HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 3Thfi- reoult Is, the Pooaant hau I 1_;;A; m � X, e�% wy ,A Al t3lien to raNins olily eup?wWgrala to W, Kim 011 sea 11*44 bis famly, on'd a lIttJ6 "llax 'Ind Arroprice, I on Water hellip In The UPInnJa;_VJhc�ol T)y Aritur 0024(halArner I arel the lian(Nrura a r ­f f- - e. (This Artlele comes from -the pen ol, a the liar, A yar4 oT cloth melln( tcr'the peat.,aut" 0 we, tile lauedweilors; f) - WW "a W4 wny *nevin 0, f 0 arts of opi�ujug people ZOrland and what beca; -10 kPirit 01 mort-41 be w ad the x "d as -500 rubles, a price, of 11-IVo 9CnO bROk tO OW me Of thOVA 7 PM704 by the topls� they, left bthIna. 1,k�vwls Proad. The yro%oio' W-OrkiRgMan who lived and labored from 2000 to, Z Acmi Qf F ill -As newly brought to I$' t 2rO most Their boats weris hollowed troc4ru 01 40 ore led to Ask *14Y 4M mon, 'Under the Soviet regime, and vr.4 cour,,ja, utterly beyond t1i Or reach. tury Or. paqye 4 -go, I b-,,ve oft­A�-�oop Interortirg, I por cue thing, it V,�,Onls e I h r .,-A. ottea �Vltfl - flat 0 bo proved that the, 1,4koiawellors vablIgbod 14 a Socialist newspaper, ftriUg he two yo I Thty U0 no age.culturp, but subvisted should -be pufted Up wit Uelt f .,4rs of Soviet nil 'no', I g t thei h co r 1.4010siger Volkszoltulli, not likely t% the government has Issued to, the and steel, were the Veritable of the bY 1buUtI49 and fialling, 'a# 4on Ho,� a. fAukht that h0h 04n 74� Print A prejudiced account of con- Ba0akiTs- about two, y%rdsi oI Cloth per 011-0 Aleets On the 111911way earavauvl Haro4otus describes sixell sx Village look Rt A star and reflect on a# xf"' ditioneAn. Uusq�.Ja.j ancient ROMA116, It bus long been, which he saw with hio own eyVJ3 at .1 of it And still bell. I pfte, ol two, 'hundToa =ts Or more, mc.3tly 'A thought that tho early Romans, r - much later Period lot all eve, 11 r OV in uca my, *uirg boys of twelve y-ear2, i 1� grated to Italy Tp:)msonlowhero ill the. He writes: is J (t 4 Q own i'A0 For about two years, I held the post Last stimmer I deo'�;�d ta I driven by r in Laka Thchy-afm b*e f A Isr meoliOnic4l Inatructor Among t1lo months vacation for a trip C 0 r by tile WIV�4 and dau,httors, of tfit,� .4 'Platfo=. Stand In. the uIty 7 'to P f.r - u North. Now It appears to bia, doffUltely U444141, at the lake, Bushkir% -A Mongol tribe In. southeast- gr4d. It took all My time for four Pcillsant�, WhIlQ the him -bands are at 03tablished that thoy epnio frcm Con- p wulph --art) UP- One *1 fU jbin , roac4g1td IrOM th 4� a b*� em R001a. During tha;t Period t[ -w.as dwyis 10get, tto licoes-3ary paperq, and 1103110 tilling,46 1 -and. Those are cartib 0 land, IJY a StAxle Tea"T whpu 14; for tw6 11104tho In Moscow and T -6r, live ty the, time ther were COMPlet0d, they "QU* ItIC110d by C10 9OVernMe tr4l Europe, and that In their orriginsa n�trrpw bridge. B44i bead of family sh he emes **Ay from 00 'a ut to habitat they wers a eltering arms,of his home is tW 141011W� 14 POU49md-, spending tUe contained eighteen dIfferent; jilgila- gralal TIMAge, and other pro- lek"W0111AV has 1113,0wa hut, with %, trapdoor open. he' i I le, tfieIr villagos being b Must peoP .r486t 0111TO OM010the (IlArlots- of So- turea. Although thb pottsauts heye I duee to the roarect rallway station. uIlt On In$ .11POR thO Jako beneath: nO`w1n4k-0 *,Place for hiMsqV1 Piles over the water, 40k In 4 trw*d cir Tkq* M Wa. and i0reiffiurg, T%,�ve m not QrlougA draft animals to cultivkt4* In addition there Are innumerable, wout is to U0 their young chIld 04ided I�U thO =Ratry end. In -the Bus2�- their field% Ilorgea, aud The first Swiss lake villago tO be the loot, to prevent t&em from Te`4,4107 0,11 are sqekj-r.�: j *44t h#, Is"p. 'along, Telling be il�b llwjlk�*�er.,, TQt Ili Inspectera, ,e=. drITOTS Ua* constantly requisitioned agents, Oftem, And 2,04ters, constapt. kir -vIllages in southeast carts and JEIUCOVered—its remqlve� that 1.8, to say Into the water. They feed AIR —was found near Zu�rlch in 1954. That all fish, wilieh abO the'r boasts $lot tTOMNO UPOU Ai i nod In the lake.- b ve trwralled W, cart al�ndge, by the'autharIttes. In our little town lY gz,lng baet and forth, an,4 demaud� set the archeologists to looking for Of ot crS, HO V1114 defer; he must b*' elfer$L Of through%mt thIs roglo24 Ila 11060 lu� at least One buudred and Afty outfits Ing tr4n,3,po�tatloia from the, village The lake-dw Central Europe Others, gevOml Of which werolo0ated. date back tO'about the end of the time 'as bio 'patient, and mannerly, and Ul tb7AaW'Wn the IcOm=On People. S14100 were In constant use, carrying about SOVIst5. This I3,a fe,%rfui burden for and take hiffohabcew_&Md still �bo : Apparently they wore jtlhabite4 about Stqno Age, But there zA no botei�s� I have lodged and Our now buroautrats. Higher eficials the faruillig population. It Is, vor 1,�;W acquired a know- alert to Ko and to do, to work =41 Yeors 11-gO. Within recout yea=, 10 98 P rO 90, 044 It Was by them to w1n,.,depoo0jnW on his own r106t eaten Vi-th Peasxnts and meoiianloq In use autemoblies. sdmflikr� to, tlxb old feudal burdeni 110-wcVOr, similar villagos 44ve been' found over wide areas that M'e us-'.' of bro"O wo`0 Ar4t arm anq 2114 own force and Motion to. tallood witu In the evoning, people light their in the Let us give, 046 axampip, All c3nkses, arer many a glass, of toa, homes with PlRe-kliot% for tb4e7 have spring Of .19207, 1 Was o0dered to go to R all' the way broughk to lt*ly� When, they cealied succeed. from Switzerland to Hungary, Recog. to dwell in l4keo�, 14, IWY 'or and fool'*at I kno.,v what the people 'no cAlidleg or -petrelleum. Clae"Is. a certaln railway sistioXi to got same else, X AIZAble remains of such Villagea ha -is where Perhaps the child -had -b2s own way arr �suVtrbva and thinking far better tilletiou. Is- more exaggerated than printing pre-gs-es &ad bo(-%bIndJng Mk� been discovered in It4illin lakes, the'r continued the habit Of too Much. He was ispoiled; and -now than doi curgood coinr�,Aies who s�ft�d eve'r.' lu, our little town the Ogylet ldnerq- received from Petrograd., -I orectinl* th-eir �Wuges On Platform. 0 comes the Aud en shock of disillusion. A few WOSL-B 611 SOMe OfIlelal mission, Commisoarls family ectuplod SW or ,,, allotted twelve cavalry, guar dently this was a very, ceiculon, met.h_ supported, bypilso and disposed ofall Od Of livIng at 4 Pre-111storle period in re ment as he finds that there are others OOMfO43blY ]401130 in the Soviet capl, eight ivOul's In Q, futiner buorvogis rel and requtgiliqn�eil, in the Vloinitr_'Of fuss, by throwing it down. tllroll V.r'Ausuafuj. X adopted ths, trapdoor. anto'n", PrIMarIlY1Pr security, agaln...9t enemies, got rid of w4st tail sl4ence, and 'kept seriants; but the the IlItle town where I wao, s Europe- It was a method gh to consider, taylpg, This waa a good way to At the outs4t let me sa'y that the werkl"-P"00 baV0 mostlyl to, elteop 'nearly twe' him4"d Slea&. Although I ProsMent of the 46* $j0,`0'Q0;0b6 power the only approact, to the e under the old 4owl- 'no man who lias to work for a Company, which w velop 168,000 village (un- cIllary system, but On dry land it did livelihood Ought to know betterr than not hafil thiil.machluery on sleds, bi horse Power from the Great FalLg- on, k acy WolL The refuse accu d-letatorShil't r Of, t'ba- proletariat Is 4=13t. siX or eight In k roolfi, lyitig, on the pointed out b6bcii6hafid that we coul(i $11 do lea, by boats) being over a narrow not WQr to be overbearing; th n wh oil Paper. In reality there is a dicta. door like pigs, I p e Ma O&e torship over the proletariat. People able to get any h OrMally -was uir. cause the e" the Winnipeg River. The plant, which 041WOW0,Y erected *a plies. Defense lated under the -hoUsi until er n2u. wealth permits him to be idle should oualng accommoda. sno* was mastlY gone end will be one of the largest of its kind In. was thereby rendered easy. th o was have learned that he holds his great Aing the intematioilal with great on. tionts whatevef, and An%]), 11011 heavy lodda could not be t no room for more and then tbe occu- Possessions but as steward or trustee 7 took retuge s The 14ke-dwallers enjoyed IL fair de- Pants set Are to the f thusla0l, at publlc,� aeetfuga; they in nn,old is -table. Ported In thh,,1,Maunor, We rang the World, will not be completed until gre6 Of Civilization. They know the I Ing into 9, n am"y home, M0V- —the servant of a powtr higher than Paso r000luttgoa dictated by the Soviet Originally t)ie Soviet gove *6 i �o oil w4r - 6 sent lent; they decide, to perform Provided fairly well for its soldiers, qsult was What.1 expected. We came governh M n 4 our Jou�iney of sixty Miles The ew-built dwelling. Ids bead, Neither Poverty nor riches voluntoor service Saturday aftera"ne They received a pound and a hal 0 back six days later, With our 8.1o�s ence boing that prices. will be higher ReautyT6t Hath Edue establishes the right to be domineer - f t than befo , No Pity, 460YA&I Service. Ing, brusque, invOnsMerate and inflat- and Sundays, 'Bilf 'If yot,,talk With Drsaa, and halt a pound Of meat or empty, after a Perilous and fatiguing re If the goverilment realli Beauty that has no pity avail$ Us not, ed with the. inecalomaniae notion that them )Privately after the meeting Is, fish, besides tO4, suJar 4n4 tobacco. trip through fathomless mud and flood� -anted to stop this kind of trade, It And 00 human hand or, word or eye whatever otands in our path is a .over, everyone will begin, to curse the ROw8ver; to -day the� who ed rivers, Since -there was Do forage doubtless, -could do go. The provii9onfi IS. lovelier -than 41 the starry sky, "80TV10" expressed the idea that present governm are thing to be crushed, and our own ent. How does this tot In active service are no better or food alo.u* the road, and none Ot and 900da that are sold and bartered And all dumb Nature Is 0, glittering "MO to OIWR mind on studying the pleasure must be gratified even at the 1*1 -t4PPPn? AM4 Is ruled by temor� No than tile others. It'Ilt lot un&M 042 as had brout4t enough proVislen* we o7e..m0stly Atoleal . The amount Of rot, COSt of pain to many. Mon one dar4fA to say In public what be to find goldlers begging, -and In mog, reached home half4t&rved. The re, piroperty carried off Illegally from goy- DrOPPInf; dry twigs upon our mortal University Of 16031to's display at the The world is so acutely and so con really thinks. Were he to do so., he cow they haunt t marks I heard during that ex ernment taoterfeir and warehouses, and lot— Canadian National Exhibition. The stitntly interdependent that the Part tryin he railway station pedItIon, public kitchous is Incredible, But Peo- A stony and unfeeling pageantry,- Information given in large blue letters each Woman or -man plays in, it di would be dealt with speedily by the _V to trade Parts of theIr uniform from the peasants ;Who, accompaiiied Extraordinary 0cMMUslQn which is fOr'fOod, on a white ground showed that the ly rect- 0 It Is net sirr'lirlsiug, there. Me, conedsted Wholly of coniplalata P16 could not live Otherwise. At Ster. 'Mid which the struggling generation mutterff to all the rest. If we take the Holy Inquisjtiop,,of the Soviet 4Q.V_ fare that ons. sees, everywhere highly and profaWty heAV61, upon tile Bolsho. lltiUnak, for instance, a week's fuel die— provincial university had something more than our share, someb I s red posters. calling Upon desertorp re not Tek costs about �he wageol of a workman to o0er evoq- te�ker after higher ed- gets ody else ornmeAt, 0010 VIM. Tho" Wh4s, said we, , By littlest lout and litgligilt peak less than his share. But there In thO spring OA la -g -t year I was lly. to, return. to their units. 14- Pentable. Let me -add, for two moutha, got for- UeMAGh no Mitter what his cireum'- is moTe than enough to go round— Irg at Sterlitamak, the capital of Basil- trIcta these d that the next Lot MO "Y In Closing that tile dispel stArtes aeoriters, have formed M12113 I WaS,at the-milway $tat LisW there were twelve ex,, there is Plenty for everybody—i.j we ko-distrtn" as the B9,0kW1%"u�lIchP, bands, , and go, through the_country mo4ths lat#i� . Ion' 0"' 0106n, Of -the Ituosdaji, tiblislon courses already In operlation. 411 have the will to work -and if in is Vie uutchillory, wag. still People has com- Clouds cannot heal S"r"Ir with their at lately changed, They are no longer dew, TO the farrAor, thi% Industrial � laborer, that willingness we grant others th.q, OflICIADY called, I was -working robbing right -0,11d,19ft, In June, 19,20 lying th6ro.-­ -,A steam4eh*Ind audA fh4 9004-natilred., beiD'ful, hospitab the housewile, the journaji t, tll the central printIng office. W4 *Pro I WAs: orffer6d to a little town some, boiler OhJAVQ`� grew POtrOgrad lay ex- le Nor the fair show Of moonlight on the e Oamc right to earn a living �that wo ,611ppmed� to be Klven twenty -f Posed -to the weath' aj�d'%re pedsants . and workers we used to aft ourselves enjoy. These who refuse t* Lve two hundred miles. to the, east of Ster- or, teacher, the dootor, the infilildpal Offi, PC,unds of #our a month; but had not letanlAk, where I had previously been there 70t, buried I robably know, They have becom6 cruel, Pitf- Reach tile Jnqftble, moodg, of misery: cial, the univerift7 offm a course thAt Obey the law' that bestows the reward received a particle for more than two staying. During my sojourn , thePe fines. a the snow' as 1 Pon IOUs Unsympathetic, unfeeling egolstol� silence it, the fixed Is of practical and cultural Value. But Mclithe. After vainly deniandingtheir new Post, eleven persons we at this That Is, the effect of your Co temper of the blue; there was oriff lien, I upon the workers and penalizes the legal floll re' mur- Everyone Ilas hesrd lbbat tho too, mmunism, But One Warm heart that understand. given In s of Information, idlers have no right to dictat r 0104� the warker'o fln.x dered by avbbera as you have It In. Rusela, upon human e to the lly In the immediate tGrIes and workshopir, of Rullegg, are, nafliTe. Ing ffl4a tr1kf417 graphic fashion, delivered an ultimatum to th6 Proper vicinity- In One case a priost and his natlonallmd, �,The only o3tte ti S re The bourgeoise havo disap. May ligl that rume the industrious who have received what .It 4 torch among, loyal ;Qtnadlan pause they deserve. And there are Idle poor, cuing to Stop work small establishments which are hille. this JUst.118 there are idle rich, who cling authoorifits, threat two grown-up daughters were killed In a few P 60 it P69red, In the old times most of the the lrrautts 4104 Wonder Whiethor the people of -d' and ruA byold d6-6peradye, groups, n a-mino ty r6411Y Value education as unless Alley'vore, given provWb4ls. broad daylight. bh a oouaitry roj Pebple Ill Russia 14ved miserably,, but they' to the Wrong and the selfish point of .several high Communist officers, or- No one ventured to - - %live, he inos WoZe view, 0�mPlbyee must belong to a unlon� and the, 0961ne conditions; -only & greater . avy blue. I within thred days, The next morning strIPPod'Of eVery article of cloling. Very rl lived well, NOW` WO have coun travel abroad two per cent. is� deducted from big USLUIT01 cdwOiro the revenue of On- rIved, armed from head to foOt,--for Alone n2aJOrItY lives m1fierably, and a small- tarfols provinlAill uAlversity with - WO made our Journeys: in re- Wages. for union fees,. Tlio only pur. er mIn4DrJtr­-1Ot'SOjfgt officiale 110 Communist travols about Russia in gulaT caravans The pea§auts were Pose I ever know these V thoi6 Of four universities of'the gains an -y other war,—and o0lly told wa, 86 tiirifl6d flijit� they did jjbt d' ulons, to s6rVe well. Portal of Peace. that'if, we sti oVe to wgs'tO Ptcl*lde Jbbs fortheir offielalA sixt- just acrost *0 soutbarnbcund yl A -ack, Our sliop. committee 90 406 the fields, to cufjhole,bay. I wd� a Me or of a union in Ster. nib And the story told by these blus lines would be thrOwil IutQ Pri-9611 afid the Whole vIlrag(A-werer sometimes, plun. litamak,'WhIch bad In round numbers Red Cross. Is that th University of Toronto Is Up in the far Northwest an Inter. rest of us,i strugglin e .jent to Viie. front, What, dered by those rabber-bands milily lefur h-undred'inembersi, But it was (Dedleoted to "Our Sisters" beyond ir along on about half the'esting ceremony we$ staged on Sap� could we - do under_� oucli ccMdIfious ? for tbe purpcgo of lobtdinjug clothing. a trade-unlon. only In name, We were compare), revenue that eaeh of the oth�rs ra- Our Only 1'0916rt Woo to, trade %our last At Temj I tembor Gth. I�Was the dedication of etives. To. do the immense work It is an international arch colliTnem rativ garments wit.hL 00me 'Peqqa]lt U4EOVO, the place I have just not allowed to do anYthing to better SOft-footed she comes and its fresh as for Mentioned, fre� trade Prevailed when our own conditions, and we could not the Merciful dawn. j: doing with the relatively small am- of the more than a century of peace X. . . . . . . . Ount Of Money the Provincial univer-, between the United States and Great elloulKh grajn� to support life. I arrived. Meal was. compaxativoly strike, Natur�ily, under such a sys- Her Presence IS fragrant wItIl Ileal - Ill Petrograd I lodged and took cheap, Or 1,600 rubles a pood, About tOm Production declined, and a pre- Ing; her deep starry eyes sity has at Its disposal Is a real Britain, dating from the proclamation meals in the Old Hotel Angleterre, two Weekrz later a ea Are fathomless pocls, achievement in economical finateing. of the Treaty of Gh nt - po .detachment of millul s7stem bad b n' Introduced, of repose e in r where we had a vo-callod-.'%ouse con,. Soviet troops arrived and forbade sell- FOr Instance, the Wage established by wherein.lovellneps vies 10-6 years we have livel in anifty with munity-," cOngistillig for the most part hig In the Open. market. The result law for a Pressman on bOokwork In With the mystery of soothing, a our great neighbors to tile sout'h along of petty So`VIOt employees. The Was, We had tO buy food on the sly Our Office was 2002 rubles a month, WO110048 and -far-reaching balm, Boost. 8,000 miles of friendly contact an an 'P. XnOck, and you're on the shelf; unarmed, unfortifici, Political and art!- stealil-heating apparatus was always a2ld four af Once rose to 6,000 ruble,,. Taking a case where such a pressman From her cooi hand falle softly like cold, and MG- did-A't Oven have'fuel re. a roon.1. Since Practically no govern. Works, on a toggle -Joint press No, 3, Petals at avou—Some charm, Booet, and the world boosts with you. ficIal boundary, 5 were Is -sued, and most of With a f9ot-treadle, he is expected to (Reminis' For the world gets sick of the one The monument, which was dedicated gularly fo, the kitcheIr, Naturally our Mont rations dlaing-1-oom Wee cent of rosebudo and �irnheated. The steam the graill used In this, vickalty has to Pria-t three hundred impressions an cradles, and m them all -wise) who'll kick, under the auspices Of the Internation. from the hot s3up, Wb1ch was cooked be broilght a long distance from the hour- He hlmdelf has. W feed the Breathes from k4roand round her-, And wishes held kick himself. al Peace Memorial Association of IT' tl1G nine room, would gather on the Ocissack Country, the "eSult was to Press,, but is given an assistant at the a radiance everywhere lies Boost When the sun if, shliling, SePtfle and the International Peace cold ceiling In drops, and fall down on MIZO the Ocet Of living about three treadle- If he has no assistant, 1110 On the pathway her footsteps have,1 Boost when it starts to rain; AsBo4lation of Entish Columbia rests tile table and on. tile heads of ti�je hundred per cent. , stint Is twentY-five PeT cent. less, troddent, contentment and calm to fall, doult lie thore Partly oil American and partly on CAn- dimers. We ate our meals, wrapped in In some rcsPectD,tho peasants are NOW, If a Printer turns out three hun. Brood dreaming above the poor Hon. F. 8. McCurdy and bawl adlan soil. It colvers and crosses tile rags and furs., always shlve:ring with the best oft in Russia. To say the dred impressions hourly with a helper, bodieis� that pain has undone, Minister of Public Works, who attend. But get up and boost again. boundary line. The American side of cold. The meals conAlsted o I f a star, least, they generally have 'enough to. or two hundred and twenty-five full Nor weariness halts her Until the ed the Tercentenary of the founding of Boost tell your own adv=cemenk, the lueace arch Is in Blaine, Washing- va'.t"011 portloh of cabbagO soup, with eat, But the majority of them farm PressIOUS alone he is given a bonus of long day has been. won. the Province of Nova Scotia and ae. Boost for the things; sublime; ton; the Canadian side is in Surrey, aw and,thona POtBW cooked in the Just as they did In the da one hundred per cOut—that Is, 4,004 1 Jaeket. ys, of our cepted ill* tablets marking historic FOrthe 611aP that's found.on tile top- Brit all Columbia. Tile arch is a -nins- ancestors. , Aar modera,agricultural rubles a Month, Instead of 2,002 rubles, Net the gifts that she scatters around spots on behalf of the Federal Govem. most round give and Impressive structure, sugl. Now let 2110compare this with Hotel machinery they. � may have had has The bonus Is Increased for any excess her doth measure her soul, Mont. Is A booster every tilliG, gesting rather a Dtately, square door- AOtOria, whdre the head Communists long since worn Out. The Use of fer- above this. All such prenilum tarifts For her mantlo is mercy, her guerdon way than a monument. "eld for-th- I Went there On official tilizSrs is unknown, and there is little are regulated by law, filid axe sup- an Infinite toM duty frequently. A door It in reality is—a door ever -heated, Including th Every room Was rotation Of OrOPS. Hiowever the go,, Posed to give the employees, enough Jewelled sweetly with wisdom, her Daily Bath Banishes TH erculosis J108 Itably open Into friendly neigh - money to enable, them to buy part of heart hbara the whispering of bOr nX territory. It has doors, too, G hallways. The Is.naturally fertile and generally pro. i elevator Wag- rann-Ingi there 'was, hot ducts. something, But shortly, before. their necessities in the open market. wings water in tho bath -rooms: 1,11 thq din. the harvest a government conjmjsslo� So far as this OVell-Market matter Like the dawn and as, sure, "If every one took a dally bath, hot '"We, have still a long Way actual doors, heavy, swinging doors, eroulWs virtually would to No, h6wT They told back into deeply reeesse4* 'raises' the anticipated goes, conditions vary In every city. In crowned w(th White. courage that disaDpe-ar from the world, as is beir over," he said, fbefore we Qtain A Wallis, Across the top of one of them: Ing -room they served bread, butter, appears and 4PP I she Is or cold, tub 'ham, Sau-'ago', and Obocolate. The crop, and in consultation With the VIZ. sings. ig electric light wos In sOrVic4a all night 1090 Soviet sets the am I MOBCOW, for Instance, You can buy in abundantly proved In the IJulted Proper standard of Powonal Q16aull. in InWribedl "Open for 100 Years"; can't of grain I heart do am the D11kht 0 r long, 'tke prispipal markets everything your —Ra0hol R. Todd. States. A daily bath Is a greater fox- f Ac 4oss i e Oth .1res, nessr and recover fo h er, "May These Dooral which t4e PlAce, Mlist deliver to the It You have enough tor for the preservation of health than uliwashednelss, bequeathed by thq Never Be 0140sed." Across the bassi - During the 11ye Months I was in 94-yernment. The village, Soviet thou flve-thcusaad and tell -thousand ruble Apple and Elm. all the medicine ever brewed or con .04 the American side is the legeri4j� notes In your pocket. - MId4le Aoea` 'a pa;rt4 of Seetland "Children of a Pet0ograd there was not a single ra- proportions this levy among families But there are The apple spreads wide skir eted. The name of this town whom OTSA there 0 4 superstition Common Motheel; tiOn 'Of Most Issued; not even on the *f the village. Peasants are paid alother places where nothing It to be S4Uatting homely on the g ts around, cc , that Wash. across the base on the Canadian side round, we are meeting should be the para- Ing the A"k �onds to Weaken It. Second anuivergo;Ty of the illaugura- ridiculously low Price In. Soviet Paper I purchased In that way. 'What usually � Glad'to take a lazy abap =01int slogan of every phyalol4u, in H04-00 OOAJ minersi while scrupulou . are the words* "Brethren Dwelling in tion of the SOVIot government, Which for what they deliver. Since the peas. I happens Is"that trade is , allowed ' go . sly was, made a great iiatlo:I&I festival. on merrily for a few days, to On her ample mothoir.l;ap, the world." washing all the veet of the body, leave Unity Together." and then, Eager to provide -him sweet Such was the glat of an address do- the back I AAq' d Originally it was intended that the ig With coal duotp are ill everythink that he or his family uses� tile PO -1108 and soldiers suddenly raid'Strived wliOlOgome fruits to eat. livered at Bath, England, at a confor- the result thqt I pave sae With Governments of Canada and the Un, In the country the People ant must Pay enormous Prices for n Many 0""" ited States should build the monument, rags, I hayO been. . In Baehldr village$ which is not PTOdUCed On his farin, he the mark0t-PlacO and arrest all the' ence of the Sanitary Inspectorgi As. of aggravated skin diseases. and this in time m4ght -have been done. president, Sir JaMes ('Every �hqms' 'however humblel goVernment are sluggish in action. A horseshoe or a few nails send them Otf4tO some 1111temunerated i Lays her fingers cu the sky, Orichton-Brown. He Insisted that lie should have a tub, Provided, if notes- To c0nf9VM to their process involved only, entaugh clothilig foi a single pe�r. get it and f But the elm, remote and high sociation by the Where there were LaWfiles. which had Is forced to resort to illeial trade, to Able-bodied nellers and buyers, f 03,0121. When that POPSOn went abroad costs hundreds of rubles,- A: rude labor. All tile goods In the nlmrk6t' Strains for stars, and dreams believed the English to be the best sary, py, has an j4p tile others had to stay in their huts, country wagon such as they I are 60-n3s,chted by the soldlers, an d the ptatev A bath tho unwinding Of too much red ta # literally nuked. - This, is not So stlr. that region coets more ' uso , his does not discourage the traffic� broo'ds, washed people In Europe, but outside liftidg pew@f and ministers t(p .04,4! than 100,000 1, oT to suit Samuel Hill, pres PrIsing,wheli, one recalls t4hat the Bash Intricate with Many Moods. of Europe they were being hard press- reapect, gn F4640 Wirh gdent of tti -sist to wool ed by the United States and exceeded the tub Ja a Noon of Draive, way Ais6dation. He cui bles. A pair Of top -boots costg'So. C rs-, however; onthe next day, every.! Yet it You per � the pmotleg q Idrs were miserably Poor, even L before 000 rubles; an old sloldjer�s overcoa i" thing Will start afresh, the only diffen I She may net a star for you. by Japan. tary virtues. to "s� *0 t4e hY the pimple process gg ", W, UKCLr_-N � 0- -nir- memts � Hr- ms -i J 1 14TE WN :�?� 'NWVOL tLTe�7�' � StNk6 _NS Woy L � I BeTC MA ­(ou WHY.6 soLomo- 61;40OLDN' Lo-sm 14e�,b I.0 10- ;UVnighing the $130&0 required top 907 thq plf,,e Wniself. A #14 dedication' -A Canadian UP AS Union Ypk on the n 44 11 A01trican girl rail up rA - PRUaliroff on the soutb ieligio" services o V @,A 4W 0 " eval cot(b:41 ban g #Zd * jsvpy good tir". A Pins alstpop, 0 vao 1% 4 but ho ro r ; V woum 30% Abovi "a A0 pull tarw* Ant $0 At Wo st "*40# rw oresso 011F Nod gp$304 to tho' gtae& fkoviy, b&i, thot rro lost 411, our,il 114 exel441U104. 1111OUr bevb%w-, ed!" said tho foroink;m-, Wher4 %vow You 611 Monday and A03441111