HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-10-27, Page 14
Single Copies - Four Cents WINGHAM, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1921 Subscriptions: $2.0) par yw-ar
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'Town Hall andTicttirl House,Crowd- Council Decide to Allow Contractor Everett Henderson has returned from Protective Tariff In Interests Of Ont- Be a booster, not a knocker.
ed with Farmers and C thers to, Proceed With Other Streets Hanover. ario Farmers Inspector White of Bruce has resigned
Mr. W. H. Willis is on a business trip to owing to ill health. Hurrah 1.
'On Thursday afternoon the town hall A couple of special meetings of th6 Toronto. On Friday evening the Wingham town
hall was packed and hundreds turned Mr. Wallace is the new manager at the
was crowded long b2fore 2 o'clock, the Wingham town council have been held Mr. J. H. Christie is on a business trip away from a m,)st enthusiastic rally held Dominion Bank he comes rom St.
hour scheduled for the - Progressive's recently, one on ' Friday evening arid the toLToronto, Thomas. We are now able to announce the dates of
political meeting to commence. An over. other on Monday evening. in the interests of the Meighen admini-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason motored to stration and the local candidate for Fed - Hair Nets—Double or single Mesh cap the wonderful I cent sale to be put on in our
flow meeting was arranged at the Lyceum Mr. S. B Stothers of Clinton, asked the Toronto last week. eral honors. Mr. Geo. Spotton, shaped, also Fringe nets at McKIBBON13
Theatre, and soon it was crowded with council to grant permission to use some store by the United Drug Co. of Toronto,.
,farmers and others curious to get a look suitable building or room in which he Miss Piper spent a few days with Miss Hon. Edmund Bristol made an eloquent Drug Store, Boston and Liverpool, Engs.
at and to bear the man whom Mr. King would hold a three months course in 'Katie Chalmers at Teeswater.1 appeal on behalf of the old historic nation- Mrs. A. J. Tiffin has purchased the
introduced as "the next Prime Minister Agriculture during the coming winter. Messrs. Henry Wheeler and William Orr al policy, showing clearly and to the, en' house on Frances St. at present occupied
-of Canada". Mr. Crerar is a much The council promised the free use of the have returned from the West. tire satisfaction of the audience, that a by Mr. Clarke, plumber. Thursday, Friday and Saturday
protective tariff was in the interests of the
1ounger appearing man than his pictures town hall and to do all in their power Mrs. Howard of Toronto, 10sited her Ontario farmers. The Baseball Boys are having a fowl
1how him to be. and while he is no orator to secure the use of the Armouries for - sister, Mrs. R. S. McGee last week. Miss Constanca Boulton held the audi- dinner in McKay's restaurant at 10 o'clock
yet hp is a pleasing, with a reserved at. these classes. Mr. Stothers hLJd charge Mr. J. J- Casemore and daughter, Miss ence with rapt attention, making a stir- on Friday evening, Nov. 4ih. November 3rd., 4th, and 5th.
titude. Mr. Rutherford acted as chair- of a school in Fordwich last winter which Mabel, have returned home from the West. ring appeal to the ladies to support the What would be wrong about Wingham
.man at the town hall and Mr. R. C. gaveabout 95 ladies and 60 men aone Mr. Vint of Stratford, is visiting with Government that so ably handled the men starting a Horticultural Society for Remember the dates --
Procter at the Lyceum Theatre. month course. The three month's course his his brother, Mr. Robt. Vint, Frances war in their period of reconstruction. the beautification of Wingham?
, J. W. King, Progressive candidate in at Wingham will be one of the only four St. John Joynt, M P. P., made a brief Mr J. J, Ferguson has sold his 100 acre The Sale that Saves You Money
North Huron, said that farmers wished of these Winter Agricultural Short
'to be on the best of terms with the people Courses to be held in the Province. Mr. Mrs. A. E. Lloyd is attending the appeal. Mr. Joynt is Huron County's farm to Mr. Cooper Nethery. We under.
,of the towns "I plead honestly and John Joynt, M. P. P. has 'promised to the Methodist S. S- Convention at Brant- largest farmer, and supports the Meighen stand the purchase price is $6500, If you do not receive a list 'it'� ill pay you
,and earnestly for harmony," he said, donate $100 for scholarships. This ford. administration. Come and enjoy a social evening with
.,between farmers and townspeople." He course will open at Wingham on Nov Mrs. Chester Loutitt of Detroit, i' The speech of the evening was made the Mission Circle on Hallowe'en night at to call and get one.
s by M�. SpDtton who was received with the Wingham Methodist Church.
was against concentration of population 28th and will close on March Ist. The visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. great applause and held the entire audi-
in large cities, preferring a number of council are doing right to encourage this A, Bell. ence until after eleven o'clock. M my The Victory Mission Circli are holding
moderately-sized towns to a few cities short course to be held here. I Several of Mr. and Mrs. John King of Ethel, were in the audience who had driven for a Hallowe'en Social Monday evening at
with huge populations. The big inter- the leading professors of Guelph 0. A. C. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mc- miles in the c6untry. He replied to 8 o'clock in the Methodist Church. J6 7-alton McKibbon
ests" had got the strangle hold on the and others will be here to give lectures Gee, Bluevale Road. charges made by Mr. Crerar the previous Mr. R. Ernest Jackson has taken over Drugs and Stationery
'old parties and they could not do what and instruction. On Tuesday, Novem. ter of the agency for Massey -Harris Implemeuts
they liked. Mr. and"Mrs. McNeil and daughter, day. He also read a part of the let I Edison Phonographs Phone 0
ber 15th, Hon. Manning Doherty, min- Madalene, of Sarnia, visited at Mr. and resignation which was written by Mr. formerly carried on by Mr. D- K. Living -
Andrew Hicks, U. F. 0. whip in the ister of Agriculture for Ontario, will ad- Mrs. W. F. Burgman's. Hartley Dawart, the leader of the Liber- ston.
,Ontario Legisture, claimed that the cities, dress a public meeting in Wingham in the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott and children als in Ontario, whose position has been Mr. Dave Hamilton has purchased Mr.
and especially the City of Toronto, were interests of this Winter School. of Morris, are spending a few weeks with taken by Mr. Wellington Hay of Lis- Jas. VanCamp's farm in East Wawanosh, Last week Rev. E. J. Harris, pastor. of Strawberries Last Of October
pleased with the effort the Drury Govern- The contract for the paving of Diagonal relatives in Philadelphia. towel. and will engage in farming in the near the Baptist church, Attended the Baptist Mr. S. Thornton brought to our office
ment had made in administering the affairs Rgad was awarded to W. C. Brernan & In his letter of resignation, Mr. Dewart fut ure.
of the province. Mr. Hicks described Co. at a figure subject to any reduction Mrs. A. E. Burleigh has returned home Convention of Ontario and Quebec at St. on Tuesday a bunch of luscious ripe
. said in part, Tanlac has made life worth living for
the tariff as an �Iold political rag." He in the price of cement and mitefila'. The after operiding the past six months in 'I must confess that I keenly felt the millions of people who had almost given up Thomas. Over 600 delegates were enroll- strawberries which he picked in his garden.
paid a high compliment to the member total contract price' is $19,422.97. . The Toronto and other places. open attacks and the more "veiled but hope. It will do the same for you —j. ed There were great enthusiasm and It is surely a record breaker to pick ripe
for: North, Huron in' the Ontario House, council have decided to leave off the: work Mr. and Mrs., W. C. Smith of Huron equally appreciabledisloyalty of others. W. McKibbon. mostimportent and thrilling debates. strawberries in this part of Western Oat
Mr. John'Joynt.' What Canada needed on this road until spring, as they have to township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. . R. "I have almost impoverished myself to Mr. H. A. Hunter has purchased the At a meeting of the shareholder -
Was 'a , business administration, not a cut, several feet off the hill 'and it " iiiight Groves over the week end. try and save the good name of t s of the ario on the 25t� day of October.
he party, A. E. Angus, property in Pleasant Valley, Aera Cushion Inner Tire Co. held on
tariff hue and &Y from one end of the have to be left in 'a bad condition all . Miss Beatrice Anderson, B. A. of Walk- and yet 1 am daily harassed by financial e
,country to the other. Mr. Crerar, "the which was advertised in the last issue of Monday of last week. The matt r of, Lyceum, Theatre Alterations
winter. Petitions have been properly erton High School Staff was a welcome demands that were not of my making, TFiH ADVA.NCH. forming a merger with one or two 'Other Mr. Robert VanNorman has purchaaed
man who fought the Winnipeg Exchange signed and presented to the council ask. visitor in Wingham, on Saturday. "I am not merely referring to members companies in the same line of business was the building occupied by Kennedy &
and other grain trusts," he said, was able irig for pavements to be put down on Mist Hilda McGrath of' Orangeville, of the House, but to the utter lack of ap- Those who heard the Harp Singers in laid over until the annual meeting of the Maxwell, the Lyceum Theatre, and is
to give the country a good business ad- Alfred street from Josephine street to spent the week -end with her friend, Miss preciation of their duty by the rank and the Town Hall on Monday evening were Company which will be beld in January. overhauling the entire building and put -
ministration. deligthed with the entertainment, which
"If", queried W. Amos, former Pres- Frances street and on John street from Galbraith of the Wingham Bazaar. file of the Liberal party generally. was, of a high order. Mr, Will Stewart has disposed of Wis ting in a nice new front. The Lyceum
Josephine street to the C. P. R. Station. Mrs. T. J. McLean and daughter, Miss It has been constantly urged upon we Theatre will be closed next week while
byterian minister, but pow Progres- The pavement has been completed from Eleanor, have returned home from an ex- that I should give the Agrarian outfit a Halloween (Masquerade) Dance in the business in Winnipeg. He carried on a
isive candidate in North Perth, If pro- the G. T. R. tracks to the B. line corner tended visit with relatives in Orillia. chance. Heaven knows I went the limit Mills Memorial Hall on Monday; evening. large general store business in the West, the alterations are being made.
tection is the life of industry why were
and work will be commenced at once on despite all our criticism and help the fin- October 31st., under the auspices of the but has found it almost impossibll� to give Prvpped De,-qd In Morris 6
unemployed men standing in the bread John street. Mr. Mitchell will have his Mrs. F rank Edgar and daughter Evelyn ancial condition of the province is in a sad Bachelors of Wingbam. the proper amount of time to his western hile working on The iarm, of Mr.
lines of Tpronto last winter?" men put in drains on Minnie street and of town are spending a few days with her way, which is not due to hydro obliga- At the Baptist church next Sunday the store as well as to his Wingharn business. W
Farmers were present from as far as across John to drain near Lloyd's corner parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Campbell, tions but to gross mismanagement, ab- subjects will be—"Report of the great St, The remains of Miles McKerracher, son George Agar, Con 2 Morris, James Eaton
Kincardine, Clinton and Listowel. Morris. dropped dead on Monday afternoon.
and from there through along Leopold to solute incompetency and extravagance or Thomas convention' I and "A grrat General of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McKerracher, who Decea3ed was in his 58th. year and was
the hill. This is practically all the drains Mr. Marshall, printer of Toronto, paid worse. delivered from a terrible malady". was killed when a C. P. R. freight train 41
I an uncle of Mrs. Edgar. The funeral wilt
Joint Meeting necessat"j on John street. On Diagona I The Advance office a fraternal call on "Now, the same outfit wa-its to try The Ladies Auxiliary to the Wingham. was caught by failing rock in a tunnel one leave on Thursday morning tor interment
Messrs. Fraser and Spotton are holding Road the town is busy laying r;ew water Saturday. He was the guest of Mr. their 'Prentice hand on the Dominion. General Hospital will hold their regular mile east of Palliser, B. C. will be brought in Fernaghvale cemetery.
-a joint meeting in Memorial Hall, Blyth, mains in order to have all work complete William Taylor. John St. God forbid. monthly meeting on Monday, Oct. 31st. in to his. home in Kincardine for burial.
' 3.45 p. in. Deceased was well known in Wingham.
Friday evening Oct., 28tb. Mr. Joh n on the street before the permanent road Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell have re- "There should be no alliance or under- the Council Chamber a, Died In Regina
King the U. F. 0. candidate is invited to is laid. There will also have to be con- turned home ofter spending the Past standing, expressing or implied, between Do not purchase your Christmas Cards On Sunday evening next Mr. Crazg's Word was received in Wingham of the
Ab, attend and will be given equal time. siderable drains put in on Alfred street couple of months with their sons, Howard Liberali.m and Crerarism. Perhaps it is until you inspect the stock which THIM subject will be "Women and Public Life death of Alexander Stewart which took
Failing in this Mr. King's. representatives Previous to the laying of cement. The at Calgary and W. A. in Winnipeg. better that I should drop out until we ADVANcE, are now opening and will have place at Regina on Thursday, October
_should Women Preach," This is in 13th. Deceased conducted a blacksmith
willbegiven an opportunity to speak. Brennan people are hustlers to lay cement Editor G. K. and Mrs. Brown of the resume the consideration of provincial on display about the end of this week. answer to the question to be submitted to
Other speakers will be present. The and they appear to be doing it well, too. Teeswater News accompanied by Mrs. issues And leave those to 'soft pedal' who shop at Fordyce prior te moving to Fargo,
n Methodism- N. D. about thirtV-five y6ars ago. Many
meeting begins at 8 p. in. Wingham will soon have more cement Colvin and Mrs. Ferguson visited on will, reserving my own attitude of inde to'herry Bark Cough Syrup is guaranteed every Quarterly Board i
Directors of Fair Meet streets and sidewalks than any other Thursday at the home of A. G. Smith. pendence. stop a cough, sold at McK113DONS "Are you in favour of women becoming old friends will remember him very well
The directors of the Turnberry Agricul- town of the same size in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Carrothers and Drug Store. probationers and ministers of the Metho- and regret to hear of his demise. His
tural Society and their wives met at the On motion of Couns. Haney and Fells son Terry, motored from London to spend Fall Showing of Gowns And Dresse We are sorry to learn that the Wing- dist Church?" widow who with two sons and two daugh-
home of the President, 1. J. Wright, on the rates for the rental of the town hall, the week -end with Mrs. Carrother's a ham branch of the Clinton Knitting Fac- "Tanlac made me feet younger." -Alt ters survive him is a sister of Mr. Jos.
Mr. Geo. Sapero of the Queen Dress tory will be no more after this week and put me back on the payroll." "I can eat Ruddy of Wingham. Mrs. John McGee
Wednesday evening and passed accounts dpera House day meetings, 610., night parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. VanAlstyne. Company Montreal, will conduct a show- that they will move the machinery to the whatever I want now." "I no longer suf- of Belgrave and Mrs. James McGee of
for prizes etc, in connection with the meetings $15, churchhes for entertainments Mr. John Purvis the popular Liberal ing of New York and Paris Gowns in our head office at Clinton.
Wingham Fair. After the, business of the $10, council chamber, day meetings $5, and Conservative Candidate for South Ready -to- Wear Departments Thursday fer from indigestion." "I gained weight East Wawanosh are sisters of the late Mr.
evening, a social hour was enjoyed and a dances $10, night meetings $6. Clerk of Bruce, was in Wingbam on Monday. It afternoon Oct. 27th. You are invited to A I . oad of Mason, attended the'chapter rapidly -l' These and many more express- Stewart, Since moving to Fargo Mr.
bountiful lunch was partaken of and a the courts' office $6 per month, Library looks like as though he would be able to be here. HANNA &Co. Limited. meeting at Southampton last week and ions are now heard daily as people tell of Stewart has prospered and owns in the
pleasant and profitable evening closed rooms $150 per year. These prices td land the plum in his riding. spent a pleasant hour after lodge at the thier experience with 'ranlac.—Sold at J. neighborhood of 2000 acres of land in
with the sing of "For They are jolly Good take effect January Ist, 1922. Hallowe'en Social home of Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Boyle, W. MoKibbon. that part of the West.
. Hair Nets—TA.,,� best lire of real human When cats meow and dogs do growl, formerly of Belgrave.
Fellows" and "Auld Lang Syne". The Hunter Bridge & Boiler Co,, re, hair nets on the market. French make,
ceived $2,000 on their contract for bridge C And bat fly round and spirits prowl, The Thank Offering meeting of the W.
ap shape. and Fringe shape, all colors. you,,, know that it is Hallowe'en M. S. was a decided success. There were
8VEPYBOI)Y'S COLUMN and dam The entire contract was Regularl5c. Tointroduce this superior With Goblins dancing on the green. about 100 ladin present. The proceeds
$31,000. Of this they'have now received line we offer for a short time at 10c at
AUCTION S&LE—Furniture, at corner of $27,801 and a balance is still owing of So come in maslf and winding sheet, amounted to $180,00. After the meeting
Mitchell's Corner Durg Store.
Minnie and Patrick streetq, Wingham, on $3,199. Although this bridge cost a lot lunch was served and social time spent.
Saturday, October 29th., at 2 o'clock, For other ghosts you'll surely meet, X,
T. R. BENNETT, Anotioneqr, of money and took along time to build, At 8 o'clock on Monday night, Orangemen are requested to keep an X
MRs. LOUGHEED, Propriebor. yet we feel the town have a bridge which Mrs. Goo. MAiDonald Dead Where burns the yellow candle light. open evening for Friday, November 4th.
SALE—Happy Thought Ran e, coal or they need not spend anything on for a Many friends of Mrs. George McDonald, X,
FOR Place— Wingham Methodist Church An Arch meeting will be held in Wingham
ood, will be sold cheap. Appfy to Bluevale, will regret to hear that she pass -
J. 131140CRAOREN Maple St., Wingham. Ong time. that night, and an excellent speaker will
10t SALE -A few vCe),y choice May hatched ed away on Wednesday morning after an Letters For Publication be present. Refreshments will be served. X
h to Legb
rle6 famous her okerels, bred from illness which extended over the past coup le All letters handed in to this office for -)hn
to lay strain . $10) each Honors For E. W. Linklater of months. Besides her sorrowing husb- publication must bear tt�e signature of We are sorry to hear that Mr. j
up to November 15th KENNETH WEAVER, Congratuf ations are due to Mr. E. W. and she is survived by two sons, Cameron the writer. If we deem them worth pub- Davidson fell off a load of flax one day 141 Rubbers Rubbers
R.R. 3, Wingham. — Linklater who has been promoted 10th., and King, Mr. J. W. King, the Progress- lication we will refrain from publishin recently and received painful injuries to
FOUND—An - the name if the writer does not, wish pub-
automodife tire. 'Owner may in a class of 175 to the membership of ive candidate in North Huron, is a broth 9 his back. Mr, Davidson is well over
have Same by proving property and seven,y and a fall like this is a serious We are showing all the best and wanted styles in
applying at this office. Honor Faternity of Medicine of the er of the deceased. licity. it is not o�r intention to publish I I
University of Toronto. He received this letters bearing on any matter that has matter. s, Rubbers.
FOR SALE—A Wood Cook Stove, Coal Hoat High School Games NO Men's and Women' 14
P, of any
,IV er with oven, square secodd hand anO", honor on the standing of his four years arisen in our contemporary printing Tanlac now has the largest sale
olume Encyclopedic work at College. Only eight of this year's Listowel High School football team office, either personal or public, and we do medicine in the world* There is a reason. X The sort of Rubbers a Lady or Gent will wear not
DR. H. E, W. TAMLYN. met defeat at the hands of the Wingharn . letters which they —J. W. McKibbon.
FOR SA.LE-150 acr I so, 90 cleared class was promoted and six received this High School boys in the town park on not purpose answering X "bargain" poorly shaped ill fitting Rubbers, but the
FARM ' high honor last year. Another of the may tee fit to publish in answer to mat- It is very doubtful if any church the
ood sugar bush, b%nk barn 78xG0. drivi Saturday afternoon by the score of 2 to 1. ters which have appeared in our public. size of Wingham Methodist church ever
shod"30x42 stone foundation, pig Pon 45.IC20, names among the eight we notice is Mr. The Kincardine High School tball A4 Rubbers shaped to fit the shoe correctly.
stone kitehan 2Ox28, brick house 2501 prin Baske XT
have li n 001 pric
crook, near station. One mile from Bluevale, Frank Allen of Wroxeter. Mr. Linklater ation. We are publishing a newspaper received such a large free will offering as es.
. and Mrs. W, S. Linklater, girls on Saturday afternoon. Owing to
'low furnace, buildings tale, is a son of Mr team played the Wi gham High Sch and appreciate any items of interest that they did on their Anniversary on Sunday We buy the best and sell at money saving
rods�2'pe'cas Ile pi
,Or r p-ra wells. No enoumbra e. 1 $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
.rth.r particulars to R. VAXSTONE, Wingham. any of our good friends will let us have Oct. 16th. The pastor Rev. C. E. Cragg:
Wingham. darkness the game which was a tie 6 to 6 either by phone or letter, very ably conducted the services and the
][JOUSEKEBPER WANTUD—Steady giri R. J. Cantelon Passes could not be played off. Have a good pair of Rubbers right handy, at this
or woman, no other need a ly. Apply offering amounted to over $1000.
0 ALvx McREVFX, Mr. R. J. Cantelon died very suddenly J. B. Ferguson Dead McKibben's One Cent Sale When Mr. R. J. Sanderson of Ford- season of the year.
—A Carling T .. ace. on Tuesday evening at his home on Leo- Word was received in Wingham on The Ic Sale which is being put on at wich, was in our office one day this week
JUAT RECEIVED carload of extra pold St. He had been for a walk with Monday that J. B. Ferguson, formerly McKibbon's Drug Store on Nov. 3rd, 4th X SHOR Rr-,PAIRING—Bring your Shoes here for
British Columbia Shingles, which will be he told us that WinRbam Fall Fair was
old a closest price, his brother, Peter, who happened to be town clerk here, had passed away at his and 5th is a novel idea of merchandising the best
X. A. MAcLmAx. hereon a visit from Vancouver, and later home at Long Beach, California on Sat- originated by the United Drug Co., and fair he had attended this year repairs and see how promptly, well, and reasonably
WOOD FOR SALE—ApTly to went for a drive with Mr. Geo. Mason. urday, October 15th., after a brief illness. is really the greatest chance people of and that in his belief the exhibits of
I.Phono 23.613. About five Oclock he complained of a Deceased was 73 years of age and left Wingham and vicinity have of purchasing horses and cattle could not be surpassed We!11 Mend 'Em
even by the Western fair at London.
WANTED—Middle &god lady to stop aq severe headache and medical aid was Wingham for Los Angeles, about 12 years reliable new mirchandise at less than bar.
company at nights. Everything found A. M. Crawford and T. R. Bennett at- 'W
but board. Apply to Box 92, summoned but he lapsed into unconscious- ago. He is survived by his widow, and gain prices, You pay the regular price I
WhIghaft). ness and passed away about eight o'clock. one daughter, Mrs. R. Beech -Jones of San for one article and get another of the tended the Plowing demonstration at
WANTED -Local ro8posentative at Wing- Besides his widow he is survived by two lose, also two brothers, William and James same kind for Ic. It will pay you to Woodstock on Thursday of last week.
ham to reprosoub "The Old Reliable Eighteen different makes of tractors were FOOTWF-AR OF MERIT
Ironthill Nurseries", and cover surrounding oons and two daughters, viz. Roy, who is and one sister, Mrs. J. McKenzie. Dur- remember the dates, Nov. 3rd. 4th and g from
territory. Splendid oponinct for t h e right in partnership with his father in the coal ing his few days illness he was attended 5th and anticipate your wants in Drugs, engaged during the Afternoon rangin PHONE 23
76as.n. Exclusive territory, highest commis. the efficient little Fordson pulling a two
alone paid. STONE AND WEIZINGTON, Toronto, and wood business; Leon in the West by an old Huron boy viz: Dr. Montgom- Toilet Articles, Remedies, Rubber Goods
Ont. Mrs. Fred Kent at present at home and ery, and.two of the Pallbearers were form. and many other lines The One Cent Sale bottom plow to large machines turning INGUAN42 0 rf
WANTED—A few barrels of good Spies. Miss Gertie in Toronto. The family have er citizens of Winghani viz: Mr. Walter bills were -printed at Tim ADVANCILA four furrows at once. All were doing a
WlU pick and go for them, Inquire at
this office, the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Hall and Mr. William Button. Office. good job.
4- 1