The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-20, Page 3?-Wl
An Americarl's Impression
.,of Canada -
.. it is always plow4ut to hear nice
things sal I of Canada as they but can-
-firm our 0 lirn opinion Of this Country's
future, The toll owing letter was pub.,
Itsbod In a recent Issue Of the Ottawa
,Citizen and speaks got itflelt,
Living arross the border,line all my
life, 1, like inany others, actively on.
gagod there, hitherto have failed to
,pay much attentiou to the claims put
forth in behalf of Canada aa a won-
-derful country. A five -weeks trip from
�ocearr to ocean over the Canadian
Pacific Railway, has Absolutely can.
-vinced- me that the great future ahead
of Canada, that is claimed -for her by
your political leaders and cAptains of
industry will probably arrive much
,earlier than is looked for by the most
-enthusiastic booster.
0* iervations made during my tril
have indeed been a revelation to me,
an It must also have been to many
others, Aside from the marvelous
,acenery, your vast domain has poten.
tial prospect$ In a commercial sense
that cannot fall to materialize, Whoth.
,er one considers the outlook from the
.standpoint of mining, agriculture, lum.
�borin&, fisheries, or otherwise, a splen.
4id prospect moves into view. And
,Cckruida Is surely entitled to have these
predictionD realized. A3�y other out,
coniq would be unfair to her patrioti(
scus who aTegprovoi! doing something
to promote the general welfare. Ther
again, Canada's 46-spItality Is really
the,las,t word in tDat. direction. Ag
-one who recently was a 11stranget
'within your gates," I know whereof I
speak, and ain quly too glad to lay a
little tribute on the altar of Canadian
progress. Years truly. — J. Franli
Howell, New York.
1. . - 0 —
Shelling Ships to Save The --m.
M�'Iist people are aware that oil has
-a r%M40kable effect on the waves of a
Isto&*y sea. many a ship has been
kepV afloat in a tempest by her crevy
pou�ihg overboard part of the. oil that
formed her cargo.
The reason why oil has this wonder.
ful,teftect Is that it floats upoi� the
watk�, and that it spreads, its -elf into
a very thin film over an enormous area,
A pint Of.1011 Will cover more than An
aero.of water, Thiq - fickiting filin acts
a k
" Ind
s, A- -.of'iaulatlon;.pre46ntlng the
winTirom acting fully upon the water,
The waves decrease In size, and
soon , woomParative 'calm results,.
'An idea'has been'dev'ejoped recen I t.
IT which may result iu,,the saving of
numbers of hard-pressed ships. Coast.
guar(l,stations around the British Isles
arQP�,k be prolded with which
fir6WellsCillied with oil.*.. uns
lCaistress signals are seen by the
watchers, the gurk will be takeir to the
nearest possible point to the ship.
Shells. will then be fired, ain ed. to
strlkj�tbe water aheadand astern of
her. ',;As each falls it will burst, allow.
ing iti�yaontoats to spread over the
face of the sea. in this way tho ship
May be enabled to last out until the
lifeboat can reach her.
A New Help for the
The most laborious. of all domestic
tasks is scrubbing floors. Any woman
will testifY to that, It brealis the back
and 4ears out both temper and stock -
Ing -knees. Hence It may be consider-
ed that Charles F. Oliver, of $her-
brooke, Quebec, has.proved himself a
benefactor through the Invention of a
stoopless scrubbing brush which he
has newly patented in this country.
The brush has a long handle' there-
fore , the operator doesn't have to
stoop. On top Of It Is a rectangular
box containing water and a cake of
zoap;. Sharp metal points projecting
upward from � t4e, bottom of the box
scrape the ioap constantly as the
brush Is pushed back and forth. A
dribble of soapy water falls continual -
IT in front of the brush through a raw
of small -holes, prOyIded for that pur-
pose. Thus the scrubber has nothing
to do but to shove the leng handle to
and fro, soapy w4ter being fed out In
advance of the brush. The perform-
.ance is Almost automatic.
Turning Night Into Day.
One at the strangest flowers, and
one that is not often seen, because it
only blossoms -after night has fallen,
and then withers before dawn comes,
Is the cerous. Except at the time it
blooms, this plant, which Is one of the
few that turn night into day, is not at
All attractive In appearance. What
you see is nothing more than a leaf-
less, distorted tangle of discolored
and xepellent vegetable fibres.
But when this, unpromising mass of
roots does break Into, blossom, it
throws out flowers as beautiful as they
axe deliciously scented. The bud be-
gins to untold a little after dusk, and
In in hour or two it has grown to a
large flower several feet In efrounifer-
once, which at midnight Is brown and
iwango and white, and 11110 the air
With a heavy tropical acent like a cona-
'pound of fresh frangipanni, roses, and
tiger Hiles. An hour or so before
dawn the flowera begin to fade, and
before breakfaist the plant Wagaln an
jLppareatly withered heap,
Vuh fernale salmon yields approxi.
hiately '(),500 eggs each year,
The highest tmes 'have the most
pointed loaves.
Vootball III vety popular in Ilnrrila,
the pinyora Wearing no foctgeat. and
kloldtil? the ball with the baro feet.
A dopwl� of diamcn& of fair size
OLUd quQit:� hat been discovorw in
g161d 11419A4 i;A CUM,
A Combing Miff Needed.
The woollen Industry of Canada Is a
basic Industry and should be V. 11 11
nant factor In tho production of ivrxluth
for our Canadian people. Sheep rats -
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Ing, when properly encouraged, will be
Tablets for her little onaq,she will use
one of the most profit4ble, departments
nothing else. Experience toaches her
of our agricultural life, The bulk of
that the Tablets are the very best
Wool VrOda0d In 0"A" during the
ruediolue she can give her baby. They
past lias, through lack of a combing
are a gentle laxative: mild but thor.
mill, been exported to foreign eoun.
ough In action and never fall to banish
trios where, after being combed, It has
constipation, colic, colds or any other
been shipped back to our wonted
,of the many minor ailments Of child.
mills. at a greatly increased value,
hood. Concerning them Mrs. J. Bte.
Something like twoutyfour million
Charest, St. Leon, Que., writes.—"My
(24,000,000) pouri4s. at wool wasgrown
baby, cried ' co4tinually and nothing
In Caugda last year, Irlits quantity is
seemed to hell) her till I began using
sufficlent to provIde for something like
llaby'a Own Tablets. These Tablets
Olght' )Million (8,000,000) suits of
soon set her rightand now I would not
clothes, which would sell for In the
be without them," The Tablets are
neighborhood of Four hundred Milflon
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
Dollars ($400,000,000). It the various
20 cents a boxfrom The Dr. Williams'
processes, of manufacture were0com.
Medicine CIO,, Brockville, Out.
pleted tp.�Canada this large sum would
be set: circulating In Canada through
Electric Popcorn-
thousands of people employed In the
combing end spinning of the wool, the
The popper that pops popcorn by
'weaving of the cloth and the tailoring
electricity Is a brand-new Invention;
and selling, of the finished product.
much more convenient itlian the old
The establishment in Canada of a
style Gfpopper,. and less danger of
wool combing will would prove A tre.
scorching the corn, .
mou.4ous benefit to the country as a
It J-3 a small pan of aluminum with
whole and would undoubtedly receive
a rectangular wire cage on top and a
the'whole-hearted support of the Do.
woo -dell handle. Through the handle
minion and Provincial governments,
passeft an electric cord, which has
textile manufacturers and breeders of
simply to be plugged Into the house
circuit. Then you are ready to pop.
Right Back at Him.
Returning from school the other at -
Editor (to aspiring writer)—"You
tornoon a little girl proudly Informed
ahould write so that the most Ignorant
her mother that she had learned to
can understand,'what you mean,"
11 punctuate."
Aspiraut-"Well,'Wliat part of myl
"Y oee,' mother," explained the
story don't you understand?"
child, you write 'Hark" you put
I a hatpin after it, and when you ask a
Adk for Minard's and take no other.
I question you put a buttonhook!"
In -an address 'at -the 0amadian Na- 1 knm�s or cares nothing about health
tiontal" E#Ibition taiis -year, Hari. Dr. habits.
Cody, of St. Paulls; Churibh,.'Toronto� To diffuse this very necessary
health education, WL sort$ of attrac-
sitated that education was the most tive measures, will have to be adopted,
important undertaking of a - govern- some of which are already in use.
ment today. This ise adudtbed, but The,�Qe include health talks by doctors,
moving picture shaws, and practical
Dr. Cody mf ghthave gone further. and demon'sotrations -and clinics by Public
stated that V all branchesiof educa-
tion, that of Public Healith was in the Health and School nurses.
forefront dn point of importance. If "W. G.," of Asquith, Saskatchmvan,
the -education Of the child in Its early colinlylains about shortness of breath
years is directed along the lines of and dizzy spells, with sometima-s a
feeling as if he were going to col-
healtb� habits it will ptepare it -both hipso. These conditions way -arise
in strength of body and Of mind to from several causes, of wh.ieh the fol -
receive a, -general education in reading, lowing are the most impartant;
writing alid arithmetic and all the (a) Heart disease.
higher education to follow. Of course e
bhe,re (b) Art ro-sclerovis or hardening
awe exceptional cases -where of the arteries with increased blood
obild,ren Q1,poor physique have turned -pressilre resulting.
oub to be exceptionally brilliant ' (c) Kidney disease.
students., but this to somie extent is Just which of these, oT what com-
:due to over -development of the mind
bination Of these is causing the
in spite of weaknes-z of ihe body. trouble can only be diagnosed by a
It behooves aUl z6ducational and physician -who has examined the pa. -
health authorities, i�7e;efare, to re- tient thoroughly. It would be impos-
gurd public, health education as one sible for me, therefore, to try to tell
of the fundamental necessities in the what the origin of the trouble is, and
teaching of the young. Observations I would reecommend that 11W. G.11 put
have shown, foir instance, ithat Ahe himself inimedirdely under a physi-
chfict who goes to bed eaTly, -who cian's care.
sleeps in a well -ventilated room and 11W. J.,,' writing fron, Woodstock,
rises early, who cleans his teeth daily- says: -I unfortunately acquired syph -
a -ad drinks cold water between meals, ills -a yeaT a -go, and have had good,
who eats plain, substantial foods, thorough treatment since. When will
drinks milk and avoids tea, coffee, it be safe for me to be inarried.?
pastry, candy, pies, etc,, and who Answer: A patient with syphilis
spends definite times each day in out- should -net marry within two years
door play and exercise, who bathes after treatment has been commenced,
-regularly and, attends to his personal and then only af ter a thorough ex-
hy-giene is In a far botter state of amination and blood test has been
mind and body for study thau the lack- made by a competent physician, and
a-daisical, slovenly boy or girl who the patient declured cured.
Grape -Nuts is a food that
tastes good and does good, The
proof of Grapo-NU�S_Iegitis ill t116
eating and goes on through the
splendid servico which Grape.
Nuts renders us a teaf food.
OraPe-Nuts is the perrected good.
nets of wheat and malted barky
---deli$Ous to taste, easy to, di.
gest, and exceptionally . rich in
nourishment for body and brAin.
"There's A Reftson"for Grape -Nutt
GOOD HEAATU alito puturis.4cogUng actcap with
';%baufg." At present there nrQ about
24 now boys xtuA�yln4- for the Tender -
Not Test, and It. will bo, Impossiblo to
'AND GOOD SPIRITS take any more recrutta until these
boys have pasoea the teat. Afs is
the stuff that counts, Keep your Irop
Pepend Upon the Condition of I
to v4pAclty straggth. It otimulate4
the Blood—Keep It Rich, Interoot from within and without,
Red and Pure.
When a doctor tells you that you
are auaeuile, he simply in eans, In plain
Unglisli, that your blue d Is weak and
wate'ry. But thia condition Is one that
May easily pass Into A hopeless do -
cline It prom pt steps are not taken to
enrich the blood, Poor blood, weak,
watery blood to the cause of headaches
and backaches, loss of appetite, poor
digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, nor -
vans Irritability and many other
troubles. To poor blood Is due the
pimples and blotches, the muddy earn.
Plexion, that disfigures so many faces.
To have good health, a good complex-
ion and a cheerful manner, the blood
must be kept rich, red and pure. This
I* easily done through the use of a
blood enriching tonic like Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. The whole mission
of this mediclue is to help enrich the
blood which reaches every nerve and
every organ In the body, bringing with
It health, strength and now activity.
That is why people Who, occasionally
use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always
feel bright, active and strong.
Mrs, E. E. Cook, Sirocco, Out., gives
strong -testimony to the value of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills when the blood
is in an anaemle condition. She says,
"! have been a sufferer for some years
from a ran down condition of the sys,
tem. I suffered from pains in the
back, twitching of the nerves and
muscles, my appetite was poor, I had
indigestion and would get drowsy
after eating. My hands and feet were
almost always cold, and though I was
constantly doctoring, the medicine I
took did not help me. I had practical-
ly given up hope of good health, until
A friend f rear Hamilton, came to visit
me, and urged rat to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. It took some persuasion,
but finalli I consented to try them,
I have reason to be grateful that I
did, for after using seven boxes I felt
like a now person. I have gained in
weight, have a better color and my
work ' 19 now a pleasure. For this can-
dition my thanks are due to Dr. WIT.
liams' Pink Pills, and I cannot praise
them too highly."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Out.
- C. . -
The New Chief Scout.
I -Its Excellency, Baron Byng of Vimy,
Governor-General and Chief Scout for
Canada', presided at a recent meeting
of the Do -minion Council of the Boy
Scouts Association. A resolution was
adopted expressing gratification at
His Excellency's acceptance of the
highest office In the gift of the Scout
movemert In Canada.
In reply to the resolution, His Ex-
cellency expressed the satisfaction and
pleasure he felt at becoming head of
so worthy and Important an organi-
zation. He believed whole-heartedly
in the worth of the Boy Scout Move-
ment and its benefits to the entire
country. Very amusingly and with
not a little pride, His Excellency told
of how, before the war, he became so
thoroughly lnterestqd In Scouting that
hG had studied and gone right through
every grade, finally winning the Silver
Wait, which Is the highest decoration
In the Scout movement. He recalled
the occasion when he- had formed
twenty-eight troops in the country In
which ite lived. He. had also started
one of the first, if not the first, scout-
masters' training course. In conclu-
sion, he said he accounted it a plea-
sure, while In Canada, to do every-
thing he could to help the movement.
.Very stimulating reports were board
in connection with the progress
throughout the provinces, the province
of British Collimbia receiving special
mention. His Grace Archbishop Mc.
Neil, of Toronto, was, appointed to the
Canadian General Council, and Right
Rev. Bishop Fallon, of London, -was
made A member of the Dominion
Executive Committee. Plans were dis-
cussed for the publication Of further)
Scouting works, and the extension of!
the stores department for supplies of
uniforms, the object being to have one
standard uaiform for the whole of
Uft ' '
His Preforenae.
English WAtter—I'Which side of the
table do you wisb to sit. *a, air?"
American Guest—Ill prefer to sit on
a chair, thank you,"
cutting Him Down.
Scot (at the baths)—"Wbat's the
price Of a bath?"
Attendant—"Oue shilling."
Scot---�'Hech, man, that's a lot. Can
ye no aay saxpence and put in less
Never Touched.
"Now, s1r, " said the lawyer, cross.
examining a witness, "your answers
are net satisfactory. I Am afraid you
are slightly ambiguous."
Witness (with great indignation)—
"I am naething & the kind, s1r. I'm
a strict teetotaler."
Reason for Asking.
Little Teddle—I'What time does the
tido come in, Mr. Fisherman?"
"Why, you young raseal, I've told
you three or four times already. At
Little Teddie—l'Yes, I know; but I
like to see your whiskers wobble when
you say 15.55.1
Enough at a Time.
Little Bertie obstinately refused one
day to say his lesson to his, teacher.
"But you know it quite well, I'm
sure " protested the young lady.
'&S," he admitted.
"Well, why don't you say it?" she
"What's thefuse?" lie replied. "It I
say It you'll only inake me learn some-
thing else."
A-Sti.-kier for Politeness.
"I'm shocked at you, kicking your
little playmate," scolded Raymond's
"I got tired of playing with him
and I wanted him to go. home," the
youngster excused himself.
"Then why didn't you ask him to go
home 9"
11W�v, mamma," -he said in amaze-
ment, "that wouldn't have been
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum Invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which Is a miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is, restoring the
hearing of hundreds of people in New
York City. Mr. Leonarl invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does thi& so
successfully that no one could tell he
is a deaf man. It Is effective when
deafness Is caused by catarrh or by
perforated,.or wholly destroyed natur-
al drums. A request for information
to A. 0. Leonard, Suits 487, 70 Fifth
Avenue, New York City, will be given
a prompt reply. advt.
_41 -
Buying a Wife In Asia,
In Turkestan every wedding engage-
ment begins with the payment of a
substantial consideration to the girl's
parents. It the girl jilts her lover the
engagement gift has to be returned
unless the parents have another
daughter to give as a substitute.
Morality, study, and gayety are
three sisters who should never be
The expedition of Mr. Donald B.
MacMillan, now.wall up in the Arctic
regions, has one udvantage that no
previous expedition to those regions
possessed: a -wireless outfit, with
-which it expects to keep in soine de-
gree in touch with chrilization. The
time signals sent out from the Naval
Observatory at Arlington ivill be re-
cei-ved on shipboard daily, aurl it will
probably be some comfort merely to
The Bay Scouts of Fort William, pass the time (1 day.
Ont., have proved conclusively to the
local Rotarlans In that vicinity the
splendid worth of Scouting to the earn- ASPIRIN
mulifty and also the value of sym-
pathetic Interest on the part of the OrAy "Bayei" is Germine
Rotary Club, At a recent demonstra-
tiolt of scoutcraft given before a large
gathering of Rotarlana, one of the well-
known doctors of Fort William pro-
nounced the bandaging and other de-
monstrations of 101rat-Ald knowledge to
have been done "without a flaw."
Scoutmaster Cooper vividly doscrib.
ed tto lieroto action oi iwo'dl ilie local'
Scouts in rescuing anothdr follow Zve
Scont from drowning during the lat.
ter part of the summer and CxDressed Warning! Take no chanew w th 8
the hope that they would shortly be stItut6a for genulne "Ba*cr Ta I T6
Preaented with tire Scouts, life -Saving Aspirin." Unless 4,�:u eec, 1h n me I
inedal and also the Royal Humane "Bayer"t on packnge or on tablets you i
Sodety's niedal. Hoarty and prolong. are Pat getting Arlitrin tit afl. Tit every!
ed cheers front thie Rotarlans present Bayer paelcageare (1trectlers for Colds,
greeted this aiincuricement. Headache, Vl'ouralg!n, nbouniatism.
President Jackson of the Rotary Llarache, Toothache, Lumlingo and for
Plub thanked the Scouts for their Pala, Handy tin bo.ves of twelve 1:0.
splendid entertainment aud many ION Cost few MAI. I)IM9,""Pt' also
times reiterated that co-operation and I sell bager paclatge.i. Made iii Cana -
help III the splendid work would ever da. ARpieln is the trade mark, (roglg-
be the aim of tI1,3 local Rotarialis. ton,%d In Vanaft), at Dayer Wanaiao.
ture of Alonon eat leacides to -r of $all-'
The treop hailing &row Halloybury t1licaeld. I
From Helpless Invalid to Com.
vlete Restoration of Health,
Strength and-144ppiness Is
Wonderful Change Mrs.1
Root Experienced in Three
Weel"taternent One of
Most Remarkable On Re.
"Just a week before I started taking
Tanlac I was down In bad so crippled
up with rheumatism I could not move,
without Wa. My son had taken Tan
lao, and it had done him a world at
good, so one day lie brought home a
battle, and said, "Mother, I want you
to take this." When I had finished
that bottle, I felt like a different wo.
man, and by the time I had flulshed
mysecond bottle, I izas out in the gar-
den hoeing.
`Tanlao has simply done wonders
for me, it almost seems like a mira-
cle." This is the remarkable state-
ment viado recently by Mrs. Jennie
Root, residing at 1409 Powers. St.,
Portland, Oregon, and Is only one of
tens of thousands from well-known
men arO women who are daily testi.
fying to the powers of Tanlao.
Continuing her 'wonderful - state-
ment, Mrs. Root said, "For years I
suffered terribly with rheumatism,
and would often be down In bed for
days at EL time. In the last five years
there was. not a time that I didn't feet
those rheumatic pains all through my
body. About two months ago I got
very much worse and my arms
legs were so'bad I wa�B almost 1
less and couldn't even hold a pen to,
sign my name. I was so weak I could
not do any housework. I couldn't
even sleep, and had no rest day or
night. Even to walk a few steps would
tire me out completely. When I tried
to walk a little. way and sat down� I
could not get.up without some one
helping me. I had no appetite and
hardly ate enough to keep me alive, I
could not stoop over far enougbL to
get my shoes on.
"I never know what a night!s sleep
was, and would lie awake for hours.
At times I would get very cold and
would have to get up and sit by the
fire all huddled up, and my daughters
would put hot water bottles all around
me. I was treated by four doctors,
Old Man Worry.
Old man worry camearound the other
He said: "It!s only foolishness toomile
or sing or play:
The sunshine may be pleasant,
But it's only for the present;
And you may as well get ready for the
clouds all cold and gray."
A teller with a fiddle heard the things
he liad to say.
He set, 'em to a tune, an' then he
started in to play.
Old Man Worry
Felt his feet begin to hurry,
And pretty soon lie laughed and went
a-dancin' on his way.
Pay your out-of-town. accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order, Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Little Robert went to call on a
neighbor. "I have not seen you for
some time, Robert," said she. "Have
you been sick?" "Yes," said Robert.
"And what was the trouble?" "Four
apples," was. the laconic reply.
Flaherman-'s Friend, 11,
The Original and Only Genuine
Al t-il
-g .
and tool, all kinds at ruedicine. Noth-
trig ever did me any good. I am just
like a different person now. All those
terrible aches and palu,4 have left mo.
and only the other day I wa.i able to
walk up four flights of staim, In an
office building when the elevator was
out of order.
"My appetite Is Just splendid now,
an& Just t* -day for the first Cato In
years, I felt so hangry that I had to
go and eat a piece of pie between
meals, in fact, I can't remember the
time that I have felt as well as I do
now. I have not only regained my
health and strength, but I have gained.
fourteen pounds in weight, To tell
you the truth, I wouldn't exchange
th" b neflt I have received from Tau-
la� to"r, the best rarich in Oregon, and
I will praise it as long as I llve!l
Taulae is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Ady.
Getting No Better Fast.
The -old gardener's wife, had been
very ill, and on seeing him I asked
him about her.
"Oh, ma'am ,, the old man replied
sorrowfully, "the doctor don't give us
no encouragement either way."
&IInard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
Thirty thousand poo-ple are killed er
injuT�6d in the United State3 every
day; five perams, it i3 estimated,
meet death by accident, there every
Bulk carleta
06 J, "Wev TORONTO
Dog n4bMea0m
33"k on
and How to Feed
Mailed Vree to any At,-
drei3s by tho Author.
U. Clay alovor Co.. la�,.
119 Wtat 81st Str"t
Now Yor1c. U.S.A.
When 4 Days 01d. Cross
and Criod, CuflouraHeali.
"My baby L;011 I Indd ectoina
which began whai hd "a abott
f0tar dayt; old. It Carlo
in littlo p4ml-m and then
a rtsh, fund he wan cov-
lcp ered. H�� was so crozo
that 11.3 coull slot eleer,
and b3 aki,
,,�:thi before vie =Il
cu"kara. It
t-Z� e, and li� wao 01 be�l-_A
h:0 u=d hv,�, c"' = of lcep v l L.. a
H. 14., MOLY 21, 11.118.
US9 CUtiorg
1- 4
Talcurn for all toil -a pmp4,coa.
Sano 254. ohitincmt 25 and We. r.Z4
Lyrhok-iis. Limm-d. St. Paid St.. Movaree!.
SAW-0011CUM 3ORP &I%KVC2'Wth0TAt 1AUC.
Young Mrs. Baecroft Had
Miserable Time Untii She
Took Lydia E. Fhakham'z
Vegetable Co in, pou-nd.
Hamilton, ont. --I havesuffered for
three years from a feniale, troublo and
consequent wealmess, pain and irregu-
larity which kept me in bed four or five
days each month. I nearly wont crazy,
with pains in rai back, Ana for about a
week at a time could not. do my work.
I saw Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegmtable
Compound advertised in the Himilton
Spictator and I took it. Now I no
pain and am quite regulor over.
VTV&t% V11 t -ay 6et from early
t�,�Zj,ind Z, -
night. Ilcee
house and do all my own* -ithoull
any trouble. I bave recommeruldd the
jornpound to several friends. sr -Ura.
ENnLy ftrptolq, 26DVictoria Ave. N.0,
'pits accounts tor the orormous (ioniand
for it from onast to qo.ast. If you, Am
troubled with ait� ailment ppmlliar W
1 -1 don .
ri, t ym try Lydia, E.
made, frorn v <11,Te roots afid herbs andl
welte t�m 1,ydia U. 111111,ham Bledicina
fie tuAult of farty
Co., Lynn, tfur,�, 11
years ehl�QANXCO iS 4t yOUt Aqn-le"t