HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 5-4
Thursday, September 22nd, 1,921 THE WIN rTAXI A"VAVVM
LQ11.111w. ]. Grant, i I 111__-_______
BRUSSELS FALL FAIR 1, 1- NTrs- J- ",rant;
Ronnenberg Vrw, cockercl, j G 8peir x
(Continued from page 1.) and It; pullet, j G Speir, 31ro. j Grant,
THE HOUSE OF OUALITV Rocks, any otlicir variety- cock, Ron- Do you find
sweet peas, Mrs, R J McLauchlin; col
lection of Nasturtiums,
jacl: Oliver, nenberg Bros i and a, White Wy isdott
Grace Stewart; collection ofroses, Mrs R -rockerel and pullet, Ronnenberg Llros;
Lauchlin, A C Baeker; best floral Cock, Rolitleaberg Bros i and 2; bell, yourself
-.0 Dress Goods at novelty, Grace Stewart, jack Oliver; RQuiienberg Bros, r and 2; Cockerel,
-0 Zipecial Prices ' me � unable to sleep well? Are you irritated
geranium in pot, red, C16yne Thuell, Mrs .1tonnenberg rros; pullet, Rontienbeig by trifles? Do swall troubles look big C,
WaNlck; collection zinnias, Mrs, War. Bros i and 2 R islard Reds -cock, to you? Do yo
u start at sudden noises?
ALL WOOL SERGES wick, V M Samis; atiapdregon collection Leslie Thuell, J G Speir; bev, Knox Are you unabic, to 4
oncentrate long on
Mrs Warwick; geranium in pot, white, Bros, L Tbuell; cookerel Knox
Bros, any one thing?
All wool serges in a very fine flnisfied twill smoothly and closely woven, ex. G-aceStewart, Mrs Warwick; geranium Mrs J Grant; Pullet, S Wilton, Knox
X F, N
cellent quality for suits And dresses shown Russian green, navy and black, ext arty 0 wrong with your
tber,. Cloyne Thuell, Mrs. Warwick; Bros. Leghorus� White -cock, Ron- If so, there's Bometh
Specialty Priced at 2,75, tuberous begonia, Mrs, R J McLauchfin, tienberg Ilros, 1 (71 Speir; heu, Ronnen. nervous systern, ing
width 54 in. These are danger
00= Mrs Warwick; collectioti of dahlias, Annie berg Bros� j C Speir; ecockevel, Rourien. nals. DR. MILES' NERVINE—
sk-1 - berg Bros X and 2, pullet, 'Ronnenberg 20 will soothe the irritated and
Black all wool serge for dresses and skirts, a very serviceable cloth that w VT
Menzies, Mrs Warwick; collection of foli
give splendid wear, 40 in. vt ide, special 1.25 yd, age Plante (begonias and coleus) Grace Bros, 1 0 , SPeir Leghorns, Brown- over -strained nerves. Just one or two
1-0 Stewart, Mrs Warwick; collection of ferns cockerel, Mrs. J Grant, p llet, Mrs, ji
-0 N doses helps Nature to restore them
Grey serge, a well known material of standar(I quality that will give perfect 0- Mrs. Warwick; collection of potted plants Grant. Legliorns, any other variety- to their noyrnal functions. Guaranteed
GraceStewart, Mrs Warwick; foschla in cock, nett, cockerel and pullet, Ronnen. Safe and Sure.
satisfaction, full 54 in. wide, special 2.00 yd�. a -
I berg Bros r and 2; hen, Thos Miller 2nd
bloom, Mrs Warwick, collection of ger-
for hen, cock�ral, and pullet. Miuoreas
411- aniums, Mrs Warwick,, hanging basket, Sold in WinghAro
Mrs. Warwick; Horticultural Society --cQck and hen, Ronuenberg Bros. An- J. WALTON McKIBSON
Where thero is a tendeacy fl>
Prize for best collection of flowers and cOnas-1) Davidson i: and 2 for cook,
In'small broken cbeck pattern, made from fine wool and cotton yarns, A n Div.
Constipation, YOU will,
It I'll i's offectivc rm
cloth that will give extra good 'wear, 50 in, wide, special at 2,25 yd, plants by one exhibitor. Mrs. Warwick; cock rel and Pullet. Orpiugtous-cock, Nitxs'Livu
kecping tile ht)mLIS ppen
hen and Cockerel,, Rounenberg Bros.,
'00- Prilicess r, eatber, Jack Oliver. __j
Bantams - cock
OLD ROSE ARMURE CLOTH judge -W. Hartry. and ben, Ronnenberg!
B -s Geese -old, Ronnetiberg Bros
HORSES and 2,'young, Rounctiberg Bros, NIrs
A beautiful material for childreals wear that will give lasting service and re- Agricultural (Canadian) Brood niare J;
Grant, Ducks -old, Routienberg Bros, lir
tain its good appearanice after much wear, 40 in, wide, special $1 yd, having raised a foal in 1921 1-1, L.
1�ffl "4
�4111 Lamont, H. Speir, T, Bolger; horse colt, J G Speir; young, Rourienberg Bros, L,
. 0 4,% Cash and Dell'Very
1-10 50c Dress Goods, a lot of dress goods in plaids, tweeds, serges and cords Thuell. Pair Of pigeons -F .11 sarms. -4
-.0 L. n. Cardiff, Jas. Mvsizs; tnare colt, H.
Fred Hunter; collection of pigeons. Vred
for school dresses, etc Specialty priced at 50c yel. a- Lamont, 11. $peir, J. Bolger; 3 year old
Hunter, F �a samig.
gelding or filly, Jaq Brighatu i and 2; 2
STAPLE9 STAPLES Judge-WAlter Rose,
Im- year old gelding, H. Lamont; x year old
Gr' o c r e s
4= filly, T. Bolger; 'i year old gelding, W. C
36 in, Flannelette in pink and blue stripes, extra heavy quality 25c yd. I �
80= Ynill; span of Agricultural I HILDRENIS COMPETITION
iorses, J, Boys under 121 -Bird houses,
Jack' V§�
Toweling, extra flne� quality, all pure liren, special 45c �d, 1. Oliver, 0 Turnbull, D Warwick; best col.
Brigham, R, J. Sanderson, X. Hollani
.-N111 Crash and tea towelings, part linen, good quality at 25c yd, a- sweepstakes, R, J. Sanderson, lection of weeds, D - Warwick, best col -
Heavy Draught -Brood mare Can. lection of seeds of common weeds, D!
Prints, Cottons, Sheelingsi, Pillow Cotto H. Warwlck� Leslie Thuell; School Exhibits,
n. adian bred, having raised foal in 1921
So- Speir, D. Brewer; registered brood mare, collection to consist of pansies, asters,
sweet peas, carrots, onions, parsnips,l HANNA CO* LTD*
having raised foal in ig2r, J. G, Speir:
borse tQlt, J� G. Speir; warQ colt, Harold potatoes and white beets, 0 Turnbull.
Speir, D, Brewer; 2 year old gelding, R. Cheese, best quality,, 25c. peA- 1b. Aw
.110 L. McDonald; yearling filly, H. Speir; The Bank of Nova Scotia's offer for the,
".0 Out Goods are the Best- Oi4r PricesRight. Terms, Cash, Produce Wanted. Shredded Whe
at. 2 packages for 25c.
yearling gelding, J.. G. Speir; heavy best horse and buggy owned by a farmer
draught team, Dickson Bros. I and 2; or farmer's son being residents of Grey or Kippered Herring 19c. per tin.
sweepstakes, Dickson Bros.
Morris, Roy Hastings, W Taylor, D Mc' 11
ju;-Ige-Roy Brothers, Stratford. Kinnon; the Standard -Bank offers S10.00! Seedless Raislus, fresh, 25ci per. pkgi.
R6adsters-Brood mare having raised for the best exhibit of grade. cattle.
al meetings are- still of pictures- foal in 42r, R. L, McDonald, Plum's
Their annu -Xfiv Currants, best quality 2 lbS. for 35e.
que interest, especially t�hea a Pale-fia" liyery, A, G. Bishop; horse or mare' colt, GFAIN
Spring wheat, Knox Bros,,. white Fall
or. one pf their own race- is made a chief A, G, Bishop, L." Engler; R. I,.,McDinald; Hellogg's Corn Flakes 10e. per pkg.:
every h�n'd 'are reminders o'f the eat,
On , wh Knox Bros; red Fall wheat,
year old filly or geldi3ig, R,� L. 'McDou-1
aX great RA�aw k, C1 * r. Walter Yuill; barley, 6'rowed, xnox'
ald R. Jaelilin', :r year61d filly or geld-
ile -a man, of remark. atches, 12c. per boX ot 3 for 35c.
ibleypctitilde Bros white oats,' R J Hoover, KnOX!
Y10 of0aracter and influence, 1'ng, R, L. McDonald, it, Jacklin"Plum's . ;
Ak 0 whose fame and renown still survive after livery; buggy horses, 15y,6 hands high Bros-, small peas, I G Speir,
the lapse of a century or more. To-daY and over, W. J. Roberts, Roy Hastings, judge, Alf. Backer.
MOHAWK CHURCH. So first call upon the great chief as im- the Land of Brant is well worth a visit G. T. Dale & Sons; buggy horse, under PRUIT r
mortalized in bronze in ' the heart of the by the Canadian sightgeer. Hard by is 151 hands high, F. Bender, W. Coulter, Bal I dwins, J G Speir, J 8 krwstrong; j G Speir, Cloyne Thuell; varieties of ed, J G Speir, R J Hoover, I ong yello-av
Thus far we have covered Louisbourg city that bears his name. Then continue the famous Bow Park Farm, once owned T. J, McMichael, sweepstakes, F, 13,,,L,r. Vamuese, gverett Hoover, J G Speir; Winter apples, j G Speir; vi i mangolds, 1�verett Hoover, P
and Prince Rupert; Niagara and Quebec the pilgrimage to the Indian Reserve,. a by Mon. George Brown, and also near by Carriage -Two-year-old filly or geld. King of Tomkins'Co., J G Speir; A G, Fall apples, J G Speir; Fall pears. Mrs yellow globe mangolds J G Speir, X 'P�_
and Lake Louise, and now we are in Ont- few miies from the city, to the Old Tutelo heights, where the modern ing, T. J. McMichael; Carriage pan, 16 Bishop; Mann, J G Speir, j S Armstrong; D Robb; Winter pears, Leslie Tbuell, j Knight; red globe maugolds, R I Hoover,
Mobawk Church, having the unique dis- telephone was invented by Alexander hands high, Jas, Connell; si"gi s Northern spies, j S Armstrong, Grace S Armstrong; grapes, Kno= Bros.
ario again, and once Again hard by a finction of being the first Protestant place Graham Bell and where the first actual e carriage Stewart; golden russets, Mac Ferguson, Judge, Alex Stewart.
typical inland Canadian River, the Grand. horse, J. Hurst, W. Taylor, C. V. Dale,
C, of worship erected in Upper Canada, the. transmisssion of the. human voice took Bluevale
The objective spot is.the Telephone ity sweepstakes, J. Hurst. J G Speir; Blenheim pippins (Fall), J G' ROOTS AND HORD CROPS
of Brantford, and the name of the pt Ontario of to -day. A modest little frame' place over three miles of wire. Speirs, Mrs. F Nichol, To] Miss Luella Shaw of Mildmay, spem.-_-
ace structure, it is, but suggestive of the past! (Copyrighted by British & Colonial' - Judge -H, J, Colwill, Arthur. J G Speir, J 8 Armstrong; man . sweets, RWly potatoes, G A Best; late potatoes, the week -end with her parents here.
Ontario, J 0 -Eere
suggests the Little Trip, PURE BRED CATTLE tt Hoover, Mrs A Yuill; collection'
. f Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ruttan spent Sun -
Brantford has been evolved f r o in in more than one direction. Press Limited.) Shorthorns (with registered pedigree) Speir; Wealthy, J S Armstrong, A G of potatoes, Mrs j Grant, Swede turnips, -
Brant's Ford, and Brant's Ford tells of It dates back to 1785 -six years betore -Bull, 2 years and over, 0. Turnbull & Bishop; Alexander, J 8 Armstrong, Dan Jno Bolger, 1�verett Hoover, turnips, any day at Mr. Win. Holmes, Jamestown,
the first ferry across the stream, and the Upper Canada was forined under Govern- ; bull, 2 years old J, G Speir, A. McKinnou; Ribston pippins, J G SPeir% other variety, Everett Hoover, J G Speir; Rev. and Mrs, McTavish and son =T
Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant, who opened or Simcoe, and in it was placed the first M R S. T . FELLS 80"" Leslie Thuell; Canada reds, J G Speir; white field carrots, Leslie Thuell, R J'S21em and Mrs. Du'ncan Thompson *1
. . . church -going bell that ever tolled in the Patrick St., Phone 2.31. McLauchlin; bull, i year old junior, A. Gravensteius, J G Speir, Rev j P Mc- Hoover-, long red carrots, Mrs J D War- Westport spent a few days With R-CrE;,
up that primitive route in a then primitive Smith and family; ruilch Cow, 4 years or Leoa; Maiden's blush, Mrs F Nichol, A wick, F M Samis; early horn carrots, W, Cbris Hetherington.
part of the unpeopled country, For the new province, presented by King Georee, Qualified to give Chiropractic and over, J. G. Speir, W. Vnill, 0. Turnbull
while another of the treasures of the massage, ajustments. G Bishop. Peewaukees, Dan ,N1cKiu- McInnis, Isabel Strac ham, 'Scarlet Nantes, Messrs. Roger Oake and Adalm Cleg�
Red Men had been given a tract 61 land Spinal examination &Sons; mileb cow, under 4 years, A.
along the Valley of the Grand Mr lbany a church is a communion set given by free. Smith and family, 0, Turnbull & Sons, non, Rev J P McLeod; Ben Davis, J S J G Speir, W McInnis; long blood beets, t born and Misses Belle Burgess and Lflz,
Armstrong, W R Broadfoot; Wagners,,
mile, in what has turned out to be one of �uecn Anne. J. G. Speig, 2 year old heifer, A. Smith Mrs A Yuill. A G Bishop; crabs, Jas W McInnis; blood turnip beets, J S Ar--;; Gray motored to Hamilton and PoT-'
the r , ichest areas in the province. To -day Adjoining the Church is . the grave of and family, 0. Turnbull & S0118 2 and 3; Burgess, Harold Speir; Winter appl strong, A G Bishop, paranips, 3NIrs J D Colborne and spent a few days.
a flie and thriving city stradles the Brant, where his dust rests not far from i year old heifer senior, A. Smith and es Warwick, V R Knight; Winter radishes, Mrs. H. Sinnamon and con Glen, It-ava
tbe city that bears Hav - Fever ally named variety, J G Speir, Leslie'L Thuell; sugar marigolds, Dan McKin- returned home after attending the ZAt-
stream. But its namesake has not been his name. It must M.,Wq family i and 2, 1 year old heifer junior Thuell; Fall apples any named variety, lion, J Bolger; mangold NVurzels, long Michael- Byrnes wedding in Party qo=, C.
forgotten, In the Centre of Victoria ever be remembered that Brant remained, SUMMER COLD% ASTHMA, John G, Speir, 0.,�Turubull and Sons 2'
Park isstriking statua of the famous red loyal to Britain amid many temptations' oppil many a holiday. and 3;ob"ll call, senior, 0. Turnbull &
warrior, whose name has in honored to throw in his lot with the Americans of Sons; bull calf jr., 0. Turnbull & Bons,
pl-tce in Canadian history. It is said that that day. i RAZ aw AMAH T. Pierce, J 8, Armstrong; beifer Calf, XXXXXXIMM, XXXXXXXXXX
when Teenniseth first met general Brock, �Inother point of interest in this Little 1 _Pasitiyely stop% theme troubles A senior, T, Pierce; heifer calf, junior, A. Vi X,
the Shawnee Chief remarked: "There is Tr�p is the Mohawk Village, a short dis-! sneezing, weezing, coughing, McLauclilill; lierd of Short Horns. r mal e MAI
a N12n." One can say the same when tance further along the River, where the weeping eyes aren't necessary- -and 4 fell'ales, 0. Turnbull, A. Smith X
ay. DI E
unless youlike being that w L A Y)
looking upon the figure,in the Brantford Cotincil"House oft fie Six Nfations stands 1 61.00 at our druggist's, or write and family, J. q. Speir; best fein de, any ME
Park, as it faces the west with imposing and in which the solemn conclaves, of the Templetoril, Toronto, for it free trial. agL. A Smith and family; best inale any *,_.V
mies and impressive dignity. red met) of the Reserve are still hAd. Sold by J. W. McKibbon age, 0. Turnbull. X We call your attention that the Select Ladies" Ready-fo-Wear Co X
jerseys (with registered pedigree)- have decided to carry a fall line of Furs of all descriptions in Alto
milch cow, Nesbitt Hamilton i and 2. connection with Ladies' Ready -to -Wear. You are !n -
Grade Cattle -Milch cow, dairy strain,
J. S. Armstrong, A. Lamont; milch cow, vited to call and see our samples which will be
beef strain, J. G. Speir, A Lamont, NV on display at our show rooms. So it you
Uill, 2 year old heifer, W Yuill, A Mc�! really want Furs at manufacturez sl
a JL Lauchlin, T� S. Armstrong; i year old Mob
LY U H RE heifer, senior, J. S. Armstrong, U. R. X cost, come in and see our prices.
I 'night, A Lamont; I year old heifer,
junior, J M Knight & Sons, J. S. Arm- X
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Coming Mon., Tues. and Wed, strong, A Lamont; x year old steer senior, We answer the appeal from tile mothers for a full line of children',,; vvear.
J 8 Arnistroug, W Vuill, A Lattiont; 1 7
-year old steer, junior, J Knight i and 2, X We therefore tiave in nowa beautiful range of children's coats, dres,,�C.s, middies'. IA. I
"The 11 Lamont; steer calf, senior, A 'Me X Skirts, etc, We are showing values that willjustify the immediate purchase of X
Lachlin, * S, A,..,Io,,g; stler ell' M y1.1 fall ,d ,,ui,,,t111,1t1, with ,ills 111pin, ac, ill 11111011 1111di- �C-rl
William Faversham 15 junior, A McLauchlin; licifer calf seincr,' X tions. 17-011 eXaniple note the railge of values.
J Moses, U. R. Knight, W Yuill; heifer V
calf junior, J S Armstrong, j G Speir, R .14
in Kentucky Colonel X We also have clearing in Gimp Dressesq pure W001 Botany
Jackliti; fat cow or heifer over 2 years,
butt -her purpose, j 8 Armstrong; fat X Serge, trimmed With braid and buttons in 5 different styles
steer, J U X*11ight 1, 2 and 3.
"The Man Who LoSt The greatest of all southern dramas Judge-Tbos Russell, St. Marys, X sale price 0 0 6 $5.95 to 6.95
featuring X,
X A specialty In Tricolette Blouses, In all shadC,`3 and sizes at . $2.75
jo,,.Oph j. DoWling Leieeslem-R, Sanderson swept big 1k,
Himself class, taking 7 1 sts, 5 2ndg and a 3rd. A
8 Downs -Aged ram, W. 0 � Ross, Jaa special In children's Serge Dresses, pleated iD n1liddy and
Connell i and 2; shearling raw, Jas Con- sailor styles in different shades, 6 to 14 years, sale price . $5.50
'by H. de Vere Stacpoole "The Miracle Mareof the Screen" nell, Knox Bros, W G Ross; ram lamb,
Jas,Connell i and 3, W G Ross; ewe, 2
America's greatest actor is the whose- remarkable protrayal o f the shear and over, las Connell i and i, W Also a special in Children's Pleated Skirts of navy serge, 6 � to
screen's newest prize, in G Ross; shearling ewe, W G Ross, Jas 14 years, selling at $3.50
patriarch in "The Miracle Man" will Connell 2 and 3; ewe lamb, jas Connell X,
A Story of two men and one woman— be reiiiembered byall who saw it. i and 3, W G Ross; pen, Jas Connell i A few broken lines of novelty and pleated plaid Skirts, regular
and 3,W G Ross.
of two men who livedbne life, and one Judge-Tbos, Russell, $9.50 and 10.00, special at 0 0 41
man who lived two lives. In this remarkable storyof.old. Ken- PIGS
tucky you will also see the racing Berkshire -j S Cowan took the awards X., Special In Skirts, mostly serge, and in small sizes,, regularly
also a Chester Comedy event of the decade, the Man o' War viz,5 red tickets and i blue. % 10.00, 9.50,8.50, sale price $5.00
Vorkshire-Boar, under x year and
vs. Sir Barton race- over 6 tuouths, j 8 Cowan ; boar, under
"An Overall Hero 6 nionths, j 0 Speir r -and 2; boar a year
and over J 8 Cowan; sow, under r year t eadvrto.Wear ""wo. k:
leatUrlog Snooky the HUManZee and over 6 niontlis, 11 Speir; so -m, under
Open afternoon and evening of '-- Sele'c' Lad*es' R
6 months, j G Speir x and a. 14, 1 1 ly
Usual.prizes. Usual Performances. Wednesdayo (]Fair Day) Judge -Thos. Russell. A% Head Office, 448 Queen West, Toronto. Llranches, \Vingbam and Godericb, 0"�
Barred Itocks-Cock, Rouncubcvg