The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-06, Page 80
Whitechurch Bluevale
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Laidlaw visited Nurse May Powell is looking after Mrs.
with t1wir aunt, Mrs. AlcBrien of Auburn, Geo. McDonald'. who is very poorly.
oa Sunday. We hope there will soon be a change for
HA.N.-NA & CO., LTD* Mrs. Sam Leggatt of Drayton, visited the botter,
with beviister, Mrs. Fred Nowlimy, one A a bac returned to Toronto,
day last week. " r' " w Jr.,
of, , Spending a couple of weeks with his
bert Thompson attended the parcrttshere, 1jeja much Improved In
We sell well known products at M,-'lzo
funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Burwasb, in health -
21 and Mrs. Goo, Mowbray spent
-%rgin of pro it Wingham on Saturday, Mr. I g
Wt the lowest m f Mbises Merle Wilson, Ada Clubb and 8runday with relatives at W n bam
Aggie, 1`<ennedy, and Mr, ijarottl Spar� Mrs, Wm- Thornton left on Monday
ling havt� been appointed by the Presby- to visit hee brother, Rev. Gregory At
terian Y. P. S. here, to attend the Y. 1. Lakeside who lias been seriously Ill.
Bankrupt stocks are n o t found on our X S. Convention, to be lield in Tecswitter Rev*. Mr. Mills took Rev. Mr. Tates'
shelves. Pure foods, correct weights and X this Friday, work on Sunday as Mr. Tate was on the
Dr. Alex Simpson of Kintail., was very' sick list, He is feeling better again we
measuTes and cleanliness. serionsly ill last week, His people from are glad to say.
these parts, were called to his home. Mrs, T. Stewart and Mr. Whit Stew -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hera of Goderich, art spent Sunday with relatives in Mor -
Cash und Delivery allow us to sell for less. visited with Mr.and Mrs. Fred Thomp- ris.
11N, son one ciay last N%teek, Mr. Thos. Fields oi Wingliam, shipped
0 I.Ars. jas Morrison of Dungannorio is a car of cattle from here Monday.
1�rl vi,itin- with her old friends in the village. A-riumber from here took in the Gorrie
Golden 7W. AT."K.Ln Paterson and Scott and Relen Fair last Saturday.
'614 X visited at the horne of Mr, Will Nixon's Mrs. Win. Garniss Sr,, was on the sick
m Fl,, -,-r c'ty.-$ 1.13 of Donnybrook on Sunday, list for a few days.
V U 25 1b. bag Mrs. Dave Dinsley of Wingliam, and Mr. Harold Holmes of Brussels, was
Mrs. Henderson, B!Uevalo Rd,, visited home over the week -end.
Good blend a% with Mr, and Mrs. R. Henderson last Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, Mr and
week. Alex McGee and Mr, and Mrs. J as, Mas -
WOW& per lb .: ...... j Mrs. Bert Martin and daughter, Edith, ters visited friends at Clinton on Sunday.
(F 1.1 T 15 c I
�A JLPI(ffr,�o%k "--'a 3 lbs for $1 visited with Mrs. Win. Martin, last week. Mr Chas. Garniss Is putting in a fur -
Dr. Campbell of Durigantion, will take nace �nd waterworks and will soon have
the services it) Whitechurch Presbyterian his new house in order. It will be a fine
Church wxt Sunday. comfortable home when corhpleted.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Paterson visited Mr. Wm. Falconer made a business
Edwardsburg x-& friends at Grand Bend, on Sunelay last. trip to St. Catharines last week.
Brand, 2 lb. Z X
GOLD EN tin . ................... 3c (Rev,) Harkness of Wroxoter, will return -
Mr. and Mrs. Peter King have
a2dIrress's the Presbyterian W. AL S, on edhome after a visit with relatives in
Oct. 12 at the Thankoffering meeting. Michigan.
per Everybody welcome Mr. H. A. McCall Is taking down the
A 04tarch 12c x old veranoah in front of his store and is
pkg 14 putting in a cement platform in front of
XMorris the store and a new verandah.
WS X Mr And Mrs. Jack Barnard of London, Mr, Lawrence Wheeler of Brussels,
Be,1 granulat- 91 moforedto Mr. Alex McEwen's Turn- visited with Mr. L Ruttan.
*'A berry. Misses Ada Blackwell and Cora Hiles
Sugar Y2 C Mrs. Jas. McGee and children spent a of Atwood, spent a couple of days with
ed per lb ---------------- <2 few days last week with her brother, Mr. Mrs. Harold Hammond.
x Robeft Weir of Turnberry.
N". a 16. and Mrs John Walmsley and fam- East Wawanosh
RINSO per pkg ........ 712- C CURRANTS, clean 19C ily motored to Mitchell ilast Sunday arid, A g4r
spent the day with Mr,'And Mrs. Hunt. eat number from this vicinity it -
tended the Wingham fall fair and report-
........ 24C SARDINES, King Os- Miss Flossie Haines has returned to ed a good time.
CHEESE, good Toronto where she has been aftending Miss Laura Bone is visiting at her home
car, lb . ........................ 22c LO University. for a few days,
SARDINES, oiled:'...10C Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson and fam- number from this neighbourbood
ily of Belgrave, visited at Mr. Robert A
Golley's last Sunday, were present at the convention I . n Wing -
JELLY POW D E R S, ham oil Friday afternoon.
MIX CHICKEN .11 A D D I E The corn cuLters are working along
NlcLa,ren's all flavors 11c fA New Barber Shop the tenth concession,
�;soiliething new, tin .... 28c Mr. Gordon Cruikshank who has been Mrs., Robert Gibson returned to her
11_4 ___ ., , - 2 Gait, after visiting with her
KIPPERED HERRING 9,0 barbering with Mr 0. J, Habkirk for the h.ome in
rP.0 sister, Mrs, Win Robinson, East Ifflawan-
JARS, quarts ........ $1.25 �1 fresb, tin .................... 19C W past couple of years has decided to open osh.
-upashopi the Ritchie building north of Fi.,e members or the family of the late
N.:1 pints, imperial ........ $1.35 the Presbytllerian church. I Dougall Campbell visited the scenes of
024 SOAPS, Comfort, Sur- 'IV Risbrough-Congrarn Nuptials their childhood for a short while one
afternorn recently. They were ail born
121 GUSTO, POST TOAS- A ciffiet wedding took place at the home over fifty years ago on the 'farm now
TIES, CORN, FLAKES I prise, Gold, etc. cake 7-.1c of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Congram, Wing- owned by Mr. Win. Robinson, Lot 31 ' con
ham, Ont., on Wednesday, Sept. 21st, 8, E.,ist Wawanosh They motored over
CASTILE SOAP .... 4C when tbeii only daughter, Ida M. became from their home in Detroit.
o Mr. and Mrs. Snell of Nile, visited with
the bride of Mr. Roy Risbrough, f New- Mr. and Mrs. Elisha: Walker on Sunday
441 SODA BISCUITS, 2 lb, COWANS COCOA$ tonbrook, Ont. , The ceremony was per- last.
box ........................ formed by Rev. Mr. Harris, of Wingbam,
�arge tin .................... 28C ?,t* in the presence of immediate relatives of ANNOUNCEMENT
WHITE COOKING '. X thebrideand groom. The bride looked
BEANS, 4 lbs. for .... 25c BROOM SPECIAL 50c lovelyinagown of cream crepe -meteor
and carried a boquet of Ophelia roses and The Pavilion Orchestra, Goderichl is
ferns. After the ceremony the guests sat j)pen for Prigagernents, public or private.
down to a sumpt6ous repast. The bridal For 'infointation and t e r in s write or
MATCHES, 3 boxes for CHRISTIE'S BIS- . ne
........................... ........ 35C CUITS, fancy, lb .... 34C Party left on the afternoon train for De. Pl�ri ,
troit and Bay City, and on their return W. J. BUCHANAN, Manager
Arl will reside at Newtonbrook, Ont. Phone A7. . Box 18, Goderich, Ont.
We pay highest cash prices for all kinds
of produce. Salem
'dersigned auctioneer has received in -
Mr. arld Mrs. Thomas McMichael of The in
ttructions frc m Saui McComb, Lot 52, S. D. R,
this vicirity and Mr. and Mrs. Goo Paul- Kincardine Township, to sell by Public Auc-
tion, without reser
In of Wroxeter, motored to Atwood to -vo, on Wednesday, Oct. 12tb.
Mr. and X rs. Hugh McTavish's one day at 1.30 o'clock p.m.. the following:
last week. HORSES -That, famous Stallion, Baron Roy -
Hanna &'Co., Ltd v- al; I stallion colt by 414ron Royal; 1 stallion
Mr. Melvin Millits had the misfortune colt, by Promote (the farnous Scotland
to be thrown off the tank while assisting Premier Horsol; I registered filly, rising 2, by
Baron Royal; I pure bred filly colt. by Baron
Royal; I draught geldin , rising 6. by Baron
his brother, Webster to rut corn one day
last week, the team scaring at the engine. Royal; 1 agricultural gelling, rising 5years. by
P Fortunately he escaped with a few minor B,%rno Royal; I draualit gel ing. rising 3 years,
by, Baron Royal; I drought gelding riwing 2
bruises, the empty I ank passing over his year, by Baron Royal; I coach mars, rising 10
lool. e was inte ding to draw a tank years; 1 driving colt. rising 3, by Don Rem%.
of water when the accident occurred. CATTLE -1 five-yearr-old cow. duetocalve in
Fobruar3; 5 ste rs SHEEP_
X Mr. and Mrs. Win. Palmer and daugh- Bowe lambs. Oxford D1"."w'ns` Y40'2'§- I Berk.
IVter, Jennie of Northern Ontario called an shire hog, 3 years old. IIENz-60 pure bred
rs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich 0
0,6y the former Lnich rn hens and, ch i ckeas.
Teruni-All SUMS of $10 and under, casht over
that amou 1; 10 montliW credit on approved
VI d Palmer and other friends around here
7 1 " it ot,,n
W, week, oi n with Rix per cent per annum add
Mr. and Mrs. 6. L. Weir motored to Everything must be sold without reserve uE
Copelands Grocel Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McTavish's at At- stocknivatbe reduced, -,
wood one day recently. The ladies are Jo,,,N I�mvg,, PAucr111ena,,,r,
Phone No. 9 sisters. Mrs. Weir remaining for a few C..'i rop 0
N, days' visit, Mr. McTavish is in very
X poor health. MRS. T. FELLS
Cash and Delivery --- Our goods are X Mr. Cooper of Clinton, occupied the Patrick St., Phone 231.
I * here last Sunday and preached an
guaranteed, our prices reasonable. A sat X pu Pit iate Temperance sermon. Qualified to give Chiropractic and
X api3ropr
Isfied customer Is o u r best advertise. A large number from here -attended the massage, ajustments. Spinal examinatior
X Pairs at Wingbam and Gorrie last week free.
ment. Do your shopping here and be one and report a good time.
Following X
of our many pleased patrons. I NOTICE.
are a few of our prices: Blyth I The Council of the Corvoratiorrof theTowt
oi Wingham has constructed as a local Im
Condensed Milk (Intended for last week) -prevenient, sewers asfollows:-
Rice 3 lbs for ................. 25C X
Minnie St. from John to Victoria.
Ali Tapioca per lb ................ 10c Eagle Brand .................. 28c Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bielby are here Minnie St. from Patrick to Alfred.
X Cornmeal, 6 lbs for ........... 25c Silver Cow .................... 25c from the West visiting old friends and John St. from Minnie to William
acquaintances. They formerly resided Victoria 4,t. from f3huter to 1pran�ls.
St. Charles .................... 20C on con. 8. Morris. Leopold St. from John to Patrick.
Cream of Wheat 3 lbs for ...... 25c Carnation .................... 20C Leopold St. from John to Victoria.
Oatmeal, 5 lbs for ............ 25c Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr and family Victoria Sr. from Leopold to Minnie,
Laundry Soap are moving to Ingersoll this week where Centre St. from Diagonal Road to John.
Mr. Carr has purchased a business, 2. The cost of the work is $8100 of which $259J
Gusto, 2 for ............... _25C Ivory, Gold, P. & G., Com- 70 is to be paid by the Corporation. The Spec
successful rally day service was ial rate per foot frontage is seven and one'ter
Cornflakes Z. for ............... 25C fort, Sunny Monday, Life- th cents (7,1q).
buoy each 8c or 3 for ...... 25C heldvine�the Methodist Sabbath School on The special asses8ment Is to be paid in tbirt:
Post Toasties, 2 for ............ 25c Sunday A well arranged program was annual Instalmonts.
Corn Starch, 2 for ............ 25c carried out, the first item on the program 3. The estimated lifetime of the workis thirt
Toilet Soaps ars.
,1w Silver Gloss Starch 2 for 26C Glycerine, Palmolive, Sapon,., was the verbal address given by Harry Tfi A Court of Revision will be held on the I
Loose St -arch 2 lbs for ... :,,::::26c; Opera, each ............ ... 10C Baker to the visitors and other people th. day of Oct. 1921, at 10 A. M. . o'cloq1t at tb
V. present. The school room was decorated Town Hall for the purpose of heAring con
Cocoa, bulk per lb ............ 20c with autumn vines and leaves and a pro- flaints against the proposed assessments c
Canned Goods he accuracy of frontage measurements an
Coffee, fresh groutli lb ........ 58c X fusion of flowers and foliages, The offer, any other complaint which persons Interoste
Corn ........................ 15c ing taken on this occasion goes to assist may desire to make and which is by law coj
Tea, special Blend per lb ...... 43C peas, F nivable by the Court.
Xcelsior Brand ........ 15c poor schools in the West and amounted
Brunswick Sardines each 8c or Peas, York Brand Standard 2 Date lorles office, Winglirifiri, this 24th
for ............ I ......... 89;� to $45, day of Upt., 1921'W. A. GALBRAITIt, Clerk.
3 for . .................... 25a Miss Christens. McClinton of Goderich,
Snap Hand Clearier, each 23C Peas, York Brand, Early June.. 20c
0 2 for ................... 45c Tomatoes, Ayimer Erand 2 for 35c Spent he weel,end with her aunt, . Mrs,
r John Wilson. Wroxeter
Rai ins, Seedless or Seeded, per Pumpkin ................... . 15C
'46kage ............. :,::.30C Salmon, Maple Leaf, small .... 85c Mr. Wm. Bennett who was eelzed with Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. joh
a stroke last week Is still In a percarlous Miller sympathize with them in the 8Ud
Pute Lard, 3 lb Pails ..... . 05C Salmon, Maple Leaf, large..,..55C condition, den death of their little daughter Eilee
Salmon, Cascade, large ........ 25c Patricia, after a feW hours illnes, convull
F** Ltird, per 11) ............. :26C The Fall Vair held on Thursday and ions being the cause. The funeral whic
Cider Vinegar. White Wine Sugar Friday was one of the best. Idest! was held on Friday afternoon was largel
Vinegar, gallon 450# j gal 10 The for .................. $1.0 weather prevailed, The hall wab very attended. Interniefit in the Wroxeto
230 and j gal ............ 120 100 lbs for .. o ............ $ 9,75 Well filled with the best exhibiti. In cemetery.
poultry, sheep, horses and owinel the Mrs Jno. Harris has - gone to spend
competition for prizits was keen, the var�
All prices subject to change. fouo speeding eVents attracted much at. feW Months with her nOios Misses SteWai
attention. The Witigharn Cidgens' BAnd at Newbridge.
Highest market price for Butter and iggs. were presentandrend6red good serVice, Rey Me, McXibboti of Gorrie, wi
owIng to Sestforth holding their Fair on Preach in thd Met�odist Church Sunda
the same day the attendAnde from that eVening, Rev. Mr. Holmes taking the at
ZX)MXX%XXXXXXjC XXXXXXZXXXXX vicinity wAs not very lArge. n1vorsary service in Gordo.
Thursday, October 6th, 1921
Except'ional,Ba0ga"ins in Men's Fine Shoes
Sat. Next, at 3� pe m,. and While They Last
59 pairs Brand New Shoes for Men,, In brown and black side calf
leather� same shape as shown In Illustration., at the
marvellously low prieg of
� $4.85 a pair
-$4.85 a pair
Every pair Goodyear Wetted and we have mostly ffll sizes.
This Is the biggest blargain we have offered for several years and
cannot be duplicated ag;�in this season.
Note the tirhe-None sold before 3 p. m. Saturday.
One shoe of each p a I r Is being- showfi In our South Window.
Miss Mabel McClure of Drayton, spent REGISTER OCTOBER 3rd, at
the week -end at her home here.
Mrs Will Stewart and children of
Wmg�am, spent a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Cameron,
Miss Rathwell of Wingham Public
School, has been home the past week on
the sick list,
Miss Bettie Johnston of Chicago, i -.i Wingham, Ont., Phone 166.
spending a weeks vacation witfi her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnston. A superior school of business training, thorough courses in Commercial sub -
Miss Elva Johnston of the Wingliam jects. Individual instruction. , Graduates assisted to positions. Students may
Geperal Hospifalspent the week -end at enter at any time . Get the best. Get our Free Catalogue.
her' home here,
Mr. Austin McClure of Detroit, is visit- D. A. McLachlan, Pres. Thos. R. Foster, Priticipal.
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Mr. Finley Ross of Toronto, is visiting
in town.
. Mrs. Jos Carruth of Clinton, is visiting,
her daughter, Mi s. Ernie Aitcheson.
Wingham visited for a few days at A
Mrs. A. G, Smith and children of il, F LL AND WINTER
home of her parents.
Miss Eva Greer is again on duty at the
Bell Telephone office in Wingham, after
sciending her vacation inp Toronto and
. . 0 " READY - TO - WEAR
Mr. John Spindler is going about with
a badly sprained*ne6'k the result ot a fall In all the Latest Styles and Materials
head first through a trap door.
Mr add Mrs. Y. Garnet Armstrong and
fa f the Rexall Drug Store left, last
w i; 0
.ek for Toronto, where they will reside 1%
in future.
Mr. and Mrs R. S. McGee and Bertha W ., I Me
spent Sunday in Lucknow, with Mr. and IWO Coats' -
Mrs. Dan Geddea.
Mr. J. G, Anderson returned home last Women's a:'h d Misses',
week from Winnipeg.
Lucknow was rather 'unfortunate in X made from flnest quality all
their choice of Fall Fair date. as the day X wool materials, w i t h or
was anything but favourable, but despite without fur colhars.
this fact there was a fairly large crowd
and the mid -way enjoyed a large patron. Prices $18.50 to 45.00,.
age between showets. The exhibits in
the hall were numerous and good, in fact
better than most fall fairs around here.
The fruits, vegetables and fancy work
were of a high order. and the baking has
seldoin been excelled. Mr. Goo Cottle A = Dresses
Whitecburch had a display of honey
which was well wor%v of special mention
The outside exhibits were not so numer, Silk, S e r g e, Tricotine
ous especially the horses, owing to tne and Crepe Dresses in ex -
inclement weather. The concert at night
drew a full house and all were, satisfied clusive styles.
with the entertainment; Then the crown -
Ing event of the day (to the young people Prices $14.50 to 50,.001.
at least) was the dance, which was well
attended, music was supplied by Fryfoglas
orchestra of Wingham. This orchestra
has become ono of the best in Western
Ontario. Altogether the direct a 'e
satisfied but had the weather bei�.r oWthe_,'r_.
wise there would have been a record Furs Men's Wear
crowd and an extra good fair.
Men, r. Anderson of town received Latest styles i ti this
F word on Monday of the death of h er sister, I Winter Coats
Mrs. Merlath of Grimsby. The decea:Sed season s F u r s, Stoles,
was well known here by many of the old- Fall Coats
0 er residents, Her brother, Mr. John Xr,- Muffs ttnd Matched Sets,
c Koo of town had gone to Grimsby to be Raincoats
r with hor. Sbehaving been sick for some
I time.
Fur Coats Fall Suits
The. 14olvrood Women's Institute are
preparing for a big day on Oct. 6 when a Beaver trimmed Hud- Fall Hats
tablet well be unveiled, with the names of
all those frown Xinloss Twil. who gave son Seat Coats, Alaska Fall Caps
their lives in the great war engraved upon
it, Major Ernmerton of London, will be Sable trimmed Hudson
present also a company of returned sold- Shirts, Underwear and
iers under Capt. 116nderson of Walkertonj $eat Coats, Plain Hud -
as well as the Lucknow Boy Scouts. son Seat Coats. Hosiery. -
This will be one of the best days held
, h around here for sometime, and those who
y attend will not be sot ry.
x I Nk, Get Our Prices Before Buying
'A Mr. James Scott took in the Harriston
kind Gorrie Fair last week,
Mr. George Mundell had the misfortune
111of getting his arm broken. WeArepleas. K 1 N G B R 0 S
y Ud to toport that he is doing nitely.
1. Mr. Robert Muir returned home . from