HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1921-09-22, Page 2of tit- %acrlel building 'Robert felt inJ
tulti 'ely that bo -.toad in the Presence
-ath an. rt wag nothing
of & - I in Ilia lic'n
but pity for tile dei ,)ntl.Ar Wgue who
Jay ther , conque-ci t last.
Ilia head, swathed in st-lige.1 band -
The 5ecret o I` the agcs Jay back on a pilloy, in th-3
I rolled the
aiigte of the yev.,, V.nd he
eye3 which loolzed -.a large in tl',- 'White I
face, restle3sh from. si&_ to side.!
Old Chate"au Therc wQ8 Isrine,.hing 911CSCY in A14
the whiteness Vgainst ilia black OAKi
The eyes came to a standstill "t
By DAVID -%IVHITELAW. last, rez-ting on the figure of the van I
i -
-a (140MY, on,
whom. fate hnd made h,
le curved for a moment the,
ti -rel sm*v' ft3 spolce it was slow -
(POP Dersonally lie had Palo 1i a. When: I so that ilia
thev could, eo so; I c.,tly ang -with, difficulty, 4,
Synopsis of Later ChEk t rs* no 'desire to see, Or even he"T the, solicitor bad to band Over to catch his
Box I enter bound companion now that
Leavlr p Ili I of I& a
in t e ce
Darthi and a, of tlie words:
axenter wt
lar Df4k4-,1e,_,bUry Towers, he IMeNv D, " -%wal my dear R*tert, -we meet A
Haverton waka- their escaVN '17wo truth. Of ilia vousin's death, His ae"Ilitvle scoui r than I expe%ited. I-rIn
days later Baxonter starts for Paris with the man found in rather a mesa Of
ley Ual
tj litance
live, Silas Berwick. T1 - rah benetited Ed&elafraid I've made
with a detect ae to Ila never Ithings.77
track Havertop, to the, Hotel WEelair. Huvtrtion. en Were, He -waited, but Robertald not raize
An hour later the th-ee in.
G.HAPTE R XXIII-(Corl led dining room of his head,
"It Nvas this morning, monsieur I sitting in the panel With them, 4_glad yau,va corne, Baxenter-
r visit to the chapel. R1 the Chateau Chauville. oil of Yaw cousin's death
when I paid M3 -with eager ears to the " Vhut 1 told 3 ad
and listening ,s truthl 11Y6 be,,in,bad
Is TAY euston, to go there at ten o,clock ater was telling Alas trut"-,i 13%raup, but I've never
- O see that all is as it rowa;lltl(l tale Baxel The ornin, throuch a'
each morning t I * fqusieur do Barran,
should be; for, mos sleurs, there arelwAs I thekilled7n, man intentiom-R117- I bad lost
, little ent banker being conversant 'Witt
many vai, abie articles on th e Robert was bettertlinvilY that night and only intended
English tongu Ito talW baj'k thy Money, How differ -
altar --a, fourteenth."celitury cross, able.to make h?s storyclear, and the m w, -,b of ou life
studded with amethysts, nd two lkindly,6141, eyes of th6courteolu$ ownerlentlY we look. UPOU it what a hideous
candlestleks; which were once in the of the chateau glittereclas he learned,wNen a -we aro - dyin 7,; we, have come
Of plus the Sixth you leh, surrounded his ton I 'it rie affls 'wt1#4 it
possession the roman:oe wh to t o end -nd, look backl
miglxt say in your PAPax, tire home. tin!a . voice ibecame weaker 0-4
that 1, Henri Biblot, have th well as he could To the doctor molst;Enei hi -a lips 'Irom a
"' ail
care of these treasures--B-1,bA-04" me tobort told, as Dry Of the flight "Ofl. raoments he
ber it' t'he st LAI the terrbis of bier. After 0, few
the old aristocrat :Ere lit in
"ThIs Morning everything seemed in, - went on:
nd I was abOutto leave the P93 'And of 'tho' claims of Stells"Her" q chrneed upon the pgrebme
its place, s: I hiiii to the chest belbad delivered UP
lan. who now my search for the milney-You can
chapel when I heard a sound beneath, to the importer, to the u It was a good: game
roart, and - i the rest.
low, bollow g k lying tl=Orl in the little guess -as that standing
my feet- a -while it lasted., Wil
jent tomb of thOlwas ere, n tl-.e r1ladow
,coming from the au, ch apel. behind You---th
Dartigrys " For on rescuing Diartin f 0 ieur do Barran, Dartin,
&,ad, for the effect of Itorob, Wey bad - 0
t4nde upp a -be ' sOrts "That's Mons
The m'7' theOwner
his words; V,,'u,, 11, tapped 'his cllest for him in on of a Old -f a - 11Oh!_,yes,I know. I owe monsieur
impressively. . I I spare pews w a sent f a oa an apology. This is not the first time
441 04,11 not a cclaard, messtieurss 41 -_ . a
But I con- t tar :from Bloi. e med! al Ulan
gained the cross at Sedan at a a sugar's last - I have visited his chateau. Feel round
afraid. you i, had forbidden ad more painful mayheek, Ba-eliter, will yoll-here, be -
fess as I heard, this I wa! Well I it I hours should be render s, he said-, neatli the sbirt
hgv ' not seen the tomb? NO? by his removal. The injuriel - closed Iiis eyes, and
sumably The suffem_,
is covered in with a Movable slAbf we're caused by some fall, pro 'Robert, as he felt, shuddered at"the
worked by means of a lever concealed Iron, the coffin on the stone bier. a clamilaines . a of his chest. The
in the irowvork of the railings. MY -d that fate had ordain- call
in a it seerile r bent forward, to a. -,l and, by
fear was Only nloulaut%r ' the last hours Of Vivian Ran- doeto on, the n= drew out 'a
-as I had slid, this stone so - "a
a o 6 be spent in a better place'a silken ribb,
few minul ther b, g- Robert Put it in Ins
and peered down into the - ess. rest of his life- hadbeen. wash -lea Lee and
,mill at p6bket without a second glar id face.
"The floor of the vault, lour de Barren had -told them I
know, d found the sufferisr. stood looking down at the Pa I
ties some ten or eive eet to o they ha the The eyes remained el*sed%,=d he turn-
bon t '_jhat of the a at). 'S a evidently elimbed: upon ad to lesvethe chapel, Thenhe heard'
an - fin, of old Armand Raoul do Dar -
first I was unable to a e ) being his y,,Ameagajn_whispaze& and he"bent C
thing i the gloom a tigny, and the time-wol:4 wood again over the pillow.
from. t e 1 - a a fo 1v unequal to the weight, had given- Way- cyou belleve-the accident?" Etal-
the a crile a n4 or It was not verytar to fail, and Dartin ton finvibled for the solicitar's band, needl
it a fe t.F1 had sustained injuries to -his bead ,Forglve 11 Robert 1pressecl the fing- cloth
The at mail ceased speaking a -ad !ch were slight enough. WIlat Vag , era that bad found and tightenid woul
his tumbler, wil 6
took a 10 g drink from Inore serioust however, was s atarrolkleand1roundbis- ltwas betterthan words. di
then he went on: Tib the point ofwhich, the do At the door of the chapel he turned mate
"The last to be interred in the vault, tola, Monsieur de, Barron, hadlentered, again. He. never forgot the scene.
messieurs was Armand Raoul de Dar- 1 th. bill of *a lung- as -bad beenlit, anain their MX
y- at the battl a i in his pockets they bad found a Two cajidl ritt 'gtehdily and nies
fell gloriOusi tall candlesticks bul
of . the of jewelry, sudbesidle him a as U
Te P as. As was the custom, quanta made &little oul$,.Of light around the
ceffin lay on the raised bier directly little heap of jeweled vessels, and i which the dying mark lay and sible
- few choice pictures jv'hith had been pew33
beneath the opening. for each Dar to Ohl Into -points of ?aaiame the choo
tigny lay there until another burial cut from their frames anti, Talled, to- U vice on.tllt altar. The
Ins. we're put coinvalmlon ser chapel cons
took place. when his Temal -_ gether to make carrying easier- T be- I-aalng light 4 day fillea the the
In tb;ir niche to make room for the The banker, who was by Way 0 with -an alusi ih-6u, through which save
"wco tr To MY horror I raw that -ur, took the men ill
nil Ing a connoisse the statues and carvings loomed in
cloffin. was broken, and I could' see studr and showed them his sPol s" strange shapes.
Mes, messieurs. among tile splinter- i Among them there was no article -that (To be colieluded.) it
ad wood, Then I saw something else,.. could be less than a hund-redand fiftYl 01
-th Years old, and the vases mid ' M6 Of inve
.e shpLpeleas body Of a gentlemarl ofDou2h ill
huddleA in a heap oil the floor of the the jewelry were markedj ghie The Use a b
vault.. PertaPs the light from MY, 0. Watch-Mald0g.
treat. The pictm
bad con-
, lni somewhat Dard
candle served to r4lise la& of proper care, were in Two barrels of flour, or *1MOst four to'k
1 this t3king Into accoun harl -poundsi-ard As _ pay
for he oved a little and groaned:' ditiou, anc t ged overy -iieekl
Henri passed a eaaking. hand across, 760me of thecatill 11
Wis braw. i the great age ecogill5izable. But there in making watches at a well-known 6i
"That grcau, MeSs eurs-I can hear, made them un.11 wave Undoubtedly Of factory In xew Englaiid, Vhich, turns I see
-ning among- the echoes of were some whi out 'from two to three silk.
it now, MC2 Since a biAker'-uses
the torab. For the second time I arft'i,groat value" watches a week- all
geur de Barmn Jackei the tres,
-Abt ashnina& ti) sa r it, I was unnerved. lid, turned to Ba-Vanter, about three pounds of f1OUk to five
1 MS&A all baste to my Master, and, 44 sures' away alay Are 25 well here as losves (A brad, It 'IfOlLOW1 -that for
by means of a ladder 'and ropes, we ", Suppose th'
the poor fellow and"' anywhere for the yTesetll Mr' B=- every watch the jinaker uses he left
were able to raise I may say, here and
v, exiter, altILOU911 eililivaleut Of almost R Wrd 6t 0- 'oat
brim! Min that I lay no cla:m, to -what I
he was. a stranger to you?",.now, The ftour is made into dough. an,d thR sch
"All, dor was abrupt. iconsider does tot belong tt>- me- If, is usea to handle the screws,
Berwick's interrupt - t seems P e, dough ab,
For a moment a curio -us look carno ,alncl irideedi 1 rlyot8 and btlitir small parta Bloh g3,,
I poor Zillow in the tab it nian in that part of the business has a
a old man's eyes, and he re #
tuto th artij upon the me!' lump of dough always at litiJad; imi say
membered a certain ehaTifting b ongs to a D. Y MiS5, when he wants to examine a screw he ple
to *hqm '-e, had heen T. 1 44 mong at
ather obligh
in the,. matter Of entrance to thi, "But, Ito jabs the piece of dough on it. Then,
ba4eau. What if lie had 2Teadv sald Benham wo a restraining turning It over. he has a good chan, I Ze I be
C *ch to t nalistfrom Paris." Thafluarizier look at it with i
too 'nu jour to his 'Zichina -er's I th(
an i hand. W
perhaps be thought that he Ms "Parbaps YOU, as a Solicitor' Will microscopic eyeglass. "AlauT 0! a Iwo
M,unte to 1314 ktp
&naer,Lnius i-grourid, for, as he Answer- I tell me that, I bave a legal cialm f but
res- and took uly his hat and ' sides, screws axe too
e L lie i I an, not that sort of man. Beal ,
PM t -with the apgers, and many
stiel, frpm the table. I suppose it were so, what is to Vt easily - to be pick -
"A stranger. monsieur, yes.11 ! a childless old ull -from more, though large enough
B-,rw' Me, laid a detaining hand on present? No, I V. Bax ed -up, would be so covered by the -M
Ms arm. fingers or the forceps ag to be almost r
is the presentiquite enough for MY fe
"One rainute-W110 Ye aTs -without taking wbat ongs to hidden from tight -
owner of the chateall 9" e
Nfousieur de Barron --the banker." oth
11aa shut the door,upon the SeeingWithout. Eyes.
,,of the Rue L31aYette?"
lltreasures and were on their way to it has been stated by a French b
Henri nolded. ame upon
"Th -en tell Your muster, if you 6 the dining room when twY A- man scientist that it Is POSS111110 falt us to,
pfease, that :friends of Alousieur Le 5 old Henri looking for them. sea without OYS31
-Ji, the &spel bail ,gained c1nallOus-
ruerzier, his neiglibor in the Rue La ness, but the doctor did not givablin Professor Farigoule, observed that T
fa.yette, w4.0 do themEzlves the honor i ve- ithaps. Monsieur certain subjects In a `tate Of solifflulm-
of vz-d'NrP upon him within the Our. I Y. long to live. Pe bu.1ism, when blindfolded, beliaved as 0
They will have something of 1111POIt.1-de Barran would come nnd see him? there -
caretaker led the WaY OUN it they were able to aeo. He
t_1 say to t*m -wOtli reference tol The old 21.314
gh the French Window --
the man in the tomb *$ 1 fore, hypnotized a subjet, and, having 6
the level carpet of the lawnto,
q will, monsieur ieraercior, I Vdl UL=0 t, suggested that he
,0 chapel blindfoldd. hill
where the little towers of , tops could still see the title of a newspaker.
remaniber th-- n3m. ed above the dark faill Vag successful. b
understand, will You not, that the Z Pines, whidh stood Ott s The result
s --j, -a! , oroberly wm tried on eve other I
Man is a,p,_rfeet stranger to fue Lint ag iinst the raffeon western and tiperfineuts the mult obtained In
Silas Berwick Patted the old b looked like furm al -plumes in fha half subjects, and a confirmed.
back. the fill ease wa
"A perfeA stran -er, Henri -I =' light of th'a five-ning-
Henri drew back et the little Gothic Professor Faf.gotfle explained that
deratard:* Mere are many different Varieties Of
Let to thernselves, BeTwick rau doorway to allo v bis master to pr0-
over the story agal..% in 11,nglish for cede him. The latter looked over his nerve -endings In the si The argd-
thol b-mefit of Haverton. wha, he shoulacT, and spoke to Wmrt. Ment advanced is that It is unlikely
"Come with ni Mr. Baxenter; the netv
zeztn-i t.:J have made up his n others, per1lops, vfli wait here. It that all thesO, various forms Of e-
s I excitis t,"na manj endlngs have to 60 with ths sense of
hols, ro. fafther interest in a n Mz of! will be kinder not to
wMeh, to his tllinkirg, was Wte i to -ch. auti. that it is last as likely t"at
WS these nen liked to over much "
busIness. If -ian Iter As entt red. the cool qaietaile', solaie of the= ar;-- connected '(71th ltt2e
Interest t1mraselves in 'Vi% sense of vision.
-r----- n ------ 6 -
Measuring the Moon. I
ali-ze bow co= -
It IS diflicult o re
paratively _qmali Is the Moon. I'll thel
sky if zo3ks s big as the sun, Whien I
we know is verf far away ani llu-I
mensely big. But conioared wltb ttae
a tifty bbay.
eae% the Moon is,
its 11=, 'Va-
eler Is just at t
ralleo. No*, if lad take an atlas and
*tiraft or Af.-IM
on ttle, map of Aus
e ramug tf the =oDn
draw a elreA of th
V Yon w!ll ft -a, that it V4111d
fit enriatortablY within th') leugfd Of
mtinent, and
Australia, Cae smallest ce,
Ju t about rill the
in ti.6 gmat 'eirele at the Pacifle,
lilrorl whicb, iateording to aa old fleal,
i it *was b0tv, tbP- =00a *6)n1d make a
nolitary Island,
Keep MinatdIA LlAffibWt i1h the hOuNe,
Bits of CanodionNews.
A delegation reprosevi the Call% -
than Land owners' Association, of Eng.
and are tourill British Columbia
making a Xroush. survey of cqqt.
tiorl both of the ottloo and of the Yftt
area of unsettled land In Central Bri.
tiall Columbia, and studying ho oat.
Orl organization whiolt Us been
-bullt,1;V in the province to co-operate,
with their efforts In the old country
towards. 111411CIAg t114 41)eat type of ag_
ricultural settlers to take up land
Final agreement has been reached
between the Manitoba and Ontario
Provincial gover,hreents for the con-
laoctfl2g of the two Orollifees by 4 ua-
tionaf '41ghway. C9,natructlon of the
(Jntarlo end ot'the road from Kenora,
to the Manitoba boundary to now in
progress, and is expected to be com.
V plated this year. Approilinately sixty
tv, miles of now highway will baive to be
-In X14AIWPA to 0011110(it
V;g4 the Cr*tarlp end of tile roAd.
NidetX-11YA dollars An acre was paid
by a Saskatel
h4wari'llahn for i quarter -
section of land in the Tabe Irrigation
district, Alberta. This district first
Irrigation this
T-edelyed ,ffat1yr ft)r
and s4me remarkably good
0 being harvosted 4n Irrigated
Ison. The purchaser con,
ta i
sider#. .4o hatim
L8,46 a very satisfactory
etting this quarter see.
btlacolrugaulat the price named. A feature
0MY . . . . . . . of' tile farm is a fine Melon patch.
F 11
a Ili be sown on 1,500,004
acre,$ 0! land for 1111, 1992 crop Ili the
dry "a tiaris
at f9outhera Alherta and
S Outh-west_SaskatcUewan, it plans un.
I Ion by the Western
der cons dBrAt
Cauadi Colonization Association are
carried out. it is ostimatea iat tie
million and a lialf acres would pro-
duce at least 95,'000,000 bushels. of rye
which should net the growers appra6m.
a Cover with, Water mately $25,000,000-
using',coaTsa, , . The commercial prPdUction of ap-
and cook- for ton minlites' then ad'ill
'AggaT and cook forty-five minutes plea In -Cauada mounted to 3,404,340
Jonger. Beal in jars, Quince barley barreh, valued, at $29,849J0, In 1920.
as compared with 3,$34,660 barrels, of
may be made the same Way'
Ginger Pears TWB Is another way tile value at $24,396,210 in 1919, accord -
.a report Issned- by the Dominion
to Use hard pearls, For every eight Ing to
110unds of fruit, before pealilig, aiiZelow I Bureau Of 'Statistics- The totals of
pounds of sugar- three lemorl one; 1920 include sales, for export amount.
six caildied ginger, and in., to 1,127,400 barrels of the whole-
ound- of orle-1 pql. value of Dar At exc,141390 of $12, -
Clothes requirements. seeing 'A 1--_ or r"t. Cuop 1) TS a
is deit VIth the light wristand aj ll sl[irt. Georgette j'Ourth pound ging juice 0-2 470,04. The ProvllI6 of Nova Scot!
the college -girl . is an 4ppTIDPAute material for tue flhe. Put one quart of water, I exported almost two-tbirds of its total
d she can make very charming b.lonse, or else --Tape de China- .1. lemons,, lemon real cut fine. in pre- 192o at an average wholesale
-Or -kettle, and bring to'the boil -I crop Of
as for the same 9r'ce that she A girl Mods a -dark silk dress f serving cand, I f $10.60 a barrel.
-made ones, less inj ;W I asions, an' d, for ing paint. Then add PearO) ad price 0
1 pay :for Toady or a afternoon oce Seventy thousand tons cf ship plate,
of poorer quality ped fine and gingdr r otil
ictive and church. Tlatr msy be of satin, '-TaPa. giXiggr chop required far the dOnstructlan Of a
ails. 'hine or tWeta. in a dark color, chopped fine and tied in -bag- C cable -ship, and cther work at a Nova
de c ender.
gure pen- Ono might as Years aT4 t Scotia port, Is the amount of an order
ny farm 0-rls have toAl mAde rather simply. $lowly until xx
as to buy it, f or Apple Butter from reported received by the SYdneY stRel
rather closely when in colle e. se well 'Make this &ass th a d slice
Make the best appearance Pos- it is easy to copy clever ideas from Measure apples, was;h an 0111 - annnitucement Is ex -
ID . 111 mayba, that, one needa into rl lall plecc.3, aild four gallons Of mills, o's, , gement
with a minimum expenditure. I I ready-mad0s, It V a. toil pected shortly from the mana,
should be, dr as whioll. is More water for "ch bushel of apple
sing elothes, the Atf e all af tornoon of the Dominion Iron and Steel Com -
that, abi I t la a and georgette. 11 until fruit is, soft - rub through screen I t present ilia mills have about
Qrv,stive, never extreme% 60 oraie with I I 'haVe or siqve each,busheli pany. A
style and you are ri ot sure t1lai-it you'wil . To'thepulp from - I . ialf completed a Government order
garment -will stay ill dress, do'hot of Apples add two 911116113 oi boiledi for fIttY thousand tons of steel rails.
making over too soon. The )3la- , -[oils d6manding, this
occasl add, twelve I
UY it; j4ar It iSfoollsh to sP end money cider. Bring to a bcfil. Last season H. S. osier, of Lake
ki Should be good) and, such that b essaxy:When I 'was pounds of 81l Cook UnVil proper Ontario, trapped two b drel
le, for instance, Scum, oil
remain goold for anything unne, pice3 to taste. f them
won a much better 'vdTgss of navy blue 6onisistericy. Add- '-a
ue scerge labe in college, I bad - T a As thick as desired duck and banded them. Most
novelty material'In georgette. which answered this. 'When butter I sent were blal* auck, but In the burcla
still than 'a, hot jars and were a few blue win ad teal. Many of
Less to say. the pourit at once into 9
,Ight color. Need! pose. immediately. the birds wera-killed near him, but
durable. in order Anevening dresi is -easy to make at
arigi needs to be ett, b tyou bands And reports have been received
ow that you are g Ing w a home. For instance, it Might be made from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Teu-
for, it -is 4olvigsl)l0'tO take a y 66lov A.Creed.
of peack polored, satin (Or all
pleandrusikethelonseholdt6ttO I * I— ing), with. the waist of eessee, Kansas., Louisana and Texas,
00= to youtstif every day, and mean
while Ono of, the bluo wlnged teal was
if 'the material is'aO`ttO* wool or Itie, ime coilorea silk net, with '06tbd Say
is t" cart-. killed near Port of Spain, in the lslal w
the sa Ilk across the BI— de-"
,arnibxturas. Tozae'&a1$Ala1?k% 'Q1 '- aulders, it Withall YOut 1i . ore than I am. more than 2,500 miles
wool, boil five MiTlAtes-' a 'dra in in alighily at the waist 'W I will - baeome In , ot - Trint4&4,
.0, 1*111 a . ehieve morii aild more every day from. tb.6 place
lye. "l ma VItere they were baud
house : la And P
jAg, solution of h6us, 1juy half circles of blu t kno.%v thai I call. I Will Te
a is i rnala flower I tell is good In MY-i'l "The Canadian Maim.
A-u,y of s, and with two li a
361ves, and ii y
th anal =wias noot a -Wool'. Pieces of -igilver ribbon oVer the dqgnize ohly that w I According to
,irst ok IAII t1le college &I needs n the tily that which is good in strY in
t in all things. and I
J nek.drawing 1 waist line. For 0 Olf-0 1 facturer," a now Canadian indu
out ;Aothia, SiMP19, easy to get into, Id'ibe girl- others 1, only th' a should live and I the form of cold drawn steel Is now
college -girl, the dress -$11010 ' o M pla;cjes that I know
ch in lir eharm being manufactured by the -Canadian
giaa itilsking. 'For arly fall, a' ash, simi>ie and arm 9, t Wlic4 adversity threatens I
and light weight sweater or jer- retty dainty alatetials grow. Drawn Steel Company, Limited, at
lying in the p:
aosLt is good. H the skirt, is, to Abe. made up in a becoming.way. Extreme -will be more determined than ever in their plant at 11arallton, ont. The
my to prove that'I can tar" All 0 it
ated, the material may be hammed te. Needless 'Olopany will maliulactu a I rg 311
r a
,tom, then sent away to I decalette is not good tas things to g9od account, When those up to four Inches wide and two inches
top and, bot, to say, a last summer,s valle will not -whom I have trusted seem to fall. me,
,pleated, and -when it comes back, 'do for a.dance unless the dance is thick. They are also able to make
"It have a thousand times more agons up to tl1r0O
seam and. the -belt shouldbe Tnade. unusually informalo To wearover tile I w squares and hex
,th. this outfit, separate blouses an evening dress a coat might -be made faith In the honor.,and nobleness o . Heretofore this business Ila.
I I I gone to tile United States.
These wte ulade of lim)eu, dW- of a, heavy jerseylike silk, so -that man, -1 will think only of that which I IT10hes
rn. at, or crepe do er made into a has virtue and worth. X will -wish only
I or a thin mater! -lared'type, -Chils coat could be lat for that which can give freedom ,n4i
ine. They are of the tal truth. Portuguese AppredaLtion of
dress. I will expect only that which
h tacks, tiny pleated ruffles, Or 8 A''beavy winter coat needs to ibe
of pique. I can add to the welfare of the race. I
,Iling large collar warm and servic6able, Probably for I will live to live mare. I will speak to Trees.
a nee- :Ear "best," too, I give encouragement, Inspiration and In many placer, 'Where timber trees
k serge dress is, Of. course, - wear every day and
laity for school wear. it may be, worn since awinter coat means quite an in: I will 7ogrk to be of service to an are to be found in Portugal, one sees
lih al vestment,. and should be worn whilel lay no number. And In every the following Inscription:
&Y in the fan, then later wi hA.V"a Mr -I 'in rai5e
eavy couli It is advisable to it is in st3tle, rather than having two thought, word and action my ruling de- "Ye who pass by and would
vo serge dresses, one Probably altoa he saine, time. sire shall be to enrich, ennoble and your hand aga-lust nie, harken ere YOU
tad over, anil the other a new One, Z in to college in the fall, beautify existence for all who come harm. me.
-Per- youwil; a pair of blAtkar brown ,al ariu e beqI, a,! your hearth on it's
ere must tile easy to Press, and MY way. col V te
-b r -tipped t
aps even to was 6 out in wool soap o3dards, . road, with rubbe _r bights, the friendly all
soap bark on Saturday. A little heel§,80 as to inslue comfortable feet InImelit, used, by Physicians. screening You from the summer suns
rhite Collar RAds IL touchof lightcolor ' Minard's L . - - I 'shing draughts
While walking over fhe campus, R -Pair and -my tru tsaVe Tetra
nd variety, but friffis, -tassels or ally- of bots *2 the same, kind, -a pa T Things u journey
Sweetest of Ear& quenching Your thirst as YO
hing elaborate vould be foollatinessi of dress shoes to wear with the silk. 'Miat are the sweetest things . at earth? I am tile beA1,4 that holds your
A fall suit iineoded, and this allould dr.esslor church w9ar, possibly apail! 'rival's Worth
0 JAUght feadY-VAA84i, Urdbss Ono is of blac1c slippers to wear With - the. Lips t1lat can praise a It the board at your table, the befl.
A'fragrant rose that blae 'a, thorn; WOUS4 the timber Out
tallodpw. Blue trkotine pars to' u which you lie, and tl l
roficient in ai.V6 same, Areas, and a Pair Of '34 Riches of gold *untouched by be
w serge is tbO stxudzrd cOusary wear with the evening dress, not to' A ora; zlds your boat.-
- it w -ood for one -year mention bodr - , daDDY little thild asleep; ,I am the handle of your hoe, the
'm b1ch win be 06M slippers and over though they WAY tfle wood of
after another, but other tolOrs Or Taa- shoes. Eyes that can smile, door of V
we . our homestead,
subst4tuttia for it, A it is wise to have one's waT&Obe I your cradle, and the shell of your cof-
terials Might be A broth6r's, choor, a father's praise,
semi_tgi suit is mt)st generally T4thaf complete, And in good repair to
a of The 111inistrOsY of summer days.; firk.
becoming,'ard !as the xdvRhtag start in the sassioil, since it is eas o ,I &In the broad of kindness and tile
Y A heart where never Anger burns;
1,eing suita ble for ibesit Vear the first to make one's ellotliez during the sum- A gift that looks for no returns: flower of beauty. IL to lay
my Abe second mtr at home. 111"e who passt:,by, liste
year, ar(l class-Toom. WE Underwear should be E.Witt re- nye.
With this should be bought 'a easily laundered and plainly Wrongs Overthrown; Palm Dr r; [aarm me not.
yea plain, lease;
close -fitting hat -which will Also dO ic marked with the owner's name, With Dark footsteps guided Into peace:
'Wear vzith a wintercoat later. A gouge a name tag sewed on, if it is to go to
of a rather drcmsy type should be Made the laundry. The light of love In lover's layes; Crows Thttt Sing.
to wear with this suit. Since I am It is wise to have -a fewer number of Age that Is -Young as, well as wise, Thogreat crow at the North, a "ird
Iia that a blouse the An honest hand that needs no, ward; A. raven or A young bu7,
sbort I have fou glainients, but ba sure that they a c A life vith right Ili true Accord, as large as .
,ard, 4ga talouto-d singer. Most cwNvs
same vo!or a-, the suit is most becom durable, carefully scleeted and In. 01 _k hop,tmd waxing, into Soy, birJ,
ing. This would not be true of a r1l, 1,Mnd appropriate. I Inive, found a have Ix ralicolij cry, but this black
n, let I have always 6sliked A lift,11DInAssiNvIthOut 4110Y', *Ila 1, ADDears go, Often orl the WtOu
expensive -gament is JR1 tells
JAlost. afftlellt I$ e A )Uothearls Mrs, a baby's mirtlt-- q. p. Banh
that is seldom Voth, or is n "i A These are the sWeeteat"thirligs at earu), great
righVI so -that it gim 0-binple a a- -Em I lolt4iells 11rat experience with the ro
F faction; while the ebea'pest garment ilia L. Dowd, ero_W at A,%tka., & party V ele
is -tile one which Is worft a, long t 4% old Indian village
V41 10 looking over
vitela Mdd6tdY 9' WdOrk voice i1roke
e, JS ) Original cost -was more. Votlleg rally forth in m0ody. iihe nasrost bird tO
ith satidnotiov, even ithough tht
It i Ibem Walit Itgreat crow, and
.00 Ado elprem illdiVWA1114, $0 thOY
i V 4 his collipaill.
Dbiet Overlook tue", 14 bolut, should becliosen With t1lb Utlin0st t00- B AX, 1P 4 Ing Valtilooll'are
Our Travell" Will the StAnDISS. The used tar 40Alilit *110 OJ)W* Y*u oils thlit It eroW that w -
some fal
Wiv b**6 ill& Sto*. Semouible lejPbs. bovr tlker,t n Instekd of talklho 0611t, SA4*109, AUluklifte to UILV4§
j, *TalLt they Are 1.1ke,
ode 4 Pev Amw-Ut law I for whits
Taftah FaftY 00 1 itoitlft A. h *k-tel%r* hilill
peara *111A *OV111 -416t h646'-tieb in UM llld *hw bfrOt apolied
to., Ltd.
Ai y to ti
U', _-1
M451.6h*1ey only. 409 YON
t I Z limilt. 026* uttt, 11builds, bf *Q*,f And I f a
7 W*1111%tan st.,ii Toronto,
-A mimtJor, tkis P"a,