The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 2- , I ���" i , �-�,;,. ,;���;"--"-t��-,�_-,�"------,--- , '____ _ . � - __ _ � ­ - - �� ---- — - -------- - ­____­_ . ---'-------- -'- '-'------ I ­'­ ­­ �­­_ `���� -----t - I 11 .- I `- N � I 0 . � , "��� . I �. . .. �, -% � 0 ar I I � AP -1w i RETROSPECT AND FORWARD VISION "rhe Sunday School Lesson ' "�� ----­�-- 1 I ­ I I I'll � .fl . 11 Our Corn -Cob Tavko. ;k SR i AMONG THE NORTHRERN INSTITUTES ,OCTOBER 30. . , � --�, R, , ,�.% . . - 9Z * , - V", " _ I — R A 20 I The Twin Cities Womon% Institute Conventio,.i Strong Drink in a Nation's Life. Isa. 28: 1-13. Golden ��--- ; I= � ..... ""'" If � - ,91� 1AK, NO t� I I 11c iws a -very t,mill 40y am im h,�d I V ... � 1. � Text—Hab. 2; 15. n,,)t yvt lvarr.,.-I that tile d1104 end of CONDUeTED BY PROF. HENRY 0. IML.L . I T:me ar(I Place -About B.C.725 an -i ity, 71c rt-i.Ouo; wit wervely,the rew- man is work. Ace-)M*ny t' hin I 11-� . o the �;. - ,� , -n. J, 1. 'N ,,� � 11AVV dlol�-.Ueh ur-m .1 new.;�r mig'htler 11�-.w�-11­:,I�cr Out ek'ul.t to .1-tualel 0'. Tho object of thIS. department 14 to placc at the not, r�<_7 , , �, R. 704; Jeruaik;. riant left t%ftertha Aw"rlau conquest, 6ar n of the r,t,)v,n up. L's r, ,,11;.,.�, vice 01 our firm, readers tho aivIca of an achnowledood �,,_ ,, , - ., . m i� ,'� .. %N Le ' upil hi -11 , , I . I " . , ,,, . vmvl-1, Narlvl world. ,cartfully w'.h a view tz ma4dr..,, it � sson 4S.,Ating-The great prophetz 'but a remnant turned to Jch,)V;�h- who hq.�I impo.3(iol the taEl,. . outhority on all subje0s pertaining to iiolia and4rops. . . , ._ . I I * hth cc . I .1 1. .1 . �._ C the eigi -n'.Iury P, 0. (Amos, Sapirit of judgment. Jeh"ah, the trat, it -%qS r -It a harl ute. ,But to tt; r , , . .. . W Fresh and stror - tha world we ,svize. - .. Addreim *11, questions to ProteaGor menry 0. Rell, in ' 1� . ,�_�,A . gj:eutcr a- t,-, i­,­n1�.%r.Qli.';, nuaibe.- of Hozea, I_z.ajj!,1, �1�2��Vh) ,..vej in, a de. his J;A-upye, -will gulde his . �, � " 04ro ot Tito WilaC:i Put;UshjnU eonip�layt Ll.mlttd, Toron. : .q 1, . , 1, 4 , - . 11 �! woe,t cf lat,-r aul thk- nixec), 1�rnm+- in t%t- nat.1, prcgram Van- - Oriall );�)y bilmse.f. 4 ttem.'d or-llct.f4 - .­ .13 .1 k . - - . .� 1� I ger-prate ,,ge. A perivd of great pros. juitgea. For otrength, . He - � - . "A 1".. �, " . , .1 � . , 0t. *ty His "'JO)" Nvas the ,carrying of ar),,- P , . -, � �. ­ ";. . llilcrmersl 0 K=er,0" uing, wminr- y serviee, anl, lmowl- per-, uw .;=.Jr,?", qnAe ille ,-.Ins Of orl _,101 ,Live valor to, his warr.OTD. . ., . . 4" " peop e IS tot jand an3wera wilt ip ear in this column In the order . I : - 1�_� ,;. will i"S'n-, In which they are received, When, writing kindly men. I . ':�, - �k-,- * - How � Ontarie-as realize t1le' v�,e ,�f li,nv 1he eojuury is governe-1 pr-aF,,-er11,y ani 'viviliz,ation were Turn bacl�'jh battle (Rev, Ver.�; re, ful after arviNT ol corn -cobs frc.m the I .. �'­�,­ � , I I - many � - o fo-�thi�.amirg fr,�na the ravaging Tile lime a Samaria a,nd pel invaders, e -rr lion this paper. At space is limited It Is advisable where , �:..� - agr ..' , � ,, huge heap on the ba , floor to tile big , m, .Au ie of Ontar' w " Bomothing ZI I v;lt% the bp' ' immediate -reply Is Pecessary that a UpmPed and ad. , I ... -1 -. extravagan.�e, 11. The Foulness of Intemperance, 'P. fl. . -� I . -, its immensity ,dawned on the mini t,f, varlous dlpil:-.runents ef state to the Jerzizab�in; luxu17 and LOR !A V10 k3ch0- A bad to be fil!cd I I dressed envelope to encipsed w1th tho questlov% whon � I I I..... - irm of rural Ontario. drarhep.-,"S, -and gmed were -under- Vs. 7, B. ,They also; the P0091e Of every4ay, an -I it was zueb. a big Do..,, the 2%swar will be milted direct . .1 all th,ne -irlio attended the Sez,ond! people in tl.�, lun Anwaal 0-onvention ,of the WomeWs� 'Aliss Emily Guez, of the Dopartmeat mining the fou4eatlons of mo,mlity Ju,dah as well as I.-ra-,I. Nmrly twenty- The =03 boy gruna.,'ed. . C�apVrlght by Wilson Publishing Co., Limited !. � nd religicn. With oin came God; he ycnnq had pAsvA, shb4v tho Sall, of - I Institutes Of tha ,U0Tth,WV%tern area i of Agricutture was present at all the a Then a brill.l."nt idea, struck him. if came to pui-�*�rh: that Was 1,.5a!a.h',% Sumarla in D. C, U2. "There,!' imid J, C,: I 11p,ve a pieze of sandyl,%Veuta isay that if " C,A pra.�Uee eon -I' at the Twin Cities on Ozt. 6-h and 7 th, i Sessions to- '41 Iv-,�e and conferentel w,,i Or Could the people Isaiah to the people Of Judah, "is a he only had a little Ispreis wagon. At growul that is p1larted to corn. I wish I tinually picking out small wil'ole PID -i Here foregathered the grand pi 1�spcaklng on ih; orighi,'vislon, and Rot warnIng, 0, he ni,ade l-n-,wn his needs to the, .on- bear the tramp of Assw_ian .horu- mirror for you to reA4 Your own char- 011�1 to sow alfalfa on this ground next. tat-ces for seed you ,will -very shv.rtl,yf eer boire-makers :[rem two hundred a0deveme:As of fw.4 Women's Insti- men 9 The AssYri Z 'the ec I -UP person NV140 used the corn - i I i ar were t 4r,lr,ge 4ZteT and ,dclatluy." ,Judean noib7ms grown summer. Wculd it be right, to sow I 4v.eriorate the strength of th-z stcali and eighty-five mile -S wesl� *f Fort I tUtes 01 Ortarlo in the twenty-five in Jehovah's hanzL 01ty after city of priesta -and I)ropliets, too" were dzunk_ colis, ., � no this fall and plow under in the until itwill. return inferior yields� A� Willian, and Port Arthur, and three, years E'Y.',.e the first. one vus formed SyrI4 fel.,bef-gre them terrible Onset, irds'(pee dh. 6: 11-117, 22, 23). But in By dim' vf much oloquence and dip- ' At Ileng' th they enzampea within sight their velf C t: spring as cover crop for tb� ground change of seed, it it involves th hurtilred miles east. An& this is only " at Stoney Cre0r, the present needs, -tO1)4dQnC0 lb*y 'laughed at I1CPrMv7, he finally convinced h r th, this winter7 bringing in Of Wtod quality mateT tall the first of the five great z=veut' wiri'the Possibilities of development, and of Samaria. the"_-1pital Of the North- Isaiah'% warain.p. WaX wns 'a Aeceszary part cfhis I era Xinf,ldom of Israel: in these cir- 111. The Insolence of Drunkenness, a �Qn A;%tiwer, It wvald be good peaetlee is high -N. to be deslre,d. that will he b0ld in Ontario this"ibe vision of t1he future. , There are cumstaxr4e3� lealall do,jver*.J- ti equirnnent, I 'now over 900 bzalic-h-,3 with some OM. Ile ia vs. 1-,A,. .1e Vs� 9 9-13 I shall he toach Go the ,shiny red `sPreas wagon be - to s;mr rye en yoar saiiiy graund `iis J I- K.-, When a sandy garden Plot, autumn to meet. the expair3ing needs _13, Whom tall. ro* rye viVl ;6ve ,i %�ev�%ring to�has been well manured in the fall. is t of the rural. Women',% Ir-stitutes. 29,000 members. I `SaMaria:fell in B, C., 722,and Judah, knowledge,? IY4, he take them for =ie a corn -cob, ,carrier. Right -,vill- i ;tl* gr,-url, ar,Z Drfr-ent vousiderable'commereial fertilizer needed -it the, Practical, courageous, ent,busiastic.1 _Mrs. B. 0. Allen of For'. William." for the time. made her peace witb; the childreii. ae drunkards lasked, ex- inglY, for several 4aYs, did the small � r* ary e in ad r a great price. But Isaiah, citedly, -when he varpri�!ed them at a bay work. II-enonce more the attine- l(acir'n- of p%,rr�,,z- -.I dilring tbe Tains I spring plowing? The plot is about a i'these delegates in coni�ise clear-clit beloved 'and effl.4en� see t of th v e , at ' t , , al -A E�n,;mz o4' xvirler. In. tht� sprimg!quarter of an acre, and is planted K reports riade a surNvy of the achieve -k north. gave a val-aaF-e ,demonstration the great prophet of Judah, -marns his I caror.-al, that 'be should repeat ever vass an,1 the long,drawn-out--ness of " t4e ne shaut I b,.?. ple-wed falfay earl)ri'with berry cud currant bushe-% � ments of the Vast year in lt,ole.' of how to per,fo_.n1 ti -.e work- -of Branch, Own people tbzt a lilte doo-M tot that i awl -over ,bja preavthmionts, v, 10. the task palled on him, Again 110 , of,SaintriawV come =on them, also, Is-a.'ah turned. On. them with a teTrib,le voiced a protest, So tl.-at C-�, ."�.l ,.,,-ril rack a -I ne rye � 4 strawberry plants, and fruit trees. Ischeo), community anij district de- Se,-rettary. 5%'xmts -%,;*.'.! riA nn,J fvrpl va'unblet', Answer: The manuring od ,�%­*ur.' N%el"ment, In admirably brief, -witty I One cf ilie gie,s, Miss Arnie Me- � urde�m they forsake tli�lj erns, I thr-aat: "Jehovah is at hand. You "TV$ 'nothin' but t,vrg�tol)V, torn- ' , L The False Security of Drunken- stannnor now with your wine -thick humus filr vour .-C,-* ' �gardzn plot in the fall will have th0ana'pointed sNeihes ani discussionOLennan, spohe on. the Gaua,lian Gies! ness, 1-6. lips. Jehovsh will answer in a Stain- tobs all the time," he r-aicL V. P.. Are ray potatoes i niected'advantage that the manure will be�� thev thresIted out the n Tv.ainmg and t2ieir idea,cf four-fbld� Many ol4ar children and not a few I ent, =C" uys. 4 . V. I. Wo, to, the crown of pride; mering toryZue (the bailbarl-aii. WmQrl'. , _ f ' .1tal, jp� __ Ot a wish, but a wAraing. The pro- of Avsyrla), And when ,he Speaks to I grOwn-17P5 have mads the S ,-- int, with I& dry rot? Tito pe,taio has a � wel ratteet for next sum.ner7s, crops.�', .N*o;th an,4 the available resalurces' de;velzpme _cal, 'Spi am pla sr,all rotte-i spct tud black streaks! It will ullso prevent wasbin.- out of,'. Which could be placed .at the servilce�� itual and social. This aini Met with phet has no pleaFare in foretelling the you in -a ,starnmering tougue, you vvill'with irfirffte variations, ilb-ough �hc flesh. Some of thent -ire � ozusiderable plantfood, although ywa, of the liome-makcr through the ni.,t�, the approval Of %be C�onventicn and dcom of the sinful people, butI speak- remember -his plain word -s of promi'v, Our corn-ccb in-�ks.,_how o%. - I 4 he muEt point out the and, .cheer, v.. 12. You 7-dicule the A. a I _y Lo'low, but now, are scabby. What" will '�zse szmie of the plantfood in ttle, chir.��ry of the Bram-h. Institute whicht co-operation. was favored by the 1P.- ,for Gol, we ry us How their dreary mono - I � "certain end zf their,our-s-a. Drunkards B. C. a his. deeds -judgment upon tany ligzts On ireafmcnt will prevent this? Will manure b-.. this veryalleans. Menwbo` works so directly and effectively with* Branehes� . � of Ephraim; tbat is, Israe!, �,wre ram -'judgment, demy ,and ruin, elow, re- our nerves" at times, they bt g �.)d for wd? They are the'run large areas of bush fruits find" the GoverEnier.l.- through tho 'Insti-i Two banquets, one at Fort William- and the simpler the task, the harder it I . ed from its, chief tribe. Am.3s had lentless, sure." is to do, Seemingly, when we ba -ft lriNh VclWers -=.! -., have rzi r, Iy prof1t,a4le to put on manure I tutes Branch of the Depa,tinent of� ana the ,other ut Port Arthur, were, indictezi the people 6f Samaria thirty Application, sed these,'it hi$ ., "I I. t 1 tendered the de'egatea by the .Wo-, Years before 'for luxury and debauch- Strzng dT!u.k in. an indlvidual'& Iffe k- fivv � car;; withoult. chan.-ing seed. '� as y�;a have done in. the fall -and to, Agriculture. come to the place where We =,�,, de,_ VUR pc;^atc,-s run out? .11 'ca -tion of�� . spairing telling olimelveg that ,,it,s - I give vile T a I a good app, 9 "We have the resources uo, bem if lees Instituies. of these two cides-ery, Amos 4- 1; 6. 1,'6. Isaiah: saw is not a -source of strengthinany par- An�,�cr: It 'A %i,f&-U,t to duagnoseJertil3zer fairly high in nitrogen,41 iThese, with the community smging,,their vices riPe for judgmept, the ticuldr, but a source of weakness. Its nothing but corn-coUs all the time. 71 1 ,to ` he pro-�people as good -as ruined. Glorious habitual um tend -s to diminish the And -so, it would seem Thp- _,TeTk we Jt st bave enough pecpie of the, Imt a happy social touch to f - tl-.�, I -�',%'_� ,x1th Nwar petatte,;� from � potash �--,- � phospharle. add just at the I right sort to k=w what to do with , E-11, 1. ' . , Ir, , It', time tha. Nvork begins in the �Sliylug- � them " VMS stated, so their first ob- I � I the tescher, th-e- banker, tr" buslne�;, ti -e oc.,.r* -,�,�n t%J-., 3�0,j "qubmit. ceedings, ani cemented tbe,warm bond beauty; the ivagrifi.2ent iani luxury of power ,of biWy, min,4- heart vill and . S Man or woman� is my e,p-*�i`rn 0at 1 -he troub!e is later'An applIcation of about 400 Rn. Per' ' of union between town and country, . fqaularia. A fading flower. The v,-reatb; conscience. Tbe us"' of Strong drink I I A jective is better homes ,and he�terl the movie star, the , I , . � already -withere-1. The heiLd of the offers no Substantial gain. and doei f,tmer and the :rarmmeo ,vife, 0 h b.,-*.�"t.t, whkh IMJ�fs a rz�'Iin- ,of the�aere of a fertilizer carrying 4 to 5' which its so marked a characteristic"' ac tn'­ors � � , ­; - � people. Consequently health, educa- of the north. - fat valley (Rev. Vei-); the beautifuU,'inflict, as a ru'e,. wxtold, loss. It is' . 'fi" 4 Weis -1 4'eft-p of corn -cobs: to, -:Z Z;z y,ya have �d szrlbed. I �er cent. ammonia and 10 to 12 per tion, and rooreation were very live , and -fertile valley over which Samaria* thereore, -a ibit of sosculative folly to . looked. Overom& with wine; lite=lly I take to -strong drink -at all as a bev- tackle. And isn't it stranT�_, tlm,t �d convention. The reports and with the,Institutes. As did tho� ,w,:n�stuimed.,, . er hftp looks smaller than The cr'�y 17t�Lt�,etmt to yr�vent this, cent. phosphorie acid has been foun , topics at this The men, too, are vigorously behind V;i_c��t iz- to .,�pray ear. fulb, ewingg to he highly pri3fitalltz. When l%PPIy- showed, that much was being ,done for I lervzge. 7!�,is-experli-reii�tis-alt,oge;."her every Oth � �. .. woifien of a quarter of a century ago� V. 9- A mighty and strong oue; that lone-siSed. F,verythin-toloseandno- Our OW0 . the gmwir�r scaszn, starang nas seon Ing 2t around fruit tree&- scatt& the Schools by the'RTanch Institute. * J . - , ayne had a woman member as 113, k3yr,T, ebovall:-v instrument, 4vl; � thing to gain. True, iVs "corn-dobs, fall the uviwr a% th,c' 'p"ta"') pl=t& are 5 or 6 inz-hes � about 10 to 12 !I*. per tr,--, around, the Hornep, Women of to -day believe irk the co -i VVII zrl zpmy:--�r cnze twt:ry weelc!tree ta fhe exp�ent that -the brauchesl operolon 4 men and women for bet-! 5 :for the Pun�shmezt d', What ,then is Che true course :for for mast of U& Life oec�ulonaily. �' School trustee, and as it was Impos- � .sinful Izrae,.' . - ter home% better people, -a better, . every boy and Man fir the nation? gives us 9, new Wagon -some inmr,tive ,cr ten. 4-41m s z �'.e­ er',"' tl,�.te p%-, - q have reach and -wzrk it ;rto ;�le ' ,,Oil by sib,le to secure buildings enough to Vs� 3, 4- Trodden under foot (R v.! it Ot t � r u ninde the -r ft,-, grow -,'i. The Spray to4,nihivatian. community, better and happier social e Is n h� f ee co rse,of total. al-*- -to Make -our work easier for a t!m, " I cope with the rapidly growing child .),, crushed by the remorseless ir�%sthjenee? See howathlete,3, Who per- _ use ;V; 1-m- as Bir -Ciux� Vi*1'-.-.'-; is � '.%Irs. S.-. I would like some irforina- life, and a better and more scientifie.��Ver � I But before the --hire ,has Wed froi, 21".;i " .w. T4 . 1. rapulatiozr, they 'had interviewed, the. agricultum �Tader. Hasty fruit, Rev. V,er,. "first --hap- make no pwtenze to religion at, .1 . , I I 11 the wagon., we discover that Wiere Ade ly ** - ­�",�7, '.n,e�, 5 --s. � IL bout some 'little ,chicks three R,ailwa- officials and oecurei I r up ,�_ .%ls. z' �_ 4 - t in a - ripe fig," wh-zh might appear in June,, aill, give up the drinking babit absoT of eo,�rer s-.'-,*-=? ar-* ..1�4 gm".nis of.­%veeks old. They have a growth a Pas- This the country women carry to a seas= WaS rat'lutely during ,their perl.nd of training stiN at the same eld tasic. r-e " � I senger ,coach which they had equipped ..while, the proper -fig - vrtter. D-S�C,: logical conolusion in, all they do, home,, tKI August, These early fi After oll, it isn't tha icl) it�e� . he ccrrizr su,phate around the bill and eyes, nud as 11 as on extra -room for the -pupils. � gs. were in or.Zer that they -may have a better .f. it rm6 ti -e i -me seZ!_-ratt2.v;a-.i ;�.:ar th,,m " nercr saw anything like it before, I' sebook-Farmers' Clubs and, Inelitutes," counted a great _;lg�.�zagy. Seeth � . in chance of vietcry. Is it not a ie-brune. j� S ­ ' j� Stratt,. 'had gained a Consolidated _n't our working tool even, --but our conventions, Government,department-s. "his hand'. . eateth it up. So svv4.f+Jy that men -are nat more vvilaing to idenY working vpiritI te-,Wher irto 40 gn', zt. c.- w,­er just � would like to know -if it is catching, 1 School. The generpl opinion expren� . . that detvermine3 befere yeu ere ,-,-:n,- -­� lasc the ma- as I don't want them all to get it, Mi. ed t t th 01 t h I A resolution -was passed "Ing ,md greedfly will -k---.-.r-*a deevcar!fheniselvcl:� for the' cake Of succeS3 -whether or no+- 'we are'haPPy and EUC- � s` � ! VMS 11a 0 COUS 14a Id SC lal) expre- terizal. Do r4 --,-,L j1::. W t 1'� e r * deep appreciation from t'he women Q& Sainarm. �3 in. the gr"test game of .011 -the game .J'X-,;are to, it should be or if it is some disurder twas the best solution of the nort Z � cessful � � , thern. I the north V be.ngg ren-ey VZ, 5, 6. In TEls polnt.-,� of tha life ir. deed-Ahe game 01at To - C-1 ­=, after from feeding, as I understand they I eduzational proqgc � tile servj.,O:� 17 - that a COM ztszd for any - gth t.4f 1i ,.M. practicalllyi ed to fie . - to the com!ng messla-lylic age. Lord�wins that true cup -cf satisfaction .plain continually, "It'i r,,- vc--7er Y,`,,.`-3.te a-1 �;mt- ',ave beei have Tioen fed on cracked Corn and- w rlirsl bo.-lie-inakers Dy theL , " t, every Branch had done soniething to at on . crvwn of glory - . diadem of'whio,h brims full forever. If we wnly' th"ing but vGrn-"bs all the time." will m in gk& mixed grain. tario Departmem.: cl Agricultum b;;uty. .Tehrvda will -i replace. the f � - ' I" � al;e knew how. to omit, hcw rich life -'n,Erthen 'our c0untenanzes and shirten . , brTr 77 the home into, rlliiser r.r,d more i through th e 1'r-stiln-tes Br =-2h, coup�- e.ory of - t7tioll upon, cur days.. , ' Uxury w-ith the Ehould liecomo. "Leal, not Far bette-T ta "go, to iv, , -ul co-cperation with Vie. �xl-hoo7 't a Nctbix ,:,.-r. N- &,te t.-.� priven�t 1.1ne * Answer: It as d-ffieult, for ire to' he.:� -7,!end*r ara � disc.=- -'n the �eel W,1 ­13a vou, 'r.a-. & -n , diagncse t1he 4,sense that is affezting' -16 ed with t1he v;_ -,-h tizat th*s serv-_*_-e-'t=e &r.v Ct r!ghtteoussness ar,J 1mr- the iiine, when 4t is Ted." with the Spirit that sings, "We7l, JIM 4* * pmviding hot lunches. play eiyuipinez-V - - be stUl. fiir-,her extarae:L A elad -1 have .torage. I v�uld i�eztnnm'y a`vzie ,ycu your eh!Qtlens, I wV.;1d ad -vise -..O',l to na­nt , i t zonsj,.`i '-1 zomethir,,r to do even if " * .i giving an annual Ed 1. sypeZZ27, voze ef th=1%, 'Was given to i to get s,-ne 4E�-zease-IL-ei�, P,2ilmtzes are fir warS ycur ln;�-%iiry to Professor W. � evening wkereby teaaker�,, tnm!ec�. Q . - v it is Only a �cOrn-eeb job. And., any- .: EaSY Methodsof Ice Starapre. -a net w __e ,%u7_r_nte if . - A _- ': _, I A Dangerous Menace to the Way, COMI-cabs are easier to banj10 id ,v yonr own ,se�Z cx .yvz: ivil'l & G=T-_,,=.. Pau'.-ty Dept.. 0. A. C,, anLI itlzer,g n.,!gI.- _r C. . Put= " I c * ii 11 . " � � .. _ me&, ge. ac- - I Corn Crop. than mw-leg.s." - �s I s� �_ I- n -�r,Wyri',ItzOnal auth- quailited, tan:l fir -i a eov,mom_ ,,,- mn 'he ,��mnz-e k..-' sz,rizd;.- '"he d.s- Guelp%. T,Zz.- , a, ta Tihase 'm5ac gum2anze -.n the pnst ,,Zaxmers and dwe.:eis in snin = 4 eal,se. onty za xml-n% and WEI 9, . 1, c ' r - de &-en-_,serve-z wh,h e A , ,C - � & so in-ach I. pre_-znt day succers v.as _r, rravi C, . R 6_'Ith e to r, oul.t:-es r-4nn-ing ��ut � I eci-s-tic-nz eafly a-tentialL Ive YOUr , thetic viewpoirt for the ensum'g ye -an d -e zui�p:_v of ;-,,e for douie�stie The European Corn Borer.discover- i . -, PuIT"':'3'ed in Canada :for the fira� time in., __ _____ , "T' -C "t Peace River Agriculture. I The "Traveffing College" er Sh�z�. te- -,; th very li-Ce trouble or expertze.' _. - _ . __ _ '.. __ _ b -se -w,-=,-n ---e seatesmem---�4 I '1M � 1 Cour"s rut on by the lw#_�.I,es ; =9 M,-;�Z-1-_Kdi=g Vf t�h� li:_ebesi As tte DnL-,v an:i Cd' -,d Storage C -cm- , - ,is r,prea4ing with gi eat Tap-ldity. I It will be interestit:g news to people 11 I 11 prt--m-a-m A wcc,;1en fic *�, LA tse,l to, Branch of the DepaTtmee. of Agri-tul- I ; Frompt. measures are necese-ary fOri livirg in Other pues of cnnaoea to ti i . I , erae--,- e,-_-=ente_i an o�_-,e-mvant =-n. miss*oter *r the DomirzIcn states in�its ch Icing -a .a I 11 1. I brimg it to a u-..-4.-,tr_- vilegness ard ture came in for dle:-Ided apprVve-1. thie � -I r 'em, - -M � ee 7i control, and every hear on the evillence of tale Super - .A A � , _-wi -m think tlie MrZ,_ :UM -woua a bulllet!n,oa "S', P'. - yeth*ZS for the, R smc*tbne�s. ,'1oi,2y­ complaint being that --I*re ,xvre', � 1coih grower ehou!d leaTnIhow to iden.! visor of the Domini�cn Expe,rlmet-,,,�_q " ca=e t!m­::zeh -t-he vmiek a.-- tLhe ih=za. S-Z--r-age of Ice," any c6rner Of a szhed I cm ,'to a l0a,"t Just I Station at Be,xverlodM A`herta, that ` . I—- r 'tify it- A 'rd'�'i � V1 ,g. HO-.�_ 'a g �, It is a gcna V.an- 'to ezver elt-her, ne. etwug7h, ol the= in Se-, '-- _e N 4, C-p-ment, ft*rs fe-. T=:t .. 01a � CP7 - , I beg; - � , tt I , t1.1r - j�, !S zc­ -7-g w -Ka serve for the Purpose. A ough' I , -, are ,mxy vatisftt�ztary, r�r"""441 .- .. ar t*avd flevzz, with sever2ljnur,-i� D,---e--z--*,- Se,evm, �M,i Mr.-" ' ' issued iby the Entomological Bra'Wkwith .adequate trazr,r T 'I't : ce"nent . g. bzari ea-,-1c,s1:re ten.feet, sq7aaro andi ,ort t.1, a on , e � ,, zbr=i�h the warmen�l I ,er,ic, - - ! ini-hes �Gf sstJ. and Ztter or. top ,of Unery. of thi Dominion Department vtf Agri -i the Peat River region Should, develop erly meae =e dvy or. -S *zis- - . 1. N "'ra!s wofk Is Me the IS;- IaWre7l.Ze e��h-- feet -high will Ina'd. -�iffficient-` cu:t 0M -ene, k� the P;��Itry 16"- - T!q-- 4 � ture, this pest, although previously, into , 0 �_ .. 11�-S. 11.1s =--l-C-5 a solter flc*r :Fer" "We are the nnnst ezDnmmizs��y =,m� On4 of the finesd; t3irest and I - . 4 ` R* si.v-stem,7 sa!d the Prts!dent, i0e to Pr1DV­'-- 50 raunds for each ofl' idtutified in the -.,sew ftelend states, Iforeanost Mixed,farmin, ' - 3 n.orth ' �i . every In- - I ', region by u-0 wriur !,_-e :!;C=Za-,_-,�-� -:or ea -,11 �, *:-e fov",­ to ,S:ight upo-% depa �,ett on tle cZr.t,=eZt;, was ote ��, ,r- -, - _z__9. - 7", "1313 day -s -I Cr ebliat three tor's and a! Z, dis-covered -in Ganada, only - larst, of the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. W. D. Al- " _k._. Tc�,.; - , _, :n h�. _ ! — . .r zd& _ 4ny�z- hcuse wnz- --aZz- ,of e,-rtzrete. I � stat,-=ent =_-de. :t t:e s--eatn' every 15-t�ze ekro­p,� tzmtri- Eill. �adter a2owiug for a reagcnablel in ,,,,� e i 0, six btodbez .17.`ee. set L-1 a '.I-Vd<f gravel. 4 Seed Grain Distribution. i ­T.,�, eecnommiea:_t_�-ere ,ms -- ' ' g year, its lin,ant thenbeing revesied in ,bright, 'the Supervigor ., g , n I " `;Ze- - 111 1� TIM' 4� lk , JIV it w ' I ,*Ztes Its P=-" Za =akL-Ag zlte� mm " - Zmc'uz 4. cl _wL::t'_'9e' T'np- ar r t e e tGwnships of Welland. juml Haldi- I leftfiet just tL-mued. is very optfmi ��Cga to -=..,, be: -31- - !� �Silt�-On 'g. what it ez-sts to bULN tkree =Ltes �ef? ok-r-t. *nc�e. - L-T,�=y gie'! ev,rtry -woman �V=VffY s-tored, the greater propor - m2nd, countie's and twenty-nine town. stie, -._­� aciv.), e.--.- x ,-Ie' T -re mit-aa: free eistr- I - I frcs!+�!ne _­t1t!I,eae-n:i:e_,to-_re-. �: __-, - i see4 graLn :1.1 ter, i I and expe'riments and tesfa made by- , provmCL-1 1_­-e.Wa-,-s, �m � - er -.-C-1 ol w be evtn "-Zsl��Wl:a 14mes the kc=�e =i its B=ns= t!--='ZeY,F-_L'lba-,teW--e,e- coverthe s.1hips in Elgin, Kent Midilte wa-----we '=-4-F? t-zn ett�er� t%eiQt,_j�a,�sZ%unl,�__ , ,je C,e_,t, ,tj ExpeT,: - spent en vZ tlh�_ Wbme!�'t lr_� -,_'t,Ztes!,1 cow_ E*X, Hur0n', ., him appear to justify, hi, ,ttitua, He bezze. Tlhe ,--,z--.:-. vzas ez­=Ete� --wo, . tbmts is a ra-_ e� ta!s Wcn-en's bcTtzm of the 4enL'.'v_--4re wivii a foot of, and o.do,,4 Q11t in On,barjo, I a tO41 of I expUins that Besvverlodge is men -m! Fariin, ,Orzavra� by. t%e Don:1n-"1e'Dnta!i0 tas'- Tle=- We Z-7--!:i�d ft -1,k' Itstitates! .V.__r,1&- witb �ts gr' -a., d=e=" � � "i _5 EnW�Izast- If the soil urAeriieath is! 3,770 sqviaro ,miles being infested, six mil,, We t of twe�ty_ atd a bc�f !=�,- ecep. 'a:i �crer twa- , ,,, 41rand .r, -e:,7 I we =,4ht lmve as mnca lis ex mt'trz 9 �! a,_6,& p - eecal r z- - Praide city _. jC.p_ ,�,�_ , ,� I:T T-erv�ous c' y a fev.- inc'�.es ol gravel! This year it hae; been identified, int- and twentY-three miles eas Ise 4 tpent on US th!5 ,reM-- -.,.tECtZt be; --g'! _r_ _z� *3 1 ,p,jy tar rc-cfirg -T�1,-er �_i g.--,vc-. ;�' T ---e fe_,zW;_-, ;dnis om- ea grain Mxe larst e, the five. en!s C­=e7±-:,=, - tm!2er the saw&sz is advkza� le. Leave! twen# t of the H�4C-�=L- 18� a ,-'C�,C.a n- . � _two additi,DnUl townships, , British Columbia. bowAary. The vx- .. " noo, and 13 ,IV & _L�11: - unduly rveXesi in cur de-,_a-_;�_Q,*1 -was i send's f -lawn a bree-,�� �f_ inspi-r-4;-mi cs a SPC -20 tf One foot betweei'k the boards I NorfDjk. Brant, Li In We, i - .1�,J- el - - CL.;,,L I'll ,IV -=a V--- be, Z% ,E , c,a. �: cE-_.ent fcoz; ,; � 'SpT,.Z.4 7��eat tin S7��=,-, 5.1,�, the o=!�,'aswm of the Ze.eggattg. "We �exhf!,aritilmgasi� vwm brZ_,-i-_,Ta7_,% jani the ite ar-i Stair -with sav:dust and . t,>n ,being added to.tate toucties pr,Q-- . Peribiental exea is higir� the top,. - "' - ,-ralihkal survey reading 2,500 feet one�_*=_% �_-C-�,:s ,-,=C- %z C'n -,Ee m-_a,p-*_es%; v;�,,z, eats (4slout 4-:bl; '160 not --rantt fewer vtl r-,Ia& b-,-E,� -We are 9,a� batk t6 rraLse =w-ty,'e��--fr the it� to about the sarre ex- viou-,�T Mentioned. Tahle oweet,com above the level. S'.V-_'n�_-E-S a�_' V-7�:-.�j�7.-. -,7r.-n- nett�_ngr 'aa!E-5 tar:ey tclkut 6_11.1; fle-Ul --eas je-w'-t =, ere gc� h=eg lara lon:ft, wen' " tl!s year ts send r_��j 0-:7 t!te ,�e,,L tent- T-16 fi-�C-1 the '$111,rdust th e bb et - . The lowo,_zt ,,vjut,, �� - - I * iand Flint aTe the varieties most filf- temperature V;as 62 deg, F. in 1917. vvez t--'-* !!,Z.ar2.s. cz-,S a :m;t�r ,r-- cC-,1Z-:,L%.): zne�-' RV,atn's ts�!,. 2-1-b.); flax el--cz4a �ho-e-=- kers, fb= &ft -w- til­,,,� gates im-i Z2 me=_Isers n-0eZ___y_e as -wel IIE'- L" -- &Pezisl e,%4*osure has to be I Ifected. The frat sign of infes�tatjon r It is 4pTe it, tT fc---ml-I� 'C'i Qa �-Z,- th­"A 4 -,�, . _eTainer,ly an oat , rx--.�_ ,�_mL W ,1 aolngq to rext ye -es ez=vc-�-avr.;* --=*I tl�e` bm!'t, any ki7d Cf a shed that isl ' ,un V, , ­ . , � %i��7Z7�, ��%. It Is t��e ,h-_,=_e-=_Rk-9n. V.ha az . . aprears waien the oora -,s from two to I Danrer ,=t L -- Cle. Q.-Mle-r", 0-1,Y1 ,(`-te SS__P"e c3n 11. aemt to the ma:�_y g�,vat vcrk df =aec�-,� women as -,X-.t:-- ,_sel-ei Epris, fl� vvctntl,er-prsc�f T,111 armsNer tat, pur- . _S iD 1919 Tie!Sinc 132 is VCvv­. I cver ,_*� t-lele, in il to lhnva a n,eezt:y- s6".-_', 1"5=3'­iti_-n I-ZL,A_;rg.­ � ,three :feet ,high, snm."! rounded area -3 I z. . e1zh Qn,,t2,Z_-Xt. I "A-_*d_L-_-g 1_3�7_­;" bef-vre pa--- r -'Sc. Lf sawdus'. camnot be eitniuL41 Zb ut the size I btts"I 82 lb- tO the acre; Victory, 119 . �J sa--. � o of 4 pinIs head. being tle str!r.ge-r,4 =e ecs,-- t,-,et!:,Z-=. 114, - - bushels- tigowo, 113 bushels, and ,! Apt".=_ tla�_-4 maz-t :-.%D 4on p-_:-te3 He_,at'=- W_�- =t;4-er =__31 "z�10_& zLg. TOr Ptek5n."', ]�-�ner m**Il thavings or'.1sible ... 1, Z , .a,vi ' Abundan,10 Ill bushels. Syrmg ,ex -,eat -W - ,n& been eaten, out of� mt Ed.!�r_,flge"Vzek :Z- u_-�4 ,-�,��M,�:-�-��T-sw�2-,Z'_!- Imay "bee�-taLzxdby -v,='_t- Z& --re is r:LN hcw�-ts: l'--nive- Fcrt�i 71he 4btL-e= Gomve�_--11=3, G.1 1!��It nre: n-,21--h,or =y ,beer Eno W11 bay that f , lth.�. Q�-z-­­- �;_ , I he upper leavcc% Just'� seems to do well in some districts, the I " I the sirrfasm Of t 4� ; _!1, tw% t1he D'=,:rZZ= Csvez_"-st. Expe_-.- W; -::i0= am�! Winn!peg� a dist . , Places can be -used, but now it 1.9 initc-TeAing to know that thL-! five-year ,average yfeld per acre of . , - tamnce �d � Xerth uqy� 0,,.t. 18-1g; otta-%__ , g- �-4vvs i- low . . - IL-:I�e=_ �,'e,.'r'�"z *:�--& -,-- 4 �. ti Et =_C-.-Amr�14 vase the bn I -0 �,:�`�- :-S 1�7,L� mc,nta: Far=-. Ct_­a.a. 41=13 =L�zs. Gme wa=an re:,,z-_,tad be�. 0 --it 25-26-217; Lcn&m, .Kov_ I-2-3; I'l 0 - y i winIter is prist,ed- by the pest a-, dirty- tez.el fc-. se'.et-'I 1:ay�l fr:m d!re,�n A� th-e st-l"Q�t e. --,E--j IS 7ft-_nte2, -15 mE'e.� :!r,=_ t��e r.sz4-eo�- &c,,or�,,Tbr,-_-o, Xciv. 15-16-17 sr' -.40 It w4e2 pm&,-tJ two f0c", t,h;cl;. whi -01, being 42 bush. 85 lb. -against __ w. ,to. t,,oN)_ , li�, ,,%t a=1 hqet Vv*ni_--, r,Z r .,,- * , " !�_r I I -b — The br0`ktL-. &cs pjanq,, "j:.,ji, � 0 S nea,Llo, I Hur E-nn'1g, -:5, - -"-Z7,;z are �� I-. �S�- 3 to apf.y t��.y t-3 .An -_-.1:e= h=1 �Qc-_-1 --'!a har, d:strizt Z-cr�! .eat; 1) . . .1 ca' .crpillar, one 1 82 bush. ,,N8 JIL a Marquis in,, jjojn_ __ - , . � nch or so 1;oqAg, ill burrow% in. eo=.,ng lots li� t�o sta& a ... - a - zbzg .ion. xvtascm t�1*e rz,�f -_"� r_-a� cn t'n.? 'Tt�7'.Zs�, ,,�.,-�, z (�,Z7,;)7-:=- -- - vv�ia 114 ye=8 = I th:s ysa,- for - '-;;,S--,; When to PhMt P,DtAtOeg. and det !is Of k . , me,nt. 7mr,sL everyth - req�ired for I Barley is a lemc,=e "be 1-3Z �= -_'-� -a-'2. ,-- at tl-t? S -�-._'ng a1;Z*_,e_:, tz,o la -:e :ast seas-�,M rx-v par- tLnze En I a =--I to ez­_ .. stalkz� corn refuse, unbur."tJ stub) le! , e c --t c,,-,, MEL-:! -5_--=e 1_-te_-ez-%ir=- a=d Vn�-" le tez-ts cz'r_t;,_�-actfon an -a st-crage: it also. and in some, ef, the st'v u`OieratelY Safe crop, Guylalaye 1Z, rot r�'. on 1.."_-�, t-.:!*r�nz -ann, 1:11�, ­__� �:r n�c . - . , 'r � . g",%q 4, . - ater Nv -a . - _W ;,:C,!e_1. :,-# 'ge'xl La tne.� ez�nv ,u! e,n*- !=s'",-'er ef " I- 4 46:f-- -,TZRI, the let-w,ells that ceds. As bWit. viel1ing 49 bit -ea. a lb. per.am, . S Ct Ct� S�� t, '" L""- " cte IteEt-g o3tdizebei by t�:e Ro=Ur4'.1- - .4, - - ' 'ro used control lar,3 preventativo nvza,sur�xs in 1919. _ flo-v= snz zett as -_--Z-f,- nn� be ::,4� .. ­ f ,.�n _n dri�, _ _ :Ze- a Prair-e provinces for ju,e Peas y1ea Wei when frc3t - t- -'---.0 'at __n:2Z��'; .1 . sle CT '_,�-e_-, * 'cn 0 . - M th - ,.10 rea: _I , .A� - . - ­_ .��at ,,i7l- ithe Dominion iiwomologst Te4mm- does hot ,Ftt in t,o C.,T.,7. Hardy ar-A czr 1, - - t1� Z E _�- en -, t"N --- � t=Z2 ,a!----- _* t2:e D,arninlsn Ex- - � � ­ T_V. -_��--n­ m:ry I,- �'Orv�_-r2c,i to t2ic-n. 'No -=!Ien- ary Aday fd'_1 tertv�- F 1:1 =Ze.- P,,i=,.,:"4 F=, - , A- Ire in t'e Winter and Stor;ng ��,r the, Mends eUtting the toi% qJS s-a')n qt$ Varietit.', "MU - ___S r e as* - Tkn*_�e 8�,--_,:% arc, C:vECO : , I -,i�,C.z- a,C;!--. - - . -"- . to �, Z,3 t7= b . t=a _1z__=__11ZT. of ,wintn -%hLat yic:3 N-,eli r�t_,,m f,:�m-- -w* , �!*, !!4,=.i -Z: ­_d sfa e�:!�'-"" -_rs Vera V�'�'"-Sy' P`C�-'UTI-a I "W pot3top-Q. Zhe-ze te---q st er- .. ready and as el,osc. to, -e-�, gyounj ,, -Z - __ - -_�. P. & -- t -.q !' 'tr ttZrZ�;_ -�e Zrp 7to 1:-e=, �-�_Te J! :� ,,3 CT =--,�, to rTV-21� �C7 el-_ZM5�,-r ani a�tc- Fe'.�i :s-, Ic"42. ____ Q!'�� t�!:e n"el eI ===_­--: ��11- _-tg� :C1 -St .4 -- a -n __O� When,nndftIms axe favoralde,;nD high Qctltz%-w,5�'n cra t,-. rreve_-_�-, tl-e �Clrnn_ . 1, pVv%ibl1L,; never pasture off v.3rn ,or I I I res 45 )!1AEht1'3 per tzre having been, ing C1',=_,-*_zq t;;�Zn !�-e Z-.�r!i�:,� C5 tj�e D�-_,_;-..*n Co.Te:�*:.zt_ I 13 LIS s--m--g*F E--;0—,,­�-�, It vv -s gn� C_- eLr -,-.-�-_,tv ye' -I.3 zma , . - Stalk's after ,husking Avith cattle or thrml . .- � I � - lk,vj. W*ntf--� rye pr,�niise3 well, 0 I '_--_*�Z-3 tLe V,,-;Zr_-_e�. C PZ-Z�:iZ C�,s 'JE2 �m rragra-A. Aczn,r�2:rg !s tl:e , , 0 ; ­ i ho�m vn-,Rle the ent.*re corn 'Crep 1 ?1-3 high a% 57 br,�iih. per cLzre being *__,�**!It V-9 sz.-�%Zn:, n -k_- =�fz=i �n On Housmit,ig, the Boam RC -3"_t!-_ C-7---f-I ILq7-Zl a way to C*_qper_�te RC- 1, I Nflerever P0391blt'; wheore nr, viZo', n 1911,R. T,_stt 1�.ave :)ee. cl�ze. es'e, �eet t,e.'ng Z�,ns-!LM2�..'� ;,!X:1! - .­ l ,­3� ef t1e, D,-t2!-_�tn H�rz_'zn7_�-Zr- ,I I I I t . . 7;,-tcn ta­R�n� -ov.t'n S W; - -e - - ,­­ t;_�,� Ez-.-_�;tes, t:* te�ng Z�,­ --,. -. - - ts= fc-_-3 t1:1t rms 5est 1-16, # �� *% , ; thrC\­hrJ . .1 V391h, Fat�% le-_;�-n -;z f, � _z,:-.!�.� '_�,zg -­ is- " rMs -#I v u .In_-�_,­"�, ­ C-tl !, - - Se4 shretl or out fo,&II,or c..o.1% lx�_' , - F6 --'=-- 1P, --Z-;--_' ,a" =�7; 1Eff!Z1=-t ,S�'-_;t�� tj-. . � 1111:ee to a,1;,,ert_-4u vh.,tt gra-, . �-rc-_�,e= a le-- ,:-lys t�,l ne r�!-= . n � ,, _,57- . r- .�� 1� _.eg 61-I n!: , C.* t�­', _!!�,..­ =. _ _ , _2Z!, n _ , fore fe�_1111�g; volltzt in, litaps All' leVan0a d a bvs'.�, e- I 1�%.il , lim, ,.I ft, =�,*I-. c-�.e-nt-r-r=. ._'.!�� � - fc= �.:!�g, ct :,�"zt r x � ,* A =eiF�-_tf!�n c! om-..�-7: - - ray � � - itc tn` �!,� d_"'"�"i� 6_1;c_?� at ;-,Z-tP ___ ,__4- . __ ,� ­ I �, ,* ,__-_� , � ­ . - . " In r_1a1U--11:�­rft!.i; 1") rv­__,,� f,:= _�:-s �,r_ _ is !�,-jv,e�_ !�, 10 e,A 17�'. Parts ef the plant rtt 63(tIbUni rMiru; � e . �1_ I O -en — .1 'y fc _?31 IT � - _", - ,-.4i- Q -_-=3:S i�zn� t ,-­�-­,_ _-.D L:=��s .=_', ss��t t�, M,-. H. V_"� 'T t�. "�� C_'�T__eT '"-'-il At BeAtime. Zoo th�nt the licap, p r P,, ��p'Z __ �­ .I- A6iv:s!zn ',n,,- s��_­,-�'-�­& stj �-_, c& -- - ', - `"­ 7 "Espea!:_ - � -tatiell is a hanSicap. winter . , &- . ­�,�� r, _-3, - , *_ ,r,w"-_:-_-, -'-::�*_ *ft -t -K,-1-- ,�­ wr�:-�,Z,,% C�:1� ce t!�e D_,r7:S:-- cr,v - F�8- .9 aro, not tr,%rre.1J,,4,,J ,�,t as & rq�-,,,� trO1;�,),,,,c3,1' , , '- _� - :e-7,. .=,�--S, QS a r��e 4t'!: - i hiffilig i.% r ale. ,�n� lr�-� �*;--, 7a ww-p ---- `1 rt--., I a" _2 - -,, _� . ;� S=t=j 31 go to bed at sev,, on by the Stock-, doji,)t ust� tllc� Z,�'nl%s t�_-t , _� ­­ �. _:,; Tianethy, aild Wt- -_ a .; . 1��_an_ Sr*Z�"_,E*�7 ZZ � t� zay �t-­n !---:a C _-!:3 WE:!_=�- C ! r"fe *12��C-Tcl_ R-Cnar',� ZL,-Tt ""X.t". ,,, * �tern R.N - gr q, �;� tsa :3� tLe th�e, 1. , . I ,�Jve e'jue WeIll, n, - " - Z _-& Z- ; 'a 'fal W=,zh S-- CS n��: !O ,-:�­.ng- -_ C - *­ - = .� - _ " fc-'r MY fr.er,4 the nieht vene" ,�ings for `bCdc"n- 4nd t�row them into I aIN 1.!% prz.wd - t1- '- s - ­- 1.1n c.::,? `n�_:qnze '- C-= e6 H­yll!i S�- �-I-a 6�yma , - - 2� C,�-L-_­.� !��at !��, � - tl� 11111"Ilre &:17* '--o'��rd I--, ��-��:=,�­: it -,"Z.,��: -�, ­ . k;e:'�_ ";_'�-�4� _'�'-"` M! A"7 C`ss Tr -r e A !=,�7py titt:,a gocs-night somg . , a i*-!�C,:4:4[-7 �t�� 1��%Z? �-- 1, ­-�� k"-- f',�.nE � �:! 'Z'= tl�7_.In�,--:_-: tor __ ` plolv an" rell all corn laml, & 1;ue2C-,1,% Thtse e- _2 .'�___._ _�,_t - �O -- I !'c -.;r ytama r�nt4te�tA ;,"=4�si != 40 y ..tL,.t t xperinic-nt; have ��-t,l - zf,�%�::-,­,-,��-i� ­­ I __ S z - i: 'r '1:�� t'. ��. - i �g,s r -s WAMI ds Pussiblus, aterli.irvest; E��_ '314_� , �-- ----- - o _ __ _ __ , f h,rp _hic ; ., and" onTy J�eeit ill pregrtw', . ­­ ­ L. � �'-'] -,-.--" b -n- �_!7�*- . -?-e =a- -"-e 1-e%tl , T&Y 7"e:�!� , i_�Sst- 0, 0 ,_,U..Sq 41.e M�" � 1-_--E1 _2� ­, a 7.'�;�, _'! cl , , s for thr�ia years, n ^ , " r. ,:,I " � ,� , .t­-,� . - __ - - t�m - don*t -harrow until the SpArg; Pul) UPI ,_ ..& _�'o _ :37�� �C_,� . , '�V­ ^,e .3 � .L , � ., '. - - --- U."_- N - _-�: ! �*_Intf,7� Dt-;n,-t-r-:_,t e . . - -, -1L S:7--;;� C- cif L-n�_�,�:n�, Qgor, , z I . __ . _c�,8==s vcl:�-�-! -!= YE!94 bat in Every (V to�!ras ui3 in t*ne tre.- tcv,z, while thts'a .�r. gr,ain, have "beer. gming �,��E�t,r,:�- S� -..--,-., nn.t t, C:��-:_:,�,%, . ­ W13 destroy kitrhen V�tTk4,elv cgwcet� - :,;� zaat 7� , ,�'­ - ': q %L -_Z�� " �_-i Z. -F -) (�!�- =1 a Tre. -nc - . *a 1?teep B( - "n SbIZO 1914, w4enwar'k ualstartc-I - m * - - -, - ,�--,�,�,' - �as pnv;,�-2 tl ��t t, or,., _,.Z,,�� ? ..�, %__--,:� ._,� . _t__ .0 V -a F_ �Yer,4� ti"a stile. corn sta:ks u,% f W, .A'.,:,%,n� ma, _4.0 1 as (17rN I - ____ - . I �C_ � �; PIowdo-," a v,Dry iinlit y, p �"t_ ( - , tc:�lo isweet ,eora f w, e 1,3ve 16� ��_ - _5 iw_ ­ __ ms�t -,:�:n -- ?_, qlu'l r'1�11 ,,,,., in , ed I _ _%at , (�­ .. * . .1 � . C-0 !-_,gT, Zc="_-"- t*?_ -:Z -.I- . 1--.1- �:en_ V�_:- ,:_*� ��? fr--- ta V-_9 Lnt:stez - A"t� Yt_- - e x*­�_- . � - -# t _-� ,�_� en, - n - ==^_- ��-,r L , � ra---% CZUZ�:vr !�;i Of sl=$ that watch the U!Zht woe'd. os ,# - ,z�-_ C'_'_ En �� . _­ l( " I 4 *061 i�.rop, tw't ati, a 113 _�s� a7c, - __,C-_" ,�n­ .�­ . - - ­ � -� !t_-nZ!., .a�- :r.Z- ��f::� � .- -- --- -,�` �E 1�1,�, styl�,:�ZttM (;=en M_--_-ta!n. siliy-S!2 mts e,- � 110 Sirtg'% to Ine "t -,V�.A_ �. . PrOVE", f -'1:Z! -,C -,_q f��!. rV,tt-o ��!��_--.? 4a7e ,C, .-- -!.. -, . . , ."-c . __ ,- - - � - . lue;llate4y the crop 31a"k a�ecu hla, rl " - ,­­ -, - 7' ___ - �L7' i 4� . C . (-_-.�l Vzy-c-ty wcn 1p"=_ts,al rm C-_-�� e. , *= 1"t'�S", ctelTs in 1919 YiQ:,�ing 300 Vul-11_13 per . ­_ - --- -�. zcl ::-, ,,�_L�-,, ?��E:­ C*,� _: � , - *t*r n't_xt T�'�I-V, celll��,t' fieret UldN% ere or two r,'�ots v;�,,nt as V��,)nft*�y Lar,�n""' ,�n -,t,-_� - t'-_- <.,-2 . . - As Viv,nuti,alis - �L7 - a . , I r,f", b�4 t_*t e=oro �­­ �D �:*_�­ _�� _- cLre�_* =� r C_��:�n-_,-� Z�-n7 � 1 �,_,. � Z. ., *rz-�z� ­�er,�? e�74�r 11ty t7._-e:t1_1-S (�n!G3 g7�;Cn --'- ta�� -n�=.� v�j.!: � ; " . t:;�47 L�1_1 tclln.11ve.2 V�ZLI��__..t 4­_.�� - 1� I , MV V. -M, f-,.Vnd cau:d man't W;�it- CL11 Unc atM 4141 "fus'Ll tx� TA 6taW� lio. hig) ,� ,1 �i - ,� - - -: - - �: n'�. -7-71 -Z �- - ;, �- !1- ,:- a-, 1-1 C _-, � *�, 0, �,�� -cis CT ^ .,Z� Tc7:t' tl-- rex.:'t t�nt t�� bost v,L-':s cl lr­L;�i nses C,ff to aiftg f I us 450 ,b41!! -*1A p�r wre. 001,c­ �� _:�O _ - - 1_ _ ,6 �, $ 1 t*--*, ,-:M,=� -__,:�� C-_,-:�� S�!-,-,�� C�o -n�. - ,,: g ,-b49'r Iadsl .f'Orl�' t"�'O' 11Mt of Julie WiA de_ctroy; i veert, - , �­ " - ,tt1b,.e_q 11ave Z:,,m ,sU,.ees&%,, , �� --,_;� n7�_-_�t Ir �'-Z. Z�.�k &-7�r�- =i ln!:,�-, , .;VZIZ)�C�1k-rv.�*_ 0'n.=P�� .:y .�. i�� , - I =��,.3,�-__,' ":�,--,-E2. - ­­_ - , - " L- -,., , � �' ^, _- "? _6 L*__ _11 - - -C, " ,� -,*a:--t_1_i i,A,! W*r . � a�, � 4 , I .a ,,,,4 to, bL,�Z, at e4k,l 4)111% We'al't 91nZ1 V,m,zs�� ta,4,14* , -1 ___­� -I- ­­ .� _­ T - , - !:­_� c L , fellees cUltivatti, k%srve�,�Jj7y et��jflowerg ,kr'd 'I - ­' - �� �o I j:nj ja_. Z __ _"- -_. '� - �' azlt:ve ,,­:-.�C-T"at!�t ;a's,_-) by n9n5 cn !_'1._-7 IN5. in IMIS or '_'�,Iy 14.�, — - ­ - - .n� _t-.'? � = � - ., - __ � - . , - "01,'��C'nt tO 41110 0,0kik fitlld% 4selorf, vul- I calA gk,.�,. pr t, i C:�� f- -z�,____1 C, ',,-_�' �-:�C,;a -1 ,_'_ .�, -, - � , I , ----C.— I M uJ $ftch'O's str-tvAelT ,.��, , , ­ ... 1-n , , - z� I 1 -7 --- �! --. : �--'-_-.n ,;Z1 -.-St n-�, I =-, 5,.�7,e Kz�� - 1R'�- ',I!-- - - - Cr t�,�, D:Z!,:t:_-n, -Ln no:o cn ny 04 in nfo�;;I, rn zkf-v�; t lr'=* Yclzr 4146'03, farm t1;,c_,u. tirabkit) md ,de:,Iy th'a Plh'1611V of ,cmrrailts, r"sp1,c.1,rif,.Zp,,, 0.­� - -,- - �. -, � x - - - , Vvn*' 11 .j ., -�': �nz, . `Ij� - _. _7_ - - �=,n t2z_ 11 - 1. 'o, � , t �, � -, " -N.. cr ','!� � o'�n­ :� - -__�_� "I "b -_- - -. rC- i VorA i1b irsatei or near W,r":,1e,& 11i.q. 1-1 .- , I I I - - ,.r. ,_ �r .- I 11�_,.�­ ,.- _ _,�, .- � -__- - .. - - 4 _e1j­ - ­__,� ))I 7. Of GrOV. n t'_a'_ , -_- Z - . .1 &n ,- rles V.--- c---.- -,--z-1,�_-­__­__- � - . . I i ih-two U_%n .,% C4111plote s ,; _. �_ z- - _ . �. - -_,C-'�'Za�� =!-'� I -,-_� _-:-�, -- :" %�:, 7 - j - Hc-=:,C!�: Z: ­:'C':: V.C_*�t- - C;C -� !j:� -, A __ CJ? ":­�t ,,11-�_�-� -4 ­:- ., . _r,,J��!: tsA's - 7, C! r, ftam, p:=v-gs ._r,1: r.avc?��!Ecl 9t1M%-.,rg i:� t,�-,jo hwo tts 'Qs� !our I An .,%.'Lr�� - ­ - :t4��J ­ . 'est t�rl � Sr it _UZ,,e,;,S z ,,jig. ��, " , io,� - -- -Z tril�t-,,l ,Wkt Us, too, %Wwe tertm-A . .z., � - zn],�= �=-i ,2.�_,.�:_-�vntk-:- " --_1 t-_,_ -.' t 1,q cnfo to 4 co. 9E �-o - - A M, �_- _- -4 7 - - 7- ,--t4, .I- �-.- . - - - - � .. -� ,fe,-,.L��I tLnt a K0=L&' Isas (:,n 11a,_,. W. L-1 1918 C -b Ilay 14, � t Z�,�e C I cqgnnattre. ---%I-- 4-1 `� CA��_Itt L'V;' 'I or,1,111101t*L�. - UIPP "I .� 708 , I I ! I I � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN-% /,a ­N (Y I 1 M_-_-1-,C7:,� ;=,t do ,&,!!LC--. , . Z-3 1_-'-'­��'!` C Z. "!sa tn t�� rts,,4.1-1:�nl,llo(-:-*Ima7tl.inl-, .� " Aft'r alt ,thb bMt MAd bippst juar� w -) !,�Tc-�- ,4:� j Dn t'-­.rg zna,_-:ns� -_-,U!!Z C�--=3 t-.t!e =--. tT��, =,- _S -g C�# e-aC­A­ r, "_______4-__ _,� -,- _ �_.",r .�- ' 'e ",- � :! I 7-'e th!rg V1 greate-t 1!=,,�ort-nceva ket. is the hC111, 11 t, ft---!, S te Cana, r�� �� C!C= Z�_:,, e" , =i�'. *,*�- t�-nn n S��-;am!�* cr-tin tX-' ,� CIE -V" - I , t�se Tatter Viear tnv rrg cn A . br-�= . - , _�Z�,,d5n, i� Lwwr 17 &M-5 81 - � � mrike Ot-AiiOn kq tlh(� aTMIC-A 'EMOMY to, AbKrr. A�w,q��at@!,T�:,,st--tr4itgfcT-",� — �i "7r_t� C-!!V!,._^C:nt lns,._--t.��_--O ct,-te� fm�lrra-Zv. pnvt,32 vii=�a e -1,,_-a::7,; eze :%-,= is tite �a;-La W�rto liva txt,m - � 111'-�'K 'arld f1JIV.,J�t r�4ept$. tra ,��Cxn� Tho, 1x-,e*_tt_-v"9 ,:-T � -t'%�,� c I . . __ ']N* cli�'-! d:L9,*_-t to ;M= 'Z!�*� sz=w -!c,r a go�,3 ,�tal e# &_1k,t1":n, as tlsl ��i@­W­� rzatzt t�vt Nico'eirle M17014to i ,q liot V,3 oftleicut � tCA**t7' 1'% J.tle ,'* V;--1 C ��C�,_-Isig;ar,N-n e". by" , I& �&,:r�trol ,tj j.1. _ _, i§ r:_ . ,. - el - 1111 6 k'04011R.Diou V" T1*T0 is vp:?y XWe ava,-h:n,� .8,,�rk ilt W�� ft &e - .­r��', A a ba Rad r, -*dA ketp f0k!q spttt ps eard*C:a*r t:oAti-tc up VZA buttkAg this �. '� - ' ' ' , is =3 !or-!: voll tl , I I PON�,dot'Ml olrterftto 0 kxkd, itt Olt Making .)f 1,,inr, " - �t­ wts �6. t tkc� rt-s8t ceedive ftlllfe�ivey to W t5trer. wtaft7s M �1141i'%, es; neally eveev r0c:e.=e,co <�z *ZeIKO --!b tllt Utll;e htlh'*�'-ftv. 2�. M� 'I C.# C',VZn1_1"%C1-_4 06. 'Ll -e 80%lk-e of mo, le -1 ov&n rduft thov" in voeat *XMk#ftfJ4 11OPeTt4flou is dorb by Una. , _.- � _*_ 0 N_ r"