The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 31 4:. A. -npiisnes Words of Wisdom. A WOMAN'S HEALTH Tanlac Accot THE INDUSTRIAL ISPEAKS HIGHLY OF 1-4 ­ the habblo the louder rVINY, 60 1 '_ - the bang. GROWTH OF ONTARIO I BABY'S OWN TABLETS Concentration should be a part of NEEDS GREAT CARE IjUM- 4-1, 1,, 1- of ever college Remarkable POSSESSES NEARLY HALF WEALTH' OF CANADA. t Raw Material and Fine Trans- portation Facilities Aid to Rapid Development. OntarlD is the richest province of Canada, Gf the Dominion's wealth, es- tiluated at $2,801,000,000 for the year just past, Ontario's share was, $1,267,- 000,000, Consistent witli.the remain- der of the Dominion, agriculture as- serts its superiority over other lines of 4etivity and.maintains the premler place in provincial asniets. Oatarlo Is, however, the first industrial province of Canada, qonsiderably more than fifty per cent. of tile product of the Dominion's manufacturing plants be - Ing attributable to this province. At the end of the year 1918 out of a total of $3,034,310,915 invested In In- dustry In Canada, the sum ot $1,508,- 011,436 was hold by Ontarlo corpora- Aions and manufacturing companies. The 15,365 plants In the province hall, that year a production of $1,809,0671- 001, utilizing material valued at $1,w 008,824,704, A total of 333,936 per- sons were employed, drawing wages and salaries aggregating $261,16Q,214. I Of the twenty most important centres of the Dominion, as reported by the government Bureau of Statts- tics, fourteen are located in the Pro. vince of Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton, Ottawa, London, Kitchener, Brantford, Peterboroup;b, Galt, Buelph, Welland, Sti Catharines, Sarnia, Stratford, Mill, Windsor. Toronto comes second only to Montreal in industrial importance With 2,835 establishments emplpyllIg 106,128 persons, with a capitalization of $aO2,945,178 and a production of $liQ6,429,283. Hamilton, with 685 os- tablishments, a capitalization of $31j- 901,388 and production of $188,456,5DS Is the third. manufacturing city of the Dominion. A Distributing Centre for the West, Ontario is the manufacturing and distributing area to a. large extent, for the expansive field of the great Cana- dian West and its, industrial activities cover a wide, latitude, practically every necessity of town or rural settlement Results u . . `l IF - The flive,st people In E110 world are FROM HERE OTHEIRME once a mother has used Baby's Own those we know least about. When theBlood Becomes Watery In Geo. H. Nickel's Case, Vablets for her little ones she is al- Be sure your bravery Is not mere Arays pleased to speak highly of them foolishness. a Breakdown Follows. Hip Bookmark. o other mothers. She knows the good " " J Ill'. . f ­+.1a ­* useful 1 4 11 they have . done her Children and be . . L, as long as there Is something In him. upon luvery woman a health is deponnen the condition of her blood, How uow far have you.. studied, John - ny?" Inquiried the teacher. Prominent Wisconsin M a n realizes that her experience should of beitefit, to others, Concerning the If we always rald what we meant, many Women suffer with bealimelle, "Just as far as, the bGol- Is dirty, Says Tanlac Promptly Re - Tablets Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte- we wouldn't say anything. pain Pat yourself on a paying business. digestion, In the back, poo-! appetite, weak a constant feeling of wearl- ma'am." lieved Him of Bad Case of town, writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past eight basis. noos, palpitation of the heart, short- All for Nothing. Stomach Trouble of Six months for my baby. I cannot speak If,you've Just got over some sick_ ness the'detalls to, the squirrels n ss of breath, pallor and nervous- Mother -"I've tried so hard to make Months' Standing—Gains too highly of them for they have been give in the woods and get it off your cheist. noss? Of course all these symptoms may not be present -the More there You a good child, Margaret, and yet In 27 Pounds and Feels Fine of great asstitance to me in my first experience of Motherhood." Baby's , It your feet are act strong enough are the worse the condition of tile spite of .111 my efforts you are i3till rude and naughty." As A Fiddle. Own Tablets are a mild but thorough to carry you -ride. Wishes wear out with your clothes. blood, and the more necessary that you should begin to enrich It without Margaret (deeply moved�---"What a was descriptive of the locality In which the Individual lived. There is laxative which are absolutely harmless Fame oftlines goes shabby. delay. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a fatlure you are, mothert" It Is an unquestionable fact that and may be givezk, to even the newborn babe with perfect safety. They are Th ' 0 greatest faith is faith in your- splendid blood -building tonic. Every Skeptical Tommy. Tardac Is now being more widely en - dorsed by well known inen oild women sold by medicine de4lers or direct -at The Dr. self. Feed your body, your soul will dose helps to make better blood which goes to every part of the body and "But, Tommy," sald his mother, "didn't than any other meafelno oil the Amerl- 25 ets. a box from Williams' thrive on it. brings new health, to weak, despon- your conscience tell you that can inarket. One of the latest to tes- Medicine Co., Brockville, Out, Study character -your own flrst. dent people. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills you were doing wrong?" tIfy1s George H. Nickels, well known 0 - Before reforming the community, are valuable to all women but they are "Yes," replied Tommy: "but I don't lecturer, residing at 1.27 Wells St., China's New Alphabet. reform yours&f. particularly useful to girls of school believe everything I hear." Milwaukee, 'Wisconsin. The new phonetic alphabet for 'Don't bury yourself before you are age who become pale, languid and The Ag;of Worry, "Tanlac has not only completely re - stored my health, but I have actually China has proved a success. In 1912 the National Educational Conference dead. I Lock yourself up when YOU swear, nervous. There can be neither health nor beauty without red blood which There Is a time In the life of every gained 27 pounds In weight," said Mr. recommended a Chinese alphabet of you woret be interrupted. it you let the little things worry you, gives brightness to the eyes and color to the cheeks and lips. Dr. Williams' girl when -but this illustrates it. "How old Is Gladys now?" Mrs, Nickels In referring to the remarkable benefits he had derived from the medi- thirty-nine characters, of which there twenty-four so-called initials, what are you going to do with the big Pink Pills build up the blood as is Davis asked of Gladys' grandmother. cine. "For were, three med ial s afid twelve finals. By things? shown by the experience of Mrs. Jos. 'E. "Gladys Is Just at the age where her something over six months, my 1915 sciroola to teach the phonetic Tell your friend you haven't got It- Veniotte, West Northfield, N,S., who mother is afraid she will get married stomach was very badly disordered, I symbols had been established as an you'll be, doing him a good turn. says: "For several Years I was in a and Gladys is afraid she will not." suffered terribly from Indigestion and Dyspepsia, At times I would be in experlment;� lately all the normal Put yQur troubles on the dumb waiter. bad state of health. I was pale and nervous, my appetite was poor, and I He Knew. great distress and I would invariably schools have given special courses in the subject, and this year all the pro- You can't win unless you take a suffered from weakness, headaches The tramp shambled after tile experience an uncomfortable bloated had vincea are learning the new system chance. Worry is a cloud that darkens your and a feeling of oppression. I got so nervous that I wag afraid to stay in smartly -dressed man carrying a pros - perous-looking bag. I feeling for hours after eating I no appetite scarcely and the little I and putting it Into use. O.N day; a bright thought is the sunshine the house alone, All this time I was "Give us a couple of coppers, guv'- ate would often make me de; 20,000 Oranges on Tree. that drives, it away. taking medicine, but it only did not nor!" he pleaded. "Just somethin' to I I My head ached until I ft s nd I was so nervous I would bur t a A single orange tree of average size A found in Asia. help me, but I, was growing Weaker. Finally I decided to try Dr. Williams' get some bread. Think wot it is ter be friendless, despised, 'ated by all-" i trembled like a leaf. When I got up will bear 20,000 Oranges. Melons were first I 110 o -1 ill Md the -an In the inDmings, I was so weak and - GEORGE H. NICKELS source- t) Shaw does. not look like a Highland past one or more of your ancestors filled a position In the economic life Fmlc Pills, and miter using six Oxe- I felt much better. I had a better ap- petite, slept better and felt stronger. However, I continued taking the pills UUL. UP, You 0 with the bag. "I'm an income tax Col- lector!"' dizzy, I couldn't trust myself to walk around mad I just buit all over. "Tanlac ha% brought about a won aches and dizzy spells are all gone aall I never have an ache or pain. I am an Inei Avis Surnames d r Origp* n' You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by for a couple of months longer and He Could See. derful change in iny condition for I a� only too gLad to tell othora about the mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for now I am feeling as well as ever I did. "No! You cannot expect the jury to now enjoying the very best of health. wonderful good Taulac has done. It SHAW So, if you bear kny of the family names in this group you may be rea- I give all the credit to Dr. Williams' believe that," said the lawyer. "Do My appetite Is splendid. I relish my meals. Everything agrees with me has no equal." Taillac is sold by leading druggists Racial Origin-Scotti5h. A lven name. sonably sure that In the dim distant Pink Pills, and hope that my experi- ence may be of benefit to some other you really mean to say that altb'ough the night was pitch dark and von Nvere perfectly. The nervousness, head- everywhere. Adv. source- t) Shaw does. not look like a Highland past one or more of your ancestors filled a position In the economic life weak woman." I at the end of the train, you saw de- Changed. or Gaejlic family name. N� ot many realize,tliNt it 10, for, strangely of the community as a bearer of bur� You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by ceased fall from the othe�? Now tell me, how far do you really think you -When I was nine people it Is not met with at any COM- dens, a teamster and drayman of to- mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for can see at night?" I was content enough, paratively niodern date with tile prefix day. He may have been either a bear- or loads himself, $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- "Oh, about a million miles, I rechon," It my father gave Me a copper cent. of either 'Mac" or "0' " � of or an employer of such men, and more than likely spe- Clue Co,,�Brockville, Ont. retorted the witness. 1-1 can see the the pulp and paper industry, in which It is tile name born originally by a clalized In the serice of sorrie particu- 6% — The Set of the Sail. moon -how far's that?" Now I have a nine certain sePt of the Clan MacKlatosh, which later divided into two septs, the 1. ---1 losiliff lar mercantile trade. Bob was in one of his periodical fits Trying to Oblige. AT 4�11 f-11;11 five--ear-old Year youngater Who Thinks nothing less being supplied. The agricultural im, industry is therefore natural. first or senior ne, eve I Ownership of the lands originally oc- CHICHESTER of depression. ille world had been running smoothly for. some time, but . er was k, Bobby geograihy. She had come to Than a dime will do. plement ly an import -ant one and accounts for cupied by the organization. Racial Origin -English. Sburce-A locality. now the pendulum was swinging the the Sahara Desert. "Now, say It - or his sons would bear as their sur. a capitallvation of more than $77,000,- The I-Jighland records show that the Then, In the course of time, neigh- other way, and he did not lihe It. Sahara," she prompted him. A cherry tree, at Sittlngbourne,i 000. This is, however, exceeded by sixth chief of the Clan Mackintosh The use of Chichester as a family "Everything seems ta be against me "Hara," ioplied Bobby, Kent, which still bcars fruit, was the pulp and paper industry, in which was named Angus. He had a son name Is a matter easily arid obviously these daysl Uncle Jim," he grumbled. "No, not Harm-Sallara, don't you planted in the reignof kleniy VIII. Ontario Is proving herself a serious named John, whose son was Gilchrist, explained. In its first use as such it "Nothirg goes my way any more. I'm see?" said mother patiently. I 'Now became a surname. A Heal -41h Saving' rival of Quebec with an Investment of who In turn had a son named Shaw "Corr Flachlach,' was descriptive of the locality In which the Individual lived. There is going to quit -that's all. What head - say it." Again Bobby replied, "Hara." nearly $100,000,000. , The wealthy who wag surnamed this chieftain- was the founder of a place of this name in England, and way can a fellow make when every- thing in the world Is against him- That kept up for some time until built their camps, in England, as they forests of the province are reflected in the Importance of the lumber industry and the sePt line Of Silaws, ' having ac-, naturally persons migrating from Chi- , Bound to be a faillire.' finally Bobby, worn out, exclaimed, REM11 IDER: N in which more than $46,000,000 Is In- quired the lands about "Loch-an-elflan" chester to other sections came to be known In their new nel bhorbwds - "Humph," said Uncle Jim medita- "Well, mother, didn't I say Hara9" Don't walt until you get sick -USE vested, whilst. many smaller allied just prior to 1400 A.D. For several centuries the castle of "John of Chichester" or "'Robert of tively. "I didn't know that you and Napoleon had so much in common, Grace's Grammar. Source -An trades help to swell the aggregate of works dependent In the first instance Loch-an-ellian was the stronghold of Chichester," as the Case might be. Bob. Ile felt that way, too, when he Grace met her uncle ill. the street or his sons would bear as their sur. upon forest growth. his descendants -and the branch of the Then, In the course of time, neigh- was about seventeen. But what puz- one day. He asked her whether she Shakespeare remarks, you Flour milling has reached important Clan MacKintogh which they led. bors would come to regard the name 1,, me is. whether you and he are was going out with a picnic party from that?" proportions in Ontario with. over $40,- developed. The reason Is that the meaning of the word itself has changed as merely distinguishing the individ- ual, and its meaning as indicating the alike in one other point. I must really the school. I'No,," replied Grace, "I ain't going." TORONTO SALT WORKS 000,000 engaged In a , ctively propagat- LEEDER place from which he had come several look that up and see whether he too was such a different person on sea and "My dear," said her uncle, "you became a surname. ing the Industry. Several cities and Variations - Leader, Leders, Loder, years before would not be foremost In on land." must not say, 'I ain't going.' You it's not exactly a piece, of practical towna have virtually secured a men- Lederer. their minds. Hence the "of," or its 'Q�l, on must say 11 am not going.' " And be built their camps, in England, as they opoly of the C�nadian automobile tradelmliny of the plants Operating be- ing branches of United States organi- zatiQns, and in all over $50,000,000 is Invc3ted in thIs manufacture. Ship and boat building Is of moment on the inland waters of the province and this Industry accounts for more than $31,000,00.0 in the provincial capitalization.. Eldetrical. apparatus maniffmQturb accounts for another $25,- 000,000. Clothing, textiles, and boots and shoes are all Important In this. pro - via". Xore than $10,000,000 is en- gaged In each of the industries, cot - t -t extiles, misilli- wear and boots and on shoes, whilst, In hosiery and knit goods nearly - #1,000,000 Is invested. Also worthy -of mention are Ontario's 23 rubber plants, its, 88 canning factories and its 22 packing plants: with 4 abat- toirs. All Facilities for Industrial Growth. Ontario has all the natural advant- ages and facilities, for Industrial growth, Theso have already given her the ascendancy In Canada in this regard, m position which she easily maintains In her rapla expansion, an augury of tremendous future inAiiu- facturing importance. She possesses within her confines a wealth of raw materl-al and fine transportation facIll- ties of economic operation, for import and expert. Her industrial growth is aided in a powerful way by her pos- session of onormous� Water powers, for which the Hydro -Electric Commission ,of Ontario acts In the capacity of trustee for the ileople In the matter of their development, Supplying electric current for lighting and power pur- poses at -cost. 7 The rate at which Ontario Is ox- panding as an industrial area may be gauged from the fact that in the year 1920 the C-ity of Toronto, Its first Centre, received the addition of twea- ty-eight large new Industries, Whilst twenty-five settled at Hamilton, next In manufacturing Importance. Thno invered many lines. of manufartaro many of which were entirely now to the province. A notable teature of the provinceis, eXpaUSIGn hn& been the largo number of plants operated by United s.tales capital and ' the astab 11shnient in so many cases of branch houses of United States firms. In the city of Toronto alone, tller6 are 175 United States branch industrial plants In operation. 0 Lungs in a perfectly heaoltlw stsib ara very wa, according to the euratoi of a Pariiwrt mamea inatitate. Racial Orlain-English. occupation. equivalent in the Norman tongue, sea and on land? How? What's the proceeded to give her a little lesson . Source -An would be dropped, and the Individual joke, Uncle Jim?" in grammar: "You are not going. He OOARS FE SALT You need more than three guesses or his sons would bear as their sur. "No joke. Just plain facts. As Is not going. We are net going. Thoy to bick the occupation from which name simply Chichester. Shakespeare remarks, you are not going. Now, can you say all i LANDISALT this group of family names has been The place name, however, is a com. "suffer a sea change that?" Bulk Carlots developed. The reason Is that the meaning of the word itself has changed bination of the Saxo*n given name of "Clssa," and the Latin word "cas- Into something rich and strange. "Course I can,". responded Grace Cheerily. "There ain't nobody going." TORONTO SALT WORKS since the medieval period in which it trum,' which means. "campp or "mill- "I've been at the shore with you C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO became a surname. tary station." . The Romans, In the three summers, and I've been out In A Real Sky -Scraper. it's not exactly a piece, of practical -period before the Saxon Invasion, your little sailboat more times than I The conversation had changed �rom knowledge to know that originally the built their camps, in England, as they can coun�t, but never once have I heard one thing to another, finishing up with SLOANPS REUEVES words "lead" and "load" had very did elsewhere, as virtual fortresses. you say you couldn't get anywheie be- high buildings. similir meanings. We use the verb "lead!' In the "show- They were structures which lasted, In cause the wind or the tide was against you. As I remembel, you used to go The American thought he had them NEURALGIC ACHES to -day sense of Ing the way." But in medieval times and which remained existence long after the Romans. had withdrawn. to Pine Cove pretty often last summer all beaten when he said there was a building in New York so high that It its most usual meaning was that of "Cissa" was the son: of "Aella," who when the wind was dead wrong." There was a twinkle In Uncle Jim's took a person at least twenty-four OR forty -years Sloan's Liniment F has been ille quickest relief for ptining or carrying a load; as often founded the kingdom of the South eyes, for the visits to Pine Cove had hours to get to the top. !t,, neuralgia, sciatica and rheur�a- carrying as pulling. Saxons. "Sure," said Pat, "there's a little tired lame backs, sprains been a family joke. There had been a very pretty reason for those visits. But building I was working on some time 'in muscles, and strains, aches and pains. The Best Servants. I keep Fix serving mea, (They taught me .ill I know.) Their names arewhat and wily and When, And llljw and Where and Wilo. rAinard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend =.=.W. _PioneerDog Bool, (in DOG DISEASES and Row to Peetl M� ..11Pd Fj,,-n to Lay All- drcqs t)y th- Antlior. n. Clay Glove? Co., Xnc. 11S Welit 31pt SLrept ',Now Yorit. IJ.S,A. Jill TE11T. PRO". SldnNubld b - - Dallu Nse, of y Cuticlu %1 Make Cuti(;,­_ Semv and Ointment your every -day toilet prep- arations. Bathewith the Soap and hot water on rising and retiring, using plenty of Soap, best applied with the hands. Smear any signs of' pimples, redness or roughness with the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing. Finally, dust on a few grains of the ex- quisitely perfumed Cuticura Tal- cum, it takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. Soap2gc. OiatmentZani!150c. Talc=25c. Sold throughouttlieDominion. CanadianDevot. L7=sms, Limited, 344 St. Paid St. W 51ozimal. SOF-Claticura Soap shaves'Wilont snuz. Bob loftily ignored everything except ago In good ould Dublin, when One Keep Sloan's liandy and apply freely, Saturday morning about 11 o'clock I wiflioul rubbhig, at the first twinge. the subject in hand. drolmed my hammer from the top, and' It cases and brings comfort surely I "A good sailor doesn't have to Ball HUNG WOMEN sure and begorro, when I went to work and readily. You'll find it clean and with the Wind or the tide," he explain- on Monday morning, the thing hit me non_skin-staining. ed. "It a man knows how to set his, on the top of the head." Sloan's Liniment is pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. AVOID PAH141, sail right he can take advantage of the wind, whichever way it blows from. Making Matters Worse. At a] ruggists-35c, 70c, $1.40. You know that as well as I, do, TJncle I I Maq Ca da. "I can't keep visitors from coming .0A, 1, - 4) Jim." -OKM S tat, up," said the office -boy, dejectedly. i This One Tells How Sltv "And then you say you aren't dif- When I say you're Out they won't be- i Sao cla Was Benefited by Taking and on larid," said Uncle ferent on sea lies .11-S Jim thoughtfully. "Well, I was go- pal e you." t "4,�,..neM JL L "Well, put them Off somehow," said ; lieVe me. They all say they must see pa, -nnue Lydia E. Pinlkhar.,?�- Ve- Ing to read you a lecture on the uses etable Com 'ad. but I don't need to. poul of adversity, a worried look. "N'Vhat- i a the editor, with -shall I say a se, You've put It into ever they say just tell them, 'That's ahell? If you know how to set your AMRIN Regina, Sask.- "For twovearo snf- sail, you call take advantage of any i what they all say.' Be firm. See?" fered from periodic pairus iind it'auz,-a wind and go where you please. Well, That afternoon a lady called. She so I was unable to get around. tly now you go right out and apply that had hard foatures and an acid expres- di Bayer" is only Genuine mother had me take Lydia E. Pinl.haia'q Thtis is the start of, idea on dry land, and see if you don't sion, and she demanded to see the edi- Vegrotable Compound, an(] I ain much make port with a good cargo." tor at once. beiter and able to go about nali'dic tim,,�, a better day "Impossible," said William. which I could not do before. I recol-a. Bob nodded, and a dawning smile "But I'm his wife," persisted the I mend, Vegetable Compound to my friends came over his face. '11\1aster Robert if I knowthoy suffer the sam.,.i ��my, and you may p aybIlsh my letter R it will hel There's satisfying comfort and cheer in a Sheffield," he said, "seventeen years lady. ym "That's fl; 3 hope it breakfast cup of Postum, and there's no disturb- out from Babyhood, bound for Success what they all say," said the I any ' will., I -ML,-,s Oy. ,LL, 0073 Osler'Place, Regiw% ing element to irritAte nerves or digestion and and the Future, Aye, aye, sir!" b 19l 131,AO1'Ce4r leaVe mental energy lagging before the day is M5 Sask. —_ - *..- MONEY ORDER$. If every girl who suffew as Miss BinA­ done. The Mighty -Universe. it is always safe to send a Dominion well dia, or iroin irroi , panruT tea and coffee users Express. Money Order. MY0 doll4ari Warn;n�', -iods, backai: i cache, dragging Thousands of former Would you like to know,how large I . it crial nal to take a erl have f6tind that postum meets every demand cmts three conts, =n pains, inflanimation or ulceratirm the istollar universe Is? In the opinion chance on any substitute for genuine would only give this famous root anli for a delicious table beverage, and brings steadier "13,,tyer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed herb remedy a trial they would soon nerves, clearer mind -better health. of astronomers It Is one million light High lhtenoity of Light ded by physicians for twenty-one years find relief from such suffering. years In diameter, and, since light High intensity -of light Is prov]. As rnany etips as you like with any me.11 travels 186,000 miles In a second, that and I)roved safe by Millions. Unless Ithardl seerns possible that tbor- by F. W a P,�w aro Janiplor motion ploturo wn 01%. yj)U §00 ClIg 11lim., 111��yer'l �- -Aackago a Worn- 1_1 lthl� counTry Vino wrif no after -regrets. meanu that It Is about 5,869,719,600,� �)rojectors Mat has, its positive carbon getting A-8. I or on tablets you are not VIIJUe to SU&T WHIJOUt F�,IjViaa dia L, ,Postam comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in thig' ) 000,000,000 --almost six quintillion- In a horizontal position with ItGerater Dirin at all. In every Bay6r package Pinkbam'y Vetretable, ir.poun'la tr 9 mada instantly In the cut) by, tho addition of boiling water. Miles from one side of the universe to end pointing at the Ions. after all the evidencl at 1� continu rostum Cereal (in pac"gos of larger bulk, for those who the other. More than a million solar are directions for Colds, Ilemdacho, being published, proving beyond contra - prefer to La%%ka the drink wbile the meal is being preplkr6d) systenis the size of our own could be Old Theatres In London. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, NUTU0110, diction that this grand old tncdioiiie has witclo by bollIng for12D minntoe. placed end to ond without bridging the London still contains two buildinga Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain, glieved inore oufitlng among women space. How MmnY such systems the that witnessed the performance of lfa!!d� tin boxes of twelye tablets cost )an ttIly Other med elne in tho lid (gThere's a Reason" for Postum universe could contain we refuse to Shakespeare'a plays during Sllakt�- fe�,, eqn1g. Drftgglsts also sell larger For special advice Women are =,w vitagm Made in tlAnqa. Aspirin write the LAN 1-0. Pinkhani, Medleino I Calculate. spearols life -the Middle Temple Hall Da Co. Lvnn Mam. ie rmIt of for Sold by alt grocers 1% — Elephants have been known to 200 years. and the hall of draylg Ina Ask (oil Minard's and tAke no other. Is the trade mark (registeremin Uana- P F years experlerics is at your "rvice. da), of Dayer Manufacture of"mouO. acetic acidester of Salicylicacid. SUS No. 4a--Jgl.