braft St. W., Montreal, In offarill
Mr. utilqueen lmoane& usetaccording to how kwish the foods tried, -out, and- much time I$ %Qii4a a tamp on 10 day$' rltnn I
"And her chickon a la 314ryltand,t, chopped—cotarse, or fine, When buying a muchine s set one or even to, give one p Itnt U4 to the
I added. Ins!Vead of grating such things as than can be taken entirelyapart, so User In each 140alitY Who will
"Aw, cut it out," 1>egged Mr. Mul- chicoolate, lernon and orange rind� that it can be easily cleaned, and keep I- tm Introduce it. Write hila to
queein. -6 - -4, T 4.11. — � A- -.1 V4. fail nsu-tieUlptroa At.- —1� M
(To be caudaded,)
Late Developmen a in
PoiSon Cxas. -
S1110e the war aV the great Power
4lave been hard. at work on the ga
problem. For it Seems to be tally re
cognized that In future In laternation
al conflicts poison gas will be the chle
To the every -day peaceable cIttzer
this Idea Is Particularly Interesting, in
asmuch as It is expected th#t cities
and towns will be syEtematteany de
luged with gas, dropped in,bombs from
airplanes, Whole PoPulatIons—men,
women and children—will be wiped
out. The rule against killing non-com.
batants iro longer holds.
Gas operations during the recent
war were crude and hardly more than
experimental, Next time -they will be
conducted on a -huge sc,%le,scIs�tIj1Ca,1_
1Y, and With ch!eMic4ls #icomparably
more destructive, to human life.
Soon after this new au'd frightful
weapon came into use, it was realized
that what was really needed was a
gas that would -be Invisible and odor.
less, SO as tO give no warning of its
pr�,seiice in the atmosphere. It must,
Of course, be heavier than air, so as
to silik Into dugouts and collars, where
refuge might be sought, and there, re.
main it as It were, in pools. In addi.
tion, to be wholly satisfactory, it must
Poison the liuftu sYstem by mere con.
ct with the skin, so that gas,masks
Would furnish no protection.
The U.S. chemical warfare service
was working on this problem durizg
the war, -and solved it. A gas called
'Lewisite" was developed which met
all of the above-mentioned require-
ments, and great quantities,of it were
being manufactured for use In the ex-
pected campaign of 19119, when sudden -
Y the armistice came.
A gas bomb Is a mere container: its
walls only thick enough to hold the
fuld chemical; hence nearly all of its
?7eight Is represented by its, contents..
k single such gravity projectile may
carry 500 or 1,000 pounds of the lethal
tUff, and It dropped upon a town it
anilot miss the target. It is set,,
nated that a dozen Lewisits bombs of
arge size might, with a -favoring
reeze, destroy the entire Popule6tion
f 0, big city, I
'it Is understood that since the armis'
Ice the chemical warfare service has
roduced a gas that is even more Of-
ective than Lewisite, Inasmuch as Its
pre -ad is far greater relatively to the
uantIty Of chemical Used. A mere
aPsale Of It In a small grenade can
ellerate acres, of death.
Pacts Such as these cannot be made
00 widely. known 'Or Impressed too
trongly uPon POOPWO MindS In order
hat fear and 1wrloor of war may be.
01118 SO great that nations will no
onger undertake that criminal Method
f settling their quarrels.
Round Headed People.
Round headed mid-ftropeans have
err different trafts from. the British
eiople� Their descendants are long
eaded as they were slid so distin.
Walled by initiative, capacity to gov. -
rn and c0o'.0nizing ability.
The round beaded peoples have a
reat capacity for Patient labor, but
re lacking In Initiative. It Is Said
9 Immigration "of these people to
eat Britain In the last 200 years, -%s
hanged the cephatile index of the t,-,.
inary BrItisher 2 per cent, The cep-
alic Index Is the ratio of the bieadth
f the skull to its length. Britons thus
re said to be 2 per cent. more round
eaded than their forefathers of 2oo
ears back.
�Yed Her Wrap Blue
and a Skirt Brown
Each package of ,Diamond Dyess,
litallis directions go� simple any wo.
an can dye or thit her worn, ahabby
.'esseS, skirts, waists, coats, stock -
99, sweaters, coireringo, draperies,
ingings, everything, even If she has
ever dyed before. BUY "Diamond
Y411,3" --no other kind—then perfect
)me dyeing is sure because Diamond
yes are guaranteed not to spot, fade,_
reak, Or run. Tell Your druggist
Ilother the material You wish to dyo
wool or slik, or whether It Is linen,
tton or mixed goodz.
The number of persons Proceeded
ainst under the Defence of, the
alai Acts during the years of the
ar was 205,076.
Cat.9 have perhaps the most traoesl
ancoatit"al 4Mt8, Many tinleg the
h -ana tiger nUtUre fg�4V�ry 11tar the
rtace. Tlle4r urleertaill temper, their
TARg and growling, thieIr sudden
Unds', their tendency to scratch, all
Me froln th4e forest and the jungle,
eir wor�t habit tooday is thtIr Ull..
ling 01*0tite for birds. The fewer
E; �Vc have, the More birda, I
naPd'o Lialment used by Phylleland.
I — r " 1'. e4.4
WCO. meed Pool, 00 cleanea
e,1'P[IAI4 how Can the
hrmxgh the machine, using the finest
cutter. 0hocoUbe Prepared mi this
everY time used; pasis, TL piece of st4le
bread through it instead,
7011 get ag
and withboat experience or In
make $250to 000 per month.
way only takes aSew minutes to melt;
the cheese comes cut in smoot-14 white
flakes that are espedaly nice to
A Number Game.
Cut 4t Old calendar with T4rge
thel box, and- adds thm to lrl� 7
s sp4nkle over baked dishes and, fil
figures into squares; where, the naln;
4, which makes his vc*ra 21,
Then each Other in
mAtilig cheese -sauces, The borse-
xadish and onion does not get in un-
bers run abto(ve 12, cut the figure
;PA'rt Und disicard- rxost of the Vs.
dra" a numb", multiplies aus
v lous by it,
pleasant contadt with the eyes when
.3 grater isused, or in unplormantuan-
paste OR -the pieces on, uniform
Squares of oalldboard, and put them
number chODSe-9 from
box the figures in, the product
adds thein to, his, score.
teat witit the fingers, eit'her.
When making aeake inwhieb. chop-
Into A convenient -box.
The players sit round, a table vAth
The winner is the *VI-ayer wl
score first 100,
ped fruits are required, I pase these
through the chopper, using the coarse
the box before them. Vach in- turn
reaches, 200 or 500
m4y have been agreed upon in
or f4ie knives According to the way
-a otu-d without 10011dug, and
then -the. first playien—call him John—
beginning. The game Is- a help
-children who ave, learning the
I wish them chopped. Nuts are also
,ground up on the chopper,,
draws anothar. He must road"his
rinimbeiris aUud and give the
plication table, and also affords �
if I have trouble getUnig XrmQi
of them, as, 7 Umes 4 are 28. If he
drill in adiding. The ellementof chi
susWns the interest.
shredded, cocoanut I buy a wooanut
does not mu-itiply 0017vetly, he niusit
and Make my owri. It has a much
retaTnthe nun*er he drew to the box,
better flavor than istalecocoanut.
and the next player proceeds to draw
Keep lylinard's Liniment In the ho
When I am making maTmalades,
butters, end jams in the summer I
and multiply. If -he niultiplies oar,
TeCtI7, he selects a 2 and, an 8 from
A -r- W
Pass the fruit through -the machirre,
fruit that is requk*d crushed- or
-strained my be Prepared in this
thus saving -much time. -Fruit for ices.,
men I Young Menl
and fruit punches Miay be passed
through, using the coarsest knife for:i'
the fruits required for the puneh., and �
the finest for -the ices,
When in cities where we have
rrHl� Postman and expressman
bring Parker service . right td y
When Preparing vegetable SOUPS,
branches do not fail to place your
order' flor your Pall and WinteT
hoine. We pay carriage one w
find it economy of time to rpass them
clathes at one of the stores Gf the
W t, , you re d — whether it
through thechopper, using the coarsel
haugehold draperies or the most d
knife, except In, the case of parsley or
COMPAXY the largest tailcirinog
c4te'fabrlcg�will be speodily rettm
something I wish very fine. Gartrot,
Service In COX=& $Or men's gar-
ments, to
to their original freshness, When
oaok Much quicker when out up ln'�,
this manner than when sliced. It 1
open the 0anadjan
publfe at wholesale pric"
illinli of cleaning or dyeing -
You I
do not have a eilaw cutter, try chop-
ping up the cabb-age, iTr this
Store addresBes as follows: Mont-
real ' Brauches-261 .4t, Catherine
think of PARKMTS.
for 01aw 'or !
M$Md, using the krgestl
415 St, Catherine Street
East; 851 St. Catherine Street Bast;
Sr04 Mount RoyalAvenue East; 1764
knife. In Making chopped, pickiltes It Notro Dame Street West; Ontaxle
Branches—Toronto, 282 Yongo street;
Pass the vegetables, one variety at aL Ottawt6 20 Sparits
Due Works
ime, thTougih the ohopper_—ib Saves 1
Street; Hamilton,
121 Kinc street; Sault Ste. Marie,
slow cooldnig and 1,01olks much nicer.
484 Queen Street4 East,, Brant or ,
71 Colborn Street; Stratfor 45,
Cleaners and Dyer3
When I wish a little spinach or beet
Downie Street; London, ISO Du
Street, Windaor,
juice colaing purposes, or a aittlet',
Oman juice for flavoring, I T.apo tho'
ioi-ioa, Lo on;
Street: Xlngstor. 19 Princess street;
Fort William, lis North N&Y Street',
Torqqta. 03
vegetables through the -chopperj
catching,, the juice that runs cut in -a
mia, -Beirnore Hotel: Okhmwao 26 a
P, %street West; Gueipu, pi up-
;ryndham Street;
deep sauxer or Spoon.
per St, catherines,
86 St. Paul atreet Maritime
All stale bread, !is saved and crisped i
Branches—Sydney, 234 Charlotte
street; Halifax, 417 Barrington
Have it a'lways
in the oven, and, placed; in ia I &T When:.
,the jax is tuR the broad, is all p�wvsed,
street; Now Glasgow, 171
'Street; Amherst, ill Victo,
Charlottetown, 169 Richraon'IdT Street;
in the house
through the food -chopper. The crumbs
are returned to the jar, and aare, ready
8t- John, 28 Charlotte Street:
monctop, 99D Main Street', Frederic -
WISE mothers keep a jar or
when I wish crumbs to toilcroquettes
350 Queerx.Street.
atube of "Wseline"I'V71lite,
and such -like in, Crackersi axe also
— -
Petroleum felly in the house for
manychildish ills, such as bumps,
Your Opportunity
Large Canadian institution estab.
lished 1887 with assets in excess of
$35,000,000, which are rapidly in.
creasing, desires a local tepresenta,
tive In this district. Only rnen of
character and ability, however, will
be considered. If you feel you are
corhiletent. to place Our proposition
before the best people In your com.
Munity, we can offer you a contract
which will be very remunerattYe.
Previous selling experience desir-
able but not essential. If you are
the right kind, energetic, anibitious
and progressive,we will develop you
along PrOPtr lines of salesmanship
Apply In confidence, stating age,
past experletice and length of rerl.
dence to
3 1 Progress in Canada,
Stonelte Products, LImUN, of Van.
Pouver, D.C., will shortly wramelloo
Manufacturing buf1dinx m4terlrds, front
swelter slag, decomposed granito.ADA
crushed limestone, A brIck from $and
inaz. and sawdust is 9100 tot bO Made and a
even Paint which, It I$ claimed, to fireproof.
been Prospecting In this Matachewiin gold
(1 $5 Area lof,XOrthOrn, 011t4rtcit U48 bee4l Unto
0 he usUallY active during the put BUM.
I . it mer. A number of Important 41g.
onto. coverles have b4011 24440 and much
torio,_ work has been Planned foT next year.
0141M owners In the Mat-a0how4n gold
246 fields are now organizing -to urge the
9 to government to construct thirty mlI%
r1a), of railway in order to faellitateo the
first development of the district, which Is
4ay rich In aebestce, barite, Iran ore and
a to other. Minerals, as well as� gold,
nor, Sharks In the water alolig the Brit,
mey t1sh Columbia coast are to be utilized
In the Making of leather, liver oil, for-
t1lizer, Jewellery, according to plans
and. of the Consolidated Whaling Company.
Organization of the now company has
turn been 'completed,' and ..the reducing
pre. Plant will be erected on the Alberni
the. Caual. Pishing for the sharks will be
and carried on after the fasbion of whal.
1. ing, with harpoons shot. from guns.
ose Expansion of the -automobile Indus -
as try In Saskatchewan Is illustrated by
the Statistics which have been compiled
jo by the provincial govetrnmeat for the,
,It 1� firist eight montlis of 1921, The aum-
Ood ber of licenses issued for private cars
nee was 50,464; IIIOWITYcles 325; trucks
.N.Xports of Pulp and paper from
Canada for August, 1921,.bad a total
use" value Of $9,396,391, an Increase of $2,-
628,835 over the precedljvAg Month of
July, Of this, suall, paperhad a valu' a 'of
$6,250,337 and Pulp $3,145,054. The
United Kingdom received pulp an(l
papers In August to the v4lup-of $958,-
865; United States $7,ryso,�qt; and
other countries $885,761.
Adll The hemp crop of Manitoba for
1921, the first year that It has, been
'IV cultivated exten�-Ively, will bet large,
ay, according to a local company, under
be' 1,1410se direction farmers In,the pro-
eli- vince seed and sow the herap, ri�ve
ed hundred tolls will be realized, it is -4s.
von timated, and cutting tho crop has
started at Portage La Prairie,, where
200 acreoi are under cultivation. Uore
than 40D acres have been sown to
hemp In the Swan 1111ver distrift �
Bulliding.permits to the value of
[$737,825� were ismied in t4s tour NVe8t_
ern prcvifict,.s during. tile pasi week,
according to 1101,ean's, 1101ding Re.
ports, Limited. Britisli rolunillia led
all other provincos'.witil $402,'500, 61 -
lowed by Mallitoba, witill $I20'sok Al-
berta $111,725, and Saskateli9Wan
Advices fr,6m Port Norman are to
the effect tb�at the Vscavery well of
the Imperial Oil C*mPaUY is produc-
Ing eight�obirrels of high grade oil a
day The, company Is drilling three
'Lew wells, Oita at Boar Island, loo
miles -south of the Arctic Circle, In the
Fort Norman region, one on the op-
Posfte side 'of the Alaftenzie Alver to
Vort NGrliali an,' the fl,44 U
bruises, chafed skin, cradle cap. q out, ten
miles r, m, f 'p- �
Be -0lie,
; I 1 .1
� ace.
s bod
,froely v4�' -,Babylso O�vn S.ap
It is soothing, healing and grate.
ful to the most irritated skin.
Be prepared for winter colds,
too. "Vaseline" Capsicum jelly
rubbed on the chest, and "Vase.
line " Rucai�ptol Jelly snuffed
into the nostrils will check them
1880 Chabot Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
W_ Ir
11 .40%k
Vase 11V
Trade Mark
W 73 * a
A —rman. Several
Other Companies arealso actively en.
gaged in. drilling,
TII'8 average grain calladtY Per sla,
tiOn for the whole of the province of
Alberta aliioll4ta to over 110,000 bush.t
I els, as- compared,,with 89,000 bushels
j for Sasrkatclle�wjn' 'and 58,000 bushels
.1 r
!9 , kaultoba. The largest country
-storage elevittor is at Vegr
b. eville Al.
erta, 'With a capacity of 476�000- �ushtt
019, although Verigin, In Sa�skqtciie.
wan, runs -a good., second with a ca.
Pacity Of 440,000 bushels. Alberta
towns are Uniformly possessed of
large storage facilitlets, youngsfown
hag Space for 884,000 bu%he�s, Barons
373,000 bu-thelsi,_ Carmaugay 320,000
bushels and BIA01de 290,000 buehols.
GwO" Plants,
Amazing poss4billties. lie in the
science Of agriculture, Recent experl.
111011tt In hCagland have shown that
cltbRs May be increased from One and
a half to four times by an alteration
in, the air which the Dlaht3 Ureathe,
The method Is a simPTO One, and
COlfulats Of Increasing the Proportion
Of clIT130111c acid in the allt.
I In the recent experiments, the car_
I b0nic acid In the air 'Was increased
over one hundred times: it is claimed
that.as a idireet result the plants un.
der treatment grew faster, stronger,
I blwwed taTliek, and Produced . more
I fruit.
-Potatoes, sugar -beet) 11%rier, onions,
and Pc -a,5, were ' among the crops treat.
ed, and In every case eXtraorcLlwiryt
Improvements were noticed,
A "treated" Plot Of Putatis Yielded
four and a lia-If times as
much as an
untreated" plot; the barley ylel(l was
doubled, the 0111on Yield trobleti,
1)Ifr1cUItI0S- In using 0113 treatineat
On a hargov scale are SU0,11 as adveme
winds blowing the gas in tile Wr,,Iyg
directions., and the expense IlIvolvial
III laying Dives to, the, fields.
But III greenhouse cultivation, t1le
new e4ltivater will do wonders, tird
the recent experiments fully I%,
exhaustive researelles in this wondpl,
1 ful VOW method of increasing the
80500'(wo 14611s Needed,
England ijood5 -'� 5,K000 z4r: tett
in order to get. ba`c�x ia t&t eist6ai,a
cOnsumDtf011 Of 1013 Of 120 eVv% per
Person, asserts 9dward Brown,'sacrt.
tary of the, National PDultry Council,
Air. Brown says that In tht Vnited
States 4nd Canada it is stAted the
average 0onsumpiloy, ig, ne.Arly 200
0998 1)er unit annually. Basing lliq
estillateS oil the recent Census figureij
for Great Britalit, 116 COMDutos that
each person in Lilngland ,
ikft year ate