The Wingham Advance, 1921-10-06, Page 6BABY'S HEALTHOGRAM Ile Ugham Adywice Among the Women's Institutes of Ontario Published'at C7 'rJ71 Cietting Ready for the Convention% known to themselves, to the -Test Of In the Interest of Baby who too cften lalows v1it it Is to be flandl f.� and kissed ut is made to miffer In ltl� "little health$," WO publish tb-0 y OP 4 A 4 IVA These are busy vreeks among the the province of a comm.unity party at wingham, O-awb 8 n -k'14 * �R ingtjtute oonven,icn Committees, of I their last meet:ng. following good Healthogram: Avery 'Thuroday Morninq d -y'%% �, A� ET N rural Ontario. rive annual conven-i 19everal new families, some of them I AM THIZ BABY' A. 0. SAII.T11, PublWi,er K�k , n - 6TYLO's tions must be he"�d this. autumn tot from outside our own country, lia-1 'Subserjlptlon rates; ­ One Year, ineot, the vra%vLqg neels of the"llovei into. the neighborhood, onel I am the Baby, need good Sellools in'which tl 1=3 J2.Q8; six nionths, J1.00i inadvauce. CONDUCTED BY PROF.- Nr:,NRY P. BELL i family were leaving, another had been' I am the. youngest ins.-ilution in the the los�ona pf Jolfe, Branclies, One will he at Foil; 'Wil- -S on application. 'it the sor- -western area, an-! bereaved. it Was the beginning' Of wGrid-411d the oldest. _gh, lQvQ, work, I want to live, Igu AdVertising rale The object of this dqpartment is t) �)Iacv f )!Am for the north -lien I -plAy, 4 &dyertlsements without speelfle dt- Nice of our form readers the advice of an acknowledged other at North Bay for the north, an4'aiiother Institute Xear'z Activ,100 The, earth. is my, heritage I *�:;!� 0,X --`t!. . I good pju�ic, read reetions will be inserted until )!Orbid #vthotity on oil, 4P crqp.i.' bjeqts pertaining to.4911F three others at Ottawa,, Toronto, and after the harvest and the �,hQ141aY9.1 coiiie Jnto being,. and Nybep. I go I J want to hoi;ir Professor Hqrvry. G, Rall. In Ind sympatbzv W9 -XO leave it to the n Address 4 questions to LoIIdon for the three divisions of old Welcome, sen&off i ext generation of good bog.lig, F�e beaj.;iful ph:Wres.. and cliargpil accordingly. Ll.jiltad, Topon, care of The Wilson Pubflabing, Company, Ontario. all exprcssed'in the evenlAg.0 I Nyant, to build Hqufle.3 And A Changes, for cuuteiwt ;kdvertise� to, andans�vqrs will, zppeir in this colarnn In the order Jolngs. anVes nd Citi Every memlier of every fay '11S -0o- and Railroads a Q19. montEl lw W the oMce by noon, .0 liey are rqceiveO, Wbors writInq kindly men. All are stressing the study of meth -1 W y %N I XY nlia �i. is to, leave the earth a In which tl C. oils of. improv' - the local branch invited, also a neliglibqving branch, - better place tban­J. 4Qu-nd �Jt, I.want to -walk irt.tho moods, �athe day. tin" this pa or. As spw;e #a linilted It Isi.adyls.14N where n, it And,play in,the snow. ry that a ktamped andbad. voung pepple'reiiiiiin#id in ;L. NVAY I X�lx my . million,- li de bTQthers and in, the wgterg, I= Immediate' reply Is neocapa the court of 'last resort in Institute, The 'do this, if the World I am Ye3terday,, 0 dressed envelope be enclosed with the question. wl-qrJ 'work; algo how the various Govern- i that was a r6l, inspiration. The two sisters !'can' T -day' and To - BU, SINESS CARDS the triswor w "Old girls and does notimpo noirow. be mailed di-ro'et. -hJ oilahestrAs Played. cop , yrig . ht by W)lson Publi.91iing Co.. Lirr�lted inent depariments, Public Healt ome" froml Now I nee '!e too inany handicaps, r If yell will make my way easy n�lted Educatien, Child Welfare, and Agri. I bo�sll dropped "over h d Pure Milk and Fresh , now, WCOM*gton Mutual Fire L. G.: I sel; 65 trees (apples, P-aars, There are various plans practiced culture may mq;g- effectively serve. cities and towns and delighted the'Air and Play, I Will help you When I grow up. I I all, �Qur Hope—I Am the Baby. Insurance Co. cherries) two years ago; mulched. to combat the insect. One is to heat the home -maker and country com- home folk with the part they con- When I am a little older I shall :Rstab)J.qhbd 1840 oach fall with barnyard marture. the beans up to 146 deg. F. as you munity. Tbe'e'cse and effective part- tributed as theIr bit in solos, Piano I -Head office, Guelph ITrees make .3 fair grQ-,ytb; ground have suggested. This kills the 'in- nership between the local Institutes and vocal, readings, and short spicy BABY WILL BE WELL AND HAPPY IF HE— nisks lalp r, I grows #icdium int Uow muchisects that may be in the , beans. An- 4pd the Institutes Branch of the De- talks, A tender touch was' the orylis- Has the right fo . od, Is protected from files and TAOS- ,an on all Plaasea of insu crerop. I nd the heavy orchvs-[ 16 kept dry and clean. quitoes. able Property tm the ca5h or preinhim 'commercial fertilizer should I apply other method is to put the beins into partment of Agriculture has resulted sion of dancing a note systaal. to each tree? Nave some 2-10-2 on an air -tight barrel or -box and put in in a very d"Acient bit of adminstra- tral music out of consideration foTi Sleqps alone in it quiet, cool place. Is kept. away from siel-, folks an& ABNER COSENS, Agent. hand, or would nitrate be better? a, dish of carbon bisv1phide. About tive machinery wberiby the busiest, those Who Tiad been bereaved. I Is givenpure, cold water to drink. crovg1s. be shown off for winghain Answer: As your trees are young J lb. of this chemical for every 100 women in the busiest neighborliond The outstanding feature of the! Ras a bath every Does not have to I I address. the fertility treatment should be en -1 bushels of seed is the quantity to use. can avail herself of the best remilts evening Was the President's HP -s his nieals served on time. visitors. Urely planned to force growth as'The bisulphide is a -very volatile of the work of the college and other in which she outlined anew the aims Breathes fresh a1r, day and night. Is NOT kissed on the mouth, even DUDLEYHOILMES rapidly as is . consistent with well!1 liquid, that is, it changes to gas provincial Depa-rtnionts. Is the baby and obje ts of the Institute, empha- Is dressed according totheweather. -by his mother. CARRISTEM, SOLICITOR, ETC. rounded material, being careful not quickly. It is very disagreeable in sick? There - is Dr. MaoMurchy's sized the motto, "For Home and BABY WILL BE UNHAPPY AND CROSS IF HE— to force wood growth to such an ex -'odor and is quite inflammable, so that Canadian Mother's, Book to be had I -or country," referred brieft to the re-" victory ond ottier Bonds Bought and tent that the twigs will suffer during care must be taken not to have any the asking in every Institute. markable but, as she said, past, In- Is given a pacifier. Is allowed to go thirsty. Sold. -ie Is takon up whenever he cries, is fed At the family table. the severe cold days of winter. I fire :n the vicinity. when treating the I -low much should it weigh ? How! stitute achievements, * in t1 Great O1NflcC—r4,-1yc;- ulrcl�, Whigham would, therefore, advise the -use of beans. The treatment is best carried War, and laid before the gathering Is kept up late. Is not kept dr7 and clean, should it be fed? There.1s. in at- the plans for a better and happier Is bounce , d up and down, It taken td the Mov , ieg.� �rom 5 to 8 lbs. per tree of a fertil- out *by pouring the bisulpbide into tractive set of Child Diet booklet - izer carrying 3 to 4 per cent. ammonia saucers or deeper re Aj e tj community for the coming year, and Is dosed with medicines. is teased and made to show off. ,�eptacles which av lable fro I th P bl e Health De - R. IVANSFONT ll i improved homes, These plans includ- Is bothered by flies and mosquitoes. Is not a Fresh Air baby. and 10 to, 12 per cent. phosphoric acid. are set immediately ko'n top -of �the partment. ' modern BARRIS,rrn AND SOLICITOR 240-2 fertilizer is better adapted to beans. After the liquid has been ' Docs the engaged giTI wint to. ed teaching to advantage WHEN home -making and the use of labor -'IT IS EASIER TO KEEP BABY WELLTHAN TO CURE HIM f.lcn._�y tep I )an it Lowest Rates. Igrain crops, but could be used with placed., cover the barrel with several Jnow "How to build the Canadian . I HE GETS SICK. WINGHAIVI proflt on orchard crops grown on a thicknesses of bag or closer woven house" or lllicw to make a Canadian saving machinery and methods, help- . ing the girls of to -day prepare to take sandy loam soil. You have not men- material, or put an air -tight top on hom0? There is in preparation that I , onsibilities of the future, tioned the type of soil a delightful Home 'Seric.,, "The Litt]& , nd my re- the barrel. Since the fumes from the over the resp A-01PIUR JQ IRIWIN commendations are made assuming carb�on-bisulphlde are heavier than Blue Boolss" whi,.-h aga'n may be had beautifying the community cemeter- that the soil is an average loam. The air they sink down between the beansi for the asking by any Institute from les, getting wholesome recreation and D.D.S., L.D. 45. educative entertainment for this win - use of nitrate alone, I am afraid, and kill the insects which have form- the Department of.ReAlth at Ottawa. Usually at this season o.f the year Dretut of Dental Surgery of the would cause too rapid a wood gro*th, ed within the seeds. Do the girls want a place? There ter, securing the Chautauqua for the, tiere is an increase' in the amount renn.3ylva*i1a College and Licentiate , aving the -wood sappy and in such Some bean growers find it good five winter months, welcoming the ,ce Dental surgery of Ontario. le, is the Girls' Branch or Circle. new -comers, and carrying out in prac, of disease in the swine herds. The office in Macdonald Block shape that there would be a tendency practice just before seeding to empty A Community Party. aggravating cause often is the chang3 My Garden. for it to suffer severely during heavy t�eir seed lightly into a tub or bucket tical ways the principle of the Insti- from dry to tyreen corn. Hogs ac- T z, I�W A 01 G. H. ROMS Grzitunto Royal Goileae of Dental Surgeons Ciraduate 1,iniversity of Torcrito Faculty of Dentistry: OFFICE OVER H. E. ISA9D'S r3l*ORE W. R. HAM69,111Y B.Sc., M.D., C,M. :Special attention paid to diseases of Wciucn and Children, having taken tio.-Cgraduate work in Surgery, Bac- teriology and Scientific Medicine. Office ltv the Kerr Residence, between Um 49,ueen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. Ail business given careful attention. Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 Dr. -Robt. C. Reimond, M.R.C�S. (Eng). L.R,C.P. (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) 11T Ni. R. L. STEWAR I ,Graduate of Univergity of Torontoj Maculty of Medicine; Licentiate o! the 40nurio College --of Physicians and Surgeons. Office Entrance- le,corkd Door Worth of Zurbrigg's Photo Studio. JOSEP14INE STREET PHONE2.1 Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto, ftculty of Medicine. Office­,Tosephine St., two door& south ,of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones—Office 281, Residence 151 I SELL Town and Farm Properties. Call and me my list and get my prices. I have soine eXcellent. values. J. G. STRART WINGHAM ftene 184 Office in Town Hall IV DRUGIA"USS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC it Is easier to keep well than to re- cover lost health. Chlropraette Ad. Jwtments is- the Key to Better Health, Iney remove the Cause of Disease. DR. J. ALVIN FOX Phone 191. Hours -2-5 and 74p,r(t, DRUGUSS PHYSICIAN OSTEOPATHY frost. of water. The infected seeds are usu- The successful Women's Institute te, co-operation. . I re- oustomed to dry feeds all summer 4ve a C. B.: What is the relative value ally so light that they float. These believes vigorously in a balanced life After a merry time over the I planted lots of seeds for feed in ripe husked sweet corn can be shimmed off and the remaining and a balanced Institute program. freshments, the party broke up at are put upon green oorn. quickly With- And watered them and,wabelied the= out being allowed enough . time SOT And pulled up the wee8s. and field corn? seeds spread out to dry immediately. "Something to see, something to eleven o�clock, refreshed and benefit- ar, and something to do, and you ted by a whole orfle evening's reprea­ , , 5 1 customed to the 'radical change in . And a pumpkin and a -bean Answer: Your question is rather he their digestive systems to become ae- And now I have a pansy indefinite. You may mean one of will have an interesting meeting," tion, and wondering "where the time feed. Then disease which had not And three tall hollyhocks Wheat and Flour Storage. say the members. Demonstrations had gone so fast." I two things. First, What is the valuel And there was nobody to feel badlyl been able to get a 'hold upon the bogs With leaves big and green of the fodder from sweet corn after accordingly Are in high favor. I Among the most interesting tests to aff ect the the ears have be3n picked as compar- carried ion by Dr. C. E. 'Saunders, Do- The St. William's hrancl� rave A because he "hadn't been invited to, when , healthy -begin - I And best of ii]b a-, daisy ed with field corn? If this is your minion Cerealist, described in his re- remarkable demonstrat:on, all un -,the party." weaker ones of the herd. I found out.on -the hill. Prevention of such disease attack'J'I dug it up and brought it home, meaning the answer asNgiven by cent bulletin on Wheat, Flour ' and consists in avoiding too radical feed And it is smiling stilll Henry & Morrison in their book on Bread., is that of the effects of stor- Storing the Potato Crop. pense of providing a good system of changes. By allowing ten days or Feeding is as follows: age on Wheat and flour. These tests The lightness of the potato crop ini ventilation would be soon offset by -two weeks time for the change to The Frog Pond, Analysis in Percentages. covered a number of years, as many the better condition in which the Po- greencorn, with a gridual elimination Ontario and. the eastern provinces I I Wonder what is down that Way, Carbohydrates as thirteen as a matter of fact. He owing . to the long �ontinued- dfought tatoes keep. Experiments carried onj of- ary grains, . there will be less In the water brown and deep? remarks that there seems to be a at Otta-wa would indicate that verYl chance of lowering the animal's re - general opinion current among millers earlier in the season will render it What -makes the little groggies sayr 10, good. results are obtained, by provid- sistance to disease. Feed also W1 Kr-r-reke, kr-T-Teke, kr-r-reke?" 9 and bakers that flour from new wheat profitable to save all the, tubers pos- $4 0 0 '0 4� ing air space below and around the the gregn corn some protein feed, such 0 is of inferior quality f or bread -mak- sible. Reports. from agricultural Tep- potatoes stored. To do this slats 0 �r .94 rA as tankage or linseed meal, Experl- They hop along the bank and plunge,. Sweet 12.2 9.0 9.2 26.4 � Ing, but that in the course Of a very rezentatives indicate that even the should be nailed a little distance apart menta show beyond a do ubt that hogs But soon they rise to speak. 41.3 1.8. light crop being harvested is i Field 9.0 6.5 7.8 27.2 47.3 2.2 few months, -whether kept as wheat many about four�ificheg or more from the so'fed are healthier and ma-ke more I think tbey say, "Come in and playr or flour, a considerable change takes eases affected with rot. It is useless "Kr.r-reke, kr-T-roke, kr--T-.rekq." Second, what is the value of the place and that it is believed that floui� to put away in permanent storage po- wall. This will give a circulation Of rapid and cheaper gains than those ear of sweet corn as compared with air behind the pile. A temporary fed on coTn alone. I wade around, they keep so Will -with disease oor should be put down about six I cannot -hear a peep. retains its highest baking qualities tatoes that are affected that of flint and dent corn? Here is only for a few months. Dr. Saunders because those that commence to de- inches above the permanent floor with Wanted—A M n t, Le d. the answer: i a D When I come out they raise a sbout,, found that flour from Yellow Cross, cay are likely.to contaminate the rest cracks between the boards. This will Carbohydrates wheat, made' from the 1905 crop, of the pile. If potatoes are found to permit -air to circulate under and There isn't a lad but v.,ants to grow "Kr-r-rcke, kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke!` be'diseased at digging time a goodl, and true at,heart, They seem to play P. funny game; 4a showed a baking strength of 86- in I through the pile. Then if largg._quan- 0 W it's like our hide and seek. 1. 0 a) March, 1906, and of 104 in February, plan is to fix up a place in the barn tities are to be stored together ventil— And every lad would like 'to know 0 lc� k here it is dry and where frost can P LOook, 0 .19 1907; that Tasmania Red showed a w ators, of wood made of slats and run- I The secret 'We im, art. - there silLs Tad behind a pad, 'He doesn't desire to, slack oi cc . sbirk--i 0 r:,4 bakina be kept out f or a time, and spread d calls, �'Kr.r-reke, hr-r-reke!" �: <4 0 A4 F%4 A strength of 95 in February, ning from the top to the bottom of Sweet 9.3 1.8 11.5 2.3 67.2 7.9 1907, and of 101 in March, 1908; and the pqtatoes in -shallow piles. If, how- Oh, ha7en't you heard him lead I He,11 follow a man at i Ambition is always attainei by, 10.6 1:.5 10.1 2.0 70.9 5.0 Downy Riga, grown. in -1906, a the,pile could- be put in here and there! P, I Flint ever, the.crop is small And no rot is I through the pile. This, with the ven- ilay or wor Dent 12.2 1.5 10.4 1.5 69.4 5.0 strength of 81 in February, 1907, and evident, the storing can be done as I tilation afforded at the sides andl If only the man will lead." travelling a tedious, tiresome i . oad. Of course thi' protein, carbohy- of 104 in February, 1908. In order to well first as last'in the cellar. Boxes I bottom will. give very good condition3i drates and fat are the feeding con- study more thoroughly this important or crates make better receptacles ;for storihg. If, be I wever, as already stituents of value. The differences problem of storage, seven kinds of than deep bins and are much to be. ZIRKI G - T HE BREEDER6 in these figures will give you the wheat were chosen from the 1907 crop preferred to keeping the potatoes in 1 pointed out, the quantity to be stored, i is small, it is more satisfactory to answer to your question. at Ottawa. Tables of results showing bags. Moreover, when the potatoes keep the potatoes in crates or boxes '�`of , selecting curved beak, lack of color in shanks, S. H.: I can't get clover or alfalfa when ground and when baked Indi- commence to. sprout, as they will do more par-ticularly'd disease is feared. There are two ways cate that wheat generally improved during the winter, more especially good breeders; one is by trapnesting worn -off toe�nails. we all indicatiorV. to start on my soil. The soil is rather in cellars where a furnace is operated, i The temperature in the cellar or and the other by observation andl of laying ability. It is said that ben3 by keeping a few years. Huron kept i store house should be kept as nearly the lose color in the shanks because they - light sand. Would like- to know im,"hat a month after grinding showed 82, they will be more quickly' noticed 133 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit as pos-1, study. That trapnests -M Of I should do to get clover and alfalf a kept three months sifter grinding in when in ibexes and. can be morp expe- i sible. Not only will the disease and greatest importance in this Particular lay it out of them; and the toa-li-ai'3 to grow. Can alfalfa and clover be i has been demonstrated by the experi� are short and worn as a -result of' sown in the fall with rye. 1913 it showed 101 of baging strength. ditiou-sly handled from the boxes thanj sprouting be delayed but the tubers who much scratching. 4 Red Fife under the same conditions if the whole pile -has to be turned over will keep much firmer than if a mont stations and by others Observed from the side, a gool Answer: I would not advise sow- showed 88 in 1908 and 10 t in 1913. in order to take off the sprouts. The warinei temperature is allowed. To make poultry raising a business. layer has a small head, rather round, Ing alfalfa or clover in the fall When oftener the sprouts are removed as i In trapnesting for the -selection of Yellow Cross showed 74 in 1907, the. 1 keep the temperature down before nee of the seeding fall rye, but you could very they appear the better the potatoeg I breeders, attention must be given to and the general appeara year each sample was grown, and 102 hard freezing weather arrives, it is. -0 lay. body Is decidedly wedge-shaped Le - well sow the alfalfa and clover seed in 1918. Stanley 4'A" showed 76 in will keep, but the better plan is to well to admit outside air at night, Other factors besides ability t cause of the extrein� fullness in Us. on top Of the stand of rye in the toes so cool and dark if a hen lays 200 spring as soon as good growth has 1908 and 96 in 1913. Chelsea showed keep the p6ta i closing the windows or other open-I.For instance, eggs back. Large -headed birds with oval ­ 84 in 1907 and 95 in 1913. Dawson's that sprouting is discouraged. It is i ings during the warmer hours of the na, year, but has had, some contagi- shaped bodies are never good layers.. started. By a light harrowing of the Golden Chaff showed. 71 in 1907 and 'highly important that potatoes Ibe e, she should she wEl crop you could readily work the seed 91 in 1913. Turkey Red sh,,er88 in stored only when -quite dry. day. ous, disease earlier in lif If -a good layer is picked up sufficiently deep into the soil. Excel- 1909 and .101 in 1913. Some �amples It will be well, more especially a not be permitted. in the breeding pen be -found to possess considerab*e, because the disease is liable to bb lent stands of clover and grass seeds showed better in intervening years year like the present, to see that the ..Doret,forget—the housewife is an transmitted to her offspring. A hen I 10igbt for her size. Examination have� been obtained by seed-ing at after only one month from grinding. storage is ad perfectas possible. A important party in the farm business�. with a trapnest record of 200 eggs Will Ahow the distance betwe�n the - such a time either on rye or fall I Red Fife, for instance, in 1910 showed dry, well -ventilated 'cellar is the best The sting of abee is only about one- must necessarily.. be a healthy fowl, pelvic. �onos for �gg-laying ability is. wheat. In preparing your ground 108, Stanley "All 100 in 1911, Chelsea sort of, storage to provide. The ex- thirty-second of an' inch in length. and with ordinary precaution One can a good method, but the inexperienced apply a good dressing of lime this 102, also in 1911, and Turkey Red the tot" go far astray in selecting her are likely to have difficulty at times fall, so as to sweeten the top areas in estimatint the distance, especially - same year 108. -Storage of. flour from for the breeding,pen. W of the soil where the young crop will WhySome Boys Leave the Farm if the lien is an old one with much only three kinds of wheat is tabulated In selftting by.,observatio". health fat. The distance between'the pelvic grow. When seeding your rye apply owing to *the destruction of other' and vigor must be the main factors. ai�out 300 lbs. per acre of a fertilizer samples. These show that after'the Why d -id you leave the farm, my lad? I'll roll aside my hazy bank, The individual �selected should be ac- bQnes-scems more than it is, for the analyzing 3 per cent. ammoiiia, 8 per best year a gradual decline in bilking Why did. you bolt and leave your Dad? The misty cloud of theories, I lower bone is forcei down by super - cent -phosphoric acid and 8 per cent. Why did. you beat it off -'to *town And tellyou where the trouble lies. tive and carry her 'body in An erect, fluous fat. strength takes place. All were ground and. proud fashion. The comb should potash. This material will give the September 16 or 17 in 1907. In Janu- Ard turn your poor old father down? Left my Did, his farm, his plow, In selecting a inale bira, find one, rye a good vigorous start and will Thn-ikers �of platform, pulpit, pressi Because my calf became his cow. be bright red in color, soft And vel- which has good size and 'color and aM 1910 and 1911 the baking vety; the eyes should be steady and holds his body erect. Pick a hearty pTov1de readily available plantfood strength of Huron hAd- -reached its Are wallowing in deep distress; Left my Dad.; Itwas wrong, of course- - clear. A foWl that stands Ynoping for the young clover and alfalfa as pinnacle, namely 107; in 1912 it had They'seek to know the hidd-en cause Because my colt -became his horse; around o� roosts in the daytime is eater if possible, the tendency of soon as you seed it in the spring, Why farmer boys desert their pa's. I lef t my Dad to sow and reap, males being to,,allow the hens to cal; decreased, to 87. Red Fife's best year either weak or sick, and, should never everything , and have nothing for T. B.: Please advise me what was 1910, -When the strength was 109;, Some say they long to get a taste Because my lamb, became his sheep, be selected, no matter wilat her record ihemselves, He should be of goo -I tauses beans to get bugs in them, in 1921 it was 95. The best year for of faster life and social waste, I dropped my hoe and struck my fork may be. and what becomes of the bugs after yellow Cross' was 1911, when the And som e will say the silly chumps Because my pig became his pork; mating qualitioa, not quarrelsome, they coilie out of the beans? At What strength was 111. In janiIary, 1921, Mistake the suit cards for their The garden truck that I made grow, Although feathers are 0111v a cOv� and yet possess a Aghting spirit, and stage are these eggs laid in the it was 100. In 1907, the year of grind- trumps, Was his to sell but mine to hoe; ering for a bird, some attention "lust be continually with the hens. beans? If the beans wer6 carefully ing, Huron's strength was 86, In wagering fresh and germless air It's -not the sindke in the atmosphere be paid, to them also. Good featheried Breeders do not require different Red �t birds not -only look better but sell bo -using from that of laying hens. picked over and heated Would the Vife's 98, and that of Yellow Cross Against tbe smoky thoroughfare. Nor the taste for life that brougl . and shape ate also 11ft- rrhey must at all tinies have Ireall air good ones become bug -resisting? Is 174 The decline of the baking str,,,,th We've all agreed the. farm's the place me here; better, Size DR. F. A. PARKER there anythr Ing that can be, done to 1 after the peak year had been reached To free your mind -and. sta youl- case. Please tell e platform, pulpit, press No fear of toil or love of dress P — 7 hoa;vy layers, of largd site An JAIMS 0 correct type of h6usd is -the fresla-air Osteopathic Pbysiclan, only qualified stop these bugs after they once get into a bunch of beans? was more gradual in the case of Red Fife and Yellow Cross than in that Well, A rAngor, since you've boon so Is driving off the- farmer lads, form shape,, with vigorous constitu, the ideal stock to breed one. More eggs are lost than gained, the by Gateopath In North Huron. Adjuatment Of the spine Is more' Answer, The bugs in your beans of Huron. frank But just the methods of -their dads. s are Von r JFOM. considering whole. countiy, keeping the fowls confined tot) much 4iiilekly eevoured and with fewer treat -1 are likely the Bean Weevil. This ln� LL ­1� ei good layer cap invariably be dis-4 In warm, wild Winter weather. notift than by any other method gilood prentre and other e;�mliia- idiss made. OFFICE OVER CHRISTIES STORE � I 'W N I I I I WV* ­W* ift4ring pumpkinot Plar(5 them in a voom or barn, where they will not treeze orbecome too damp. Set them on a wire yietting that is lAstenckl on aL tranto or on an olJ wire tot or bed. aprings th4t Oeava tke floor by two fftt. The treo eircuktion of the air ato=d the vog*Ublft 'prevoutm, -de- sect passes the winter as a 11y, ap- pearing early in the gpring after the beans have floweted and the young pods have formed. It lays its oggs on the surface of the young pod. As soon as these eggs hatch out they tore into the bean seed where the young larvae feed and grow rapidly. The next step of development is gone through inside the channelg of the bean where the young larvae ham been feeding. The h1gect, pupates in this cell and ftergiou as a lull grown tilult lato in July or early August. The 6ty Is a lilace where peoplel must dwell; the country aplAce where 'People may live. The rube farmer of ten years ago had to shave 'oft his whiskers the other day because they kept 'blow�tg into his eyes when he drove into town In lilis $6,000 hypersix, and hd wAs eonstAntly 'running over newapapeir wwevys, who. had- been poking fun at kiln. ff me, U b dy � tit V With dad and me it's bW and ball. The tow I own *as Once his I 1041f - I'm going to stick right Vhero I am, !Beeauge my sheep was onte his lavib. I'll stay with dad—ha gets my vote, Because Yny hog was once his shote, No town for me --4111 stick -right hove, For ]Vm big tractor-etgineer. Its "even -split" with dad and me In a proAt-sbaring company. We work together from daY, to day— believe mo, boys, IV$ the tAly way. - shed by her actions and willing- linguti U404 6 feratch,ior tood. If examined on -the roost 6,t tight, It will be Uund t�At, sbo �.aii afultdr;P, Thia, too, It a. good, IndidAtion of heAltill. k hen may b,o, toalliaml to A,Jairall lattory —fobd to the raw material and' Oggis are, the ftighed product. The output is greater when the 140atory riins effl- 41"tig, Ana"Consumes larger quariti. of VAW uliaterial. A soft, T40d comb, IY1119 'to One Aide (lia flingle-oomb varkties), a short 'Mere must be a different inefliod o,wqiJOyo4 in feeding. breeders thaii Is, ur,ed in feeding layers the obleul be. ing to voluC6 oggs 01 quality ratlic,- I ,han many of Idw-fertility. Mottlon .Aou)d havo been made betora that elthor pulle-Is or 'hens are gooe a,$. treadets, but eaeb, must be handlod d-Afferently, Thp old hens 8houl-I 11ave L .no corn except in very cold weather. �o much animal. food eausci tile pro- ,Tduoctiou of more eggs tha�l eml J�e properly ferttlized.