HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 4F L-A V V10"'k U R 4 H Is In Its unique R-4your of rich dq1teacy. And It never varies. All grocers sell,"Sala4a" In sealed metal packets only. Changes In Criminal Code q thirty-eighth year. Vifteen years age I lie was united in marriage to Vfva May Several important changes b ' ave been, souch of Morris township, his now bereft made in the Cr ' iininal Code, Henceforth, ! partner. After residing in Bluevale for British subjects a�e not required to obtain twelve years they moved to Shellbrook, permits to, I�eep rifle or, shot gun, but must Sasi, three years ago, to this happy bave permits.to heep a pistol or, revolver, union were born two sons and three Allerk,s must obtain � permits to keep any daughters alf of wboin survive with his kind of weapon. wife to mourn the loss of a kind loving The penalty for the theft of an auto-. father and husband, He is also survived mobile under the amendments is not less by his father and mother and three s ers than ore year imprisonment, with no b,,tuer,,, and,five si t - The deceased option of a fine, and no suspended sen- was laid t6 rest in the Shellbrook ceme. tence, unless sanctioned by the attorney- tery, service at the grave being conduct. general. ed by the member% of Shellbrook Orang( For the driving of aa automobile while Lodge, The pallbearers were memben intoxicated. the penalty on the first con- I of the Canadian Order of Foresters oj viction, is not less than seven days and'wkich the deceased was a member. . Th( not more than thirty days in jail, for the floral tributes received testified to th( second offence, not less than thirty days esteem in which the deceased was 'held and Pot more than three months, and for Those from a distance to attend thi tbe tbird and subsequent offences, not funeral were Thomas Stewart and Wm iess than three wontbs and not more than, Souch of Bluevale, Mrs. John Sellers a one year imprisonment. Attington, $ask., Mrs. W. J. Johustol For highway robbery, the lashes have and Howard Stewart of Gladstone, Man been added i addition to the jail term. P The section, dealing with rape has been MARRIED amended by addiSion to life sentence, the word "whipped." MeNEYIN—RiNTOUL—In Wingbarn oi Thursday, Sept. 10th., Mr. Willian Died in Shellbrook McNevin to Miss Anna Rintoul, boll of town. After a illness of three months John' SHaRBoTTou�:—STANLEY—In Kincardia Thynne Stewart `6f ' She!llbro�i, 'S�si " formerly of'. Bluevale,* pW�sed to the Gre" township �6n Monday,. Sept. i2th."M18 at Ida� Hazel 'Stanley*, daughter of Mr,'ano Beyond. I5�cela�ea, ;;!p, b�*rn in 'the Mrs -.1 Jos Stanle:� Glarnii, to Mr. WM' township of' § in �,his 16s."Sho��otf6hd'of East,Wdwanosb $ 0 0 THE GEM 5 ADDING MACHINE ADDS, MULTIPLIES, SUBTRACTS, Does the work as well as machines costing $300,00ormore. If this sounds too goodto be true, just give us a. chanc'f- to prove it. X Ci Used by the Dominion and Provirr' at Govern - 22 ments and many of Canada's largest firms, X Catalo.gue Free. - Write Now. A. E. DOHERTY & CO.91 Windsor, Ont. After LeVery Meal WRIG�LEYS Sealed T14 -' t Kept !#,ht 7 W -Z "r W,RIGLEY'S has steadily kept to the Pre-41ar Price. And to the same high stand. ard of rmal&ty. No other goody lasts so long —costs so I ittle or does so much for vou. Nandy to carry—beneficiat A in effect—full of f(avor—a solace and comfort for Young and old. THE FLAVOR LASTS B-22 THE WINGHAM ADVAN(;E WIN(IttAM MARKETS Rot bery yeteirles Cleared up Wm, Lockridge, in Goderich police (Correct up till Wedw*daY noon) court on Thursday afternoon pleaded 3utter .................. 38 to 40 guilty to five charges, that of breaking ilggs ................... 34 to .37 into the Misner Manufacturing Company, 'logs, liveweight 8 75 to 900 MdVicar's eho store, Wigle's drug store, ,ream ................ to 36 Lauder's drug 0ore 44 the (3oderich Manufacturing companys plant, also to taking chickem from D. O'Brien%, Wm. Bloomfield charged on five counts of aiding and receiving stolen goods, I pleaded guilty, In bothcases Magistrate Reid deffered sentence till the 21st. Jo hn Kay, formerly of Kincardine, who is implicated in the robbing affairs bad his case adjourned till Monday. SLEEP Can you do It well P �ust Quo or two doses of Dl�. MILES' XERVINE—$1,20 will soothe the Irritated and over -strain, eduerves. Guaranteed Safe and Sure, Sold in VVingharn by J. WALTON McKIBBON rlic Death Of Mrs. Jamvs H, I ind The community of Estevan town and listrict Is this week visitedwith a sorrow �hat can scarce be expressed in words. )nd with a suddene8s that sbocUs, in the Jeath of Mrs. James H. Lind on Monday a ,vening last, For some weeks past Mt . Lind has felt a steady though not alarm- ing decline in her health, but looked with confidence to early and complete re- covery. On Saturday evening she was inclined to accompany her husband to town, but press of household duties kept her at home. On the return of Mr. Lind he found her seriously it], On Monday evening at about eight dclock she had passed to her long rest and reward. The cause of her death is given �s diabetis. A sketch of the life of Agnes Elizabeth Brandon could be none but a recital of days and deeds spent and done for the good of others, of a character sweet with good3endeavors, of a personality strong and pure, Leaving Belgrave, Ontario, where their only child, a son, had been laid in:bis grave, Mr and Mrs. Lind came west seventeen years ago, They remain. ed for a time at Alameda, then came on to Hitchcock and eventually settled on a homestead in Tp. 4-8, where they made their home until last year, when they took the Hall farm just north of town. From the time of their coming into the community, the name of Mrs Lind has been intimately and honorably associated w.th almost every movement for com- munity welfare, as a ready and resource. ful counsel, an untiring workir and an altogether helpful associate. She ivas a much beloved member. of, the, Presbyter� ian church and, despite the distance from her home, was at all times looked upon as one of ft most valued members of the AtirchAid. In the war -time enterprised of. the community Mrs. Vhd was ' a'dill� gent and enthusiastic. worker, carrying' wGre tban'hee 'Wr sliiiir 16f f I f I . ... 1 1-1 .— I ".. , � - rOlie work.� E§piFd9f1y !h4Ve,.,VXX 6�, ;he, Estevan AgKiclilturar �p4qy, in....wbicb, ai'a member 'of' the 'board of directors, she found occasion and scope for splendid work in the promotion of the welfare of women on the farm'. And quite apart from her activities in connection with re- ligious, social andopatriotip organizations. Mrs. Lind enjoyed a wide personal popularity, won by the gen�iness of her character and broad sympathies, Her sudden removal* by the hand of death, leaves a great blank and a sense, of irre. parab!e loss. To the sorrowing husband, to whom she was intensely- devoted, the warmest sympathy of the community goes out in the time of his great bereave. ment. Two sisters, Mrs. S. Forsyth and Mrs. Walter Allison, and two brothers, Harry and Will Brandon survive. On Tuesday afternoon a solem n mem- orial service was held atthe United Church, Estevan, Rev. R. D. Finlayson officiated, speaking eloquently on the beauty of the ideal home life and 'the as. surance that looks on death as the portal of a broader and grander living. Follow. ing the service, the remains were taken to the Canadian Pacific Railway, from wbence they left on Wednesday morning for internment beside those of her little Eo&in the cemetery at Belgrave, Ont.— Estevan Mercury. Mr. Marsball Breckenridge of Iron Bridge, Algorna, returned horne on 7, ues. day - after visiting his brothers, Josepb, David and William also other fri Pb�pes xo6, 224. WALKER'S Funeral Directors and Embalmers Motor Hearse or Horse I�quipment Wingham, Ontario Best D. L. & W. Sdanton Coal All SlZeS Order your coal now and avoid the bigIrprices and coal shortage of the past season, also Cannell, Soft Smithing Coal and Charcoalalways on hand, Lumber, dressed and undressed- Latb, Franits, Sasho inde. Doors Moulding8of all ki laeaver BoArd and Roofing. __ --*-* 400� I A. Ma&EAN FATHER ". Statistics show that seventy per cent. of the leaders of the Nation in Commerce and Politics are college trained men. Do you wish your boy to be a LEADER?. A ten or fifteen year Endowment with Mutual Life o I Canada To mature when your boy is ready for college will aid materially in his training A. Cosens, W. T, Bobth, Repre8entatives Wingbam, Ont, 71:111_,"4%%1 MR - RAPPY TPAP-1y LTRE1% MeAT_,9_ -E 3A Arie7 . IlrztA�01';s T Ly. C.NPLAW 1 SANITATION is a science and we are scientific butchers, Our market is as clean as a brand new pin. You're invited in to look over our choice meats. Watch for Mr, -Happy 'Party LOLVEEIR & BENINGER N 1; LCVE TRAL MEAT, MARKET PHONE IZ6' Rh:eumatista? Or NeueaJgia, Sciatica, U4-_bergo? Thd'�remedy is sfinple, ir�expen- Sivel easily taken and harmless, Templeton's Rheuma,tic Capsules Your druggist will supply you. Write for free trial to Temple. t0ft'so SC Colborne St,, Toronto# Sold by J. W. McHibbon JAMES TAYLOR AUCTIONEER W_ Farm Sales a Specialty. Orders left at The Advance, Wingbam, will receive prompt attention. Phone NortbHuron 15- 623, Brneszels 15-1 6 m 8 D E S Justnowwe the most attractive ladies' Diam. ond R 1 n g s , though round, are rnade to ap- pear 4 sided, 6 sided arid 8 sides. This effect i's obtained in the wountings which are beautifully pierced and ornamented. Prices $25.00 to $00.0 O� W. R.'Hawflton Jiw;eler and Optician BORN McKiw3oN—In lVingliam, on Thursday, Sept. 15tii. to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Me- ,2K%bon, a daughter, (I 0ims—In Lower Wingham, on,Sun- day, Sept, 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo Orvis,,p son. Two6so:q-1n. Donnybrook, on Thurr- 4#t Sopt. 15th,, To Xr, and Mrs. John Thompson, a son. Congratulations, Com4n—ln -Wingham on Wednesd Sept. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Collar, a son Extret Special. Prizes, The Turnberry Agricultural' Society is indebted to Mr. t -R.- Harriston, man- ager of Gunns' Wiugham braticli for the following excellent special prizes which be is offering for their Fall Fair to be held at Wingbarn, Sept. 27th and 28�h, 1921. For the beat bushel of oats he will give 500 lbs, of Gunns' Shur Gain Fertilizer and 250 lbs. as second prize, For the best bushel of wheat, barley,. turnips, potatbes or corn, the same excellent prizes are offered, In all, over two tons of this excellent Fertilizer will be given away. The only stipulation is that Gunns' Fert- ilizer must be used on the soil on which the article is grown. Prof, J. E, Bell has been secured to judge these exhibits, and he wlll also thoroughly explain Why hi gives his decisions and why he rejects. Councillor Milborn'and Mr. A. B Carr were in Seaforth, on Thursday t� hear Bon. McKenzie speak. SCHOOL BOOK& and . . . 8 hool - Supplies ILI YE have an exceptionbLIly 'VV larg'e �&'t ! A this. year and no one -will be disap. pointed. Shop this week if possible AnL- av04dthe`r­uA-"__ G. Mason& Son A* Thursday) September 22nd 1921 Are Y o u Looking, For BARGAINS You will find lots of them at ISARD'S Bargains W o r t h while V n Satu 0 rdq Manufacturer's Clearance of Boys' All Wool Jerseys 6i doz.-78—Fine quality �ur6 wool jerseys plain and combination colors, buttoned on the shoulder, the kind that will give excellent wear, reg, �alue $2.00 and 2.50, to be sold qufck at a Big Sav- ing. Sizes 24, 26, 28, sale price 1.50, sizes 30, $2, 34, sale prices 1.75. Boys' Suits at Cut PriceS—See our range of sizes at 6.90 to 7,95. 'Men's Suits-. - 15 suits to clear at a gl�eat SRV- ing regular value from $25 to, -$30, on sale at IV& So'eks—Men's heavy works, reg-tilat, value 50c sale -35c, or 3 prs for $1.00. Hats and Caps—Just arrived, popular styles in men's and boys' hats and caps at new prices, the lowest. Raincoats—New Stock received of - the best Makes -i . See ourb4rgalns. at $ 10 and $ 15. Isard. :& "Co' FINNS, IN CANADA -imung Tne recent inreresTing im- meir arriral In. Nngland last spring, migrants who have been coming to ArrangerA61its were eventually nlade Canad4 from _t� urope there 4rrived for the Ftnus to come to Canada to work in the lumber camps,- and a party of Finlanders, in eake of Lieut. Wetton brought thern over Lieut. T. C. Wetton, V,R.G.S., P.R. and took his party through to North C.I,. of the Devonshire Regiment, Temiskarning and got them satig. factorilY Placed at work in the bush. Imperial Army, who had Previously As lie predicted, these Vinns who tervod ps our Allies in the "Finnish rendered good work to e J the British ,J,,on;1 In North Russia. These in North Russia, end underwent sev- a anders with pany of their eral niontlis' military training and t I t h d. been driven out of discipline out there and are accus- toianla'nM"int6 lao'ith Russia when the tomed to 'work on the farm and in ermans invaded their countvy� The the woods in their own country are Finnilih Legion" was formed from now ra Idly settl C down well to the p among t)iese exiled Finns and rend� _,r new conditions, are 4ored 9 SeWee—to the British satisfaction in their work a iiff force. 411a Legion was commanded promise Of develV by Lieut. -Co ,Ing 'Into good g.lvte- 2. D J. Burton, O.B*E., tiers, 'some of theni are hoping of Toront , orm N ,� W ol the 8th Can. later on to take UP faleming work. stdian (q 11309 e Iment. After Most of tbein are sifiglt men, strong, the Armistice most ofthe Lcgionar- hardy types of vigor6us inanbood, les wore epa, JatJd to Fibland,but inured to the extremes of climate tWIA including sev- and ft""Stomed to hard work. They rib mh women and are a very good type of settler. 0ildren, were left in charge Of Some of them can leak very good 00t. Wettots who was one 6, the P`nglish, others 1h 4 dition to their to, leave North Rusda, at the n?tIve tongue can qonv rio In Rus- e l3a��XV �4jl that gntry. sian and In Swed'sl� NY llst one of OV61% f It nin d eer ul� of him the men can gpeat luohtly in pin_ Was Oskarl Tokoly p LIPS the I h r", glish, 11usslan, Swedish, first Prime Minister 'if Uli ftfir and Is now learning the Russh 011, ter rench, 3T�deut. Wett 11"to sin fors, Finland, whae the r U6ut- WettOn hAs had st varieA a , tion cartel, having serv, � twic a$ Jq the Le naZI WAS 130. vo eOv In the Sou Alricean W e stroll'. ��Tfl n Wr ftffig two books on ds rem ag 11f Leglfthrieg 11110 WeV%� 11minigCritin 4 L Ay ed t, 9 ana6 from I Rho "Old icountr " he spent it few I fiiell ati op 11tunitV to, t, Ion the Ataffof the Manitoba - n" CAnAda, r1out, Waton, wasiprets lind AN their special ttavc Iced,ift charge, 44 t4ose Firms 0111colveSooladslat he couttibutod to p.a,per many articles dealing witli t development of the growin western towns. He also undertoog some lecture and immigration pto. paganda trips in the "Old Country," While in England on the last of these trips at the outbreak of the war, he immediately joined the "2nd. Iting Edward's Horse" (Ist. Can- adian Cavalry Brigade) as a troop- er, jand saw considerable active ser. vice in Prance and Delgium. Twice wounded and recomminded for a Commission, he was gazetted to tho Dovonshire Regiment,'And early in 1919 joined the "Finnish Legion" in North Rumia, Most of his tinieflout there he was on outpost duty with his Finns, oftentimes alone with them, and thereby learned their language. There he met Miss AhA I(AUPPinch of, Rovaniemi, North Vin. land, Who had travelled hundreds of miles alone to Join her two brotheta In the Legion. On learning hot hiso tory—she had been wounded and Im. Prisoned in the cause of her country �Lieut. Wetton s2w that she wAx vv�ll cared for. Friendship betwteri them grew apace and later rantured into love. After Overcoming roan:� obstacles, Lieut. Wetton subso. �uentlY succeeded in getting Miss. 1AupP!n6n,sAfelY to rinalubd whero at bI a it - fm