HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-10-06, Page 4i.a.general excellence --w I S 'LA -DA A isenjo millionso deVotedfriends Blaek,,Green or Mixed Blends. Sealed packets onlyi Mr. Spotton seconded by Mr. Joynt, W also presented a resolution appreciative of Best D. L. & T W 0 the services of James Bowman, M. P., "Jim did a lot of fighting in this riding" he said, "But a generation arises which 86"anton Coal knows no Toseph." The motion carried unanimously. "Ifweallgetout-and help Mr. Spot - All S1ZeS ton he will be the member for Nor h Huron some time in Depember," said Mr. MacEwan in moving that the chuce Order your coal now be made unanimous. and avoid the high prices The convention was one of appointed delegates, the credentials committee re - and coal shortage of the I porting 165 representatives. A motion past se�son, also Cannell, 'by Mr. Spotton that all present in the Soft Smithing Ccal and hall be allowed to vote was withdrawn Charcoal always on hand. when it was made apparent that object. ions were entertained. Lumber, dressed and undressed. Party organization, both Conservative Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash, and Liberal was, largely neglected during Doors, Mouldings of all kinds. the political truce at Ottawa for "win the Beaver Board and Roofing, war" purposes. Meantime the Farmers' party "made hay" so to speak. Col. Hugh Clark, M. P., North Bruce pointed this but in a brief address. I A. MacLEAN -The trouble" he said ','has been that while the truce was on only one propa. ganada was abroad in the Dominion, and HUSBAND'S STORY WILL AMAZE that was a propaganda endeavoring to ""; WINCHAM �blacken the re utation of the govern - He sa§M "Adh?r-i-ka beiped my wife I P for gas on the stomach anJ sour stomach ment. It went unchecked. There was in TWE.NTY MINLI f ES. It works be- nobody there to defend it. There was no yond grea.lest expectations," Adler-i-ka counter propoganda because of the truce, acts on 11,0111 tipper and lower bow -el and a great many people have an idea, removing foul matter whieli poisoped Aomach. llringi'o�t al� ga,.�,4es and -,our, 'because these stories were unchecked, decayingfood. EXCELLENT for chron c, that the Government was a Governmoit constipation. Guards against �tppen­ of the big interests anq did this and that dicitis. Adler - hat ronnoves , matter you i never thought " which it ought not to have done." g was in vcur system and which may have. been poisgiag you for I "We are under enormous obligations, months. H. J. MITCHRI.T., ist, due to th� war, that have to be met, and Ohl what a wonderful word that is It 'Can you do it? That is, drop off ', into u aood sound refreshing sle'4' I If you aye unaMe to, there is *60mething wrong with your nerv- 0M)oystern. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, rnelanrholia, n6wouo dyspelpsia are only a few ef the serious maladies that are liable to develop. 'DR. MILES' NERVINE—$1,20 will soothe" the irritated and over. strairied nerves. Juot one or two doges helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaran. tec,d Safe and Surei Sold in Winglitint. by J. WALTON rdeKIRRON Wliere there is a tet,,dency to :Onoip�-Iflon, TAII will find Dit. %1ir,v,;'LivcR Piiui eft*ectiv� in TUE WINGHAM ADVANCE I don't know any government that can THE OUT -LAW LEAGUE WINGRAM MARKETS , SPOTTON SELECTED (Correct up till -Wednesday noon) ed to say "no", The most dangerous (Continued from page 1.) Butter .................. 39 to Eggs ................... 38 to 43 42 Candidates in other parts of Ontario and' Hogs, livewdight 8 75 to !'(J'60' ment is necessarily extravagant, because 'would, promise io :be home and I vote for. Cream ....... too 36 the - North, -Huron * cafidiate on election day.. - If fie Were the 6oice hd would ask mix-up: affairs of this'country, Mk.1Kihg'dnld 'W' Traser,to hold joint' Col. Clark's remarks 4bout party dis- er of the North Wellington Baseball As* rheeiting& tl#�ujfi6ut - t6e riding�'A n d. Phones'i�6,'. 224 North Huron convefition, which in spite, rep '*Oil d ­.1hrmse'if to l:� able to are of cold, rainy weather, filled the town tion as to the action of the executive. of *with any guestion ekt.her, of the otheF. WALKER'S than at the , Liberal fiomin4�ion q, few parffii ' 'would aik­ explained. The 0'at- weeks agq, Anyone who., may have en- ' tion's finding in the case of the Elora aric, Conservative Organization had seen Funeral Directors ,nation was. koing begging in this.riding fit to elect him as their 2nd Vice President and Embalmers I and he counted that a great honor. Mr. MacEweh said �e was in the field do.1 consider that an executive- meeting . What,is it the farmers' want that 'they and he solicited1he support of the dele- Motor Hearse or Horse Equipment I 1. departure on August 20tb, for the 6t gates but assured them that he would about and tried to persuade the farmers abide by their decision and support Mr. Wingham,. Ontario Purchased Listowel Barbe; Shop Spotton or any other man of their choice. If selected he would give t lie other Billie Burke has made another move, that they have not been sufficiently rep- candidates in North Huron a run for resented, Whose fault is it? There never in Listowel, We understand that Mrs. their money. Burke will continue in charge of the Mr. Spotton seconded by Mr. Joynt, W also presented a resolution appreciative of Best D. L. & T W 0 the services of James Bowman, M. P., "Jim did a lot of fighting in this riding" he said, "But a generation arises which 86"anton Coal knows no Toseph." The motion carried unanimously. "Ifweallgetout-and help Mr. Spot - All S1ZeS ton he will be the member for Nor h Huron some time in Depember," said Mr. MacEwan in moving that the chuce Order your coal now be made unanimous. and avoid the high prices The convention was one of appointed delegates, the credentials committee re - and coal shortage of the I porting 165 representatives. A motion past se�son, also Cannell, 'by Mr. Spotton that all present in the Soft Smithing Ccal and hall be allowed to vote was withdrawn Charcoal always on hand. when it was made apparent that object. ions were entertained. Lumber, dressed and undressed. Party organization, both Conservative Lath, Shingles, Frames, Sash, and Liberal was, largely neglected during Doors, Mouldings of all kinds. the political truce at Ottawa for "win the Beaver Board and Roofing, war" purposes. Meantime the Farmers' party "made hay" so to speak. Col. Hugh Clark, M. P., North Bruce pointed this but in a brief address. I A. MacLEAN -The trouble" he said ','has been that while the truce was on only one propa. ganada was abroad in the Dominion, and HUSBAND'S STORY WILL AMAZE that was a propaganda endeavoring to ""; WINCHAM �blacken the re utation of the govern - He sa§M "Adh?r-i-ka beiped my wife I P for gas on the stomach anJ sour stomach ment. It went unchecked. There was in TWE.NTY MINLI f ES. It works be- nobody there to defend it. There was no yond grea.lest expectations," Adler-i-ka counter propoganda because of the truce, acts on 11,0111 tipper and lower bow -el and a great many people have an idea, removing foul matter whieli poisoped Aomach. llringi'o�t al� ga,.�,4es and -,our, 'because these stories were unchecked, decayingfood. EXCELLENT for chron c, that the Government was a Governmoit constipation. Guards against �tppen­ of the big interests anq did this and that dicitis. Adler - hat ronnoves , matter you i never thought " which it ought not to have done." g was in vcur system and which may have. been poisgiag you for I "We are under enormous obligations, months. H. J. MITCHRI.T., ist, due to th� war, that have to be met, and Ohl what a wonderful word that is It 'Can you do it? That is, drop off ', into u aood sound refreshing sle'4' I If you aye unaMe to, there is *60mething wrong with your nerv- 0M)oystern. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, rnelanrholia, n6wouo dyspelpsia are only a few ef the serious maladies that are liable to develop. 'DR. MILES' NERVINE—$1,20 will soothe" the irritated and over. strairied nerves. Juot one or two doges helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaran. tec,d Safe and Surei Sold in Winglitint. by J. WALTON rdeKIRRON Wliere there is a tet,,dency to :Onoip�-Iflon, TAII will find Dit. %1ir,v,;'LivcR Piiui eft*ectiv� in TUE WINGHAM ADVANCE I don't know any government that can THE OUT -LAW LEAGUE handle them better than the present Gov. , ernment. A Government that. has learn- North Wellington Baseball Secretary ed to say "no", The most dangerous Horning Talks thing you can do to -day is to put a new Government there. 4ny new Govern" The following is what Ruqbe Horning ment is necessarily extravagant, because is reported as saying to the Mail and of inexperience. We need to -day the Empire regarding the North Wellingtoj� strongeft men we can get to handle th� mix-up: affairs of this'country, Mr. I Reube Horning, secretary . -treasur- Col. Clark's remarks 4bout party dis- er of the North Wellington Baseball As* organization were not prompted by the sociation, has returned from. the. C��idiim North Huron convefition, which in spite, North-west and when asked for informa. of cold, rainy weather, filled the town tion as to the action of the executive. of *with hall auditorium with a larpr gathering. the N, W. B.A. in not concuiriniz than at the , Liberal fiomin4�ion q, few the.. Ontario Amateur Baseball Associa- weeks agq, Anyone who., may have en- ' tion's finding in the case of the Elora tertainedan idea that the party nomi" Club, advised as follows:— ,nation was. koing begging in this.riding I do not consider the Palmerston vs, must have bad the notion dispe Iled by Elora protest has yet been handled nor the proceedings. do.1 consider that an executive- meeting . What,is it the farmers' want that 'they of,N. W. D. B. b'aa been held sin my cV cannot have or have asked for?" demand- I 1. departure on August 20tb, for the 6t ed Col. Clark.. "Agitators have gone about and tried to persuade the farmers that parliaments and legislatures have Purchased Listowel Barbe; Shop not done the decent thing by them an"a Billie Burke has made another move, that they have not been sufficiently rep- this time he has purchased a barber shop resented, Whose fault is it? There never in Listowel, We understand that Mrs. was an occasion in this riding, or in most Burke will continue in charge of the rural ridings,.when the farmers could not Oueen's Hotel Cafe for & Present. have a farmer as candidate. We are sup- Billie's first step was to cut the price of posed to be represented according to POP' haircutting to pre war prices. He is a ulation, and yet we have rural ridings of good,barbeir and will no doubt do a big ten, fifteen. and twenty thousand people, business. and city ridings of seventy-five thousand and one hundred thousand. I sat in the Legislature 10 years and in the Commons Is Your House 10 years and not co6scious of a single in- stance in which we have discriminated against the farmer. I would like these Mortgaged ? agitators to tell us exactly where we have If so, the mortgage demands fire insur- failed in that respect. In all my exper- ance to protect his small loan in case the ience I have never known a solicary case, house is destroyed by fire. whether Grits or Tories,'where they have Have you arranged for the protection discriminated against the farming popu- of your family's or your own interests in lation. The very opposite is true, as, for case of death or total disability? example, in the Workmen's Compensation . You cannot afford to be more.careless of the interests of vour family or yourself Act in Ontario; the'Exdiss Profits Act, than of the'man wh6compels your to pro Military Service Act, and Bankruptcy Aect his loan.' Act,in- the PorpinjOri., ! They may tell yet, Arrange this protecti[6 by a Life Insur- the tariff discriminates,agpinst the, farm. ance Policy in er. It' doesn.'t. Th I ey..: endeavor. to tell The Mutuikl Lifo Assurance Co'. you the tariff is.not antissue. i If not, they of Canada should not devote so much attention t6 it. A. Cosens, W. T. 13ooth,,,Representatives e to' 'cit, qi Agri6ultu�6, which "'Th un Wingham, Ont, -drafted thq Fqrriers' platform some four or five ytars ago in Winnipeg, and was adopted -by the U. F. 0., although.I don't MR -HAPPY believe there was one solitary member PAP -Ty from Ontario in Winnipeg when it was drafted, is opposed to anything in the P. nature of protection; is in favour of the V" old reciprocity treaty and iR favour of foodstuffs putting not mentioned in thq treaty, on the free list. As a result of the Fordney 'exports tariff our of foodstuffs are getting down to the vanishing point. it Americans have protected the Amer- otlerrissAee auke ican farmer and are keeping the American WiLt BRINO CiON CIAEUk market for him and doing it by means of DINNER a tariff. In face of that the Liberal and U. F. 0. parties, although the United States.will not allow the Qanadian farm- er to sell in the United States, are pre- YOU don't h a v e to set the pared to share the Canadian market with words "Dinner is regidy" to the American farmer. If the Canadian mudc. It's a musical announce - farmers are going to support a policy of ment as it stands, If you buy that kind there is nothing but ruination your meats here dinner is a ahead of the Canadian farmer. It is bad mighty cheerful occasion. enough as it is, farm products practical)y excluded from the United States. It Watch for Mr. Happy Party would be a thousand times worse, if on top of that, the Canadian farmer has to halve OLIVER R BENINGER his market with the American farmer. MEAT -I don't know what the organized farm- VCENTRAL MARKET ers want that they have not bad or been in a position to get. Mr. Crerar was min- PHONE. iZ6 ister of agric6lture for_ two years. If WINGHAM there was -anything he knew that should be done he was in a position to do it. If he did not do it he was derelict in his duty� If he has thought of anything since, he is still a member of the House and has a considerable following, but I cannot recall that he or any of his follow- ers introduced a bill in the interests of JAMES TAYLOR agriculture. On the contrary, everything for the benefit of agriculture was brought AUCTIONEER forward by Hon. Dr. Toirnie. "We have to -day as leader one of thii Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at The Advance, Winghaiii, will receive brightest minds we have to -day 1h Can- prompt attention. ada, (Applau�e). I did not know John Phone NortbHuron 16- G23, ri nuels, 15-1 A. Macdonald, but I knew Sir Wilfred Laurier and Sir Robert Borden, and I doubt if we ever had in the political his- tory of Canada a man so well equipped as Arthur Meighen to handle the affairs of this country. I doubt if there i's in the United States or Britain a man his super- ior. The destinies of this country will be safe if left in his charge—a capable ad- ministrator and a man who has courage to carry this country through one of the most critical times it has ever had to go through. A Deficit Of $800 The finance committee of the old Horne Week Association report a deficit on the, celebration of $800, against which there, are supplies on hand in the form of wire, sockets, lamps, pennants and mottoes all in good order and suitable for decorating purposes. A meeting of the executive committee was held an Monday evening and a report of the finance Committee, recommending the payment of certain ac- counts in full,and the remainder 'of acto counts at 75 per cent,"until such time a the committee has devised ways arid mean - of paying the balance, was adopted, The whole executive committee was appointed a special committee to devise ways and means to make up the deflicit of about $800.—Goderich Star, I Just now we the most attractive ladies' Diam- ond R i n g s ' though !ound, are made to ap- pear 4 sided, 6 aided and 8 sid;s. This effect is obtained in the mountings which are beautifully pierced and 6rnamented. Prices $25.00 to $200.00 W. R. Hamilton Jeweler and Optician COUNCIL MEETING (Continued from page 1) should the town -decide on a community memorial park on this gk9upols. that East Wawanosh would gladly give 'financial assistance. ' Reeve Tipling, chairman of the Street Committee, reported that they proposed laying the concrete over the G, T. R. tracks thQ full width of the main . street from curb to -curb as it appeared, much �eW.r than the narrow strip of pavement in the centre wovId. . Hi ' s committee were alto considering raising the sidewalk even with the road at this.point,. The county engineer has taken the levels,Qf Diagonal Road, but..his report,.was not returned yet, He purposed running the perma- nent -road to the turn on the Bluevale Road. Tl�ie sideNyalk in front uf Mrs. Small'eresiden,ce opposi.te Beatties' Liv- ery would have to be raised, and the fill- ing taken off the hill, would be used to raise Victoria St. from Josephine St. to Dizgonal Road," 'The top of the� very steep little hill on Victoria and Shuter streets will be cut down. It is rurriored that Mr. W. Jos. Henderson and other farmers on the Bluevale Road have offer ed substantial granta to assist in this pav- ing on Diagonal Road and Mr. Brennan, the contractor from Hamilton, has offer- ed to do the work at a reduced price be- cause of his men and machinery being here at present. Councillor Bennett reported for the cemetery committee that a windmill would be put bn their new well this week. The system of running the cemetery dame �p for its usual amount of abuse, but the matter as usual stopped there. The Mayor and others are very much opposed to the present system of management, they state, and rightly too, that every dollar earned should be r�co'rded in the 'town clerk's books. The old cemetery bylaws will. probably be unearthed. and amendments mide to them. Reeve Tipling alto announced -that the Department 6f Agriculture - have, decided on holding four schools in Ohta'n*o during thewinter, where sixty or I more pupils wouldreceivea Ehiep.'montbs' course'in Agriculture. One of . I these school�` would. .be held in Wingliam, The council will be holding a special -meeting in the near future and it was decided to ask Mr. Stothersto attend so that lie could telli the council just what he required the! town to give other than heat and build-' ing for the classes to meet in. We under- stand that several of the biggest men in Agricultural training in the Dominion will give lectures. WORLD'S OVERDRAFT May 1917. On life's broad fields, whate'er we sow, * 'Tis certain we shall reap; The watching scribes, above, below, Somewhere a record keep. The faithless church, the lying creed Teaching that wrong is right, The childless home, the heartless greed, The jealousy and spite. The feasting, selfish, idle rich, The hungry, hardened poor, The drunkard lying in the ditch, The brothel's open door, Whate'er we do, whereler we dwell, Whate'er our names or creeds, They total up in heaven or hell, The sum of all our deeds. We thought the race was to the swift, The battle to the -strong, Like mariners wit!; boat adrift, We heard the sirens' song, We put our trust in armies vast, In battleships and marts, We deemed but hoodoos of the past The prayers from human hearts. So heavy grew the mortal debt 'Of every class and rank, No further credit could we get At Satan's private bank. The wealth bestowed by s;a and land We squandered in a day, The devil took our notes of hand, And now there's bell to pay. The world will drown in blood and tears, And famine stalk abroad, 'Till men repent their sordid years And humbly call on G6d. This cruel war the Kaisar made, (The worst since Satan fell,) Will end when all the world has paid Its oVreidraft on,hell, An Appreciation In the struggle to keep up a good week- ly paper and turn out a high standard of Job Printing we often"wonder if it is worth while or if our services are appreciated by our subscribers and customers and the public in general, it is indeed a pleasure to receive the following from a subscriber: 126 Munroe St,, Toronto, Sept. 20, 1921. Gentlemen: Enclose please find one dollar, for next six months of your excellent paper. We like it very much, I bed to remain. Rectectfully, MRS. M. H00(4, Belmore Rev. Bradley, Teeswater, occupied the pulpit In the Presbyterian church Sab- bath afternoon. A number from here attended the An. niversary services at 8adles' on Sunday afternoon. �he convention of the V. P, S. of 0, R. will rneet in Teeawatep Friday after. poon. All interested In B ndeavour work are Invited to attend. Belmore and vicinity were well repre. a 0 Thursday, October- 6th 1921 Your frie nds Will compliment you - 0 N your selection of, clothes when you select just the "style, pattern, color, texture, -and- tailoring that suits Your Particular individuality. We -have Just what you want in our unusual assortment of Pkk's C10"thes. Come in, You will be delighied'With Vour selection. EI�JSARR:&, Coal sented at Gorrie Fair Saturday afternoon. ' LittleMiss Alma Aitken continues in very poor health, we hope she will soon The October meeting of the Women's take a turn for the better. Institute will met Saturday at 2.30 at Mr. Richard Jeffray's on the tenth. Mr. Wm. Hakney is taking a well earn- ed vacation at Harriston andotherpoints. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gannett and Mrs. Gannett Sr. of Bluevale, visited Wed- We are sorry to hear of Mrs. George nesday of last week with Mrs. Peter Brennen's illness at the home of her son, Hakney. John, at Hinckley, Illinois. Her many Mrs. Fraser of Toronto, who has Apent friends here wish her a speedy recovery some time with her sister Miss Ellen and that she will visit her old home again.' Fleming, left for her home Sunday even. Miss Margaret Ballsgh and Miss ing. Emma Roland visited Friday with Misses Mrs, Law, Miss Mary Aitken, Miss Eleanor and Minnie Jeffray. Barbara Dickson have all returned to Mr. and Mrs. Halliday and fam!ly of their wotk in Toronto. Teeswater, spent Sunday at Mr. Herd's. AT.* DUMINIUd""N STORES LTD. The Chain Grocery Stores of Canada Wingham Braneh, Josephine St. WO Lead in I'leducti'Ons Machine A choice 14 Sliced' 'BACON Breakf ast 4ic 1b. Bacon, on y Matches, 2 boxes ........ 25C Seedless Raisins 27c lb. Laundry Soap, 10 f of, 72c Cleaned Currants 19C lb. Ammonia 3 pkgs 23c Fry and Baker Cocoa 27c tin. Rinso, 3 pkgs ............ 23c Corn Starch ........ 10c pkg Laundry Staith, 2 lbs 23c Eagle Milk ............ 24c tin Palmolive Soap 3 for 24c Red Salmon, tall tin 30c Castile Soap, 7 cakes 25c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs .... 29c Babbitt's Cleanser 9c tin Campbell's Soups 16c tin Pearline .......... ...... plKg 8c Choice Prunes, 2 lbs 25c Special Blend Coffee 39.c 1b. B r ooms Finest Canadian Pulled Rice 45c each I Cheese . 25c lb. I pkg . . 18c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 5 pkgs 49c Pulled Wheat I Choice Dates I Picnic Hams "Inkg ... 15c 1 lb .... 10c I lb . . .". 24c Watch our window for our big Saturday SReelal on sale from 8 a. M. to 6 m. only. Fresh goods received weekly. - Satis- faCtion guaranteed o r money refunded. Prices Subject to Change. AT& 7AN 11*