HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-10-06, Page 2—,--- $__" 41 �. � =7���­ 1 ­_­ __ — __.____ __ - - - - ­ I , ­ - . I __ - __ __ . — _______ ., . __ ---. I � -1 � 4 , . - 4. I �111111111: . I �_ — �;.. a � r),-- i I I 1 wnowx4amr 1�, - . . ­ __ I , �,__ � I ' I ? 11% *Z'7-�,��',car,lr�.�'�'t'-�:�-,tD."-,3,7,-:,�-,;v 11.1 . :a.-t,e Fb!'. ,',��3,'-,Z­_�,.c,r,-- - �i-b? -z--,;-z-3,1 .. .1 � . :X - Waxeia/� I ckr*s Ucart , ;_ tc,�� I ha lfhk Old 'Clo, %.; Q�_=Ia�6nlzr, '!­-�a4rla -.,!­�_,,.;-.n�t� -na I 'A C1 G!fts 2'a .5f.-up".2.2cy. ,F,;�,r?,rnZ1.,e. ; I .0 4y , ',a � � /-)( � 11 011�-ma U,�d .N�­;Ct',C,-,. V;Y:t--.� t-3-1�y- 1 11 � .� I I . By Dorotby Ganiber I ELLa$ BROS4, Jewc",gers .1 "I ... U. . I- � �­­- -�-7------ '_ . t I AV" vw4k V Ir 11V,J mv,g V 1) y jb I f! u ..1111 �_._,_-­W� mw�i$ 'V ou ill t a, t,)nIf)l­s1 tit llm v*, I 12 !'.%� 1. wo-,­a wnul&ln __� - " --I----=—",- - . , - =7=3 1110M POVERTY To � WORLD -POWER 4 r .— INSPIRING R0,1WANCE oF SO - 93 YONrAE ST. TORON-70 I . 15U N 0 fv, 7 1, 11 _ — . Fasl4ums That Are .New. ,sz;_�k of 4.aramvri Ved in � of dyellig and cleanitir'. Vatics L11 — , � - . I a pieveof, - A NOBLE LIFE. * e ababby, 44ty or W --n­r-z-.-75* uffe, a:-,TL.7-. 4.FZ=-VMt­ e � nbers it d. cook ten that "I'),�t"I are I I .��,% is .'- -444, Qu=nberS � — PAW1 1. ... , lahh batv-�-,,l C"I faac- ari V.`T.-i -_,,1�2 S�-,.V:er :��.:,r zo,x g.-�W.-S, !-,e,=aU-'iT wad4lar , C� .,:-. the cz�-_ntri- ----:Ie iw-rciL-ate - I like new. we! can MU401 tbc, ' ; F_rset szere. 41"ll 2e! vca bave 4.: f -:!r zmarte_ " 'a�� vk",4ter, cz:rnmets. gx.e a 1.911 -al . th,�7� V., b;� th7s .-r�% -,an�z t-_� r.:�ve t,�� -he ,��*-. Ske 5--��'i' , �, , - . .1 . � jj.,e. =1,inutes. Rem-ove cucumbers to a �Aove -3. �* n a 0",ar. Mr. i�erca-%,I'i 1-A sa-."_?. *lf Z;:hZ;"'1-:! E." �ht r "! i��C- 3- end one anicle, or a parer -I of r,,fomls Abraham LfiloAn"s Life W,,4 - trzJ`g "al ,2--a 1.4ar, arl pmur ,w;,er,fhe gyrop. SmId, W05t delicate article, ­ j�"-.s -ull,!�s -c'-ItIl tWze-r chx.ra wr ,!-�, 1.;Tz_�=e. i7n:;�:.J.Lg tke 4. - . _. Is. I - ssive mornings, ani � F rill 10Y cAr- I . -!gh cn c.p ,.r:� tzrnei, ta U_,;��ve ,�-` - Y" ft 'It Up -y:u W.:g:-t Le nYe 10 i, r eve*-.i2n-T Z'-,the�z. Its o:;:y C7,ar,ge � Sy=p tbree E;:,Z.e by pipat or vxprev,% Wc- T, �.-.C-_�"" I') a EE,.-2:�-1 h3r.1 ceaier, ay -i , , I.. I Devoted to the Abolition fl'_`�Y`44 S *art, ­ , * , 'a it, for twa Cr three ,f��.�rs. . K that I . - rz- narle one way, and our ca, ,eo are I . .!,e e=t-�;,..,. ,_',.m,�Z7 Fg'hte� i=':�g r-:�:-1 - . .t ,s 2,znger. . . -,k:;,,; th� �7t=.q pas: --I ,-= cat t-_--_ lc�-!=_- -el 0, .7 cW �., thj�re - return to vacun--I��,rs. yf t�,__ Ibiq EiLm=er h -.-,,e,.,- H-�S V;C,7rk =:e-.-' -- ziz�%.­. I r.ept pretty:, te Z�1,_ej. .1s, Z.z,2 ,CheEe Make Ive' Urrir_- C�,...-mr.7)er PkVe (Gherking) Most re,a5guat)JO. of the Slave Traffic. ,,;i�z.q �:,wc-7��z�-� t%2 r,-*.gbt ar�d he n=.- ,-; i�,`f,.�-, 'I � � Amt'h=y- t ":' 74+ I_ - I - .., ln�-.ng ft ne, t to =_��,-,- i�`�-e n'C'U cetal-* e e .� -j,j - . . e, , - C'11 1,-Q- n - - C��:� —Wipe fj�,,;jr W.jax-ts small unrine 6u- .OIL When you tbink of CIMU , = ­­ - ,_ 41 ­ ­4�, .!1b-_-7:" 77= it .11 i"g - ­ f;;.. . ,� ., _', , , � MrX. R131 gainlY YGuth had Persevered In Ills - - 7e-.-. Ste , le to rc "Fe � .,es , Put in a stone jar ,a�ol add Ve54".T t�wzrl ,tie SU.5mg;z-g cls­_rs � r:,. Cy, me4.s .:1., , , fu any!�,2-2�y Qnny�b.n d, - and dycivg, 01113k Of Many years no, it a iainky and -an. , e,a,d rum­rs -'-f *r:e , .e 6__"j�+ ,�;�e c%,_ tka Cambers. . - . � - - .C�.��, up at t�, �jc. t,e �,Ca, say 4, � � -;' ewe��g !�Teg--_Es, e;ire.-m','.F C�r ., , � - , . , .er -,_-4, :-72 ,..# the regmcn of the Mtuters, � The .6, . ­ '= - I ,-)v - Te� is 1 I eup of salt diszolved in 2 fiiiart,,3 of �:,:,i?l, C f a -. a'.-.��, -, e J � vue% nnd a =-)ta,�e ".t Tw,��i_ , . ,,� . �d I, Cr e � -Iffan'. d .t , , 1-:y CS L'-2 . st-wp for V�e =rey c -i FZ 11-er �C= - = le+ s+ nd three days. r -.S rc1",.,-.T -,��4s *."��_iL�-.,- z0f. !1e 4- t�.e !�,�al. r:-� .: r attra-.ted. her attQ-' *. , Thele elrc-26C's Zhzk� th',barnng -water, . . in ambition to become a blaeksmitu, 1.18. . :-IS V,a,;T ;�MCII. AM24hOn—, '.=* MOT Very antrz :,"I-ze2- ara�;-�-.] =e !1=n As "he pazz,?-:1 t- :,- Parker's tory would have been robbed Of one of , ." , , Dry.,_, ",cu=bers from bilne, Tbring. . - t- - t, a --i E:), Ze?!Trf! stna:ght bas;,40 71!th ib:zat re�-Ik-, ana, � " " - t, , W01.1 Itu noblest and most amazing persDp 12.1)12 Z:. -area: 11-e t�azr, tIze . aa-iful ar-1 VOE 'y b;n;,w -"-2. afte=--on 7. r -'- tz) 1�,�ij!ng point, pour over cil-! _. !=,--s ,--4,_e -�s:g C,f a !:e " V) E�2e "if h -.s .rV1-,1:aa1,�,J e,i, � .. tD�ake tlie 0'�I'ec�Fk apz�r .� , L J� a-.2 -b,z ."­ZQ­Z ...e . � S-.�-?-? lu:fh tts gmy-aml-r,-Fe� S h,_:2 e ; . e of rej W. -i -i% V-.e-X14nT:g _-_.­aat j::fg � - .. - � - -..--- VT #6 , , � Z . * ht tha! ex-.C=2,12"i 1-- �' ,�, , � I art le --ent hal rJeen T�Zr,; L"n lh-� am- s% s - Z*'QZMI�e-S 2- Qg=in 10t stand three' � Dye �'s alitle:3. 2s,. -a tl"n ray of '.1.,g*. Awlc-=rF�,Shere33. syk.,�rt' .1; _,.e %11;�A;r ZL!12 S�'��.eS. g4�rera.- cd 4 1 There Ir, no finer rie,mance in living 9, t. I ay clmt Vf flm!rg A reiT.��ie3, 3�-a v"!�_k V=t , rer.eat, Drain, w1p, ,cucumbers, .- � --,, -? - n. -1 � - -ht * -!_-,e i ;3-s'; , � Limited C f ,-',.)m La-4r5..':kr.`,ind xm �,F �-ileai - =h 7-_,-�n , ­ ' :) - . . 11 the ".,are stzz:6 .,�, , - _S are � - " mem.9r)r than that of thia boy wl-O ywas - 2c,-. Ut P��ar_-e�2 �-�-:-,n ial-F-,r: !n=2E,`­ 1-r. T. L=T '!be -n4�rks, &na !3�lng -ths"I ca 42, and -c,:r ever V. -.e gallon:�14ing WAterl Cleaners and Dyers . . - r�a�.%j t�re sta- Ir Wtawn-ont, far 1*le, pnkel. up a pa.4r of Y,;:eri. �-'Xs Nathin. illustrat-�s �%,e*.te_-� the vog,ze - -- L:- I � aft�,rware!o to become President Lin. ' � - * ' _ .,�. ,g at the . 1-m TiL`ih_ cre tal,lespoon of glum has, , .�, g ?az� - , -t ,,- F,= - Kr. La: . - '!ir-p:!c` - 4mes-s than tl�e e.eeve- , I 0 n ,,, C S t. ,y ar.1 th . cf �=.e:Yng !mz,n k �er. ayA r0 !r,:, ;-_ _-D:r cmze-ht �,!z Eve. ---,� .; = I .11-i f 7A the ,,,, 1_7,� the woeks bef'ore,him h:3 eye f,,r z: * in � 791 " coln. of the Unfted .States. -e 2 ...- " vellang in Ita',Y an! ­ ­ M:.� :_ :ess, g_ --.i= vdth its Elmp:e air and - an`.;Er whLe tra was, cx_;�Iaz 115 -Ar an Lrrati;ra: g:- beea dizsD",vel. Let stand six bours,J Toronto From. a log-cabla in the backw.)cd, Gh.-.=r:nc E!.r.,-3i-e-_1 cver a:2r:f:1,',:lr. f X-7- 1 then A-ra-M from a'Alm water. Cook� f 92 . : -t -.n a p(-n3ant fi:�r h's �.�.le. ths ,pnng zzi the left. PY4.-;6-,- zn� It s�ma--.I.' ,­�=s. It d4iii7t wear eat its 1 E4rw= i;ia`=;; 'r --,s zh—=,=�7,� ,�-,:r,_7. =2 64,a� ,.Q ta'! it 'S * C 'S -r1h _ - , . " I of Kenturky Abraham Lincoln Carlo - . * 4-'" 7' 4 'LID - - 'e C -T -V � *, I . 3 I rabers ten minutes, a few at -_ i I .4. as E�T - ted .l.r.t. *1 -:-n W- gertly w-1 a sa-Liatl S.'rs-,Mr17eT. Fe ,z;e:,a=e t1h; ,­,=cn 'Net a bit f � - - out to face the world—yonng. and "-,;) &�r &�M=l Flntre.-I, ,s.:-�,�?:�t;­Y 4-01'sh- I " . a cuzu -- ----- -c- carnt as a f rst -vater.d4m- - , I ,)str ­ -,2+ u, 4me, in ore-quar-ter of the following' ____ .=== , '-' .. --- , _­.. �;-- J - ­ Q -',T U- � - ' 't: " "here th' faU, nni R-) - - I I e-1 !iri -_tD Ile � . " �!..O�zeil Ine el. _-:zt'= 2ri � , ;�_n � It z as -0-,=g: ;, with u very limited knowledge of lif,3. i� r.. 11 .r"_.z.,�,tv-e-�1 un s: an"Iner as Prize .- -A- .-le --.,- - -2. The -'- * 's, IlLas%. ycu Zee at im, tLe rew tr . , ,+q-1- -P ;!`�P-f . .be tab?e dropped the .P-eze of Tem' �'. ,-I,I_ ,mabdure heatei to the boiling point, Ca I Hard Road to F,ame, - �1 ­ 1�, f:,r 5ts �=iner--ia2 Ta. . am� _. " .Y . I The Mysterie3 cf the S �. , &::!, . ­-;iZrr� I ­ .. -�,�., -- '+) r, wheze 2T gl.eamej trl tle s=n- '-' an,3 bolli ten aninutect- I gallon vinegar, 7�2= . - � . I the rt"7ne :n _ _ ,-,- � - - - - -.q= 21 - The -Cca-'r,611rop 4f bloc -5. : I I , K) I tle ".4trsus duvet',.,ms aii-,' fhe Silky - - - %-:, �=J, vshere _*� 3�iy 'vke a great g--- r. -1h frl-end'y U--!rak'e .11 . amon, 2 �.ght, leld - �-,i�- re -2 az:-.ber is very r;ir-,- Mr- ,, . Z 1�= as P etwKI -ari ,*7,1112 Cori, in i Bottom. picture we 'have of him I,, that is.ri has iffered a ;�ewara Q11 $250. - ­ ' 4TO 'le ccno=,-I� ItaVespolms ClIspice, 2 tablespoonsl � � I--- iTs ret;= :, - , I _� ve.VE,teens. Stairet!-azes you wear it, , The deep sea Is the mo.3t myetorlous 'i Of a gtvunt and ungainly lad, W!th A craftg ZaDk snre, d cver h*s WeLl "' C . 0 U . .41 -le - � ! , _' , .ff ii;th a :Zrg­eeEVeJ satin gu=r - ar-1, c2oves. ­Ssinie fc)!I�q bas Ev er7th-ng I e `F I . I as well as the most extensive Of all the ' ciumsy bands and a head six -f ot fe r el;c_z=_nt!v-_-_Jy sT�all features aml I 2�2r. -Progre_-s in Canada. . then a, -.-:n with c:z�a of -Tc,= vzinmer, I kles haunts of animal life. There jj3, jut. in. the air. But. he had a heart of gold - ea. -. C,r�rain-e,-s. "I `smpT_vse s=e,` Stra-M ie;�,alning liquor over pie - � whhh have leen put in a store jar. .,) make . I ��anl!ng furiiwe:y ar:,uni # " ' I ,: ,e A'rr*­_ r ­h man or w--:rar w4l.l flaid it T73:0 11 .-;,me that le was -_'sre :'n -�h . ..... . I I i ecurse, plenty of life In tile tv,ro him. 'a character so strmg that it brolre r2,,:.=, he C�jippe-1 the s-,�vre -*�+01 .I�e �,�,esnit need iaa $2E-1,3 anyway"' .1 it is =,C�patei that -A=ey:�_�ia 'E==-iss fre-rhCnea up -a ,b;+- I Ine love of z -wi-,, pay for Me !nq%1- A fte way tz)� get a ::tt:e ta-Dre ser - In the meantime, a SP-20nd-hand ' _ i dred a,ad fifty fathoms or i5o near the ; down all barriers, and a f - .... ... tour_*st ME .. i Rep-wating -Neckties. i `, truth a , r ,. .nd hoEe?ty. P:�?k��-t iDf his �Gw­mt vest. ' ., - -_ *s to � S11 -face Into which light can pone ' ,er - ei r Ira- lat' ar Zplkeep of 0�_tzr�j:�,s y.ga- Lee v.at zd yz = s==er Fauseg z � I "-Ga­.vV1 le exc'a�lreil, *;W-O� ,.r I, farn!nare dea: earr. W the Cr. aoia �d _- -Tile ter- 1 Neel-Ves are of ten laid asitle w1r, en i t-,ato, Below that, says Prot J. Ar., Lincoln Ified !n ,t t;me cl oppres. -.= real!" men's c'.:,ck, V) his mus"y aid -lb?P in -ways system. Th;,--, trzZ? h_ -S 1-- 71 -Ear t7zein TFatil a s7e= ss'dress. F , Ightly worn, because � ctures* In the ' 3IGn. As a yr,ung man he sa-, a,F,1_�Ve .,- " -, ­ _,,u�,y ;I, - !!:e T&, -C--. h2ps sou have -- r4%as,i�, says vi W:tan 4 tEelv are only S, 1 Mar Thomson in his le He ext!rguis1hel the rEraal .2m_ the Pefe.=_en Valley and there 2 -an crease,�i mainve�,, anz,e I . ,, 2 upperincot � girl ill-treated by her muster. ,,If ever obsc-Ire corx.rer, dust�zcrrered, it Tested ' litcen higla'Wa_'; .WZS bZl.tl ana :� _ -,,�­ e, %-..th a b-ez� 1:g jaze_�_:,,_=_,ed�of the stairls that come ; Royal Institution at London, V. ' ms and, pa -s -zing thr:;=gh the ,1-10---, va-Ham . -, ,e , I get a 6,anca to hit that thing, I ,.will Vg' _ . _= ��'.:-,-g no ta:es, -.7hUe fliers -mere sEnt __:�,Lar. aEL ,:�_ha:,s -, ! ith .. !­,-�% a 4!rty straw h2t from a peg �­ ... . a.ay anaanal reTenue fr:in this s-M210a, Its C:!:.T 7,-z= part ,w1:L,m the tie ;as knottel in th usual' vast lonely wastes of water w , I , re � � .I at Es rig'ht. As he went fhroag;, the b v th e p. D'�.-. ze to P awn shaps =1 J, m., e.-,; ,,t,,,,g thrr,ugh varl-Irms &_annnels is ­ the zz'eeTes. Here -s a sm-grge-stizia, MN'Mrler. Wrinkles are also a reason. scarcely any life at all, and below that: b t it hard," be said. 2 ___ hii life bs remeinb-.Yed Vadt E-t�&n, *-%e cl:ef V* �-s In a �-eatel ,.,,-, ry stfIres an ne.ghlivnng clt!es. 4 Into aaa;-A-130oms r,f ==iz. Dar!mg ior MMk:=g_ --,,-,--- Keeves as gaoi as , frnr casting asld!-z a tie. It is n6t often;, again, at depths varying from two Una i All � vErs_�taon with cre of the '_-ItT-hen b -,Ys.' In ,z;,e same Perk;cmen Vailey, In. r'lus ble to wash, ues in soap and a half to ,six miles, is ant,ther world - seenc, f. ­ 715 -c= =67 7-1 f the KeeT , pazsl rCm that time forth he was a " 20 apprax!mately '-; 0 A--er ". 1-2 " ­-- 2-M),re-1 T -31t -- - e an9 ne-flher hear -1 Ms mutteread, t:.:e 4-aw%y, or.ne-s!reet vallage of Ar- 19 ' - t 4, but r n. i deadly OPI)CF-Kit 0 the -6--ve traffic; � - . ya, i i Mi-vi::e. 2,:,-. ed Arth-any Bcrsach and motor cars crossed the border into On- -r tLE -­ff is wz: , .2-, � F!r Qui,wate.-, for feaT,Df the colors running,;! swariu!ng with living thing. . . " i , tirely different from any w 1, a, ' , Ms S�mny, g6lien­laz�rel ,daugh-ter tario,ramaining -Various 'partois, rang- M � 2 a stra t bziaa Cs CIS ff. TO f -his but iby ilry-clearingand pressing them' Grid of: anf 9 events sh,awed. tbi-3 led to t" . nR -ivalkei =-­ th? steep � carefully they cin be made like new. i which we have any experience. N...) grcafeLt and ra,�.-t mn-_w.7.,ieas dee!Sic-.1i -t ;Iea fnmn �,hz C=Etar-��e. Threemnarates7wa2kfrona -Ing fmin, cne hcur to six ramths. �ew a =-m-ba:k C=ff e'f zl:e vy�e, if h, 1 C-12 I I Fcr cleaning, tahe ia, quart jar outJ one has ever seen it, but the long arm: cf U; llf*?,;f rot oj'L Amer! _ h- ty , b!g hotel, 'his -he :-,-.t:e V,aorden rtat. -13 an -4 e I !�, r.. ]Wt hani finger!ng the siro3th cool r'n and UP a The taskof spleeiang UP the 1 adlzg -�u c - --UtL'h -- c'r & White Silk, � al gaso- I of the dredge can reach It and has : It waz by a hard rcai that �ia!,C,11 st_�L-n pa!r of stone Eteps. 71_. ,e -tt -e L w, doorsand flu it 12,U full of clea I I M st;.rme in h!s p:�_-ket Over and o­;er , I cl fre�ghterr, with grain -In the P --rt cf =2 e--'- With a 1: -:e '= -iZ� SE 1. _-:y, .- ittleplece of naphtha sDap! told us wonderful stories of what goes 'Came to fame. He had tried varlims, , t , Ick shr,j am.] 1.tou-_,A 'th Le 0 ea at the 1, Une, Add a q 5 me--treal will bea greatly helped. by the ,e t -=1=k to t' I Wer '-,e , agadr, t�;e words, -.0t if 4 -,vnz real! * . �- *.Ins red bi -, I � I wot if 't v;, -z rea'ls' chanted throug' :x.* the perlwliak,e v -.--e emrfu.,ing anA a few drops of turp,cntme. Put' I i things; he wanted at one Ume to be a n a,Rd't!on of the last of the Harbor 5 "-- i =ff. F.zr ,ear:y fzM days you; � on down there. - - � le into the jar and szrew on� It Is cold and dark, atill and very. blacksmith, but at last he il,ecidel in M' ' � On,2e he thaUght ke hEa-d - . � =;ght "Mre t3l have -:-.e .Naim -e With! a soiled tl b7aS M-1. all over :Che purih. Here, day afte a r3;se and, rausel ta 'Isten Jntentb-�, day, ,an the 3ittle WoFL-Aap a. t7ze j-r_�;j Commissioners' fcu-. fi=tlng i0erators W- TP so ithe-cov ' Stand the jar in a pail of'sillent, and the pressure of the water � favor cf the law. T.1heu he was electel "b:34 ight agal I of the ho-,Ee. se. Ojel. An-�hony, sh3ul- � The uloatiug eleTatws -nr,w in opera- t:_"_ve­_­�=SrZsr0�F_iig,2a1 Z2, -e - is�!­ � hot cr* ,-h hnn.'s hi'd t-5 mst NIS veSt., , h water ta warm the gasoline. Then 7 Is at least two and a half tors to the � to the State Lc--gi3' .ature lot Mina -s. &: ders bent, soft grey hair just touched: tion work ftteen. ba= a aay, sm-d cuut !t zff el'xw-�emgmh, nni :B---- . . � ' If he were e!J ,ap! But after standing . � : acic'ei � .0 +1, I Dy I I 2 -le -t ani s`l'�eiat *M the shaaaw of the the sun that peeped Over his shoal- i handle about 7,03ab-iashels of gra!nan,eltaer a ,circalar er gat-heri-i floun.ze-wh2n tle tie is thoroughly soalced in�square inch; yet all the animals bave He waS tweatY-five, End the ,111 . - trees f �)r a few, nn-2nut-_3, he-de2!ded I der- W�th f rl-endly interest. ! hcur, or 420,1000 baslells per d4y. ,1 about -_fte indles rdleEp. I the e6lation shake the jar and unscrew'ad-apted themselves to life under of pOvert." atfll bGund him; ur.41 we are Ever.ything about. Arbor-mle was' A the c-3ver, to lat the gas escape. Re -'those grim conditiona. �twld that when he wc,_�t to takt his t1ist he must. ha --2 �)ear m1stalacn, 2r.1 . , Me Eastern Town-Zhips Sanelt!ng �� A net g_!�mpe Ten-claing to n a w--ist- I I ; w arked , =:y. The f riler-31y reighbors, who 1 -_ 'peat the shalon- and opening of the � Ali the animals that live on the �;ea seat in Parliament he h3d no*. ezough I G - a - ,- �; r- �* f: �4' v a s ,- -Z' E t a- -,r:f- 1 so . and Refin-L,g Cvmp=-y ha's been lia-vor- Ene, to .r,hic'h 2.Em_g s_�­.n ZIL-Er,-ES ZXe I Jar thin - money 0 buy a bei. ' ful dre _ sa.V,erai V enel Jmnls would r,erralt. I br-,=gLt the,r ip-eer old cDant,T c1locks arae;until the tie is clean,' bottom have enormously long, .1 porated under the 2aws of the 13T.j.. ' aV.arl,e-3 is a na, cZt -.=--- ss ac- � I W , �T - In 186U�2a-1 h' ,,�.c�hi vement.j hat if the stare �--`ng-'13 be a real , fair A=hqny to mend, wuald stop for . It was ., I .9 2e . at w! -.3a lilan, a -d Is woul� remoTs, 17121ce, 1Cf Quebec -with a capita.lizzatl­_m cessury if yr.0 are P�aianimg to have - then rinse it in 0ean, warm gasoline. ! legs, especially the spiders. and the I ruby! He reals or 7? 3 that , eve7v�)�iy wh� a cf-' , Press the t!e only after it is thorough-' crabs. The bottom of the deop sea Is " wL,re crowned. The Republicans zishe-i "' ' "eWi�:EFS s--,7hk,h gave hbn' 61 twomMIDIL dollar--. T-te C=Pa`nY a number of eeETe-eSS dreES953, 312ke � 1. J le-aS ,� e ca=e -o -he 11:�tel -was rl:!�,; file -uvo- thlE ,7T and all the odor of gasoline' covered everywhere with slimy ooze, , lilm to &t,And fir the Pn�.-Hency. ile �h a fer.i-C.1flus lao'k--Exom, his eye, � has options o= saine desirable gates in , the sle- ,eZe,,2a-_ Rit :1 !M , ves one-_= - _: .e. the' ; nen d1_1 w-�re grani fewel.ry. It. in-_,si � s 2 � hms zeft it. i so that they all must walk on sti,,ts to I dId so, arl was electei. ^ .; nt -o have ba;:�El a -.A have =,i,3r= t, , -to - hawe fjrnipT:E5 froin s:ex.e -'Wor""'s � and wc".12.i pass the t1me of day, his Sherbrook, Que., and expe-ts t 't -Ve� � I I � sat st '_ - ­�'gaprt, rather wlstf ul features bright- � the plant in operation tYls fall. Ar-. _a - , - - - . - ie snecessfally the . euscape being snic-t7l,ered. i SGCnafteer Ms e1,o.­:un V) cfnee Lia. - . di� sr _p, on_ IVS .7r;.s ,,, have me raf I Ta press a t - I rci _- I - .- -1, , ring, �'r nezl;'ace as she - . - ,;e . : 'tch on the under side should be 1 Three types of life are absent from ce'n Fav, fliat haT, _� ,;A, e t " i,:e . ' 'le, his � , - "2 ­ -Am- ­ 'alss sho�ll . enimg, to a 1r.enEly sm.2 .a ,wh3kly: ra--gememts have been made for the: safm matr, = e!F es Z Z� or .hna -. . -M , ,i be rel -m It arl take a,�hann . 4 I 9 , _ no , a deLWon Ln .s',aver.-i. D*4t, there via,, lon ge,4.'.,i,- a ,-e-..nr�lff The mark- fa:;, r-5-- eyes-wb:ch -were quite the: smelters to handle the output.af I other may be crea= mcs =F-!=-1 -mfth � cut, so that tle lends, as far as tbeY,'th0se great depths. There are � ' * I ­_ -R plants cannot grow, !aek of eche_­jr, in laii e..!b-w,,t. ,1(3 ,_.;.._- ­. fr!-­­:.-:iest eyes an all frleiadly Arbor- .�i of the largest producing prope�Ve3 , li� 0 ,can be stretched out fiat On the � plants, becau ' . ,Lie ribbon ,1 , , jr!, _M-, Et., anof�aer :-�ro 7 him' T��ern MLMen WRM't In& ... ... ,, L4. _ - .E - ..-I - * I is " a--,. .y-- I � -T.-,,= g boa, rd. Lny them on .the board 1 without sunlight: there are no mile. f-,Und hlmz�e*f ,)e-4-%..- .*�-nftid,s rvi.!!�. . no mcre tknn a e,;re:e,l -.h - ­ -L- -.; D_--'_- earning with go,>d natare and � dlstract� special attentivn. being ,,of ,.ye7e� ,e-,-,rr _. in th. e S=Tt , , � n 'J, *; * , I In this _,_ ; �, 7 " wiffi the right side down and -draw the I rabes, so that nct', ing ecyr demys; A 2 � by !ntr' u - , 4eaj) , - hmi:-.ress. I __ _11TT , hb, actia- 7 wer-a !j,A.er ' d Z G � ca"2h li]'M !alen* it ",=k. He: � r .and asbestos. � ochre sha ",- i ie L�ack vat'and there are no real !meets. A., and petty jk_iicusies. . m2ny a ntau _,�1­1� , ;-1_.,g T_, -,.i * Sarmundei by his ,e.ozks O:d AM- . paid to cnppe . . - ani a�-mx t"�e ".h. _1 ' , wadiiir- that lines the t. ­ It '�' W-Dir,ed patiently and happlly,t The demand for engliisers -q-11th busi- � Trimmings are ia:4 ans 1-ir'git, as 11ey' . with a we2her Churacter Tmuld have Vuw­-i aver, he*dl seld at! There was: �howr � of the Tway. Cover the ends with a', there are no plants, it is bard to see mre thsn cna way to gc-t by, wit'l it. . W.57 after flay, and thcare, at twelve'ress training has led the Senate, of -were last fall. .-U,,,, ,- .__n is used4 I t � give-.- ur. IM .11;�, � thin damp cl�lh, and do ibe pm.:sing how,the animals feed. We know tba , - He 1-m9wed a gas in the c3ty— 11 o7cl, o6z, came Canstance, Antheinfs � Queees U niversity to create a special ana the eire ribbon, wbinh his the It - : A Fateful Dectsion. t by b:s daugl&.er, a Z`ender wispy bit of san- -'course of a yeaes -work ja commerce , shin Tn. h a bot iron, Then dampen land � in the deep sea fishes eat molluske, ; , His reflections -were cut shirt -, of rpatent lea-ther, is consiisred press the laning, Next replace f,le,and mollusks eat worms, and wormsi Lineol, was made of diffe7ent mi?t- arrival at his horre, a small grey_,shime, her light -,riavy hair cauglit back � for engineering graduates of Carmadian . ' %ax huddlled among the � in a 1c nse k--ot, her bravn eyes rival- " --anart. Many dresses, are trimmfQ white cottage 0 i univer4ties, The subjects to be� 'er7 51= In place I'lining and the ends of the tie and eat smaller worms, but that sort of - tl,e. Bel!eving he had a mlimiou in -'ht, Som i bushes ]lk e a E,iarel tlain,g. As usual, � Ing the sun in blig . happiness. �stadied will include economics, bagi-I with bands of thisTr -of I �?_-w them baek into ,place. Finally7l thing cannot go on forever. e-' front of him, he he'd to hls'purpr-e. I the lamp in the bail was buru;ng dina- j "Daddy." she saM, as snee stood in, I straps of c2e.h. Braid is ziso, -Use1 I llay the tie:right side down and prozz " thing must come from the oiitside. it, IVIlen the time came for aet!on lie ' h.ard to look- i ness ,finance and business law, econo. � A good-iboking trimming to use at 13r. Ills wife, �Eog­tired after a day! thae doorway, trying very I . I - �. . I I the whoge tie once more. 11 is now known that that outAde supply 1, took it. He went to war ,with tLe :.rnt over the v;aqh tab fill -ed with 1 severe, the twinkle in her eyes belying, =0 geography, the fnancial orga==a-'the bottom of a slart is made of disks Ties Twill last much longer if they: of food consiatz of a "continual rain: South, although the knowledge that he le, ! -7 - I Tery narToniv braid finished with an ars kept in a flat ease long and -wide of atomies,'�-Infusoria and broken; wa's condemning a milliou rien to peoplle's cIrAthes. had gone to'every won, "must I call you e.ery � t1onof soclety, marketing, accounting, 4 0�r . bed, leaving Mr. to lock up the house day at noon? Don't you know that i problems of labor,'Industrial manage' 11 outline <9 Frene!i krnot& To make t1is, particles from the sea meadows far ' and put -out Ile ' .amp. 1� dinner is ready? " 11 enouen to ',held the flared ends with.'. 1 doath at the hands of theirfellow-men maut, business statistics and busmess , braid dirk traminang, it is wise to out their being folded. , above, -all clean and sweet and never � wrung his heart. So the Civil War -2 up the green -shad- 1 Out came the jeweiee,.,t glass andl. policy, AraonS these who will deliver, ra,rk a,er,,e Crimmens I;L!ked i ,e on _e f, X;,c b ed oil larap and holding it c,arefiffly iwith a little laugh, Co-_stanze was at! ,.,,� ,35 . ef,,, 37ou 0 failing. I . lectures Is X W. Beatty, Chancellor of' I came. It dragged through four weary stealth,ly 7entered a bare, seantaly ", his side, her cool soft cheek against i'Queen's and President of the V -P -IL i start. Th this WaY you are sure to Building a Houm � e enormous. years. The IUMO hinged or, the right 'keep the dlisk just, the size you want. eyes, some Indeed so large that the; of the South to secede from the Unica, furnishe-4 ro in that is*rved as kitchen i his Wrinkled fac,-- A report received at moutr,aal Trom 1 Let 0*14M build their palaces . -To ' In se-.Ang an the braid, start ±rom I and 6an7a: 007r. Closing the door - "And whathave -you been doing thisl I fishes have to carry them, at the end'but behind t1bat . ' .71 1 London. England, statez I Their stately marb].e halls, was the spectre of `p'a�ei the lump on the taVle. morni that ex*_-'L4er`t4he ,outside and wof-I to, the centre. of stalks. Others have eyes- smaller saffly, be ng' asked Anthony, as with � oidd prices were, obtained for a consign- 1, Then sew throug, and thr,D, Amd h=-- -with silken tapestries slavery. I . ugh the The with its soiled red -and -white cloth, - ore arm over his daughter's sh ers 1! i than pin points. . No one knows what i Seventeen mentlis aft ter the starting ,they walked slowly through the 31-ar- ment of 1-59 W eUtle from Ontario _ren.tre eld, far ­.Teaching walls. drew ,up a batterei wooden chair and, � of each --trand. The Frenelil they use their eyes t,Dr,. or why they il of 'the war --when the South had been titking the store from his pocket, held � row, dark hall into the sunny kiteben. which, were pronounced the best � . But'What to me their -castles graiLd it unier +the Ught. Although he Imew, '01, working for a while," she I shown for some time at Me amd's 4 knots Jhay be clone in beavy rop�-sm With barret, tower and, dome? i are so different, . . 1 winning all the time-Lin,colia signed nothirag about jewels, both insrt!nct and 7 answered, tiand sewing for a while, whart Glasgow. ,Ste,,, fetched ESCZilk I Id for the eye's of 'the puzzle is plaosphoresence, I the, great Emancipation -the death. i floss or in mercerized enal:irolderyi They may tFul A:Uohter . I reason to'd him. this -was valuable -i and then readlng�" � atton. To get the Erarztest effect, � world to see AfahY deep-sea fishes have lanterns. i knell of Vie slave traffic. I to R56 10s.; heifers, 23S 1 . t- 238; i ' * . It is unlikely that they use them to Where could be hide It? He glanced � "But daughter,' he remonstr-t`L�d. 1 ,and bu]14�, ;S 46 Um. 4"s'el'a'c'kbra'f',=d"a�--e'yc'ur�"X'-ght, But I shall build a home. ,l A hundred thousand nezrosa rallied aroun,l the roam in verp:exity, his!"Zoet you know I told you that you � I cel -or note only in the French Imots. I find their way about In the depths, be - I I The shark Industry at Victoria, B.C.,'! J Of hope and love and a 'holy faith cause they often wear them in th � to the North. Then. suddenly, the tide great hualking shadow- forming gro- , must not do any work. That'a what I � j To eban-ge the eff ect of yoarr sleEve- eir' C+ .`has changed hands for a third time, � ' The w,alls Of my home must be, i � a ,eemed to turn in favor of the North, tesqte shapes as he turned this* way,,, Hannah is for. The do wr Says -�,,Iou - ' *th ,diff , tails. Perhaps they ue ' �J , -ear -= -1 A= I less dress, ysu can T, it an -d that searching for a hiding p'-sce. � are to rezt:l � I Anthony's face � and lne4ch -case operations _%ave bei - teel� I : 0. the right bf -0ril 9, IS65, General 're Love Will evermore L p ,watch' lure. But, If so, why'do some of th,eim, I 'carr , er-eat glrdlesi 1-m-pes, =a blosses.1Wle L,�e vurrerlered ' to Gemeral Grant, ind Or a s1vCXP in the corner stood an'clouded, and a troubled look drove � led -on on a larger scale. A twenty- e I Over my own -and me. I have red and sonic green lights? it, i's t , - � e-4-faiLb'6nel square cl-Dek with list -'away all the beaining friendliness'j one ,day test was -recently -1 . , I' -Tour dress 1s. dark, cna cf the new he war was ever. - Taaas In I ' � es in *gh -Amd here -will be a haven safe I 01 I very puzzling. Perhaps It is best � � - f ha r 1. to say, ideals of P. Great Alind. ter, -i ff a -2e. the ,;wer half painted with � f rona his eye& 1 -which 357 sharks wire canght, ever- li� ' Iril Z0__e "'ri - t shade I Wkere weary feet t t cam "We dQ not know." 11 a, br,g3r,t:y cr,:ored sunse' Crinamens For Anthony had a sorrow th aging 225 pounds eacb. It has been �,vmuld add an st--artive -=2'r,r note.- i regrmled the ,C,ock doubiiuily as its weighing on him heavily, brizigatingaas I WiR come back- from the ,world t,) find J A third J)uZzle is the brilliant color Unriln's gretatest speeth was it �, � st - 1 discovered there are zome very large'These girdles �c=e in �65alv.d, and " the zlam� ; Of rianY Of the creatures that ilve in' Gettyebur�z Is sharp st aceato tl,ckin - knoiked again � greater droop to the -shoulders that in harke paurds are often in two cvZtrs-_rcJ and hlue I - ,I i _:. One ear imaglae hi :s weighing about 2,too . _' ' I ere the ,5"stenmg si"erce of '.'he room. his youth 'had been broad and strong, j each which they Intend to catch vilth as a favorite ,minbinatun, also black; Wh Fhave built a home. 'I the dark -crimson and blue arki gold. i queer figure and his sonorous Ytica . cro * over to the shelf, he fifted7and accentuating the wistful extires-, le� I -Morer-ce 1mes ll�dley. I Of what uze is It? 'But, Profeasor � ringing ont: "lVe here highly r,�solvu I " - :2,--d -White, Ceris-e anI PuZji� Heavy! �5ir� 0 'that thei,t) dezd shall not , the ,-1.W.1 =eful*y, ladd it hate down slon of the friendly lined face. Con-: harpoons somewhat similar to those I il ThomL,on concludea, Perliap,s we are hav , In on the taYle an d opened the back. The stance, his ,daughter., his girl, was cick � used In whaling. , silk our&- are alsv used for gird'es I - e died ' " ;�i' 'Salt AWiStS SWiMMerS. ! too anxicus to find usefulness in evei. .' v. in; that this nation, 4' coind spring suggested a possibility. �and thedoctor said thatabe must 901 With the sesson fast drawing to ail Thwe are 11alotted .t the sP., ; Ir ft, utltr G,d, I 1 P -Ing; liorhaps the very beauty Is slif. i sha)l lhave a new birth of feep-dom, and . I He for? --d the stone way back b� the: away- I close amaouneemi6nt has been made by � finished with long fringed tass,61s.1 EverYone who has learned to swim " ficient use. Well, Possibly; but --to 1 thEit the gove-mmert ct the people, by J � G coil, mr,'T:g the Made of a penknife to � Since her mother's death -four years'�,officials. of the Edmont n Land office 'Narrow gird�_es of the same fabriz as � in an Inland lake or rIver, and lias � lodge it there Securely and out of 'before, when Constance was i that the past spring and summer 2isve 1 the dress ere e . � raise the question of utility agaill-.Ot' the people, for the People, sh-111 not ' 11 eighteen, I qually --mart Let me � then plunged into the ocean, realizes , - -sight. Tl,en he replaced the clock, set I she had kept house forher father and i witnessed the staking of oll,r2alms in I tell you bow to make. them: In meas- ' the added buoyancy and feeling of � WhAt Ine is beauty that no one ever 1 perish from the ;mrth.' � I 1 sees? I On the evening of April 14th the it going and gave a last loolic about �they had lived happily together. She! the Northwest Territories cov4ering an i Wing Your material, eat it twice the'freedura in -the salt water as compared I ; i Presiftera went to the theatre and tie r3,3m lhefvre putting out the lamp.. sang gaily as she dusted,and cletmed" ___,,�,__ I . Ign �rant of the part Destiny bad � and sewed and darned, and old A.n-! area- of approximately 600,000 acres. � width you want it T,,hen ftisbed, 1, with fresh water. I made a fine speee-1 a in response to the 'h I i plus the seams. Fold it lengthmse, 1 Put it should be remembered that t aeer. for him in thelevents that were 1, thony would pause in 'his work and � Recently the StakIng of loll claims has I The Shortest 011.1pter, ; to make up the history of the stme, Y fisten -with a smile as be heard "her ' been small In number. through the centre, 93ringing the two iDublic applame, He had just finished, I : tbEre are two functions inseparable A London newspaper trying to find *� When a Iran on'tered the box and zhot Crimmens made ready for bed. But bustling about with the filt of a merry Fine results areghovm by the twen. right sides of the mateTka together. � from swimming. The first is to re - be was far too excited to eleep, andilittle song on her lips. But for some ty-sever. soldier farmers ,who -took up I the novel with tl)o skilortes I hIrd. 9,1, J�or.sed Abrs�liam Lincoln, one i f Stitch the length e the belt a sea&s I main afloat and the second is to move t cliapter I final'ay., Sniing the 'heat of the h,audd I time ,now there has been no bustling I land last year on the Poarman!s Re- -width back from the Taw edge. This' torward, It 19 in the first oi these concluded tb' lit the PrIze went to 33ul. % of the roblest figures in tle lilstory of night Diore than rouli be borne in 9bout and very little singing, for al- I serve, near Regina, Sask-, under the makes -a belt which looks like a tube. i that salt water has in great advan wer-Lytton, In whose "What Will Ile i the V�Drld. � tage' I 0 he'aded "Del. ___e.____ -_ the staffy, IT,-w-ceffinged- beiroom, he ways she seemed too tired to sing I act ot the Soldier Settlement Board. Your belt, ,of course, is now wroug'over fresh wat ,I)o With It?'$ 'the ellapt r I -1 toelt h:s pollow ard went out on the I a4rd often-t3o often -a sharp little er, for the eaort at mov- i nouementll consists of '0111y one word, I The average farm unit is 808 acres,, side wit. To turn it, pin to one,ena a' Ing ZDrw-ard Is the same in each case. I pareh wi:era be settlltd himself in a, cough would strike terror to, An- i Poodle"; but an longlisil critic h, Moth's Clod-mork Tongue. i�hdbby -,% hm-mmock. 'purchased at an. average price of large safety pin, and then use thas as] Thebuoyaucy of saltwater is due to I" aa � thony's hearL I hastened to announce that the short. I On the uri*,m,side U thz head of any Sonm he slept hea-.By, the rambling) I I silt is nothing serious -yet," the i 411.25 per acre and board,ofacials say y,au wouhl a bodkin. To finish the the fact that three-quarter.4 of our ' of a 41PPY01t4rig tiilaulfaf,� doctor had cm;,d solemnly. ,,Iu0ipi:ent 1 that ;25 per Acm would be a low e,vtl- ends, -turn in tire raw edgwof the belt �, composition is, water, TIle remaining I est chapters In existence aro In L-jur. -1 tutt-erfly or moth yan w.-.1, find a tiny 1�api I ence Sterne'.s "Tristrain Shandy," f , eall Arbich lmha 111to tl%e bairspring of sto-11n nial. no impression on his I cases are not necessarily alarming if! mate to -place on the 'value of the pro- and slip-stiteb. i v_uarter Is composed of bone, or I I andother � ; fix chapters XVII. and -XIX. Sterne Du4,,, CL Wote.i. This Is the inse-eva tongue. I n m Six months i perty to -day. This. means an increase substances vhleh are heavier than I corAzkusresq. In the taurning. has! they are taken i ti e.- I 1 nothing biAdashes, �, Theligh it lool.-;,k quite �,inall when wife fo-an-1 hina �n the hanareml-, deatJ.'at the xrountain san�tarium at Pound- I In land value -alone to these settlers of i'matere, -and therefore tend to mako us � . r,!llea up. It can be unce; el In a flash I Zoctsr satli, that t�e lientning hai ienatz =1 ehe should have no more a i 4-.- ii 7hL - I pproximately $3,51oo each. .Maldng PicIdes. sink. 01.1-ack hiiii as he lay. there sic-eping. 1 trOuble:f � C.- � __ Pickling time is bere andl it is IM -1 I Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. illitou Straight tube an fiav:i or more in - __ � . Owing to the salt in theocean, freqli'4 I' "An -1 kDw muth," asked eal An- I I 1criatil. I The Girlat sea. port -ant that the Best methods be. water Is lighter audour bodles. there.' I I . I thony, tremblingly, "'will that cost?" � An Arniy offlo ' flowers, and I - I I -Ignorance!" ,adopted. There are many systems be-! fore slnit more rapidly -a (!orditict, or Zlioul&,6 bo 4,011p of , NMatel 41 111tth, VislUaIg - 1 "Oh," said the doctor casually, fitfle I ' � 'et I 'you N17111 sez 110W It Is ui:eii. Tho ins" I realizing the hopelessness thatentered 'The speaker was an, aamiral, who sides pickling for preserving fruits,'whIch may be carried, tosuch nn or,. I Nature% gentlemen, ri11t,qt 1,11,)Vi 110NN, I - ive and wa1 discussIng at a dinner party cer. and vegetables for home .'-e. These'treme that In some localities, i1i,clud. Ito 'gay Itballk $,614,' and thlr,J, njus�_i 01tholl r.,%imins hovering in me air, or - I C oin"', Antho,.71G heart, lebetwe.en f V_ ' 'have the wel � -s Uri q pe . I!w,n tN1 to:)�,Uo _�, all�',ht ,11 , tal, 1-7-7z �-.,.,�._1111 ='.. taltimZ, -dry-' 1mg the Dead Sea avid the Great Salt . a �six but.fted 4611-ars.11 tain strictures that lad been passed in,.-lude fermentation and I fare and happiness Ila Ili, �A-Aatflllwns ve. ;jvjilml�. nud Is 11- . ss� . �Zcs of : Az -1 that 'was the sam-W that watl lapoia the navy. ing, steaming, an,I other sysltms. � Lake of Utah, It Is almost Impossible I Men as 41is 'first couslaerauol�, , r,", , -me ��g",Caftg at A,nt'shwny's heart Sixi 4by'., he went or, smiling whim-12alletin No. 93 of -the Domition Ex-ltio sink, for the, greater the amount Of LoraBSng,,ofV1my. 1 Vxvw�t Iwo the lraierales� 1'�tes_ AM )'hundred dollars to him, might ins -well j, slcallv-, "that nrmtchalr critic Is gg 1. perimental F =.ms, describes 6e vari-� salt the heavier the water laud the --- -­­ ---`=`!­� t t%�� ftwc�r to obtain t1le h�,ney wlikh ' 40* I �� be a in,11inn, for be bad smed barely I ig,,3=r � � 1 Is 16,14en 0tre. A few moments are I I ,t as the girl on the cutarder. ous systems lof plekling. Cuminber'grceter resistance, t6 the force ,exott. _ I a la-wLt-red doQnra. =4 neither hie, nor I � I ­1-,�'tl !11 sip'T"Ine. and tL-i�n the tt)ugue I I I I "Th' girl, er-r,sal pickle is w,eof the naostp5p-algr. On'e!3 by any body pre.,sing,tjown up,oft it., 1"Aft I - - I .I anyQ,m he krew in Afoonville ba -i so .9 Ing tt) Englanrl, got, I 3aalio en ! � � il hmore7. Sn!twtistliatdayaftp,rlfri4entIJ7 wit!7L �one of the sbipl'socicons, thb niatter of pi-Oding enMralbsers the _*.- - — � WW %; ­irnipps baelt Inio Ug rall ata awaY . . muz 4 � r�%_�03 M(� 111oth to se(,%- anotat'r flawer. Oror Book Lenders. 1i oftmit A � t I . ! Eay, ag ha a�ent over lis work, the -2. ,i%L -nip . I a Young ta= l0f twitnty4ve or vo. The bielleft sTays- - I _' Ill n V ]LeS 1 Tho Ic qth. ef tto ti gue depeuds I � tkk-',15,&t of the eovks was v5 longer two were Maning slao by sdae On tla,e Rip,e icueumber Inckle.-Cut tullum- z Thoso who, oWn bc;Mo and ar'.1 106 0 V e I k1j',on th�k W,we�r visitel by V:o partieu- . I � fex-n1!y --c-,Pc.3npanir.en�t to Jig work, I rail r=.e day wlatn the 0111cer se aul: bers In halves kngthvv ise. Cover with 1 soft-heaftgll uo� to lentl them % ill ap. , !, pan't overlbt4t ihes's fit Lu, ; 1 vtlka V.).0 2110th. Theto which feed four belle. I taust clum water, C041,0%ving �17 teaspeo­,s � prerlate tile cetion of the n1all -,vll 1 ,orq. " 'Thern gtes I � i�ut a mnurnful refr4ahn thtit c?ant6d 0i Our Trav,t,iler,s JlaVo tbb S, , .;It .1%,p, X5PF1­ qt*r OrA 6ver cgalr, ,-six h=lrelo flol- i nsh YV,l to �p enA,Ta ,O�. jell Ao 110r.e�;' C,3& -,,--�t V..,!111R!!!� m . I xc-usia n,o. TVs =7 Watch POWdere-A n"inm -to art of waticr. � Put Upon liffs, boolt.platP5; this quo.ta- I. - no, ou " U, , " t , ove� W , ora I � ih 'a "o ft Volb _'n' ' � 8 - a*"' I I " . ' 0 "Vo tho ft��- I 11 . I I Tr, � 1, I lar5�, s:,.% Lanlrel d1,b11ar.g:t IV10 114vo tho 8tuk,,R. I � ttv.lo t, i 4aiTo ioluly a sl.jer,- ,Lne: but ; , 'Yet f, helow., ... I Heat grauh=117 tt, b&lJ-,,17, ;n��In+�, then'.! V!onllrora Sir Walter Scott: I N n ; . , I , Uy I �! 11,T,N, �,mgue Is n%_,t,,Joa J�- � L . rerc- vas ncthirg to & L'J�,� " 'Oh. sten) YA-nr umin naid I stm, .1 - - of ram,"�,O tWO 11MITs. I "--kI'd Pizac;-- return It! F,)r I find , Irl)POW1 PanDY 000de i .� tile spedes . I r V, I Wa, ' , I he-, g. ZV. _I on b_2L , . . - !t aT1, hape, for Artbon,7 was ;o5r � . Ltd I � W us��o gir3 1W.",stevr, Imird C a,�watcll strik- I rlemnve fr,m n7"M waic-, ar that, n1thbligh 1_,wA of ray fr.lD TOO a" 311101 V" it Calltorb"avy be'lsloz lilles. � I � , I GILLETT 'COMPANY' I an� bai 2:±f:,::- pmspe,-�t of gi�-tt:ng ne - ,.- J. - � -a 'eh5ll in u4s are: 00 ! , " I - I atg rig Isna a-, tUt?, 11 zZle-walcr. Mnho n ,4�,�.�.,�,,,g,� I y b3!'Ung 1 1&r Z mothematie'an's4, n,Dy ari� g, '19 � *� I Ltd, I -____%*4 _____ r.Amak � IM ____!�__ __ ff'? luve tz�r-_,4c_� ­�-;,�, 1-_,;,=�Is OT r'ngnr,',, b��DL,hez�per,011 . (x wlloze 0 only. 1; I '000 1. C_kl`11�'Vi Milo Only, I , " ,� Irk'at, wor ,cx ,,��,l n'tw �V� I a ,crf, 8n,7. to An,"'isny cm=�e, a - tt e Tomntc � = ��. I ­ I C-.1 t.4 bk1 lnobi"­ncz; 1c, I" ose 00,05r , " � 'r C-0 - Int �Df V'Intga- �:,,Alh ma � � I 7 vVellington P't, ra., 1 ..A... .�_ . . ­ — — � EeZ-_=1-!1=-1 1,�Ilrnanre &Ci"er, arl`w.7471 151r&0 PC*'L' &*e Cd -MM"mo kcati ,,,, MWe­ ----I%*.--- , , n , . roranto'. � !" 311 .;". tl.ra MSU5 No, 45�­11. 1 emt�eme C, 4 � I - I . __� t-() ­�I,vre NVOI 'el. - - 0,1w,wa _ _, . , _ �_ �%:M ,TO r,703g1tt a Sq�iaro ME� ­ I tl=a Of - hytle.nn.o. _ I Vang bT_r)onx mth c-2 ulues 01oves =1 a�?,Minmrcl*SL!,nin,L,ntust-dbyP -_..., �­ I t , i _�_ L_Mlo_ 1 16,11-03. . . N - 'A �_ it � . I F-1 I