The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-20, Page 9Xt HAMBLY
B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention pa.1-d to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work In Surgery, Bac-
teriology and Scientific Medicine,
Office by the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist
All business given careful attention.
Phone 614, P.O. Box 113
Dr., Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
L.R.C.P. (Lend).
have sbown a gratifying national fore-
thought In. preserving this birthright,
treating their woods as a crop to be
resown after harvest rather than
mines which once exhausted lose all
virtue. They have given the Dominion
authorities the most active and thGr-
ough, co-operation realizing that their
work is. not only a national one, but
one which self-interest prompts If they
are to' go on manufacturing year after
There is a steadily hicreasIng move-
ment towards the employment of
trained foresters by private concerns,
principally pulp and paper companies.
Not less than fourteen such . com-
panies In Eastern Canada now employ
PHYSICIAN AND SURG90N J. esters for various, wo us operuions .
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand) Including forest research, nursery Aflan Crawford, the Toronto boy
work, tree planting or a combination of who Is heading Stefansson's advance
activities. Party to the Arctic, has arrived at
A notable work has been done for Wrangel Island. Indicated on the map.
- DR*-. R. t � STEWART some time by the Laurentide, Pulp and This Is where 'he and his party will
Graduate of University of. Toronto, Paper Company at Grand'Mere, Que. 'pend the winter.
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the bee, where this organization has built
Ontario College of Physicians and up a garden city about the scene In New Use f,6r Old Bulbs.
Surgeons. their Induistrial activities, and has In Here is a valuable use'for your old
Office Entrance: its inevitable destruction retained the Incandescent lamp bulbs. By adopt -
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's beauties of the, pristine Wilderness. Ing this suggestion one can have a
Photo Studio. The company has.timber holdings ag- fire extinguisher ready any time. Car-
JOStPHINE STRr=ET' PHONE 21� gregating 2,300 square miles under the bon tetrachloride bombs have found
surveillance of one of the most com- favor in many power plants for fire
p�etent_foresters`on the continent, with extinguishing, and their use has re -
a regular staff of six men, which at sulted in the prompt quenching of fires
Dr. Mar ' garet C. Calder certain -seasons Is increased to 30 or that lulght have resulted ]a serious
General Peactitioner 40, an extensive. and far-reaching sys- consequences had quick action not
Graduate 'University of Torlonto, tem of - conservation and reforestation been taken.
I Faculty -of Medicine. has been carried out. In 1916 nurseries Burned, cut Incandescent lanip bulbs
Offtce—Josidphlne.St., two doons. south were established on cu't-over lauds and of a suitable size are converted into
of Brunswick Hotel. In the brief period which has elapsed bombs by removing the metal base
Telephones—Offlee 281, Residence 151 since more than tw(� thousand acres and filing the glass bulb with the
have been replanted, -Nearly a million liquid. By breaking the tip from the
I SELL sapplings were planted last year, and bulb, while it Is immersed in a bucket
Town,and,Farm Properties. Call and the afin, of the company is to reach a of the carbon tetrachloride the filling
see my list and get my prices. I have Yearly capacity of four million new can be easily accomplished. A drop
some excellent values: trees. This keeps the work of re. of wax is. placed over the small hole
planting well ahead of the cutting at the tip to snal the bulb.
J. G. STEWART operations.
1. WINGHAM �stabllshment of Forest Nurseries. Women of the best ta-ste use -a fur
coat only for occasional wear and re -
Phone 184 Office in Town Hall Last year the Abitibi Company or. gard it as distinctly, not the thin.& for
ganized a forestry department Ili con- every purpose from October until
DRUGLVC1 IDD nection with its limits Ili Northern On* March. The -present craze for fur
E33 f 11YSICIAN tario. In addition to other lines of coats may rot last. A fur scarf and
fc-restry work this company has es- a muff to be worn with a woolen coat
CHIROPRACTIC tablished a forest nursery and has un- are much more certain to be a satis-
It is easier to keep ,visit than to re. dertaken planting operations. Young factory investment. If .3 girl is temp-
c,)v4sr lost health. Chiropractic Ad- trees and saplings, are raised in the ted by the lower price to put all her
Justments is the Key to Better Health. nurseries, and then transplanted to savings into any coat, let it be into
They remove the Cause of Disease, the cut over lands there to grow to the pocket of one that she already
DR. J. ALVIN FOX maturity and provide a crop for the powns.
Phone 191, Hours -9-6 and 7.9 p.m.
hu R U G L E SS " P H Y'S I C I A N
I r
rk�,,Kep. Nksms
1*_%A 50stitLs
0ste,oliathic Physician, only qualified cok" 16�0
Osteopath In North Huron. IT rCYR A
Adjustinout of
. the, spine is more
0101dy secilred and with- fewor treat -
Does oe 14crz
Inelits than by any other method.
Blood bressuro and other exalftinal
tong Inufe .... ....
The'- A Itorhative.
He (inaking Poor headway) -"Will w,"
nothing Indui-c y01,1 to� yolzr
blind Qnd
8110--"Allotbe? 111,11i
Mr.q. tlexm BaptisIl Po.,Ior ,its at tit
the age Of 101 1
shating with Igno.i C,� 41 t"Al Nat
Is nientiont(I as Sar b"d, a,% tlib
Metolain Your Body. 1 Can Airplane Be'Silenced?
One reason why milk is so excellent
Is It possible to, the flyInK
a. food Is that it con -tains, much cal-
The Wingnam Advance
, lrD OR
next generation when the operations
of this one shall have taken their toll.
Published at
wars of dotgave agaUwtA
. lrpl4nos at -
grown poroon carrier $u lils vkieleton
Recently an extensive plan of ro.
forestIng Its timber limits was decided
WinghoWn, Ontario
Your body contains allout three
-on the- grouad, thereupon to t1hrow
ounces of Sodium, 'Which lo.a white
BearrNight boa"_ Upon Mom, and to
upon by the Chicoutimi Pulp and
Paper Company The
go after them with purr#uIt.planc1s,.
piece of It.thrown into,, water will take
of Quebec. com,
Eyelry Tjiuk4ay MornIng
Pliny obtained the Services of the Que.
bee' Votestry 130-,*rtmellt
men salt, Hence the saltiness of your
to TaUke a
1�Stjbsoriptlon ;rdtes,,. 'One Year,
complete 6urvey , of 1ts timbor re�
$2.00; six luontils; $1,00 In!'"vauce.
In your skeleton there are also about
selVes in order to determine the best
"AdvokIting littoo
England-. It has got at Some Jntoreat-
and most economic pictliod of their
jag facts not hitherto known.
'Pulp. Companies Wlde Awa4e
exPlottatton. The cornpany wilt Put no
rections will be" bnOrtW 1111til'tOrbid
sists of two parts, a musical -hum ana-
limit on their measure,; toeustire the
and charged accordingly,
to Evils Following Whole-
Permanence of their foreat crop, and
Changes for contract advertise.
sale Destruction of Timber.
In addition to the enforcement of the
melits be In. the dilice by noon, 1:on.
Sodium, It in set on fire by contact
most rlgid regulations in conservation
The heavy toll eracted on the forests
and the establishment of nurseries,
'Under ordluary couditions, the first
of the world which has increased so
has sent one of Its employees to
enormously In recent years disclosed
Europe to study European methods,
which are the most succeesful in the
yards. Soon It begins to develop Into
the fact, of which but slow and Illulted
a roar, and after about 'a minute It
plosion and a shower of sparks,
cogillsance . wos taken, that the Inex.
world, and to consult with the best
Wellington Mutual Fire
haustible forests of many countries
Itnown. authorities on the subject,
Insurance Co,
wereAndeed very capable of exllaus�
The field for private forestry Is In.
41stablished 1840
tion and their ultimate depletion with;
creaBingrapIdly-a3 clearly Indicated by
Head Officei Guelph
An s,��'_kt. Competent authorities, for
the growing,number of foresters who
Risks taken on all classes of Insur-
Instance, State that'the destruedon of
*the 'United
are going Into the -work on a cousult�
trig basis In response to the demaild.
able property on the cash or premium
the spruce forests of
Not only the government of Canada
note System,
States, ea.,it of the Rockies, Is nearing
completion and that fifteen years or
but the large timber interests are wide
more at the. present rAte. of,consump-
uWako to the evils following the
I reverently paused a few monlents,
tion. will see the end of.,spruce and
wholesale destruction at national tim.
they will be 90T 01le more year 'under
yet like so many simple things It was
from the Polar regions, especially
balsam. This In a country which pos-
ber and not only a 1)ublic spirit but a
realization of their ;own best Interests
from the Antarctic, and is the ehi:,f
will come to the University more
known to me, yet Somehow they seem-
tareSt In the trade and commerce of
cause of the depths of the se-��
sessed, one of the greatest reserves of
timber a bountiful nature had to be.
has determined them to preserve
i3tow, considered at one time unlimited
Canada & magnificent heritage Ili Its
Victory and Other, Bonds Bought and
and inexhaustible.
present dimension and so make Calls.
Office--Mayori'Slock, Wingham
Canada stands In a -position at once
da's forest resources truly inexhaust.
lble by putting. a tree back where one
and South Poles were nielted, the sea
enviable, and considered in another
has been- removed.
would in time become wariner.
change. Higher standards result in
men to give their all.
light, cailing toil care and forethought.
Possessed of far-reaching stretches of
The bed of the ocean - is not equally
a better type of student and, as this
Other cities and towns may Well
.1 result a number of chemists and 41k
cold everywhere. In the nelghbor-
valuable timber, constituting some of
Ten Commands of Business,
the richest reserves left in the world,
a greater nuiabler of students, The
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates,
she Is the cynosure of timber -depleted
Handle the hardest Job first each
countries which have avaricious eyes
day. Easy ones are pleasures.
freezing -point, whilst over Pearly the
cast upon her woodland wealth T and
Do not be afraid of criticlsm--
whole of the North Atlawic and a
would, if permitted, In many cases,
carry cut the same systems of des.
criticize yourself'often.
D.D.S., L.D. a.
truction as have left them poverty.
Be glad and rejoice In the other fel-
low's success—study his methods.
'Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
stricken Ili regard to timber posses.
Do not be misled by dislikes. Acid
Pennsylvania College and, Licentiate
Sion. The Dominion has, however, the
lamentable experiences, of thosecoun-
rulns� tl,,6 finest fabrics.
Be enthusiastic—it !a contagious.
of Dental Surgery of Ontario.
Office In Macdonald Block.
tries. to profit by, painful lessons in
Do not have the notion that success
conservation, which She has taken to
means simply money�maklng.
DR. "t.: H.
heart and instigating governments and
private corporations alike to the neces- .
Be fair, and do at least one decent
act every day In the year.
cent. less than his dernand. She got
that the water at the b,-ttom is much
sity of preserving the country's rich
Honor your -employer. There must
Graduate Royal College of Dental
heritage of timber to posterity.
be a head to everything.
I A,
Have confidence In yourself, and
Graduate University of Toronto
National Preservation Fo rethought.
make yourself fit.
Faculty of Dentistry
Many of the larger corporations,
Harmonize your work. Let sunshine
lumber and pulp concerns, who. have
radlatb and penetrate.
In their hands, the, exploitation of
Canada's forest wealth for good or Ill
B.Sc., M.D., C.M.
Special attention pa.1-d to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate work In Surgery, Bac-
teriology and Scientific Medicine,
Office by the Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist
All business given careful attention.
Phone 614, P.O. Box 113
Dr., Robt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
L.R.C.P. (Lend).
have sbown a gratifying national fore-
thought In. preserving this birthright,
treating their woods as a crop to be
resown after harvest rather than
mines which once exhausted lose all
virtue. They have given the Dominion
authorities the most active and thGr-
ough, co-operation realizing that their
work is. not only a national one, but
one which self-interest prompts If they
are to' go on manufacturing year after
There is a steadily hicreasIng move-
ment towards the employment of
trained foresters by private concerns,
principally pulp and paper companies.
Not less than fourteen such . com-
panies In Eastern Canada now employ
PHYSICIAN AND SURG90N J. esters for various, wo us operuions .
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand) Including forest research, nursery Aflan Crawford, the Toronto boy
work, tree planting or a combination of who Is heading Stefansson's advance
activities. Party to the Arctic, has arrived at
A notable work has been done for Wrangel Island. Indicated on the map.
- DR*-. R. t � STEWART some time by the Laurentide, Pulp and This Is where 'he and his party will
Graduate of University of. Toronto, Paper Company at Grand'Mere, Que. 'pend the winter.
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the bee, where this organization has built
Ontario College of Physicians and up a garden city about the scene In New Use f,6r Old Bulbs.
Surgeons. their Induistrial activities, and has In Here is a valuable use'for your old
Office Entrance: its inevitable destruction retained the Incandescent lamp bulbs. By adopt -
Second Door North of Zurbrigg's beauties of the, pristine Wilderness. Ing this suggestion one can have a
Photo Studio. The company has.timber holdings ag- fire extinguisher ready any time. Car-
JOStPHINE STRr=ET' PHONE 21� gregating 2,300 square miles under the bon tetrachloride bombs have found
surveillance of one of the most com- favor in many power plants for fire
p�etent_foresters`on the continent, with extinguishing, and their use has re -
a regular staff of six men, which at sulted in the prompt quenching of fires
Dr. Mar ' garet C. Calder certain -seasons Is increased to 30 or that lulght have resulted ]a serious
General Peactitioner 40, an extensive. and far-reaching sys- consequences had quick action not
Graduate 'University of Torlonto, tem of - conservation and reforestation been taken.
I Faculty -of Medicine. has been carried out. In 1916 nurseries Burned, cut Incandescent lanip bulbs
Offtce—Josidphlne.St., two doons. south were established on cu't-over lauds and of a suitable size are converted into
of Brunswick Hotel. In the brief period which has elapsed bombs by removing the metal base
Telephones—Offlee 281, Residence 151 since more than tw(� thousand acres and filing the glass bulb with the
have been replanted, -Nearly a million liquid. By breaking the tip from the
I SELL sapplings were planted last year, and bulb, while it Is immersed in a bucket
Town,and,Farm Properties. Call and the afin, of the company is to reach a of the carbon tetrachloride the filling
see my list and get my prices. I have Yearly capacity of four million new can be easily accomplished. A drop
some excellent values: trees. This keeps the work of re. of wax is. placed over the small hole
planting well ahead of the cutting at the tip to snal the bulb.
J. G. STEWART operations.
1. WINGHAM �stabllshment of Forest Nurseries. Women of the best ta-ste use -a fur
coat only for occasional wear and re -
Phone 184 Office in Town Hall Last year the Abitibi Company or. gard it as distinctly, not the thin.& for
ganized a forestry department Ili con- every purpose from October until
DRUGLVC1 IDD nection with its limits Ili Northern On* March. The -present craze for fur
E33 f 11YSICIAN tario. In addition to other lines of coats may rot last. A fur scarf and
fc-restry work this company has es- a muff to be worn with a woolen coat
CHIROPRACTIC tablished a forest nursery and has un- are much more certain to be a satis-
It is easier to keep ,visit than to re. dertaken planting operations. Young factory investment. If .3 girl is temp-
c,)v4sr lost health. Chiropractic Ad- trees and saplings, are raised in the ted by the lower price to put all her
Justments is the Key to Better Health. nurseries, and then transplanted to savings into any coat, let it be into
They remove the Cause of Disease, the cut over lands there to grow to the pocket of one that she already
DR. J. ALVIN FOX maturity and provide a crop for the powns.
Phone 191, Hours -9-6 and 7.9 p.m.
hu R U G L E SS " P H Y'S I C I A N
I r
rk�,,Kep. Nksms
1*_%A 50stitLs
0ste,oliathic Physician, only qualified cok" 16�0
Osteopath In North Huron. IT rCYR A
Adjustinout of
. the, spine is more
0101dy secilred and with- fewor treat -
Does oe 14crz
Inelits than by any other method.
Blood bressuro and other exalftinal
tong Inufe .... ....
The'- A Itorhative.
He (inaking Poor headway) -"Will w,"
nothing Indui-c y01,1 to� yolzr
blind Qnd
8110--"Allotbe? 111,11i
Mr.q. tlexm BaptisIl Po.,Ior ,its at tit
the age Of 101 1
shating with Igno.i C,� 41 t"Al Nat
Is nientiont(I as Sar b"d, a,% tlib
Metolain Your Body. 1 Can Airplane Be'Silenced?
One reason why milk is so excellent
Is It possible to, the flyInK
a. food Is that it con -tains, much cal-
Machine? The question ls� one of tho
clupi, which Is the principal metal of
utmest Importance f1`014 a Military
the human body, contributing to the
stan4polot. Durivi., the wAr the only
make-up of the bones and teeth, A
wars of dotgave agaUwtA
. lrpl4nos at -
grown poroon carrier $u lils vkieleton
fAcking at Ulght Wow to detormino
about tour liQuads of It,
their direction by lI*tt4J#g apparatt�j3
Your body contains allout three
-on the- grouad, thereupon to t1hrow
ounces of Sodium, 'Which lo.a white
BearrNight boa"_ Upon Mom, and to
Metal -so higUlY combustible that a
go after them with purr#uIt.planc1s,.
piece of It.thrown into,, water will take
It the airplane could be tendered
Are Instantly, In the human system
silent, It would become, for night
It combines. with chlorine to form com.-
bombing wOfk, IHcompazably mort
men salt, Hence the saltiness of your
perspiration and the salty taste of
801110 time RV an experiment sta-
your tears,.
tiQu for Investigating this problem
In your skeleton there are also about
was secretly established at Butley,
two ounces. of magnesium, which is a
England-. It has got at Some Jntoreat-
milvery-white metal. In a powdered
jag facts not hitherto known.
State, It Ignited, it burns with a most
The noise inado by an airplane oon�
brilliant glare --as Seen. In a photo-
sists of two parts, a musical -hum ana-
grspher's thik�hIlght.
an unmusical roar. The hum IS usual -
Another highly inflammable metal
ly heard first, as the plano Approaches,
contained in your body is potassium—
and the rciar very s*ou after.
about two and a laalf ounces of It. Like
The hum Is due to, the exhmst of
Sodium, It in set on fire by contact
theenglue. The roar is grom, the pro -
with water destroying the latter. That
Is to say, It enters Inte, combination
'Under ordluary couditions, the first
with the oxygen In the water, thereby
sound of a plane coming ,up wind,, is
liberating the hydrogen, which burns
board as a falut hum at about 6,000
with violence and a roey flame, the
yards. Soon It begins to develop Into
phenomenon winding up with an ex-
a roar, and after about 'a minute It
plosion and a shower of sparks,
suddenly Increases In volume. The
Your body contains about Ilfty-five
Increase probably occurs when frvor-
ounces of phosphorus, originally de-
able Pdr currents first concentrate the.
Anu WO might have bad Seats
with all the rest of the folk.
rived mainly from mllk, cheese, beans,
11sh and oysters. At all events,, those
are the foods which, above all others,,
sound upon the observer,
The stays of the aircraft have, an.
atollan Song of their own, which oc-
University Standards.
A Silent Tribute.
he arrived in Aust-ealla from England
Information on NatUral
yield this remarkable substance, In a
caBlonally Ist heard ai. a greater dis-
The Provincial UndveTsfty has com-
I was deeply touched lyy a silent tri-
pure state It will take fire of Its own
tance than any other sound, it may
menced the session af 1921-1922 with
observed recently while motoring
accord it exposcd to, air and, there-
be that vibration of the engine con-
a record enrolment in the Fixst Year
: the state of Connecticut, says
fGre, has to be kept sealed In water.
tributes to the noise of the airplane,
and this in spite of the fact that
a, American x7riter. It was late at
night, the inhabitants
Seven -eighths of the phosphorneL that
but this is uncertain .
higher entrance requirements are
and of the little
village had long since retired, not
you carry about with you is in your
� bones (going to forni phosphte of
It to possible that means might be
found for ellenclag the 'Ihum," but
now In force.. Indeed, the raising of
-standards seems, to act aa a Stimulus
suggestion of life anywhere; the only
lime); halt an ounce Is in your brain
what use would that be if the "roar"
to intmiding studlents. Oceae'On011y
sound murmur of the motor, when
my attention was arrested by the bril-
tissues; the balance Is In the red cor-
could not be silenced? A Puzzle; and
some people get the idea that tlDO
raising of elitraillee, standa-rds makes
lint Illumination of one of the cus-
puscles of your blood.
Of brimotone (otherwisr, .!alled sul-
that Is exactly where the matter
stands, at present.
for exclusive"Sa in a university but,
tomary of Honor" erected
throughout NewEngland to honor
phur) there are about foui, Gunces In
is not eonfined to Canada, but is !Ii
unless the exclusiveness of brain
men who fell In the great conflict. The
your bones, and teeth, It was original -
ly a volcanic product, But one should
The Ocean's Cold Bed.
power is meant, such cannot be the
light was arranged to throw its rays
remember that all the mineral ele-
is pxepared -to forward Literature wid
By keeping its fees at the pres-ent
directly upon the namea of the heroes
from that All through
ments here mentioned were at one
At the bottom of the deep ocearia
lee cold currents creep about -tinceas-
moderate figure -and 'by gradually in-,
village. the
long hours the
time contained In the rocks of the
Ingly, mounting gentle slopeg and glid.
creasing its acadeindc requirenaents
of night, until relieved
by the light of the rising sun, thiF; 11-
earth'% crust,
Your body is three-fifths water and
ing down Into hollows filled with the
the UniveTsity of Toronto is exhibit-
lumlnated tribute, as silent as those it
one-fifth carbon, If all, the hydrogen
gloom of endless night.
Ing the time spirit of democracy. To
columemGates, Sheds its warm,
It cont ains, or an equivalent quantity,
Sometimes they pour over great sub.
demand Honour Matriculation for en-
friendly rays upon tneir honored
were separated out, It -would fill a bal-
marine cliffs, at whose base they re -
trance, as will, no doubt, soon be
names, keeping them ever bright In
loon big enough to lift you above the
sume, their slow progress over the bed
done, will mean that prospective
of old Ocean, three, four, or five miles
stutents. will remain ofne year longer
It was a simple thing, before which
below the surface.
a:t the local colleg-late inAltute, that
I reverently paused a few monlents,
A vast quantity of ice -water eouleu
they will be 90T 01le more year 'under
yet like so many simple things It was
Stories of Famous People.
from the Polar regions, especially
parental :51ape;Tvision, and that tbeY
beautiful, None of the names -was
Because of her keen practical In-
from the Antarctic, and is the ehi:,f
will come to the University more
known to me, yet Somehow they seem-
tareSt In the trade and commerce of
cause of the depths of the se-��
mature and better equipped to take
ed not far away. In rain and snow the
her country, Queen Marie of Rumania
so cold, There is no doubt that if Ole
ad,vantage of the benefits of higher
light shines nightly like a lighthouse,
has become lmown as the "Bubines.9
immense quantities of ice at tho.North
educatiun. These are the motives that
as'if to guide the beholder to the high
and South Poles were nielted, the sea
actuated the authorities in InIaking the
Ideals which prompted these young
Recently this British -born Princes8
would in time become wariner.
change. Higher standards result in
men to give their all.
paid a business visit to France, and as
The bed of the ocean - is not equally
a better type of student and, as this
Other cities and towns may Well
.1 result a number of chemists and 41k
cold everywhere. In the nelghbor-
year's experlonce would indicate, in
follow the example of this Connec Ic
't 'ut
" uf.,
P . 'turers left for. Rumania to set
hood of the Poles, for examp,
le. the I on-
a greater nuiabler of students, The
hainlet, as an expression of never-dy-
up silk -weaving and chem ca ndus.
perature of the bottom is ju;�t helovr
prestige of the dagrees of Ontaxio's
Ing gratitude from the older, and
a tries there.
freezing -point, whilst over Pearly the
Provincial University is absolutely
patriotic Inspiration to the younger
I Her Majesty has a Shrewd business
whole of the North Atlawic and a
unexcelled on this continent.
instinct, The other day a French
good deal of the Pacific Ocean it is
- :,n
manufacturer quoted his pric43 for
well above freezing point.
Started Young.
otb, and was su"'prised when theJ
When we leave the very deep %eas
"I understand you began your life
It Was a Bungalow.
Queen pointed out that the quotation
and consider the Shallower waters ef
as a newsboy," observed the acquaint-
I can't imagine why you call your
New York Exchange was 10 per
the hottest parts of the globe, -we find
ance admirably.
place a bungalow!"
cent. less than his dernand. She got
that the water at the b,-ttom is much
"No," replied the millionaire, "Some-
"Well, it it Isn't a bungalow what
the cloth at the reduced price.
one has been fooling you. I began life,
Is it? The Job was- a bungle, and
I A,
The really cold and heavier water
as a baby."
owe for It!"
One of Australia's most remarkable
has drifted down to t1li lower derjt,,,s,
men:, 'Mr. A. B. Triggs, of New South
where not the faintest my of sunlight
Wales, who has been on a visit to Lon.
ever penetrates, anu -,Te even the
mud Is so cold that'7',��- cannot be
don, has had a romantic career.
handled without disconift..,t.
A bank clerk for over thirty years,
he arrived in Aust-ealla from England
Information on NatUral
with $25 in his pocket, and proceeded
to take up sheep farming. So success-
ful was he that in the'courie of a few
years lie cantrolled 7,000,000 acres of
With the dissolutdon of the Com -
land and 1,000,000 sheep.
mission of Consiervativn the educe -
Just when his fortulle, was made lie
t1ional and inXormation branch o� the
waa beset by Ill luck, and suffered con-
work of that body h -as been trans-
siderable losses. Later the tide turned
fexred to and co-orddarated with the
once again, and by the beginning of
service of tho Natural Resour"s In -
1921 lie was able to pay $7,500,000 to
telligence Bmfteh of the Department
his creditors.
of the Interior. This intelligence ser-
vice has become an inkpartant factor
There is, nothing Sir Harry Lauder
in the widespread and varied func-
like� so much as a good day's shoot-
tions of the Interior Depaatment, the
Ing, and he declares he has never en-
amticipat4ed energeUc 4evelopolent of
Joyed himself So, well as during his re-
our natuALl resIources creating an in -
cent stag -hunting holiday in the Ixliglx-
tensified dtmAnd for infornalation as
to th*eir possibilities. This intercost
Quite .121 adventure befell
is not eonfined to Canada, but is !Ii
the famous comedian oil the top or I
Ben Attow, a mountain famous for Its, I
endellce in United States, Great
13TitaAn -Ind Westecril Eup3pe in
deer. 110 and a companion succeeded
Japan. To those interested the Na -
In bringing down a stag apiece, when
tural Resources Intelligence Branch
a Scotch inist descended upon the
is pxepared -to forward Literature wid
answer inquiries relating to Canada,
The hunters Ivere lost fGr four hours
her natuno resources and their de -
and it was only by a Stroke of luck
that Sir Harry succcoded In findirg
the trail wbieli led to safety.
The largest. farm in tlio wolAd is
managed, by a �ormvr American, Chas.
Noble, at Noblelord, Alta. It bas
This year's cotton vrop is simted to
more thun 18,000 aeres, un6p-r ctiltiva-
be the sinallest sincv 1895.
cm -A Nk-ko 15r -LLS
lift -21"