The Wingham Advance, 1921-09-29, Page 4T11L, WlNGHANI ADVANCE4 I
Thursday, Septcnit)cv 29th 1921�
FINDSAD PAPER i Those Angry Mail Clerks
We understand that the ire of a few of (Continued from page 1)
the mail clerks on the 1,�Incardine-Palmer- COOKING Are You Looking For I
copy of Evening Colonist of 1859 Tells Iston routo has been aroused and they White 13read, Beatrice Thornton, Cora
claimed to a 15
lof Glutted Labor Market resident of Wingham that t
00 uld,,tulYlt, Be careful -boys, Garmett) Florence Eckinler,EdIth Breck-
00 - Tea Biscuits, Lillie Garniss, Cora
a number of old 'they or of th enridge, Brecken- BARGAINS is I
While looking through , the edilot is weekly newspaper is not� 0
family paptre, principal E. J. Wethey of cated into keeping quiet Gannett, Hazel Mundell, Edith
to ridgel Light Layer Cake, Maribelle Bolt,
the Exeter high school, came across a copy g dith Breckenridge, Flor-
when there�appear' to be laxity In the Donna Smith, E Ypu will find lots of them at X
of the evening Colonist and Atlas, Pub rib ion, you,11 only get in
mail dIst suut ence Eckinier; Dark Layer Cake, Donna
lishedin Toronto, and dated June 15. )y threats and we won't keep Smith,,, Hazel Mundell, Beatrice Thorn -
1859 price one balf-permy. A report is
off "your" train either. ton, Edith Breckenridge; Berry Pie,
Green Tea given of the annual synod of the Free I Z ISARD'S
is the, r I Presbyterian Church of Canada; also a Donna Smith, Hazel Mundell, Edith X
5826 Wheeler, Beatrice Thornton, hile
report of the United Presbyterian Synod. THOSESUDDEN NOISES Breckenridge, Maribelle Bolt; Raisin Pie,
Ich yet deficate flavour of the per- The total debt of Canada in 1859 is stated Do you start 'Nt suddennolses ? Gertrude '. Bargains worthw"
The r ays to be $54,053,550. News from the seat just one or two doses of DIt- MILES, Doris Allen, Hazel Mundell; Butter Tarts
fectly pre0ared Agreen4eaf Will alw of war started that the Autrians bad NERVINB—$1,20 vill soothe the irrit. Beatrice Thornton, Donna Smith, Gert
ated and oyar�stralueduerves- Guaran- rude Wheeler, Edith Breckenridge; Print
Salada-packet. twice attempted to retake Palestro, but dq V
be f6undfn the sealed were on each occasion repulsed after a teed Safe and Sure. of Butter, Lillie Oarniss, Florence Eck on Satur
Sold in * ingliara by mier, Irene McKinney, Edith Brecken- VIC
art sanguinary encounter. J. WALTON McKIBSON ridge; School Lunch, glive Garniss, Vel -
Died In Now Ontario' held on Thursday afternoon to Engleh A whole column is devoted to the ruling rene
cemetery,, Rev. Mr. Littlewood of the k Here area ma Eckmier Beatrjt� Thornton. I
The following obituary may be of in- Union church, Charlton, Ontario officlat- rates ol wages in New Yor . . Allen; Candy, Fudge, Euretta Smith,
of our rakders. few quotations: Barbers, $6 to $8 per Ir Olive Gar- —4 Manufacturer's Ciearance of Boys' All
r ene Wheeler; Maple Cream, 9
terest to ni ing at the house and grave week; no demand. Blacksmith, $8 per Is Your House wooi Jerseys
e 'in ? niss, Bea0ice Thornton, Gertrude Wheel -
Bookbinders, $500 to
"The death,,qccurred at his bom
on September 12th, of week; no demand. er, Maribelle Bolt; Pint Strawberriesd, pure Wool jerseys
�io $2,000 per year; supply Over demand. Thornton; Eggs 6-1 doz.—.78—Fine qt1ality
Northern s h y�ar. Deceased Mortgaged color
'Q� In Memoriam Olive Garniss, Beatrice
Win. Bates, gi his 6t county,. but . Carpenters, 37 to *10 per week; moderate Brown, Geo Mines, Viola Mathers, Elsie S, buttoned on the
was well known In Huron. Baird, demand. Farm servants, So to $10 per if so, the mortgage demands fire insur- X_ plain a n d combination t wear, reg, X
moved to Teir�skamlng District.ten years In loving memory of little Eva onth; opening. Female do- ance to protect his small loan in case the Thornton, Campbell Robertson; Eggs, 74 shoulder, the kirfd that Will give excelled a Big Sav- X
i d, B -el-- market house is destroyed by fire. White, FloXence Eckmier, Lizzie Robert- value $2.00 and. 2,50, to be sold quich at
ago, where he enjoyed good health until daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bair th; supply over X
the last few months when his heart rapid. more, who passed this life Sept. 13th.o mestics, 85 to $8 per mon Have you arranged for the� protection iola Matbers, Ethel Johnston..
. -Although it was believed 1921, aged 3 years. demand, but good ones in request. Lab- of your family's or your own interests in son, V sEWING ing. Sizes 24, 26, 28, sale price 1,50, sizes 30, 32,
ly weakened orers, 86 to $8 per month; market glutted case of death or total disability?
34, sale. prices 1. 1 75.
he might linger for some time yet the- end, We loved her, yes we loved her, Masons, $9 to $12 per week; supply equa You cannot afford to be more careless Tatting, Gertrude Wheeler, Irene
came very suddenl�-'- Though 4�ceased' But Jesus loved her more, to So per of the interests of vour family Or yourself
to demand. Milliners, 83 ur to pro Wheeler; Dressed Doll, Mary Frali�gk.
bad reached a good old age, he retained And so he gently called her, week; no demand. Mdsicians, $5 to $8 than of the man who compels YO Olive Garniss, Muriel Thornton, Dorothy BOYS' Suits at Cut PriceS—See our range
all his faculties until the last., Besides his To beyond the shining shore. per week, no demand. Nail makers, $8 tect his loan. protection by a Life Insur- Garniss, Block, Crazy Quilt, Florence of sizes at 6.90 to 7.95.
es a family of three sons and Arrange this
vidow he leav in J,, Albert The pearly gates were opened, to $9 per week; no demand, ance Policy in Eckmier, Cora Gannett, Olive Garniss.
two daughters as follow% W
The Master's voice said, "come" complimentar Men's Sults-15 suits to clear at a (treat sav
An item states that a y The Mutual Life Assurance CO. Mary Mowbray; Crocheted Yoke, Flor
D, and Deslis, M. . of, Chamberlain town- o with farewell, unspoken supper was givento JamesFerguson, Esq.. of Canada ence Eckmier, Gertrude Wheeler, Irene ing regular value from $25 to $30, on sale at 19.75.
ship, Terniskaming. Mrs., Thos. Irwir.4 S mstitched
She calmly entered Home. by A. Cosens, W. T. Booth, Representatives Wheeler, Lillie Garniss; He
Wawanosh township and M. E . Sturgeon I A Friend. registrar of the County of Middlesex, I 011ye Garniss, Hazel Mundell, value 50c
vfCourtright,, Ontario, The funeral was, a number of his friends at Brantford. Wingham, Ont. Towel, SoCkS—Men's heavy wol,ks, regular
The company :was a numerous one and Shirley McCracken; Knitted 'Scarf, Cora
convival Gannett; Hemmed Towel, Marie Mines, sale 35c, or 3 prs for $1 -00 -
appear to have spent a very Irene Cmemore, X ,
evening. MR - HAPPY TEACHER'S COMPETITION Hats and Caps—Just arrived, popular styles
The market reports furnish interesting the
shilling Snapshots. A. Aitken; Writi;g, A. Alt tg
Q U a I I t y maintains econom reading. Wheat is quoted at 7 1 men's and boys' hats and caps at new prices,
u hile oats sell for 3 shillings
R. Turvey;
.71. ken. L, Cowan, W. Ross lowest.
5, 4-*
AY per bushel, w L- . .. S
No matter how much yo I Whisky is quoted as being Map of Canada, M. Ross, R. Turvey;
"per gallon" for other lubrFafl- per bushel wan, R. Turvey
ting oils You got more lubrica- sold in New York, 150 bbls., at 26ic. A Lettering, Motto, L. Co Raincoats—Now stock received, of the. best
is states that th A. Aitken. I
tion "per dollaev when you buy message from St. Lou TRUSTEE'S COMPET1,rloN makes. See our bargains at $10 and
Imperial Polarine Motor Oils. express has arrived bere, with dates from - Rope Splice
h inst., and $1,400 Axle Handle, Geo Gannett,
-Denver City to the 7t
in gold dust. John Mundell, Jas. Peacock, J. J. Setlers;
Picture, 25 year old, 3no Mundell; Essay,
ALL 7141EIR Me
n We4t
Snow Only Light I
ho has just arrived AS I fp He E I
�er.fLJ�Gallaber w A. Aitken, Mrs. L. X,
0 askatchevan and Alberta in- Geranium, Mrs,
ho E Eckmier; Rex Begonia, Mrs. R. Garniss;
rms us that the snow in Moose Jaw was Girls' School Dress. Mrs. L. Eckmier,
not nearly so deep as was reported. He SANITATION is a'science and Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, Mrs. Jos. Breck-
saw was about
says the most snow he we are scientific butchers. enridge.
"mining"* After, the ceremony and buf
three inches. Press dispatches stated Our market is as clean as a GIRLS UNDER TWENTZ Wedded In The West I'tet luncheon was served at the home of
it was fourteen inches and snowplows H. S. Henry..
You're invited A quiet marriage was solemnized at t e
that brand new pin. Colored Centre, Margaret Curtis; Em the bride's sister, Mrs.
........... ib� . ..... working overtime.
in to look over our choice meats. broidered Pillow Slip, Margaret Curtis;
Methodist parsonage, Brandon, Man., on The happy couple took the train for
owl is Mildmay Visitor d S pt. 3rd. at 2.30 p.m., when Rapid City Monday afternoon and later
Knitted Sweater, Estella Elliott. Satu,jay
Louis Kieffer, a resident of Mildmay, Rev. autoed out to the brides former home at
Watch for Mr. Happy Party PUBLIC SPEAKING Lousley joined in wedlock Miss
Mar, ha A elha The bride's travelling suit
Ii Isabella Pearl Chapman,
was aroused eatly on Wednesday morning Geo. Mines, Hunterville.
ird dau5
g� opening over a
by a noise in the parlor. Thinking it was PETS htr of Mrs. Win. Attridge, and was of sand jersey cloth,
burglars, Mr. Kieffer hastened to the LVER BENINGER Dog, Leslie Greenaway-, Cat� Mary I Samuel Gardner, youngest son of Henry grey blouse of ornamental silk.
scene, and on enterinz. was much sur- i�'Jun. Mrs. Gardner is a neice of Mr. Ezra
CENTRAL MEAT Fi-alick, Wilson Thornton, Gardner. Thebridewas becomingly aL
1 ed to find a big owl inthe room. How dell, Lizzie R6bertson; Pair Pigeons, J tired in a dress of white georgette and Merkley and Mrs. R. A. Dinsley, of Wing—
7 MARKET Bert Garniss, Edith Breckenridge; Pair crepedechene, embroirdered wifh pearl ham.
the bird gained entrance to the house is
a complete mystery to Mr. Kieffer, as all. PHONE lZ6 Rrbbits, Wilbert Fralick.
windows were closed tight. He WIN
t' probably got in through a chim-
_07 1H
which goes to show that an owl 1 .1101
thinks i o. 4 School, No. 8
must be as wise as Santa Claus. No. 10 SDhool, N
ner of Shield), No. ft OnES LTD.
No. 10 School (Win Ll
ED 8 School, No. J School. No, 9 School.
U U 'M10 I'I'lo 10 N ST
W" annoyed by
Are you irritated and Everybody knows Best decorated Bicycle, Glen Gdrni-,
DR. c,
—just one or two doses of BiCy L
trifles ? the that in Canada there are more Fred Elliott, Wilbert Fralick;
MILES' NERVINE—Ri.20 will soO Elliott�Relay Race for Josephine St., Wingham, Ont.
r -strained nerves, i Race, Slow Fred
the irritated and ove I
Ak ek empletOn's Girls, No. 10,11NIorris, No. 8 Morris. Nc. 9
g Guaranteed Safe and Sure. T
____ _. I Rheumatic, Capsule$ Turnberry; Three-legged Race, Lloydl
COV0711 C Turvev and Chas Allen, Flether Fell and
MARK8TS I Ernes't Curgis; Glen Garniss and Fred
i Sold than all other Rheumatic Elliou; Wbeelbarrow Race, Glen Garniss r Alm With
(Correct up till Wednesday noon) Remedies combined for Rheu- Fred Elliott, Willie Peacock and The ew Sto
Neuritis, Neuralgia, and
..... 38 to 40 matism
Butter ............. 37 to 40 Sciatica', Lumbago, etc- Fletcher Fell, Stanley Vanstone and Geo
JIMPERIA.L Polai�ine Motor Oils save many Eggs ................... Ala V doctors prescribe them, -kNlinesl Lloyd Turvey and Chas Allen;
ar fLor Canadian Hogs, liveweight .. - - - 8 75 to 9 00 raost�dlruggidts sell thern. Write 50 yd Dash, Boys under 10, Geo !,Wnes, I ew--.- Prices
thousands of dollars every ye Cream ............... to for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, John Nlowbray, John meravish, Melville
motorists because of reduced operating expenses. Sold by J. w. McXibbon Mathers; 50 yd Dash, Girls under 10,
A Ir Edith
�nperial pol-arine Motor . Oils cut downrepail aqd mainten-
a,jc6 costs, reduce fuel bills and insure Y(5d f6r all tim
agaillst e.xcessive depreciation and repair px�§Ftes. Imperia
PAarine auality rnaintains economy all ZEig the fin�!.
Itic',ged by quality—gauged by actual miles of gerfect lubri-
cat�L�.�n e:- c,-1 Millon will gh e, and by real motoring satisfaction,
Z� e motor lubricant that
ijnj�e,::_I,P�Plarine is tiie least e:zpensiv
1. * I
you can _6!,tain. The ni.D-, a caref ally you check up coqts, the
ni�_,re th0rouglily convinced you -will be of the advantAges of
us;;,,r It , nparial PolarineMot�.r Oils exclusively.
Standardize on the correct grade of Imperial Polarine
();I- Consult our Chart of Recommendations At Y64r
Dorothy "Arniss, ertru e urvej
Warwick. Belle McTavish, Marie Mines; 1
Breakfast Bacon.:..43c Picnic Hams .... 26c lb.
50 yd Dash, Bc,ys 10 to 12. Geo M;ne,;, I
I . I � I ..
Fred Flliott, Bert Garnisg, iloyd Turvey, I
Special Blen a'
35c 1b.
INIatches, 2 boxes .... 25c. Laundry Starch .... Ili lb.
50 yd Dasbl� Girls 10 to 12, Lizzie Robert -
Seeley, Famous in This Specialty,
Called to Stratford -
Farm Sales a Sp�cialtY, Orqers left at
son, Irene Wheeler, Pearl Alathers, Irene
Casemorp� 60 yd Dash, Boys over
Corn Flakes, 5 for 49c Rolled Oats, 6
lbs, .... 29c
The Advance, NNingbam, will receive
prompt attention., -
Chas. Messer, Roy Thomas, Chas. Rob-
Cl-roice Prudes, 2 lbsfor 25c`or--�5 lb box ............
Phone NortbHuron 15- 623, Pi r MIS 15-1
ertson, Wrii Nlundell; 50 yd Dash, Girls
over 12, Lizzle Robertson, Viola Matbers,
i . ...
3 lb pail Easifirst .... 55c; " 3 lb pail pure
Lard- 67c
Irene Casemore. Irene Allen, Trustee's
Race, Martin Garniss, Jas, Peacock, John'
10 calkes Laundry Soap for
in the mountings which
Mundell; Father's Competition. Standing
jump) John Thynne, Martin Garniss, Rov
Castile Soap-, 7 cakes .... I .............................
Turvev, Joe Breckenridge; Nail Drivingi
n c v- n!% I g, Powder I lb ca
.I I �, . . _*1 +^ 5A Church Street TorOR6, -for obt i er- I -- i; Cont,�-,t, Mrs. Hetherington, Mrs. Fral- 0 0 a 9
e'! C S - " L
es.thig b3oklet, "jkutomotive Lubrication.
Branches in oil Cities
For a Clean,
Efficient motor
ti'o Gign
1:" 'c antl tuict 0
1. 1 "n y
Lumber, dressed and undressed -
Lath, Shinglea. Frames, Sash,
Dooro, AlOuldings of all Idilds.
ne4vp-r Board and Rooling.
J. A. MacLEMV,
ick. Stella T ' urvey, Mrs. Roy rurvey.
Dates ............ 10c lb Fancy cleaned Currants 19c lb,
100 $9.25
Granulated, Sugar, lb sack .............................
INIatches, 2 boxes .... 25c. Laundry Starch .... Ili lb.
Just now we the most
Seeley, Famous in This Specialty,
Called to Stratford -
Oranges ............ 33c doz.' Lemons ................ 35c doz.
attractive ladies' Diarft-
ond Rings, though
F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Philadel -
phiathe noted truss expert, will, person.
Quart Bottle Tomato Cgtsup 23c
round, are made to aP -
ally � at the Windsor Hotel and will re -
main in Stratford this Wednesday only,
Peanut Butter...; 6heese .................... 28c lb.
pear 4 sided, 6 sided
8 sides.
Oct, 5. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic
Shield wi 1 not only retain any case of
Choice Fruit Calke 25c 1b.
This effect is obtained
rupture erfectly, but contracts the open- ,
ing in Isdays on the average case. Be-
Salmon, 3 tins for ........................... 25C
in the mountings which
ing a vast advancement over all former
methods—exemplifying. instanton e o u s
Best Sockeye Salmon 1 29c, large . ...................... 490
are beautifullY pierced
and ornamented.
effects immediately appreciable and with-
standing any stain or position, This in
strument received the only award in Eng-
Try our special'blend Coffee ............................ 39c1b
land and in Spain producin results with -
out surgery, injections, med cal treatment
Puff0d Wheat 15o. Puffed Rice ... ............ ISC
Prices $25.00 to $0).9 0
or prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has docu-
ments from the United States Govern-
ments, Washington D. C., for impec I
Shredded Wheat, 2 for ................................. 29c
W, R. Hamilton
Hewill be glad to show same wit s� I
charge or fit them if desired. Bu' e s
demandsprevent stopping at any other
Pure Jam, 4 lb, can 83C
place in this section, notice
S,—Rvery in this
Four StAn(I Broo ins.. 45c
Jewelcr and
P. statement
bast 1.een verified 1)efore the Federal and
State C ourt8.—F. H. Seeley.