HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 80 FALL W IN G'O -0 V W S,!, 'Ready -to - Wear garments well made, at3 popular '0 pric -,, have built up for us a business which demands that we keep the best mer. chandiseat all times. WeRre showing an all wool English veRour cloth 'e o a s 1 n .,reindeer, brown and blues at $22.50 Fur CoHar Coats, all Waal Engllshivel- our, beaverefte collars '"—$35.00 New styles ra baffies'.1and misses -Dresses aind Suits and Tricolette Blouses. Hand Towelling 10c yd. -Striped Flannelette 0 15c yd. Bleached Factory Cotton 0 15c yd. Black and white Shirting 25c yd. X Holeprool Silk Hosiery $1.69 X? , M, X Hcanna & Co., Ltd. If X Lucknow supply music. few Oddfellows from here are taking Aliss Pearl Henderson of Chicago, is lz tLe.Sovereign G rand Lodge meetings ,;pending a few weeks at her home here. 4 m ToWnto ' his week. . Mrs. Freda Duffy is spending a few 21r. 0. S. Robertson of town, received Weeks will' her sister, Mrs, 1 d, Rell- _11e sad news recently of the death of his wick. Thomas, The late Mr. Robert- Mr. and Mrs. Thos Little of North was born in Hurou County, 65 years Bay, Mr and Mrs, Seawright and Mrs. _ ge but when a young man of twenty eawright's mother, Mrs, Little are visit. L.li, e gold rush to'Cariboo took him to iug at,Mr. and Mrs. IV. 1, Little, 71­t,sh Columbia. where he remained. 'Se settled first at Aldergrove and about Mr. Rod Campbell of Haughton, Mich., LIZTE-y-five years agro lie moved to 1 ast is visiting Lucknow and Kinloss friends, , ?elta, where he died. He was a close I ,,.ersonal friend of Premier Oliver. Mr. I Miss Rhoda Howev has returue l from ,e Wrer signified his intention of I ' I visiting his sister, Mis. (Dr,) La C apple )e1ug of Toronto. --ent at the funeral and was to have z.,:e,2 one of the pall- bearers. but public Rev F A McLennan (a former pastor liusz,ness prevented him being present, at South Xinloss) and Mrs. McLen nati of Robertson is survived by his wife Toronto, visited in town. luix'tlrree daughters and one son, aisn Rev. a1i2d Mrs, McCallum have return- t wo brothers, 0, S. of Lucknow and d -ilfiam d' ,,A, t Port Huron. e after spending a few weeks at thtir 'Cfine clay last week while watering old home in Scotland. -the old water wagon which I Miss Rena G3rdon has severed her , nas done,duty for years, the front axle, connection with the Bank of Hamilton m--aud. let the tank down with such' and has gone to Detroit on Thursday 1 z)ree that it was almost smashed to pieces. evening the members of the Presbyter-- lft was fortunate the driver was not hurt. I ian church choir gathered at her home 'A ball will be held in Carnegie Hall on and presented her with a beautiful unt, '1Z_T;day evening, Fryfogles Orchestra will'i brella, Announcing the, .'Fall Fair Co-,nc'V,rt 1921 Under auspices of Turnberry Agricultural Society a in the Town Hall, on Wvd, e*ft,t. 28th S Presenting IF W, Kekoa's Famlllous 06 rT4 -ai Hawaiian i roupe, Peat"rin, characteristic songs and dances of the H a vaijan people and many other novelties, A BIGGER CONCERT AND A BETTER ONE THAN EVER 113EFORE after his first visit to the Hawal. Mark Twain fan Islands, said in an Interview: "The music of the Rawaiianvi, the most fascinating in the world, Is still In my cars and haunts me sleeping and wak- ing, I can stillhear the pulsing of the surf at Waikiki, see ;the pluray palms drowsing by the short, the girland crags -and the leaping casoadest and this music fills me with the APIrit of Its woo4latid solitudes. JUst $Is this music captivated the beloved American humorist and atilthor so will you be captivated when you hear this celebrated Hawai. ian Company. StatS Oft,tale at McKibbon's commencing Thursday, $ pt. 22nd P,Oterved State 75c, Rush 56c. Curtain twises at a o'clock $ h,arp. NO WAR TAX 'TH Fil WINGH -C AA1 ADVAN E Thursday, September 22nd, 1921 I A A PSAL14 OF HENRY Bluevalel Much sympathy is felt for DO. and Mrs, little daughter, Ava, at the age of three Mrs. Win. Rellarriel of Dean Lake,' With Apologies to David) Robert Baird, in the death of their briglit (Intended for last week) The Ford is MY auto, I shall not want years. $110 livid only be6a sick a few Algom.a.'I as been spending a fe%v weeks w,th h r i! ,0 another, It maketh roe to tie down unAer. clays 14bell she was remove , ster, Mrs A, Forrest, Ist line. a1GHA M FALL FA,1 R neath it; It leadejh we into b4nbxu tcy, I-Wspl d to Wl119ha1U MQrrist and other relatives, _,,tal wherg 6liq passed away, Wed - It soureth my soul. It leadeth me Into 1lesl1ay Morning. The funeral Thursday Corn ctittlink and threshing is the order W1 N afternoon, wati held at Mrjohn Dafflug's, of the day. the path of ridicule for it's namesake. service being, conducted it the house and ' i .0, Yea, though I rideinthe city of the homp rave by Rev. Sinclair. The remains Mrs. Milvert Sellels is suffering from. f) I Tonsilitis, May she soon be better is oor of the Ford, I still -fear much evil, for fate el"19 laid to rest ill Witiglutin cemetery, wish. 0 is agamst me, I rePairest a blowout in the Those on the sick list this week are the '6 pro-,,ence of mine enemies; I 4nojnte d - my children Of Ur, Wtu Abram, little jeatj Miss Vora Sellers is able tp attend High' and Donald Sinclair, Mrs. 144rence, School after a serious operation for tonsils hands with oil, my radiator runneth over, little Alex Baird. and adenoids, we are pleased to .5ay, Tun and Wed, Next Surely trouble and misery shall follow i I Members of Mrs. Corrigan's Sabbath Mrs- JOs, Curtis and Mrs. Rojph spout a, me all the days of my life and I $hall School Class, met Wednesday evening at few d, y t Atwood with Mrs, Curtis'. dwell in the bughouse foreVer. a s a bIr James Nichol's and presented Urs, grandmother who is 91 years old. Moral—Buy a cuckoo speedo Nichol, with a leather rocker and a com- meter and plimentary address, Much sympathy is extended to the rel. nth r Fair, Friday afternoon Was who passed peacefully a the bird will com"ut and sing "Nearer very successful, althought the crowd was last week beinX laid to rest in Bluevale niy God to Thee." not as large as last year, . way on Friday of, 27th an'd 20 whenever you drive over 29 miles an hou The school atieeS and friends of the late Mrs. Fraser, ktombo The exhibits cemetery on Sunda.y last, In the scqioot room were exceptionall good, also the drills. The pupils of WO Mr.g.'-Braviner and Arthur Shaw of Tor Porrie 9 Carrick, carrying off first,,. onto attvAderd the fulleral of the latter's 1 Rev. Mahood occupied be Rr-, George Herd is adding to the ap- grandmother, Mrs, Fraser on Sunday. Make our store your headquarters urch last Pulpit )A pearance of his house by getting a new Mr - - Meet jjbe Methodist ch Sunday morn, % Vic% raskr and nepbew of Quc. Mr, J01111 and Win Abram bee also Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Palmer. foundation. 311- ZO ate doing the work, $,ton were among the friends. from a diq, Your friends here -- Leave your wraps. i Rev. Mr, McKenzie of Riversdale, Mrs. Law and Miss Barbarft' t, tande who attended the funeral of Mr& preached missionary services ' F ronto, are visiting friends here. Fraser. You will be'llas welcome as the Wichand Gorrie Presbyterian ' ' '_ To ra bicksou last Sunday. Re - A. McKibborcl"r e. jMissT dija 1 iucolu is clerking in the g i thr rh Mr, and Mrs. B, Stafford and and Powers in May." 't r nd.v I illness was unable to take his' services general store,- Mrs. Tbos, Vittie of Gorrie sp(ntMS last Sunday being confined to bed, we Miss Minute JeffraX visited last week at the home of Wm. McMichael. hope soon to see hint around again. it with Mrs. Reabe u Stokes on the ioth. Mr. Robt. Musgrove spent vp few days Considerable cement sidewalks are Mr.Herdhas a sample of ripe rasp- this week with Tor -onto friends. being built by jas, King 4nd jas, Mus. berries picked by ATr. Hayes, Ho*ick. grove and gang. Mr. John King -has purchased* a Ford Mrs. N. Fraser, Toronto, Is visiting her touring Car. Rev. W. J. Ashton, who has been at Shiter, Miss ] Ilen Fleming, SPECIAL NOTICE Our store Will be open his sister's here trying to recuperate from Mr. Jos. Underwood and Mr, Thos, Mr. fno Baker is not improving as F ield each shipped a carload of cattle to all day Wednesday. illness developed on moving to St. his many friends would like to see. Tokonto on Saturday. Thomas from London where be had been Miss Letia Higgins, Wingham, spent Mr- 8 Ir"Ost Churchill has puichase4 a for five years in the Wellington St. her holidays 'with her sister, Mrs, A. Jine Saxon touring car, Methodist church left for Gravenhurst Fitch, Miso Sadie Sinnamon is Visiting with Sanitarium, his trouble having developed' Among' those who motored to London her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Hall. into a much worse form than had been expected. His many friends soon hope and took in the fair were, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm,"Farslow and', son'of to hear of improvement. W Irwin, and Mr. and Mrs.`A..Ttitch. Chatham, are at present visiting with Miss Xing returned from *indsor and A4 the Sunday evening service in their uncle, Mr. John Hall. 2-8 other places where she spent a pleasa t X nox church, Miss Blanche Irwin, Wing- Sh hain, sang a beautiful nolo, which was spent Sunday with Mrs, Thos. Stewart. two weeks vacation with friends, e is very inue Mr. and Mrs. jas. Clarke of Sunshine, We' I I a W I L L I S again on duty at the telephone central in It enjoyed by all. SOLE AGENT FOR LADIES' the Gorrie Drug Store. There is quite a siege of sick Mrs. McKee has gone to Sault Ste. tiess go- Marie to visit relativeq, ing around the burg, quite a lot of chil- Zf4AeVZ- dren are very ill with it, Mr, Geo. Townsend And family of Gor - j Glenannan 5, s 1 iiu -Ij I rie, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Thorn- Iss Nelda Wolfe and Blanche Irwin, W ngham, spent the week -end Miss Edith Adair, underwen't an opera- here. ton, tion for appendicitis in 0e Wingham Mr. Rich, Johliston shipped a carload Hospital Iasi week. We are pleased to of lambs to Toronto on Monday, AND DERBY SHOE$ FOR MEN report she is doing nicely, Belgiave Mrs. Garniss has returned home after Mr. Peter Muir returned bom -Church, a visit with friends at Gorrie, e from Theteameeting in the Knox Toronto Saturday nig'llt Belgrave, on Monday evening, Sept. 10t Mrs. L. Rattan and Mrs. Mckee-visited, .11r, Wm. Weir and Gord A under -- 11 C L It, a few days with their brother at P t Tucker at Howick. m, an 1"ir. ,spent Sunday at Thomas Wejr j. F Cs 0 L e Ladles Am was largely attended, a bountiful tea was ston. mer - . served followed by a short and very goo Mrs. John Hall visited a few days with There will be no service in Ead' les entertainment, Tue society wish to -thank Iter sister, Mrs. Hastie at Gorrie last Church next Sunday, owing to there being everyone who contributed in anyway, week. anniversary services at Bluevale. both to the tea and' also the program, Mr. Thos. Stewart and Mr.wat. Souell Mr. James Scott motored to, Brussels on thus helping to make the evening a sue- left for the West last Wednesday to ce, Sunday. e . cess. The proceeds amounted to $110.00. Mr. John Stewart who is reported seri Z Mr and Mrs. David Breen, and Gordonj, spent Sunday Mr. Robert Gibson and Mr. H. A. Brown of Galt, are visiting the fbrme i; ly '11, We hope be will soon take a -change for the better. evening at John Mitchel s. sieter, Mrs. wut. Robinson, 9th con. Messrs. Thos. and Wm. Fraser of Dun. Ali sss Mary Haugh spent the week -end dee,.Que bec, are at present visiting with at her home. Blyth. relatives around here It is 48 years since they were aroun4- here, Mrs- W01. Elliott has returned home from her visit with friends in the States. The followinK students from this vici- Mr. and Mrs. AIe'kM`cGee visited with nicy left on Monday for Stratford Normat their daughter, Mrs, John Anger, Gorrie. Whitechurch Mary. Potter, Dor Laundy, Violet'Parker, A number from here are taking in the Lizzie Fear and, Lyall Robinson. Ilckndon Fair this week. A U Mr. John Tasker spent Sund Uh. 1, mong t ose Irom here w ho, attended friends in town. ibe Western Fair at London were, Henry Godkin, jas. Norman.' Fred Davison, Mr. S `H, Gidley made a business trip, XXXXX Mr. G to Lucknow and London this week, eO- COttle, Harold Sparling and X Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecoft. Remember Blyth Pali, will be held on' :641 Mr. and Mrs. Burton of Marquette ThursdaY and Friday, Sept. 22nd and Mich., are visiting with the latter? I 23rd. Mrs, MacGregor. 8 aunt, Miss Sutherland. of Delhi, has taken a KINGS' 'IMMENSE' FALL Mr. and Mrs. John McRae of Culross, position on the Bank of Hamilton Staff.. Mr. Cirtmore is tradiferred to Delhi. visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Davidson, Miss Mary Armstrong has accepted a Miss Hazel Walsh of Teeswater. . position on the teaching staff a.t Halley- vlaffing with Mr. and Mrs, We 's bury. STOCK =:m gatt, sley Leg. . The Red Cross are hLIding 4 Bazaar Mr. Odlum of T oronto, is visiting at on Fair Day. ' At the last meeting of the c the home of Mr, and Mrs Andrew Fox. ouncil a rate. Swagger Coats just received. ' A ship - Miss Bina Henry has taken a Position of 40 mills on the dollar, for this years n Toronto. We wish her success. taxation, it is made up as follows: County ment of the famous HUntinghaM Cc ats has rate 5 mills, village rate 15 mifls lage. Rev. and Mrs. Duncan McTavish and pecial 5 mills, school rate 1411ills). I Juist been put to stock, -and they are Indeed a son of Salem, visited on Saturday with '4 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle. We were all school special 1, real coal. Made from line 'heather mlxttwe And his ery of Huron is bei,ng held in Fordwicb,,. pleased to see our former pastor t TW semi annual, meeting of the Deati- farrilly. Mr. McTavish took the mormin Lavet, Jova, Brown and Greens. service in the Methodfit 9 on Tuesday ob this week, Rev. W. 13L In Witigham, Church in ffawkinR is in, attendance. Bdrn Mrs. 'John Campbell is visiting in —In Rlyth on Sept. l7th, to Mir. Wingliam-wIth her sister, Mrs. Walters, and Mrs. Havoid Dexter, a daughter. Mrs.jas. Walker and son of Langside, C Mr. John Emigh has disposed of the ommerct X visited for a couple of days last week verton. at hotel io l, gentleman i I n Nil- I with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy. . . The AgItIcultural so iety have been Spe cial shon lug of new dresses.. Ex - Miss Nettie Cottle is visiting her I . rjend fortunate in securing the Bob Wilson clusiVe designs In -large valriety of silks Miss Olive Crulkshanks of MacDonald College, Guelph. . Comedy Co. of Toronto. thi ' a company tricotines, gabardine, serges.. etc.' Mr. Stewart Moore of Toronto, is vis- wdilderftil success and Wilson is consider - have made five trans. continental with fting w!th his uncle, Mr. Thos. Moore. d Canada's 'greatest coniediaa Hear Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paterson and them in Memorial Hall, Fall Fair night, granddaughter, Audrey, visited with Sept 23rd. their nephew. Mr, Ken Patterson on Harvest Thanksgi hig tervices were Sunday. held in Trinity church, Rev. Mr.–Taft FURS NOW IS the time to Make yo X Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Mr. and' Mrs. formerly of Brussels occupied the 'pulpit, ur Thos. Moore and Milne. visited last week the choir' rendered special inusic, the fur purchases, better selection now and at the hoffie of Mr. and Mrs. Donal -d Fin- church was piettily decorated with fruit I layson. Lochalah. and flowers. The ofrering was liberal. prices on good furs will not be lower. Quite a number attended the auction Miss 'Josephine Woodcock will leave on sale at the parsonage on Monday, for Sept. Thursday, Sept. 22 Xogland, where 12ft The different articles of furnitute she will visit reelaltives' -for a couple of were sold quite reasonably. -The prop- months. trly however, was not sold; Miss Pearl Oldley A; IL: 0. M., English, Mrs. jas. Middleton who has bein vla- recoive inslructions front the London itingwith,hermother left for her home n lan c011e e0ftlliSic, appointing her Men's Overcoats', In New Ontario, local representative for this district follow. Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer spent in the successful results of her midsum- Finely tailored garments of imported pure wool materials, correct Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Art Moorels. mer exams. In style., and perfect fit guaranteed. Moderately priced. WhItechurch was wall represented at Mr, John Link appeared before mag - the service in the Methodist church, istrate Reid of Goderich and pleaded Wingham on Sunday evening to bear guilty to having a still in operation at his. Rev. R. J. Beaton. placeof business and was fined $200 and Rev. Collette of Aahfield oreathed in Lcosts. The still was purchaged from SERGIE — Pure Botany stock, 50 to 60 In. widths and In weights the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Thomas Clark of Morris township and a to suit your eviry desire. See our special sultIng, 'Weight Moncton will preach next Sunday, cbat jto has been 194d against Clark, Miss Beatrice Dobble, Wingliam, visit. redueed from 02.00 to 6.85 per yd. ed her grandmothor, Mrs. McCieftagharl, —wroxetei— The chopper Is running full swing. I ttn= Mr. 1. Rutherford of Calgary, bas been newing old acquaintances in town late - Kinloss ly, Week End Special (Late for last weetc) Misses G. Holmes and br'al Kitchen re - I Mr. akd Mrs. Rbbt, MCClabighan spent turned to Tor6nto last Thuraday attar 100"ds. English white nsknnelett% pure white.. soft,, firm clotift., 34 Saturday at Clinton, spending their vatatfidn w th their pa with Mro, Beaton, here In. Wideo which sold a year ago for $1,00 per yardo Quite a number took In the lichool 'air R e'v. and Mrs. UcXibborl of Gorrie, at Holyrood on PrIdv 7. called on friends in town Friday after. Ulm speelal 39e per yd,' Mr. wid MrA. '*. R. Partior, Miss Witiffred and GAtnet spent Sunday at Mr. Joseph Tiffiftis. A number Wat beed took in the tv hibitiotl at ToronWitat week. and got a$ far its Whitechutch before be, friends in Toronto last week, 0 S Ing caught. Mr.Art 2406ft's horse Started of on him 'it visited Mr. atid Mrs. T Hatuplit Mrs. Itknits Middleton is spendint 0 Qpit a iftumbet from here Attended the avul iveisary lervices at Salem tow days at Mr. Jos, Holmes, roppoid tMetit Terthat cash, last gunday and also the W supper Phone 71. Mr. And Mrs. Hawthdrne ate visiting Moitday eveningwhich was it grand suc. with Mr. And rdrs, lot. Holmes, cess, e CA